Letter from the Agent of Italy

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Incidental Proceedings
Date of the Document
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Prat. è..?~H-58


1refer ta your letter n.138631, date4 July 2011, informing the Parties that the Court has

fixed 5 September 2011 as the time-limit for the filing ofthe writtE?nobservations by the Parties ta
the case concerning Jurisdictionallmmunitiesof the Sta.te(Germanyv.!ta/y:Greeceintervening)
regarding.the Written Statement ofthe Hel_lenicRepublic.

The·Government of the Republic of ltaly takes note that in its Written Statement dated 3
August 2011 the Hellenlc Republic 'considère que l'analysej~rldi daqnsel'affaire'Massacre de
Distomo' et l'interprétation donnée au développement du droit international, reflète un état
d'esprit répandu, ainsi· que l'émergence d'une nouvelle situation dans ce complexe sensible,

articulépar la responsabilité internationale de l'Etaledroità la reparationdes individus pour
violation ·du DlH et Vimmunité de !'Etaf'. The Republic of ltaly also takes note of the legal
arguments presented by the Hellenic Republic to support its view;·asweil as of the information

concerntng the factual and legal context surrounding the decisions of Greek courts in Distomo

1have the honour to inform yeu that the Republic of Italy will not present observations on

the Written Statement of the Hellenic Republic at this stage of tht: proceedings. The Republic of
ltaly reserves its position and right to address certain points raised in the Written Statement, as
necessary, in the coarse of the oral pleadings whîch will be held starting on 12 September 2011.

Please accept, Excellency,the·assurances of my highest consideration.

Ambassadqr Paolo Puccidi Benisichi
Agent for the ltalian Republic

H.E.Mr Philippe Couvreur
Registrar of the
International Court of Justice

The Hague

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Letter from the Agent of Italy
