Documents submitted to the Court by the Federal Republic of Germany after the Closure of the Written Proceedings

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10117 Berlin, dctober: 20, 2000
Auswiirtiges Amt
Director General for Legal Affairs Werderscher Markt 1
and Legal Adviser
Dr. Gerd Westdickenberg

Mr. Philippe Couvreur
Registrar of the International Court of Justice

Peace Palace
2517 K.JThe Hague


For the Purposes of the LaGrand Case (Gennany v. United States) and with reference to

Art.56 of the Rules of Court,1have the honour to submit to the Court the following
enclosed documents:

1. Three Certified Copies of Circular Order (Runderlal3) on assistance for Germans
detained abraad (April 24 1975) and Engtish translation .

2. Original and two certified copies of a Memorandum of the Office of the FedéralPublic

Defender for the Districtof Arizona dated JWle7, 2000, regarding the availability of the

pre-senteo.ce reports in the LaGrand Cases.

3. Three copies of a document containing a list of German nationals detajned in the United

States who daim not to have been inforrned oftheir consular right:i. A translation into the
English language is enclosed.

4. Three certified copies of a letter dated July 27,2000 from G~rma Cnonsulate

General in Los Angeles to the Attorney General ofthe State ofCalifornia regarding the

lack of consular notification in the caofthe German citizen Udo Mardis.

5.:_hree certified copies of a letter of reply dated Septem13,2000 from the Senior
Assistant Attomey General of the State of California regarding the case of the Gennan

citjzen Udo Mardis.The authenticity of ail copies is hereby confirmed, translated texts are certified to be true
and accurate renderîngs of the original. The enclosed documents have been made available

to the Agent of the United States.

Please accept, Sir, the assurances my highest consideration.

Document Long Title

Documents submitted to the Court by the Federal Republic of Germany after the Closure of the Written Proceedings
