Response of Uruguay to the question put to it by Judge Bennouna at the end of the hearing held on 29 September 2009

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Uruguay's Respouse to Judge Beuuouna's Question

La question de juge Bennouna :

Quel procédéet quel produit sont utilizés par l'usine Botnia pour son nettoyage ?

Judge Bennouna's question:

What process and what products are used by Botnia plant for its cleaning?

In response to Judge Bennouna's question, Uruguay respectfully submits and adopts

the testimony of Gervasio Gonzâlez Simeonoff, as recorded in the attached affidavit dated

30 September 2009.

Uruguay reserves its right to supplement this response on or before 18:00 hours of

9 October 2009. NI"-
Statement oMr~ Gen·asioGonzalez

1,GervasioGonzalezSimeonoff,declareas follows:

l. IreŒived m.)degreein chemic-alengineeringfrom LheUniver.silyofUruguay andcompleted
postgraduatestudiesin moderntechnolog;yi·n the.ppap~nim;lsrryat theHelsinki

UniversitofTedmology. 1am cunentlythe Environmentarv1anagat the pulpmillO\Ynand

operatedatFrayDentosby OyMets~-Do A bC 'aotnia")...:\5sllch,I.à


2, 1undc!'StandLhArgcnLÏ!Iconll.::thath ~ my B;;:nt; ilis disdmrging.nonylpllcinto
thel{ivçrUruguay.Arge11tinappearsto allegethat.Botniais usingsubstancescontaining

non>·lphenoas industriatcleaners,in ortlerto dean the.pulp during:thepulp washingand

clenningprocesseortocleanthe mill's.equipmenTothe contl'ary,the-FreyBentosmilldoes

notuseandhasnever used-since theveryfirst dayoperàtions-nonylphenolsornonylphe.nol
det·ivatb/n any ofits proccsscs lor the production inèludinin the pulp \VI:andiilg

deaning.stages,and n6 cleanàgentscohtaicingnonylphenolareor have beenusetbr

ctl;! a.nilnt's~quipment.

3. At the FraBentosmill,theprucesemployedis theKraftprocess. which.g1;nerallyspeaking,

involvcsr·cmovaoflib'1nlhe';glt uh~~"ildÙll;woodiiber.stugethefromthe woodcvipsfu
largep1oç:ssvcr;sclscalldig,;:sl.The mix<ipulpand liquiprodu c.rngJdisdigestion

processis\"r.stock\Vhichisthetsubjèctedto in-digester\Vasbllowcd by

severcwïâSïli-stages-atseparittetpûlpfhm1 tlioiquor,rupnigrid8ï;.rv.ë1Ycrelflll:l)'.


''extractiveincluding"lipnphyl~;:<Lra clüihresfaty Cidsand.othern~uuri\lly­
occurringcompoundsthatJîeedtoberemoved toensurehigh-qualitypulp. Allerw11.'i.hin~

processthepulp iihcr~r olached,driedintosheets,andshîppedto customersto makepaper.

4. Removalofextractivest'i·the woodduringthepulp \ll·ashandcleaningstagesdoe110t

requîrethe useof chemicalscontniningnonylphcnolitdcrivatesina modemmillsuchas the

FrayBenlosmill. TheFrayBentosmillcomplieswiththeEuropean Unkm's RestAvaii~Je
Techniqucs( EUBAT") foraUprocessesat the mill.includingthe woodhandlingprocess.

HotilirequiŒsitssupplicrloproviùewüod thathasalreadybeendebarkedathèforest

plantations.Any remainingbalooselyattacheùto tIo~ itremoved bymechanicillmeans

durîngthe conveyingprocessofthe logstothe chipper. proccss. which l1asbl.;enin ellh:L··-------------···-········--------------·····--------------------------·-···---------····--------·-----------

sincethe beginningof operations, minimizesthe bark res.idueinthe wood chips, which inturn

minïmizesthe amount of woodabasedextractives that go intpulpingprocess.

5. Dming the pu!p\Vasbiltgrutdea.ninstages,depositing of extractives at thBentos millis

preventedthroughan efficientbro\vnstock washing procethauses asurfactantorwashing

agent, called theBll\1A4151.The purposeofsudàc.tants (lilŒ·J3Th1i)nbrown stock

wa.-.;hiprm.:essorthe modern \vashlby facilitatingthe penetratîon of the
was.hiJ.'"'â.terlliquoirntothe pulp. This is becausesurthctants help to removcair nut of the

washihg water/liquorExtractiverehtovedfiumthe pulp dudng thewashing end inthe"black

liquor.''whichithe liquiresultinfrom the'vashlngprocess.Thisblackliquorisconcen1rated

by evaporation anburnedintherecover.Yboilertoproduceenergy tosustainthe mill processes.

As a resultneitherthblackJiquor,northe chemicairesiduenor extraçtivcontained init,end
up inthe effluent. Thavë atta.chcdtustatemena certificat.;;f:rom the manufacturerof the BJ.l\.1

AF 4151. which continusthatitdoesnot containnonylphenoloritderivatives. Therareno

other surfactantsor cleansusedduringthepulpwashingor cleanii.gtages,orina11y"boil

outs" forcleaning purposes,or in the stora tnks asdisp.. :gerlso nrevent.

6~ Any problems l'elatedtdcposi tfc;'~rHctivesomillequipmentthat mîght be causeby

remainhtgextractivesnotwashed from the pulp arc contrnlkal illeachingprocess through

the useofasrnallamow1t oftalc\vhicha:voidsagglomeratioof'thee~tnV 1l!pmi-th.:Ts_s

means that the extractives do riot stiék1nthe pipelineto\verand thc in~hcrcfQrunv
·need·fôeh."traWasn ffgs:uif.fë usëdüo'cietnsi-ësifc~üii)fnëiïL-1rïsi.cfdS:s,i.ïch

as sulfamic acid. are sometimes uascleansersasthe depositsarc mainlynf an inurWJnic

nature and nofrom depositingof extractives. On occasiàsurfactanc11lle"211" iapplied to

a doth and used to clean l'ucloil frum Lheequipment as needed. The only other surfactants that

are or have been.usedat the FrayBentos millt\'iPROFLOC pnlyrners,whichare used to
cause partieles to stick lngelheasierdisposai durithe'vater anefl:luentJ'eatmentste.gcs.

Thave attachedspec-ificatiofthese tluee agents: (1}PROFLOC 1408.which isused tocause

particles(mainly liber. sand.dîrt) in theremovedfrom primaryeftluenltn::atmcnlostick

togethertoreasierdisposai;(2) PROFLOC 2903, which is usedto separate and allow for easier

disposaiofpartdes inthetreatmentof the ra\watcr Lakefromthe river; and (3) the active
ag.entofsurfactant 2ll describedabove, knoIlSlonrex AG 165. A:lht:llSpecifications


27. The washinganddeaning processel..lsdt the fray Bentos.millthdescriba.bovehavebeen

consistcnt!yand unifonnlyineffects:incetheveryfirstdayofoperations.oÏthe processesat
themill,im:luùinüa~ s ls'!gamideaning proces arefsU~ycompliantwiththeEUBAT,

and irldeed,useeven moremodem,moreenvirorunentally-advanc.edchno!ogythanaUof

Botnia's Finnismillin LhL-lurupetUnion.Ivleetin<'!ll;)quiremenfoEU BAT is

particulartyimportanttbrtFray Bentosmill, sinceimarketsa1·primarilycounl.riesth~:
HL main! yGermanyandtoa lesserex:.tentthe UnitedKingdom,ltalFinland.,and Belg:ium.

S. Taiso.understanthatthequestionbasarisenasto \vhethchlorinated lindaislL'1easa

pesticideforwoodpreservationattheFrayBentosmill. NeithertheFray Beuitosminor the
eucalyptusplantationsthsupplythe milluselindaneasa pesticidefor\voodpreservation,for

any otherprocessesthattake placeatthe mill. lnfact,no chemicalproductisusedfurwood

preservatioeilheratthemîllorthe eucalyptusplantations.


ldedare underpenaltyof perjurythattheforegoingîstrue andcorrect.

Fray Bcntos,Uruguay

PUH./TEL.+3585740• FAX+35857403410



BIM AF 4151 iaspecia/ty foam control agent for the pulp & paperaiwater mixture of glycols,

silicones and tensides. - The product do not consist any nony/ phenj!/ ethoxilates.

Date: Kouvola 10.07.2009


Production Manager
BIM Finland Oy


Cationic Flocculant ProductSafety

PROFLOC® 1408 is a high molecular weight Please referto the product materialsafetydata sheet
cationic, high charge density emulsion polymer. for moreinstructions.

This product is designed to enhance liquid/solid ProductProperties
separation in a wide variety of industrial
applications. PROFLOC® 1408 has been
successfully applied to ali Jiquid/solidsapplications, Characteristics opaque,off-whiteemulsion
including clarificationthickening, and sludge
dewatering. Density 8.7 ± 0.1 lbs/gal

Viscosity 400- 1,200eps
No alkyl phenol ethoxylates (APE or NPE) are used
in the manufacture of this product, therefore
PROFLOC® 1408 can be considered phenol free. FreezingPoint

Application Storage

PROFLOC® 1408 should be stored between 40 and
PROFLOC® 1408 is a single component emulsion 90°F and protected from freezing. If freezing
polymer that must be pre-diluted with water prior to
use. ln most cases, this product should not be fed occurs, the product shouldbe warmed to 40 - 90°F
neat. Positive displacement pumps (gear or and agitated prior to subsequent use. The shelf life
progressive cavity) are recommended for this of PROFLOC® 1408 is at least six months in
product. Many commercial systems are available to unopened containers.

prepare_soMions 91 polymer via tn:Jild!ftJ an~Qn_
mixing. One manual method for dilution is to add the Prod-ucfrotation is recom-rri-èto avôiël prolongèd
neat product into the vortex of a mixed tank at the storage times. A very slight separation will occur
recommendedconcentration. upon standing, as noted by a clear upper layer of oil.
Containers should be mixed prior to first use and
Recommended solution preparation concentrations weekly thereafter. Bulk storage tanks should be
mixed either by a mechanical mixer or by
should be between 0.5 - 1.0%, regardless of recirculation.
polymer preparation equipment utilized. Polymer
solutions should be aged for a minimum of 30
minutes prior to use. Shelf fife of solutions is 8-16
hours. Secondary dilution to 0.05 - 0.1% before the
application point can improve product performance.


Ali Kemira products are available for shipment in a
variety of containers.For further details, contact
yourlocal KemiraTechnical Sales Representative.

Kemira Pulp&Paper, 1950 Vaughn Road, Kennesaw, Georgia 30144, Tel: 770-436-1542, Fax: 770-436-3432
Updated 2/12/20071, Registered office KennesawPROFLOC® 2903

Regulatory Status
Anionic Flocculant

PROFLOC® 2903 is a high molecular weight anionic PROFLOC® 2903 is manufactured in accordance
emulsion polymer. This product is designed to with the following 21 CFR as set forth by the Food
enhance solid/liquid separation in a wide variety of and DrugAdministration:

industrial water and wastewater applications. lt has
proven effective in clarification, thickening and 21 CFR 176.110 food additiveused in the
dewatering. manufactureof paperand
Application 21 CFR 176.170 componentsof paperand
paperboardin contactwith

PROFLOC® 2903 is a single component emulsion aqueousandfatty foods
polymer that must be pre-diluted with water prior to 21 CFR 176.180 componentsof paperand
use. ln most cases, this product should not be fed paperboardin contactwith dry
neat. Positive displacement pumps (gear or foods

progressive cavity) are recommended for this
product. Many commercial systems areavailable to No alkyl phenol ethoxylates (APE or NPE) are used
prepare solutions of polymer via in-line dilution andin the manufacture of this product, therefore
mixing. One manual method for dilution is to add the PROFLOC®2903 can be considered phenol free.
neat product into the vortex of a mixed tank at the
Product Properties
recommended concentration. Recommended
solution preparation concentrations should be
between 0.5 -1.0%, regardless of polymer Characteristics opaque, off-white emulsion
PJ~Rara tgJiQnlle_tutiU _:Qz:_~ dr~91!JJjon~
should be aged for a minimum of 30 minutes prior to Dërisity 8:9±-0.1 lbs/gal

use.Shelf life of solutions is 8-16 hours. Secondary
dilution to 0.05 - 0.1% before the application pointViscosity 400 - 1,200 eps
can improve product performance. Assistance in
properly sèlecting and applying polymer treatment Freezing Point ooF
programs can be supplied by your local Kemira
technical sales representative.

Delivery PROFLOC®2903 should be stored between 40 and
90°F and protected from freezing. If freezing
PROFLOC® 2903 is supplied in drums, tote bins, occurs, the product should be warmed to 40 - 90°F
and agitated prior to subsequent use. The shelf life
and bulk. Contact your Kemira technical sales
representativefor specifiecontainer information. of PROFLOC® 2903 is at least six months in
unopened containers. Product rotationis
Product Safety recommendedto avoid prolonged storage times.

A materialsafetydata sheetfor this productshouldbe
obtainedpriorto use.

Kemira Pulp&Paper, 1950 Vaughn Road, Kennesaw, Georgia 30144, Tel: 770-436-1542, Fax: 770-436-3432
Reg. no1-0598941, Registered office Kennesaw
Updated/12/2007 ~~~""
cheJrn~©a lsa

Descriçao do IProdluto:

Alcool Graxo Etoxilado.

Dadlos Tlpicos:

Aspecta liquida clara e ligeiramente turvo

Carater lônico nao iônico
pH 7

Concentraçao 90%

IPrincipais Caracterlsticas e IPropriedlades:

lonrex AG 165 é um alcool graxo etoxilado corn uma média de
aproximadamente 6,5 moléculasde 6xido de etileno, por moléculade
Tem um amplo campo de aplicaçao em toda tipo de indûstria. De

acordo corn as suas caracteristicas, pode substituir nas formulaçôes
o nonilfenol etoxilado, corn a vantagem de ser mais rapidamente
oiodegradavèl. - · - - - - - - - ··· - - -- - - - --

Ediçao: Julho 2007

Chayos4754,CP12100,Monte- rugu- el.(598.2)5086380'Fax(598.2)5070577-4492
E-Maila:[email protected]

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Response of Uruguay to the question put to it by Judge Bennouna at the end of the hearing held on 29 September 2009
