Reply of the Kingdom of Thailand to the question put to the Parties by Judge Cançado Trindade

Document Number
Document Type
Incidental Proceedings
Date of the Document
Document File

Question: In the present request for the indication of provisional measures by the
Court, it is stated, inter alia, that, as a result of the incidents occurred since 22 April
2011 in "the area of the Temple ofPreah Vihear", as weil as at other places along the

boundary between the two contending States, "fatalities, injuries and the
displacement of local inhabit~ n trs"aused.

What further information can be provided by the Parties to the Court about

such displaced local inhabitants? How many inhabitants were displaced? Have they
safely and voluntarily returned to their homes? Whereabouts do they live in the
region? Have they been settled there for a long time? What is their modus vivendi?
What is the population density of the region?

Thailand's Response:

1. Incidents near the Temples of Ta Muen and Ta Kwai, situated about 150
kilometres from the Temple ofPhra Viham, from 22 April to 3 May 2011

1.1 Surin Province (where Ta Kwai and Ta Muen Temples are situated)

Information on the displacement of local inhabitants as a result of the incidents is as

• Number of inhabitants displaced: As a precautionary measure
to prevent loss of lives of the Thaï population in the area around Ta Kwai and Ta Muen
Temples in Surin Province, the Thai authorities evacuated 45,042 local inhabitants to safe
shelters from 22 April2011.

• Have they safely and voluntarily returned to their homes? On
2 May 2011, they all retumed safely and voluntarily to their homes and since then have
resumed their normal lives.

• Whereabouts do they live in the region?: The evacuated
population is from Phanom Dong Rak district, Prasat district, Kabcheung district and
Sangkha district.
• Have they been settled there for a long time? The majority of

the population were born in the region, and their families have lived there for many
• What is their modus vivendi?: The majority are farmers who

cultivate rice, rubber trees, sweet potatoes, and sugar cane. A numbereople also engage
in silk worm breeding industry.
• The population density of the region:
- Phanom Dong Rak district: 116 persons/km 2;Total population:

37,197 persons
- Prasat district:
- Choke Na Sam subdistrict: 139 persons/km2
- Kok Sa-ard subdistrict: 203 persons/km

Total population: 11,423 persons 2
- Kabcheung district: 105 persons/km ;Total population: 60,421
- Sangkha district: 126 persons/km2;Total population: 127,592


J'1 1.2 Buriram Province (adjacent to Surin province, where Ta Kwai and
Ta Muen Temples are situated.)
The incidents that occurred since 22 April 2011 in the area around Ta

Kwai and Ta Muen Temples also prompted the Thaï authorities to evacuate its population
in Ban Kruat District ofBuriram Province, which is about 10 kilometres from Ta Kwai and
Ta Muen Temples. Information on the displacement of local inhabitants as a result of the

incidents is as follows:
• Number of inhabitants displaced: As a precautionary measure to
prevent loss of lives of the Thai population in the area near the site of the clashes, the Thai
authorities evacuated 7,396 local inhabitants to safe shelters from 22 April 2011.

e Have they safely and voluntarily returned to their homes?: On
2 May 2011, they ali returned safely and voluntarily to their homes and since then have
resumed their normal lives.

e Whereabouts do they live in the region?: Ban Kruat district,
Buriram province
• Have they been settled there for a long time?: The majority of

the population were born there and their families have lived in the region for many
• What is their modus vivendi?: The majority are farmers who

cultivate rice, rubber trees, sweet potatoes, and sugar cane.
e The population density of the region: Ban Kruat district: 136
persons/lan 2 ;Total population: 73,400 persans

2. Incident at Phu MaKua situated 2.5 kilometres from the Temple ofPhra
Viharn on 26 April2011

No local inhabitants were displaced.

Map illustrating the location of provinces and districts referred to is attached. Ma·p s~g.L[g_districts from w.ljiin~abi~_ntswer~ displa ~cu.t.g
22 A@itJY 2 1aN tâ~ a~

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InternatioBoundary Representation
r must not be considered authoritative
- • - First -order adminBoundarye • Distance from Phra Viharn Temple to Ta l<wai Temple
(in straig=147 km .
. • Distance from Ta Kwai Temple to Ta Muen Temples
(in straight line) = 11 km .

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Reply of the Kingdom of Thailand to the question put to the Parties by Judge Cançado Trindade
