On 20March 2002, respondingto arequest submittedby the Govemmentof the
Federal Republicof Yugoslavia,the Court extendedto 7 April2003 the time
limitwithinwhich the FederalRepublicof Yugoslaviamaypresentwritten
statementsof its observationsandsubmissions onpreliminaryobjectionsmade
by Beigiurn,Canada,France, Gerrnany,ItalytheNetherlands, Portugal,and the
UnitedKingdom,in the cases concemingLenalitvof Use of Force(Yu~ - oslavia
v. Belgium);rIugoslavia v. Canada);(.Yunoslaviav. France);(Yunoslaviav.
Gennanyk (Yu~oslaviav. Italy);(Yunoslaviav. Netherlands); (Yugoslaviav.
Portunal);and (Yugoslaviav.UnitedKinndom). Havingtakenadvantageof a
substantialpart of the extensiongranted bythe Court, theGovernent of the
Federal Republicof Yugoslavia submitsthe following
The FederalRepublicof Yugoslaviais supplementingits earlier
communicationson the groundofnewly discovered facts which haveemerged
sinceearlierpleadingswere filed.Thesefactshave beenrevealedin the lightof
the acceptanceof the FederalRepublicof Yugoslavia as a new member ofthe
UnitedNationson 1November2000.TheFederal Republicof Yugoslavia
submitsthat it is now clear that: a) WithregardtoArticle 35 and36 of theStatuteof the Court,with
regardto the GenocideConvention(andwithregardto bilaterai
conventionsin the casesagainstBelgiurnand TheNetherlands)
Asthe Federal Republicof Yugoslaviabecamea new memberof the
UnitedNationson 1November2000,it followsthatit wasnot a member
before thatdate.Accordingly,itbecamean establishedfactthat before1
November2000, theFederal Republic of Yugoslavia was noandcould
not havebeen aparty to the Statuteof the Courtby way of UN
b) Withregardto the Genocide Convention.
The Federal Republicof Yugoslaviadidnot continuethepersonalityand
treaty membershipof the former Yugoslavia,andthus specifically,it was
not boundby the GenocideConventionuntilit accededto that Convention
(witha reservation to ArticleIX) in March2001.
The Federal Republicof Yugoslaviarequeststhe Courtto decideon its
jurisdictionconsidering the pleadingsformulatedintheseWrittenObservations.
18December 2002
Pro essor iborVarady
Agent oftheFederal Republicof Yugoslavia
Written Statement of the Observations and Submissions of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on the Preliminary Objections made by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland