Written Reply of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Question put by Judge Guillaume at the Hearing of 2 April 1993

Document Number
Document Type
Incidental Proceedings
Date of the Document
Document File

Pax Ho, 99391-40209327

-* 4 2 .' ..
POLLQWL thQ AtkLtudo )te. 1 oc tha Arbim&atian Coaa$ttme,
,cWrding te mimh S.P.R.Y. rrraoat thit tim in tha pmsao of
.- rii~o$pt$on, the nmw itaEa aP+ruafura, th# Fmd4ral ElspUblla of
~ugrrrliviwoonnot aipbrm ko Ch. otmm cmtinulty of th8 fom
S,?.R.Y. A brmr argyrinhth in #Watr of irndoratmndSnp the
faet that biamalution 18in thm quaiClenwaa givmn upan -8 rrqumat
OC the hrbltritionCammittms in tha pariod of prmpirati on of the
ougheuto requsrt:for ItraintmrnrtiOni2treoognftlonrandnin rilatfori
te thm .SC liamb1~ cu#trimi 9AVe a p?OOI that At fulfills the
f0nditioni itatad in itS OIQlfiraElon an Yugoslmvi& nnd tbe
Guidilinai Cor niamgnitioo nZ:tr.wStmtli~ in mir ~tiropa rnd the
soviet Union,

Reaaans for tbis ire nor on1 fbundsd An the Intcrnationar
~iao~iationlof Imrbisand iHenra Haqro ando~reatiun-rof th&SFidmrul
nepublic of Yuqoruvls wai a8QI umtrury te the a,t,R.Y.
Conitltution, not onky raqarùing th* procidura and the autkoritima
which rade the deciofons, but alge rsgrrdfng tho contenu of thm
Qecislw-S. Thirifora, Cran k7m point of viaw cf th# interfiitionr!,
lau, wa ara dmaling wLth a nau statm itructurr ~ubject te the
procedura of intmrnirtionalrroagn tif. Craatfa and Slwmnia, and by Cho wmplotm ~atm aOn+tltution of
Had~nii, by whlCh ah1 oondAtimn8 tW ito intamaflanil
mi0ion wro met, in acoorduier uith tnp attit~aii nt tria
lirbitrati~tCadttmm, and iikriy ~ma8bn mt thmFidoraA lupuhlia
ofmaLavia, the grocmi8 et dimsmZufbo ai f- 6.YIR,Y,
wao ommpJstcQ ,ithotin f-1 erin twliptic ornae, not r ringle
orgiinor iniitjtufionof thr Po-r S,?.a.Y. MirW.

S$riorwm4ro Qoi&$flsWitù the ~mp2hkb ~orm of dAmoolution
and dsfinito cime of the Bi?.RiYdr 113 l~fx Rapubliam arcs
ont1t3.dte b. iti qumf IU~Q~~WEH dueinq fromthio, the ibmus
of iwoam8lo)iiando f diviaion ~LM- aheulab@ msolvid aoeording
tO th prineiplmm Q$ tbm Vimm Cmvuitiwi. ter sm cirai ot
bolmqftimation OZ ma fs.?.RiP& ihm2d ba unatmrtakm nn thi
Unitad blationi ana ,mr intunrtïonil o anirritipni and
inititutbonr and ui FiiQir~l mpubuo mt Yugm"S avip mouu ~o
vn- Ëmw fm rfrorU .ta md takn Ma p8Ction #ot thr
Yarmr ;Si?;Riyi

f n theson dit iomf i -mewn ammrrlon rqninit thclcepublio
iuffstkng anddâ8Ntliu~8A~,,w airiamtqmin %hmupoirtiontg offerii8I
-4ar axplicitirwlanatim of Uir giV8n%tamipointa, not ta mete
many BDUrean Clnutha6rstiaal atandpAnti whicb mu- th&.

Document Long Title

Written Reply of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Question put by Judge Guillaume at the Hearing of 2 April 1993
