Written Statement of Egypt

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the Arab Republic of Egypt
The lfague

0/ 11

The Hague, April 16 200.9

The Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in The Hague presents its
compliments to the International Court of Justice and with reference to the Court's
note no. 1333310, dated October 20 th,2008, concerning the request for "the advisory

opinion made by the General Assembly of the United Nations on the question of the
Accordance with International law of the Unilateral Declaration of Independence by
the Provisional Institutions of self-Govemment of Kosovo," and in accordance with
Article 66, paragraph 2, of the Court Statute, that the United Nations and its Member

States are likely to be able to furnish information on the question and with reference
to the Court fixed date of 17 April , 2009 as the time limit for submission of written
statements, has the honour to enclose herewith the written statement of the

Govemment of the Arabie Republic of Egypt in this regard.

The Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the International Court of Justice in the Kingdom of the Netherlands the assurances

of its consideration.

International Court of Justice
Peace palace
2517 KJ




(OIUlmo:rliOcro:au 1008)

Wkll"f!N StA7DŒNT


PaTl; L"'ff~ODUCTiON

A. Ovcme:w

B.Scope o.fthe tèquest
C.Intei:-emof theA..-abItepubHofEgyptin thep~t request

D-Stl.îJ.ct1re organbatloo and bw olbiWritttn Statëment


A.'fbe Gent.ira]A.swnblof thUnitedNations 1sComp!teht to~uest an

B.111~Court 1sCompetnnt to~lldu ttsAdvisoryOpmlonon the Pn:senl


l".utIn~ ~ PltlNCIPUt 01'ru!.'SPOllTIIE TERRITOlUAt:N'D!GRI''P S'IA.ns


B.Charters 0flntenm.UomilOtpnimttoas
C.Rele\lantResolutiol'aId1)4)cumeno tsrthGenval ABSêmbly


Part IV:
A. 0l'erviinv

B.Relewnt B.aoladons anaDocwnent sitbm théUnitedN1:1.ti011SŒm

C.Jwfü:ialireatmmt orthe right toself-determlnatlon



2 P'ART 1

A. O"erview

L ln resolution 63/3of 8 Octobc:r:2008.the Gcn~ral A8scmbly of the United Nations

t~u~ted the idvisory opinion of tlle IntematicmCol.l.of Justice on t(egalicyof

the unilatera1declanu.iono.f independenŒ by the l'rovi.s.ioIlsritutlont.of Self­

2. The.Regisuar Qf the InternationalC)"Urtof Justice not!fied the A.raR~ublic of

Bgyp:t(hereitia.fter'Egypn of theComù Orderof 17Octobet2008 COTtcemi the.

req_uestfor an advhoryopinionm!de by tlle GeneralAssembly,and th.athe.Cou:rt
dccidcdtha.t me UnitM Nations and its MemberSŒres areconsiŒtedlikety to bè

ïtb1etofümish informa.lionon thequestion :s:ubmftŒto theC.ourt.The Comt 6.x.ed

17April 2009 asthel:inJo..limiftordle s11bi:nimoof wrlttenw.Œ,mentsand 17Juty

2009 as the time·lunit for \be submimon of writtenCOtllltlentoo the Written
StatemŒts of other.&tatcs.

3. Toi$.WritŒnStatementisfiledin aecordalltew!dlthoC0t1rt's Ordet.

B.Scopecf the-request
4.. The pu:rposebohind theGeneralAasemb1y'$ rcqucsti.sthatthe Cotlr4tbroughits

adviscry opiniont deŒmün5i. me extent lO whicb the unil1teraldeclarationof

in~nd.ence: is m eo-nfonnitywifhintema.tional1w.

S. Inte$olution 63/3,the G~ As:sembld yeeîded.iP ~d.Emcc with Article.96of
the Cha.rtm"of the Unitt:d!-lationi{hcrcüiaftcr'lhe UN Clw:ter1),to requcstthe

C-ourt,purnuanl tlArticle6S of theStatuleof thelnte:mstionalComt ofJusticeto

delivt!an advisocyopinionon tlifollowing question:

h tba \lnillltCClcclaratlonof jndepcndem::e by the

6. TheGeneralAsgemblywu 'lm]indfu lf thepmpo.sc& and prlnciplesof theUnited
Nations"2and wasalso aware of r:be••varireaetionsby me Memberso :f theUnited

Nations{...}"following iUéh adeciatation.

7, Accordingly 1thirequ~ for an advisoryopinion isli:miteto legalissuesrelevantto

metawfutnessoftheunihtt:erad lc,clareliou.,~ tb_er.ulesand prin.cip~applicable
umierinteroationalIaw. m this conŒxt,tbe Court formerlyindic:Œd tllatit ..[....]

lJ.d.. muit idcntify lh~e:xistinprincipltls and ruleinterpretthem and apply them .. tllus
e.rfferinga reply tothe questionposed based on law•·...

C. Intert!S1&nf the Ara;b RepohUcof Rgypt in thepr:esent req~est
Egypt is a founding rm:rnber of the Unitoo N11:tions ,,e ù:ague of A.rabStates
(hereinaft.er·Ano League'), the Organl:z.ation of the Afrian Unity (here.m.after­

'OAU'), which wasauw:.eded :in2000 by the.Afrlcan. Ul'lion(hereimfte:'Ali'), and

the Org:mizationof Jslamic Cùnference (hord.nafte-r'O[C').andactivel~ t.tke&partin

peace processes andpolitical ~ttlementaatboth regioŒl and.international.lcvc)s..
9. Due to thepa:rticu1a :l.ctpetta.ininto thethe ~bject roatto:of the~nt request.

and the applkat1on of théprinciple ofrenitoruû ictogrity in ligbt of the right ta self­

derermina.ti.oo'..Egyatttachesthe bighestva.lueto theCoun·s detemûnation on tht
seope and lilnitof applicationof sueh prlncipleson the i~ut, relevantto the

particulariti~of thet:in:UiQsta:ucss 0tmding the questiononthe:lawfu.lncssofthe

unilateŒl dedamion Qfindèpcndr:::o ocf: osovo.

D.Strvcmre,.orgalrlza:don and ha.sisof tbisWri.tttnStatemem:
1.0. This:Wril1l'!lSJtatcme.n;t, made in~ to communicatioo .ved from me

Registr.u of thCourt pur!.lU!Dto AI1icl66 (1) of tboSŒtntao,ftheCourt.

11. Fer the pllipO~ of prcparing dû& r~t, duc considerationwas givc:o to lbc

provisionsl.aiddowninArticle3S (1)oftheStawteof1heO>uu.
12. In additionto l'.inùodu.etion theStatetneni ts dividedinrofourparts.Part Il othe

Written StaŒmen& t l.!.J>thefcompe.Œnco efboth the~l ~bly and ttte

Coi.u1a.ndthe.admiasibilityofme pt1;$etn, teqUCSPartm expresse$ the-respecft. t
tenitorlal mte,sritai a nomi of inlffllationalaw. affinnt:din &evem l ŒmationaJ

treaties,mcluding theUN Chartesritn addirionto 80mebasicsWtdardsmlevant to

thiiuonn,n Ughtof pra.cliŒ&ftequentlyempbasized by theinŒmatiooac lommunity.

Part rv dcals-withthC:lrightoself-det.enn.inatioan,d~s theverlow. aspects
~fed toit.PartV summarlzea sndooneludes.

4 PART fi

Cor.ŒEUll-lCE A.~ ADt.-nssmI.Un

A. The Genet2i Assembly of the Uniw:i Nllitlons b;Competent to r<!que-,s:tiin

Advisory Opinion on th1:Present Qu.e:s:tlon.

13-. Pursuanlto pMagrap-h1of Alticie96 of lhe'lJNC'harter'•[t]hGenètalA.ssembly or

the SecurityCouncil may requ,;:stthe lntem&ional Court cf Justiceto givc an

advisory opinionon any legs}q . uemon•·.Tho.GenC«!A l sscmbly,as 'P~ anidc 96.

E"eqlle$t:anadvi.soryopmionf.rom thecollrtona legalq_u~stiQJ)..
14. The advis:ary opmion.. a3 rcquested, relate!t.othe confotmit}' of the umlabral

dootArationof inclcpe.n&i,,ce.ithinn:rnationallaw.wbich is. by defmiûon,a 'legal


15- Tue Gene:ral Nf.em.'bly'irequest.lhercfore.ttatisiibotb lbi, conditionsof 'ratione
pe.110~ .Jand 'razüme J'ZlaUrieu:-spresienbtd ey Aniele96 (1) ofme Charterof


16. Consequcntly.theGanealAiscléblyis cŒnpeten tt~ nn advî$OfYopinionon

thep:cesentquestion.,andbu dm.s :ctcdintravire.t.

17. Article 65(l)Qfthe Sta.tutofthe Ccutt stlpulalt:Stbat

ne Coun maygive im ad1Ji1aropinion 0D.any lcga)
questionetcbe ~ of w~ bodyma, be autbort~
by orin accordbΠw1m theChmer of theUnittdNariom
romake sùCha Œque,t.
1&. In thisTë-gard .b~ Court set forth critmiaand rep~y indicat.ed,on sever.al


II is {...}a prccondi~onof 'theCouiompctcncel'h.atthe
advisocyopiruonbt:teque$<cdby1,norg.m dulyauthorized
toseekit nndertheCluit1t.thlSltt h~. on ,. lega}
quesllon, md.mat. ~t in th~case of the Gmetal
A!sembly or ~ Sec;unryCol>DCU t,atquesüonshoold ber.
one arilihlgwirhin die sco~ of the ~Viû~ of Che
rêqiiëstiig'ôipn: .19. Even wbere a conrenti01 1 1.gairutthclarityof the qocstiŒ pu.tlo itbai~ raise.di

l'.heurt d.ecfared !hat:

Oladc of clarity!a the.dt3ftingof a qut:stiondot:$ not
deprl'll. Court of jm'isd..tctiool.lathtt, g!lnc:em.in~y
W111 requ!it: dmfication in interpretarlon.illid such
oe:eesssryelArificationcf ime.rprttarlonba-.icfieqwmtly
been givclby t,?CmlrL 1

20. li 1.at the.discretion of the Court to :rendcr advisory opinîo:m on legtd qutst:iO'l'l5

forwa.rded to itby duly "authorlt,cd"'organs of tbe United Nations or international

otg.a.nizaûcns.ln the.present question.the two conditions :f 'lega]question• and an

·authorlzedbody' m :m&.

21. Howcver, the Cou.rts~ its pt!!:ticc in gmnting ad:vi.soryopioÏOfi$ as


lt)heCouttha.itepetltdlyeut1'Jhlua rcply toa~llC$t for
anadvfsoryopinionsbo1lld OOt.inprittclple.e~ 9d
matonlycompeJJing ~ns. wouldju$1ifyS\ICha~

22.. Thefact tha1the question may cnwl polilicalconsidetationssb.allnot pn:.vent rhe

Counfromrendmag itjadvisory opiuioo.TheCrnntaffirmedtha.t:

in i11:sthutionsin wbid\ po1itl.ca1comidt.mions am
promi'l'lftit Ci&)'be partic.ulJrlynEC.emeyfor an
intcroetionalorptüzatiorito 0'btain1n advisory ophion
from theO)un u t<>the lepl pnnciftes applicablewith
ret;pectmthematte:tuni:ierebè t--1-

Pu:tthennore t,eCoun a.tattthat:

(i]bas:bceu e:rguedthat tto Cll\esf.)ut tothe Court ù
intercwincwi?bpoliticalq~s, andthatfo~ ihls~
the Court sbOli!llml!il10gh10an opintQl\I.tistnlbd\8.1

most interprcta.tlonsome Qa:w of th~UnitedNB.lions.
wm baw pofüicalsignifgnoe._ greator$1nall.ntht>,1at\ll'tl
of thlngsitooatdJ1ot be Œhe;(wisT e. eCourt,bowever,
cannoc1tttrlhut o politicechaïac:te o a reqnett wh;ch
in,vitësto unoertakean csscuciallyjudicltks[x•...1

' Le~ a,~~ ,i1h é ol'lstroto\à Wa? 1fudieOccupic.Pda\e$tini1.m1itety,Attvi~Op!nicn,
2004lCl Rcp.IS9 tt.1eq, • • . _
9Appli~rm f(lf' .i:.-n~ofJudgtneNo.158o.fdieUnid Nadon, AdfflllllstretfüllllAdvisory
()pinfün19'1IJ J~ .1Sl ·
18)ll~Eat'O'JIoftheA.~mi:.niQf lS Mareh 1951bctweenth~WHO~ Eg.;ipt,Adviwy Opioi~. 19iôICJ

~~ill ~ ofthtUn1c~N4aüon1(Arttc.l: pani.gra.2,o(tlui.Ch~). Ad'1i!;()'pil:MD,11)IC J
62:;. To.e a.dvtsoryc,pi.nionof me Court wm be of greatvalue m furlhtting the

onderstancling of d1e-princi-plesof inte.matiomd!.awre!altoiconcq,tE 1.harnjg.ht

a.ppea.rco conflictwithl'.h.em.arrlcularly ~n1igh1othe &ùbject-matterc:onc.orned,
and would re&uk 1nfünitlr,g controvert:y over is$Ues :rel:evantto the prese:nt req1.um.

The Court ha:&decl:ired.that;

[1JhcfU11ctionf the Courilto glvean opiniobasc.don law.
o:nΠitha$ -comem me conclm.iOtb.-ttheqnc.1,t:put to it
ue relevant :mdba.veAprai;:tkiu.dcontempo~ effec.tand,
conseque.ndy ,e notdl,:vrdfobjtaCtndpüipoze.2

:Z4. ln lïghto1 its dictum, thCourt i;bouldentettain the reque&tmade by the General

Asscmbly for its~vis.o.i:opinion.M& the-question pul to itinIesôlutian6313 is
i:e~v3Dtand 1titpractical and contemptil'atyeffcct.

C. Conclusion

25-. On the:buis ofthecombinodeffectofArtiG!es 96(1)of 1115NOi.u1crand65 ofthe.
Statu.teof theCourt.andfor the~on, poi~ted outin thiBpart,iti&submitted . at

the OenoralAsseroblyof the UnitedNotionsis c:ompeŒo ..Orequestll1advis«Y

opinion·from the Cam.t en thei11bjeët·nwterof therequesi_and mat me .ollrt fa

competenctogive its ttdv.isopinionon thequestion.ad.dn!~ toit.

,zW'esllrl~ c'\d'llOTYinion,!9'7S1:CJRep.37.

.., Jl'AR1'lll
'J1IEMUNC6'1..E OF 11m 'TEAAITOlUA.L n,n-g(.&1.11Ott St-A.'tt.S

The f&et that tf3rrit.;iB-one of me cri.teriof ~tllteh.oobas be.en estab1ished1.
howe-vtt~ it i.Qof 11 cbrulengmg nature co Œ~e_u, In. this regiud.temtor)'

con.snro.Œs.wiwout prejudice tothe otbe,:two clero.eo.tsof statebood.an integral

elemr:ntmât dctxm:nine she.&phtte Df influencewbm StateseJ<etciathcirexclusive.
• • ~A~.,;.f.S
1un-c: ..........
27. lbe lntcmatfonAl Cou?t of JusticehJsS add:ressedissues.pt:ttainintO ttrritoriesin
direct relevan.ccto territorialintegrU:l.t inoted dle.mi<ories,, on wbich the Sm.1e .

e;c.erci.setSex.c1Œive jurlsdictioowmethe sub.}ec tfa numberof judgero.eins fd16
Comt. The Conn stalCd.that "'(t)b:fact that m.&tat::cannot pro~ dispfa.y r;f

sovercignt.yas :regardssucha portionof tétrltotY c:annotfcnhwilh be intetpR~ as
showingthat sovere.igo.ty i$ioe.x.î~L,.. Putthemtote.tbereis no homogene.ir in

c:irc1.1mstJmci.es,ll~fi a:addlUCl.ti00that ma)' proviΠunitied sw:idstdsto mis
extent, and "intt:rnatlona'lIaw ig gati&fiewith vuying. Œ~· in the displayof

Swr.: authority.depending on the specificciroumst11l\Œ of eacb çase.•1• fili

eJC.:pteS$b0d theCou.rt..

28. FoUowingfrom this,me prlaci.pleof lhe tfflitotial in-iegrifyoswes bu wu
esra.btisheda.s OOS'p!t.inçîpleof cu.atom.uyinternationalaw and with the.e.dventof
theUNChrll1cra ,llmcmber$ta.teo sfthe UNbceameb .ound to respectit.19Itfollows

th=f01c fuatthi= pirlnçiplois11(.:OIDetatoof ;nt.ema.tionre.la'lions.1tl

l9. ConSb4uentiy, the int.emati-onalrnnmunity ha&a)wa.ysaffltmcd, through le.gal

instmme.nts,ft!Solutionsandpractices, ils commitmwt u. maintainand re~pecttba
soverc;gneyt,erritoriaintcgritynational unityandindepc11&.oo cfc$'Ill.tes.

8 Nonetheles:s.itshall also~ noted tha.tthete .u:ee:xct:1)tionliz'cumsrancews,'oat
i-PTt:rventiby tbe intcmé.tionalc::oznmunicy would b<-e.uthŒ:izcd~uameiy matti::rs

ilia'tan withln the competence of the. Security Councû, wbich h.-U.a pril:n;!J')'
cetponsibility towards mainmbiing an.d xestoring internationpeacr; an secuncy. tl

While è;X~rcis.ingicompetertce. whether IJ.îH:i:hapte.1'VI.vn orvm of the UN

C1tartc:t,the Seeuriry Council ca-n-not assume-.its roleJdye2 \ltrt!s -vio!ationof
ititrinsprlndples laid down in the0.Mtc.T.1.bcrefor~ an;, me:a;~ureca:nnot ipso

jr.rtei::uiinconseque-nc.e as post otherthan thost..forwhich i.twas foll!lded.tx

tUtteIn otherwox-ds a.nymm.date for ope@dons man remain,on. theground,witttil'l


B. Charters of lnternatiomd Orgam:tatiom

3L Since rh!!eraof the:T...eaguof Na.tions.t.hptini:.ip~as found its'Placin treatic;
~tabfübing iute.mati.onal organiiation.Within the Covimant of the League. of

N~ons. me prlncipleaof tr.nitm:iA lntegrityand indepcnderu:e p.rlncipleTeuived

duf!aacntion.Artfole10 oftheCovene.n ea.ds"follows:
ltlhe Membttg of tbcLc.ague ~e torespect and

pre6ef\lcu 111,gdnset.xtemaJ i8Psi'>~ mo terrl.rt:iria.1
infegrltyandex!sting-po1i1iT,ldcpcn~e 0fellM~bèt'5

32. !tis pertirumtlonote 1hat theUnitooNationsCharterincluŒ, ••theprincipl.eof the

sov~ign equafü:y of a.IitsMembers.., as well fianobligation tha."'{a)MembetS

s.ballrefrainintheiri.nŒmationarldationsfrom me tm:e.aor 11Se. forŒ agmn1t 1he

1.emrctial int=grity or politi.ca.liudepend.eneèof any Srale (...)"ii, which b:;.y
prl.nciplofthe orpa.iza,tioo.

33. Evenbefo:re the adventof theUnitedNation'-.Al'tk:lV e of the:Pac t fthewgu. of

ArabStaws•provides tha~

(alTirecortlOwrΠinotd~ t.resalvedi!lparsetw~ two
orrooremernber-s~tets>f theLeague it-prooimte (J.thua
sbould a.rueQiong thèm a d.iffaencc,wbïcb does nat
canc~ma state's.i.ndepeind1nso"e:reig11yt.tmitnrW
inteJrlty [.., }.

9 'th1a cloatly refleca that the. memtx:1 stalé& commitredthe.mselves co fuUyrespect

ir:depeild.i~:neè,sovcreig!lty and tr.:rrirurial inb:-grity: given the ind1sputability of suc.h

pri nciples.
34. Othc;t re:gkm.alorganiution.e' charters: also concain an:icie.tbat explicitlyt-eflect the

respce.:tor territorW.inwgrity. such as, the OAUCharter."' wbkh was.succeede \:.ly
,::haAU i-n2000 and 1he OlC Çha.rt.et.

C. Relevant Re.solutions and ~ntB of tbe GeMrtd As~mbl)'

3S. ln deaUng with the ~s ofdwJ!.onizationd.:t.U ~nitedNations val.ued therietidfor

rcipect for the.te'IIi.torlenŒgrity of Su.Œs. To d1.iiend. the Du:1mùcm on the

GrantingofIndependence tu Colonw.Countrif:lain l dPeoplu plain1y !.tatedthat:

[a)nyattem-,,taimi,dat thep,miat at tOWdiuuptionof the
natiQnàl ll.l'l3nd the Writnrlal iirtegrltof a.COl.lfltliS
inecmp91iblo with thepuq,Çlnu andprinciplèS ofthe Cl\an:ef
of the Uni.ttNations(...].

36. ln itsrcwluti.on262:S {XXV). the &Defal Assemblyc:mphu:i%ê tbe.res;pec:ftor

territorial inu;.grity as fQllQ~s:

[é]~ State.m-11 rcfminfromanyaolic;in aimedat thepartlrd «
cota.\dietU1,tfoonf \henaliana~ity andter.ritoridin~IF'i[)'oan)'
otht1'Swe crcountry.u

37. ln dealing with me Rlgbt to De.velopment, the Oencra! Assembly adoptcd a

rcsolutioo to a siroilareffect
(sJtatossh~I talŒn:!Olutcrtepsto elinünate[...] tm:eatl

ag:ain$tnation29 so11erclgntyn.ationallll'lityincl ~tonal

ArtlclellloItheOAU Cbw:tcsrti'pula'Illat:
[t]h~Mein'b Se&U:\su, pm-slllfthe~ ...so-lerrllffinD
andŒiilm:ctheitiidhu.c.nte thefollowi\pth1cipl~:
3.Respcttformesovmigncyand r.crnmdl nJ~ty of c8Cb Swe
andfor Usinall.aollrcgbt10lndc:pc-ndcnç..
2:Set'Attiçlet-l and2 d!.e.Cherriirthe:Orglmizadon
~s~ ~ e.•Dtclarrmonon 1!1 atantingcfIradep:.ndemh:leColonl.l .iut1rrasndPeopJe1G1,enm.lAssc:mbly

res0lunon !.5"~4X~ (herem~tfr 'Declar:tri0ftdet0lnil:atiŒ't)e.çlar.i.nnaPrincip!= of lm:nu,.'lioaal
Law Canccrmng.Fricndl)''.Rt'lanofn.indCocpm:r;l0namO$lat.ein w;mrdaru:e iththeChartt:r lheLiiite:d
n~.tlon!. eneralAsscmbl.rYe,olufull62.S"OCV{)iierdnaflc·rDwuationen.ricndlynePlmio.n~-)

PS€~T!te DecS.Brati mntheR.i:gboDe.,.eJo-pmeaCt,leu~ Assemb)yrllt!loluti1112-aa,rticle.5.

1038. While adopting a resoll.ltiOnwithin the füunowork:.of Action for lhc. International

Decade for Na.tural Disa$:'f.CReduction. the Genera.1 Assemb1y, in the ~lt:vant
1ei.ohll!Ollc1early s~ted. that:

[t}he lQverdgnty, rerrlrorialinl~gri.andnational unit:of
Statec:must b4 ju.llyre;;p~cted {n acr:.l)rtk:r,-u:ewrhe
Cfu:m.11of du.:Urd!ed Natf(J'[.. }0

39. ne World Confere.nccon H\.l.l'.M Rllightshe!d in Vienna adoptod a.declarati.oa
containiag fund.ara~tal princip!es of lntemational law. Altilo\.l&}tih ,e &imwas the

promotion of human rights; it wu clearly provided that the proc.e~s should be

..conducŒdin conform:ity wil'hthe purp()Sç.S aud principle&of (he Cbarr.er of the
United Natlont, :and interr:imtionla.w".~

40. ln the United Na.tiomMillenniumDecla:ra.tionH , ead$of States and Governmcnt.s

rededice.tedfhemsetvei. tosuppon..(a1Uefforts. tQ upboldthesovereignequ:aUty of
.al.$rate$. [and] respeçt for their 'b:rritorian.tegrityand polilical independence'·.~l

The2005Wodd.SummitfoUowed the~ lie.ein itsontcome. 3"'

41. It is.the-te.forapparentt:hatlheGenml A&sem.bl in.its documentsandpracticeSt

affums the respect for the tmi.torialinte.grityof States.

D.Secu.rli, Coundl1sadopt4ldmensures:

42. Th~UNCharter~licitly Œ:c.larcm :sattheiSecllriryCoùDci1ha.a &m.ajotrolc:in lbe

pursuilofmaintainingpcaccandse.e'llrity an.d it ree.ds~sfo1lows:

[j)n oi:dcrro ensw:e prolllJ)and,c.tft.di\reaction b)' thé
UnHt:d Na1ioos ,tsMemblmconferon ilie Securit0:111ncil

prim~ 1t;i.pon1ibi1ift15yrthe.mi.intena:neocf in~6ona1
43. In fulfilling il$ responsibilities,the Council may doem it necessa.ryto adQ'pt

reiolutions tbatinvo1ve inŒrve:nüo in domestic jw:isdicticm o fanystatc or rt:giODt

conshtent with the principlesenshrined tn article 2(7} of the Cha.rŒr. whlcb


[n}oming cormnned inthepment Charter&hal ll.\thoriehe
UmtedNatioos to inf:d:t'rnnmeatte:rahb;;hetees.sentiaUy

!.Su S!n9i,gthcru.gffüecoorr.liruunflrumllniwiauemesgrmely liS.btatoeftheUnitedNll.t3oU,ND()j;,
Ai'RESl4'6 Bi1.emi;b:as~!ldded) . . . .
): 'Vienna. celatatland 'Progrxmrno;Ac:tion,UNDoc. AJCONF l. ï/2.(hereinaftct'Vti=aneotaràtioo')
12See id,ptaa 7
'3&!ttT,;niti:!a1iotMs JlùmnluDOt:Jm.tiO Wj\,Poe•.A/RESf5'i/-p~4. (hcrcinal.tc'rMilleruiru:m
Dr.t:liil111i4'11') .
3•S~e .005 WorldSutllmitOu!comel,JN Doc.AJR'ES/(;0/pl,arn5•
.lSA.,'ti24 oftbe UN Charti!r.

11 wii:hinme domatic jurludictioof 11.ny1tatoriballte{JI.ÛIC
th~ t&:mben 10 11ubm!ruchmaneu toS!':Ulcme un&:r the
pr~ Qwt.ct. l;;~rhi.prlnciplesball :uotprcjudiΠthe
applic:atiooof ë;nforo:memutt1Iè$ u:ooaChaptJ:l t il~d
44. NeVe'Cthe]~s;.any interVention, whe:re thb CQUSCii ac:tsim:Ta vir~. should be in
conformity wîr.hthe Charter ~nd international law.

45. The Cotmcil, whenc.ver o;itoroising itsrole ofuurlntaining and restoring. intunational

peace and sccurity, dé.monstraŒd itlcommitment to the respect for the tenitfllial

intcgrity ofthe States. Inme samevein. ithasbee:anoted thatnothtngin rhe. Charter.

partJcularlya la 1pscialfs, may lead to diffe:rmiresults..Thitis comrislt:ntwitbthe
clear undentanding 'thatmis:sioo:' iuthorizedb,'UN orgaru:.induding the Security

Council1 aTe boM:.fide partiesworldngina nc:utŒm l anner.!-

46, The situadcm in Darfur, as pan of the terriû:)zyof Sudu, was &ubjectto extemïve

dclibe.r11.tioand w.as add:rcs~ by several resoluti~ es.chof which inclur.ks1

clear refcrence. IO th& importance of the respect f,çt ~torial int.egrity.u in

rc10lution 1556 (2004}.tht!c:rewluti.onl.hat.brttr alia, cudoncd the depJoyi:nen tf
im:ernationalmanitotS. Sim.Uulym . ostof ill!esolunonerelevant to the sim.mon in

Darfur includeaa srtcmg ccmmitment to the mpec.t for the t'trritc:rialnŒ.grityof

Sud.an,as well asthe deŒrminatton to wmlcw : iththeGovmirm.Dt of Sud.anin full
n:qJcct of its.sovereignty.3

47. A:& far as the sltllationsin chcDcmoctatielepublfo of Congo(b~~r 'tlRC')

llltÎdthe Great Lakes region i1flconccmed, the Couneil, in se.venùreso1'1tiona,
reûfinned "its commitrrumt to respect the sovereignty,t=ntoria.1.integricy a.nd

politica.l indepcndence''of DRC e.ndal1 the States in the tegiun.40 The Cou:ocWs

resolutions dealing with lbadep]oymen tf the.Uoir=dNIUionM s ission to tbaI>RC
(MONUC) did not omit a.clearcommitm.en to therespectfor theseprlneiples'.

48. Tuc Counc:il's r.esolutionuo.nIraq bave demonmatèdsubsfJln!lalempbasison the
tëtritorial i.nti::yftthestato.'l

'7ftt Anlr.::l:(01'ieClu.rteofdu::Unl'ldaticn1.
11Ste Attfcl~s4and4i<sr'Ù' IbarteraftheUnitedNmtion!l.
39Sn UNDoc:.SlR.ES/115(419!J7).
Sft,r.g.UN Doc.S/IŒS!l590 (2QOS)1~JNDol:S/RES/1769 (2007):~ Doc.S/RES!l828(2008)~1JD Noc.
~~~IfR@!l~)-. . . . .. . .... . ·
S'«,,:.g.,UNDoc.S!IŒSll756(2007;;UNDoc:S ./RES/177l(2007jS~r :loo_UNDoc.5/RES/1316 (2000);
UN~- SJIŒS/1493 {2003),'UN):)~.SJRES/l365{2004);UNDoc.SlIŒS/1711(2006)
••Stt,t:,fUN Doc-S/JŒ.S I804(2008).
•:Ser:UNDoc.SIRES/1500 {2003)',ONDO!:'.I.IŒSIU46(2004}UNDoc.SllŒS/l.SS7 (2004)UNtiot:.
SIRBS'Jl6l9(2005},UNDoc.SIRES/170 2005},UNI>oç. SIIŒS/1770(2007),UNDoc.SIRES/1790 (Z001)
tmd TJNt>o< S:. ES/18:30008),

1249. On lssue::.rdated taAfghanir.tan, ttie Council reaffinl11';."dia: strong commitment t-0

the soveteignty, independente, temtorial inti,.gritand national unity" of the

<::oùntry,l e,.vcon theoccti.sionswhcze it audtocizcd.international presenŒ.«

50. In its rcs.olütions on I..<;;banon,ih,::Security Council ~itera.ted its··srrong:support .. -

for the territorialü1tegrity, oove:reignty and potiticaiinrn::pendenc:e'-A oStho c'OUntry
0 44
wilh.initslnri!rnanonally rec.ognlzed border$ (... }" .

o. Condusion

51. Jt isr.mdoübtedl't.ruiethe.ttherespectfor tënitoriat integrityisaninviolableprinciple

Qf internaLionullaw, a1Jdia indivi.s:ïbicfrom ~ sovercignty ~d lO!k.pendence.

Howe\ltî, the recognitiouof state tenitQtj~s sball be 5ubjec:tto careful examina.tion.

In thfaregard.it must be nomd,a .s lhe InternationalCourtofJustice alrcady sta.tedon
a l\um~ of cases.that..(e)&;hcase mu.&t be appreciaŒd in accotdancewi.th die.


. ~ ~- .
•USf!u~ Doc. SllŒSfl261 (199!1).
St:t.t,&,"N DQCS './RESl13B(62001),l"Nt>oe S/RES/1510 {ZJ03}U , NDoc.SIRES/1701 (2006),TJNDoc.
41lŒSf11~(2007}illldv"NDac.SIRES/177 62007).
S::t!no~ld-13 and thé&ŒC3mpmiyi tc«,supra.



'THE ruGmro st:12 rnrrmtML~A no~

52. The. ,; ghtto self-detezmination finds its roo1s ln intimiationi.dinstron1entein the
.aftennail if me First Wotld Wu:. The Tceaty of Versafües might be cao;idc:r-edthe

frrsstep roward$ the codificationof tltl6ptinciple/11.fulfillitht.~atio-ns roself­

detecmiruuicmh.eldb:y'the ~)u of the.world.

53. The d.iffering 11iew5 on the pri.nt:iple gave rise to d:isa.greements on its
imple.roenution.and rhe.breadtbofits.scope..

54. With thea.dventof thé UN Cbilrtet,the rightto self-dètetminatfocbecameoneof the

prineiples llptJnwhicb'lhcUnire.dNations WflS founded.In this conŒ.ï.tl,be Charter

di:a:rlyrcflec~the.oblig.i.tiona,sit&tipulates at:
[tlo d~vdo-ptncndly u:lationsamoiig natl.onlx:uf!fon
t'UJtt!.for tht prlndp1e f cql,Ul).righb:af)d s~lf­

cfet«nninadon o-peoplc:[t.ï..].'

ln thesarnevein, the respect forthi:sprincîple·bec.âlnee.sentiàlinthe course of the.
ec:oocmfo and Soçialc~tion wiùtin th=UnilSdN . ations~s(eltt,füt whieb:the

UN Ch~ c!early:.tatesth.nt:

[t]hi:tion of eonditions;oJtabiJltyand ~tJ.l,eing whkh
are r.ceessllJfor peaffll and friimdly relations smong
:\ati.ob<U«o l n'"pect for theprincir,l:f =qulllrlghtsand
sc:[f-~erm1~tirJnofp«)pfu [...).ro

.SS. The UN' Chlrteralsoprovldesa basi.sfor the pre>Œctio ~n thlrights of thoseliving

in tenitorif:.st.hat ba.veyct attai.nt.dafull mea.sureofselfgo~t; it laysthe

foundationfor the protectionof thl!>human rigbts of the;inhabiŒ.nt sf lhe11C

56. The.pi:eambleo.f tbtUniversaJDeelaralion on Human Right& sta.testhat:

MembetSta.tcsbavepledgedthemseJvcs toac:hie.-vin, co­
operationwltbthe Unitt:Natlotr.t,~ pt0motioto1funive.rsal
res(lffl~orand oliscrvanr;ef httmanrightiandfundaxne.ntal

41A:rcic.l:fthc Trc.uyofV~tttille$prc.'\t.dprimiti'-'~Ofofwbal w~ t0 dèVcli.p tthefulrig)lto
", $ettArtfc1('2ofl.l: NCbJm:r.[empluuisadded] ·
~ SHArticleSS d tbeUN Cbamr. [cmpbaslsadde:d]
s,A:tticlc7:)of theUNClr.mer.

14 frwf.om:s(...1 a wmmon un&rs1andingof these ri&h:cand

frl!:e.Ôoisof the ~caŒ&t impc-n,.ncef<ithe foll reahuuon

51. Although, tbe. principle of the rigbt m ~e:Ji-de~nation evoîved witbin the

intematicnal legal a.ren:a.to attatti.!i;tatof cnstomaty international law.5 1l ha:s

riotbecn f'reeof Umitat:ioagand c-ondition.T he:InternationalCovenatit on CivU and

Politi.:;al Right:s. {h~naftcr ..ICCPR'). a.a one of the imtrumtntii codifying

cu::s.torcmintern.atiooal la.w,contains ptavi.don!lo proteetthe rightS of peoples;or
minorttli:.sinvarious fields.sIn l:hisregardTight co5elf-de~natioo overlapswîlh

othèt rlg'tltboth on the indiwwal bu.man rlghu level,~and on the-broad.er sodeŒl

ievel. cncompassing the rigbw of a 'pei:iple.'.sr.berefore., the right 10 self~

der.en:cinatioinsnowa •pnncipleof 10.c1ll-Sion wtih1inthe SQCÎèty;itis.me rigbtof

parlicipation in ,;oc.icwhetherinpoliûcalorothcrn.renas.ss

58,. The F111al .AL:;of the Confe;reDC ()l'Sèew:ityand Cooperation in Europe a1so

refloctt:d thcomro.itmw t0the ngbt to self-detenninationwhenittkclared tbat:
{c]h, puticipatln&SU,tc4wi11 re&pOCt the~ rights of
people$ lino thcirrlgbtto &el~fAtiOQ, Bcifns .Illl)J

t1mes inconfoPDic y ithtllfpurpc.ttesa,)pnnciplesof the
Charter oftheUnitJ:dN~ons and with ~ t'tlevantor.roosf
international 1aw, induding chose relaling to territorial.

59. The rightlO self-determination i.s L11!'.lquestionaibluallenable'.G,Qmd~ted as
su.ch by theinternationalcommuuity,-T 6uee:x.ercbl o,f thrigbt howe.vc: ir dynatni(:

andencompaswsa \'.a:riof options thattab intoconsid.era.tioo ntherpri.nçip,eo.f

c.usioma.ryi'ntttnat:iona.llaw alld uphold tbem.
60. At the internationaltevd, it hu been note.dthat the. rtght ro setf·der.emtiruulcm

di\lergesfromtheinŒrpret.ati .ftheprtnciplcu anautoznaticg'OMllnto ofrrightsro

~ Sc-eUrw,oe,1!aelclmtlŒ onJlw:naa lghta,Gertà11isedly i:e&Qhltion7(Ill), Ilis c'ltn~ly mat
rccogmtionai,ohsorvam:oef Ù\rigbl.;,ufreedomssbellotmd;Ybe~, ~ pccpl.eofMcm'btS :r~•
thei:ruelv'bute.Sa.mQllthepeoplescfiermonesunderlhcjuri5d,ir;fJfoactif thi,~.

''Lqid COru;~ucacef.o1r$we& oftheContino= .et ofSOU! AlfntainNemï.b, aSoutbWest Afrtta)
t,Qtwithst.ndmSecuri,yCc:runelutl.mt 176{1970},1911lei &p. {ludgèA:mmotl1S'.e.parOpi11lan).
n ld. A..tl.l'i ofthe.ICCf"Q..

s&Mticlie1(3}oftheICCP1Ùst&tidcal I.anwcle witbtil:11a:rne:11un'te:lrmcriWicmalCq."emmlon
57"EçollQIDiç,_Ç~)Jl!-~. ~ ~~ts.
--r.MFr.nck,Tht&nusm R:J:hrroDr:~ic G~manct, 86A.merleilJn aumalof In~atÎ()n.lÙLaw 59
!aSu Dcc:lararimo,nPrilldplGuidrogRel:ttlonsbetweeùPitrticipagcateConfe~ru::conScWrlcyaM
0 C~opcratlôt'iInEun)~e;FinalAct.~lsfnki. 1975. ·
A.frlcan llamrΠt111mmlUgbtsan.1.().
u Ît.!e~n:53,.st,pni.

15 suzc;hood, and tc.tidtowuds a 'broadcrimerpyct11.tiothat eocorn:passei the righa of.
pcop1es and states,

'&.llelf!vant ll.its:olùtions anDocuments withln théUnited Nstior.is: Sy$l.tm

61. Torough severa\ rciolutions, the UN Oeneral Msembly underlined the import:.mee of

me righc ro self-delerrninatlon.

ti2.. The ùecla.ntion 011d&o1onit.a.tion d.c,c;larthe.r.
laJU pe.ople iave.the rlght to sclf-ddt.rminatiby,virtueof
thai:rigbtlbeyfrccly dolUmine.lhelr-politiwst&t:Mand Frecly

put5ue'lheiercorae)mies,.ocland c:ultur.1dll{l:lopm.-.«.~

Neverthel!!:sSt,he:. ecbnti.ot1-emphasiud Üll.the ~cise of lhe rightsnall be in
çOtlfonnîty with thepurpone& andprlncipk.softheUNCharter.6.d

6~. To a &imi\areffect. theiDeclarati.onon Fri~dly Relations undmcorts andel11~

on the right te setf-dct.ennmatio:annd makes.it cltilthatevery,ta.tebai thi, d.utyto

-promotethe 1ealimtionof thJsrigbt) as well as respeet for bu.man rlghts aud

fund,mwnca] freedom& 6S ffowevM, ÏtCleatly W.~S: that.:
/n.Jarhûig{...) sball be. comtro.cd as. .authotiiin&or

ern:our:ag;1aey aclion whtd: wt,,uld~ "r impair.
wMlly orin pcm.dutterritoril:ùffl14!/fror polirScawlxilcf
sawtreignMd irzkp~ srai~ conmicrin1 thf!HUt:lveI1.
compwutèt wfrh. th.e pri.ndpI, of ~ rlBhla and .t~lf.
de1t1rm.ÎIUJ.1of')npeoplcs:as describedabovo 4I'ld1hm
-pouwed of a gc>'Ytmment repmcnting tht whotepeople.
belongin to 'lhëlmitory wtthoutdisrh,etionas10 race,med.

64. Whfle addressing;i;suespérl&ining to the:rlghtt of minoriti~ in conncetion with

responsibilites. of st.a.tes,he Gcntral Assemblts relevant :r.esolutioas mainwn

balance between the right tosetf-dctt:mtinari.oanndterritoriali"ntegrltinaccord.tnlca

with theUNCbarŒr,f!lldtheprlnciples cl internationallaw. In tbis regard.it a!so

addresses the,ex.cerciseof the rigbt to self--detenninatioin ntetnally tbrough

51s~~ B.'1rumzIn:o.~26,.ny,nic-e.ilJ-I),eelantioncmch:ight.ofPersOD!BelongingtoNadcma .t'6thmt:,
f(.;ligio;~4 ~Intlt(~ti'?:in.orl1itN 'Doc,A/:R'SSl41Jl3 (hel:dnaft:'Declaratioon MinotÎÔ1!$•);
Hllll'IE\Rie.fusCoÎl'!iruGt::né:rCiilomment1'3o2..)Thë ri,ahüof mi.Mriûei {Art.27}, t:N D0t:.
a 1'cclia-.e!noaDCCQ]llh:zt!Otl,
GSSe~ no-t2-8'MlIJ.CC(lmpany liKt.ritpY[el'll]?iaddcd)
~,St1:~ c-ewr.u:ionMinOl'ÎiW 11Attic:l~8(of1hc ~-

16 lcgi1;.ia'tive,ll.....lw..~eult11ral and tdigioll:i.i,.rrangementS. whicb should be
. l . .511!.
com:pe.ti.blwim narloni'illeBls atiO'O-

65. TI.e developmont of r.hlbafa.~ced a-pproachhes signïficat1t!y contributcdte &ttŒs·
acceptallcc of lhe. righto sel.f-âet~:rrn'inaticbec.a.oseof tho wider arrày cf o-ptiom:

afforded by fle:l.ib1e\11.tupieta...ct:is.

66. 'Ib~ Vieruia.Decla..ratton3tar.efua.ttheeffective and full.exctei&eof hm.rum rigbtsby

mem.ben;of minonties C®tribute9 to a:adprote.eu.lhe political an.d socials~bdity of
chett.1ui:iisn wbich thcylivo. In.d.tlpartii.ulatca&e.therlgbt to &elf--deŒrmination,
u eX1)I'eSSèoda, tbefull and effi:ctivce:i::.eri::iosfobumanrigbu,-n is U6f;das a mol to

strengthen the térritorialûue:grlty,na.tionalunity andpoliticalindcpendcnceof a.stal&

tbrough stren(ltbening gocfeta.l des tather the.n wealŒning lbe.m, ûùs is ti:'U.e

u-r~ti ve of wbether (;\')t'l$tituecf.11$00iét)' ate a minority or noL Sueh an

approachwonld be cOD.!ildctca dcon.sb:Uciiva e:tidbèl:i.efiiexerciseof fundamen'Œl

human rigbts.

61. Bnally. 1tis _pertinentto menti.onth.utthe Hu:man Righa CoJm'llittee el.a.'botaton

'lhedistinction betwe.enthtl righ.l t0 self--dcterminatianaud the rigbts proŒctA byd
atticlc 21 of me l. CPR; speeülClllymat 11\e righ.BprotceŒd.by atticle7.7arc

exclu$tve.ly exerci;ed by individuak r.Uhcr lhm people!l."J In me conten of a

comm.umty die excrcise of tbese rlgbt8 is by its ""Y 1)8.lttpractiŒd on Ilwider

scale~and lhetefotr:,by ptoteed:Dtg he.exereiseof the·rightsconuiued in aniele2.7

the statetùtfl a.pornÏ\1$ ~ l'OwardJ p:otectingthe rigbttoself-detenninatio nf a

people. Thcrefcre,a:rtkle.17, wben ,ead ÜI coltjunetionwith arocle 1(3) of the

lCCPR, the. Deelaration on dcc.olonizati.on. and the Declaration ΠFrlendly

Relations. wov.ldpiovir,lcfQr a.well tOùnded apprô!!C hat protet:tathe e,.etQiseof
numan rigm in sucba wa.y thatdoe.snot infringethe prlnçfple of territorialintl:grity.

0Id. aArdcla 2(3)of ditA.nnex.
'6.g.Tht=Oèttml A!l1mwly ando,ller;irgaoftheUniŒdNa.tiŒ1a1 ddrmed i!l&\leSant lOtl\e.riitot
setf~na.tlan m c~i.m tohumim rlgh'CS.e,gtl1.ll!rd,llwmCODcitedatuote26,.wp~ lfl.al:r.c
Cr:11:npfü11io:amc.T~~mxritCtua:.o~ ~ons adcptcdbyBuman.Ritf! tJUiY Badi~
~cn.l çt1ll1l1No.23:AtôcleZ ,7(lüghl:sofmlnorlde11t;"Doi:H. ro/GE.N/llR,e.(Y.l.l)ü 201s ltlfl.
lt 1w bee2Jevid'eated .y lfie ciplicncalfnllm.n:,e1r-dcf.eamn~ tl1r'o"pal'dcll)l11nïthinme
~i:. ~, of a stlte11,~altoCompllal!cm t1fO=cralCommenta snd Oenmtl~datkms
~tcd. by Jimnan 'RiglusTrcatyBodlei.Gcncnlc,ommem Nto.12:Art.ids1(ltjghtiself-ddcrmlnaticm).
UNOoc· .HlWG-'EN/llRC1<1,!> fvoallt.ttf-
11SeenoŒlJ n-pra., :tt.p!li,L
11Self-dett!ni!matiwidimthe tOntexof Jn1fnllllioalwmm RightsLawis ccdlf\edSnt'bfi:rSltns\lln\t:le
A:Iticlc1(3o-rbe lCCPR.
1•Colllllila1ionGeMn1 C~ts and.OeuetaP l.ecOJmr.ttol!aidaprtibylil.lnJJtigblTtcaty)3cdits..
~~ comm!lntNo,23:A-rot.llé"1(Righlof miù&rl&s}U, NDoc. HRl/Gl!N/.1/Rcv.9VoJl.) (2008),at

17c Judi.cl.in-ea.tŒcm t)ftbe.rlght to ~lf-d.iet.t-nnbrr11.1iotl
68. Mattr.trs relevànt to the right to se1f--det.e.rrnine.tiohave becn 111.& ialsed befo~

natio-na!cou:rtiof law. ln 1996, quei.'lion:stefe:rredto the Su-preroeCourt of Canada
(hen,,inafter •me Suptetnt2Court ), by the Oovernm in Cmmd\, on the. legafü:Y of
'Socession of QUt'!.bec i.
69. In ,ts rc'Vi,e.w he Supi:e.meCourt addressed issues relei"t'o.n tt lhc rigbt lo self­

dell::ml'inaliono tbis ~on.t.e.x1h.o!tcopc of the right to sclf-dt.U;rromati.cbu be.en

àefined as eitber intern:&l.&elf-deknnination or ex.r.cmal seif-delf!flninatiou.

Regard.mgthe focmer, the Su:p-ré': m emt s~ted. that:

(r].htt.engm.z.rsowcei. o-fintt.mati.o-callaw u.tabliah tbat ùie.
rig,btto sdf d$::rmini!Uionof a poople itnomudly fulfi!led
lhroughinU:.rna ~lr~11011 ....~la+& porsuitof its
politial. eto11omk:.~al 111J 1ttltum devd~t wlthin
dlefnmiewor' k afnOJCimn g~ 15

The:SupremeCourt a.dded t1w;

{t)bcwsteinΠof a,pe0ple's til,lto sdf'--d~ttalion a1so
eoT1tainpai;-.a!staŒment5 auppaniveof ~ ~ 'lhat
the:exucise of sueb • righc tnllibe: 1,11ffiçier11.mîtt.to
pmi~t lfU'eâtoS1ane,thtingstate'ta.rito:rinteJrlty [••.)}

Furthe:r.thoS\S.PJfflC û.eurtstressed ~t tberight to selfdctero:tlnalionand ttrritoria.l

lntegrity are not neçessarily incompatible $0 long as tbe:.govennnent of a sta.te

reptesc:.n.dUl:itspeopleorpeople; withoutdisc:rimination. 71

70. ru for euemal selfdetmnmaû~ the ~ c.cnut bs s:ecogtli:t.t bit.titi$
exe&isable ui.ncertaindefi.Md contem••.7Sucbcontex'lS other tJ:um the colonial

domination conte~t.are exclll$Jvdy tbose c~ts •'wherea peopls iG .ubject

to al.iensubjuga.1iond.ominationore1epl0iwion[•.• ]".'19
71. Fmally. the Supmme Coutt docmt:di.tUn.n«.e111ai fD detcm.iine whctbC!' hf&dcnial of

practicingthe rtgbt r.setf-deŒnnil'lan cntcm.allysuff'recs u,udciinternationallaw,

tQ justifyexereisingthesa.me rigbte-xtcma.Uy.ao

!~·ll99&HS,C'J t1ï,37 tL...134-0n, Sca:ssionofQue~
1Id.11.p1111a. .
10id. pera1. 33.

18D. Concluslon

12. Tue rtgbl to sc:tf·dctenn.tr»'l:witbin the conŒx.t of colonial domination iF

T~ognited by intcmational law.

.73. Shnilarly, the right to inn:.malse'lf-dotormm.ationi,n ai::corditncewithnat1onal
!egislilion~ migb.tbe establi9Jmdin «rwn c'ÏJCWn$tanc:csn line wiih hllmanrigbts


74. NotmJlg, so far.in inte:rmuiOIWb.w would c1C11.I1end ~!iistanu to accemmodate

al"gUtncntscontendtng tfuithe rlgbt to sclf~nadon can otllyΠe;u:tcised
exr.emally,a.$long u tbue.arc 21.dequa .efeguar ogamst diseritninanon.Als:o,lhc

adoption of genendi.ted criterlawould be di:.trlmentalnd pose &enuinechrcats to

internationalpeaŒand secw:icy w,bichwouldbe B.lun~&iredrcsult as pet ttteUN



A. Su:mJ:W:ry
75. 1nere shalbe no tonŒntion that tll8 xcspect for the prlnciple nf territorla5in~grlty
of State.i!inviolableItiEthé dnty of ~l-pMtiesinvolvedm ta.kinrneatures

cowardsthefolfillmentotiupurposeaof theUNChartct.inc.ludingthe.UNorgan.s.
to &ttictly ob:rthlprlneiple.

76. By the-sa.me:tokeo,fucri.gbtto &e1f-detimro.mon evdlved undet ew:wma:ry
inr..ernmonal\aw,anbecome-Jegallrc~pecŒd u atreàtylxronob1igatioafterits

inclusion in the UCharres.Iuapptitatîonhowever,should nolead tosituationi
threar.ening internatpeace end $0Curlty.


11. k faras th~ocmpetenceandadmissibilitareconcern~ it is:s11bmiedac
{i) The GeueraJAsscm.blyiscompe.tentto req.uèlbte :advisoopinionon tbc

subject•mâlta'(he~trequest; •
(ii) The Courti.1ompatent tgiveits ad.vi$oyrinion othequestion~

to il

tr;( tt- ( or.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Written Statement of Egypt
