Written observations of Italy on the Application for permission to intervene filed by Greece

Document Number
Document Type
Incidental Proceedings
Date of the Document
Document File


2011/3 AI

Written observations of Italy on the Application
for permission to intervene filed by Greece

The Registrar has the honour to transmit herewith to Members of the Court the written
observations of the Italian Republic on the Application for permission to intervene in the case filed
by the Hellenic Republic on 13January2011. Th ese written observations were received in the
Registry today, pursuant to Article83, paragra1, of the Rules of Court, within the time-limit
fixed by the Court for that purpose.

The Italian Republic’s written observations consist of a letter from its Agent dated
22 March 2011.

It is recalled that the above-mentioned time-lim it, within which the Parties were invited to
furnish their written observations on Greece’s Application for permission to intervene, was fixed as
Friday 1 April 2011.


11928 Letter to the Registrar dated 22 March 2011
from the Agent of the Italian Republic


The Government of the Italian Republic acknowledges receipt of your letter of

13 January 2011 informing it that the Hellenic Republic, referring to Article 62 of the Statute of the
Court, had filed in the Registry that day an Ap plication for permission to intervene in the case
concerning Jurisdictional Immunities of the State (Germany v. Italy).

The Italian Republic understands the Hellenic Government’s desire to convey as accurately
as possible to the Court its views on the nature and content of the legal interests which it considers
may be affected by the decision in the case, in particular taking account of the fact that the Court’s
Judgment may establish whether a Greek judicial decision, i.e., the judgment of the Regional Court

of Livadia of 25 September/30 October 1997 in the Distomo case, holding the German State liable
to compensate Greek nationals who were the victims of a massacre perpetrated in Greece by
German armed forces, is capable of being enforced in Italy.

In any event, the Italian Republic has no obj ection to the Hellenic Republic’s request to

The Italian Republic further states that it has no objection to the Hellenic Republic being

furnished with copies of the pleadings and documen ts annexed, in accordance with Article53 of
the Rules of Court.


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Document Long Title

Written observations of Italy on the Application for permission to intervene filed by Greece
