Memorial submitted by the Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein

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'13e nationalityof Mr. ~ottebohm . . . . . .

Thehlr. Nottehhmhe in Guatemalad o. t. . . . .ities.of

The outbreak and conduct of the Second WorIdWar
iriso far as they affectedGuatemala . . . . .
The arrest, detention and depurtation of hIr.Notte-
bohm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The seizure and confixation ot the property of
Afr. Nottebohrn . . . .. . . . . . . . .

Section T: General observations. . . . . . . .
The nnturc of the cIaini . . , . . . . . . .

Summary of principal Iegal contentions . . . .
Provisional charücter ofthe legilsubmi~sions of the
Governrnent of Liechtenstein . . . . . . .
Section II: The Qrte.slior f~taliotrdii. . . .
The nationaIity of Mr. Nnttebulim . . . . . .

l'he diityto rectignizc the iiaturaIization decree oi
toreign State . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'I'hepractic of States , . . . . . . . . .
The practiceof international trihiinal. . . . .
Exceptions to the duty to recognize foreignacts of
naturalization or dcnationaIization. . . . . .
Efftxt of acquisition of Liechtenstein nationality.
Divestment ofGerman riatioiiali. . . . . . "agc
The effect of the espress r~ogriirioii ori the part of
Ihc Governnlent ofGuatemalaof tlie Liechtenstein
niitioiiality ofMr. K:'ottcboIim ........ 41
Lor~cu l siortsof Section II ..........
SecdiowIII ï'hz &rm.inae? otfMY. r2'0&&boh? taythe
G'ovtrs~nmd of Garilerndu irtrdth obligutio~as of a
hcliigere ü !tl regard lo the ireatmal of th $e7son
cindpruperty VI nationds oi n neulral SWe ... 4.4

Ifitroductory ..............
GcneraI princiI>lesofthe treatnicril ofthe prsnii of
3 neutrd national, ...........

Arnationaisraof a iieutral Stateer ........t of alien

,'The right ta prompt trial. .........
Safeguznis irt the Constitution of Guatemala for tlie
liberty of iridividurtls..........
Rcspoiisibility of the Stüte for the expulsion oî ülicris
Practicruf iriicrriatinria1trjhtrnaIs ..... :
'ïhc practice ofStates ........ : ..

Views of ivritcîs ...............
Espc!sion ol alierisiii tiine niwar ......
'Tlierefusal to readrnit hir. SottehIirri ......

Tiic treatrnéo nftthe property of riculral naticinais
in time of wai.. .............
(a) Military necssity ..........
{/I) 'Tlirigiit of requisition .........

(cj The riglit uf a blligererit to irtcludc i-ieutrals
u-ithin the dcfuiitioriof "eiiemies". . : .

Dartiage..; and othcr lcgal reinedics witli rrostii?ct tci .
unbwfirl acq tiisitiort of the property of ncutral
niitiorinl...........-....ariscs. The Seco~idPart isdcvotcd toa staterncnt of ariaan ela bo-

ration of the pritici~ialIegrtlsrikmissioriçupon which thc Govcrn-
ment of Licchteiisteiri relin supl)ort of their claim.

The nafiotialdyO{ MT. ~VofJaoltnt

3.This ciaim is made I>y tlie Governrttentof 1,icchteiistein on
beliaif of Friedrich Nottebobni , a riaiioriai of tlic YrincipaIit.
Friedrich Nottcbohrn Ras boni id German parents in Hamburg,
Germany, on the 16th Septernber 1881, Ili accordailcc with the
provisioiis (ifthe German nar ionality Icgiçtatiotiriforce at t ht
tinie hc icas, thercfore, by birth a Germari natirinat. In 195 he
tookup residerrceiriGuatemala. WitB the exception of occasiorral
visit o foreign countries hc ~t-ascontiniioiisly domicilcd there
untii th? day of hk cxliulçion in Sovernber 1943 .he details of
his açtivities and of the natrrre and'estent ofhi5 biisinesiriGiiatr:-
rn;ilaare giren beloiv inparagraphs 6 toS.
On the 9th Ocioher 1939 n the courzc of a vist to Z.iechteiisteii>,
Mr. Nottcbribrn applied for fie ,orantof Licchtensiein nationali ty
in accordance ivith tlrc ~iruvisiur~sof the 1,iechtcinstein Iaw rit
nationality uf the 10th Jariuary 1934 and. in ~rarticiilar, witIr the
pnivisions of S.6 (d) thereof. S.6 (d) pu)vitles :

"Natiariality may be conferreciupan xlieiisonty if thc?~
have orrlinarilyresidcd ira the territory of thc Princijialityof
Licchtençtcinfor at leaçt thréc yeàrs: that requirement ttiaybc
dispenseci with in circunistancca deseri-ingspecialconsidei+atiort
arid by iwy af exception."
The full textof s.Tiofthe said priritecas Anrics rtcithis
Mcrnori..if.This applicatiorihad alreacly Iiccrthe srihject rifdiscus-
sions hatween the legai rcpresentative of Ur. KottcboIirn and
officiaisofthe Griventrnent of fdicchtrnçteinand of carefulconsider-
atiori b17the latter. Aftcr further coiisidertir)iif this aplilicat ion
and having satisficd thcrriselves that Mr. Xottebohrn fulfilledthe
requircrneritsof the law of nationalit y of 1334, fhe Goverrir~~e~il
of Liechtensteiri onthe 13th Uctober r939 granted the applicatiori.

On the 20th Octribcr 1939 %Ir. Kottehohni received from the
authûrities ofLiechtensteiri a certific tot his effect (Arines 3).
On thc .rot11 Octaber,r939 a passport ntrrnbercd702 was isstiedto
alr. Yottcbohm hy the Chief of Goirernmcnt, Vadriz. Orr the
6th hlal r<~6 the Goi~ertiinentofLiccktctzstein issiicd a iurther
certificate to the same cfiect, narnely, that an ttie ~:jtIOçiokr
19391Ir. Kottebohm had acquired çiizenship of Licchte~~steiii
(Anriex 6,para. 20). 1.11~Govcrnrnc~ltid 1,icchtensteirare adtised
that in accordarice with .4rticle25 of rlieGerman nationality laiv'I'lte ridlrre of tircsidence and of Ihe actizriiieai ilfi.Noltebolztfi
ia Guuiemalu

6. Fmnrthe tirne of liiç arriva] in Guatcrnala iri190j, Mr. Xotte-
Liohrn lc-ascontiniiciuc;Iy associated ivith thc iirni of "Nottehiihni
Hennanos" which kad Iicenfo~iiided bÿ hlr. Kottehohrn's hrothers,
Joliailnes and Arthur Sottebohrn. Inlgzz Mr. Nottcbohm ha:ame
a partncr inthe firrn, aiid in 1937 he became seriior partner. .4t
that: tiine the principal activitiw of the firm wcre bnnking, tbe
conduçt of cxprt arid irny~rt trade, the grnwing of siigar and
coffee artd the hreeding of catt1e. Enconnecrion with itsactivities,
the firrn tiwnttdlarge cciffeand siigar plantations and cat tIe farms.
The firm ülso owned substaritial interests iriother firtns and

7. Uuring this lierid hlr. Kottebohm came to enjoy n position
<dincreiising prornincnce as a rttsidcnt ofGuatemda. Eie :icquired
a considerable rcl>ut,ation irithe commercial worldnrid rv;& much
respccted. Evicience of the close tics of syml3athy whicli rrnited
not only 31r. Xottebohrn but alsr) the wliole of his farnily to the
Imai coinin~inity is prtlvided hy his aiid tIieirrcgular contribu-

fions to a riurnberof local charitics including the Guatcmalsn
Ked Cross, thr. Sriciety for the 34otcction vf Children arid tire
Society of St. Vincent ofPaul (hrinex j, paras. 21-25),
S. At no tirne during the period of his rcsidericciriGiiafemala
did >Ir. Soxtcbohiii takc a~iy part in political activities wliich
cr>iildin any iiray be construed as hostile to tkc Goveniment td
Guatemala. In particufar, ht: \vas riever a iriember of the Xazi

Parr? IIIGerrnany, ririiiiïihe in sympath~r with tbern. Keference
is made intIiis coririectiortu ;i niimber of tcstirnoriialwritteri in
I~)Mby 1-iceritiate Aridrade,cxipresident of the Rcpublic ; Senor
Doriori, Vice;Presideri t of the Katicinal I-egislative Asscrnblÿ ;
I'iun Aseiisio, Chief {ifthe GuateinaIan Rcd Cross ; aiid Sefior
tVillcrnscn, a ilutch 11atiorial, rcsiileriiiGuateinala. l'htk: docu-
ments arc ~irhted iri .4nncx j, paras. 30-;{3, 34. 3Ioreot-er, fmm
the tiine of the outbreak of the \var iiiEurope in 1939 the tirm
of Xottebohn-i Herrnanos cond ucted no biisiness at al! wiih German
fit~nsnor did it in ariy ivay lend support to the Gcrnia~i war cffort.
Particular reference iç madc in this t:onnection to the certificates
Ïssucd by Mr. Artl!ur Neaie, formerly Civil Attaché of the British
Ltigation in GuateniaIa ; by Sefior Robcdo Fischer, the Swiss
Const~Iin Guatemala ; and by Sefior llaniel W. Orbaugh, an

ilmericari accountant arid aüditrir {Xnncx j, paras. 35, 33, 36).
9. On the 17th July 1441 the Goveri~inentrd tlie United States,
in piirsunnce ofa gencral yoiicy directed against coiriniercialinter-
coiirsc with Germany, placed the name of Air. Krrttcbohrn riiziIieir
"Klack List". This list$vas suI>sct~uciitlyadoyteii by the Goverri-City. Xi'ur-t:asonwere giveri to Mr. 3uttchohrn for ttiiçarrest and
tlep~rtaticin.No hearing ofarty kirid\vastreld.Hc rrw not yxirrnitted
to infonn his ciiauffcur tliai he\vas bciiil; deportcd.
13.Severnidaÿs tben ç!apw.ic: idefctr;\IrSot tehohm \vasactiially
clclx~ted. During those days ficttlasalluivcd sonic visitorsirrthe
prcsence ofofficiaisciftlicllrrit erates or Guatcrnda. l'he Slviss
Consul was urisucçessfuiin Iiiseffortsro assisthirri,Strbsequen tly
Fils-. ritteholiniua ttakcnto the purt of SariJosC, on the PxiTrc
coast, aiid was ttlerc rrnbarkcil fcirXcw Orleans. The jourt~cj-

tiiritl-iirtdqs and wa5 atttrnded inits firiastages Iiy conditions
of o~ercroivdi angd grerrt h;ir*clshi.rirhundrcd ;inri ty persons
wre corifitiedira single large room bclr~w deck. itt Ncsv Orleans
>Ir. Sottehohrri tjnce more saiva Swiss Gmsui fiatagain witliout
aiij'sati~fiicloi-resiits.Thereafter >Ir. Xot tel~hrirrr.asiriterncd
for about ;tyear nt Camp Ketinedy, ncar San iintoriio, Texas. Hc
w:is Iater transierreritu Camp I.incoin, nilar Biririarck,8 orth
IFakcrra H.c rcrnai~id there untilhis rcIease on the ~znrl Jsriiiary
tipon his rcIcase, Mr, Nottcbohm irnmediately rt7crito Ncw
Urlcaiis and applicd to the Consukateof Guatema1:i for readrnission
to Guatcrnata, but Iiiç cippiiciitiow;i5 rcfiised.fie rcnewed his
application dii-cctly by cablu to Guatemala. Mis requesr wars once
incirc rcjecied. The ground~ fcirthesc refusais werc ncwr statcd.

14. The çtimuiativc effect of thcse urijustifiablacts ftas &en 10
caiise substaiitialdetriment ti,the health of Mr. Koctebohm by
siibjecting hini io curiditionuof bardship arid jrnpoçin ipn him
considerabie rnenta1 paiit aiid çuffcring iniiie forrn, ptrticularly,
of fils ofdcprcssiort.The cffcct of rliccalculated campaigri of
c~Itiinny iriitiatedby the Govcrnnleiit of Guaternaia wha have
a%iscrft:dthal hr: isa C;c.rman riatkmal with Nazi syrripathiesarid
u)nnt.ctioricfias bcen to cause irrepataùle damtrgc to Xr. Nottc-
bohrrt's corrirncrciaand social reputatim ncitoriIy in Guatemala
hut c~$crrrher c.e mosc sukst;~ntialrcsiiltifrireanest and expuI-
sion of Mr. Ncittebohm rvns,ho~vcvcr. th;lr he$va'nt,fina position,
a€ thf: tiincivken his extensive busiries and property intetests
tvere siibjecied to n~easttres of expropriatioi~, to intervenc tn
protcct ;a~id siifcguard them. Moreover, tlic fact that .te isnow

rilrvngfuilydenicd readrniççio~i to Guatemala means tha t even if
tbe property wert. restored or itsfulI valu<:were psid to him, he
rvouldhe iinahle personaliy to takc:CD tnmercial advai~tagc of thern
or to enjoy rheir fniits irGnatemala.

rg. In the course of ncarly forty?cars' re~idence iriGuateniala.
Mr. Xotfebohrn acqriired there sutistaiitial interecits in various
kirids of propert?'. These iriterests [ofrvhichhlr. Noltcbohm hasreferenceç to ccrtain portions of his property in goverrimen ta1
decree 313 j, Blr. Ki'ottebohm does not, and in the circrrmstanccs
can hardly be cxpccted to, knuiv the exact dates on whicIi or the
lxecisst:means by which hi5 property waç taken frorri lii~ri.Hc is
not irithe possesçion eitker cifriotices of expropriation or ordcrs
of recluisiiitionor receipts or vouchersThe fact remains, howe\~er,

that on the date of hïs arrcst BIr. Nottebcihm wi the beneficial
oii7nerof tliepro~~ertydescribed iiidetaili~ithe list to be founti
in Annes 4, and that he is no longer regardcd by the ailthciritics
of Guatemala as the orvner of the:property nor is he ttie recipient
of the inçome of the prciperty.He has rcceived no corri~iensation
or payrnciit of sny kiridinrespcl of the transfertif that property
and no offer nf cr>mpensation bas bceri na deto him. The value
of the proprt-ly stated in the listis the estirnateci market valrie
of the properiy 011 the r7th Oecemher 1951, ixrhicIiis thdate of
the institution of procecdings inthis case.

18. On the 6th JuIy 1951 the Governmcrit of 1-iechtenstein
addressed to the Goverriment of GuateinaIa a note of protest
and a cIairn for the restitutioil of the property aiid for rIarnages
for tiie arrcst and expulsion of hlr. Kottebohm. (This corre-
sponderice has been printed ;fiannexes to the Applicationinstituting
proceedirigs in this case.) The mccipt of this nute was formaIIy
ack~iowledgedby the hlinister of ElctmaI Relations of the Kepublic
of Guaterriala on the 24th July 1951 . nthe :tbst.ricof any further
communication from thc Government of Guatemala, the Govern-
ment of Liechtenstein addrcswd to the C;ovcrnrriciltof Grratenlala
a fyrther note orithe 24th October 1951. Xo repIy to this further
mite was received hy the Government of Liechtenstein. By a.
letter dated thc 10th Decembctr 1951 addressed to the Kegistrar
of the Coiin, the Governrnent of Liechtenstein institnted the

prexnt proceedirigs qainst the Govcrnrnent of Guatemala.

19. In this case ihe Government of Liechtenstein present on
behalf of hfr. Friedrich Notfehohm, who is and \vas aial1materid
tirfies a riational of Lic'cIiteiisttwi, claims against the Govern-
ment of Guatemala : (1)The prii~cipal claim is for ttierestitutionof the propefiy of RIr. Friedrich aottebohrn \\,hich\vas v~ong-
iuIly scized by thc Goveriiinent of Guatsrn:il;~ between Tg42and
r946. The Goveriiment of Liechtenstein also daim ail account
ofthe profits of the usc of that property ancl ciamages for loss of
profits since the dates on which the property was seized. If resti-
trrtion is impossible or if the condition of the property h;is deterior-
ated substaritially, thc Govcrntnent of Licchtenstein daim damages
for the seizure and retention by the Government of Guatemala
of the propcrty of >Ir. Nottebohm. (2) Secondly, as the Covern-
ment of T,ieclite~i~teinmaintain that un various dates betxeen
1943 and 1952 the Goverriment of Guatemala wrongfuIIy arrested

MI- .ottebohin, dctained him, and in eifect arbitrarily expeIIed
him from Guatemala in clear violation of his rights urider inter-
national Iaw, the Goverrimcnt of Licchtcnsteiri clairn rianrages
for these wrongful acts.

go. Tt \vil1be convenient to indicate at this stage the gcneral
pririci~iletifiriterriationalaw on which the Government of Liech-
tenstein reIy in the prcçent case :

(1) Wliile in certiiincircumstünces States are not obligcd to recog-
nixe and to give effect to the nationality Iaws of foreign States,
the gerteral rule is that silcItn,ztioriality Iaws and the effects
of their operation inust be rrspected by iorireignStates.
(2) Iri. conseqiience, States are undcr an obligation to recogilize
the effrcts cif ilvalid decree of ri;ituralization granted by a
foreign State. A State commits an inkrnational wrong ifit
refuses to recvgniie .or to con tinuc to treat as ci~ierativsÙch
:tdecree of natnralization and if it declinto treat the individuai
concerned as a natiorid of the St:ite granting naturaIization.
The wrri~rgfuIriess cifsuch action isenhanced by the circum-
stance that the State has prcviously recogniged tlie natura-
lization obtainedin'a foreign Statc and that itenacts and applies
legidation wIiich in cfiect purports to deprive the individual

in question ofthe nationali ty thus acquiredby niituralization.
A furthcr aggravatirig circurnstance of suchaction msdts
from the fact that in conçequenccof thc Iegislation iriquestion
the individua1 concerned is irrvested with erierny nationality
antl exposcd to discrimination ancldisahilities afiecting enerny
(3) A neutraI national residcnt in time of war inbelligerent terri-
tories is cntjtlcd, siiI>ject .oriIy to the dernands rif rnilitary
~tecessity,tri ctintinuto residc inthat terrifor?. tu move about
freely, and to own and VSWSS prolierty in accordance with
the gencral law of the couiitry.

(4) Subject to exceptions resulting from (3) abovc, a neutraI
riatioriai residcnin hliigerent territory isent itied to thesarnrb trcatrncnt as riny friendly alieri in time of Face. hiiy seiziirc:
of his property vri grounds which in effect dixrimin:itt: agairist
hiin individually as an aiien is wroi~gful. artd hc brcomes
thereupoii criiitled to the ~iaynicnt of such clainages as would

place him, ço far as ispossible, iri the same position as if thta
propcrty had never been seized. Wiiile seizure of his property
ai part of ;i genera1 measure rrirecte rlainst al1 int~al~itarits
of the territory ii7ittrout discritniiiation is not necessarily
wrorigfui. it becomcs wrongful if the State hils to pay prumpt
adequate and effective compensation. AII ensctmerit wliich is
expresseci in gerieral terms maÿ !lever thcless be dixriminatory
if jtsohjecf oresecution :irei~i@ect discrimiriator>~.

(5) IJ~iIcss justificd by tthc rcqujrerncnts of immediate rnilitar~-
necessity, the mest, detentir>rl itnd expulsion of a rientra1
riationai is ivrongfuI. In any casc;a neutrrtl riational under
arrest or deterition is entitled io ati &ninistrativc or. judicial
1ie;irirtto rleterniincivhether the necessitv is such as tcijuçtify
tiie rneasutcs taken. Any failure .to afforcl such a hearing

constitutes in itseIf a &nia1of justice.
(6)fhcunjust ified or arbirraryexpulsion of aii alicriwho is perma-
ricritly resident in the country and has estabiished a business
thcre or h:is other\r-ise&en engagetl iri a Iaivful occu~iatioriis
coritrary to the inteynatitbnal ohLigaiions of a State and involves
thc du ty ofcoinpençation or rcadmjssjy hth.

(7) TI-ie rcfusal to r~dg-rnit an alicn ivho has heeri ~vrcirigfiilly
deporte(1 tirotlierwise cornpeI1ed tt)leavc- tliccourit ry is lanta-
rriount to expulsion andLinvolvesthe intcrnatjqna! responsibilit y
'of tlic State in allcases in which thc ülien in question has btte~i
perrnanently estahlished in the coirntry.

21. The aliovc Icgal suhmissio~rs, as tvcll as tiicir Irirircletailcil
eiaboration 'iri thc sccriorls which foiiow, are neccssariiy of :L
preliminary nature. 'I'hcGovcrnment of Guatemala, by persisteritly
refiising to exphiin its conduct and tn reply tri the reliri:sentaiiuris
of the Govcrnnicn t of Liediteristein niade in 1951 preIiminan;
to thc irrstitutioii ofproceerIings in this casc, ha.; made it dificuit
for the latter to ascertain on rshat legal grounds the Governn-ierit rd
Gii;itcmala purports to support its action. These grorinds can on15

Iic siirmised hy imp1ic:;ttionfroiii t ht action taken hy the Gcivcrn-
mcrit of Giiateil-iala.Kotvev~r, itis poççibk that thai C;civet.nrnent
ma!. rclx on otl-iergrounds. In that casc the Goverritrient of idtech-
tensteiri rcscrrc the right to answcr fherri fiilly inthe course of the
writtcn and 01-al proceediiigsl. This is also thc reason ivi-tiythe

1 For thc rcüsoristütetl.tlicCovcrnzrientof Lieclitt.1l~trcgret ihnt they
tbr! tlecrties nr orofetbecC;~vernmentloi(;iiaternalon whichpal1the wrnngfiil
acts dirertrdagainst 31r. h'rittel,i,hritritintid.municipal Iaw of that country "....there iç riot and caiinot bc
sucli an iridii~idiiaas a Geiman nativnaI according tci English
Iarv"'. With special regard to naturalization it {vas heId inthe
Ketheriattds in in re Veen A. that naturalizath ionEstonia must
be recogriized hy the Durch coirrts (A~nisnI Digest oJ I'zilrbtic
Inienr<iliownt i-a7vluuses, 193.5-19 C-3se,30.126). In the cse
of Marie
finnty ~ntl Others v. Adiie Ïnarriy and Oflaers (&id.,
Case No. 1231, the Coiirl of Apyeal of Egypt heId that an Italian
dccrec conferririg rialiciiiaiirryioIa lxrson whci rniglit cithenvise
have been an Egyptian or ;iSyriail riation;was effective and must
be recognizcd iiiEgypt. Thc position ivith rcgard to deriatiira-
Iization is sqbjectto the exceptionsreferred to bciow (sec para. 271,
essentiall!; thesame. Thrts in U.S. cx rd. Stei?zzorî~~. JITa!Kz.Izs
((1947). 159 F. 2' ; An'z2ud &Digest O/ Pilhlic I.ittevrtntionnl
Law Casfls, 1947, Case No. 411, thc Unircd Statcs Circuit Court
ni Appeals stated :

"sincc iit liaken clcarly sliown tItatthe dcnationalizatiori
was a governmerital act perfomed within tlie territo~of Costa
Rica,we cannot sit UIjt~dgrnent upon its validity,hiit we must
accept itas a Iawiul caticellatioof ilieappeiIant's Costa-Ricari
citi7~11sb hicatisednne by a foreigri soi-ercignwithin itsown

26. Iil Aflosiilidist7. Tflrkis Governrime~i(A urtisLiDigest oJ
Ppdbiic fulerrtalional LnlfiCases, 1927-1928 Casc ?t'o.2071, the
Franco-Turkish Aked Arbitral Sriburial hcld that the effects

of natrir:iliisaiion grantedby one State ough t ta bc recognized
not only by the suthorities of that Stritcbut also bu tlie judicial
aiirl adiriiiiistra trrhoritiex of ali other States. Similarly, in
the case of "Geneunla" elal. v. Slaritbt'(AiznitalDigest 01 L'aMic
Inbevmtiorrat I,nw Cases, 1925-1926 Casc Ku. 304). the Rounianiari-
Hungari;iri Mived Arbitral Triburial IieId thatircould not attributc
Hungarian nationality ici apersun rrlliowaç va.rilidr.Icascd frorii
that nationality tiyan act of the Hiingarian Statt:.

27. The Gorernmerit of Liechtenste din iiot conte~iil tliat
tlicrc lirits tothe obligation to recognize foreigri legislation
iii the matter ofnationaIity and foreigt naturûtization ordcnation-
alizatioiidecrces. Thc replies of States to the qiicstionnaires
of the Sul>-Cornmi ttee of the Cornmittee of Experts co~itained in
the Bases 01 Discussion set out above at paragraph 24 and the
jurisprudence of inuilicipal tritiunalpoint clearly tcisome such
limitations.Thus the replp ofGcrmany suggcsted that :

lSec olsoto the samccff~t,Inre CliairibcrlaSe:flemcn[rgz~]2Ch. 533. "'I'lic ayplicatioriof this pririciyle,Iiuivcver, shorild not go
heyond the limits at wiiiclittieJegislationof the States encroaches
on tlicsovcreigrity ofanothei-. Iior example, a cjtrttehas no prvcr,
bq' means of a law or aclrni~iiatratii-ect, to confer its nationality
on al1tl~ inhabitants of another State or on all foreigrierscriteriiig
its tcrritury. Further, if the Statc confcrs its nationality on the
sulijccts of othci Sf afPS withoiil tlicir rcqucst,when rhe persons
in question arc iiul attuclicd to it by arly particular bond. :fi,

ior iristaricc,cirigin, domirileor birtli. the States concemerl \vil1
not be bountl tn recognioe sucli naturalization" {at p. 13).
$imilarly, the UariisIir-cl~ly stales :

"Agairi, there is tiic naturalizatiori, everinflcr ilie applicatinii
Iias becii 11iad.chj~ the persans coiicerr~ed,of foreign subject s
dweliing in their own country. Uouhtless tiii~ carinot t.nke place
withriiit ihe consent of the government of the O~I~C coTu~itry and,
failingsiicIi corisent, the Iattcotildrioibc reqliiredto acknoivledge
it" (at p.15).

Other-and similar qu;ilific;itions of the gcirienI riilc iwre
promiilgated in the re~ilicsc)i Gr~at Britain (at p. 171o ,fthe Kether-
lands (at p. 181, and it was stated on heh:ilfof the United States
(at 1). 16):

" 'IYhjle... the Goveiilniei~t of tfie United States lias always
1-ecnf;ni;?ethe iaçt that the acqitisitiotor losv ol tiic riatiuriality
of a particular Sixte are ~nattcrs wliicli prtain prÏrnariIy to
dorriestic poIicy and are therefore deterrnined by the doniestic
law oi that State, itdoes rior admit that a State 1s subject to no
limitarions in conferriiig its natioiiality on indivitluds. 1 t ha5
proceeded upn the tIieory, whicli is believed to be soiitid, that
there are certain grou~ickggcricrallyracognized bu civilid States
irpon wliich a 3t;~te rndy propcriy clothe intlividuds witki its
~iatiorialiiai or nfter birtfi, but lhat no State ic:free to extend
the appl~cation of its laws of nationality in such way as to rcacfi
oiitand daim the dlegiance of wliomsoever it pleases.'îhc scmpe
{if rriiiriicipai lxw, goi-erniiig riatioriaIiiriust be rqarded as
limited bs consideratiori ofthe rÎghts niirl obligationsof indiriduais
and other States."

To rcfcr to some es;irril>leof FIriglish practice, iri tirnc of %var,
English courts will not recogiiize the right ni a British subjcct tu
becorne riatur;~lized in an enerny country, and such naturdizaticiri
{vil1not be trcated as valid for Iiurposcs of I'hglish law. R. v.
Ly-lrch, ;rgo3] 1 1K.E.4%. Sirniki r liglish ctiiiriwiII riot give
efhct diiriiig \var to clcriaticirializationdecrees of the enemv Strite

for the rrason that to do f;oivoiild be to make it possible for the
encn-iyState to relievc pcrsorisivho were its n;itionaIç at thcoutbreak
of Isar from disabilities and restrictioris irnposed itpon enerny alicns
by Ei-igIiçh law l. See also McNair, Legai EBecis oj War (3rd ed.,

Çce The Xixf v. Tkç IIUHZFSccvcbnuy,Ex )raufL. u~zd .Jxoiher:lg4,j]
1 7î.u.7.2211d JuIÿ T~T 3 (Flournoy arid Hrrdson, Collection of Nationality
Lms, Kew York, rgzg, p. 306) provides that :

"A Geman who has neither his residence nor permanent ahodc
in Germany loses hisc:itiwnsiiion acquiririg foreign citizeiisliiy,
provided tlic loreign citizensh isacquired as a.reçult of his own
application therefor or the application of the hushand or Iegal
rcprecent-ativ; .,.. Citknship is rioi lost tiy one who beforc
ccirisenofthe comptentzenshatttliorities nf his hom%terl to retainen
his citizenshi...."

This article was the relevant provisiciii of I;crrriaLaw iil force
on the 13th Oct<iber 1939.

The e#mt O/ the exfjress recog~titioo~t &liePr~rl01 IJIhGovei.itine~d
»j Cztatemaln oi the T,ieritlens~cinqzafiu?actlioj MY. Nofiebohw
30. As shown in ~i;ir:igr;ip4 ;ibovc, tlie Liechtenstei~i natiuii-

ality of Mr. Nottebohin was crprcssly recognizcd l>ythe :luthor-
iiies of Guatcniala by the entry of Mr. Nottebohrn's namc in the
Register of fo-ign n;ition;~lityas a cilizm of 1,icchtenstcin. It
ruight appear that if, ;fisulirnitted in the preceding section, thc
Goverriment of Guatcrnala iverc:iririny case uilder an international
ciiity to rccognizc the Liechtenstein nationality of Mr. Kat ctir>lirri,
then the exprcss recognition of his Liechteristeiri nat ionalitywas
mcrcly declaratory artd corroborativc of an iriicmational duty,
and ttiat therefore no ~inrtictrIar iri~portancenccd be attached to
it. However, the fiict of thc cx~iresç recognition oii the part of
Gtratemala of the Liechtenstein riatiori;ilityis not altogcthcr

irrcIcvant. This is ço for the folloivittg thrcc reasons :
(a) In the first instarice. irriay bc propcdy considered that by
expressIy recognizing thr: ticr,hteric;teiri riationatity of hNotte-
hohm tlic Govenimcnt of GuatcrnaIa waived any right wliicli
thcoretically they might otherwise Iia\.e liatlto qucstioil thc
validity of the new natiorinli ty acy uired by >Ir. Kottehohni. LVith
this aslwct <ifthe situation tlwittreis connectcd thc secuncl rean
which 1nake5 the exlircss recogiiition of thc Liechtenstein nation-
:~lity of hfr. Iicittitliohm 1cgaIly relevant.
(bj That reasori is grouncied in what rriay lie described as the
intcmatiorial doctrine of estoppel. In registcring Mr. Xcittebohm's
ctiangc ol riatioriaIity011thc 31 stJnnuary 1940, withtiut commerit

or protcst, the Govarnrncnf of Guatemala led Mr. X<>ttelirilirtci
hlicve that they accepied .and recognized the effectiveness of the
decree of n:ituraIizr~ticirirnriietl t,grthc Goveriimcnt of Liechten-
stein. In reliarice iipon thisrcgistration, >Ir. Notteb(i1im ccintinir1t
io residc in I;uatcrnala, to rctain property and io devclnp his
business there and to hold hiniselfoii1 as a 1,iechtenstciii national.
Thci-cafter, the Goveriirrierit of Gttatemala, irrespective of ivhat
the posilio~i rriigtit hc undcr its uwn rnunicipaI law,ivtireprecIucfed
from denying as against the Government of l..iecIiieristr.tIi:itMr. Nottebvhm was a Liechte~isteiri riatiorialJt ni:ty4'bnoted in
this coririeci tiotnthe doctrine ofestoppel, rvIiichissimilar bo th
i11iriter~iationaland municipal Iaw, is nof, xiotwithstanding its
apparcnt technical connot:ition, a formal and ariificiardc of Iaw.
1t is essentinliy groi~nded in consider;itions of good faith and
honest concluct itithc rciatirinsof States and intlividuais alikc.
If one partyhas by any cIear and uneguis.oca1 act or assertior1
led thc other yarty to believe that that act isvalirlor that assertion

truc arid in reliance upon that act or assertion the secorid part!?
has acted or refrair~ed froni acting ina manner which rtisults in
detriment ta that Party, the first Iiarty is theredter precliideri
frorn denyirig as against the second part? tht: validitgof ~hat act
or the trnth of that assertiori.
Thc doctrine of estoppel has bceri frer~ncrit1~c~onsidered by
internatioiial tribiinals. 1n cach case the decision of the tril>trrinl
h;s turned ~iot upoil tlic csisterice of tkc doctrine but upon the
facts (ifthe partrcuIar situation. Shus in the case of the Serbic~rt
Loaxs, the l'emanent Court of Iritcrnational Just icr: cxamined
the coriduct of the holders of the Serbian bearer bonds to determirie
whether they had altcred or irnpaired their original right to pay-
ment ingoId francs (Series A, Kcis.20-21, at pp.38-39). Agairi iii
the EusSerrnGremlaad case, the Permanent Court of International

Justice examined the conduct of Denmark, pariicuiarly betweeri
19x5 aiid 1921, in order to deterniine 1%-hethcrshc had precludccl
herself from aserting sovereignt y over Eastern Greenbnd Series
AJR, Xo. 53, at pp. 61-62} I.1each of those cases the Permanent
Caürt held that the conduct of the party concerncd did not iri
fact prevent it from rnaking the daim in issue.
There are decisimis of eadier arbitrai trÎbunals where, on tke
facts, the tribuna1 fourid that a party \sas estoppd or precluded
from rnaking a clairnor relging uporl a particiilarstate of afiiirs.
In the I'iozrs I'rsitd casethe Uriitcd States maintaincd that, qiiite
apart from the plea of res jitdicafn, 3Icxico \vas cstopped hy its
conduct frorri qucslioriing the jurisdiction of a previous joint
r:ommic;çirm. The Permanent Colirt of Arbitration accepted this
contention (Scott, I'lieHague Cottrl Ke$orts, (I~EGp ).3). Yirnilar

firidiiigs wcre reached in the TJcnezrielanI'rejerefifialClnini case
(iba'd.,p. 56) and inthe Rtcssian Indemnily case (ibid .1,298).
In the ShttfeldL Cluirn (Urrited .$tiresO/ .4mericta v. Gzsa!8~ttcib,
reprirted i~r zq Atii~ra'can journal oj Internalioied T-aw (1930)~
799, at p. 813j, the tribunal held that :
"TlicSGuatema1a Gnveriiiric~tIiavirig rccogniwd tlie Iiahility of
the contract for six pears and received al1 the henefrts to which
the- were entitIed urider the cantract and allowed ShuIddi 10
go w spending muney on the concession,isprccludcdfrom denying
its vdidity,even ifthe approiralof ilic Legislaturt: haiiotbeen
gxen to it." (cl Thirdly, the fact of the ~ircvious express recognition of the
1,iechtcnstcin natioriality nf M r. Nottebohm by the authorities
of Guateniala brirlgs prornincntly irito relief the ivrongfuliicss and
ofiensiveness, ccmtrarv aiike to iriicrriatin cu soim alid comity,
of the arbitriry and unilateral cancellatiori of 1,r. Kclttebohm's

LiccIitensteirt riationality by LuatcmaIa. It rnay hioi lieeasy to
find in the histciry of jnterriationaI interconrsc a pi-ccetierit for
:i State attcmpti~ig to divcst nn alien reçident withiii itj tcrritory
of his nat ionalit~:,'tvhichthatSlaif:itself liaspreviousiy recogiiized,
and to rti-iml,;iseupon him a nationality xvl~i( lt:hforrncrly

3r. In this conncction tlic Griverrirriet of 1,iechtei-istcin 1%-ish
toLpoint out ttiat it iç riot open to thc I;outtrrirrieiof Guatemala
to :FSSPT~thai thcir various nirasures, far lnirri r:cirislitütinan
attcinpt to ileprire&Ir. Xritteliohm of his Licchteiistcin n;itio~i:ili~y,
merel- amouiltcri totreatirlg him as ij /lewere a Gerrnan national.
WbiIe the wording of:Irticlc j of decrcc: 630 may possibly Iei~d
rtself tu some such intcrprctatir>~i,it cannot be derii~d that in
gerittr;iilicr~iactments and rncasurcs of th? Govcrrinrcn tof Guate-
mala esprcççly refused tcirticognizc the legnl conscquences of ilie
:icyuisition of Li~cliteristeirr nationaiit y ilj~ >Ir. 'iiottehohrn in


p. Thc Ciovernnient of 1,ieclitcnstciil subrriir that it is clearly that rirttie 13thOctober yjg, aftcr application \vas
made in due ancl proper form and cnrefulIy considercd by: the

~.cIevantauthoritics, RIr. Notteliiilirrt,iric:onfonnity with the law
of I.iechtenstt!i~iand coilti-ary tritprovision nf the laiv(ifGerrnany,
actluired rhe nation:tlit y of 1.iechtcnstein; tliat,at tlicsime tirrir:,
in accordance with rhc relevant provisions of German law,
Xr. h3ottetmh~r1 ceajed to be a C~erriiannatiun:~land tI~;itin conse-
quc~~cc thc Goverriment of Guatcrriala !vert:bniind io consider ;iritl
treat Mr. Xottebohm as the subject of a Iricriùly State at peacc
with Guatem:~Ia. Ili so far as the coritliicofthe Government of Gua-
temala is based upon a refusal to rccognize the kgal consequerices
of thcsc cveilts, it is curitrary to iiiternaiic~ial law aiid irivolves
the jnternational resporisiliilityof Giratemala. r'is the rcsiili of
the coilduct of Gnatcrnala iii registering and rccogiiizing the
Liec hteristein citizcilship of >Ir. Nottehohin, the Government of
Guatemala ivas and is prec1rrdcd froin deliyiiig that 31r. Xotte-
bohrn rrrasarld IS a citiztircifLicchtenstei~i. Ir1thc circttnistariccs
tlic express ca1ice1l;tticirrif the Liechtenstein natin~idity of
MT. Xottebohm constitiitcd an aggra~ation of the international
dcliriqiiency resuIting from the rttliisal tn recognim Mr. Xotte- .
bohrn as a nationa of Liechtcnsteiri.l'lie tred~ent of illr. itTollebohnt64'iheGoziernmerii oi C;rtate~rala
and Ike obJigdio~~s oj a belligerenî~oilh regard to the treatnzenf of
Éhe persos und #ru$crty ~j .~za.ts'oncif lanetttrnl Sfulc

33. Thc Government of 1,iechtenstein havc subrnitt~d iri t1tc
preceding section that silice 13th Octoher 1939Xr. 'i'ottebohrn
was a I-iechtc~istci11riaiional ; that the Governrnent of Guatemala
wcre boii~itl to recognize and treat hirn as sacli ; tIiatin fact the\-
did, rip to the date of thc pnrported cancelbtion of his Liechten-
stein riationality, recognize him as such ; and that ariy refi~sal
tn recognuc a~iti tr~at him as szidi ctirrstitnted a violation of
intt:rriatio~ial iaiior1 the pirt of the Governrnerit of GüatémaIa.
In view iii this, anymeaslires taken by the Gciver~irnerit ofGuate-

mala- against the person arid liriiperty of Mr. Kottchohm must
be coiisidcred to havr hccn takcn against ttic propcrty rii :iraIien
wlio was-and is a riatioilal of a State iatpeace with Grratemala.
In ço Far as Gualcrnala was at the materia1 time :i bclligcrcnt,
thesc rrieasiires inust be co~tsidcred as haviiig Iiecn taken against
:F IiationaI of a neutrd State. :r\ccordinglyi,it is proposed iri tli:
preçeilt section tu consider, by rcference to the actiori iakeri liy
tkc Governrnerit of Gii;~tcrnaia, the releva~it priiiciplesgovcrning
the treatrnent of aliciis, and in particular the trentment in tirni:
of war of aIiens who are riaticiriaisof a ncutral Stattt.

Genwtil wimiples oj theI~etilme-idoj flg jbeys07t Oa netilucdaationai

34. It is a genemIly recog~iizerlruIe thrtt the slatus of natiunals
of a neutral ctiirritry residing iri the coiiritrÿof a belligerer~tis not
affectecl by the outbreak ri£ $var. Thcp continiit: tci tieentitled.
aibject to the esigcncies cifwar, to the same treatmeiit to whicli
gencrally aliens are entitIed in the territory of a foreign State. lf
the exigencizs of war so rcquire they rriavbe called upori 10 parti-
cipate irisrime forrriof n;rticinalservice : they may be :issigilediri

cases of grave suspicion siilstaritiatcd by proper eric~uiry,or in case
t~f niiltarv eIuergency, i o sorrie spcial place of resirlcncc ; they
iriust subrriit,s~hject t~i coinpensation, to rricasur-cs of requisi tion
of their properiy. 1-Ioi~tvcr,apart frorn tlicse circumstaiices, the
dutieç \srhich iiltcrriatioiia1 law imposes upon States uitli regard tri
the treatrneri t of aliens- irip:trticuIar with regirci to Imper safe-
grr:irds in the matter of arresi-,cletentioiiand expiilsion-rernaiti
the sarrie in tinie of peace aiid war. 35; WhiIc it is unnccesüry to eIaborate the zihtivt:~iropositiuii
by citation from ;iiittitirities, rcfereimaye be usefully made to
soirie relevaritarbitra1 decisions.

In the Clsevrmw CJaam (Fyance v. ï'h U~ited Kingdoîx (1931),
Rc$oris of i&r~ational -4rl~ilr~ilil zcards, VoTT, p. TI13). xvhicti
arase out of the arrest and subsequent eqiulsiori of a French
national liy British Irircesduring the conduct ofmilitary operritioris
in Persia, M. Bcichmann , the soIe ;irhitrator, sumrnari7,ed the
relevant principlcs in this form :

"(1) 'Thearbitrar~ arrest,detentiorior deprtation of a foreigricr
ritay giverise to a claim in international law. But tiic claim will
noi lie if thcse rneasures wcrc takcri in good faith and upon
reasonablc suspicioriparticularly ina 7,nc of militarpoperitioris.
(2) In cases of arrcst, suspicionsmiist be vcrificd Liya serioils
in uiry in w11icLtilic arrestedppwmn isgiwn an opporturiity to
de4end hilnçelf ngnitistthe siispicions directetiügai~ist him, arid
in particular to conimunicate with ilie consiil of his country if
he so rcquests. If there isiia inqiriry,or ifit is unduly delayed,
or, in genernl, ifthe deieiitioriis unnecesarily proloiigd, there
isgrouncl lor a clairn.
(3) The detaÏilerl persoii niiisr lx: treateiririrrlarlrlcr fitting
tiis stationand conforrrlirigto the staiidards Iiabitually practiwd
wi11Iic."iviIi7xdnations. If th& nilc is not ohserved, a claim

111the caw of Arlichs 1..Grmnwy, the Gcrmaiz-Grcek Mixecl
Arbitra1 Tribunal applicd tlie principle tfiat. whilc the arrcst of a
neutral by the aiithorities of a belligcrcnt is ntit in ilsel ifleg:tl,
judicial inyrriry to determirie the juçtifiriitiori of thc arrest is
required. If tlirreisrioiriquiry and if the siispccted person has Iiccri

wrongfully arrested, Ite is erttitled to conipcnsatio fordarnagc
srrefred iri corwequcrice of the mrongfiil detention (A~tfrztalDipst
oj Pztbtic I~~.i.ter?zntam f.c~ru Cnses, 1929-193 0a,se No.299).
The same triburial hcld irrPdios Y. Germmiy (ihid., p. 509, n.11,
a case iriwhich the Greck proprietor of a restaurant in üilcarest
had bceridetained for three rnon ths, that "the arrest and deteritioil
r>fa neutrd forrignrr, if not follnwcd bu a judgnient involvirig
cnriviction or the pqrnent nf conip~nsatiori, constituted an act
contrary to iiiterilationxI k~w...".

Moore, in his Digest oojTnterrtdio~hnLLuw, Volunle VT, page 888,
in rcfcrring to adaim b!, riU~tited States citizen fnrwrorigl~iIarrest
during the Franco-Gerrnan tVar of 1870, oi>sw\-es that :
d'IIie mere temyiorary ari-cstand detention of a citizen of tiic
Criited StatesiiiFr,mce ai the iirrtof the si~fgeof Paris, dririi-rg
the Prarico-Gcrnia~i War of 1871, does not, by rtwIf, gil-e gmund
for a clairn ;tgai~ist tIic French Governmerit ,rinJessitcm be skuwra
thrat fkd arvesulnsi::ilhouexctae or $robable cause." 36. Jt appars from the facts set out iriparagraph rl of l'art I
ofkthi Bslernorialt'nat the existeclrio such prriximatc danger as
\sould constitrrte a prtibaMe cause or excuse for the arbitrmy arrest
and detetitioiiof >Ir.Nottebohm. nlr. Xottebohm ims not 3 spu ;
nor corrid hc bt:reasoriablysrispected (ifspyjng. 'Cheactive conduct
of takirigp1;iceji;Ldistant theatïe of war farrcmorrcid
fro~nEhe territory of C;uateniala.No attcrnpt ivasmade lo comply
ivith thc réquireineiltof propcr judicinl enquiry.

37. Having regard to the aliovc circumsranccs. it is clcar that
~here rtirlnot cxist iri the prcsent case any specinl frtctors which
could h ,adduceci x,:ajiisrihcation fora deparlurc from thc ordinary
nrks of iilrernatioila it.tleirn-attcrof the arrest and detentiorr
{if iiliens.I'iit-se priiiciples are çirnpIc aiidon the \vbolc, non-
contru~ersial .

The iirrest and detention of an alieri rilajf inr4ciIr-etinterna-
rional res~ionsibi olfihey Statc 011 t1-o grourids :cithcr hecziiise
the arrest is itself initri~litbreacliof irternational lac or t~cnuse
the arrest, though iint irscif un\an7ftri, s~~rried out in sudi s
Iixinner as subscqr~ently to give risc to interna itnal liabilit. Tri
:irrrsting and detaining ?;Ir. Iil'ottetohm, the Governinent of
Guatemala rendered itse ifblc nrrioth grounds.

38. \t'bile the Gox.ernment of Licchtenstciri do riot knoiv rhe
prèciçe grounds for the arrest ancl detention of >Ir. Nottebohrn,
they apptchend that one possible ground may be thc tcrrns of
.Articlcr:{ofGovcrnrncntaldccrec 2655 of rhe ~3rdDecembcr
(:lti~ie9). This artide provides that
"'llicGoi-erri~nent s)inIllx nbte to order fliciiire:nmerit of
nationals ofthe countricj witli whicii tiich'cpiiblic.rsat war,
whener-crtiieir attiiudsiiggeststhat they areciigagir~g~iilictiritics
wI,.liahre subversive or darigeroiisto tIic~ecürity oi the nation
and of ils instituions. Katire or tiatirriiIizcGuateriialans who
are ioiind inthc sanit:SUS~)~C~OUScirc~~nstatlc~\%il1he submit cd
to a judiciai cnquiry bcfure tticcornpetent :iiitharitics.*'

If >Ir, Sot tclxihm was arrestcd hecaus Lhr: Governn~entof
Gtratcmala c3iuse to tréathini as an eneniy natioiial, when in tmth
he was the citizen of a neutral Stat-e,then that arrcst and iuiÿ
sul>sequent detent ion ~.erc ipso /tic! matter in how
hummc a fashion that arrest may have tieerimrried out.

29. AtIniittedly :i Stalc rnay anest an aiieiifor breacli of the
local law or on reasonable suspicion that he is ih~t to commit
or bascornmitteda hrerich of the lais. Nosuch :ille~ation. hciwec-er,
iv;ts made against:MT. Nottebohin in thjs case. Indeed, it isone of
the wiliplaints oi the Governrncnt of Liechtcmtcin that no ailga-
tions at al1werc mnde agai~rçiMr. Xot tehohin and thrit, apart froni
the pms"ibilityrcferred to irr thc previous paragraph, rhe goir~ids
for his arrcst are unk~io\t.n.To the cxtent that those gmunds rnay qr. Secondly it ispertinent to riote in this corinection that the
conduct of the a~~tiinritiesof Ciiatemala in tkiç matter seems to
have bcen Uiconsisfent with thc clear provisionsof the Constitution
of Guatemala. Kefci-en= to the Constitution of Guatemala of the
11th Decerrtbcr 1879, as re\rj.wd on the 20th necernher 1927, shows
that arbitrary arresf, detcrltivn i~zcontu7ticad0 ,nd detention
for more than 48 holirs withoüt lrial werc contrary to the consti-
tutionai provisions of Guatemala in operation in 1943. These
provisions remainsubstantially unchanged in the Constitution of

Hespoitsibility of th6 Stafe for rhe expiilsion of ~tierzs

42. Lt appears ckarly front the staternent of facts in Part I of
this Hemorial tsee paras. 12 and 13) that the action oi~he Govem-
mcnt of Guaternaia amounts tuan uiijustifiedexpulsion of >Ir.Natte-
bohni in a manlter involving the interriatiorial resjionsibiIyt
r.iGuatcrnalx. The Croirernment of I..iechtsnstein rescrve the ri~lit
to submit that such expiilsion took place by thc very fact of ihe
unlawful deprirtation of &Ir. Nottebohm for interriment in the
United States. In any case it is clear, iri the silhrnissir)~t of the

Govcrrlment ofLicditenstein , that the refusal of the C;ovcrnrnent
of Guatcrnala tri rc;iJrnit &fr. Nottebohrn, stihscqucnt tri the
teriiii~mtion of his unia\vful internmcnt and at a tirnc when :il1
hosliiities hadccased,was tan tarnr>unttu cxptilsionin peace tirne :
airrl that siiclirefiisal was u~i\varmritctl and arliitrarg-; that it
amoun ted to espulçian which isurilawfirl inthe contemplatiori of
international law ; and that it engages thc iiltcrnational respons-
ikility of Guatern;iIa.
43. 'knile inprinciple a State is cntitled to exlie1 alie~is friim

its tcrritury, thisright is subject to the quaIific;ition, cornmon to
thc:exercise uofany right in interriatiorial law and especially mrrrpcl-
iing inttiis insiance, that jt may notbe exercised trnjustifiably,
arbitrarily, or in sirch a wajr as to ciinslitute an abuse of rigIits.
IrtteniationaI yractice and arbitra ilecisions have acce~ited the
ruIe that, it-ith rcgard io aliens ivho havc been Iong residcrrt in
the çouritry and who have cçtablislied theniselves in brrsiness
gencrdly anil iria laivful professiori or occuliatiort, therisa duty
upon the cxpellin,o State to adducc 5atisfat:tory rcasons for the
mtiasirre of expulsion. 1t is inyarticular with rcgard to such ttlierrs
that thc consecluences of harsh and trnjustifiable expulsiun have
ken give1.npurigent expression hy the Siipreme Court of the
Gnited States wheri itstatcd that deportation mas restiltin the
Ioss "of ailthat iirakcrlife u*cirthliving" (Ng. &-fangHo v. White.
259 U.S. 276, 284).excessive hardshi (q, Hrifisl~ ard. d.weig+z Stntc Pa+ers, p. rog ;
Hiidsoii, Cases on irifcrnali~nul IAV, (2ndcd. r9361, p. ~056).
Refcrcnce ma!;also be iiiade in this coririection to thc a\r.;ird iri
the Chmreatt case, çited ahove, paragraph 35.

In :IIIirrtprcssi\:t: opinion ithe DnirietDitlon case, Commissiorier
Nielsen said :
".... it would seerii thar in a case iiiivolvirig a coiiipbint of
arbitrary aiid harsh treatrne~it il?coriricction with espirIsioii. tlie
fact thal the rncasure of expulsion is invokeùhy a go:orernrneiit
is sonlethiiig of whidi account may be taken in appraisirig the
nature of thc hardi treatment. 'l'herenia?be no rtlle ofinter-
natiniiiil la\v or practiccwith regard to pmcise, proper metI~ods
of expelling ari alier~,such ai those char have hecn suggested by
isrite ...sRut when resort ishad to a use of uriricccssarrfyorce
or other iriipraper trcatt~ie tetre may be groiind for a charge
such as is made iirtlte instant case, account hing takeii of tlic
riiarinerin wIiich espiilsion ~night Iiavi:bcen effcctcd" [United
States-31cxico CIair~rsCon$-ent iori, #pitaions of Coinntissioticrs,
1929, p- 61, rtt 1qi.63-64}.

46. 'I'hegerieral prirtciplcthat a Statc may ntit esercise its right
of cspr~lsiori iii :iIriiIincr cither uilrt-ason:iliIe or arbitrar h x
received repeated affirrriatiriiri the protcsts of Skatcs against
the espulsiori of their nationais frurri foreigi States. Tt is ari
iinprk~nt feature of thcse inciderits that the right of the honie
State to demand an espIanation atid the dtrtl; of the cspcILing
Stxtt: botii to give satisfactory reasons and to carry out the es piil-
sion in accordancc isiih international staridards lias t.arely been

.The Government of ttie Ijnited States has been forerrtost in
asscrtirigthe rights of the expelted iridividual. 'fi~894 Sir.Gresliarri,
the Secretarÿ of State, instructed &Ir. Srnythe, the Americzn
Ministcr iciHaïti. that

"The just rute ivould sccn-ito Liethat iio iiatioii carsingle out
for expulsiori irorn itcterritory aii iridividualcitizcri on frietidl!!
iiation ~-itIioutspxial aiid siiificiengrounds thcrefor. And eveii
when sucii gi-ounds esist tlir cxpiilsiori should he effcctc ditli
as littleii~jiirytiithe iridividualarid liis property intercçts as
rriay bc corripitble with the =fety =rd intercst of the country
wtiicii expcls hi~n" {United Slares, Fmeigiz Rckctio~rh, rSg5, Ii,
Sor, 802, as qilrited irtHyde, iwtcrncitinrial iiüi chieflas inter-
$rd& arad-upplial by thc Ulti6ed Stules (2nd rer7. ed.), Vol. 1,
p. 230, 11"3).
Similarly in 1Yg6 Secret;ir*- Olntty iilformed &Ir. Irou~ig, the
Uriitcd States 3linister to Guatemala, that

"the iiiodern theory and pracriceof Christian nations ir.belicved
ta be founded on the pnncipk tiiat ~Iic eripirlsiuriof a foreigner
is justifiableonly wiien his presence is deLrimenta1 to the welfare of the State, aiid that \iolit:es~iiilsion is resortedin as ariextreme
police nieasurt: it is to l~e scc~~npIisliedwith duc regird to the
convenienc aiicltlieper-soiialand property iriicreçtofthe pcrsori
expelleci" (Moore, Iligeslof Ititersaftonaltuw, Vol. IV, pp. 102, 103).

47. Tlic attitiirleof Brazil is illustratcd by a rcfereilcein Accioly'5
TruatLde Uroii infer?iatimrai,volume 1 (rgqri), page 597. io ihe
corresporidcncc bctrvecn thc Hrrizilianarid Erii te<I States C;ovcrri-
ments on the occnsitiri of the passage in rgg of a law in Brazil

relatir~g to t:spulaion of aliens. The Brui1ian nlinister for Exterrial
Afkairs, \r,hiIe:usertitig- thc riglit cifBrazil to expel aliens, limited
that right to the expulsion of "&tratigers nuisibles A l'ordre ~iuiilic
ou aux bonnes interrrs". He added that the rieis lau. surroundcd
the exercise of this riclt ivittisirhçtatitial safeguards for the prisitio~i
of foreigncrs.
Many States rnakc special pnwisiun iri their cnnstitutiannl

lnw safeguardir~g itliens agairist arbitrr~ryexpulsiiiri :ind therel-iy
affording in-iplicit reçogniticin of the dtity of States not to act in
ari urijrrstifi:ihlerriaririer'The Havaria Corivention on ~he statu5
of aliens, coriclirded at 'the Sixth Interncitional Corifererice of
Amcrican Staics itnd to which Guatemala w;ts a party, provides
i~i Article 6 thnt : "For rc&?oris of public t)rrIeror safetv, St.:ites

Inay cxpcI forcigners doinici Ied, rcsident or rnereiy iri transit
ihrongh their terri tciry."

4s. There is l>ractica< l:t).~iletcurtariimity arnong ivriters oii
the gencral pririciplc~ rclatirig tu cxptrIsion and on the circumst.dllCCS
arid inanner iiirshich il may jiistifiahly be ernployed.
Hyde. ïvith particuliir 1-cfcrcriceto the practice of the Vnited
States, s;ir;s:

"Eiipulsion in:iy svor of nri abuse OC pwer if tIic decisi011
to expl be iiotftiuiided oiiü bvrta fide beliefas to tliç evileîfcct
iipn tlic State of the coritiriuedpresence of tItcindividual ivirhiti
its dorriair.i... 'Rius :trbitrarxcction, eittierin the. choie of the
indivirlu:ilespcIit.rl,oriiitht: rrietliod of expulsioiiwould indicare
an abilce of powei- ali~I pint to internation:illy iI1egal üctiori"
(Hyde, op. cil.,pl, .30-231).

O....'l'lire~sori;i cbercisr:of ttie privilege of expiilsiuiwoulr!
appeiir to deinand snme respect for the curiscqucriccs oi the cori-
nectiori bciwceii thc alicri rinndhis liabitai. 'I'Itusthe p~uçedurc
that migtit not be iiicquitably applicd to a transient visitnr, ni:iy,
on the othei Iiarid, ivcirkgrave Iiartlsliitu one wlio, thrmgh ii
proti-acted icsidence i\-itliitithe territory ui tlie espelliiig State,
has dug fiis roots cieep irito its cornnicrc ialecorioniic lifeas ;i
participaiit tlicrei~i" (O$. cil.,13.233).

Professor Siberht iiihis 7'rlaiiéde Droit i+iferitatio,inl erblic,
voInnic 1, pagc .XII, 11.6. statcs ; "Lorri~rie ori le sait, l'ctrit a le droit d'espnlwr, ;ifin de faire
rcspccter sa sécuritt!, des Citrangers qui prfiscii tent des dangcrc,
polir sa conservatiori. hlaia il ric peiit 1)iiex~)ulser sans raison,
ou dans un but üut~e qi~e celui de sa pi-op cl&t'cnsc,riicricure
en accotnpTSnatit I'cxpulsiori dc: rigueurs qui rie sont pas nbccs-

air esp,ai- csariiple ernyirisoriricrricr, iips, ninii~~atraitements."
Again, at page 621, the s:me aiithor writes :

"Tl s'cnsuii qu'tii~e GA-+rifsioriNe snztruib Nrs irrbiit-uirc, sali';
causc, et r11i'eIlene se justifie que si Ics agissernent.: di: I'espuls?
sorlt 1-britablci~ient attcritatoirci la sCcuriti: de ~'fiiatititkrieiirc,
e-~tericilrc,inatérielle ou morde. 1.e daiiger dont il s'agit dcvra
erre certai nt rion pas liypthktjque, iriii~incntet non lias Cloiené,
vrairrient grave et norr passuppose. d I'1:'tr yrlsl'inttnqtiiI i~icom4e
d'en #dnti?iislrerIrtfiraztuadafis ICS dii~erjes circc~nstariccçoii ccttc
prcilvc yicni Ctrc rcqirise."

Writing of the maririer iri which the right of expiilsion (when it.
exjçtsj 111t1sfbe esercircd, Iïrofcssor 5il)er.t continues (:it y. f;zg) :
I'fiute expulsion doit Ctrcaccorn~ilie avec les mni-
porte IC rcsfiect Jt:s droits acquis d de li ficrsoitrza dw i>idtznirlur.
Eri c~nséqüence, un dClai raisorinahle dcvra Etrc accordé ii I'ktrüriger
objet de la mesiire potIr mettre des ufiiircs cri ordre av:int clu'il
se r~iidc librement 1:ifroii:ié~eou clri'onI'g conïluise. 1,'espulsiori
iic doit pi "UR ~~I~sco~nport PTdes rigueurs qiic ric dicte pas Ia
nkessitk de la mener ribicri respnsabiIit6 de cet Etnt serai[
engagée si le rriotifde I'espuision vciiait L rnkcoririiiîtrcsoit leu
stip~i1:ttions ties trait&,soit les disposiiioiis de la loi !ocale, soit
sirn~ilcmcnt le priiicipc quc l'cxpulsio~ ne peut avoir lieii rjii'eii
vue des intérets de conserl-ation de 1'Etat."

Similrirl~~,M. Accioly jiitiis 'i'vnifde Droit ifitcr~:aifonrit $ittiiic,
volnine I (~g;loj, page 595, siatcs th;it

"IF:droit d'expulsion de i'Etat ric ~~iitPtre esercE arbitraireinerit;
c'est-&-di qur'i! duit Ctrestihorrlonn6 aux strictes ri6cessi dteés
sa défeiise oiide sa cotiscrvatioii".

Professor Prirlesta Costa foriiiulates rhc rulc Ïrt the follciwiiig
manrler :
Segun uIia noma establecida pnr la costiimbre irtcrnncional,
todo Estado ~iuerlc cxf~iilsnrde su territorio rilcxt:aiijero ciiya
presenci saea perjiidicial para cl orden o la scgtiridad ~>uttlica.
El dereclio iiiteriio (le cada Est:tdo legisla a ese respecto teniendo
cspecialmentc cri vista :i [os(:syikt coiw~iii3dr,re;, delinciiei~tes
corisuetiirlin;iririagitadores wcirilcs o a 10s quc sr:inrriiscayari eii
ac.tividadcç politicas, y a vcccs rsta blecela euyiulsibn coino linacçe-
sorio rieuria coridcria pend al cluedar ciirnplidala pcriitimpiiesta"
(lWurziralde ficreclio InleritacioilirPiiliiico, zricd. jry47), p. 136).

The lilsiitiit c nI 1rilcrn:iticiri:,:ti\:deircltéilparticular at tc.titiri
to the position of the dorrti<:iledaliéiiin their resrilutioils of 1892
relating trithc adinissiori ~iriti i:s~iiiI~of aliens. Artide 4I prnvirl~s: IIEJIORIAI, OF 1,IECII'TESSTEIS (14 V 'j2)
"L'cxpdsion d'ktrnngers doi~iiciliéç,residan tç ou ayarit uri
établissement iltcoiiiInercc, nerloit Ctre prorioncEeq11e CI " qikre
A ne pas trahir Ia ccr~ifia~iccl~i'ilsontcue dans lcs loisde 1'Etat.
EIle doit le~ir laisser Ia liberti:d'user, soit rlircctment, si c'est
possible, soit par I'entremisc cie tiers par eiis choisis, de toute=
les voies légalespour Iiquider Ieiirsituation et iciirsirtérEts,tarit
actifs que passifs, sur le territoire" (rirrititi~ïrvol. II1, 1892-
1894, p. 226).»a »f uiierrs i~ttirrrc O/ :unr

49. Tlie Govemment of Licchtcnstciii adniit that the existence
of a state nf \var may justif?, with regard bcttti tritite f:ictand the
inanncr of expulsioris, grivt:ri~rneiltaaction which in peace rime
\vcii~ldilot be jur;tifinble. Ho~ïre\ri:r,aithoiigh this qualification is
cornnionly agreed upon by rvritcrç, they set clear limiis triitiis
estcnsion of the right of espirlsiori. ,
Thiis Hyde, of. cd., page 235. statcs rrsfcillo\vs;

"The esigcncies ai \var iriny justify tlie :ictionuf a belligcreiit
in espelliiig fronr its tcrritary aliens wkiose preserice therc might
riot, urider normiil c:ircumst:inces, he regarded rrsd:iiigeroiisto
the ?;:ifety of [lieStrttcor g~tvely dctrimerital to its wc1far.c. Tiic
rai-e fact of >var sirfficcsro cscuse tlie cspiilsici~~of üliens wlirt
ai,c riatiorinlciftiic cricrriy, shoirldth(:territorialsovcreign deeni
it espedient to tnke çiich a stcp."

The vicw csprc~~trl by Professor Sibcrt, op. cii.,page 621, is :
"S'agit-il J'éirnr~g~rrscssovtissnritII~pays neulres, l'l?tüt belli-
gérarit ~ic salirait les es~iulser qu'ar~tn~itcjirc Ie~rrsagissemerits
individireIs se révblen t d;~iigcrcus poitr 111 securité de I'ctat."

TIti: T~istilute of Iritcrriationril Ida\\-. in thc Rules ivhich Ït
forrnuIated ori tlii: admission artd espi~lsiori of aliens, pro~)clsed
irr ArticIe IO rh:it arnong thoçc \rtIio1nig11th~~7f~lly be expclled
i\"les étra~igcrs qui, en temps de çiierrc oir au ~ric~rrien otù une
giicrr? esr irnmiriente, r:orn~~rornetten t,arlzur conduite, la sécurité
di: I'Etat" friiirt~iuire,vol. III, rSr)e-~Sc)4 ,).224).

go. Tri thc light of tIie substantiai ~vt-eigllt of rcirthoritycited
above,the Goslernrnciit of 1,ieciiteiistciri subniit th;it thcrc can
Iie no doubt th;it the action of Guatemala in exyiellirig>Ir. Xottc-
hohnl t\-:iari :içt illegal in internatioiial 1;t%i7 01accoiint both of
thc gountis art'which it ur:is donc and of thc tnanrier iri tvhich

it nas pcrforrncd.

Ths rej~rs » lreadltril 11.f~.Noftebol~nt
jT. Ti] tlie preceding1i:ir:igraph the Go\*ernrncntof 1,ittchrensteiri
have siihrriitlcd thnt the circumstances in wliich 31r. 3uttetiohrri
wi~s depported :ind ir~tcrned abroad aniount tri an unjus~it'tcdancl
arbitrsry esliiilsion irivoivirig thc iriternatioiial reçpo~isibrlity of

I;u:item:ila. TIic Goverrimcri t of 1,iechtcristciri siitrniit, fr~rther, oneParty cannrit ;tv:iithimsclf of the fact that the other has itot
fulfillcd wme ohIiption or haç riot had ryctiiirsrto sonic nicans

of teciras. if the fornier party has, by sorric illegai act, prevented
the latter froni fulfilling the obligation in qucstion. or from ha~ing
reuiiirsc to the tribunal which ii~ould have becii open to hini"
(Series 11, No. g, p.31)- Srr, :~Isothe okrvalioiis of the Court in
the Frec %o?te.~cae {Series A, Xo. 24) and in the Legat Slriltrs
O/ Ensteria Greeitlarid c:;is(Series AJR. Xo. 5.7,p.75). Inthe preçent
casc, having comrnitird an international injrrry in \vro~rgfully
espclling Mr. Ki;:ttl~iIiin, the C;o\-crnrncnt of Gnatemab did not,
a5 they rnight Iiüve otheriviçe, acquire +tir riglit ~o rcfuse re-

:idmissi011 to IIr. Nottcbohrn,
53. R~fr,rp,!.ic1~12~ he made ii-this cim~iectiori irl lie practice
. rif scirncLaiiri-Arrierican States which, in thc irinttcr (ifcxptrlsiclii
;ilrdrc-entry, rccognizc the special position of.the alieii Ioiigreside~rt
in tlic country. Thc Supreme Court ofArgentins in l?trc L)i Cesare
(Annual Iligesf of I'tiblicIwiernaiirirariLaw Cases. 1938-INO.

Case 30. 119) and the Suprcme Court of liexicti in In re Yasiwzdo
jibid.,p. $15, ric>t,c:cirlcededthat uiider the terrns of the relevant
Constituticin aliens Iiad, hg. residence of tweIvt: :itid thirty ye;Lfi
re~~~ective alcl,ircd special rights as resident aliens. 1 n tlie
Argentintan case the Supreme Cntrrtheid that ~hcalieil in qttestiot~
\vas, iiiidcr rlrticle 14 of thc Ccinstitiirior~. erititlcd tu te-enter
the ccii~ntry.

54. '1'IieLoverrirrtenl of Licchtcnstciri çiibinit that the right
to rcadmiçsion, in circ~irnstanccs mch as thoçe in the prcseilt
casc, rsü right analogous to.and suppjrted by, the sime :iuthorities
as the 1)rirn:iry riglit to thc spccific rcstrtution of iiroperty tilrong-
fiilly seized, to tvhich furthcr refercrice is made iii 1iar:igraph 70
l-ielntv.Tlie ;tIirncari \vaive this right tcical1 for reaclrriission:~iiti
clnirn itistead nothing miire than the paynicilt of damees. This
is gcncrally the course wtiich is foIIowcid.Insorne c;ises, huivcucr.

the aIien mas desire to rcturn to tlii:territory uf tlie Statc which
has \vrongfiilly expetid him. The rnaking of an :itternyit to return
may wcll lit: art esseritialeierncrit in the <Iiityof arialicn tu takc
a11rcxoriable stcpç to rnitigxtethe d;im:igcs nhich he has suffered
as ;i re~ult of his cxpuIsiori. Tri this case particularly it is possible
that if 3,lr.Eottebohrn had been pr~riitlcd to returti to Giiatem:iIa
he migh t have ken at>le iii çoriinieasure to restcire his cornmercial
psition. Snch :in cipyiortunity was deilicd to him. If it had keri
granted, the Government of Guatetnala might xvcll have enjoycd
the berlefitof the dirninirtion of the losç suffercd by air.Xo~lcbohm

ilrider the head of espulsiori. InstearI, tIiat Go\-emmen t has chosen
to aggravate the initial injury of expulsion by the refiiscl to afford
3,fr.'Jottetitiiimhis pi-irnary renicdy of retiirn. It isrioiir tao lait:
for the Goverrimerit of Gu,zteiiiala to retreat front that position.
TIrt:returti of >Ir. Nottebohm wliiçh wrluld have been feasible in 1946 isnoiongcr feasible in rg52.'3Ir. Noitebohrn no longer desires
to return triGuatemala. However, iri the submission ofthe Go\:c.rri-
ment of Liechtenstein, hc is, il? addition to the daim for tlic
unjiistifietfexpulsion, entitlcd to daiin that the refusai to rc-
xdrriit Iiim in rg4G is a factor to isiiich substantinl importance
shottttIbc att:dicd iiithe criinpiitatioiuf cl;iiii:igt!u.

jj. In the precerlirig sections (if this part c>f the presenr
Blcrnorial, the Government of 1,ieçhteïistcin 1i;iveset forth [lie
IcgaI principles,aa rcIated tu the case ~iorihefore [tic Cr.iiirgoverIi-
ing the respnsibility of States. or iri particulaof a Lclligerent, in
relation to the treatment of the persortof alicns in their tcrritorics.
1t is noiv propwçed to set forth. in relatioii to trie present case, the

rulcs and principlcç referring tu the treatment of the pvofieriyof
neutrai alieris in timc of war.

56. If thc Government of tiuatetnala had iii tirne of peace
alternptcd, in a discrirninaat ndraq-bitra& fashion and without
the oflcr and ~~ayrner i.of adeqiiate cornpciisatiori, 10 deprive a
friendly alieriof his propcrty, the illegalty of nich a rneasure ~vould
have been paperit and \\+ouldrendcr rcfererice tu autIiority alrriost
rediindant. Hoivever, in the vieiv of the Government of Liechten-
steiii the fact that a statc of rt-ar existed bctween (hatemala
arid sorne forejgn coiirtriesat the: tjme isheriAir. Xottebohm was
dcprived of his property dws nut, in the prcsent case, render the
acts of intcrfcrcnce \vitIlarid confiscatiriri of thc ~irciperly cil
&Ir. Nottebohm any the Iesç illegal. Thc seizlirc was in fact a
helligerent act directe4 against aneutrai national-an act unjustificd

by xny stress of wT:.:rr any unrieiitral conduct. It [va, in the
evcrit, discrimiriatory. swing tttat riationnls of Guatem:tla \sert.
tiot twated iri thc çsme Inanncr. Tt was, despitc refercriccs to
iriderririification in the relevant dccrees (sec governmcn ta1 dccrec
nuniber 3134, Articles 2 and 13 ; Iegislatii!eclecree nurnhcr 114,
ArticIe I, and legislativc decree nurnher 630, Article 4 {Anneses ro.
13 and rq)). etttirely without coiripensation.Such indcrnni ty as waç
nominally payable bu the Kepiiblic of Guatemala was tri constitute
a fund for the henefit not of the espropriated olvrrers, but for
nationals of Giiaternrila rvhohad suffered Ioss as a resrrltof hostile
action in tIie Seco~id I'licirld\Var. Norie the les, the Governmeiit
of I,iechtenstein, iri viewof tlie fact that the!!Iiavc h;id ~toi~idica-
tiori of thedefences \ilhich the Lovernme~ii of Guaterriala rnay put
fonvard, fcel that it \\-ilbe convenient if tlicy refer at this point

to three 13osb ligroundson ~ïhich the Gove.ernrncntofGiiateinala
rnay coricciv:ihIy rcly as jiistifyi tiigaeixrirtt;iricconfisc;itiori of thc propcrty of R'Ir. Nottebohm. Tliesc are :rnilitary ricccssity ;
the right {ifretliiisitio;iand the right of a tielligerent tri cxten(1
for purposes of milriicipal laic the rricianirigof the term "enemy".
'rlrith regard to the qiiestion of rniljtaryriccessitp, tIie Govcnimcnt

of I,iiichtenstein, though they art:of the view that a defencc bascd
upon rnilitary neccssi ty is entirely inappropriate to tliis casc seeing
that no such necessity evcr arosc, corisider th;it it rnay he corive-
riierit to iridicatttierery narroiv lirnit ivithit~ irhiçh the doctrine
rnay operate. R7itIi regarc1 to the right of requisitiori, tlte Goverri-
ment of Licchtcnstci iisiihniit tiiat iri ~iocircurnstanccs
isthere aily right to retluisition neiitral property-ivithout a diitr;
to p3y com~iens:itirin.Lastly, tvith resliect to the right of a belli-
gcrent triesterid for purposcs of rriiiriicipal Iaw the definition of
the term "erierny ", thc Goverrlrncnt of Liechtensteiri u-il1 ctiriteiid
that tliismay ix donc only within vcry-nartow arid well-recognized
hounds and ikat if thoçc liinits are ovcrsteplied-- as tIiey dearly

were in the preçent c:ise--the iriternational rcsponçibility of the
State .is invoIved.
jf. ru)12ie'tiiarytzece.~s%ty.-The authoritics to xvliic lieiCovern-
nient of Liechtençtcin rcfer below show ~IcarI!~that iri tirne of
tsar. iilcertaiii circurnstarices arnorintiiig to inil-ierativc 1niIit:iry

necessity, :i rieiitr:irnay lx del>ri\-ed of his property withoiit
comperisitioii. Sucti iiiterfcrcrice irritlipropcrty usuaIly tiikes the
forin ol darriagc to or destruction of thc property in ttier:oiirseof
niilitaa rytivities. 'The essence of such iritcrfcrenctt is iiot only
that it is unavoidable. but that it is for tcrnpcirary purposes and
invol\-es rio diarige of titlc. Nonc of those factors are present iri
this case. h'cither actual rnilitary olwrations nor even tIie threat
of thcni \vas thc occasion of theseizure 01 Mr. Kottdwlim's ~ii'olxrty.
31orecrrttr, somc pro~x:rt~. irT;istakcil aftci- the terniinatiori of
hostilities. The seizurc iras iritenderl to he ~iernianei~t and to be
rtccoml>ariied by a change of title. In tliose circrrmsrances thc

Governnicnt of Licchtcnstcin conterid lhat thc doctrine of miliiary
riecescit~.and of thc assum~ition of Iocal risks, to ~r.I~icti e author-
ities which follo\v rcfer, is \vIto11inapplicable in the prcsent case.
jS. The geiicral pririciple referrecl to above has btteri cxprcssed
Borchard ( The /.i$/owiîtalicProtaction O! CifizeiisrIbrond (1916))
iri the foIIon-irigtcrrns (at p. 113) : "Xie person and propcrtÿ of

neilt GLISrire irl ~iticipIe subject iO suc11t:xc:eptionaI mcasurcs of
jurisdickiori artclio such esceptioria1 taxatiori and seizure for thc
(1st:tithe State as the existerice t>ihostiIitieç ma? rerider iieccçsri.,
provided that nu grcatcr burden is impose4 upon dicns thaii upoii
natiorials." Coletnari Phillipson, in Irtlertintioriril Law and the Great
JYnr (19 1 ),statcs (3t p.72) that " tlic~iropcrty ofneutral individuals
wliich is perrnanentIj. sitttate<i in belligcrcnt territory is, ctlually
with the property of sulyects, liable to bc seizecl,uscd or dcstroÿed
' ijurçent ~nilit(<ry intcirests dci~nnt; ariilthere it;1x0 legaI dut- toagainst the United States, which had no choicc but to conduçt
thcm 1vht:rethe encrny was tn bc found" (Kidsen's He+orfs (~926),

11.585 ; Ann-ual Digzst ri/I'rrblicInieuiznfion(ttLaw Cases, 1925-
1926, C;LS~ No. 164).
'The Gerrn;in-hlcsjcaii LIainis Co~i~inissicinin Inre fley~i,Wisli-
ceisrrsnnd Sclir~idtrejr:cted a clairii ~>tcsciitcdon behalf of certain
C;crrnaii nationals iri respect of damage cauçcd to tIieir~iripty
by the forces of thc Icgitirriate Govcrnmcnt of Mexico iritliecourse
of siippressing a rebcllion. The Commission saicl :"If tlieprotection
of nat iorialsand forcigncrs hy. the territ<irixlssoveceignconstif titcs
n pritnary cibligltion, the failtiretricorrlpIy~ith which resiiltsiri

intematiorial n:spcirisibility,it follows that it is rieither jilstnor
crluitaliletci1>11riisliigoverntneriL wliich complies with il, nor to
lirnititsauthont~r to iindertakc Iegitiniatc actç tifrepressitir\\,hich
i~~ityrtwdt in damagc or loss to 1-esidcntforeig~rerswliorii itmust
IXOLCC,~ from inçirrrectionç jirst as much ;is its own iiationalç"
(-4ltnttul Digcs:sfO! I'irblic 1?tlerrtalirinul La# Cnses,1'33 1-1932.
Case 30. r03).
Iri E. R. Kelley \:. 7')~s Ultiicd.:lfewkri States, the lirritcd
S t;tes-%Icsico Clairris Cornmission, in dtxliniiig to grant cornlien-
for the unexpircrl portion t>f :terrn of ciiiplriynieilt prtt-
nint rii-cdetermine4 on accouritofthe ontbrcnkof hostilitics betwcen
ttie United S~atcs :~ri rlexico iri 1914 ,aid (Pcr KicIsen, Commis-
siuner) : ''.... wcmust takc accouiit of things :ssIiichin tlicljglrt
of intcrnativnal practicc have been regarded as proper, siricily
de/ensiz*elireusures employed ixthe interesCs oJ$iiblic safely.Genet-
ally spcakirrg, iriternational Iawdoes noi require that even nationais
of rieutrd corrritries be cornperisated for losses rcsuIting j?.orn~trch
~~easnir~s" (reportcd i 11 A??,liericalaorirtintoJ Interiiafionul Lnw,

25 (1931))P. p, at 397)-
'1%~fiirninission sittirigiinder the Conveii tiori betwecn the
Lnited States ancl .Frailcc of 15tti Jgtnirary 1880 disal1oii;cd th~
clairn of Giles V. 7'h He#-ltWic of Frmzce for daniages for the
destriiction duriiig the Franco-Prusian war of rS70 of pmperty
orvried 1,yLilcs, a Uriited States citizerl, apparcrtily on the grouricl
rhat triepurpose of the destruction waj to prcverit.thc buildings
bcing uscd h!;the Gcrmati rirrny forshelter {hloore's Infe~nationnl
Arbitrnfioiis.1'01. IV. p. 3703). '
In Caside'scase, the uriitcd Stat~-Verieznelari C1:iims Corrir~iis-

sion said : "Neutra1 propcrty in a helligerent's tcrritory sharcs the
fitte ofw;tr the same as that of sii1ijer:(31citizens. If injured or
dest royed iri 1i:ittle or sicge, in the :~bseriçc of circumstances
cviricing rvantorirics? orctrl~iaMcricglect ori thc part of the govern-
ment within whosc jiirisdiction it is. the public law funiishcs the
cirvner 110redress against sudi goverrimeri t" (hioorc's Infevnatzrinnt
..lrbitratiotis, 5'01. 11'. 13710. Scc aIso Wilsorr's case, ibid..
P%e 3674) 60. ,4s shown in thci incidc~its rccoiiiited ht:loa., thc practicc of
States is tn tlie same eficct. In a lcttcr conccrrling a cl:iirn of :in
hrricrican citizcri for Iosscs inflictcd upori him h~7 Freiich troo~n
in Ii-Ic'uicoin1865, &Ir. Fish, the .L\rncriciin Secretarg of Stnte,
said : "He claiins. ;is an hniericrm citizen, resiclerit in 31cxico,
c»mpciisation for Ioss ;11idir~ilries s~t~t;~i~~eri Mexico, diiriiig n
st;ite of \var, nt tkc I-iands oi n Iiostiic iiivrcditig nrmy. It is 311

uridoublcd ~iririciple of pnhIic law that when one Power, iii the
exercisc of its sovereigt~rights, deems it,proper to excrcisc acts
of hostiIity agaiiist the territoi-ytif ;inr:ther Poirrer, tlie citizen5
of forcign States, rcsitiing within the areriaof n1:1r,wliusc pi-olxrty
ma)? lx injured or dcstroycrl durin;: LIir:war, havc rio right to
dem:ind conipensatior~ on the groutid of their bcing citizens of il
third Power. for Icisses\\,hich the neccssitics uf w7ar 1nay !>riri&
upori thern i~tcornmon with the citizens of the Statc iiivaded"
(Sloorc. Digesl uj Inleri~ntionnELux:, Vol. VI, p. 88s).
\\:hcii, in Dcccrntier 7870, Prusjiün troops took forcihl posses-
sion of and sciittled six British colliers in the River Scinc, the
British Governmcrii ~irotcsted thrt iiicy çotild riot "I>rtr considcr
the scizurc alid sinking of thcsc vesxIs to I>cnltogether unwar-

railtable, and the firing upori thcrn, if it took placc, a niatter which
rquircs thc fullcst exphnation". The Priissiaii Governmcnt
irnrnediatrrly admitted thc clnir no indemnifiçnrion ;incl promytly
paid the full amount asked (,ibild 'p.,901-90j).
111r:ori~ieçtio~iwitlthe possibility of the prcsentation of a cl:iirn
by: the fini ted States in 1-espectof the damage to the iiropcrty of
United States citizeris as a rewrlt of the iirimb:irrlmerit of Valpriraiso
duriiig the \var hetwccn Spain and Chile, klr. Seivard, the Lnited
Sutcc Secretnr of Statc. qualificd thc irnmiiiiityof lielligerent~
from ciairns hg' ~tetltrals for injuries received iri the coursr: of
Iiostiltics 111thcsc rvords: "'l'hcirijr~ry,it iiiay hc coriccdecl, must
result fronl srrch inilitary or ri;i\,:iniezisures as hy tlic codc of
civilizrd xv;i-fiirand the modern ]>rack ice of riaions are recognized
35 Icgitimnte" (ébid ...940).

61. (b) The righf oj,jrqtrisilio;lin.-Hal~ircgard to the rcrririlcricss
of (;untemala from the actu;il theatre clf \var, the hypothcçis
fliatthe merisures takcn by Giiateinala agaiiiçt tlic property uf
3-IrXot teliohm werc clictatcd l>y tniiitary ncccssity alipears quite
unjustifiable. TIre same applies to the second alternative hy~o-
thesis, narnely, that these measures were iio more than rcquisitiori,
iri corrriection withtlien-ar, of thc ~iropcr~yof a rieutral. Hoivever,
irithc absctice of any Icgal j ustificatioiiof her acfion
Gttatemala so f3r.itÎS necessary toconsitler brieflythat assurription.
'l'he Go\~criimcnt cif1-iechtenstein do not coritend that a belli-
gererit' 3tafI:hzis no right to acquiri: iieutral propert y situate iil
its territory. Thcre isgeileral agrcci-i-ientthat a right of tliis~iaCrrrt:
esists. In thc case of ne~rtr:il1-iroperty pertiiaiie~itly; sitiiated intielligerciitterritor ?; ,kes the fcirrnof "retliiisiticin".In tlie
C:LW of rictitral ~jruperty ternpor;rril; or irivoliintarily brought
1vithi11 belligcrent territory, it is tertricd "ang-aty". The practical
dilfercnce betutecii the ixvo typcs of acquisitioil licçin thc different
standiird of coiiipensatiori payablc, namcl!: fair coinl~risation iri

the case of rt?quistion and fuIIcompensation in ttiecasc of angarl..
In ihc: prcçexit case thcrc is, in the submission of the Go~cro-
ment of Liechtcristciri, no groiincl rvh:itsiiever for irivoking the
right of reclriisitiori. Ko refcrence iç ma& 10 requisition in thc
tlecrces. The propert?. seixetI isriot siich as is riorrn;illy recluired
for the purpose of icquisition. 'I'hc fact that srrcli prol~rt?; lias
liecn takeri onlÿ in rcspcct of a particular clas of irtdividuals
i~itroduces ;in elenlent of discrimination ivhich \vou[c[1inr.erendcrcd
the wizure urilawful even if it had otlienvisti ticen Iawfiil. Everr
if <ithenrriçeIauful, it \vririlrLliavel~ccome unlaivful owing tu tlie
fact that no conlpensation ~I+Lcvcr offered or pair1 to air. Kottc-

bohrn. Ttie authorities to ivhich rcference is norv matle dcrnonçtrate
that the diity to Iiny cornpcrisation i~ ;in essentiapart of tIic right
<if rerlnisition.
Thc Perniancnt Coiirl of hrl~itration in the iVor~qi~w Shi+-
o7urterscirse {Sco~t, Hape Cojrrt Heporf-s, 2nd Serics, p. 40)hcid
that thc Uriitccl States, in requisititining certain shipbuilding
contrdcts which had heen made hy Xr>nvegiarishipowners with
Amcrican shipbnildcr~,iiridertook an obligatiori io ria? jiistcci~ii-
perisation. 5imiI:irly in Goidc~zberg 6 Sofzsv. Gontltny, bctiveeri
Korrmania alid Gerrnany (-4nniini Digest of P,zrblicIidcrflataorial
Lnw Cuses, 19s7-~928, Casc No.369). the Arbitralor hcld that

requisit ions iverc perrnitted hy iriterri;ttiorirlaw oiily siibjec-t
tri trie dut y to pay compt:risation. Consequently, ;iltIioirgh tfic
rcquiçition of tlie plairitiff's ~iro~ierty did not 01-igirlallycoristitiite
an act contrnry to inicrnational law, it bccame an act contrar;-
to international law \i-htiraflcr 3 reasorlabic tirne,the plaintiffs
did not ohtaiii fiillcompensation. The grnerd priiiciplc that n
r~ipisition iiiiplics the obligation to pay cornl-iens;itiuiiw:is
rccognized hy thc Grcco-Gerniari Miscd firbitral Triiiiinal in
Ezi,oAz~tide, s. Genrinrt Stntc (.4?r1i~irIliges OtPzthlicl~?ttevrinliorznl:
I,nü:Cusm, 1929-1930, Case Ko. 296) . he Trihrrnal çaid : "....;i
rerliiisition riot accornpinied or folloived by an itidemnity con-
stitrrtcis ;inact contrari: to municipaI and international Iaw".
1he Frcrich-3Iesican 3lised Clairn~ Cornrriissiririin the G'wes
Pirzson case {A..liaairDligesi oj I'izbiic f?ilerrtalioircrlLaaiCascs,
I~~~;x<_)zS C,asc So. 370) tteld that militars requisitions :it tltc
expense of suhjects of a iorcign State in times of revolution are
not in illegal according to the gciit:ral pririci~jles ol
iritrrriationallarv. The authorities of th<: Staté siiffering froin a
revollition rnay aç a ruIe 1;iivr-liiyxact rcquisit ions from foreigriers,
on the sanie footing a5 1rt)rrjtlic iiationalçof the Stiite,b~tf rirrI~
oir co~zditioifknf fhey nzrrkt/?( ilinpensatio~i.Uuriiig the Spanishcivil mir, the Cnitcd States Departnierit of Statc iiisructcd thc
rlmerican Ernbassy in Madrid that iri Ihc case of the requisition
of Amcrican property for the necessities of rv:tr or utherwise the
Goverriment of the Gnited States ivould be ribligilid iciirisist tliat.
~irovisiori kitmadc for prr>rrilit a1ir1frillr:rirnpcnsation toUie owner
(Sccrciary of State Hu11 to the E~nl>zrssy iri Madrid, 3rd August
rg36, printcd in Hacksvorth, Digest oJ I-iltxr~tafio~iritaw. Vol. VI.
11. 55).

7here issirnilnrly generrclagreement anlorig writers thit corn-
pensation inus[ lit-piid in the eveiit of rc<liiisitiori. Pr<ifesstir
T,aiiterpacht, in a ririte orr A npry rtiid fr'eywisî'tioru/ ,VeztivuJ
Yroperiy in the British Yeuv Book O! itikrrzrilimral Law, 'lrolume27
(rc),o), page 445, staies as folloivç : "In tirne of war ii Statc is
entitled to rcquisition the property of iicutrril subjects-as, gene-
rally, it is cntitled to do in time of peacc inrclation toalieriproperty
prwided that it pays coinyensaticin. Prol;,ai)l>~ tliis neetl rrcif

ariioiirt tc>full comy>crisaiiciri-altboiigli if the corn~xnsation were
disproport ionatel gr lnw, it wottld approuiii~rite to coilfiscation and
the Statc moulctinciir ü corrcspondiilg intcrriational responçibitity .
Ho\t.ever, so long :isre:isoi-iablecornpensatiori is gr:tnted and so
Io~ig:is ther~ is ~io discrirniria at unont thericütral as cornyiarcd
with thé State's uwil subjccts or witli o~licr neutrais. both the
rerlirisition and fhe compensation (if riot discrirniriatary orpatently
inadequrttej rizrrsthe regarde4 as 6%-arranted by ir~tr,rri;trri:ilaw. "
T,ike\t'ise,Oypcnhcirn, (I?alev~rr~fir)nr~f,oî£!, Vt,lilmc 11 6th cd.,

rcviscri by Lauterpacht, al Iragc 626), irt distiiiguisliing angary
frorri requisition, çpeaks of ". ,.,thc ria11 t, which every State
uncloubt edly pussesses, of seizirig in casc of crriergency arid su bject
to conipensatiori, ririy fvreign ~iriiperty rin i ts t.errtriry". 1-Iyc-li:
{iizlevieutionai Lnw (zriil revisecl ed .), b'cii. ITI. 1). T 760)
i-ccugriizi:~ tIir righ t cri rcquisitiori sirlijert:to the duty to pay
-It is signiiicant that , whcrcver by intcrn:itic>i~alngreeinerit ,n.

right of recluisitioi~ is graritcd to a bcIIigci-crit,as hg- Article 52
of the Hague Regiilations Article 29 of tlie l)ecl;irntior~ nf
Lorition, rlie excrcisc of tiiat rigttt isesprescd to bc subj--~ct to
the dut? to kiay cnmpcns at-on.

Gz. (cj The rigltt of u beiJigw~,nltu i+bclride neulr«Ls .i;ilhit~th
ddfiniiioiaij "eneirai~s".-Tlie Goverrinierit of Licchtcrisreindo not
dcny that. iri certain cases, especiaI1yin connection with legislation
pndtibiting trading with the eilemy, internati tiri;iIaw recogr~ixes

that a State is ctiti~ledtcitreat :irieiitralnational Ïfhe ivcrcan
erierny :lien. Thus 13r. Ilornke, who h:ts made the niost ciihaustivc
study of tliis problcm in his work 011 T~r~di?# w.1ih fhe Eiiemy a'rz
Il'orlrtI,lforII (New York. r<~3 and 1947). stntes as foIIu\t.s (at
p. 24) : "The Tests determining the etlemy ch;ir;lcter of iritlivirluals
Iiave becorne iairly i~rfcirrn. Re3ident:t: wirichinenelnu territory1-eetjuisitionor siinilar rne:~ui-CS could justify or >vas atlegcd to
jiistify tiie wizure of his prtq~rty. 13ven iforiginalIy justifieci, which
is not :idmittcd, it tvailid have b~orne unla\vful as thc rcsult of
the faillire to p:iy c:onilieris:itinn.Keitlier c:ould the measureç of
xizure and coiifiscation t;ikeri hg: Guatemala be justified by
rcfcrcricc IO the esccptioi~al righ~ of thc bclligererit lo mat, for
çome purposes, neiitral property as assirnilatecl to the property

of ciicmy alictis.

The quesf,ion O/ iicttlaages

64. It is convenient to datl with the qucstititt of cl;ijnDgcsaria
other legaI rerncdics which thc Govcrnment of 1.icchtcnstein daim
on hh:ilf of Mr. Notteliolim by separate refercnce :(a) to damages
for unlaivful arrest , detention, expiilsion and refrrsil to rcatimit:;

(A) dainages for unIarvfii1i~it.(:rferericcivith anri riepriva tion of

6j. Thc Govcrri~ncri t of Licclitéi~steiiirccogriizctliat, spart froril

the general principlc that tiie brcach of an intcrrirttioriüldtrty
invcitves tliti obligation to makc reparatiori , an cxarninatiori of
the practice of international tribunals in üivardiiig damtiges in
cases cil arrest. detc~itio~i and expuisiori, though it rt:veals the
existericc of certain factors to hc taken irito consideratiori, does
not provide rulcs rr-hich can be applicd by 1Iie Court 1ithout the
exercisr. rifa substantiat degrce of discretion. But it isclerir that
:i Statc: isunder ari obligation to priy, iii the fIrst pkicc ,pecixl
or parricular damagcs, that is to say, a Iiqriirlatcdsurn eslieridcd
as a direct resuIt of the wrongs comniitted, i.e. in tlie prcsent
case. tlic expenses incurred in Guatem:iLi. in seeking a rcmedy

for the wrungs done to nIr. Nottebottrr~. While rhe Govcrrinicrit
tif Licchteristcirtare riot at present: ftrlly informed <ifthc precisc
cxtcrit of thosc cxpeiiscs, accurdiiig to the data rcccivcd 50 far
they :ireriot lcss than z»,oon Swiss fraiica.

56. The real tirtibkm is t1i:it tif tlic aasessrrierit of gc11era1
darnages, that is. thc detcrrnirtation of the suiii.the pavment of
which \~ould riotionally rcstorc thc irrjurcdlicrçciii to the l-iosition
in \vhi,:Iitic\ifoiildhaire hrteri,had the injury not occirrretl. lnthis
respect, ivith~irt resrirting ta :triyelabnrate citation of aiithorities,
thc La\-crnmerit of Liechteristcirr dccni it useful to i-cfcr tn thc
following obxrvatioii of- 31, Rcichniann, tlie Arbitrator iii the
Chairenu case: , '-4s ;L gcneral priiiciple, itis a question of dctcnnitiing, whilc
, taking acmiirit of the individi~nl circumstance~ ui eacii caw, -the
lürripsirm wliicli \vr.ouldequta1)lycoiiipeaçate iiic mord or material
injury siiffcred. It wotild be disrcgarding titisprinciplc 10 try to
det-erininc the indemnity ?o he nlIorwt1 by ccalciilüting simply tlie
~trirriliuf tlays [of dr:tciitiuri] tIi;it arc takcri intconsideration
' ;i~iJ [>y:ip'blyitigttiercto :Lrate \vIiicli niriy h;i\thi:m c~rlsidered
as etlu~tah /e uriticr Iic curiditiririsii71iiclliitcl-aiiri:\~rierica.,."
{Award, as reprin ted in \Yhiteman, finrlrngz.7 iriJnterrialiunnl
Lnw (1937) V OI. 1, p. 4jS.I

h7. 'i'licGovcrnnicni of 1-icchtciisteii~ coiiçidcrs that it may bcqt
assisr the Court in this respect by sctting out, bg: retercncc to LIie
case of$Ir. Nottebohni , certain factors ir-hich have hcr,~irecugnizcd
by international tribunal'; ris relera~it to thc deierrninxtiori rif
damages. Thus it is submitted tkat thc following are atnrtIig the
factcirs wliich i-lie Ctiirrt inaf: ~>rcilit:rlytakc iiito consideration in

deternlining the anwunt of generaI clamages suffercrl by hirn :
The initial ~~i~lrt~~~iulric ~s cnmy-iléte:thseilcc of jnstiiiaiticin
for thc arrcst and dercntion arid cxpulsiori of $Ir. Xottebolini ;
the continucd refuçiii hy Gtrntemala ro permit AIr. Yottctiohm tci
returii to that couritry ; the loss to the Ititherto riilblcmished
reputation wliich 3fr. 3ottchohm cnjoyecl iii Gurtteniala arirl, in
particu tar, his ~ioçition as ri.promiileri t mcrnbcr of the brrsiness
coinmunity aiitl :isubstaritiiil property ciirrrit;the rilental siifieriilg

iindcrgoric liy >Ir. Yottcbohm siiicc the timc of his arrcst ; the
gcileral inconvcriieilcc Iic 11~5 suffcrcd in bcirig uproote dnmi ;i
coiintry in ~vhichhe had Iiveti for thirty-eight !:cars ;his enforci:rl
absence froin Giiatemaia at a tirne uitcri. if he hüd hce~i liresent,
hé11iigiit liave bec11i~i a l~cisiticitcitIiasuaclc the atttlioritics fi-orri
;ipplying to his proyierty ncts wliich, though on 3 strict intcr~ire-
iat ioilof thcir tcrms were pcrhays proyicrly so a~iplic:iblc,shoiiltl
nevt:r jiavt:becri eriiicled tir sr:ippljttd ;nrid tIie fnct.ttiai ivIi:itcver

nia? hi? the IegaI res~ionsibiiity of the C;overrirne~it of (;natemala
, fur tlic i~ili:rnnieril ol Ur. Xoite1)cilint in thc Iiiiitcd States, the-
must have knowri at thé tirne &Ir. Xottehohm \\.as piit ori board
an .-2rnericriri vesse1t hat iitcnimen t isoiild moçt prob;tbly foIIoti-
his :~rriv:iItht:rt:.

GE. lirIi hi: C(ivernmcnt <if1,irchtcristcirr do nctlcn~isiclerthat
the srandards npplicd iitthe caws refcrrcd to dioiild be appijed
autornaticaIIy to the prcsént case, the! offer sotrie grridancc hoth
direct ly and ir1dirt:ctIy. aseniI?hasiiirig the ~Iiffercricr: bet weeri the
position of Mr. Xot~cbolirn ailcl t of thc liersons corici:rrierlin

tllosc cascs, for the asscssmcrit of darnagcs to nlr. Xottebohm. 1ilthc l'opnze casc, {Iecidcd hy the 131-itish-Verie Czliels rtn
Commissioil cil Igo3 (Raiston, TJe-nez-rreiun.4~bàlrata'ons(~903).
1). in uthit:hd:iniüges tstire clairnecit)~;thBritish Govern ment
for the rlctcntiori for twcrit--six :tiira half Iiiiiirof a riiirri1iofr
Rrjtish naval officcrs atid rat i~igs,LJmpireFlurnley, after esarninirig
the awards in rS cascs relatine to ille~lif:irrestand detention and
taking the :lr7eragc aivard per da!, dccidt:dthat $100 :iday ivas

a fair sum 10 aIlriwinsuch cases. In the Fuillkner caçc.1 Obi?aiori
oj !irr: Cui~t~irissioners(19z7) I,ge 86, $r,ojo \%-as awardcd for
seIren davs detentioii of a visitirieViriter~retet. the Coinrniçsiori
iiicreasing the rate so as to take accc~iiritof the depreciation <if
rntiriey.The grotlrirttifthc aw:irrI of hi. Reickmarin irth(< C/tzvreuit
daim- (s<icabove, pira. 351, are probably the nio3t helpfiil irthis
type of casc. In tiiat case a stttnof .Lz,m (SIO,~~) \vas coilsidcrcd
to reprct;r:ntan erluirabIt:indcrnnity for the arrest (Iield to have
Iictinj ttstifrüblodcteiilirin, fitilurto try ;i~id the evcirtnal expul-
siuri (ifIii. Clicvrri:urIt riiq br. riotcd tiiat ami.Chcvrertii was a

fcachcr, "carning Iiis living with dificiilty by giving foreign
languagc lessons", that he Iiarl Iived in Pcrsin for only four years
and that hc \vas not 3 rriaiiof p~+riperty.His cxpulsinii waç not,
thcrefore, accornpanicd bu any srrbstantial inatcrial losç.

69. 1ti riIl the circumst:inces of this case ancl havirig regard ta
trie factors ri~crtoned i~ipar;igrtipii67 above, itic;clic siibrnissiun
of thc Govcrnrncnrof Liechtcnstciri that a suni of 645.00 0 wis
francs ~voiilcconstitiite :ineqiiitab!~ indemnity for Mr. ;\.'otteholim.

70. 'I'hcGouer~-rrnci if 1.iechteimtcintlo not consider itilcccssa-;
at this stagc tci crintest ilic~irtipc~sitiottt, ifthc çciziire hy the
C;oi:ernrricntof Gu:itt:rnala of the ~iropcrty nf Mt- . ottcbohrri had
Iwen justifiaMe oiitrie grnund of imn-iediate rnilitsry ncccsrit>-,

rio cuniperisatioii at al1 woiild be ~iayahle to hirn. Keither do the
Governmcttt of 1,iechteristein coiltend that if the seizure of his
prolwrty hatl Lettriju~tifiaLlr::LSa, Iawfiil reqiiisitioriMI- . cttc-
bohni would Iiavc beet~crititicd tti more than re;isonahle and fair
compensation for the rieprivation of his prolwrty. In the vieir-
tifthe Government of Liechtenstein neither of tbese alternat ives
ariscs in ttiis case. l'he seizure of thr: property ctfXlr. ~\~ottcboliiii
%as rteithcr I;i\vful tior jiistifi:iblt. Tiie Governmerit of I,iechtcri-
stein submi tthat irisuch a case ttiecorrect standard of repar;ition

for the iIIegaI actr of the:Govcrrtrricritof Guatemala isriot sirrt~)Iy
tlit: paynit:tiof reasortable compensation but the duty tifrestiifiiio
in integrzt.i>r. Thc prirrciple that restitztta'in integrrtm is the ~iro~~crnicaurc
of thc duty of ;L Statc wongfiilly seizirig alien property. as
distinguishcd froin triednty of ;iState which la\vfully and ksthout
discrimination ex propriates alien among other property, his heen
clcarly estriblished br' the decision of the Permanent Court of

International Justice in the C'horzrhl Fadory (Cictirrfor I~zdemtiiy)
(hferitsj cas. (Series A, Ko. 17) . he relewnt passage in thc judg-
~ncnt of thc Court is{if stich importattce as to justify a fiilquo-
tation of it. The Coiirt said :

"Tlir: actiorioiPol;~nd \t-hidithe Cour[ kiaçjudgedto be contrary
to flicGerteva Conveiition isnotan ex~iropriatiori-to reriderwliicIt
lawfully only tlic pajncrit of faircoiiipciisafion would haiebeen
wanting ;it is a seizureof property,righrs and interestsrvhichcoiil~l
nothe expropriated even ainsi cornptmsation, save irndcr the
escc tinnal conditions fixed, y Ar.ticlc7 of the said Converitian.
As tPic Court 11x5es~iressly declarcd irijudgment No. S, rcpnration
isin tliiscase CO~S~C~IICIIC~iot of the application of Articlcs h
to 22 nf the Curi~v;i Conç-eniion, but of acts contrary LU tliose
It follows thnt the'c~rn~cnsztion due to thc Gcrman Govcr~irricnt
is not necessarily lirnitcd to the vaIae of the undertaking at the
rnomeiit of rlispo~~cssion, pltis intcrest to the day of payment.
This limitatiorr ureuldonly he adrriissitileithe PoIidi Goveniinen t
had Iiatl the right to espropriate. ancl if its wrotigf~iüct consiste<[
rneicly in not tiaviiigpriid to th? two Cornpinies the jirst price ai
what wrtscxpropriated J in the pr~x.c rxtt, sucli a limitationmigiit
resultiripiacirigGerinaiiy aiid thcinterests protecicd by tlic Gcriev:~
Convention, on btlial of which interests the German Gtivc~iimerit
isacting, in a situation more utifavourable than thnt in whicli
Gcmany arid these interests ~vould iiavc been if Poland had
respccied the said Cotivention. Sucha conscqtrencesvrii~ldnot only
be trnjust. but also and ahove a11incom~~tiblc witii tIic aim ui
Article 6 and ioiIowing iirticles oftlie Convcrttiori-üiat iç io Say,
tlic proliibitio~iitipririciple, of the Iicluicktt ofitri proy:ert!.,

rigkits and interests of Ger~riarl natiorinls aiid of conipaiiies
controIled hy Gcr~nan~iritio~id~ in Upper SiIesia-since it would tK.
tantamoun t to rendering laxvfiil licluidatio~iand iitiIawful dislmc,
session iridistinpiisbahle in so iar LLS theii-fitia~tcialresr11içarc
The essential priticiple contailieditithe actuaI riotionof :iiillegai
act-a principle whicti stierns tu bc cstübIisttcd tiy iiitcrnational
practicë and in particular bÿ tlie decisions ofarbitral tributtitl+is
tliatreparationmust. asiar aspossihie,wipc out a11the conscciiicriccu
of the illegalact iirtdre-establis11the situation which ~01iId, in al1
probability, liai!tesisted if that act 11ad nnt been cornmitted.
Lieçtitution iri kjnd.or. if this isntlt possillc, payrricnt vf a surn
corresliondiiig luiiicvalue whicli n i-estitutionin kind would bcar ;
tIieaward. if need be, ut da~nagcç for loss stistaiiied which woulrl
not bc covcrcd hy restitiitioriri kiridor payrnent in place of ii-
siicharc the priiiciples rtrlishouId serve trdetcnriiiicthe amount
(ifcomp~nsatiaii duc for ari act contrary tu internütional laiv. This conclusion patticularly qplies as regards the Genem
Convention, tlicobject of which is to provide for th- rnaiitenancc
of ccoriomic lifc inLppei. Silesia on the hasisiof respect {or Ihe
slaliisquo. 'The disposse~5,sioof art iridusirial unrlertakitig-the
expropriation of u-l~iciis prohibited by ihc Gerievü.Converition-
theninvolves the obligation to rcstore the undertaking and, if
this be not pssible, tc>pay its value at the time ofthe indcmnifr-
cation, which valtieisùcsigned to take the placeof restitutiowhich
h~q bczornc impoasitile.To this nMigation, iri.virtuof the geiicrai
priiiciplcsofin~eniational]arc.must liadded that ofcompcnsating
Ioxhsn~taln~d s the resultof ttiseizure.'fhe intpossibilitp, on which
the Parties arc sgrced, of restoriiig tlic Ciiorziiw factory coi11d
thcreforc fiave no othcr eficct but Chat of substitiiting yaymei-it
for the value of the undcrtakinfi for restitution; ii ivoiildnot be
in cor~forrrlityeit liwith the principlcçoflawor \<i.ithe wish ol
the Parties to infcr from that agreement thnt the qucstion of
conip..nmtion must iisiiccfortbe denlt wilb astthoughan eupro-
priation properlÿ ro cnlled was iriuolved." (Se-riesA, XO. 17,
PP- 46-45.]

7~. The Gorcrrimerii of Liechieiisiejri arc of the irieii. that the
iibore passage so clearly states rhe truc Icgal position in respect
rjitrie dzirnages recovcrable thar no further rcfcrcrice to jirdicial
authority is necessary. The appIication of the principles corttairied
in that passage f~orn the judgment of the Court isclear : 'Thefirst.
oiiIigation of the Government of Guatemala is ro rcstorr: to Jlr.

Yottebohm the property kvhich ritas originallg: his irithe sanie
coiidition as itwas 3t the tirne of itç sciziire. Inthe event (as is.
probably the case) that the vatnt of the ~iroperty has sincc fallen.
as a result of deterior-atioa through negiect or use, the C;oven~mcnt
rif Cilatemala must aIso pay kirnages to Mr. Nottcliolim eqnal
to the difkrerice betweei~ the origirial and thc preçent value uf
the property. Tn addition. they are boiind to account to him for
the profits derivcdfrom the use ofthc variorisparts of the proyerty
since the dates on tirhich fhose parts ivere seized. hloreover, if
(as is likely) the earnings ofthe property whilc out of [fie crintrol
of itslawfui owner havc been Icsç thari they svauid have heen.

hacI the ~iroperty rernaincd under the control of 3lr. Noltebtihtn,
the Goverriment of Guatemala js urider an additional cluty to jiay
ciainages reprcxriting Ihe extra amount which tIiat property
rnight havc earned since tlic date of its unlawful seizure. So far
3s tIieGoveniment of Lieditenstciri can al ]ireseritestirnate, ihe
profit ishich the prriperty shouId have ertrnedis probahly mit
less than an average of Swiss francs 300,000 per atlnum. 1'he
Govcrnmen t of Liechtensteiri mserve thcir right to adduce at a
Iatcr stage in the ~>roceedings such cvidence as iaiiy bc riccessary
trisubstantiare tIiis clairn.1f fhe actual rcstoraiion of the propcrty
is not possible, thcri tlicGoverrimerit of Giiatcrnala is under a
duty to Iiay to hlr. Nottebohnt a sum tvhich Ml1 rcyiresent the
truc valiic as at t'riedntc of the jurlgn~trnt cifthe Corrrt of thepropcrty which they cünnot rcstore. The truc value of the propertk
is dctern~ined by tlie prcscnt market value of that property ha4
it been rnaintained in its original condition-a sum rrphicttakes
inta consideration riotonly thc relilacemcnt cost of the proli~.rty
seizcd but also the loss of profits consequent upon the seizure.
Tlius in rhe Norwegiali Shipowners case (Scott, Hagae Couri
Reports, zridSeries, p.40, ;itp.73)the Permanent Court of Arbitra-
tion said : " Just cornperis:~tion irnplies a cornplete i*estitution of
the dntzrs quo anle, ha~cd, not iillrithe futirre gains ofthe United
States or other Powers, but upon the Ioss of profitsof the Kor-
wcgian shipor~ncrs as compared with other owncrs of sirnilar
property. " It folioivs that the C;ovt:rnment of C;tiatemala can

make adequate reparation only by :
(a} the payment ofa stim equal to the total incoine of the property
from file date ofits seizure to the rlate of the judgrneritin this
case plus the payment of damages repreçcntirig the additional
irico~riewhidi iri the opinion of thc Court wtmld have IWPJ~
earned bu the property if it had rernained under the control
of its Iawful ovner ; aad eitky

(6) the restitution in its original sourid condition of the property
seized or restituti io~its present coridition of the property
seizecIplus the payrriertt of d:~niageirirespect of deprwixtirin ;
(c) the p;~yment ofa siim whirfi will be the etlirivülent of the value
of tIie property the Governrnent of Giistemala has failed to
rcsiore. 'The vahe of th prtjperty iriiisbe caIcrrla~ec;is :~t

the date of judgmcrit and ri~iisincludi: ntit only darriages ior
rleprcciatioriIirrt;FISOthe 105s of thc profits ivhicli wouId have
been rarnecl I>ythat propcrty had it becil maiiltained in sound

Final conçlusions of the Ci~vernment of the
Principality of Lishtenstein

'ThcGovernrnent of Liechtenst euintnit that the Court sh<iuId
irdjiidge arid decl:ire that:

r. Tlie Govcrnrricttl of GuatemaIa iiiarresting, detaining, expelling
and refusing to rcadmit hlr. Nottebcihm and in seizing and
retairiing his property withou t conipensation acted in tlreach
i>fttheircit>lig%t undcns interriaiional Iarv atid consequcnlly
irra maiiner reqnirii~g the payment ofrcparation.

2. In respect of the wrongfuI arrcst, detention, expulsion and
refusal toreadntit air.Kottebohin the Government of Guateniala should pas to the Govcrntnent of Lieciclitcnstc:n
(i) special damages aniounting, accordin togthe data reccivd
so far, 10 not less thari ZO,DC)CSivis francs ;
(ii) gener;idamages to the arnount of 645,00 0wiss fr:incr.

3. In respect of the seiztire and retenti011 of t1ic propcrty of
&Ir. Xottebohm, the Governrnciit of G~iatemaIa should submi t
an account of the profitsaccruirigiri respect uEthc various parts
of the propcrty since the datcs or1 wItic11thcy wre seized and
should pay the eqùivalent in Swiss francs (rvith interestat 6 'x,
from thc date of ;iccrud) of suc11surrias may be fount1 irithat
ar:corrnt to k. oiving hy them. Fwther, the Governnient of
Guatemala shodd pay damages (at prescrit estitnatcd at
300,ow Swiss francs pcr annum) reprexn ting the addjtio~ia!

incorne which in the opinion of the Court wouid have ljieiirl
earned by the property if it had rernairiedunder the control of
its IawfuI oxmer.
4. Further, the Goïernrnent ofGuatemala shouId rcsiore to Mr.
Nottehoh~rial1his property ivhiçh they have seized aiid retaiiiecl
togethew rith damages for the deterioration of that yropsrty.
hlternatively, ttiey should pay to ihe Goverriment of 1-iechteii-
steiiithe sirIn of 6,510,596 Sivis francs repwseritirig the esti-
mated present market valiic ofthe seizd ~iropcrtyhad ithecn
maintaiilcd in its original conditiori. 1,rs.r or;ANSEXES

I. Licchtenstein laisoi natimxilityoftlie 10th Janriary 1934.
2. Certificate rektingtu the actluisitirof~Liechtençtein riationality
hy Mr. Noticbohm.
3. Letterdated tliczrst Decernber 19jo frorn the r)epartmc~ofJustice
af theGovernmerit of the United States of :Imerica relittinto the
rcle=e of the assetsof Nottcbotim Hemanos.

4. T.istuf esprupriatcd=sets ofhlr. Notteliofim aiiso Parasis knowii,
tlic dateon rvhichttiey irtcrcseizethe nurnkr ut'the decree under
rvliic tiiy ivere çcizcd,tlic dütcvf their finalespropriatioii and
their prcserit value.
j. Copy of the docurnentç fiIedin procceding number 46.

6. Copyissued tlie 24thNovember 1951 oE files of the Govcrrirrieoft
Guatemala relzttingtnMr. Friedrich Nuttctioltm.
7. Copy issucd the nrst February 1946 of files ofGovernment of
GuatemaIa relating tu &Ir.Friedrich 9otreboh.
S. Governrnental decrce nurnbcr 2601of the 9th Octokr 191.

9. Gn~~crrirnçnladeçree niimber 2655 of tfiagrd Decernber rq@.
10. Gvvcr.nnieritaIdecreenumber 3134 of thp:~4th Airgust 1944.

Ir. GovcrnrncritadIecree nurnkr 3r 35 uf the14th :liigiis1944.
12. Covernrne~~taIdecrce nurnber 3135 of the ~3rdAupst 1944.
13.Legislatjve decree nt~rnber 114 ofthe zznd Müy 1945.

14. 1,egislative decrec niimhefigoofthe 25th May 1949.
15- Legislaiivedccrcc numher 589 of tlic 31stOctober 1949.
16.Legislative CICC~Pn F:mber 763 of the 2nd Octoher rgjo.

17. Legidntive decree riiirnhr811 of the 23rd May 1g51. ANNEXES

OF 1:IiE roth JANIiARY 1934

LieclitensteiiiOficial Gazcttc. Yeu- rg31, Yo. r. Issued or1 rotfiJatiu-
a=Y 1934-

{cl by satura- NationaIity may beconferred only upn sucli foreigricrs tirho
lization (u)by the 1au.s of their forrrierhome State (HEimalsSpui) have tlie
lgaI capacity to act ; flieIack of sucli capacity can be reinedicd

bythe coiiscritof the iatlieror Iegal rcprescria rve ;
(6) prrive tliat the acccptaticc into tlw Hornc Çorporatiori (Heilpiul-
verhad} of a Liechtensteiil conirriunr: liahecn prornis~d tn thciri
in case of acquisitioii of the nationdit of thc State ;
rove that in cas of acquisitiari of tlieiiatioi~alitthey Irise their
(c) former nationality. However, ifmrding to the law of tlrWr Iioniï

Statc tlwy retain thtir former iiatioriaiity incase ofacrluisitiariof
a foreigiiiiationality, thisret~uirement can be wÿived ; the Princely
Govc3rnrncnc tan dispense with the proof of ille ~C~C~SC fr~m Eh~tr
fonncr riationaiity.Irr tiiesecases iIieprotection of the Liechtcri-
stein aï~ihoritiescan not br!clairnecl :uscgar~1s the relations tc the
firstIinme State.
(dl liave ordinarily resided in tiic territoryof the l'rinciliality of Litdi-
tcinstciriat Icast thrce yars ; this requirernent can be dispcnsed
with iri çircumsta~iccsdeserving spccial consideratiort and hy way
of exception.

for Herr Friedrich ?t'ottebrihrn, horri oii ~6tli Septembcr 1881 in
Hamburg wIio hy sliprem? resnliitia ofriHis Sereric 1-liglincss thr:
Ruiing Prince of 13th Octobcr 19x9 was accepierl as a citizen of the
. -
l 'Sraiislate(l fromcçrtihcd çopyin Gerinan ivhich has bwn depositcdwith
the Kqistrar. :l'i'IE?CEÇTC, LIECHTENSTEtN >IEAIiIOHIAL (.\'3) --b
Liechtenstein Stzltearid rias obtaiiied civic rights in ttie cornmuni tj.
of Xüureri.

Vaduz, 20th Octhber 1939.

C;uvernnieiit of the Priricipality
of Liechtenstein :
(Si~xedJ Dr. V(:i~.i-.
\Siam pl

Ccrtified copy.
Vaduz, qtli March. 1952.
Rincely Governrneiit's




I>eceinher 2 1,1950.

Mc. KaiI-IIeiril: NotteboIim
cJo Thomas G. Cnrcoran, Eq~uii-c
rgIr K Street,II. Ifr,
Wasliirigton,D. C.

Uear Mr. Nottehohm :

In conneetion with Sour aiipiicatioii for tlic unblocking of %sets
in ilie Uniicd States in the rtarrrtof Notcehohrn Herrnanos and ifs
partners, Friedrich Nottebolirn ,Karl-Heinz Xottebohm, Canneri Kotte-
holirn,and Erika Xottçhohm von dei-Goltz :
Alter duciriquiql in the United Statcs.Gcrmany, Çivitzerlaitd, Liech-
teitsiein and Luatemala, and of your rccurds, it has ken determined
to unhlock ;isnofi-e~icrnyal1 liroliert~iri the United Statcs covcred '
by sucli applicatioii inttie narneof Notteholi~ri IIcrmanos and its indi-
vidual ynrtnerç \7e are issiiinga licensc today.
Sincerely yaurs,

- .
.4ssistant Attorney-Gcrieral ,
Ijirecto0 ~,iceeaf Alicn Property. An~isx 4


A. .-\~sctswliiçh wcrc tlie propçrty of the partnership Soltebhm Hernianas of which hlr. FI-iecliicli Nottdmhni&vasa part owner. The
ivaluç iri culurnri 1 representstlie value to the partnershi of the exprupriatcd aset5 an tho i7th I>ect:rnkr, rqgr.Ttie vnliie in
coliiiiiri 1represents:tlic valiiiof che shart: of Mr. Fricdiich Nottebolitii x

k'lantntion Sta. Cccilja r8 Scpt. 1942 3135 19 Aiigt~st 194.1 350,000 25W0 4
El Pcrii 6 ilugust 1942 3135 14 .41igust 1914 jûo,cioo qo,oo" O

, Mediodia Felipiiias z5 Jnly 1942 3135 14 :iugust r!i44 q0.m ~q,ooO ,
. Bola de Oro 21 July rgdz 14 hugust 19-14 r50,ooo t4.0uu
,, Los Castanm 7 Jvll- 1942 14 August ~9.14 65.w 5.m0 2
,, Ia PIorida 22 Allg~~st 1942 1.1 A~gust 194.4 rwj,uw 22.00~
. I.nsSahanotas 12 June 1942 rq Augtist tg44 140,rmn 21,00° 3
, 1-0s Urillantcs 12 lune 19~2 rq -4ugust 1944 j6,oon 2,0n0 5
,, 3lu1itc Cristu 2s Jrily 1942 '4 Aogust 1~44 11o,ont3 iz,ouO
Farm Cuaiuriço ?O June 1042 14 r\ug~~f. 1044 30,000 1,50° 5
1.and in HueIiuelenaiigo fur ivorkrnr:n'sdwcllinçs 40,ouu

IliiilditigCasa f:rande in Quelraltcnango G3,ooo 3,50° 2
Rndega Ilnston 9 Junc 1945 r1,ooo 4.W
Husinesshouse Nnttobnlitrt HerniaiiusiiiGuateriialn City 13 Mar& 194, ~jo,ooo 66,000 5
No. 38 Ave. del Iiipodroino in Guateinala City I)june 1945 ,$O,OOD rg.uuo 2
Lard Utiildingsite TA: drcos iii Gtiateniai;~City 30,000 ii.000 &
Stiarcs 13 Corrip. Coni, & :\gricola 8,000
2904 Banco Cenlral rq,ooo '7.

Agtncia hlaritiina Nat. Ltd. 5,om ?
klüeltede Chainperico S"J
* General b:lectricStatioti(A.E.G.) 16,377 4,526
Crcdits duc tti the firni Kotteboh~n .Herrri;iiicis 265.5~Ci-b4 (i9.550
Balance d dcposit amount at Hnnco central 412.632.94 111,486

'1-otaraliie of >Ir.Sottthohni's interesutnder A. . . . . .+ . 501,ogz

* Accurdi~ to inforniarion received aftor thi: institution oprnceedinp, thiir itcm is to he inclirdediiithc liaofthe expropria*&
assets ofbfr. Nottebohm.B. Pr<ipcrtyjvintly ui:merl in cqual sltnrcz iiy air. I'rictlricliSot teboliiri iiiid>Ir. CarIris Nnttcbuliiii

I'lantalinii San Raiael Pana '7 July 1g42 3135 1.1 2iugu~t 19.f.t ?w,wo ~OO.OOO
,, EIl'otosiyAnexas rr Sept. g 3'35 14 riugust 1944 200.000 IOO,OOO
,, C;itütalort IJ,~ 7,000

, hloraan i i Atlg115t 1942 - u s ? . 4,ooo 2.u~~
,, KI Carliten Slctzabci 20 JHIY 1942 fJ August rq+,$ 20,- iu,uuo
Iiuilding Ilcsidcncc nt Oa Calle 'Tivoli Pr 7ü hvc. Sur 14 Aiigmt rq4.t Ho,uou .#o,uoo

'fotitovalric:uf Jlr. SutLeLuliiii's iritcîvst iinrtci-H . . . . . . -259,000

'l'utajrïiluc iinder d 5nr ,nt/-?
je ,, ,, 25g.~inri

,, C 753,"OO
Total r,514 .mx c~ucizalcs Tlir.docirrnc~itswIticIi folLo\ Anncxes 5, fiürirl7 are tra~isbtioiis
lakcri [rom nScial c.opies ui goverrimciit files in Spaiiish wIiich \vert
siipplied by the Govcrriment ofGiiatemala at tiic reqr~est of the Icgal
reprcçcntativesof >Ir. Nottcbohm in Guatemala. 'The original oficial
copies in Spnnish liavt?been deposited with the Registrar ofthe Court.
The lorni of tlicorigiria~docrrrneritsdiRe13 iriwrrie respcts fronr th
fom of the translations as titcy appcar in the Annexes. The original

documents were t3.ped witftout a break iipii a seriesof nunibcredand
stamptld slieets. Ori occxsions the Govern~nenrof Liecl-iteristeirhave
had çame dificulty in detcrrni~iing \ïlicrt: oneentry hegins andanothcr
crids. Conseqiieiitly, ii-irirder ta simplify reference to lic trarislatirins
aiid ivitiiout in ariy ivay affçcting their substance. the Governmerit of
1,iechtenstein Iiavc divided them in to paragrapiis ivliich are distiiictivd>*
iiumbr,red irithc mar$n so that it is cleür thatthc nuinbcrs do riutform
any part -f the body of the transl t'ons.


KUMtll3EK 46

'I'liafor tiicse purp0w.s he lias sceii Lhc peiitiori pre3;eiitedhy Iloii
E'retierico3nttehhm the wbiçii witlt its termination arid iriscrtionof
represen tatioii, statcs as foibivs "Serior Prociirador Genz~~1 oi the
Xation : Frcdericn Sattebnhrn with refcrericc to tlie rnatter alrcady
broright to your nutice iri the ofice of yonr ii-orthy rninistry iri tiic
proccedings ofoppsitiori tu tlie expropriation tu \.;hich my prnprty,
is suhject, which proceedings are nurnbered$5, humbly appcar to
letition :1'11a~ t1rny own espense nnd wiiti the forrrixlities ofthe law,
\ rnay br gmntrd rertificnrio~iof all the prucwdiligs. 1 request pu to
grartt rny petition. Guatemala 28th May rgqq. .4t trie rec~uestof tlic
prescritor {sipied) Ricardo Xuniga. 'I'tiere istlieseal,!stüm~itv11is clyis
RicarrlriXutiiga Sandic.~ Advocxir. and Xutary.

1 'This:Inriec~,nsisls oancxact translation ofrineothe ~1wn111enfivliicIi were
cibtaincdby tbr!Iegal representativcof Slr.Nnttebohrn in Guatemala. It is a
copyut ait thepapcrs ~hich iiz~-c bcert finprmcwiing number +G-the prxcd-
ing institutain Ckuatcrnalal-iy Air. S{iitel;oh~n's rcprexntininn unsuccc~aful
eiïort tosecum ~!icwtuni of his proprrty. Secretiiriat of the Ministerio l'ubtico Cilatemala, C. A. receicctl 2
30th May 199 at 09.25 heurs from tlie hands of IL Lu~iigiaLiccnciate.

Contra1 Ka. 3959, Xinisterio lkhlico : Guatemala tlic liiirlccntfi clas
of May oiiathoiisand nine hundred ariri [orty-niiie. May ltic St.cret:irial
look &ver tlic aioresaid aritccctlcrtts ;indas tlic 1,reseriter+erliiestsat
Iiis eqisnsc.grnnt to Iiim tlitlcertific:itioot the procecdi~~gsreferrcd
to iri hisforcgoi ngtitinn (siptcd) Licoiia 31. Proçurwlor Keiieral of
the Natiori arid cliiefof tlic Miriisterio Publicu ; Fidel San17ed1.a 1'.
Secretary. Here ;ire tlic respectiveçcals.

Iw~~rr.i-~oP xr.occedings 'l'o. 46.Person in rliiestion (;.+RNES XUTI'IL 3-
BOHM STOLTZ {Frederico Koi tehiirn iveber). Subject : Esempt ion of
his prol~t'rtySefiorProcurador Pi~hlico oi the Nation : :~REI>I~I<IC(~)
Sori-~rioli~ IVEBE .RC;irme~i Sottehohm Stoltz offull age, spiirstc,
rnistrcçç of her hoiisc, of Guatcmalan natiori:ilityIiving in tlie city.
humhly show : I am the niece of Frederico NottebrilirntYeher hrot1ici
of rny iai1icr Don Arturo Xuttchhm. My uriclc Doii Frctlcrico is
invoIuritarily abseritfrom the countr yncl did not have tlic op~iortuiiity
of leaving an attorney ta represen t Iiim in his personal capacity iriIiis
&airs. For tliisre;Gori,as ncst relative I assumc Ili5represetifatiorias
Gestor in defcnce ot Itk riglits and pcrçonai interests. Uon I7rc<lerico
Xottehohm Weber wa5 horn in Hamhurg Gerrnany ahoirt 7j years agr,;
arid wm of Gernim natioiiality untiI 1939 wIieri tic\KE iinturaliiscdiii
.tIie I'rincipalityof 1,iecItenstciri,3 sovereign State in Europc. Uoii
Fredericu liaslived i~iGuatçmala uorki~ig al iiisbusi~icss for abcrvc
35 ycars, andduriiig the passzge of a11 thistime has gained an excellciit
;eputation foriioriestyanddiligcricc. 'l'liereare iioaritecedtscont radict-
ing tIiisrcputation irt ariy public oflice.Me rvgistercd as a domicilcd
rilien at the Ministry of Foreign I7elations under Ct?rtifiçateSo. 1963
on the r6tli April 1gz8 andon tlie20th Oct<iber ~939, this registratioii

\vas iiiiicndctorccognixr:Iiisricrvriiiiioiialiasa citizenof Lieclitc~rstciri
asis stiow~i in the mtlieriticüterl docri~riet;iccomp:inyirig.As a rnemher
of the firm "Xottctiohrn Rros." of this place his narne s,.~çincluded in
the biack lis1 proclairricd t>y LIicGovernrrtcritof the ljnitccl States of
ArneBca. but ar;he no longer had the iialionality ofanyof the countrieç
ai war with Guaterrialahe ha? the right to invok~ the provision< of
lcgislativc decrecNo. I 14of wiiiciiArticlc IO alloms hinito bc exempt
from riie lcgaIand economic effects to which he inight hc subject hy
reason of tlic said black list.8nçing iny czw. on tliis Inw, 2nd in thc
namc of Dori Frcilerico h'ottçbohm WcherI curric totakc tlie ricccssary
steps ssothüt, by teason of his natioiialityat hirth a dcçlaration hc
made tii:itticsliouId he exempt from :iiiy priiceedirigsrelatingto the
expropriation of his propcrty. In tiiisreslicct Ideclare ;tiiat tliScefior-
Kottebolim Weber lias not heloripd to any officia1 pIitica1groiip uf
aiiy country ;iwar ivith Giiat~mala; tbat hc hxsnnt CO-operateddirectly
or iridirectigwith tiiatParty rrorcoiicributedto i ts sustenriiice opropn-
ganda, ikiat Iiclias never attendccl vo king plebisçiteson board the S.S.
Cordiilernnor 011any other vesse1of cnerny fl,q; thai personally he ii;is
riol CO-operatcd directly or iiidirectIywitli rhr:ciic~niesof the repu blic
rior donc business ivitli persoris riatiiralor legal I$ersolaas o entidadesj
included iiithe tilzck lists; tliat thcrc lias rievcr bec11any cause to
accountIiim iiiider suspicion for niiti-democratic activities. To proue
thrz staternentc. 1ask tiiat the rclevant information be retluested from 7s XS SEXES TC) I.IECHTES STEIS >IE\IOKI;II-(SO. 5)
the Sccrctariat of EoreigriRelations and from l'olice HezitIquarterand
that the evidence of the witnesses, Don Carlos Walter Elmeiihotst of
Uritisftriütionalit, riiid ufDr. Ilun Lcvpoldo Asckel of Guaternaiai
nationality, be takei~.May ttic Seiior Procura(lor Genetrilgive ta this
petition the effect of legai pruceeding and at the op~~xirti~iiniornelit
~iiake tfitdeclaratioiiwliich 1 bumbly reqiiest.
Guatemala r~tli june 1945(sigtredj CarrrieiiNoticbolirri5eCrctari;it
ot Sfinisteriu I'ublicoGuatcnida, C. A. receivcd rrth June 1943 at

16.00 hrs Joskh1ornIes. 3734.
M~sis~rsriroPr;sr.rco: Giiatemala twerity second &y of Junc one
thoiisand rtirichirndredanil forts-five. 'Thepresenterislegaliy justified
in lierrepresentation asattorney or defeiider ofthe abscritman. {signd)
.\farcia)fendez M. 1'Saavedra '1'; here isthe respectisv eal.

o+;(C; tu70qiietzalts. Certificnte No.1+8.
Soda!: mas registered Sefior I;REDERICN OOT~EBOH Ms ,aGerman
citizen, aftcr provjng Iiiçriationaiitywith the jiistifying <Iocunietits
mentioned heIow. I'AIIE.:NT.U; I:ane Federico Xottebohm namc of
fathcr or motlicr. Guillemo Nottebuiini. Elisa If'eber.Natioriality of
parents Gcrrnan. Place of Liirth of person rcgistered ancl country of
birtli Hainhurg, Gemany. l'laceoi r~sidence inGuatemala 'The Capital.
Xanc of wife..,. l'lace uf birth of wife...Niirnhcr of diildrcn under
zrys of agc if horn in Guaternala....Marrieciursingle. Single. Profes-
sion or job.13usiriessman. Agc fnrty-sis years. Hei litr inetre 86centi-
rnetres. Compiesioii fair. Eyes blue. Huir fair. Bistinguishing niarks
none.Dociiments jiistifyh is igationalty Cerman passport frorn
Gcrmaii Lcgation irt Guatemala. Arotcs.'I'hc bearer pruved that he
wxs grantcd nationaiity of Liechtenstein with the 1';~sport XQ. 702
esectited by the Goveriior in Vaduz the 20th October 1939. Soted.
Guatemala 16 April 1928, (Ptaçe aritldate of registrittion.(Sigjied)
IiedericoXattebohm {Sigriaturcof personinqucstion) 1llcgiblc(Signartrre
of under wcretary of Foreign Rrlationsj. And to he frankeri to rh~
person in qiiestiun in conformity ~vititiIccree90.969 these prese~its
;iregra~ited in Guzitemrila 17th .ipril192s. ('l'liumbprint rigfitindex,
or otlier fiiigcjtiits phce.) Her~ is tlie pliotograpiof the perfon in
questron. {Sigrrcd} Iltegible (Mirtiçtcof l'utcigii I<clions). ARTICLES
OF THE I,.\nOF AI.II:KS.Art. jy. The registratioriconsritutes onty a
prcsurnption of1x1~thiitth~alien ha thenationxlity nttrihiited to him,
aiid arlinitsproof to the contrary. .Ali. 40.The rcgistratio~i iprovcd
bv cerfificate thereof wItidi isgranted and signed by thc Xinister of
Foreign Rclafioiis rvho ajonc lias the power to do this. Art. 4r. No
public riiithoritcan recognize as a personof a giç-crifoieigtnationality
ariyone who fails to produce 11iicertificate.Art. 47. l'lieGuatemalan
Iaws are tiinrliiiirpn ail Iwrsons in Guaternalan territory ~ithotit
distinction ofnatiotiatity. The stritus and cayacitÿ of the persoiis and
tlieir relations argoverned by the law of the nation to wiiicii they

T~IOUSA ) s\i'ihH.U:Y»KIII)~SD THIKTT-SIS -.ileuiidcisipiedcertiiieç
tiialDon I'ederico Nuttcboli~ri of Iierman natinndity was rcgistered
intliisofficciriCertificate rlurribe15 Folio iyg Rook 40 of Domicileri AS SESES TO I.IECKTEX5f EIS 31ElIORI.4l. (Y,. 5) 79
ariens. :lrticlcs329 and 331 of tlic C.C. (Sktred) Illegihle. kirs~rc +.Kt<


SICCI<I.:~.,~ HFI;;I.REIC.N KI:I,.+TIOX :SGuatemala tiie severitti rlaj6
of February one thousnnd nine Iiiiizdredand fortp. Tt is rccordcd that :
the bearer lias changedhis rrationaljty, Iiavitigopted for thnt of 1-icclt-
tenstei~ias Iiilias pro\-ed ~vitli thc passport riumbered 702 wiiidi was
esecuted hy the fiovernor of Saduz dated the zotli Octobcr 1939.111id
at the reqiiestof Sefior Fedcrico Notteboiirn tliis ~noditicatiois matic.
Arnended 1939. Valid. (SignLilEJIllegible. Here is tlic scalSECRETAH\-

Scfior I'rocurdor Gericralof tlit?nation, SirbjeciP'~ari~icoNOTTE- 7
IlittieOffice ofynirr hlini~try tlicreis irittic stagcoi n pctitiu~itlif:
procecdings takeii out so tliat a cieclaration inay be matle thrit ouitig
to iny positiorias a citizen of tlie Pri~iciyülity of 1,iechtcnstein uiider
SW~F Çrotectiuri rny property shoiild not be affectcd by tlic pruvi~ion~
fl-itheir exproyiriation and seizure made in the ernergciicy Igislürioii.
Tlic recen t legislativc provisio~is rovide that the fruits af proptr1~-

espropriated or to lx espropriate B i~i favour of tlieState are Likewise
expropriatecl. As a pnrtner in ''Xottebohm I3ros." 1 have a sltrirein
ttte goods of tliis I;ornpany wtiose expropriation is alreüdy ordered,
2nd they :ire the follorvirig: Husiic eslotcs "1,as Sabanctas ",a Fici-
rida", " Bota rlcOro". "El Peru", "3Tontc-Lbristo" 3rd "Les Briilaiites".
Urhuricstules : n building on tlic corner of 10th Strcct aricl5th .ivenue ;
thi: hoiise No. 38 Averiida.~lcl tlipnclroiiio and tfic BoriegrliwineçIiop,
grocery or watcliuuse] " 1305LUI?". .~'/UC~:Sliares iiitlieHar~coCeri tral,
iiithe Xgericia hlari tiin:iNacianal, in the Muel~e de Clia~ripcricu aiid
rhi: Guate~nal:iri Il~npresaEIcctrica, S.A. :lforlgoges : Lretliter hipo-
teciirios[I-oaiissecirred by H yputltec] : Iuaiis seciired tn the follorving
perçons hIoiscs Rivera Soto, Koberto IJivaralI'adiiIa,Juaiia Attenbac11
de Larrave. H~ctor Augustu I'ivaral. IIcrrria~tostiparico Rnrrios, Jose
Herrartc SagastürneB ,lanca >latilde Ruiz de 3lencos. 1Icrman Rlijller,
Carlos and Jiian Ir'igoycn. t~eiipe I'iirritaCaîtnnçdn and 1~r:iiicisca
Maury dtiT.eoti de l'urrita, Vicente G. Lkrjn.BcrnardaMolinaI'atlilb
de Fleriiaridrz,$ilvia widow ot Lerniis 1:nrique Ciiintario IiriscI~cand
cu-owiier. Jose hi~to~tio Lopcz Cüceros and CO-owiicrs, EiiricliiI>ieiricii

Slcendçcn, iilvira 1,.dc Aparicio, iiricl Clirb Lc Guiiteinalii. ]<esides
niy slinrc iri [lierttici1-ejt:rolieins?a Iiartner in Sottcliolirn I3rtifi1
have iiirny persona1 cajncity a diare in the Empr.esa Elcctric:~ arid I
also sh:ire irithe estatcs "El I'utosi","San Rafacl Pal'aiiai~", orazari"
and "Guntalori"as co-oivner. Iii conforrnity \vit11th laws invok~d ,
and the fiiçtwliicIi i have recitctirithe proceediiig'TO ~VHICH 1 referred
at tliehgiii~iing, 1 consider that hot11 inrespect of tIie propcrrics above
mcntioned, and likewise of tiie trhtiiriprodticc which they have hrri,
1 Iiave the riglit task my sliarcs in tticrriLEEr.cc4Irom ;il1espro~,riation
or scizure ;and irivirtue ofthis 1 :isk tlre Senor l'rocurador Genernl
of tlieNatiori respectfullv ttint lieshoiildact th115 when the tirne cornes
ior the filialsettlzinerit of trriiitcr-Sliuuld riiypctitioiiiothcgrnntcrl,
I tlcsirtrvitlicfiect frum iiow EO give respectful riaticeof my protcst.
anil 1sk thüt (1riiay Iiave:içci-titiccopy of the) prescritrricrriut-aridiiii~
aiid of itstlccision. Guatemala yd Jiily rgqfi(signd) p.p. 1;cdcricoNortebohm :Cliristian
lianie illegible, surnanic 3*;ottehahm, Secretariat of tlie Ivlrh-~STERIO
I'uiii-%C: GI:.~TF,~~AL (:A~. receivcd yd July 1946 rit 16.30 hrs.
Personal 4768.

8 SF-CHETARIA OFT THE ~~~X~S-I.I'HIPcI:I.I~:.: GL.A'TE%I .~L: iftll
day of July one thonçand ninc Iiiindrcd arid forty-six?'O be added to
t1ic ürit~cedent.of thiçpresent meinonintlum, to he ctcaltwitii as SOOI~
as possitilc,aritl attlieespense of the petitioner he is to he granted
the ~~rtification he rcqucsts and lct the s~alerl Iiaper brrnlilaccd witli
the lrgal seal. (SignJ) hlarcial Mendei: hl.-F. Saa\:cdra T. Mcre is
the respcctivc seal.On the fiftceritli day of Jiily one thoirsand nine
kiuridredvai-idortÿ-six, I notifiethe person in cluestiorof tbc:forcgoirig
~ïn~visiorissrid he signed :isnutificd. 'IVitnessed(Sigxed) Mrircrl'I'tilio
31artiriez.-p. p. Federico Nottebuhrn. IllegibIe.
SefiorProçurador Gerieral ofthe nation. Sulij~:cïr:FEDERILN UOTTE-
g IIVIi~ \i1l.:Ml<.

ln ilifofice of Four Ministry there are legal procecdingsrclating to
a declaratiori tliat2s a citizen ofLiedltei~stein,uiider 5uiss protection
I a~trrit siihject, perwnallyor in relationto rny prgicrty, to the provi-
sioriscithe emergcriçy legisbtinn. 1 =k tliat the petitici11and thpraafs
containcd iri ttiosc procccdirigs be takrii as rny Iegal oypositiorl,as;
requircd by the regulation whicii is rnadc for tlic exccutiun of the
cmergency legislrttioby trieAtlrniriiciiratiOrdcr ui 2nd Jiily resrnt.
Luatcmala fittiJuly 1946, p.p. Federico Xottetiu111rt.-I YIcgiLlc.
Signaturc.-5ccrcti~riü.t of the hfinisterPitio blica, Guütem~la, C. CL.
Receivcd 8th July 1946 ai 1o.00 Iirs. Ry tiirprr:sentcr. 4%8.

<;iratenirtlariintclay ofJuly one thousaiid riirichtiridreüritlforty-six.
-?O its antecedents :-[signcd) 3Iarcial 3leridcz Il., F. Saavedra 'T .
Iicrc ithe respective =al.
Trroc;s~~» KINEHUNI>I~H I+KD FORTY-SIS L~II Ferlerico Natte-
boltrriWeber ùe notified of tlietirne-liini<ifte11ck~j7for hirn to pror7e
the alleg:itir>ns set forth ihispctitiori of excrnpiioii (sk~ed) Mrircial
Meridez M.. F. Saavedra T. IIere isthe respective wal. ~IEMORAN~~LX.
Natice scrvcd 11ih JUIF 1946(signd) Illegible. Onkhi: fillccritday of
July one ttioiisand nine hiindrcdarid fortu-six1 riouficdSenor I'ederico

Nottcbohm !Teberof the forcgoing provisirms anri lisigiiedas riotfid-
witnessed (sigtledj Marco '1-ulioMartiriez(sig~terljp.p. FreticricoSolte.
rI Sciiw Prncurado Genitralof thc Yation. I'roceedirigs of naFKI>I.:I<IC~
Ko~rs~orrhrP . roçcedirigsNo. 46.
T<AI<LI~EINZ NOTTEBOH~ STOLTZ in nly capacity as attorricy ofrriy
iincie T)on F~rdericnXottebohm i res~icctfully rriake referericeto the
legd proceeditigs takcriout sutliat ni? ~iriiicip:ilshoiilnot bc incliided
in the provisions aforesaid for the espropriation of propcrty and I
declarc ; 'l'1iritin urlocclarify more fiilly w1ia.thave bceritlie activitics
of my mantiator 1 respectfully request you to iriquire of tliChiclof
Policiso that 5701will.receive information anddata irom ]li sffice011
tliefollowirigrrkattcrs.(1) As to whether the life, habits and social,
cornniercial alid yuliticril relationaf Doli l;cdrrico Not tcbulirri sliowthat at any timc he shnirld have sho~n 211 snc1iri;ttionifüvoiirof
countries at war witii Grruternalu. (2) So tliatyou may be inforrncd
wliellicr ctirring theWar period, or- im~riediatelq-bcfure Dori L;e;t.derico
Nottebolim look :iny part direct or indirect in f;~i~ourof the eneniies
of C;iiatcr~iala. (3) As to wlicther I'lnn Fccierico Sottebolim crijoyeda
good repirtation in the variutrs partsof the country and as lo whethcr
lie iitaco~isidcr<tdan iiuncstrtian.I3e so good as to take the resutts of
thesc inquiries as proof in support of riiy petition.
Guatemala 15th Jii1y 1946 (sigarrf) KarI 1-lciriNot teliolirn Stoltz.
Secretariat of the M\linisteriYublicuGuatemala, C.A. received Ijth July
1946 at 16.45 hrs by tiie presenter 5164.
~\IIKISTEI(IOPIIHI.ICO:Guatemala the sisteeritit day of JuIy une
tiiuiisniidnine 1111ndrcd;uid forty-sis. Let the informafion reqirested
iic sougiit iiridtakcri ;w proof of the prcscnter. MFMO~CAN~WA TT.e
i~iformatioriwüs souglit. 18tIi July.

SefiorProcuradto ieneral ofthe Natiori. StrbjecFEDEXIC NOOTTEKOII 1M2
?VEHISH P.rocedings No. 46.
1,KARL HEISZNOTTEHOH SMTOI:I.%re,pctf~illyappcar as attorney of
Ilon ticdericoNottebohm anddeclare tiiatlocomply 1~4ththe provisinns
niade hy this Ofim whicti orders tliatrt proposcd intcrrogatory be
subrnitted tu iüke triecrridencevf the .witticsR siessrs.(:arIosIVaIter
Eirncniiorçt and Dr. Lcopoldo Aschkel, by means of tliispreseiit rncmo-

r:iritlnmI sitbrnitlie follorvir{I) Ler them tell you whether they have
kriownDori Fctlerico Xotteholim for snnie ÿcars Ii:ivithad com1rtercinl
and $oc~;LrIelations witli him. (2) Let tlrein say wl~çtkicr hum their
persona1 knorvledge of the said Senor NottchoIi~n and froni tIieidealirigs
v-itli Iiirn tiickrroiv aricl arc ccrtain that he iiever IxIoiig~d to the
German Kazi l'arty iior to any otlier group of a political nattire rif
couiitriesat \var~vitliGuatertiaIa. (3)1x1 fhcm telly011wlietltcr it is
certiririintlthey know tliat Dan Federico Kotteboti~ii iiever attendcd
meetingsof the Gcmnn Nazi i'ady and tliahe cver co-oyicriitctl directky
or indirectly townrds tltr:aimsof that political~iarty. (4) Let them say
wlictlieritiscertain and they know that non Federico Notteliohrri Iiever
attendet1 the votjng whicIi took place vriboard tlicS.S. Cordiile~nancl
thnt hz did nnt vott: oii üny oti~crship eitkicr. (5) Let them tell sou.
whetliei- tIiey kriow atid arc cerhitiri tliat a11thc relarions tliehave
hacl witir Dun Fedcrico Nottebohm fhat the snid rrian iias had no
coinrttcr-cial activily of nny kind or in ariy capacity witIi black listed
persons or coi-poratioris(6) Let tlicrnsay wiictlier it isirue,and they
know it, t1iat Sciior Xoitcbohni lias not CO-opratcd iriariÿ aav witli
cricmiesof Guaternüla. (7) Let ihcm tell whether from tiic above relation;
thcy have mainiaincd with Don 12edei-icXottehhrn they aru certG11
thnt Iielws always shriwii Iiiiriseloyai and syriip:~t:ithoc C;uateinala.
May it plcasc the I~~rocurariorCcrteral of tkic Kation to arrangc ta
cs;tminc the witnesscs proposed nccording to tIieforegoing iritcrrog:itary
:itit:ike theresuit:isproof irilavciuroftIiepctition ofScfiorNottebolirn.
Gu;itcmala, Tjtli July 1946 (sigiicilKAKI-11~~~N ~OTTEHC)I ITOL^.
Secrc tari;it of the Zliinistcrio Publico C;u;itemala, C. 11. rccci~wi
15thJuiy ir)lIai 15-1 5irsby tlieprescnter 5165.
311srs-i-1~rtuo~r,ro Guaternalawventeeiitlt d:iy of jtiIyoricthousand
iiim Iiii~idred and forty-six'Type forfuture referciice iet ttic propsed
information be taken arid held aç proof on bcfralfof the presenter.Let 8fi AXKESES 3'0 I,ECHTEXSTEIS .\IElIOHIhl, (SO. 5)
Senor 13rocuradur Gcneral of ttic nation I'rocecdingç No. 46 witli
17 reference to Fcrierica kottebohni , KAHI. SDTTEIS~H~ S.1'0iri-z
iri rny ca1~;icityas attnriicy of iny uncle {.)onFccIerico :L'otlcho!irri,
respectfiillyapycar iritiiematter of the praceedingç nciwbcing çutiduç~cd
sothat rny iiririçipaniay rlotbe subjectcd tu the pruvisioiis Laiddown
to cxyr-upriate prorierty. 1 res~iectfiillappcar 2nd Dedüre : 'l'batit is

in accordance with thc rigiits of rny principal ttiattltcre sliould be
a~iri~icsétd tlris proceedirigs thetestiinuriy csecuterl by the Secretary
of tlic Supr.ei~irCourt oi Justice of tiic: judicial registcr So. rq intlir:
Rcgistry of the snid Suprerne Court of Justice, and which prolmcsfiilly
and legrilly that Seiior Federico Xotfebohm isnot a Guatemulü~i, Iiora
Cemian, but a citizen of the I'riiicipality oi Liechtctistcin. \Tillpu
liesogoud as to nrines the rlocirnicntw-hich ;iccornyianiesloit5 antece-
dents aiid to takcit as proof in favour of tlie ~~titioncr.
Guatcrnala 15th July 1946 (Sïgned) Kart Ileiriz Kottebohm Stoltz.
Sccrctariat ,of the Hiiiistei.iot'ttldicGuatemala. C. A. licccivd 7Pt ti
july rlWI ,t 14-4 0irs by th presctiter jz7S.
$ECRETAR~A,- 01: Allr~isrrsr~rIo'usrlco Ciuatenial;tlic cigliteentli
&y of Jrily oric tliousand nine liündrrd and forty-sis. t'ut \vit11its
antecedr,nts and accelit :tsproof on tliç part of the prcscritcr. (Sigtted f
3iarcial iiicrirlhf.,-1'. Saavedra T. ; here is tJicrespective scal.

18 l'irst tesrimoriyofthe judicial registct- riuriikr Ose WU~-~)HE ~I0
Fa~n--Srs I. the Rcgistry of the Suprcirne Court of Justice wliictt
refersto the citkzcrisliibelonging tu;ualema!a
17th Jiily 1946.
SIiccturic,The undersig~ied Advocatr and Notary aiid pi.cseiikre-
tary of tlieSupieme Court of Justicc cii~i-iii;:-'l'liat for thiç purpÇt3
tieIias serii tlie writirig, its provisiaiid its r.egistratio~iwhich reads
as fullows. "Scriorl'resideiitedcl T'nderJu<iiciillT K,irtrI-i-lsr~KUTTE-
HOHM SloL'rZ 36 years of ügc, rnarricd; hiisinessiiiiaiGii:ttcrnalaiiand
residei~t here Iiavinl; notificdto rcceive çonimuriicatioris thc officcof
iny larrrverreprexntirig nie tlie 1,iceiicirrfc CarHafael Lopex Fstrndn,
situated iritlic 4th Avenidü SUI ,,inthis Lity reslicctuilyappear

to reqiiest thar witit due forrnality of law.1 irtay bave exectited four
copics ofthe instrument ricgisteredin ttiercgistry ofthe judiciai 01-gan-
izatiort, bcaririg number 147 a11d wtiici~ refers tu the citizerisfofDon
Fcderico Xot tebohm. 3lzy, t1ie Sefior I'residente rriakcariurdcr to tIiis
effect. Article279 of Decree 2~9, aiid 10.1of Deçrec iSTiz.Guatemala
r6rii JuIy 1946. (S~~IIE~ I) arIllcinz Sottebolirn Stoltz: ziçsistedby
JsigndJ C. R. Lopcz E. (SealofAdvocate)." " Presidency of the J udjcial
Orgaiiizatioii Guntcmnlüsixtec~ith day of July oiie tlious~nd iiinehrindretl
anci fosty-sis. At- the espense of tlic ficrson in cliiestion Ict the bc
esecuted by tlie Secretrrrÿ of rtiir organiz;itiorithe four copies lie
rerjuests. ilriiclc13 Adrniiiistrative Dccrcc Ko. 2374, 3rd I~giskrtivc
Ilecree iio.2556. (Signeclj Prado-J uaiiFunandcz C."
1;iIteenth day of tttcr~ianth of July one thousrttidninc hiindred ünrt
fort)!-six the undersignc<I Sccretary uf tIii:Sulireme Court of Jiistice
procceds to copy the fnllowing doîurnciits in virtiiof tlie ordcprovidcd
dated rrsabove rnentioncd. The linriersignd TransIzitor and juror of
Gerrnaii-Spanish certifies havirig cxarriiricd a docilment drawn iip iii
that lariguagc aiid which, dorie into Spanish says. "LEK TII-~T~OS Sefior Fe<Ierico Sottcbohm biisiness man in
Guatcinala, born ilie 16firday of September one thorisantl eight Iiut~dred
and ciglity-one (ISSI) has tvitlicffcct [inin the 13th ro. 1939 thc
tiatiorialitul Licclitelistein ni-idis residcnt in the community ofLiech-
tc~istein XIA~HES . adirzrtic6th JIay 1936. Goverrior of tIiePri~icipalit~
(sigmci) Erick. (~e;i1s) (;n\:ernrrieriof Hie priiicipnte of 1,iecbteristein.
Arid iiiwitness of thc trutli of this Iesccutc sigii aiid sc:tl these prwents
i~iC;u;itern;ilnrztli July 134ü (Sktial) Carlos Iluhois".
TIierc is a seal Ko. 'LIS. Thty-*paid Su. 3. 'TheniicIerçijined C;onsiil of
Giintcni;ilu certifies ;thnt the sigrrature is aitticntic arid reads "Frick
ol tlic:urtI-ir>ritycgicrun~ L. l:ÜrsteiittiriI.ieclitcristcin. XiirirSr IMay
1946 tilt:consitl(sigittd) Ii. 13racIicr.'I'lictciilsenl.
TIic Uriticrsccretnry for Foreign Itelation crrr<-rIt;r: ii;irtlie signa-
titi-eof the Licenciatit Reni Rracher is autheritic arid thut af. tlietirne
ul ~x~ritiiijt iic wits citrryirig out the duty of Consul of C;uüicmrila at

Xiiriçli, Sir.itzcrland.GuateinJa I1t1i July rq.16.(Sigiicrl) Art. Her-
briiger A. Kote the blinistry of Foreign Kela~io~istakes nu ccspoiisibility
for flic conteiits of tliis docurrler~t. Tlierc is n scxl znd :ipiiropriiite
çtrimps ."....

"Sciinr I'residt:~itc dcl Potlçr Jirdicinl. 1 KAHLHEIM NQTTEBOH~1 ~3
3ti vca1.s of agc mürried, hiisincss rnan,Gtrattrmzlanand resideiit here
~iotif~ing to receive comrniinicationsthe officiofrny Iawyer aridreprcscri-
tativt? 1,icenciattt ilon Carlos Rai acl Lopez 13stiAadas,ituated in the
4th hvcxiida sur No. ,2u in this city. respectlrilly appar and declare,
Iiiçoriiorrriity witl~ claiise((;J-ofrirticIc:4 of t1cci.c~ rSGz 1 conie ta
Littgyau hurntily to givc Icgalcftect to the doçumcrit\vt.Iiicl aiiiieuiiercto
:ind wliicliiscluly;iiithenticritecbl ytlie Sccrctariat of I'rirejgnRelations,
;iiitItrrrnslated from Germari ji-itothe 1eg:il inriguage {of the Kepublic
tiateninln 13th July irj4GJsqSntxi) Ihrl i-Icinz Nottebnhnt. Xssistcd
hy (sknd) C.K. 1,opr:z 13.Therr is a seal ci{:irIvncati:and ntitary."

" l'resiilency of the Jurlicial Organizatiori. Guatemala liiftccritti daÿ 20

iisJaskctltto theouziiiesednecrrtificütc wtiichforefet.s togtliecitizerishipiof

scfin~-I;~sa~~rcoScirr~rro~~s ~secuted in Vactiiz by the rcjirrrseittativc
of thc Governrnerit of tlic Principatity of 1-icclitenstein whicli is sipicd
tyrick2nddated sixth clay of Mzy of tlieçirrrtiityeiir.Lettiieappropriate
3citar.iaicertificüte be issried. Article 49 A&rijnist rativeUcçree So. T%S
,.igaerl) l'rat10 Juan Fernaidex C." "Heforc nic Juan Ferriarldcz C."
i~1-i IS .I-HI.: I:IHCOPY wIiich, duly csarnincd with tlie original 2nd
tu he giveii to Sciior Iiürl Heiriz KotteboIirn StoItz is cxccuted on twn
efiective sIieets iii tlic city of Guatemalo on ttic scx-critcentlday of
tIte month of Jiily. iirietfiousand nine hunilrctl and forly-sis thc ftrst
shett is staiiipcd one rtuetzal. hcaring thc riunibtr Pi-0320.1S-Keg-ciy21gci
ir~idthis one ]:ive ccn tavos b~aring the nurnher :1-2gSlj64o-Iieg.258716s.
botli ofthe curreiit ("rvc years. (Sigrzcil)jiiari I;ernan<Iez C.-Tiicre 1s
a scal whicli s;iys "Secretüriat of tlirS~t~'ircmÇcoirrt of Jirsiicc Iicputilic
oE CiuatcmalaC.A. Jutiicial Ilrgaiiisatior.

Sciiur I'rociirador Gcnerai of tlic K~tii31i : 1 KAKI, HEINZ NOTTE- 21
OHM, htimbly npprar, to refcr, irirny capncity as attorney of Don
1:cdcrico Sott ctidii-iita tiie proccedingsheing coiidtrctcd tn prev~nt 88 AXXEZES TU 1.lECHTESSTEiS >IE%IOKIAL (s~. 5)

the appIicatiorito iiitof therneasures Lai d own to espropriate proFrtu
and 1 decture: 'I'fiat 1corneto nddto the ~irocetrlingsin question certt-
fiçatcs execiited tiy the Instituciones de Re~ieficienciay Pruvideticia
Social (Public fifdfare) and rvhich are concerned with the gericral
advancenient of Guatemala, tiecauscthe said certificates rvltidiaiines
Iicrclu. show that Don 1;ederico Kottcbohm lias shoivn philanthropie
feelings :incl;r great Iuve towardsGuaterrida. 'The contents of tlic
certificates anncscd are verv lionoiiring bnth tn rny principal and to
rriysclf; oririfwiiich sliuws tliat inproofof its gratitude tlie sociedad
I'rotectioidcl Niiio(Society for protcciioriof Childrcn) coriferreci u~mrt
nnn Federico Xotiebohiii a diploiiiaof honoiir and the right to Wear
the eriarnel badgeof thc Sociedad Protectora del Xinu. The certificates
fo whidi I referarc executed in favour of tIie Casa Nottebohm ancl
for this reason 1 annes a further certificate which shows thar Ilon
Fcdcrico Nottehdim isrriariagi~igPartner ofthe said Lasa Nottcholiin.
Way the seiior I)i.ocuradorGeneral oi the Natiori nccept the anrtexc<l
documents and takc them in proof in favour of my principai.Giiateniala
~3rd Jiily 1946. Kilrl 1-Teinzh'ottel>ohmSecietarrat crt the 3,Firiisterio
PubIi~o Guatemala C.A., receiwd ~3rd Jti1y 1946 ai 16.j~ Iir::
perwnal 5414,
11 1~rçrearciI'UHI-IC O uateinaia twenty fourth July 1946 tir1full)

letthe açcoii~panying documents he takm ns proof on behalf of Dori
Fetlerico Xottcbohrn (signed) Marcid Xeridcii 31..F. Snavedrn 'I'. hcrc
isthe r~~pcctive scal.
22 By the prcsents to dic Accouritarit of the Central Bank who signs
beIow, CERTIFIES : TItathe h= esamiricd the cbcqi~e xi'ozzyiy3 ivhich
reads oir the Frortt "ChequeXo. C.-z23093. Guatemala 29th Sorrernbcr
T94.R4~sco CESYRAI. De GG~~TEM~I Pa~y#o the ordcr of the centrd
Wcifare Conimittee (CnrnitéCcrttralde Socorro) Q, 1050. OXE THOUSANI)
Alin FIFT'I' QUETZilLSinaccnrdiince with note of 7th Novemher 1944
of the Secretariittof Hacienda y C.P. I'.I'. No-]-TEBOH BMROS.fsigtrd)
GuillcrmoGrote." There is a seal whicit say'rX~~~~>~sf HHNO CSi~iate-
mala C.A." Ori tlicbii~k of the sanie ctieque it says "Comité Central
de Socorro, G. lselin h.-{ihere are t\w seals whicli say) "Cliamber
of Cornrnerce aiid rndustry of Guatcnraia'' "Banco Certtral de Guate-
mala-laricelled-zrid Ilecernher r944". Tliis clicqrre wm chargcd to
the accoiint "lirozcn Deposits" of the House NiittcboliniRrns. Atid

at the rcyuest of the saidXilessrs.Nottehohm Rros. tliiccrtiftcate\vas
exvc~ited iiitlie cityof Guatemala on the eight~cntii day uftlic rilontl~
ofJirty rriqG(in fuI1)(signed) 3lariiieI,u~iaII. Coiitador.Vo. I3o. Lic.
Jose Falla Aris %Iariagcr.Thcrit is a seal which says "Banco Ceritriil
de Guatemala".
23 The Uriclcrsipcd Çecretnry siibstitute of tticSociedail Ptotectoix
de1 Nifio certifie: 'I'hattlic House Sottehohm Hros., and every oIie
ol its ~airtners individuülly, Iiavebeeii coiistant hencinttorvs f tliis
society.E~turricratcd lielow arc the various doriaiions received as set
fnrth in the Society's Books. In thc year ly3t5 NottebriIrm Rriis.lire-
scritedto tlieSociety a ward in trieCasa del NiiioSv. zwitli si~iitatioii
incluciing wasl~~sins, W.C.'S, Shawers, and EIcctric ventilation, si
a cost of about ~o,ooo.oci Quetzals.This samc year Nottehohrn Bros.
made the gift of a large "Aiitoclavc" [preçumnbly a washiiig rnactiine],

to disirrfcctclotliing, beddirietc., of tlie valiiof Q. jûO.Oû more or gr> .-~NKESES ,ru LIECHTENST~IX ~~EJIOIIIAL (Y,,.jj

boltrn Rros. oi tliis place who ha\-t. fur many ycars madr a frcc-wiH
dotiatiori evcry six rrionths of tiventy five dollars ol Quckals, bcsides
otiier gifts frnm tirne tn timc rriaclcirifavour of triesaid Society ; and
that Du~i kdericu h'ott-ebohni persona!!!; h;~..also becri a gcnerorrs
contributor, for which botii tlicsaid geritlernan and tlie Houvc ofwiiicli
Iir:sa iiiemher haveeartied ilic gratitude arid special ;ippi-eciation vi
tIie benevojctit Tnstitutian over wliich 1 presirle..As aii act of jiistice
and for wliatever purpvses i~iay siiit mir sxid bericfactor- 1 csccirte
tliese preseieiits in the CitnfGuateinaia tlie cigliteenth of Juty
1946 (iiifull)(sigxerlj Cesar dc Garru y Ilic\trün. Hereis the sen1 which
sa)? "Society of Çt Viri~fintof IOiul Geizeralf;uuricilGuatcrnala C.!I."

26 NO-T.II<IA KIE.CCIL~ L1).the citj- of Guateinala at tcn u'ciock nri
this tweritiethda. of Jrdy ~wjo (inft11I)Tn rn?office numher tivelve of
fiic fiftlAv~.nidadel Sur.. urid bclorc tiic Icgally qualified 1ç.tnesses
I)ori llarnoii Al~~arezjhis cinly srrri~ai~ie)and 1)ori Karriuri Aguilar
Coiizales 1 certify at the request of Sefior Don Karl Hein7,aottehohm

Stoltz tlinI Iinvebefrire nictiicconstitiitivc document of tlte ~iartnership
"N~TTE~OIIX BROTHERS of this place a~ithorizcd by rric ttiiiintliuf
Junc lygy (in full) inwhich isset forth tiiatthe body "KO?TEROHM
I~HC~THIT iRSa""Sxiedad cornandita simple" (5iriiplcCo-mandatory
I'nruiershipJcorisisting oithe tnanaging partiiers Duri I;etiericu Soite-
liohm ik'eher atirl Ihii kir1 1-ieini!Xoticboliiri Stoltr! and bp the co-
niaiiclatorg,parriiersDona Erik;i Xottehuhrn Stoitz dc von der Gnltz
anri Miss Carmen NcittcboiirnStoltz. This ~lecti is euecuictl arid tn
remaiii in the Iiandçof Don IiarlHeinz Nottebolini Çtoltz, at ren o'clock
on tlie day iibci~c rricritioiied signethy tlie iiiidersignccNotary. with
the above-nientioned witilesscson this oricshect \t'itncsserl bu (slgn~d)
i<;~nioii Alvarez: Rarnnii Aquilx G. Ucforc riie IIlegible Here Ïs the
seal tviiic saiys Carlos SaIxür (iatica htlvtic:itc alid Xotary ".

27 hlra.irs-r~rrrYc~~rcu : GU.*.%-I<M TAiI.N-1-Y-NINTH (3~ JULT 19-16
(infiill) Regardirig the procecdings threr: days (szynedj 3iarciaI 31cridez
M., F. Saavedra 'I'; here is tIicapp!.opriate senl. 3-11ihrnri.x~Ur;'l'riai
ortlered for the zrst Aug. 1947.

2s Sefior l'r-ucur-ztdorGerier:it of the Nation Procéediiigç Xii. 46 1
E;.'~AIHEINZ NOTTEEOHM STOLTZ Iiunibly spycar ;isattorney of Uoli
k-cderico Sntteholim ivelier atiJ decjaro: -i'liaitithe iiiterests oi rny
principal it\t,ould litco~lveiiientto annex to the aforesaid ~trocrcdings
tlie :iccwtipaiyiriç body of docuinents, coiitairiiri. tlic dcclürütio~istif
tlicLicenciate Joa 11nri:iRcyria Aridradc. Es-President ofthe Repuhlic
tiiatwhich declaration I-ie mde as Vice-1'rec;irierof the Coiincil of
3tatc. 'Chritof sefior Doii Carlos Heri-er;t Dorion u-kiicltlie rriadi.;is

I'ice-I'resitient of the Satio~iallegiçlativéAsseiriblyandsecond designate
iortlie I'residency of the Iiepuhlic : that vf Dr. Don ]o.jeI,~iis Asensiu,
Chiefof tlte Guareirialxnlied Cross ;that of Serior-17oriKcibcrlu Fisclier,
which ht: made in his capacity of Swiss Coiisul in (;uatenlalü.; tItat nf
Çefior Dori Mario H. Willcmseri, kioriourüble I)iitcli stibj~ct ; that of
Sciior Art-hur Nrale, Ex Livil Attacliéuf the Rritish l.egation aiid oi
Sefior-Da~iicl \V. Orbaugh, ..\cciiiintariatid Auditor of riie Unitcti
States ofAmerhi. May the Sefior l'rocuiador nnnm these certificates
to the procwding? triw1iich 1 refer ~LSproof in favoiir of tlic petitioncr'
Giiritc~rialü. 5~11Jury 1946 (sipzcdj Tiarl Heinz Xottcbohm Stoliz,sccretariat of the MiriistcriuI'ublico Gri:iteiii;ilC.A. Kcceivcd 25th July
1946 16.30 hrs hy the vrewiiter 5534.
SECHETAR ~F~~'Illr lKISTERIO PUIII.IC GO~.?tCnl;1l3twt3It~-~~~ntll
d;iy of Jull- 1946 (in TuIl).Add ru its nritcccdents rvith ;iccorrilianying
~Iocuments (sigised) 3Varcial>leridez $1.. 1;. Saavedra 'r.; here is the
apl)r~~jriatc -sc.>l.'
'I'heLndersigried Secrciiiry of tIte &liniitcrio Publico CIertifics :Tliat
iic Ii;is esaniined the writing, its prmrisions :ilidclocurrieritswhir.11rcad
;is fulIov*s:-Sefior. Frocurador Gencr:il of thp. Niition I K.IRLHEIXZ
No~reno~%rS.I-C)L eIyZiecfully appr 1r.h refcreiicc rn t.lieI'roceedings
hiirig co~idiicte~I itiflii~O%CC ~o tliat thc provi~ivrrs Iiiid doc~,r~or 11i~
<:s~>r.opriationnf pruFrty Iit: riot applictl to rnr:,;iridI deciiut::'bit it
is in niy iritereststliat thel-eshotilcllx :iiincseci to tlieabove-n~eiitioricd

proceedings tliedccIariitio~itifthe I.icc~içi:ttJosi:3I:ircia ICertA:ridrz(lc,
Es-Presiilent oi the KepuMic, wbich decjariitiuri lie niade wben
rlkch;ir iiig the officeof Vice-Prcsidcrit oftlic CounciI of Statc : tliat01
S.-nor 1B on &los Ilcr-rcra Ijorion wiiicIt he rii:~de:is Vice-President vf
tlie Xiitional Legislative .4ssemhly and Secoiid desigitatc foi- the Presi-
dericy of tlicKcpiihlic ;t.hat of Dr. Don José 1-uis asc cri Ci.hiefofLIic
Gitnteniiilnn Kcd Cross ; tIiatof Seiior Dori Koberto Fisclier, wliich ht!
miidc irihis capacity asSwiss Cnnsiil iiiGtinterriiil:iiliitof air. Art htir
ScaIe k:'cCivil Attache of the TSiitisli1-cgation arid tint of Mr. Dilrricl
W. Orbaugli Accountant-Auditor of the Uriitcd States vf :\rmricü :
tliat of Çeiior Mario,lI. f'lJilIernsenhonourable Ili~tclisuhject. May the
Procuratnr aiiries these certiticates to the proccedirigs to ivliichI rcfer
:indisstic to me scparatclj two certificd copies of the accorripniij~ng
dossier i~tcluding the sworri transl:it.iriihereof iiridcvritaitied iii files.
Guaterri:tln rcjthJiily rqqG Rarl 1-iciiiNutteboIinr Stoltz. UTFIERS:-
I rectify rriy~xtitiuticit~ttaincdin tlic 1st prcczditi~pnrngr:il,Ii. iriwhicIi

I iiieniithat 1 desire tkiat. leaving certitied iii ~Iicl>roçeerlitigslwhich 1
rr:fcrto thc certific;tt.cnnncscd coiisistirigof S siicetr;itmriy lk rctirrnert
to me. Oate las[ ahvc written I\';trlHeinz Ncittelicilim StoItz.
kctctariat of the hiinisti?ri~i I'iiblicÇ. .A.rccciircd r jiliJoIy 1910
at 16.4j Iirs hy the lireseriter 5170.
%~INIS~EHIO ~'ULILICO Guatemala Sevcritcetitii d;ijvof Jii1y ryq6. let
tftcaccori~panyingdociinrents betaken in prmf on beliirllof lhcpsescnter,
iinrl let tlicrn be retiirned to him certificd as iniori~ied.(Sigtzedj XiarciaI
Mendez &1o1ttcricgro{Sigii~d) F. Saavedr;~ T. Hcre is the *al of tlic
31iiiistesioI'ublico \vl~ichs:iys Sjinisterio I'riMicuRqiiiMic ofGuatemalri.

Secrc1it1.yof State in the Office nf TiorcigriRelations ; 1, Ihrhara Xotte-
tiolini, of ftinge, rnnriied. Iiouseivitc. hrri iiridresidei~tiri this capit:il
very iiumbiy prescrit iiitliis Secrctari:tt the doctimeii ts which foIlow,
reliiting to the pcrsurisui my hiishaiid IioiiCntIcisHeiriz Xottebohm

Stoltz and my iincle hy marriage Don l:cdcrico Xottebolim IVelier wlio
arc at liresent intertied iriconcentratiori camps in t.hc Uiiited Stalçs of
;\rnerica. Tfa:st!docur~ictitçare letiers writte~i ;it~iiyi.ecl~icsty promi-
iient lwrsoris ~IIthij cil!, in wiiich tIiey dechrc tliat tlick.knr3wof tlie
good coridirctofIlit: Sefiores Xottebohrn. :Zrnong tlieseletters are tliose
ofthe 1,icenciatri Don Jok Maria Iieyriii Aiitliadc Ilx l'residei~t of th
1it:piiMicarid :itpréscritvice-presideiit of the Couiicil of Stiitc ; tIiat of
Schr Don Carlos Herrera Doriori at piescii t Vice-l'redent of the CI2 AS XESES TO LIECHTIlSSfElS SIE\IORIAI. o. 5)

Xational r.egislatir,eAssernhlyand SecoiidDesigrlatefor the I'residencl-
of tlicRcpublic ;that of Scnor Doii José Luis Asensio chief ofthe Giiate-
malan Red Cross ; thai of Sefior Doii Kobertu Fisclier Swiss Corisul
in Giiatemala ; that of Sefior Mario II. ilriliemsendistinguished Dutcii
si~bjcct; that of >Ir. Arthur Neale ex Civil Attache of the British
Ltgatio iilid that oi Xlr. Uaniei W. Orhaugh :lccoutitant tluditor.of
Utiit~dStates riatior~ality.I açkyou tfiat the dociirnents which I annes
rriayfortn part ofproceedings iii ibis Secretariat, for which tlmay hti
ofuse. and ai the s:tme tirne 1iequest thnt you ii'iII order triUridcr-
Secretary to give me a ceitified copy oftliis memoraridum and ofthe
aççompariyiiigdocuments Cilaternala25th Llarcli rw3 (sipied) Hasbara
Ri~sor.c:-rios%U>IBEI~ 183 OF THE SECKET.~I<I O.T ~IIII.ATIC~:KS
SECRETARI AFTFOHEICS RISI,A ~DSS. (iiiatemala twenty fifth day of
3I;rrch1944 (in fuit)Put in the Archives for futurc refcrence anriix-itii

notice to tIie 3liriistcriPublico esecute the certificateat the rispense
ofthe person inquestion (Sigiied) Salazar C. Pcrnandez Cordova{Seal)
Sccretariat of t;oreig~irelationsIiepubiic oiGuateniala, C. A.
1 CERTIFY that the pctitioii,... andin conforinitywith the 01-iginiils.
C. Feniaridcz Cordova. Hcrc iç the seal w1iicçays SccrctariatO t Foreigrti
Relations Guatemala tmen ty-riintli day of March 1944 (iiifull)\'o.
Bo. (Signature IIIegblc.)
30 LETTER OF -r.nrIA1~1~~~ir\~1Dtjs JOSE ~I.IHI:\RICYSAAE;I>HAI)I:
TI{I.COI)NCII.OF STATE.TO ~YHOY IT MI\\CO'ICERY U'r'tiiis prcscilt I~ttcr

I make knowri Iiirtt1 Iiave kriowri llic Senores Ilori bcderico aricl
Arturo Xottkhohrn, ~~rlcing iiitl-iis coiiritatagi-icultiiral work, ancl
si1hseqiiently broadenin their zctivities foundirig 3 Ban king I-IOUSC
ritpi-cscrientitled" Xvt tebhm 13rothersHas itsregistered riame, ivhich,
on the decease of Don hriui-o his srrccessor,s iricludinIiis sori Iloti
Carlos, continucd witii Don Pcdcrico in the samc business. Uoth men
havc earncdgod willand sociat rccognitiori iveilasa good comrnerciiit
and bariki~tgreputation, without to iny knowicdgciiieddiiirgin plitical
mat ter^, or contraclicting democratic and Rin-hrnerican doctririe Tor
it is obvious thatliavirig sa strong and rcspected a fortune, it rvould
not be wisc to expose ttieinselvesto the risk ofcompromising thern-
selves inadvciituroiiseiiterprises with the neo-fascissystem. Giiatcmala
12th IIarch r944 (sigized)J. $1.Iieyia -41rdrade.
i C@RTIF\' that the ahove transcrihed isautiicntic and il)corifomity
with the originaI C. Fernandcz Cordova. Herr iç the seni rvliiçlt.exirIs
Sccretarint of i~oi~eigrIiiebtio~i'C'oHo. Sulxecretary of Poreigri Ikla-

31 I.a~-rrsiOF SESOH 130s CARLOH S ERRERIA >o~rn'; PI<I~SE~T Vrcri-
FOR THE PRE~III~.:KC 01YTHIS KEPIIBI.~< '.owiicrm it tnay cnricern. 1
h2r.e knorvnDon Federico Not~ebohnr Personally,and have had birsiness
relations witli Don Carlos Nottebohm. Both are directing rne~iibersof
tlie Society Xottebohm Brothers and L uridcrstand that tlicir idcology
iscoiitrxy to theXaziregime. (Sig~cd) C.HerreraGuatemala 7th March
1 certify that the preceding letter is ai~iheritic atconfortns tr>the
original C. Fer~inridc?C.orrlov:i. Here is the seal whichsays Secretariatof Foreigti Helütions ltepublic of G tiatemain twetitÿ sccorid ria- of
March I~M (in fiill}.

GUATIIMA [.A?:REDCrcoss.-Giinternala, March 2211C1,I~)4,1.-1'0~IIOIII
jt rn:iv corlcern :Corahut tIiirty yciirs, Ihave knowriiJIr. Iirederick
~otteriolirri,wIio Iias heeii inbusines is this cnuiitry for inanv yerirs.
1 have known him aç an honest man, w.ith a guod social and business
reputation and keeping ait.- from politics. In ttieactri:d{var situatioii,

1 knorv thrit hc liashxri decideclIj witi-nazi. >Ir. Larlos Xottehlini
ori account of the diference [sic] irrLiges Tdo nnr know and busiricss
reptitation, liut he, also,hns ut [sic]guod social (sipaed) J. L. .4serisio,
l'reu.'unclerstand tltat iic liasbeeii anti-nazi. (seal} Ciinternala Keti
Cross.- Presidency.
1 CIIRTIFT : that the preccdirig icttcr is autlieiitic and conforri-is to
the origiriülC. Fernnndez Cordova (liere isthe seal of the Secretariat
of Foreign Iielations Guatemala twenty riiritli rlaof Marc11 1944
{irif~ill)'I:o.Ro.Signature Illcgiblc.

LETTER 01; SE~OR ROREKT ~'~~~ii:ltcl1.1~~COSSIII IX ~~~~ffi51~1.a: 33
To whom itmay conccrn : 1 ri~akeknown by these prcsents that I
have knorvnSenor Ilon Federico Kottebhm mernlxtr uf the tiiisirie5s
hotiic of Nortebolim Bros. in Guatenialn, for ovcr tliirty years. 1 iiavt.
afu-ays knorvn Iiirrias ari upi-ight hotiestman both in his privütc lifc.
and in fiibusiness,and 1have lievcrkriorvnIiitnto rnecidlcwitii polith.

nori i:ederico Not tebolim belongs to oiic ol ttic must important com-
rnercialfatniliesiriIIarnburg. Itsrnc~nlw.~ areal1weIl knowii fo rriaint-ain
[lieold tradition ofcornmerciai Iioricsty.1 Iiave riever noticed any pro-
n;tzi teridcricieiii him iinrdo 1 heIieve it possible that lieslioiild, in
view of the impurtarit capital accurnutatetlover geiieratioris by the
Sottcbuiini farnily, espose tliis privnte commcscial enterprise ta the
risk tht thc nui çystem should certaiiinly güirciontrol of it. I arn Iess
acquainted witli Dori Carlos Notteboiitn but 1 know Iie has rcceived
llie same traditional upbringitig :isIiave the other mcmbers of tiic
I'arniiy (Signedl Roberto Fischer. Guatemala 7th hlarcli r944.
1 CEHTIFY tIixt the foregoing Icttcr is~~ziithcnticnd cotiforms to the
original. C. I'ernandez Cordova U tidcr-Çccrct-ary of Foreign Relatiuris,
t~~&nt~-niritIiday of hjarch 1944 (in id\).Vo.Eo. Signtitiire Illegible.
Hcrc 1s tiiseal (iftrieSccrctariat of I'oreigii lickatio~is.


M.~I.A.'I'oWIIUIiRt mxy ccancerti: 1 make kitown tiiat 1 have knowii itic
sefiores Lion 1;ederico Xottcbohrn aiid Don Crirlos Kottebohm for many
years hoth persiiriailyand irbusiiicssrelations, and from this knorsldg~
1 know tlietn to be inanagers ot the Hotisa of Xï'ottebohm I$rothcrs,
in rny opiriionthey do not sympatliize wiih riui idcas ;tltey are ~iersori.
wliu have Iived rriariyycars in Guatcinala grtining the goodwill of the
different sectionsof our socicty (Signert) fifario H. iiri1lemsen Guatemala
7th March, 1944.
1 CERTIFY : Tltat thc: foreguirig letteris airtiicntic:ilidcoiifnms to
tlie originalC. l;crriaiidc;:Cordovn Undcrsecretarv of Porcigii Rcliitions
Giiatemala t~veiity-ninth da : ol hlrtrch1944 (in full\'o. Ro. Sigiatiire
IIIcgible. Hrrc ir the scal o? the Sccretarht ut Foreign Relations.33 Lfllrf.~ OF MR. ti~l'l~i~S~;AI.E EX Crvrr.A?'r;icnr: O'F TJIIFRRIT~SH
lA~~;i~rtis.-March 7th. 1944, Gurttcrnala. City.+-70 irhoni it-rnq
concerii : As Civil Attncité to his iiritannic Uaicsty's 1-egütio iinCetitra1
Anicrica, I coriducted tiiciroiigli iiivestigation intn tha firm üf Xott e-
tioiiniHerrnarios rii?dits dirccturs.Thc busiiicss ti.arisactiririsuf tl~: firn~
siriccAttgust 1939 up to Sepieniber 1943 wcre scrutini7.d by rriysell
imd a ch~rtererl accnrrntant, aiid ivc werc i~nablc ta hnd ariy iiistarice
oi tiie hrm hiivirigriided tliccrierri-.At lsiçj the result of tlie investig-
ation 1 \vas satisfied that the cliiirges tilade iigainst Xottcbohm I-Ier-
Iniiniis\vliictresiilted in itsfieing placed ori the Çtntiitory List iti 1339.
wcrc based oii errorieous cvicleiice or ojr confus4 st:iternents given in
goml iajfh.- -:\tfhc same tin-ie I condiicted an irivt;.stigntiointo tlie
11feaf the pnrtners 1,:en~~rço So~~~norr3f arid LIRI, H~r~z Kv~E-

iic,rr.vand carnc 10 the concliision that iieitlier Iiad :iidcd the Saziç
in a tiusinessor prir::iteçapricity.-From tlie investigafioiis aiid [rom
pcrw~"d knorvledge of ttlr:pzrtrle Ira'sn oi opinion tiiritthe- sliould
ncithe considercdSazi sympathizcr jsk] (Six~aedj Xrtliur N~.:tle.
l ÇF.RTIPY : tIiat tiic lorcgoing lette js :iiitl-ieriiind conlorrns to
the oi-igirialC. I'crriaritlCi>rdrir.a L'iiderserretary of 1:circigiiKelations
(iuaternda trventy-riintltdny of 3türck rgM {infull). Yu. Bo. 3ign:itlire
111egib (leere is the scai tviiiclsays Çccretariat of Fi-ireignRelations).
3 1-ETTEK UF MK. B.-~sIE~ \.Y.ORI~AFG. HACCOUSTAS :~~:~>IToK 01.-
Usrrr:ii STATES X~~T~OS.~LI.~I..-~D WHC).\I 1.1' MAY ~:OSC;I:I<: Diiririg

thc year 1943, ;iç:in atrtiiorized .4ccor1nt;tnt,1 etigngcd ky Noftc-
hohm Iirios. of Giiaterirala, to ri~ake ari c.uamiriritiorol their accounts
niid recordsfor thc purpose uf rnaking a report. to he suhmitted to
the hrntlrican Legaiion, convcritigrsic] an t1-ai~s~ctiunswliidi ~iiigIit
bc judgeù as unfriendly toward rtie Uniiesitîtci, or tkiït \vert:tothe
13cnefit of the. CXrrrtia~iGovcrnment. After -threc rnoiiths of tirt;irled
iiivcstigations 1 made nn exterisive relxirt cin tAeii-busiricssüctivities
wfliicIriiiclirrlcdevcry thing 1 foitiidthnt was rclatccl io tliesubject
niatter ; 1 foiind rio ci-itlrnceorr tlicir Iinrt of financial :<id, or of
syrnp:ifhy toivard tlie prescrit ,\;rixregiri~r:Ill ~rrinçactioriwere ii-rade
or1 ;i strictly banking or cori~niercj:ilb:~5isfor tlieptirfiosc of iirriht.
lhiring rinrmal tinics aliprosirriüte a iisii-tlii ririsheir eiiurmoiis
irnl>ort-exporf bitsincç: wris trruisactetlriith firrnsirittir:tinittd States.
Mr. Fcficrico Xottehahm is seiiicjriiarti~er oi tlieirfiriii.Karl Hcinz
Notrehhm iç also an activc partrier, iiritltlierc tlvu ivon-icr(hoth
i1:ttur:ilbarn Guatcnialruis) who Iiaveün inactive partncrsfiip interest.

1 Iiavc kriown .\lr. 1:retlerir.u Sottehhni by siglit siiicc rrlariypars
brtt I tirst came irrto direct cuntact \+itli iiiniaiid Iiis tic1,ht.w I<arl
tleinz, rvhile engnged in prepariiig the ;ibove-meniioncd report.-As
it result of ii~qiiirics niadc of SOU;CC'S ~utsidt: tlieirtiusit-ié~I Icarticid
that 3Ir. 1;cdcricoXoitebohm a i-lurnher of yca1.çaga bçcriine a ri:itrri-al-
iï-ctl Swiss citizen, aridtliütKari I,Icinzic.:i tiatiirnGuatemalz~i citizci-i
alid thnt Iic officiallyi-cliuridaic:d[sicth clairn an? othcr nation niight
make on iiiscitizetishi~i.-'Slirr uniytriiestigatiori1 Ioiind notl~irig
tciiridicatc tiiatcither of tIie persririslincl cnri~initted aç:s okieldvicws
riniricndiy toward the tinitcd 5tafcs ; tlic iorcguing aplics Lsicjtothe
fjfrns as \i:eI1as tu flle ])ersonS. Ln curiclt~sioti, I sate that ;fi iari
.Arnericaii citizen1 Icarriucrlibout tlteni rtiiritri?itivcstigatirji.i.(Sign~~l)
Ilmiel \Y.OrbaugIi Guatcmaia C.A. Marc11 22 r944. Cqiy to Arnéricaii
Erribassy inG1i:itemala. nazi. Cnrlns Nottttbohtii 1 do not knoiv.-and business repiitation and
undcrstitridthat iic fiashceri ;tti nazi"-;irtd Dori Carlos Koticbulim-
"ing~elf" ;ilidhe is also an active partiier üiid there are, tiw women,
I~oth arc:liaturai born Guatemalaris, who have a siiare in tIie firinof
;rninactive interest. 1 have krtown 1)on I'ederico Xt'ottehoiini. Sheet

last3slicet of tticçeVcertificateshaç the, Oniimhers of rirder:tA-3949638ie

rind of rcgistratiun 3948401 .ticcked. (Sigacd) F. Saavedra 'f.,liere
is tliesed jvliich says" Ministerio Putilico Iiepublic of GuaternaIa".
lT~.tro~nx~r;~ on this date Senor Karl Hciriz Xottcboiim rcccivcd
ilie rIocirrriciin;imt.d iiitliis present ccriifica Gtiiriternal25th .j,uly
r94G.Keceived ISigncii) KarI Heinz Xottehohm.

38 Seiior ~rocur~clor General of the Satiori-lJirlaçio Xaciorid Subjcct
FEDI:KICO Xt)'i-r~:ii~~~\VI'I-:IIBRivitlirefcrence to the proceedings
in cxercise af prepararioiiin thisafficccorincerriinthe ~scrnprioriof rny
proyierty from tticcspropri;itioriand seiz~~rof enemy pt-opcrty cutitaiiied
irithe PImcrgency Iegi~lation 1hurnblydeclare that accordingto infom-
ation given by the 13anco Cttntral de Giinreinaln the balance of tlie
dcposi t account iri thennnie of "Ki;o~r~no~xH i HEK~~I.~N kO pÇtiri tliat
bank, iv:isfrai~çferretito the National T'rcasury Iy virtrleof rtr!Order
of thcl Xiinistryof ,the EI:cicnda y Credito Ptrblico. Witl~oiit prejudice,
and in dditiori lotlic protcst on this ntittrcr prcscriteci to tfic hliiiistcr
of the Hac;icn(la itis within rny rights respcctiully to cd1 the attenttori
of the Seiior Procilrador tn the fact that the said <Ieposit of moiiey
comcs frorn Imlds accurnulatcci bu pay~ncnt ii uur Cavour macle by
debtors of this House mmy ofwliich ha1.e not hcericxpropriated and
otlier funds coming from sirnilnr soiirms ciirntin beiore tlie respctive
creclits jtad bccri cl;propririlcd, anil iri çcirisecluciicf: tkieir xttaclirncnt
is ilot çzirried ciutIiy tlie Trcsnreiia Sacional. Ori the oilicr barid.
rclmting thc statements of rny Mcmorandiimof the 3rd of July l:ist,
it inust Lictaken into account tliut in my calixity ol piirtri icirHotte-

bohm 'Hcrmni~os", partof tlie balance trzrnsfcrrcdto thc Tresorcria
Xxcionnl helong5 tn nie pcrsonally and must iiwait the hiiak decisian
takcn in tlieprucdiiigs [or csern~iti torii~tiicIireter.For the reasons
given I askthat the resolution of the 3linist ry the 1l;icienda bc
takcii aï njqwsecl aiirltint tliisprescrit iiiemorandum he annexed tu
the aritecedcritswhich are opcrating iritliisMi~iisterioPublico Guate-
mala srirlSeptcnil>cz4 1946 p.p. Fcdt~ico Sotteboiiin, TCarlIIeitizNottc-
hlini. Çecretariat of the Mnis tcriri i'r~lilicti, Kcccirred 41Sept. 194fi
xt ro.txihrs No.5jS1,
~ECKI~TARI:~T OF TI11: MINISTFRI OG.DLICOGiiateinaia. Fifth day
uf Septcn~ber 1946 (iiifull). Pnt ivith A~itecedcrits(sigwd) hlarcial
31endezMontenegro. F.Saavedra T. Herc is the seaixshich says "Minis-
terio I'tiblicoGiiat~rnala".

39 Seiirir I'rocriradorYublico of the Xatiun. l'zlricio Nzciorial.Subject.
F~~i:~ncoSOTTHHOI~ IMISEEH w,ith refcrcnccto the proceedings being
carriecl tiiroiigh in tlic Ofticc of yourhliriist~y,hiken ou1 to obiaiii a
d~cli~r:ition that as ri,citizenof 1,iechtenstein uriclerS~visspi+oteçtion
mu projxrt is not subjcct to tlie provisions contained. in the erncrgency
)egislaiioit {othai expropriation aiid seiruiç ;rnd in addition io my
pctitioii addressed to pii the third day ofJuly last. asking tiiatriç apar-trier irtlie Firni "';ciri-~ttorruHEKNASOS "may Iirtvcfreed iroril
al1 esliropriatiori or seizure rriy shares iii tlieproperty of the 1:irrn
Sot tehohrn Rrothers I rriakeknowii thnt iitlic sarnccap;icitjvaspartner
In the l:ir~nNottehohm Brothers, 1 have rtshare in the goods whicii
by i4cccn t t:dicts pi]blislied in the "Ilinrici (leCenrro-hrncrica" Iiüvc

bçr:riortlcrcd tu Lic cspro~~riatcd and aiiicli arr thc follo~ving : The
General Electric Ytx~ioli(A.13.G.) and the murtgagi: Ioailsto the foHowiiig
perçons KotierrO Eichenkrger ; JOSE.Ai tnio, I'oncepsioii, and ~\lfr~edc>
Loyez Cacercs ; Fraricisco Herrnildez de C~rro Petrilli; hiariano Cas-
tillo Azmitiü ; LicenciareCarlos Salazar -4rgumedo aiid AIanuel =\nziicto
Valencia. In accordance wit lithe larvs iiivoked and tiic facts 1 Iiavc
shoir-n i~itlilegal proceeclinga iriprogrcss in the said MinisterioPublico
to ohiaiii a deciar;ition tliat inaiy aipricity of citizen of Liécliteiistein
uiider Swiss prot~cticiriny property shoi~ld not be suhjcçt to tlie provi-
sions for espropriüiiori aiidsei~urc coiitairiciiithe einergency leçirlatioii,
1 x~k pu to ünnes rny prcsent p(3iition tu thc aùove-mentioned oiie
of the ycl ol jtily Iastand I respectfully rct~uest the Sefior I>rocuractor
Cieneral of tlic Nation to liavc itin 1-cadincss foi-whcn tlietiine cornes
to givc Judgement. Final17 in riiis matter. Siioulrl my pctition not
hc attriidccl to 1 deçire witlt irnmedi:~tr: effect to rn;tke kriowrirrcry
rcs~~cctfullyrriyofficial protest, and I ask tliata cr-rtifiecopy of this
~jresrnt rncmorandum with its ~COS~C b~eIgivcii io me.
Guntcmrila end Scpternùcr 1946 (si;teci) p.p. 1:edcrico Xottebolirn

KarI Heinz Xottehohrri. Secretariat of tlrc Xiriisterio 1'1ibIicGuate-
ritaln C.A. rcceived 4th Sept. 1946 at 10.00 iirsXo. 6jSz.
C~IICI~I:T,-~ CI-IAIEI~311KIS-IZRIO E>G.IILI C Ouatetnala I'ilth day
of Septcrnber 1946 (in TuIlj.l'ut with its Antecedctits. (Sig~eed)1:.
Saavetlra 'I'., MarcirilSIciidcr,>Inntrncgr Her~ isthe SCX~w1iichs:iys
"Ministcrio I3iblico Repiiblicof Ciuatemal:~."

Senor Procurador Gerieraiof tlic Nation. 1-'alacioXücioiial. 4f'
Srinl~c~ : FI{I~I:.I<IC~ ci~-i-r{~ia~ ~EHER with refcre~lcc to tllc
yrocccriings iri progrcss of prepüi-atioiiiritIieOflice ufy!r Minisir)-.
taken ont wnitliR view to a tieclararioiiIhat as a citizenn Liechtenstein
uiiclrr Siviss protection niy gooris arc iioi subject to tiic proi7isioiis
tvliicl arc coritairicd in tlic crnergency Iegizlati oonceriiirig tIicir
rxpropriatiori alid scizure and in zdtlirion mg: p~tiirion addressed to
yriiitlie3rd of Jirlyiasl rind the zriclui Septc~ntcr l;istasking'th a.t
a partriciirithe firri"30r-i-i;iioii~HEKMAKOm S"y shnre of tliepropcrty
of the firm Kottebolim 1-Icrrria~ioh se frccd from al1 esiirnpriation nr
sei7.111-etnakt: kiiowriirirny s:~itcayacity of liaririciiiitlicfirrrXntte-
IîohiiiHcnn:irios,tliat 1 have a slirire in the prolierty wliose expropri-
ation wzs ordercd irirrccnt edicts piihlidied iiitlie "l)iarinde Centro- .
hmerica". 3itrnely the lollor~ingtlic land knoirniaç "LOS CIIic~aii~os",
tlie rnortgng Iem to Teodoro Yeterwn ancl the est'atcs "XIr;i>io~r ''

and "Frr.ri'ixhç" in coriforinity with tiic lawà hcreiiiheforc. invoktd
and the fnçis heret0for.e sIiuivn iri tlicprocccdiri~;~in prcpai.atioii iii
the said Ji-linisteriI'ublico with a vicw tn :ideciaratioii that rliirto
my citizcriçliipof T,icchteiisteiti, untlcSwisu protectiori rny prr>lierlics
are no t sihjcct tu tlieprovisioris of the crriergencg'Icgislntion relating
to their exyrol-iriatiniior wiziirc, 1askyou tortilricm prescrit petition
to thosr above mentioncri of the 3rd of July last,an d tItc 2nd of Sep.
ternbcr. last atid T r~c~pectfullyazk the Sefior I>rociirndur Ge~tera! ol45 Sefior Mi~iistrode Relaciones Exteriores (Foreigii Relations).

1, Karl Heiriz Xottebohm Stoltz of full açe, inarried, businessrnari,
Guatemalan, damiciled in this depürtmerit, king abIe to rcceive corn-

rnurticatiunsat tlic 8th Av.sur. xo. 31resprctfiilly REQIiEST
That a certificafebe exccutcd. at my expense, iiiDFPI.ICATE stating
that IDonFE~IEKIC NOOTTEHDIIW MEBER did not emigrat~ to eilerny
territory dirririgtlitimc tiftiic \var (st:irting froiii the clayofScp-
tember 3939 {in full)),

46 Guatemala 11t.1August 1949.
Seiior 3Iinistro clc Hacic~idayCredito htilica :
1, KARL 1-IEISZ XOTTEBOH STIOI,T Z1 my own khalf aridas
?\ttorriey of FI~DERIC SOTTEBOH\M V'EBEII, ivhich represeiitatiori
1 Iinvc
accrcditrd &fore tliis Office tiu~riblyrefeto tlicprecisionof Bumber
tltreehiindrcd and cigbty-four (384) rriadc by tthis 3Iinistrygivcn oii
thc tweiity-fourtliuf Jrrlyof this year iilwhicli "the brothcrs Sotte-
bohrn" were given tlirccda)% ttexccute a deed of coriveyance ofthe
rigiiof owriership of thc Esfates " hlorazan" arid "Guatalon" in fnvoiir
of tIicSta f, both proprties ticiiig siriiarin Suchitepequez.
hlay I make clear that the relations1iiliof Ilon Fe'edericoXottebohrrt
Weber atid the. undcrsigneci is tbat ol unde and ncyltcw and wc-e are
~totbrotiiersas sfaterlin the above-rnentioned order.
Irtaddition as I the undcrsigned am of hatemalan iiatioiiality artd
Don Jredericois of Swiss nationality aird there king no ~irirtricrsiiili
formed between iisfor tlic orvnersi>ioi the snid estate; the üriicles;.

and 18 ul Coiigrcss Uecrec G3o on which ttic lrlinistcrial ord1.r isktsed,
c:uiitot:y,ply tous.
For these larvfulrcasonç1corne tointerpose tticdefence of esernptiori
iro~ii espropriatory proccctlings in respect of the before-rntiitioned
~~tatcs and I ask that this be declareci admissible,that it be open to
pronf at the appropriate tirne and that finai jiidgmcnt be giveri.
IriGtiatemala, eznd Airpst 1qgo.

Giiaternala C.A.

Siitijecr: [Crika.3ottebolim iriIicr orvn behali itnd as
attorney ofSrira Canricn Nottcbohm Stoltz, Karl Hei~iz
Xoitchhm Stoltz artd E'edericoSotteboiirri !\:cher, piead
the 1)EFt:NCE OF RESTORXI'IOF; to the resolirtionof this
Ministry No. 169 datcd z~st June of tliisycar ni w11ic11
iiic FIousc uf"Nottelioiirri"wiis ordcrcd torriakeuvcr iri
writirig to the Statc a frozcn deposit Iicld by the Hank
of Guatemala amoiin tiiig to Q.8,264.rI. Ministerio de
Hacienda in order 30. 00529 dattd 11th hugusl yrcserit
Iicard hy tIte3linistsrio Piibiico. .3SSESES TO I.IECH1.I:SCjTEIX ME\fORI.II, (KG. -5) TOI


1titlic rriüitcof an expropriatiun subject to tiic spcciat proc~edirigs
litido\vc.~iy the rcgulatio1isof the Law of 1,icliiitlatiIII31aitcr of
W:ir4(Coii~~essol the Kepublic, Ilccrcc650) tlicopposition to tliesariic:
rnust tie prepared corri~iletcly iconformity with paragrapli rr oi
Art. 43 of tlieDecree recited.
Hat1 on the forcgoing tltéMinisterio I'iiblicis :f tlie opiniontiiitt
tiicUEFK~CF. (:)KESTOI<:~TIOS plcaded bg sefiores: Erika Xot teboiim
rk \:ori IjeColtz, iiliei- owibchala fnd a5 Attorney of SeRnr Federico
Xortetxlhm Weber, agaitistthe order of tIic Ninistry of IIacicri&a y
Credito l'iiblicoNo. r6q rktted 21st Jur~cthis yeni-, arid ththe ndrnin-
istrntiveurder ivhichcausedit ~hould be upheld.
Iiespectfüllyhiigusto Ctiarriaiis ~lacdririald S~iecitic Kéyrescritatiue
ul tlicnation in Gcrrn:tnni:itrersSr,.Nirtistrtle Hncierid:iy C;r'ublico

SciiorUinistro de I-laciçrrday ~redito Publico. 48
SGBJ ECT Esp~.opri;rtoqProccedirigç of the Estates "Alorzum" and
"GuataIon" ow~ed by KarI Heinz h'u~tebolim Stoltz and Federico
So ttebohrn Wehci..
1, Kar1 Ileinz Nottelioliniin tlie matters knowri, IiumliIyappcar iti
capzcity of Gencral Attornt:~ of rny uricIe Don I~~~>ei<rc NoOTTEROPM
WIIHER iirirefcr to the Ordzr made by this Slinktry Suniber 00671
daictl 24th of ilugust ofthis i7e:ir,wliicadmits the petilion of exemp-
rioit :mcIurders tlie tippmitio~i ~iroceediiigs tix operi for proof.
Tlierfare in tbk k1histry tlie proceeding which wcrc kguri, con-
cerrringthe expropriation of rny ~irincipa prop~crty,in the Ministerio
Publico in 1945, rnarkd ivitii Xumber 46, in which arecontaincd ihe
fo1Iowiiigi~itcrrogato anideso<;iirne~rt:s
(r)Ccrtificatc of the 3liriistcrrlc KcIrrciones Esteriores concernirlg

the tcgistration of mu princip;das i~dorniciIe~!dien ofGerman nation-
iilityunder Certihçatc Xo. r@S. Fotio ~$8 of hok 20diitcd 16th AyriI
rcjzS asar~ieiidcdaii7th Ft:b. 1940 iras rriircas the registeredpersclris
citizenship of the l'riricipat3-of tiechtetisteirwas rccogiii7~d.
(2)Certificrrteof the Miiiisterio de Relaçiorics Exteriorecoritairiing
the transcription of lcttcrsrclütiiig tothe personal charactcr of rny
principal ~liiciiwere signed by flieLiccrrcia 13h11JO& Ilaria Reina
:iiidrride,Don (;;ulos1-Ienero Dorion. I)un Robcrtv Fischer, Doctor
Uon Jose 1,iiis AsericioDon )-lario Willemseti, Mr. Arthur Kcale ,uid
Mr. Daniel Orbaugh.
(3)I;irstcopy of the J tidicirilKccurd Ko. 147in the Kegist~ ofthe
S~rpreme Court of Justice datcti 15th july 19q6 rrciztirto tlienatiori-
iility oi iny principal dccIartrfli?the I.~r?verrirritfot\ie l'rincipality
of Licctitcnstejri.
(4)Ileclaration of tlic \Vitncsses Ijoctor Dori LcopoldoAschkel and
Dun Carios Walter iilrne~iliorst cnncerning pcrsunal k~io~ledge su?
prtin the good conduct of my pr.j~icaI.
(5) fqtificare of copy of the t'ubiicYaciimnit Xo. N) autliorirerl in
tliis city bythe Xotary Don Federico salazat G alica the 16th hlarcii 1939 iri\vliicis xi out the General oiver of Attori~ey granted by
Ilon U'cdericoh'ottebofi~rin iavour O PKarI HeirisSotteholirn.
roofson.the partofmv principal recluestthat at my esperiçc
tlAs a%ove-named documents and interrogatorieswliicli ac;:~lreatiy
statrd ;LI-ta be forrridiritlie proceedings pendhg in this llinisrry
Niirnbercd 46, bc certified inthew pi-cscntproceediiigs.

Guütcrnaln, Gth Septcrnbcr 1950.


Guatemala, ~stli Çcpternher1950 (inftill}.
LOWIKT, U~Ch~I~~'l'5



\\'itImadificatio~i to the Mi.IinistPublico let tliedocumclrits be
certified as requested, and if thebring togctiicrtliprcqiiirernentof
the lawIct tltehe takenas proofori hesehof thepr~cntcr. Articles104
and 105 of Adrriiriislrative decrI$62-(Sigrid j A. ~'.~IJII.1.; 1:.
BAR I.i~~C.-H~re is tiicscal of thc klinistry oHacienda z Credito



1 "The undersigned, SeniorOfficiaofthe Ministryof ExtcrnalRelatioiis
(Oficial Mayor del bliniterio de Helaciones Est criores)CERTIFIES :
Thnt forthe purposche has had hefciiltim tlipetition of >IrC~iir.cis
Norr~no~nr and otiier records,whidi Iiterally read:'>Ir. Ministcr of
Externa1 Relations (SenorMirijsirde Kelaciones Ex teriores: 1Carlos
Ko tebohrn, whoçeparticularsare know-n iitlie 3inistryas tkie
of FcùericoNottebtihm ; attcntively beg: 'I'hatcertificopies siould "'
be içsuedto me indupiicate at my own cmf aiid witli ~toftftcatioto A!-!SEXES TO I,IECHTESSTEIS MEMOKIAI. (S~. 6) 103
the Public Ministry (Ministerio Pirblico),ofthe fileof documents esisting
in tlic Arcttih-cof the 31inistrv rehting to the registrat oio nederico

Xottebohni as a foreigner rei'identin Guatemala ivith the citizeiiship
of Liechteiisteiii, the caricellatiori of tlisame registration and ri11tiie
otlier decisijioiisaiirulirigswliich comprise tIie file of duciimen ts and
wliich inust be copied in tlieiientirety. GuzttemaIa, 3rst of OctoI~r,
1951 5igne.d) IIlegihIe.'"

"1g501----3fini;tryof Ex tcr.rialKeLtions (hliiiisteride Kelainiies
Exteriores) : Guatemala, fourteenth of Xovemkr, one thousarid niiic
hutidred aiid frfty-one. \Vit11 tIte kriv\vIcdge of the Public Ministry
f31iiiiristePiiblico)aiiclat tlie cost ofiiir. CarlosXottebohni, issue the
ccrtified copy reqiiested. (Si,u~zalr~rcsA. Marruquin O.-Adrian Cil
P6rez-Thcre arc the followingstarnps, whicliread :'hfiriistyofExtcrnal
Relations (Minisicrio de Rclacione Exteriores)-ItepubIic of Guate-
maI:r,Cetitral Aiaeric;t.''Ejecretariat ofthe PubIic Illinistry (Secretaria
del Aliriisterio E'iiblico) Giiatenida, Ccr iml Arnerica. Iieceived on
Xo~ember rhth, 1951, at ....liours....minutes. Idcntif~cation, Control
NO. 7732.' "

"No. zojh.-Sliccial 1~ifonrintjo~Hiureailfor Gcrmari Aftnirs ((:onsuI- 3
toria Especiiica de Açun tos Alenianes) at tnciieclto the Public hlinistry
(%finisterioFublico) Giiatemal:~, Ceritrd tirriericaGrratemzla, 20th of
Xovernher, i95i 31r.lrlinistc: The Public hlinistry (Xinisterin Piiblico)
has been informed tliat ttieccrtjficate it'hich 3Ir. KarHeinz Xottebohrn
rcqiiests, rithe prosy of Federico Ki;ottebolim,iiithe petition ücIdrcssed
to that Ministry or? tltc 31st uf necemher last, will be içstied to him ;
hirt in the saine it mustbe stated thar Xlr. 1;ederico Nottehohni is
afiected by the 1,:iw for the Setilcn~cr~ tf tvar Affairs(I,ey dc la Liqui-
rlacibnde Asnntos dc Gucrra), not only byreasorr of his German naticin-
alit~ rvliich lieeshibited on' rhc 7th of Octoher, 1938, cornitg under
clause (0) of thc 7th Article of the said laiv,hut nlso byreason of otiier
ca1rsz.lhawd oii otIicr clitusesuf the snme nrticlc. Atteritir~ely.(.5i,nned)
.Alfr>risoHeritaiidcz Polarico Special Ri? ii.ccetative of tlie Nation for
German Afiairs (Ri:presentaritcEspcci /iço de la Naci6n eri Asuritos
Alernanes). >Ir. lliriistcr ofExternnl Relations (Si lliiistro de Heta-
ciniics Esteriores}, National Palace. Tliert:is a stamp whicli reads:
'Public Alirtistry (Irliiiisterio l'iiblKcyublic of Guatemala.' "

"Sribject: 'The PuMic Ministry (Ministerio l'iiblico)beg, that in 4
the ccrtificatcto be issueiltto>Ir. Carlos Xottehohm itbe pointed out
that Ah. 1;cdcrico Xottebohnl issubject to Decree hgo of the Congress
of the Republic (Law for tiic Sertlement of lvar Affairs-Ley de Liqui-
daciirride Rsuritos de Girerra). 1g7oG-3liriirtry of Esterna1 KcIat ioris
(lrliriistcriu deIielaciones Esieriores) : Giix~emnla, twentysecond of
Suvember, onc tiioiisaiid riirie huridred ancl fifty-orWith reference
to the reqtiest made by the PtiblicMiiiiçtr,~(3IinisterioPhblico), rhe
Emerpency Office (Oficiiia de Emergericiaj is to pirit out the Iimits -
to whictt the said Iristitirliori (Tnstittici1-cicrsand tiiis informatiorl
must ix inserted into the certifiecl copy wliicfi isto be issiied.(Signa-
ftires):\. llarrotluin O.-Adniri GiI PtSrez. There iç a starnp wlticti
reads : 'llinistry ofEsternal Relations {3linisteriodc Kclaciones Este-

riores)-Repiiblic of Guatemala, Central Americri.' " "-tIernornndurn of informatinrifor the Assistant Secretary (el sefior
5 Subsccr.ctatiu). Nr.Assistant Secreta sI.nconforrnity with the preced-
ingdecision, taken r+-itrespct to tlie petition of MCarlos Nottebrihrn,

dc Eiriergcncirijis officiallyawxre thatt>Tt-EFedericoy Sottehohmicinhas

an espropriation order (expedielite de ex~iropiacibn)in virtuc of decree
630 of the Co~igrcssof tlie RepirhGc. Giiatemala, 23rd (ifXoveniber,
1951 .rtentivcly. rg?ted)Jose Humbcrlo Rodas, Head of the Emer-
gency Ofice and Pecretary of the Li\\ Jlepartinerit {Ericargadu de
la Oficina de Emergeiicia y Secretario del nepartamento Juridico)."
6 ".creiariat of State iiithe OfftceofITxternaIRcliatio~~ skretaria
de Estado enel Despacho de Relaciorics ExteBores). Fedetico Xottc-
Imhm attentively declares to the hfinistcr tliat,having adopted the
niit ionality of Liechtensteinzq the passport which I criclosc dcmon-
strates,1 ihrould be verÿ gratcful if yoii \voirId order the respective
change to be made iri theRegister of Foreign Natiotiaiity {Inscripib~i
de Estranjeria), rvhich 1 am also plesed to enclose. 1 also bcg ytm to
order tliat thesaid docume~its be returtied to me wheii the citarigcs
wliiclt l requesthave been effected. Tliaiikii~g yoii itl aiiticipation, 1
rernain,yorir vcryattentive ser\parit(Signd) IIIcgibie-Fcdcrico Notte-
bhm-Guatemda. 29th of Jnnuary, rt)qi."

"174-Secretariat of Exterilal ReIatioiis {Secrctaria de 12elaciones
' Eateriores) : Giinternala.t liirty-firsof Janiiary, one thoiisand ~rirrc
iiuadrcd arid forty. Make ttie requested citri~igcs,iiotingt-lieniimber
and other details of the passport. Leaving evidc~icc(tlicrcol), r,ctiirn
the accom ~anying docuiiient~. (SigttatitresjSalazar.-C. Fernaridcz
Cordova. T 1icreis a stamp which I-eads : 'Sccreiariatof Externa1 KeIn-
tions (Secretaria de Relacianes Exteriors)-Republic of Guatemala,
Central Arnerica.'"
8 "Swiss Constilattt(COBSU~ de ~Suisse)Gaotcmala FF. T9T4. Guzte-
na la2jth ofScptcrntier, r943 hlr. 3linistcr : MayI vev rcspcctfully
inforinYour Excellency that itliasbeen broiight to the ~ioticeof tiiis
Consiilate tiiatthe ideriritpdocuments issued hy the Secretariat of
gstcrnal Relations (5ecret:iria rie Keiacionc.: I'stcriortin rcs~iect of
the CivilRe istcr (Registre Ci:-il)to 1-Ir.Federico Nottebohm, declarc
that tiris a8 wiss citizenof 1,icchtenstriri. Asyutr araware, LiécItten-
stcin isa PrincipaI(i Ytrricipdo) and docs rtot furm part o[ tiicSwisc
Confederation : it is only that its i~iterests ahrwüclare represented bu
the repi-esentatives of the Swiss Goveriimeiit. 1 woiild titigratefu1 if
Yoiir EscéILeticy n,oulrigive rnctiirinfor~r~atioti liich 1dcsircw t-hat
1rriightdcaI w%ih ttic cornplaint pr.rscntcd to me1takc this opprturiity
ofsigning mysclf witli 311respect aritesteem the hli~iistcr'snimt attcnt-
ivt: servant. (Sig~zd)Robcrto Rxher, Consiil. Most ExcelleiitMiriister
of EstcrrtalLtelatioris(15xcmo.Seiior31inistro deRclaciorlesExteriores),
1-icenciate(Licenciado) Carlos Salazar, Grrntemala."

g "hlernrirandum, l'assprt Section (Seccihn de t'asqmrtes) : Stli of
October, 1943 &Ir. Secrctary: WitIi refcrcrici:tn t.11:ote addressed
ro ?ouby the Swiss Consui, Mr. Iiobcrto Fisclier,oit the 25th of%y
rember ISS, I have the Iiot-toutriinform y.oti thataccordirig to the
dccisiuriaithe Sscretariat of Esiei.tia1 Relütiuns (Secretaridc liI<EEJ
No. 174, dated rhe 3rsr of January, 1940, thc ciiaiigc oliiatiuiiality, Swiss in ~ilzcc of Germari, desircd by Rlr. Federico' Sottehohrn, was

aiithocizeti ; and inthc Kcgistratinn Book {Iihro cle inscripci6n) 30. 20
folio 1968, ayipcars tliefolluwiiig note . "The hcarcr of this riame (cl
titular)clioçe thp. tiationality ai Liechtenstein. accurdiiig ta passport
Yu. 7oz.of thc 20th of ûctobrr. rc>39i.ssueclby the Govcrnor ofVa(1riz.'
I'ies~ctfull!;.(Signatures) Illegiblc."
"Scretarint of Esterna1 Relations, the Keputilic (3ccrctaria (le IO
I3elaciones Est.eriores Rep11blica)-Xo. r4106 (542) 4g-l-cio-C;uatcrnala,
18th of Octohcr, 1943. 311..Corisul: \iJithrcference to your kind note, .
nurnbcr FF. 1914,ofthe ~jtb ofSeptemkr 1st, T am plc:scd toiitform
you that there is no indication wltatsaever in the ZCcgistratiu~iBook

{Lih de Ins~ripci6ri)of this Secretariat {Çecretxrfa) to the effect tliat
hlr. Federic~ Nottebohm iç a 'S\vissb citizen 'of Lieclitcnstcin'.The
said gentleman was eiitered as a Gcrmari citizen, and.wiien hc prr:scritcd
tIir! necessary documents. a note was atlded ta the cifcct that Iieis 3
cilizer oi tiechtenstciii. In the ccrtificatc issuccl to him by the Civil
Registry (Kc~istro Civilj cin tlic1stof in the iiotcaddcrl
to tiie Identity Docurncnt [CSdiila rlc \'rciiidarl)dated tlic 9th of
Fcbnntry, 1940, itisonly sçtatcd that iic isit citizen of i,icciitensteiii,
and Swiss çitizenship isrtvt rclerrcd to in aiiy way whaisoever. 1 trust
that this information \vil1 sritisfyyoirr esteemeri \r-ishes, arrd 1 am
-lcnsed to rel>eat tliat I am, with xlI rcspcct, Four attentive senyant.
rgncd) Carlos Saiamr. -W. Rohwto Fisdier ; SwissCorisilI. Of the
prewnt city."
Siviss Coiisulate GriaternalaFi:. 193-7 Guaternalrt, zotli ofOctober, 1 r
1943.>fr. bliriister: 1 acknowledgc thc reccipt of Yoiir xsce[kency's
kinrl riote. niirnher 13106, of clic 13th of the prcsent moritli,referring
to the ideiitity pape- of >Ir. Fedarico Xottehohm, a citizcriof tIic
Courity (Coridüdo) of Liechferisteiri.I wisli to express to you, hfr.
Ministcr.. rtiy w; tliaiiksfor tIie irtforrnation \vIiiciiyou were
ple:ised to givc me, and I take the op~rtiriiity ol sigrjing rnywll, with
the higliest resptxt, yoiir very attentive servant. (Signed) Kvlierto
Fischer,Consul. Most Exccltctit Ministcr of Esternd Relations (Esmo.
Sefior Xfinistr de Relacïones Esteriores), 1-icrriciatc (Liceiiciado)
Carlos Salazar. Of this city."

"Giiatemala, zznd of January, 1946. >Ir. Miitisterof Extemal Rela- 12
tioris (SefiorMiriistro dc Relacioiies Exteriores). Natiorid Palace. Mr.
Ministcr : Xottebohm Krothers, in hirsinessiitliis capitacify, domicil&
in Eighth Avenue South (la Sa.Ar.. Sur), niiniher 31,very attentively
bcg the llinistcr tu lie sogond ,zs to order that .zcertificate heissued
tu tlierrto tlic effectliattItcirpartncr, hir.ITcclericoSottebohin lieber,
isregistcred in the Ministry urirlcr your t:çteemcd coiïtroI ac;a çitizeri
ofrhe Coirnty (Condado) of 1-iechtenstein utider the protection of the
Swiss Kcpuhlic. l'hünkirg yoii in atlvancc, we sigriourçclves the most
attentive scrvaiits of thr Jiiriislcr. (Signnturs) Illcgible-Kot tebolini
"3tj3-~1iiiiçtry of Ex teriid 17elations (bfi~tisteriode ReIaciones
Ertcriorcs) :Guatemab, twcrity-third of Jariiiary, orle tliousaiidiiine
hiindred and forty-sis. Inform the Ilep?rtmeni 01 Emipütioti aitd
Inimigratiori (Departam~nto de Aligr.aci6n) .SigraaiziresE. Silva l'eh.
- AcIriin Gil I'krez." 106 .+SNEXES TO LlECHTEASfEIS MEMOKIAI, (s<>. 6)
13 "364-Ministry of Externnl ReIatioiis (Sliiiiste dcioKclaciurics
Esteriores) : Guatcinaia, t~elftit of Pebruary ,ne thouçünd riine
liirndrcdand forty-sis. In the light of the information cilthe Depart-
ment ofErnigrütion anincI lrnrpigration (Depzrtainen tq tlc Xiigrr~cciB~i),
issue the certificdcopy whicii is rcqucsted, giving pre~ious notice to
the Public 3linistr)r (Xliiiiste Piribolico). (.5igriatE. Silva lJena-

hrlrsin Gil arestantps \vhiciireacl: 'Miriistrof Extzrrl;ti
Relatiotis(hlinistcriodttIielacio~iEstcriores)-Iiepub1.i~ ofGuateinala,
Ceriira1Arnericri.' 'Secretariatof tlic I'irbliMinistry (Secretaria del
Ministerio Publico)GuatemalaCentral Amcrica. Rcceivcd uii the 14th ui
'Ft?hriiary1946, at 11 hours qo rninurcs. Identificationnumkr 924' "
14 "GrratemaIa, I5th of February, 1946. IilrMinister :'FItisOflice lias
bccn iriforrncdthat tlie certifi~x rqirested bg Meçsrs. Xottc\?rihni
Hrnthers inthe reviaiisdoctiimrit. datcd t-lizzticlof Janiiary of tlie
present year, 5iY1be issued to them. Witli al1 respect aici csteem, I
ani, pur atfctitiveservarit(SigiluliirasIlarcialBIéiidezM., Procurator
Genc~al ofthcXation {Prociiratior Gciierai clela Sacioiij, 1-leaof tlié
Yiiblic Ministry (Jefe detNinisterio 1)iiblico)3Ir. Miniter of Estcrnal
Relations(Sciior klinist deolielacionesEstcriores). Kational Paiace.
Therc is a siarnp whidi reads : 'PublicMinistry (Xinistcrio Priblico)
Republicof Guaterriala.'"-"Nemuraiidum of tlie Department of Emi-
gration and Trnmigration (ilepartarnento de Miki-aciiin).Witli refcrence
to the pctition of 3lcssrs. Xottebhiii Rrotliers for inforinaiion 3s to
wlietIier >Ir.Federico Xortebokint Weber is register ;;da citizen oI
the Cnunt y (Condado) of T,iechtcnstcin, t is attcntii7elypointed out
that the registr;itiail the said gcntlenian, to be fnurid on folio r96S
of bok No. 20 of tlie Dcpartnicnt {Deyrirtamento) of Guaternda, is
c~ncelled w,ith the following esplanaiion : 'Cancelled in virtue of the
rezson explained in tlieriote of thisOfficeNu, r63r7, dated tlie 20th of
Dcccrnkr, IW.' Guatemala,zCitIi of January, 1946T .Iicre isristarnp
which rends: "Minhtry of Esterna\ Z1el;ttionç(Ministerio delielaciones

Exteriurcs)--Dcpartrricnt iifEmigraticiriand Immigration anct Attest-
atioris (Depto. de Xigracion ÿ Aritétitics~)Kepriblic of Gualcniala,
Ceritral Antericn."
15 "Yr- Xlliiiisiof Esteriial Kelations (Senor Miniçtio de Rclricioiics
Esteriores) : 1,Karl Heinz Xat tehhrn Stoltz, 36 years oage, ü business
mari,married, a Guatcmalari and from this districtgiving 3s an addres
forthe receipt ofcomrnunicntions rnp ofice situated iri Eiglttli AI-criue
%llth (la Sa. Av. Sui'), iiumbegr,of this dty, res cctfully appearand
espiind ;That, as 1 prove ivitfitlicenclo~ed a &dnvit marked with
an 'A', I am the proxy iri thefullest sense ofmy uncle hlr. Fcdet-ico
Nottetinhm tireber,a document uyon wiiicli1 base myself \dien 1 ask
that I be considered to posscss the Iegd Iiowerof attorney wiiich has
bcen coiiferred upori rne, beggiilg tint thisbe certihed iri th= docu-
rnenls which 1 adririce arid tiiaf the documents bc returiiedto me.
-4rticle 108of dectcc 1862.iariding asthe pmxy ofMr. I.èderico Sotte-
bohm Weber, 1como beforc you in themost at textilqrnatirierto soiicit
arepl ofthe administrative decisionby virttie wiiichthe registmtion
ofMr. Federico Not teboli~rriilelias a citizen of the Caunty (Condado)
ofLiechtenstein iscancelled,a regidratio11~rtüdeon Foli o ~G Sfimok 20
of the Rcgistration of For-cigners (1nxri~iiin de Elxtraii'eros) of tIie

Ueparfment (Depnrtamenio) of Guatemala. I ask for t/ie repd of and iiotify hini that since hlr. Kottebohrn is ici loiiger a fotcijirier
clornicilecin tfiis count-ry, tlie estahlislitnoftliis natiorialitispointless.
excel>t as ail incidental r~uesiiori.1iiconseqüence, refuse wr.tirlias bcen
petitiotied, silice thet-e does riot exist a d~isiuri alloivi~ig o[ appz-il.
E. Silva Pefia. -A. Herbruger A.-'1-berc is :i stamp rvliiclire;ids:
'Ministry of Fstertial Retütioiis (~~Iinistericide lieIacianes I?~teriores)-
IiepiihIic of Guatemala. Central Rrnerica.' "

r7 "Mr. Karl Nottebohm was notified of the precediiig deckioii, and,
having been inforrncdaiid beiiig iiiaccord, tic siped. Ccrtified hy me.
Alberto Koswii-3ri[Sj46. K:iri Heinz Xnttehohm."
"Xirrrilxr fifty-foiir.-Iii the city of Giiaternah, oritiie scvzriteeritir
of Xlardi, one thoiisand ~iiiiIinndrcd arid tliirty-ninc, bcforc mc. tlic
~iotnry, :ind the witncsses, cornpctent accordi~igtothe iaw, k1iow11 to
ine ;i~id residctits of this city, wliich T certify, Mrs. EIis:i Borges di:
Alvarez and %Ir- KariiS~i :lli.nrcz,:ippcarcrl Mr. l'ederico Snttebohm
t\'elicr, fifty-eight ycars of age, a bachelar, a busiries i-i~arGemxn,
who syicaks and srites Spanish, wiiciis a residerit of this city alid is

regisfercd iiiihc: Civil Registei- (Rcgisiro Civil) of this capital city as
a rcsident fnreigner, according 10 a.certificatc of the said office which
1 certify to have Iiad heiore {ne. I certify that I knon him, ttirit 1 liave
had hcforc me hi.: trave! .pcnnir fhlcto dc vialid:id). corrcsponding
to the present half-year, tliat lie states that fieis in enjoynient of his
civil rights, and ii~üt, prnceediiig oii his owii lichali, he statcd : tliat
hr: hereby confers his gcneral fuU, corrrplcte and suficicri t power of
attor.iiey npti &Ir. Karl Heinz Kottebohm Stoltz, a resident of this
city, sr>iiiatitcrnay rcprescnt I~im in üiiy rnattcr in wIiicii the grrintor
miglit iiriue interest, whethci judicial, cxtrn-jiidicial, commercial,
ridrriiiiistrativnr of voluritary jurisdiction. \t'lierefoi-c, the pioxy will
have al1 tlic gcricral powers of tlic mandate bth for. judiciril powcrç
ofnttorrtey and for the folloiving spcial puwcrs of atturricy ; to huy,
sell, mortgage, conipund. kase and dispose in aIiy way of the property
of the mandatw ; tn rat ifs al1kiridsof contracts. to renew them, to
drawup, endorse, acccpt ürtd protest biits of exchange, cheques, r.O.U.s,
drafts, and any other credit docunient ; to gra~it any kind of deed
what~cvcr ; to be prtsent at rnaetirigs nofcreditors (juntas dertcreeciores

y de concurms), and at any otlier kiridaïmeetings, both with authority
to spk antl with a vote ; to apyroce liquidations and accounts, to
reccivc siiiiinf rnoiiey, to remit dcbts, to transfer aiiy ccrtificate or
boiid (titula), to leiid suretie; ttonppear More an y jiidicial or adminil;-
trntive autliority ; tooriginate and aiiswer questions of ititerrugatorics ;
to subrnit any matter to the decisioris ol arbitrators, juries {juris)ur
referees, tir rioriiii~atarid prayiose thenr ;tn rccogrrize sigri:iti ;itnes
denounce offences and to rkccuse criminriliy ; to cxterid jürisdictioii ;
tu waivc judgrricrils, r.laiins, appeals, incidental judgments, cxcept ions
and rccirsations,as \\,cl1as to renounce tftcrr; to cnrcy out transactions
=id agreements with relation tU any litigatiori ; to remit obligations
and to grari t rcsyilcs aiid acquittances ; to apply for aiid tu acccpt
adjiidicaiions of gocids in requital ; [ci çoriier.special Iwwers and to
revoke them and to substitufe titis power of attoriiey iri ivhole or in
prt, reservirig or riotreserving the esercise of it, and to rcvoke the
substitutions. 1 rad what had bccii ii-ritterto the maridator in the
presence of tht?witnesses rcferrcd to,:rnd infonned ofits contents and ASNEXES TO I.IECHTESSS'E[S 3IE3IORIAL (?ion6) 1°9

legal effects, fiapprnved it.ratified itaiid si ns. Cf!rtifi~Ibq.nit:,fleric-
rico Xottebohm. .Elira B. widow of (Y. d$ hlvarer.-Rntnbi~ :ilva-
rez.--In my preseiict3:1;ed.Salazar.This isthc ur$nal afftdavit, wiiicli,
after colhtiun and so that 1 may give it to the proxy, 1 seal and sigit
in the pIace and on tiic date of tlie grnr~tiriuri tiiisiiiglc shcct. l:co.
Salazar.-Tliei-e is a starni) which rea<b : Fcderico Çalazar ia\r;yei4
and Notary. Xotit-e : tlie present written afidnvit iwz registered iinrler
scries iiumher 8 I26, foliosgo-S5ook foiii--of the Register of Mandates
(Kegistro dr:Mandatos) esistiiig for t1i:tpurpose in inlicGci~erai Xrcliive
of Protocols (21rcIiii7Genernl dc I'rotncoIos).-Guatcrnalx, twerity-
ftrst ot March, one tliousaiid riiriclii~ridrentid tltirty-iiirle{Sjgnaiurc)
Ilkgihle. 'rhereis a stamp whicli ic:icls:'Gcneral Archive of Protocrils
{Archit'o General de ~Prntacolr>s G}u:itcrriiiI;.'

"The nridersigned Liwycr and Xotary, itiid iiie i-exrit krctaiy 18
af th Suprcrrie Court of Justice (Sccretario de la 2 o)tc Suprema dc
Justicia),CERTIFIES : that,for t1ie piirpse, lie has had hefore him the
document, its ~irovision iiiidemhotlimcrit in proincoI wliiclt litcl-ally
read : 'hIr.Prcsiderilof the ]rrdicialYorver(Sefior Presidente del Poder
JudiciaI): 1, Lari Heinz Xottebotirri Stoltz, 36 years of agige, arri&,
a busrness man, a Ç;uatemaIan and rcsidcrit in tliis district, givirig as
niy nddress for tliereceipt of coriirniriiicatioiithe office of my Ctiiei
Lawÿcr (Abopdo Uirector), Licenciatc (Lic.) Carlos Rafael Lbpex
Estradri,situatcd or1 Foiirth ..\veiiiiSoutli (la 4:i. i'ivcriidiiSur), nurri-
ber 20,of liiisçity, respectfrilly pt-esentrnysetfta reqirest: -1'liaccord-
irigta the formnliticç oi Ihc Iaw, tticrc bc ~SPLIC~ $0 me fo~~rattested
copiesof ttie iiistrumeiit wliich wasernlxldied iii prolucol in tlic Iiegister-
(Rt$s"t'~) helnngiiig lu tiic Judiciktl Body (Otgariiçrnn Jt~diciaI},nrjd
wliich bears thrtIo. 147, and which refers to tlie cithcnship appertainitic
to Mr. Fcdcrico Xo~tehhrii. IVill>Ir. Presiden t (el seiiur Presiderte)
plcase determiiie in zotiforriiity wiilt tliis ret~uestArticle 279 of decree
zoo9 and 104 of decree 1862. CruateniaIa, 16ih oi July, ~946 (signt-d)

Karl Iieiriz Xottehhm S.-.4ssistitig: (Signedj C.R. L6pez E. --Starnp
of the Lriwyer,.'"
" Yresidetirof the Judicial 13dy (Presidentcdel Organisme J iidicial) rg
C;uatemala,sixteenth of Jiily, onethoüsand niiie hnndred and for~y-sis.
-AE the cost of the iniercsled part?, the Secrctar ofythis Body Iorga-
nisrno} ni-. issue the four atteste dopies requestcd. -ArticJes r3
gorcrtimeiital L)ccrcx:tiiimber 2x74and 3 Iegishtive dccree numher 2556.
(Sipiadares) Prado. -Juarrl'erri8rtdczC. "

"Xu~nbcr onc Iiundred aiid forty-sewn : 1 ii the city of <;rizitemrila,20
on trie fifteeiitday of the inoritlof Jiily,orle tkioiisand ninc hu~idred
and forty-six, the tiiidersigtied, $ecret:ir-of the Suprerne Coiirt uf
jiistice (Secretario dc la Cortc Supreiiicdc Jiisticia), proceeds ru c?py
tiicfollou,iiigdocizments in 1-irtue ofwitat was ordered iritlie provistan
of the datc aùove iiidicated.The ~indersigtiedSworn I'ranslator (?-raduç-
tor Jurado) of Gcrmati-Spii~iiàlicci~tifres: tliat tichas hnd hfore Iiima
docunient drawi~ up in that language, ivhicli, translatcd into Spütiisli,
reads : *Ccrtificafe-kir. Federico Nottebohm, iribusiness in Luatemah,
hm on the 16th of ricpterribci-e,itecrihuiidi-cdarideighty+ne (rS81],
possesseç, since the 13 IO 1939 the citizciiship of Liechtensteiri aridIra
citizen of tkt! Liechtenstein cornmuni ty, Yairrc11.-Vaduz, 6t ii of
May, 1946-Govern~ricnt of tlie Prii~cipaIity (Gubierno Priiicipcsco]: 1IO ANNEXES TO I.IBCII'TE?ISTEIN FIEMORI.11.(SU. 6)

{Sig~ierl)Frick.-(Starn 5)-Governnient of the I'rincipaIity {if 1,iec.h-
ienstei~i (Gobieniodcl kirieilmdu de Liechtenstein).-And, xj anafi-
davit of the truth of this,1 issuc, sign n~idstarripthe present driri~nient
in Girateiri:~laor1 the 12th ul July, x~h. {Sz,uiid) Carlos Dubois.-
Therc is a stamp.-XO. 218.-I'ees paid 3.-The iiridcrsignttdGuat e-
malan Consul certifies : the autlieriticity of thc precedirig signature
whidr read :-i- tlie atitiiority Kegierung ci. 17irrstetunis
Licclitei~stci~i.-Ziirich, ~Stli of May, 1y+6.-?'he Corisul (Sigr~eil)
K. Br;~cher.-Tliel-e is ,xst;irzip.-'Flie Assistarit Secretnrÿ of Esterixi1
Keliitinns (Siihsecreiario de l<elriciutieEsterioreï), çIriri-ri:i: that the
signatiirc of Mi- L.iccriciiitc(LiceiiciattoRené_ Rrachcr, ivliooritiie date
of çigning Iicldthe post of Guntenialnii Co~isul iriZiiricii, S\vit~erl;iiid,is
rtutiieniic.-C;uatemaIa, rrtIi of july, 1946.--(Si,iya~d AI-t.l-ierbrugerA.-
Xote : Thc Yinistry ol External I<elations (Lliniste drioRebaciones
Esteriores) dos not risurne any responsibiIity foi-tIte çori-
telits ofttiidwirment. Thercis a seal and tlicliccessary stamps.' "

21 "Air,.1)resident of the Jiicticinl I>nwcr (Sefior t-'residcnte del Pdcr
Jiidiciül):1, Larl Heinz ';u~teliolirii,'~Gyears ofnge, niarrieci,a biisiness
miJii,,zGiiatcmiiIar~ariclrcsidciitirithir district, givirias my nddrcss for
tlie rccciptof coiiiiniiiiicatioiitlieofficcof In?Chid 1,:iwyer (Abogado
Director) 1-icenciatc iliccnciado) Crirlor Kafael Liipcz Fstr:iri:t, siriiated
iii170urrliAvciiue South (la qa. .4cenida Sur), riurrihct20, of tliiscity,
respctlulty ripFar :iiidexpounrl : tliat iricoiifoimity witli çI;rrrse
oï Ai-ticir4 of clccrcc 1862, I have comc attenril-ely to rectiiesttiat pu
be pieascd togive Iegal snnctiorito tfiedocunierit ivhicli 1lia\-e ihe plea-
jutr ofattacl~ing and whiclt is duly ntirlientic hyt hde Secretariat of
Externa1 ReIations (kcr.ctari;i dc i7claciones Exteriores), aiid rans-
lated iroi~iGeiman into tIie officinliiiiguage of the1,cpublic.Gua te~riala,
13th of July, 19:tS. [.5igizeriKarl Heirit Nuttebohrn.-Asàsti~ig :
(SigiierijC. K. LOpez I3.--1'liere is:i Lawyt:r nrici Nniary's stamp."

22 " PresitIency oi thc judiçinl Hody (Prcsidencia dei Organisnin Judicinl):
Iiuatemala, fitteenth ofJuIp, oiie thoiirarid riirihundrcd arid farty-sis.
-Giw the iegul satictioiirciiitestctlto the ciicIosed certificate refemng
to the citizenship of rlr. Federico Sottehohm, issued iiiYadirz bu the
represen tative of the Cioveri-iine~ i of tlic Priiicipaltj-of Liechtcnstein
(tiobictiiodcl Principado de 1.iechteiiiitein) wlio signç hiinself Frick, and
dated tlia sisth of >1zy of the presei~tycar.-Issiie tlic cvrrcspniiding
Notarial certificate.'hrticle 4 of the governmet~talclecree nrirnixt 1862.
-{Signrrfrtrcs) Prario.---_luail Feriiiiidez C.-'l ti my pr4csclic: Juan
Fcrnindez L'-This isnSeco~iiI:\fidavit ~vliicli11.-been duIy collateci
witlt its original, aridin ordcr to Ii;itiditover to hlr. Knrl Heinz Notte-
hohni Stoltz, 1 issut: iiritrvo effective sh~ets. iiitliecity of Guaterriala,
on the sistecrith daÿ of the iiioiith ofJUIF ,ric thousand riirihundred
and fort .-sis.-- -The firstslieet isto the r-alue of oiie qireiznaiiclbears

the iiuinkr :I-oj204q-Kcgisteie<i 032171 and the preicnt slieei tu iIia
value of fi~ecelzlnvos,haring tlieiiurnberA-25S6630, Registered 2587164,
hoth of the preserttquiii üennium. (Signedl Juan Fcrriindez C. TItere is
n rtiiinp wl~ich ieatls: '%xrehrint of rhr Supi~iw Coiirr of Jurtice-
judiciül Ecd~ (Secretaria dt:kt Coi-te Suyrcrria dc Jiisici;i-Oignnismo
Jiidicial) Giiateniala, Centr;il Arnerica.' "
23 "Mr. Minister oT E~teriial 1icl:itions (Seiior Xiiiiistro de Kelaciones
Esteriores), Nntioiial Palace :-1, l<ur.lHeiiiz Xottebnhrn Stoltz, whose <fXNENE:i TO I,IECHTES5TElh' I\-IEhlOHI:\L(.Y<,6) ITI

piirticularsare kriown iiiÿour Oficc, attentiiely refer to riiy ~xtitiori
dated the 24th of July, 194hri the s~ihject01 tbc cancellatioriof tlie
rcgistr:~tionof the nationality of Mi. Fcdcricr>Xottebohrii-in whicii I
reque~ted that,at my own cost, 1 bcgivcn a certifiedcopyof the ptitioii
aitd of pur decision ancl ftirther that the porscr ol attorney ivhicli 1
showedbe returned 10 me. Tu-düy 1 have beeiiinformerlof the dcciçioii
biit the pomer of attorney bas not yct hccrtretiiriied iome nor lias tiie
certihed copy of rlic petitioi:FII~uf triétlecisivnbeeri delivcredto rne.
I beg oriçcmore attciitivcly tu reqiiestyou, MI^. fliriistertliatyou bc
plcased to order tiiattlie certificate abovc iridicaterl he isstiedInt:at
rny owii cost. and that. the powr of :ittr>rneybc rctur.iicdto me. 1
atteritivelp assure yori of rny respect riiiresteem. Guatemala, 30th of
L\ugx~st , 946.Karl HeirizNottebohm."
"3j65-Rlii1istrjr or 1';terrial Relations (3Iinisteriode Kelüciorics 24
Exteriores): Guatemala, fourtfi of Septernhcr, oric t liousnild nine
liuiidred and torty-six. At the çost of the iiiterestedpiwty, mrid~vith
tlie kriowlcdgc of the Public hliriisiry (31inisterio PiihIico), retiirii the

requested docunien t ,leaving eiridence of that \\-i~icIi'lben ccrtificd
iii the fileof documents, and issiieflic rer~ricstedcertificate. (Siglza-
~itrcs)A. Herbruger A.-Adrian GiI Pérez.-Thcre is n stainp which
rerids: 'hliiiisti-vof Esterna1Kehtions (Aliriisterinde KelacioricsEstc-
~~oIcs)-Rc~~~ o~ U iatemala, Ccntr:~lAmerica.' "
"Seci-etariatof tfic Public 31iniçtr{Sccrctarin delMiriisterioPitblico),23
Guatctriala, Ceritrd Arnerica. Keccir:ed on the 6th of Septcrriber,ryqh,
at 17 hours-miniiteç. Ideritificatinn-667S-Guatcmi11a, 7th of 1946.
Mr. Hiriister:This OfFtccfias beetii~iformcd tliatthe certificsitc ~vtiicli
Mr. Iiarl Reitrz Xottchohnr Stolrz rcquests irthe preceding document
dated tlie gorh of August Inst\vil1bc issued tu him. \VitilJI respect
aiid cstwrn, I am yoirr atteritix-servant. f,y order of the Pronirator
Gcneral (SenorProcurador GeneraI)(Sigitd) I11egihIe.Secretary (Sccre-
ti~rio)hlr. Minister of 1:sterriaRelations (SefiorMiiiistvoclcRelnciones
Ex teriores), XationaI Pnlaçc. Tiiertis the stainp of thr!Public hIinistry
fMi~iisterio Pfiblico]."

:Irid fordelivcry to the jnrcrested Party for the appropriate Icpl -"fi
uses,he issnes the prescritcertihcate it.tiic1-iItken cdlated witli its
originnI, dividcd in to nine effective sheets,ti?th the follorviiigseries
numbers,the firstNO. B 99772j7 t,e wcond Xo. 13qy772j8, the third
Xo. .y t397725 ti3,fourth ;\:o .3r)ri77zfio, thefifth .\;'1399772fi1,
tht: sixtttho.l3 q977262,the wven tliNo. 13 9977263 tlie ciglitKu.
B 9977264 and the riiiitti, wIiich tlie preseiitsheet, in thc city of
Guatemala, on the twentyfourtii day of tliernonth of Xo\,crnber, one
thouSand nine iitrndred and Iifty-one. Tiri~s: asE quenhr. EICHTT
~~~.rl.i~~~.---(.SignddA)driariGil Pérez.
I3esidethis signature there i5n rubhr stamp ~vliichreads :"hlinistry
of Esterrial Rclations (hlinisterio de lielaciories Esteriores), RepuhIic
of Guatemala, Cents31 ..\rricricri."

Approvecl : (Syi~rilJ1[iegibIe.



"The undersigned Senior Oficial ofthe Miiinisrtyof Esterna1 Kclations
(Oficial Mayor cIelhiiiiiste deioKelaçiories Esteriores), CEItTIFIBS :
that, for the requestetl purpose, hc liashad before hirn the ducument,
provisioiis. report and notification ta tIicPirhlic lfiiinistr(bliriistcrio
Rlhlico), wiiich lite~dillrend: 'Giiaterriala,zznil of Jartirary, 1946.-
31r.Xiiiiisterof Estcrnal Iiela~ioris(SeRar 3linjstrode KeIaciories llxte-
riores).-Kat ionai Palace.--->Ir' klinister : Nottebohrn Bror hers, iri
hrisiness ititheconirne.rcial centre, dorriiciled ir1GgiitliAveniie Soutli
(laSa. Av. Si~r}No. 31, very atteritively beg the Minister to hc SQ gd
:firo ordcr tfiat a certificate be issuedto them to the effect that their
part ner, Mr. Federico Notteboh tn Wtlier, is registcred iritlieMuiinistry
under Fur csteeined control as ;icitizeiiof the Coiirity (Condado)
of1.iech tenstein under the protcctiori ol the Swi~s Xepub1ic.-l'hanking
vou i~iaiiticipatio~iwc sig~i 0111-sclvcstiic rnostiiteni ive serfiintsof

ih~: Minister. (5igntd)-signature illegib1e.-Thert: iç :istar~ijiwhicli
rcacIs 'Sottcbolirri Brotiiers."
EXTI;RIORE Ç)Giiatmlala, twenty-third of january, oiie ttiousand
nine Iiundrctl and fort y-six. Inform tlie Departmerit of Emigrat ion
and Iinmigration {Departarneritode BIigraciOn.) (Signahilvcs)E. Silva
Peiia-Adrihi Cil Phz, Senior Oficial (Oficiril3Iayor'j.- .TIiere isa
stnrnp u~hich reads : 'hfinistry of Estcri~al Rel;ttioiis (kIiiiiste de ia
Relaciones Extenoresj-I<eptiblir: of Guatemala, Ceritral:inierica.'"

GH.STIOK (DEP.~KI.AM~~ I~T~MTGHACI -K1:itI1 reference to the
petitiori of Messrs.l\;'ottehuIirn Hrotliers fur inforrnatior~as to wlietlier
LIT.Ii~r>ert~coXoï-rarionx i$r~~~~ is rtgistcred as a citizen of the
Coiinty (Condado )f Licchteristcin, it js ai tentivelystatcd that the
registr,iitioul tliesriid geritlemari, to hc fuund on folio 1968of hk
No. 20 of the Department (Deliartamen~o) of Ga~ternnIü, is caricclkd,
witb the following ex lanatiori : 'Cririceliedin virttieof the rearion
explairicd in the note oYthiv Oficc, Na. rG317, dared the 20th ofDecem-
ber, r944.-l;iiaternala, ?fith of January, r946.-mgri.'-Thcre is s
stamp which reads : 'Ministry of Externa1 Relations (Ministerio de

Iielacicincs Esterioresj-Kepublk of Guatemalri, Ceiitriil Anlerics.
Deprirtmeiit of Emignt ion, Tnimigration arid Attestations (Departa-
rnento de Migraciiin y :\urbnticas).'"
EXTERIORE S)Guatemala, turelfth of Fcbruürp, one thouçand nine
h~iiidredaitd forty-sis. Iiithe iight of the report from tlie Department
oi Erriigration atidlmrnigntior~ (i3ep;irtarncntu rle&ligrnciiin),issuethe
certiiied copy ~r.hicljs requested, giving previoiis notice to tlicPublic
STiiiistry (Ministerio Puhlico) . (Sig7taiuvesE. Sirva Peiia -Adrian Gii
Pércs, kiiiir Official {Or~çiaiMayor). There isrr stanip whidi rcüds : '.Mitii~tr>~t EsteriialRelatioris(3linisterio de Relaciones Ex tel-iorcs)-
Repuhlicof Gi~aternah,Lentrai Americ:i.' "

"Sccretariat ofthe Public Ministry (Scci.ctariridei >linisterio I"iiblico}
-Guateninla, Central .4rneric;i. Kcccivcrl on the 14th of Iiebruary,
ic)+t>. at TIkours -30 ininrites, identihc:~tioii niirnbegz4.-Guatcmala,
rgtlt of February, 1946. Mr. hliriiste: This Office has beeii iiiformed
tliatthe certificate re<luestetl by Xleisrs.Sottehohm Brothcrç in thc
previous docurne~it, dated ,the zznd of J:iiiuary of the presetit yerir,
willbe.issueil to them. '\Vit1ail rei;yect and cstccm, 1am pur attentive
servant.-l'hcre is a stzmp rvhicli re:ids: 'PuhIic hIiriistry (3Iinisterio
13ublicu)-liepublic of Guatcrriala'.-Vr. Minister of Extemal Relations
{I;eiiorMinistro de Iielaciones Exteriorcs).-Xztiona1 Palace."

.Inn at the rct~uestof the iiitercsted party. he jssucs the presenr:
certificate. duly collatecl with thc originals,and set oiit on twci sheets
ofpaper cachstamped tu the value of tcri ctnfuvos dc quatzaG-of the
prcscnt quinrlucnniurn- the first witli the Kegistercd SO. 3569904-
tftree rriilliofivehundred and siuty -nitie tiiouçand nine hiindred and
four, in Giiatemala, on the twentyfirst diiy ol thc rnotitliof Fcbrnary,
onc thot~sand riirie hundred and forty-sis. Tdo : twcnty-tiiird of-
Omit-E. L. : of tiic y~ar-one-Xc:wl.

Rcside this signature rhere is the ruliber starnp of the Sfiniçtry of
Esterniil Relations (hiiiiisterio de Kelaciones E'treriorcs), Hepublic of
GuaterriaI;i, Central hmcr.icit.

Fees : Qzrefzale.~0.40.
Lollated : anmfaal.
Relow this is the certihcate of the Swiss Consiil, typcwritten, in
Gerrnan, signet1and stampfid.

Tha t by the principles of demcicratic convictioti ivliicli the people
atirlGoveriiineiit of GuatcmaIa profess, arid infuIfilnietit of inescapible
obligations coritr~üctcdin various conieraices and public agreements
bctween the riations of :ime.rica, it is thediity of the (;overnmeiit tu
decrer, the ~irovisintis wtiicti rnay bciiccessnr?tu rrtnkeeffective inter-
riatiuiial CO-opratioti and defence ; Tliat, as far as it is çoriccrned, il rriustat the wne tirricrrizke the
iriternatiorial cffectof tlie Proçlarriation (Proclaiiiaof the ~;.tIiof Jnly,
rqqi, issueri by thc Most Escellerit President ui the Cinit~rl States of
Ariierica compatible t~ith Clic economic iiiterests of the riation whicli
arc profouridly affectecl hy the iriclu5ion iri tiic ptnmulg;ited list (lista
proclarriada) of privatc per.wi!s or corporations wlto arp proprietors of
coffee estates a, ~iroduct whrch constittit~~ thc niairi ~.vcaltIiof tlic

Thxt as a resiilt of arrangemeiitç coricloded in a widc and mutual
spirit of cordia1 frierid~liipiIicré is ügrcemcnt on thc part of the
Governrnent of the United Stateo sf Arnerica to allorv the importation

into that couritry of cofitiewliicli cornes £romestates wIitiss proprietors
are includ~d in the yrornulgated Iist (1ist.aproclamacln, yrovidcd tliat
tiiey kecp ilte sirbstance of ~iic iriterition~11ich inspircd its proclrin-ia-
tiun ;

Invoking the po\vei-sconferred upun Iihn by.c1;iiir;23 of Article 77
of th: Caiistitutrori of tlie Repiiblic,

Arln'clrorte.-All privüte pcrsorts or corporntions wiiu: Ixitig Pr.+>-
prietors, Iesçecc.or owners oi cofiec estrttcs,are ii~cluded iri the pro-
mulgaicd list (listaproclamada) ai~d desirc to esport tlie fruits, shall
Iimd overtheir iizirvcsts icthe Centrd Rank oi Guatcniala imrriccliatelg
they arc gathered anil asc in an çxportable condition.
rlrlicletz~:u.-The Central Uank of Guateinala, duly aüttiori7xrfby
the central board of sharehalrlers and hy tiic Governinent of the
Re iihlicwill act as riepusitary for the coffee harvests aiid thei~ value 1
jt rxing (tic cllarge of the proprietors and owners to hririd O\-er tiic
fruits, by means of certifrcntes stating tlic qualiy. quantity and speci-
ficatioiis of ~ach deiivcry ofexportable coffee.

.-irdicEt1zree.-The Centrai Ljmk of Guatemala will act iriits own
name and on its oiifnaccotint tu arrange Lhccsportatioii ofthe coffee
which itIiaçreceived in conforinity with the foregoing articles;aiid itwill
lic itsduty to fulfil ;il1the obligatiorisirnposed hy 1aw Uri dcpositarics.
A rticlcjoiir.- -The Central R:ink of Guatemala, in addition to the
obligations iiiciirnhent uponirit as clcpoiositarwill be cliarged with a
rigorous coritrolii-respect uf the coffee which it reccivcs, exporrs anci
sells on accourit of depmits ;a~id the product of the sale, in caclicase,
wilt he npplied in tliefollowing maiiner : (1) To cover fiscal riiiw which
are pencliiig;(2) 'Io püy nionthiy to the administratiori of exIr cstate
tlir: sum abçolutely iiecessary, irithe judgment of its tccliniciruis ttnd

in the opiaiori of the Board of A4ssessors of the Cetitrai Cvfice Rurcau
{Junta Asesorzi dc Ia Oficina Lcritral del Crifk),for the mainterlance of
the estate in a statc of production ; (3) To provide the proprietor of
the coffcc sold, shouId Iic Iack ntlier incnnie, witii the SUI= strictlynccessary for hiç suçte~i~rnce aiid tltat of Iiis family; (4) To pay the
interest and amortizations or1pndirig dcbts ;{5) To jiq delits rvliosrt
term 11as espired ; (6) Iftliereis anyresidue of the rice obtainwi, tlris
wiI1be fro7~n in the funds uf the Centra1 Bank of ?xuatc~naIa atid that
resiùue may riotbe dispmed of uriti1 theeiid of the war, pruvided that
it sliall tint tie.subjccto chai-ge or criciimbrariceon account of otlier

..lrliclfiz1s.-Fiititdestiried for the payrne~-itof titedehts rcferrcd
to inciause (5)nftIiç fort'guiiiartide sliall aIsobefrozen irithe Central
Hztk oi Guatcrnala, wheri tite rcspcçtivc ci-editors are induded in tiic
ptornulgated iist (listaproclaniada).
Article six.-Exliortcrs of coffee wlio üre iioi on the prrirnulgateu
kt, {lista proc1arnad;L)hut who must effcct pyment witli tlicproduct
of the coffec tu third partics who art. oii the promulgated list (lista
proclnmadaj, arc obligcd, 1iy the prewnt law, to notify to the Rnar~rl
uf Asxssors of the Centrd CoffPe Bureau iJunta Asesora de la OCrcinü
Central del Café) the existericc of such an obligatiori, so that trie
payrncnt ma? be made in the Centrai Bank ofGuatemIa on accouiit
of the dehtor and tIie Uank receive the pay~ncrit iir the name of
the blocked creditar (acreedor bloqu~ado),~ keeping the funds fro7xn
until the cridof tlie var. The creditoris 0b11gedto @VC an acquittance
tothe dehtw and to carice1the mortg:ig& guaraiitecing the crctlit tiiiis

Article swett.-For the authorizatioii of dcprcciatiorinllo~vances, or,
for the papent of renewal cspenses with the funds of the harvests,
to private persons or corporationç irrclridcd in the prorniiIgated Iist
(lista pi-oclamada),the (;entra1 Rankrnirst hear heforeliazidthe opinioii
of tticBoard of Assessors of tlicCentral CoffeeRixreau (junta ilçesor~
de la Ofiçina Ccntral dcl ,Café) rtrliich~511inforrn and advk, takirig
into account in cadi case the averago ef renewat esprises ofpreviciuï
yewç, and tltc existing and effective necd::oftlic estate.
Article eight.-Both for triepurpose uf the foregoirigarticlearid for
tlic corttroiof thc application of the other ravisions oi the present
law, the I3oard oi Assessors ofthe Central Co2 c' Burcau(Jrrnta hsesorn
de la OficinaCentral del Café)will appoint inspecto o vkit the estates,
to esarriiricthcstate of the work irilirogress md the applicatiori of tlic
fiiridsto tlicirappointed prposc. Thc Board of Assessors (Jurita
Assora) will report to tIie CentralIJank, bef0r.edeciding, on the supply
of renne~ç-aflunds.
Arkicle nine.-Tlie provisions of the presciitlaw willappIy not orily
to pzrsons wha arc at prcsent inc1uded in the promuIgated list (Lista
proclamada), but aIso to their ageiits,empbyees or reprcscritatives
who pcrfotm or endeavour to perfonn ariyzct prejudiciaIto thc dcfencc
of rlcrnocrrtticinstit~itions.

Account wi11bcgiven of the present decree to the NatiortalAssernbIj~
(Açürnblca Xacional} in itsncxtsessians.
Given in Governrnent Housc: i~r Cuateinala, oii the ninth day of
the rriorrtli of October,one tttousand nine hundred and forty-onc.
JORCE U~lco.-?'he Secretary of Strtte in the Office of Exterilal
Relations (Secretrtrio de Estado en el Despacho de litelaciones Exter-

9iores), CARI.OS S.+I.AZ~K.-T~~ Secrctary of State in tlieOffice ofthe

Treasury arid Public Credit (Sccretario de Estado en el Despacho de
Hacienda y CréditfiPiiblico), J. Gosz~t~z CAMPO.

Tliat tliestate of w;ir in whicli the, nationfir~d~iself with Germany,
Jzipan atiti taly makes necessary the adriptioiiof a11thoçe pro\*isions
which tend to tlic defencc of tIiecountry, iticonsuriarice ivitIi tbcsufi-
dariiy cornpacteci in inter-Americari coiifei+cri~ceasnrl tfic Declaratioii
of Pniiama ;

That for the duc application of sucii measlires it is convetiient to
uriify in ozic single body al1 the pio~isions rvhich have bcen issiied by
the Esecutivc Po\\.er (Poder Ejecutico) :

Invokiiig the rolvcrs coiiferred upori him by chrise 23 of Articie 77
of the Coiistitutiorimrl ArticIcs 2 oi Icgislntivericcree nu~nlicr 2563
arid 2 oflcgiçlative dccree iiiimber 2564,


Article 1.-III coiiformit\; tvith tliIaw whiclt co~ttroiscertairi curisti-
tutional guarantees iiirespcct of nation:tIs of the couritries3t !var with
the Repuhlic, the persons indicaied arc prohibiteci frorri: (u) Iicsidirig
or remai~iirig,without peimission from the cornpten t milital author-
ities, in ports. orithe perirneters of :iirports or laiidiiig grouiids. in the
irnniediate vicinity ni harracka, railrvay stations, largc pctrol stores,
rnaiticross-roads,bridges,wireless telcgraphy tou-ers, points of obser-
vation and rnilitary signals, and, in general, in evary place cotisidered
asof stratcgic value for national deicnce ; (b) Eritei-rngplaces or mnes
ofmilitary strategy ; {ci {Vdking on or at the edgc of railway lines
or travelling on military rods ; (d) H:iving in their IIUU~~T firearms,
-steel. arms wIiose use is proitibi~ed,explosives, dclctcrious gases and
gas-masks, and, in general, ariy object or irnplemcn~ which niay bebe tried as traitors tn the iiaîioilalcuzrsearid puriisltetiricoriformity
aith tii criiIitnrla\i-s ot lieRepiibIic.

'4riicle8.-'The aciivities are prohibited ofscliools, academies or
an y othercentre ofteachin ogrthe divulgritioriofidcas ;public lihraries,
cIubs (clubes o casinos), sportirig ccntrcs or groups, or associatioris of
:irisothei' kind or riature. rvlimever sirch Imdïesare organizedorcom-
psed, dirccfed, rnmaged or fiiiriiicby nationais of the coiintries at
w3r v'itli t1~Rqiublic urby those who stipportariti-dernocratic &ci riiics.

A riick g.-lt is pi-orribitcdto piiblish or divulge ncws, iriformation
atid facts curtcerning the Iocatioriof landing places and conditions of
tlie air,naval or military hW ofthe Repiihlic, aszsvcl as any othttr
fiict reIating to thcrri.
Article IO.-1 r is forbidden to ~iubiisliirithe iriformation rckatirig
to the mol-ement of pus~crigers,the place frorn wIiiciithow wIio etiter
have corrieor thc destinatiniiofthose who leave. Xeitlierwill vutilication
be allow-ed of morrenietits of troops, merchant or w~r&i~~in'~, rniitary
aircrafot r armnnierits. riar the nanies of Anriv co~ninaiiders. wl~ether
they lx ristivcs of (;liatemala or of ~iationç ;hich support Cite same
cause asGuatemala.
Artzcle ~r.-Acts [ifs;lbot;itseor of espioriage,ac . ell asthe clivuIp-
tioii of iiews or fake alanns, which have as titcir object thehreakirig
ofrnorakor tlic intruduction of disorder inta towns, will bc tried and

piiiiisiiedin sc~ordairce witii tIicmilitnry and crimirial laivç of the
Article.rz.-Persoris w11odeniffate pirblicly,irideed or irword, tkic
de~nocraticiiistitutiuris wiiose priticiylesare professedby the Republic,
wiil be tried and punished as guiity of ailoffence %ainsi social insti-
Article 13.-'i'he Goverrirne~ii siiaH be able ta order the interrtnlerir
of ~iationnlsof tlie couritries with wf~iclithe Repirblic is at rvar,witen-
ever their attittide suggests triai t1ieyare enga i~igin activitieswbkh
are subversive or daiigerous to the security o f ilic nation and of its
institutions.-Nat ive or natiirali7Rd GuatemaIans wlio are fouiici itt
the same suspiciouscircumstaiiccs\vil1 h s1ihrnittedtu a judiciaI enquiry
befot-c trie cornpitert aittiiorities.

-4rticEe14.-Al1 commercid antl firiancialoperütioxq xre absootutely
foi-biddan betrveen Guateruala and the ~uritries which arein a staw of
warwith her.
.Article15.-Commercial and firiaricixioperationsare üIso forbidden
inthc cou~itry iiitvhiclt blockwl nationals (riaciorialesbloqtieados) of
ilies~idilatiorismay haveinterest, be they private wrsuns or corpora-
tiorisesccpt in the case of prior ~~rrrtissicoirgovcrn~neritlicence, which . -4rlicte21 .--The b~inksof the Rcpublic wiIIhonour chtrques or letters
of credit of blockednationais {nacionaleshloqueaclos)andinvoices fur
or infavour of perçons orbodies includcd iiithe promulgared liçts (listas
proclanidas), -in the folIou-irtgc;ms : (a) [Thenever the diequcs are
made out individually in favniir of employeeç, operators or clerks of
commercial, industrial or agricultue rntlrprises klurigirig to blocked

nationals (tiacionales blorliieadosorfo persons included in the promiil-
gated lists(Iistas prociainada prov,ided that the drawer proves tliat
he hasno f~i~~dostiierthün rhose frozcn iiitIic hank; that thesums stated
on the respective cirders to pay are iitproprtion with the w~agcr ,alaries
or honoraria of persons of his dass and, in no case, greater than ttvo
hundred qneizzalespperinorith iii favour of thc same iridividtia; (h)
Wlieriever ihc business effects arc:drawii in paymént of obligatioris
ernbodied in deeds contractcd ikircl:munths, atIeast, hefore the datc of
the tlcclaration of tliestate ofwar. Ifthe business effccts~descrihed art.
diawn iiifavour of any of the "blocked rrationnIs" (nacionales bIotlue~
dos) or of persons who figure o~t the proiniiigated Iists (iists procla-
rnadasjissu4 by thc United States ofKorth Amcrica, the surn \vil1
remain frozcn in [lie samc bank, tvhich rniisthand over ttie respective
*oiichers to the drriwer; (GJ\ilt'heneverthe ckieqiresIiave bccn mde ouf
at least three riioritlis More tlir:date on which tlic staie of u-xr uras
dedared inGuatemala to üover obligatioris ofcivil,commercial or finaii-
cial order duIy proved, in favciur of a pcrvnn or hady residcnt in tlie
territorj' ofthe Repirblicor infavour of any Guatenialan or natiorial of
a friendly cwntrg, also rcsident ina friendly country, ivtioscconduct is
nat strspicious,providrd that Llicclicques drarvndo not escecd tliesurn
of tivo Iiutidredqgrelzale;(dl Whenever the dieclues are drawn in favour
of Guütcmalans or nationals of a friendly country, to pay obligatiotis
rcspting rnortgagcs or securitieç coiistituted thrcc rriorths at Ieast
before the. date of thc declaratioii of \var ktwecn Giiatemala alid the
States ofrvhich inertion i~ made ; Ce) \\'fienc~er the quantities drarrn
in favour of the same drawer do not exceedthe sums tlcslined to cover
rnoiithlythe rniiiimiini exjmses of siibsistencc, intlie jrrdgerriirof the
managerof thedrain bank, \\-ho must hear the opinionof the respcctivc
Çt~retariat of Skite (Secretaria de Estado). Paqmrit ofclicqiresto wliicli
the preseiit clause refers wilI be rcfused rvhen the drawer cati coii~it
ostensibly upon svficietititicome or upon otticr a<lccjiiatmeansuf liviiig.

~~licfe 22.-I'ersoiis or hdieç, wfiatever tjieir rintionniityrnny tic,
who cover ivitli tbeir lianie, or with their signature any financial or
comrncrcial operations of imymrt or esport by "btockeied nationals'*
(naciondes hioqueados), \vil[nIsobe includcd in tlie cffcctof the prese~tt
law and c~nsidered as sucli hlocked nationals (nacionales l>loqueaclos)
witliout prejiidice to the fact tliat if the Esccutivc Power tliinksit
relevant, it rIiay procced to tlieconfiscation of the articles niakirigrip
the trafic.
Article 23.-Xo nperatinn xi11be cntered on tlie Kegisters of Inirno-
vabIe Property ofthe RcpuliIic \.hich hns to do !vit1irnrnovableproper-
tiesor rtal estate thes cntered iii the tiame of "blocked nationAs"
{nacionales bloqueados), or wiiiclifififuirithename ofcollectivewcietie~
ar slceping pariiicrships whose members or rnanaprs canbr: sodescribcd.
Eliccptbn is made irithc fociliowingcxes: (a) Witcri tiic irnrnovahle
property or real estatc istrançferi+ec ly inheritxnce, iegacy or donation -4rficlW.-It is rrndersîood that thc paymentsmade irconfunnity
witli the provisioiislaiddowri inciauses 4 arid5 of the preceding article
mas be made without :~nylimitation or restriction, prnviùed tIiat the
ihird party hneficiaries are neither nattonals ofariy of the countrieç
with which the Reiiublic is ina state ofwar nor do tlieir naines figure
in the proniurgat Icss (Iistaproclamadas), iiiwhichcxse the operation
rnay be made as a transfer of xcounts, tlic respective fnnds krig

Article 31.-Exporters whn are not of tlie nationalitp ufariy one of
tticcountrïes %?th wliicliilicKepublic isin a state of war or who do
not figure in the prornul~alt its (listasproclamridas), hirt rvhomust
effect payment rwth the product of tbeir esports to tliirdpersans who
*areofthat natioriatity, or are on the stated Iisf, arc obligedto notify
the Central Rank ofGuatemala of tIie existence of the respective that the paymcrits may bc made in the Barili iiself on
account ofthe debtor, and the Bank \il1 receive t-hepayment in the
name of the hlocked crcditor (acredor Moqucado),kwping the iundç
~TDZP,Iuniil tbe cridofthe %var .he crcditor is obliged to issuea lctter
of payment to the debtor and to canml the rnortgages wliich \\-cr.e
1icId gitaranteei~ig ttiepayrrierithus xyerificd.

Artick 32.-The provisioo nfstl-lpresent diapter will apply, iiot
onIy to prsons who are nationais of anyof the couiitrieswrth wliich
the liepublic is in a statc of war, or whose riarneçfigure in the pro-
iiiiilgated list{listasproclamadits) ,but ah to theiragents, cniployees
or representatives who prforrn or endeavour to pertorrn ariy act
prcjiidicialtcithe defence of democrzitic institutions.

Article 33.-The inlringement of t-lprovisions Iüiù dowri in Article 24
of the preçent law wiIl bepunished as an offence yainst the laws of
corttrahand, pius tlie corifiscütionof the goods fomrrig the trafic.

-4rlicle 34.-T'lieexport ofarticles arid the control over agricuItura1
or industrial establishments tov;hiclitiiischapter refers,are suhnit ted,
in so far as map he applicable, to the regirlationscontnined in goverri-
mental decree riurnber2628.
.Article~j.-Corit~oI orier coficc cstaiesbeiung~ng to private perçons
or corpurations, who I~avethe aationülity of any of the cuunlries with
which the Reptrblicisin a state of uxr,or ~vhoscrimes figure in the
promulgated Iists (listas proclamadas), arid the expart of the said bean
produced on the estates, are subject to tlieprovisions cuntained in
goveriimental decrees nurnbers 2601and 2528 and to any others vrdered
in the iiiture.

Article 36.-An additional ta, of fiftyce&avos de quetzal,is imwed
on each quintd ofcoffee w1tich is exporten, whenever the said article
shaIi have been produced on estates beronging to blocked iiationals
(iiacionale~loqqueados)or to perçonsinscribcd in the prarnulgat idts
[listasproclamadas). .-\SNEXES 110 LIECHTESSTEIN SIF.LIORI;\L {NU. 9) 123
Artidz 37.-A tax k cst~blished oi twenty-ftve ccdavos de ydzd
or1cadi qilnafaofsiigar ;~nd a taxof orleqzhclzaori eacliloiitofurirefined
sligar which is cxprted or scild in the interior ofthe Republic, ïi.l-ienerrer

the said articles shalI have beetiprotlucd on any kiridofsugar estate
(fincas, ingenioso trapiches) belorigiiig to perçonto which the prcvious
article refe1.s.
Article @--TIie tas on licluictutilities or profit-making cortçerns
bclongmg tu hlocked natiortds jrixioririles hloqucados) or to permns
or Iiotlies registercd on the yrornulgüted lists (Listas prucla~iaci~),will
be i~ follows : Utilitics oQ. r,cwo to Q. Lo,rKiO IO:/,.Utilitics ofmore
than Q. lu,oou to Q. zo,oo0 12 '%. Utilitiesof more thari Q. 20,000
to (2. 40,000 rl 'j/oCtiliiiesof more tItarty. jo,ooo to Q. So,uoti 16 %.
Utilities of trioretItanQ. S<i,ocito Q. iot,,ooo rcC%. Utilitietof rnoré
trian- Q. roo,ooo 20 0/,.

-4dide 39.-Lricornc derired from the taxes cr~ated by the prescrit
law \vil1be earmarked, preferably. for purpses of natiorial defence.

.4rficbc.;O.-Uy tlieterin "blockcd i~ntional" jtiacioiiaihlorlucadti)
is iirider.çtood cver y person, nntiiral or jiiridic oaficialur. private,
rh<i is ï national O? aiiyof thç counlriçs at \rai witli thc Kepublir or
linkd j~iiridiçallyor puliticslly \\+th the insiitiitioor official bodies
ufthc sarne. Any Güatemaian or foreign person orbody wlio co-uprates
or operates iticlirect or indircct rnürtricriri favouof blockctl natinnab
{riacinnaks blogucatlos) ul coun tries of wnr ajll aIso hc:coiititeïris a
blcickcdnational (nacional hloqiieado).

.4rlicle$1.-TIic Iiovernrncnt may oidcr t~xclüsiori Iru~ritlic applic-
ation of the provisioiis conhiricd iritlic, present law of pcrsoris who,
even thougli tltcj.areiiatioiialof tliccountrirs atwar uriththe RepubIic,
ha1.e suffered pcrsecutions for rmwns of race or religion, fut.whicli iii
eacft s~.>eçifc:ise the relevarit provisiuriwiII be ortIered by tiir:orgm .
of the Sccretariat of Estemai Relations tÇecrtinria de Relaciories
:Irlicfs $2.-(;overrimeiitai decr'ccs rinrribc~ 2531,26j4, arid the
gv:overnmeritalresolutioris issued by the orgm of tlie Secretariat of
Govcrnmc~it aiirlJustice (5ecretari;i de C;okrriaciiiriy Justicia) dated
rztli, 13th antl rtjtlinf tlie preseiit~iioritof I3ecernbcrarc aiinuIlerl,

as t-hey are remadc in the prccetling provisions.
..lrticte~.~.-'l+ipresent Iaw \vil1 corne intci Iurcc or1the day after
its publication iiitlieOficia1 Joiirriül(Diario Oficial),and account ~+-ii;rll
be @\.en ofit to tfieLcgislative Pissernblyin its n~st ordinary or csti-a-
ordinary sessions risthe case may he.

Givcn in Ciovernment Houw : in Giiatcrnala, on thc twc~ity-third
day of the month of Decembcr-.orle tliousarn iitnlhiindrcd and forty-
ORGE UUICO.-The Secretary of State in the Oifict: of External
ReIatioii~ (9cre tario de k:stadn eii e1 Daspac\io clç Kclxciorics Extc-
riores),CARI-osSAI.AXAI~. Tlic Secretary of State in tlicOffice of Guvertimeiit and Justice
(Secretario EICEstarlo en el Dcs~~ackiarlc Goheriiziciiin y Justicia).-

Guo. S. DE 'I'~j;iu~.
The Secretary of State inthe Officeoftlie Treaçury ancl PuMic Ccedit
{Sccretario de Estado en el Dmpachci clc Hxiciid;i y Crgditci Pirblicn),
J. Gokzr\r.r-:GAMY'O.

The Ejecretary of State in the OfFrceof War (Secretariu de Esfado en
el Despacho de Guerra), JOSE REYES.
I'hc Sccretriry (ifState in tlieUnice ot Fuel (Secretario de ISstado
cricl Bespaclio de l'ornento), GUII.!.~C.,licz.

The Sccretarv of 5t:itt: iritie Otfice of Agriculture {krerario de
Bstado eneI Despacho de Agricultura), Horitr~~c o ~zvaro.
The Secretarp nf Çiate in the Ofice of I'ubiicEtlucation (Secrevario
dc Estatlo en el Dcsp;iclio tlc EducaciOri I'iihlica)-1...\~-i-ci~Vri.r..i-
colrra Ç.


14th AGGLiST 1944


'\'Batit isconvciiient ta hxrmonize the concepts of the crrlergencv
[au-saridprovisioris,in so far asiaffectsprivate persuns arcor~~irations,
who b)? their finai~cial iriduencespccinlly in tiie Republic, may for-1x1
'a virtual darigcr fortliccütise ofthe United Xatioiis ;


Tliat forsiicli reawiis is neccssary no1 to lirnitliecffectsofgc)brcrri-
merital decrec numher 3115 to coffee estatcs and the diares (accio~ies
y participicion wli}h certrrin persuris vf Gerrnari nationnli~y have
rn thern, buttu make thern estend to immovablc property ingeneral,
to commercial and industrial estabtshrnents, çliares (participaciones,
acçiunes) arid real estatc dues lelurigiiigto private pcrsons or curpr-
arions included in the "prorniilgated listç" (listas proclamadapublislied
in the OfficiaiJournai (niario Ohcialj,or of thnse persons wbo ivitho~it
ço being, are inrlividuattyrnentioiicd iiiArticic 40 of tlic Emergency
law (governmentni decree niimber 2655) :
Irivoking the porsers cunferrecl u~ii him bu clauses 23 aiicl2b ol
Article 77 of the Constitution arid legiçlativedrcrce riurnhrr 2564.
I Ariicle 1.-111 rtic caiiseof public utilityand tieccssity tliefollorving
:ire cvpropriatcd in favour of the Nation : irnrnovüble ;issts in gcnerdl,
commercial :ind industrial cstübliçlimc.nts, botids, shares (participa-
ciones, zcciones) and real estate dues belongiiig to privi~te persons and
corporations induded in the "Promuigated lists" (Iistüçprnclarnadas),
pul?iishcd iri ttieOfficia1 Joirrrial (Diario Oficia1) ancl tltoscwliiciiare
iridividually rnentionctI irt Article 40 of goveenitnciitaldrcree nurn-

hr 2635.
.grticle a.-Correspu~tdirig indemnificntion rvill be deterriiiiied iiy
the ainount for whicli the proprietor iiad dcclarcd tIic immovable for
pa1:Irteritot fiscal mntrihutioris at tiic ditte of the declaratiori of war.
Xevertheless, thc State reserves it*If tlie right, for tiie purpses of
ttiis article, torcsort to the valuatinii of irri~riovnblcswheri it deein~
this convcriic~it. Trithis Intter casc, arid when it isn niatter of cont-
merciai or industrial establishments, bonds, shnres (participaciones.
acciones) and reak esv~te dues, the valiiaticin by cxpcrls wiII he carricd
out throiigb administrative cli;rririels,arid in the form agrecd by ttie
Secretariat of the Trcasury and Public CrecIit{Sccretaria de Iincienda
y Crbdito 1,ublico).

.qriic~c3.-i1i coiiforrnity witIi Article 28 of 11ic Coiistitiitian of '
the Repiihlic, payment of the iiidemiiirtcritionto which the preceding
artidc rcfcrs i.;ill be effecteaftcr the \var is definitdy eridcd, ;tridin
hrtrmonywith ttie rcçolutiriricconceriiing iridcrririiftcntiwhich mau
he adoptcd b~ tlie United Nritioris.
A rlbcle4.-'The Eseçutire I'orver will indirate in suùseq tlet~t clecrccs
thc piivate persons or corporations wI~ose assets rirees propriatecl iil
coriforrnity witIIthe present law.

drticfe 5.-TIie assets and cstatc ducs cspropriated will be cntered
in favour of tlie Xatioiiinthe correspondi rngist-er; and the procedure
to follow for suchan nbj~ct wii1he the siihjcct ofa spccial [nw.

Article 7.-Account rvill hegivcri of thc present decree, wiiiçiiivill
comç into force on the da)! after its publication in tire Ontcial Journal
(Diario Oficial),to the X:ttioti;t1.egisIativeAsscrnbty in itsnest sessioiis.

Gi~e1-iin the Satioiial l'aiacf::in Giiaterririla, ori tlie foiirteenda>:
of tlw month of Aupst oiie tliousancf riine liundred and forty-fuur.

FE~I:KIC OOSCE \'.-ï'he Çecretary of S~BIC in the Office ui the
'I'reasuryand 1-'uhlicCredit (El Secretar.iu de Estzdo en el Liespicho
de Hucicridiiy Cr~uiita Pub1 ic.~)M. h1EI.GAH. jr. GOVL7KNhIENTAT, DECKEL XUMi3E;K 3135 OF THE
14th AIJ(;I;SI' 2944

Xatiunzil I%~lac eiriGiiatemaia, on the fourreenth day of the rnotitli
of Augiist one ttiouçrind nine hundred and forty-foirr.- Fk:;.ri~~rco
Polrcs V. - The k.retary nf State in the Office ol tlte Treastrry
andPublic Ci-dit {El Secretario de Gtariu en el nespacho de Ilacierida
y CréditolhiibIico), M. ME~.CAH jr. necrcc Xumber 3135


Titat wlieiigovcn~~neritaldecree riiirnber 3119 uraç isçued, in w1iicli
is cantriitied LIIClist tif estaTe3 subject to expropriation 211d coi>-
serluerii riation;~liznti,tlie tirimesof the suhsidiaries of the majorif-y
of the irnmovablcs referred to swre oniitted, ivhox subsidiarres in
some cases mnke up throagh fheir cvtent and cultivation the rnost
\?alriablepart of the cstates ;

drii~ic*1.-\\le proceed to tiiet.spi,op~iatinn and natinnalization
01 ille following estates and tiieir correslsoiiding subsidiaries, which
figure in tlic name of persoiis incIirded ingovernrnent;il dtcr4ccsnum-
bers ~6jj arid 3134 ': ACTELA - Saxujh - Sarnilji - samarac -
Scriqlriclik- Carnelias - I>ii~des- K u1.tLindenet -- Seilahfi, A.V.-
C~r,ic.% mSappcr 8;Co., 1-tda.-San Pedro Carch&-Sacoi-ou -
Sapper 8.Co., Ltada. - Sali Pedro Carch& - =\~uri,-. Sayasliut -
-4lfredoSchlchauff -- Cobiiri,t\.V.-C~nirlr;~ -- Seamau - (:iiubelcl~uc:
- Sappcr W Co., 1,tda. - Ln Pedru CarchS. - Cni'r.axi~- Chicaj
Ch:ijbul- C.hireju1- Siin ,Javier- Snppcr SrCo.. Ltda. - Lm-
qiiiii.-Crrrr~ac - Corrnlpec - Bueiia Vista - Sapper k Co.. I,tda.
- Seiialik-PAXTIC - Papabaj - Panjorti5 - Raxqrria - Sapper Ch
Co., Ltda. - Tarnahii.-Cairre - ChoctUn - Sa11Jaci~ito-CItaricarreal
- Rosario - Sürnox - Cliimaticanib - Ualbatzul - Sappr 8:CO..
Ltda. - San Pedro Carchi.-C~~sï~ix - Chibencorrai - srixnc. -.San
505; - Sapper h Co., Ltda. ---Cob~n.--C~~ico~ Y CI~IWYOU~ TC)
Chiocaii - CIionc - Jose y Alf. Chriçr - Cobh--'I'~iicrs hr;uas - .
R~rbeltzul- Secacao - Emma de 1:. Ferst - Senahfi.-Gu~xrcia -
Kocja - Chiretsac - La lsla Chininlajbn - Dicseldorff Sucs -
'rircuni.-CHIMO - Berenasaja - Tanchi - Uieseldorff 2 <(:oS.u,c.
- San Pedro Carcfi5.-P,%scus - Sacsamani - Otto FIussmann -

111 theIist which foIlows trraincuf Xorkhhm Hsrmanos aypars twclvo
tirne. Forths c~nvcnicnccofthe Court the namc Xottchoh~n Ilcriiinnhas becn
underlined. ASSEXIIS TC) T.TEt;ti-t'b;SIi.TEIX >IE3IORI(rua .I)
-rucurii.-S~h' J GAN - T.a Providencia -- Searnay - Carlos y IS.
Hussmann -- C;enaIiu.-P,ic~~~~:t - Fachi~isivic - Raxquix -
Kodolfo Sterkcl - Tuctiru.-LA FLOKIIIA - Rob. Schieshaufi -
Tucnni.-SECOYO~CE - Arrnenia - Chiperneclt - Secoc - 315si_rnu
Wolilers %iiahii.-S.4~ VICENTE - Cfiipuc- H trgeDrocge - sail
Pedro Carch5.-CII~ hro-ib- Chnjnmacin - - CIioclUri- Lliocubaiii-
1.2s Nuhs - Pesic - Otto Xoak - Caban.-Xrc:ic;lc-i - Sacsi -
Rubelcruz - Sepnch - Liiicamba - 1Juschscl & Co. - Sari I'edrtj
Carcb;i.-1.~ ESYEKANX- A Ernilicl Sterkel -- 'Tucurii.---L:\P~ovr-
nEncrA - Netty de Hussrnan - hi ~rislbba~.-~~~s~~.4~1.1 --hlorite
Blarico -- Jalauté - Heredcros de 1-lussmariii- Ptlriilha, RI:.-131.
Po~osr ---Santa Elisa -- 1.a Soldad - Notlebohnt H~ius. - Pochuta,
Chimi.-I.4 FI.ORID -A ~\~ottebolrm Hnos. ---Pocftuta.--Srli;\j.- La
Coiichita - - Iiederico Kopr H. - Vepmapa.-LA SI) IXA - Hdros. M.
Nowakiski - San Vicente Pricnya. Esc.-P~'in~rn~~ - Sonjril -
,icinajuyU - El 5loIina - Cartus Hegel-Yepcapa.-SAB,A (ILI~ISE
- çonracto Morjiiti - E5cuiritia.-lii.:~~.~:1- Iiodnlfo Keiffcii -
Villa Cmnles, G.-A~~rico 1. ir.dc Pcitzrier- \'illa Ca~iales,G.-

ROSARI BOOL..D\E ORO - EIS~~ de suckari -Coloinba, Q~iezaIteiiaiigo,
-LAS ?~IIERCEI>E-S Santo Domingo - 5~aiiraAna BerIin - 'fnitiicii
- 'I'alciichiim- Alfreda C. Steffen - Colombn. Qr~ezaItenarigo.-
LA FAMA - I-Icrbert Hcrniaii y Hiio. Colomba, Qirez;iltenrriigo.-
CIIICHIHUIT - E Çarlotailcrrnaii - Colombii, Qiicxa1tenangl1.-1'1.
LEOY - Oscar ],ange - Colomhi, ~iieZaltenaiig~.-C~~~~~~. HAM-
nuric;o - Jorge y Fritz rlIbretcIi - Sari Fclipe, Rctdli UICU.-ÇAS.I-A
h~u~rih-.i - El Eitcanto - Laiirelcç- Esperaiicita - Irtdependmcia
Fr;mcisco G140ss - Nuevo San Carlos, K.-1.4 Au~ri~a -- kucvo
Ed&ii - I;rcsse y Rubicrx - r\:uer,o Sari-Carlos, R.-S. FRAXCISCO
PECLI I, SeIrna K. de Ockelmaii~i - San Feli~ie,Kcta1huleii.-S-
.D~oh-rsro i-As1:sou - Selma K. de r)cckeIinanti- Sa11Felil-ie,Ket:tIs
hii1cu.-EL C,ianrr N - Giroliriü-Misirrio Brcgürtner - Sari Aiidré.
ViIIa S. ],os HL~II,L:IXT -ES Nciilebokm linos. - SiiritaCruz MiiluA.
-CAKI)I~.ARIA - XoIhiiitz - El Haro Ocoçitv' - Bueno; t\
- Tcsalë - S;iii Juiiri- ;fsscburg & Co. - Kuevo Saii Carlos.-
Er, EDEN i* ASEXOS - Fresse >. Rubieri - Kuevo Sari C~F~OS.-~.AS
CAM+ 1.1.1- Fresst:y Ruhien - Nuevo San Carlos.-LAS Sat..xx~~:iç
- ~VoiiebolanHcnos. - Rartereria, Santa Rosa.-Çcts-i-,A ISAPI!L -
Joya Graride - Jocote - Çari Marcos - El Cerrito - Federirn Keller
sucs. PrrehIo Nuevo \iifias..-EI, C,zc.%~t-r~ ri Gerlach & Co. -
Taxi~co.-S. DIEGO BUI.:Y.S-\IISJ':-- JIIBI~Bock -- hcatenrrng0.-
~IILAX Y AKEXOS - Ei TrAnsilo - Santa Rita - J. Franco. Hastedt
Suc. -- Chicacao, Sucii.--C~~x:i~ - ~liiril~il~~ 1. F~~~TIH cu<,a~tedt
Suc. - Chicacao, Çucli. El. COROZ -O La Laiidclaria - J . Frarico,
Hastedt Suc. $arnrty~c.--$:i?:~I:~FAE PIASAS - Guatalbn - >forariin
- Notfebohm Hnns. - Santa Hirharrr.-s~h-r~ Cr-:clr,r-i El Chicle
- EIenn - ~l'otteiiohmH~ros. - Sui Francisco .&p.- -Los (:;\STA.\IOS
- h'oitebuknalinos. - Chicacao.-$AN RAÏTI.~ -~ Conrado Franke -
Chicacao.---SAN JIILIAN Santa Cccilia - CuilIcnr~~ Peitzrier -
Patu1ul.--El. KECC~EH I~O Giista~~ohitzner - Patulul. L.4 PEI~LA
- Jorge Rollriiartn - Chicacao.-Ida UNIOK - C;ies%maiin Hrios.
Xiievu Progreso, S.M.-EL ~~AI.UAKTE - El .";ance - Prirnavei-a -
Poritera - CarijIiri- Alicia - Ad. (;iessemxnn & Co. 1.n Reforma.
-NUEVO GK:IN:~~>! -I Rci~laid~ - El Tiimh:idor.->fc'ir,oSusvo ---San Igriacio - Sonora - 1;eriericHartIeben - hlalaatin,
-EL PEIZU - :tguridufcc - Sanla Alicia - rVufiebohm Ifnos. -
EI 'I'umbador.-3I~uru111.~ - Filipinas - Moiitecriso - ~Vottebühtn
Hnos. -- EI Tnmhador.-L~HENA - Ln 1-ucha - La Ceiba - Xueva
Heforrria - Otto Jauch -- San liafael - Pie de laCilesta.-LA Surm
- Krische Hnos. La Keiorrna.-BOI+A nt: ORO - :VoiCeliohtnnos. -
El '1'urnbador.-1-3 $(>LA - AIfredo C. Steffeii Ida Reforma.-
LL'CITL AIXD.~ - Argeila - KadoIfo Luttrnann - E1 'I'iirnhador.-
>TOKTEJ,I~ -IARI3elér- Asseburg 8: Co. >lalacat5n.-T~ 1GUALDAD
- Walter Wilson & Co. La Rcfonria.-V~h.~c~~ - Pabh Jelckmaiin
- Xucvo Progreso.-I?L I:.~RMEK -- Alhrto Harr leheii- làjiim~ilco.
-Er. %.31'01'~- El 'l'cconiate - Hel-ed. Max &Salilc- San Rafael
Pie de laCuesta.-CARMES~IETZ~ILZ - AL~Votlebohm Ilnos.- Santiago
.4titlGn.-EL CAPGCA -J- Çeniza - Piedras HIancas - I3erta Katiff
mann & (:o. - GuaI5n.-l,,i C.~HTUCHE R.A.4NISXOS - Guillet.rno
ValentIn - .i-I..Dr;r.~cia- Guillernro Tornoe -- -

El 'Turribadur.-C~i s.+sa~-~r~ Sahacoc - Herederos I<oelim Hiios.
Coban Alta irerapaz.-Ciri Iii:Irr>-ç Ciiriipat- Herederos Bocli~ri
Hiios. - Cohh, ..\lia Verapaz.-\rhr,i>.4~<~~-o La. IZeforma - En-
ricluc Ekrscli. Cuy~teriangu.-H~ic~~h'nn SASTA ELEX a - jriliav. de
Pejtzner Suchitepbluea.-H.m ESn.4 I.;C;iti;ih;-a Carlos Hcgcl -
suchiiep&quez.-H ACIENL):~ LAS IININ:IS - Francisco Hastdt Sucs
- Suchiteptquez.-II.\ IcAi~x .q.r.trx-o !VdtebohinHiros. - Coa te-
pett11e.-Sax CARLOL S~IUCU L Eni-iqiie - IIcrscli- Suchitehucis
-Ç.~YTA FE - Enrigue IIerçch - Suc1iiteptiquez.-Los HCI.ARES -
Enriquc I.Ierscli - [email protected]~~~~~r. -~rii-lritlue Hersch
- Sucfiitep6quez.
Articlr:?.-The prescritlaw, for tIicpurposcs of esprupriatiori atid
natiorializarion,i~icludesthe subridiaries rioenumerated iithe preced-
iiig article, but whiciiappear as entered in the Register of imrnovahle
property (Kegistrci de ta pi.oyiedac1iiimueble).

rl riid3.-Alxi expropriatecl and natioi~alizedare bonds, aiid sliarcs
lacciones y participacioi wicih) those includcd iri government a1
decree nurribcr 3134 ltavc: in any oric or more estates mliuse expro-
priation has kn ordered.
Article4.-13y this decree,iiiaddition, areespropriüted and nadon-
alized the shares of thc Agarian Co~npaiiy Viiras Znpte (Sociednd
.Agricolai'iiias Zapotej :ilidtlic CuricepcitjnCoriipariy of I'lantaiioris
{Conipafiiade PIaritacioneshncepcibrij.


~3rd AUGUS'I'1944

Invoking the Jmwers corrferrcdiipon him by cçIause23 of Artide 77
of tlieCorislitutiotiancl in co~iforrrlitwith Ariiclc 5 of governrncritalrlecrte iiumbcr 3134,
Ilsc~iirr~ :

The foiioïving LAlV FOR THE hPPLIC.4~rIOS ANI> 1!SECUTIO!i 01: GO\'-
ERSMISTAL DI.:CHEI.:S Nli3lllBEH3134 .\NI)3135 (1-EY t';\K.\1.h API.1:
y 3135).

.-lrticlI:.-Tlic Scc~.ctariatof the 'I'r~astirand Ytiblic Credit (Secce-
iiiridt: Hncicnrlri y (;rGditoI'Liblicu) willkx charged witfi eveiytliirig
rclativc to tlie fiilfilinensrid esccutiun of govei-rirneiitiiecrecç riurti-
kri 3134, ;ind 3135 wit 11i~iterr-eritiriof tlicProciirntor-Generaj iii
tlie Nation {Frocirrndor gcricralde la Nacihn).

-4rtirie~.-'~IIC Pmcumtor-General of the Xatioii (Procilrador
gcn,e~I de la Xacion} wiII cst;iblisIt speciaI proceerlings &fore tlic
pr~litical1,Ieadquartersof t his adrninistrat ivarea (departamento), for
tlie cases of espropria tio11 referrcd to hy gcivcrnrneitia1 dccrws niiin-
hers 3134 and 3135.

.4rticlr:3.-\Vtieii the expropria tioiirefers to irnmovilhle assets,
rural or. urlinii,iii the said proceedirigs the follotiring facts \vil1 kw
estabIisItedaiid verificd :
{a)In relation to the title-deeds of uwiiersliip : (1) Xurnbcr,book
arid foIio of registratiun oi the estate and of its subsidi:iries;(2) Xarne

ui the estate and ot its siibsidiaries- tnrvii:ilidarlrninistrati~c area
(depnrtarnento) ; (3) Area ;ilid coiifines; (4) Owner ; (5) Real estatc
d~itlcs,rriortgüge dues, agricuIturn1 securitics,aii~iotations. depreciatiaii
iiliowzrnces ;tnd 31ly otller charges whici~ hear UI~OII cüch estate ;arid
(6) Person or perwiis in wliosc iuvour figure .the dues e~liirrictütetl
in tIie yrcccdiiig clause.
(b) \Vith relation to the status of permns: {I) If the pemns men-
tioried in clauses (4) and (6) of point (uj of tlie present article are
included or iiot iritlie yrorniilgated listv (listaprocIamad-as) piihlishtid
irithe OAcial Journal {lliarioOfidnl), rirare a~-unon gliose who appear
spcifically mentioned in Articie 40 ofgovet.rirrientüldcci-eenuiiiber 2655.

(c) Stim in which the oivricr lias declared thc imrnol-able for.tlic
coritr~jbirtiuroif tllree per tliousand at the datc of tlie declaratioil of
war, in conformity with Article ? of gcivernmeatal tlccrcc iiurrther3134.

.4rtici 4c.-When the espropriat io~irefers tocoiiirncrcialor indiistrial
estsblisltrncrtis,in ndditioii to fuIfiHing tlie conditions estahlisIicd in
the preceding article, as far as it he applicabic, thcii- value will k
ftxed hy experts iri conIorinit? witli -4rticle 2 of goincriinicnta[clecree
.4rticCs 5.-kirlien the expropriation rcicrsio tlie sliarcs (accioi~e....
txirticipacioi~es),hrids, and real estate dues mentio~icd in Article I
of governmental decrcc ~itimber 31-34and Articles 3 arid 4 olgoverri-
~nen tal decree iiiiniber3r35, tIicrnuiietary aiicIbaiiki~ig departnient

nf tlic Sccrctariat of tlic -1'rcasüry aiid Public Credit (Secretaria de
Hacienda y Crédito Publicri) will proceed to a revisiori ol tiic books,
honds, shares (üccioncs y participaciones) of private perçons and
corporations afiected by go~ernniental decrees iiiimiiers 3134 and 3r35and wiI1 submit its rcpnrt to the I'r~iirator-Genera1 of the Xation
(Proctirador gerieral de la XaciS~iJ for appropriatc action.

Articdt:6.-The Procuraior-Gerieral of the Nation (Prucüiadur gerte-
ral de la NaciClnJ with thc rep~tç of ihe monetas- and bankingdepart-
ment, wiIl orclerbefore tIie politicaiKeadquartersof tbis adrniriistrative
area (departamcrito)the prcpara(io1-iof a fric irwhich are to bc statml
arid rarrfied : (a) The numhr and surn of the shares (acciones ....
partici~~qcioo nresbonds ; (hl ?lie nanie and rltiierdetails of thc
private person or corporation to whorii the said bonds,'sliarcs(accioncs,
participatiories) or real estafe dues helong ; and, (c} TIieir valuation,
incorifomity wlIi Artide 2 of guvcrnmental decree nurnber 3134.

.4rticCe7.-'rlic! politicalI-Icadqtiai.ters of thiç acisniriistrative arw-
(dep;irtamento) \\-ilrnakc known to the owner or riwners riff~~tedby
governmental decrees ~iiarnbets3134 and 3135 the terrn, whicit riiay
not beestcndect, of three days so tkat they may issue befoie tfieClerk
of thc High Court 01 justice fExrihario de Cbrnnra), in favnur of the
Statc, the dced of trarisfereiice ofoimcrskrip htli in respect of irrirrio-
vabIcs arid of the said establistimeiits, shares (acciorics ....parficipa-
ciones), hoiids or real estate dues, warning t.hetn that in default it
will be donc oficially.-This riotification shouId bc rnade by rnttans
of cdicts puhlbhed in the Officia1Journal {DiarioOficiaI), three tirne4
withiii the spce of fiiteeidays. The terrn uf thrac dayiysfrxed inthis
article will begin to be courited irorn the day foiloliringth ori which
the last publication is made :tiidiii the sard terrn the distance wiIl
he deenlecl to k inclüded.
Article 8.-Within the terni of thrvc diiys ivliidi is riscd iritlie
article for the issuiiig of the deed, tire perçons tu wiiom
pliiecedir2 app1ies wtl tiand ovcr to the plitical Ilendqu:irtt:rs cif

this administrative aren (deptrtamen to), the corresyiondiiig deeds of
owilersliip tifthe %sets, establishments, shares (accinnc~ ....partici-
yriciunes), bonds iirid real esvate ducs to Le expropriated, under a
prialty of a fineof oKE HGSDKED TO Pivis RUKDHEI) QGETZALr.:S, which
will be fixed bÿ 11oltiical Headqtiarters,orimprkonment conimritable
to a T~riat clicrate of DKB QUETZAL ü day witlioiit prejtidiccto thc
initiation of the respectie vspropriation proceedingç.
..irlic9.-Once the deed lias ken issued in the said form, rhe
coi~resporiding Rcgistrar of Imrnovabic Property [1Cegisti.adorde la
Propiedad inmueblcj will proceed to eitter it irnrnediately in the
respect ive registers and the Secretariat of th<: 'Treastrry nnil Yiihlic
Credit (Secrctaditde IJacicrida y CrCdito YiibIico), hro fh th Depart-
ment ofnational mrai siaies aiid quateied rctate>~e~srtainento
de fiticarristicas nacioiiales y de las inten-enidas), will enter into fiill
pssession oi clie iin~nuvabics, establislmcn ts, shares {acciories ....
partici~incioiicç)bands arid real date dus éxpropnrited.

-4rfici-.O.-An!. corirter-daim or apped set in motioii i~gaiiistiie
resoli~tioris ofthe plitical Headquarters ruil1tieconductcd scparatdy
before the same Weadquarters,and innome will ithiiider ~Iicoridtict
ariclprucedurc to wiiicI1tliis decree rcfcrs.
Ardic& cr.-'L'tle administration, manageineii t and maintenance of
the estates and iheir siibsiciiarieî and establislimcritseuproprialed by ASSEXES TU LLECHTESSTEIN 31EJIOHIAL ('io.I?} I3I

virfue ui go\,crnmcntaI decrees iiuinhcrs 3134 and 313.j. will be on
thc charge af the Departnient of national nirai estatesand sequcstered
estatefi (Departameiito de iiticas nfstican sacionales y de 13s iritci+-
venidas) attachcd to the Secretariat ofthe Treasury and Fubiic Credit
(Secretaria dc Hacienda y Crfdito PCiblico)and as ri ivIiolesubject
to tlie provisinrisof go~:ernrnental decree iiiiimher 3123.

Artictc r.2. -Men the cxpropriafioii incluties only shiiiss (acçiorics
.... participacirines), hricIs or real estate diles,the adrninistration of
tlie respectiveestates aiid establishments will be decided by tlicGovern-
ment, iti agreenient with the ~)tlicr joint ownms, provided tliat the!
are not affectcd by governmental dtt~rces 2655, 3134and 3x35-
firiide 13.-\VIteri it isproved in s bailn fiderliaririerthat expro-
priateci prsoris live exclu~ivelp oii the produci of the estates aiid
establishments which are tlie object of the expropriation arid tIiat
theyiack otjter means of siihsistence, the Secretariat of the 'rrensiiry
a~id Public Credit (Secretaria de Hacienda y Créditu Pirhlico) wi1I
determine, in favout of çudi perçoiis,a minimum monthIy grant whidi
shdl k a charge on the sunl af pendiiig ii~demnification.

.4rticl~:14:--The Department of riütionalruralcstat- and serlucsrcrcd
estates (Departarnciito dc Fincas nisrican sacionales y de las inter-
venicias)of tlicSecretnriat of tlie'TreasiiryaridPtiblic Credi t(Secretaria
dc 1-Iaciendn y CrCdirol'tlliiico) iscbaqed witii foimiikiting tlicfurid-
amctital tixqzs uf a btuacl progrrimmr: hy tneaii.:of iilhicIi tlie State,
witli clic greatest pçsibIe firinticinl convenience, Inay proceed with
tlie transfer of these propei-tics to itative Guatemalnn citizeriswho
possess qaaIities of Iionesty, ability aiid dedicatioti to work.
Article ~.j.-:issets traiisfcrred to native Guatemalari ciiizclis by
virtue of the preccdirigarticle maq- not be transferred to otliers, mart-
gaged, givcn in use or usufruct, noi inherited in Eavour of foreign
perwns, be tliey individuab or corpratioris ; arid,in no case, may
they be sold or given up before thirty years hase elapsed from the
date when [fie deed of transfeierice of ownership was autliorized. In

case of mortgage this mrty orily t>e car-rinIout with the Centrai Bank
of Guatemala, iiic Satioiinl r.rerliLuan {Crkdito hipiecaria nacional)
or with riaiive (iilatemalans.
Ardiclr!16.--I"his decrtr:will corne into force frotn tlic ria). foilowiiig
its publication iri the Official ourrial (Diario OficiaIJ iiildaccotiiitwilI
be k~ven of itto tlie Naticiri~r!egislstix-Assernbly inits riext scssioris.

Given il1the National Paiacc: in tiiiriternrtlaon tlie twenty-tliird
day ofthe month uf ilugust one thousarid Rine hiindrcd ü~idiorty-foiir.

I~EDERIC YOOXÇF.V.-TIIC Secretary of State iri the Officc of tltc
'I'reasuryand PubIic Credit (Sccretario de &tado eit el Despichu de
Hacieiida y CréditaPiiblico), M. MEI.<;AK j,. TIiat some ernergency reguFatiuns arid especially goveriinicntal
decrees numbers 3134 and 3136, contrain 1-cgulatioriswliich rire rrot
in harrnon y with the iicw Cmstitiition of the Kepublic :

That in co~-rfornziiy with rlriiclc 92 of the Great CIiarl~r. (Crii-ta
Magria), cnemy property cri11be sequestered and espropriated, by
reasnnof war ; and that in conseqiipiice, tiie expropriation having
heen decrectl of the immovaMc asscts iri generxl, of commercial and
industrial estabIisfirricrits,bonds,shares (participaciones, accioric~}and
realestate dues belonging to rivate persuns or corprationç induded
in tlie "Prornulgiiterl lisrsl* tistas proclamadas), or oi tliuse who,
wittiout beiiig sn induded, arc spctficülly narned in Articlc 40 of
the Emergency Law (goveriimental decrcc iiumùer 26 jg), tlie dcci-
$ions referring to this çascought to bc made, so thnt this may be carried
out iri a just ancl equitable mariner, payirig attention to the s ecial
Gtuatiuri ul.roriicof the pïrsnns includrd iiithe "Proiniilga fierd"
(1-istasProckümütIas) or sffected bu the ~iil laus ;

Tliat tlielari;rc1alirito tl~eapplicatiniiand carryirig oiit ofgoverri-
rriental decrees iiumbers 3134aiid 3135, contained iri guvernmental
decrce ~iitrnber 3~3S, includes costly yroceeditigs urhich ought to be
avoideii so thaC the espropriatiori proceedirigsnniay-bemade effccrivc
and that it is necessar-y Lu avoid lurtlicrde1ag.s iii the gi'iinting of
thosc dccds rclating to the proceedings now concluded ;

TIie followjng alterations to governrriental decreej iiumkrs 3134
aiid 3138,itpprovcd and ntneiided hy Iegislativtz decrees nirnihcra2 8 ~ ~
aod 231 S, rc^;pectii.el:

A rliclr: r.-Tliethird Article of guvcrii~ilent;ildecree riurriber 3134,
to read as fdiows : ".%rticle 3.---111cunformitv with .Article 92 of tlie
Coiistitutiori oftIieKepublic, the paymeri t of itidemnification to whicli
the preceding article refers isreserved iiniil the peace treatics have
bceri signer1 and ratiiied 011 tlie part of tilt:Kepulilic, Lhc damages,
losses and depreciation (dafios ÿ pcrjuicios} being taken into nccount
~+-l.liicttihe i:ouritry hi^^siifierhylreasoii of its enforced siibjection
io \var econoiny or bl; rcasorl of arly otliercause.". Article z.-Tl~e second ArticIe of govcnimcntal decree iiurnher 3138,
to read as f~lluws : "Article 2.-The Proci~rator-Gcon uefrdiNeatioti
(?roctirador C;eneral de la Sacion) will opcn a special file for each
of the cascs of expropriation ro \vfiicIi goverilmcrta1decrees nunibcr.~
3134 anci 3135 refcr.Orie filc will he opeiieci for each of the private
;ersuns or ~or~~ratioristhe expropriatiori of whom or of which isin
progres, in whicli wiIIhe cnrnpreIiendet1 a11the asscts,dut5 and shares
belongirig lo tiiem, providcd tIiat the pr-oceeclings rilready tcrrriinattd
arc:riot thereby aSefecred."

Arlicie 3.-TIie tifth Article of goucrrirricrital dkrte 3138 referred
tri,to rcad as follnws : "Article 5.- f\?fien the cxpropriiiiio~i refcrs
to the sliares (acciones ...pai'iicipiiciories,rirlç and ryal estate ducs
rneritioned in Article L of go\:errimental dccree ~iiimlwr 3134 and
Artides 3 and 11of gavei.nnieriral tiecree nurnhcr 3135, tlic I'rocurator-
Gencwl of t1ie Katiori {Procurüdor General de IaKaci3n) wiII apply
to the cnrrespondirig offices, requesting thcm ta revis? the books,
bonds. and shares {;iccinnesy participciorics) of the yiixente persons
or corprativns affected by goverilmental decrees riurnbers 3134arid
3135, which will give Iiirn tlie inforrnatiori ashriefy as possiiilefor
the follot~irigpiir.poses."

,4riicl 4.-'l'fie sixth Article of the iiidicaicd dccr-cenuinber 3138
to ryad as follows : ":irticlc 6.-The Procurator-General of the Xation
(Procilrador Geiieral de 1laNaciSiri),with the infomatiori ohtained in
accordance witfi the dispositions of the preceding article, wi1Iopen
:i fiIciiiwhicli 1%-iLl1ic establishcdarid vcriiid : (a) the nurnber and
sum of the shaces (acciones ....prirticiy~cio orebsjick; (h) the
iiame arid otiicr detailsof the private persorisor corprritioiisto whicli
they helong ;aiiti(c) tlieir valuation, iticoriformity with ariiclc 2 of
guvcrnrne~ital decree number 3134-''

Artict 5.-Tiic çever~th Article, of the 5;trrrgovcrrirncntal decree
riumkr 313S, to read iollows : "Article -/.-'illeProcuratos-Gcricral
of the Saiinii (Procurador Cenerai de la Yaçion) will appoint ior the
propi'ietor or proprietors afiected bp the expropriaiioii decreec, the
term of tliree days, ivhicti rriay riot h~:estenrleti, in which tliey~riust
içsue before t.lir:Clerk of the 1-I-rrliCourt of lirstice (Exriban0 de
Crimara) , iifavour of the State, ihc corrcsporiding decd of rraiisfereiice
of ou,~icrsliivIiotliwith res~ect to the iinn-inv;ililesarid lo testablish-
ments, sfsaies (.acciarics....Aparticipacione~)bonds. or realcstütt dues
rclerr~d ta, warning tbem that it will lx done oficially, in ci of
defairlt.This iiofihcnt.ioiiwillbc given in a siiiglcdict to Lx:pi~bliçiicd
in ihe OfficialJour,~iaI (Diariu Oficial}, and the tem of th~m dayç
rclcrred to will hc counted from the date of the said publication, in
\shich tenn the distance wi1Ihe~rridcrstoort lo br includcd.- 111 respect
of priiccdiiigs irwhich thc facts indicritedby :lrticle 3 of governmental
dccrce nuinber 31 :~dare cornpletsd to date, without fnrther proceedings
a decision will Lie taken ordering the issiring uf a dccd of transfei-ence
of ownership in favuus uf the State, pi-ovided that the pracccdirigs
arc çoncerned uith natjonnIs at war rvithGuatmnala, liaving no claim
in their favour periding, prescntrd at 1e:ist:iirioritliLiciorethe pirMi-
catiml of tiiis law.Tllc rtvtificationwili I> eiiatlin the form iridicatcd
by tlie precediiig paragrnph, 2nd the deed transferring tlie immovahle,immediately ,creri wheil, in the case ofpïoceedings ivhich are coriccrned

with varir>us assets, facts relative to thc assels which are not irnmov-
able are lackirig."
Arfzcltr 6.-The folIawirt;: ürticlcis adrled to the iridicated gorerii-
riicnta1 decret: riurnber 3 138 : "The proceedings whicii caririor bc
pirmrti, because of a ptndinl; conter-cInirn or cbirn, rnay iint he
delayctdtnore fitaritwcrity days, plus the term of the distiiricccluririg
rvliiclperitid of tirne the interested parties rniist establisli their rigiits
to be excepred from the efiects of this lai{?iri co~ilormity with the
stipirlation~ of Arricle IO."

-4rticle7.-The eighth :Ir[iclc of the same guveriirnen ta1 d~ree
nrrrnkr 3r38, ta read a5 icitIows: "Artide &-If the pcrwris uc pmrr
riotified in tiic forrn prescrihed hy Article 7 of tliis iaw do not igue
withiri itieterm of three dap rlie correspnding decd of transference
ofownership, the l'rociirator-GeneraI of the Kation (Procurador Geneial
de la Xaciiiri),oficiaIIy,and in case of dcfauIt by the prson affectcd
tiy tlie iridicatedlaws. \vil1issue hfo~.i: the CIerk ol the High Coirrt
of Justice (Escribano de LSmara) tlic con-esporidii-igcleed of traiiç-
ference of owricrsfiip."

L4rln'cle:- -The ninth Article of tiic:iiidicated gover nmen ta!dpcrpp.
ntimber read as follows : "Article 9.-IVhcri ttic JcctI of
transferctice of ownership has been issiiertfrc corrcspoiiding Kegistrar
of lmmo\~aMe Propert!; (Registtador de la Propiedad Tt~m itetileivill
proceed to critcr it irnmedsateIy in tlie respective registcrs iiricltlic
Strrte will enter irilfullorvnershipofthe üssets, ttrroughthe appropfite
offrceaccording tathe nature-o tfc saiiie."

Article 9.-Tite teiih LQrticleof goïern~ncrital decree number 3138,
to rend as folluwu: ''ArticIe 10.-Orily thoçt: privarr: person5 or cor-
poration3 are eacepted frotrit lie procedure indicutcd in the preceding
articles u-ho or rvhichare not at preçent inclrided iri thc"Pr~orriulgated
Iists" (1,isras Proclarriadas), and rvho are rintnationak of ariy of
the countries iit war witli tIic Utiited Kzitions, it being decided in
eachconcrete case whichpresents itselby the Miiiistry oiklic-rr-casury
and I'riblic Crcdil (hlinisteriode Hacienda y CrEdito Piiblico) in agree-
ment with tkatof Exterrial Relatioiis (el tic Iielaciones Esteriores),
whcther the expropriationis continuedor the assets sinlply scquestcred
accorditig as to N-kictiicrthey ma? constitutc by theif financial irnpr-
tance a pcriI to the cause of tlic L~iitedXations, or if tltr: art:excepted
ft.urrtlie provisions tr,wllicit tIlc Erriesgen~yLaws app Yu.-TI~c Exe-
cutice \vil1 regulate thc procedure to bc followcid in the exctlpting,
rvhich the following private ei-sorior corPoratioris will tint enjoy :
(a) t1iosc who have Monge f at x~iy time to the Natiorial SociaIist
Party or to ariy oliier oCfrc~1 1oliticalgroiip of the coiintries at war
with Giiatemda, or to its branches, gruup, sucictiesrind orgariizatioiis
e~tablisiicd in the Repiihlic ; (b) thosc who hai:e co-oyxratcd. dii-cctly
or indirectlu. with tliose yartieo vr contributed to their suppri aiid
propag~nda ; {G) those who ha<-ebbeeii prcserilat the political meetings
uf 1Itc +id organizationç ur wkio tovk part in the prcbiscitc whicii
took place ori tiic 2od1 of April, 1938, o~i board the steamship
C~llBlIcru ; (d) those who liai~ehad business with private personç or
cor,pordtion~inclirded iri the "Prorriulgated T,istsV(1,istanPruclarriadas), .\SSEXES TO 1-IECHTESSTEIS \IEYOR1AI. 13) '35

or cii-uperaicd,directIyor indirectly, with the enernicsof IlicKcpubIic :
(e) those xvho cailnot verify satisf;tctoriltliatthey were nei,Crproved
falsel?;to lx siispct of actij~itie~directed <qaiiist tIie Jcniocracies;
(1)~IWSC W~IU, Iiolding Giiatemalai~nationality, have ken registered
at tlie consulates of the nntinns rtt\var witii Ciintei~ialaas !ilitionals
ufans of those nnatiuris, or have travelied with passports of tliosc
cc>iiritricsor erijuyeddiid nationality in ariy form."

zPr.t-tinO.-Tlie following articlc is acided to go\reriinicïilndecrce
riuniber 3133 referred to: "The coun ter-clairn proceedirigsiiiitiated
beiore the nepartrriental Goiycrnment {Gobernacibii depx~iürnc~ital)
rniist pass to lx hnally çettlcd ta the Pirhlic M~riistry (blinisterio
:I~iicte 11.-Tiic following article 'isuddcd to tIie iridicated o\.ern-
mental decree iiiimbcr 3138: "TIie Public Ministry (hfinisteriaI iihlico)
istib1igc.dto rcvi;e oficially the exceptions of the rissetsof private
prsons or corporü.tianstnade siiicc tlic sequcstrntion oftliesaid assets
took place in accordaricc with gover~lrnental decrees niimbcrs 2655,
3134, 3133 and 3r3S, and legislativcdccr4ccsriiirnhers2811 aiid 2812,
when the exists a rcsuniption that tlic exceptions favour permns
who ought to ht: inc?udcd iiithe emergency laws ; or by rcasoii of
the denunciatiori of any citizei~ who cari show tIt;ittiicre esists
reasoiiable evidencc for that revision. If intIic course of investigation
itbcshowii that there was negligeiice of iriter&t on thc part of ariy
of the oficials rdio iiitervened iritlicesccptiori, criminul proceedings
rviI1be opelied ~igaiiist the culprit."

Article 12.-'i'lte frillou~i~irticlc is adclcdto governrrie~iraIdecree
nunrher 3 138 : "The Procurâtor-General of ttieNation (Procurador
Gencraldc la Xaci8n) rniiststop completely the proceedings iiiyrogrcss
a~id a11 the esprupriated assets must be regislcred in the naine of the
Yatioit in the corr~swridirigKcgiçter of lmmo\:able Pi-operty {Rcgistro
de la Proliieclad f~~rnueble)by tlir: 10th ai Septcrnker, 1945, at tfie
.JIrticlr!r3.-Art ide 5 of Iegislaivc decree ~iunrberzSr2wIticIi
rnodified Artides rg aiid rg of governmental decree number 3138,
is arinillled,and the espropriated irnniavaMm must beproceeciedwith
in the fom determineri by Article 93 of the Constitution of tlic

Arlicl'erd.--l'hiç decree ivill conie jnto forcc oii rhc day of ifs
publicütion in tIie Oficial JoiirnaI (DirtriuOficialJ.
P;ss to the Esecutive for its publicatioii and ftilfil~nent.
Gi~en in the Palace ol tlic Cuiigress: in C;iiaternala,tlie sir;tceritlt

of May, one tliousand niiie hiriidrcdar~dforfy-frrw, tliefirst year of
tiie KevoIutiori.
.JORGE I;~~cia GRAKADOS1,'residtnt.--A. U.\u~rr P~iz, Secrctary.
-Jos~s hi. F<>HTUNY 5,ecrctary.-Kafionid Palace : Guaf emala, twerity-
wc<irid of May, orle thoixund ninc hiindrcù and furty-five.- Let it
be puhlished and iuifiIIed. j~ax JOSE .'\REv.~Lo.-T~~ Minister nf
ttie Treasiiry ancl PiibIic Credit (3Iinist ro 1lacieiida y Crbdito
PuMico), C. LF;OS D.%S ACEVE im." That this boxid?{Organisrrio), iiaving acccpted iiiits entii-etg trie
veto ap liedby the Exccutive to decree riuntbcr 5x4, the wholt:body
of reGr Pations establisliecl Iip rtrl~,tai-vand decree ~latirig- tu tlre
mariagement of Pncmy property atid to the war claims ofthe 5tat~te
ariçing froiriifs participation inthe second world wu, are suspendcd,
wiiicfi if isurgetit Io sct right by means of a ne,w law which will
smhrxe the vaIuable observaticiris witliaviiich the Execiitive accom-
panied tlie veto in qirestion ;

That in conformity with Keconimendation V of the Thirrl Curi-
sultative rlsriembly of hfinistersofEskrna1 Relations (Tercera lieunibn
de Corisultade los hiiriislrosde Relaciorics Exteriores) 1ieId in Rio de
Janeiro in 1g42 ; in coriformity ~4th Rccornrricridütion VI1 of tIic
Jiiter-.4inericanC.onferenceon the S~tem of Ecoiintnir. alid Firianciai
Control (Confercrrcia Interarnericaiia sobre el Sisterria de Cnntrol
Econiimicri y k'inünciero) hdd in Washingtorriri 1942; iiicoi~f~smity
with Resolutioiis VIT, XVIII and XI3 of the Inter-.L\incricariCori-
ference or1 Probleins of tlie \Var and tlie I'eace (Coiiferericia Irrler-
a~ncricas ~obre Problemas de la Gucrrü y de laPaz), Lieidin Mesico
in l~j, and with those of the Ninth Iriterri&tiorial rnericarCorifererice
{IS Coiiferei-iciTntcrriacicina:lIrnericar~a) held in RogotE in lc)@,
tlic Hepuhlic of Guatemala lias uridertaken unavoidalilc internatioiiat
obligations rciative to the liquidation of cricmy ~iroprrty and tlie
fûre-swcariiig of antiklpmocratic activities on out cinil,a> rrieasures

of coritiriental defcncc;

That those iriternatiotial agreements authorize the Kcpublic tn
decide qiiestions 14clatingio thr. war arid tn tlie pexc in mnfcirmity
wjth itscirvtbrin?,as was recornmenderlalsg LiytlicSixcial Coniinissiori
on Enemy Properties (Coniisihii Esl-iecial sobre Propieddes del Erie-
migo) of trie Tnt~r-Ari~c?ricanEconornic aiid Social C.riui~cil(Coilsejo
IiiterartiericanoEwjriiimico y Social) of the 28tli ol May rt~~ ;

That tiic ri il^for tlic economic arid plitical cicfcticeofthe Kation
with respect to tlic !Far art.wideldistributcdtbrougliou t theernergcncy
legislütion, aiidtriaiitis neccjsary to recast tlieliiti otigeiieral statutc
gol-erning iIie persons, ass~ts. clilearid shüres which tlic encrny and
hiç coilaborators possess iri Guatemala : That iriconforrnity with tlie prcccpts of iiitcrnationallaw arid witli
tlicConstitution of the Iicpirblic, especially Section 1, Guatemala, as
State, cariaiid oiight to make oirttlic corr~spndiiig clairils
~~~~~t!rrnany uid Iicr satellites siilcshe <Leelnrcd war upori Lliçai
by rawn of tlic <aggressionol tvhich onc of the cmntries of hmerica
was the victiti;

That, togcllier- with the Nazi-Fascist ideulogv, it is riccessary also
to extirpate completzly and pcriiiaiientlyits economic resources, as
a giiararltptof the deniocracy of Guatemala and of continental security ;

Tliat it iç jrist and a consequciice of tlie ruieç of the curistitritiori
that Guatenialam hc iridcmnifietlfur trie clamages, Iosscsand depre-
ciation (darios y prjuicios) wliich tliey suffcrcdby reasoriof tlie nggres-
sion of Gerinany and h~r allies, and by the dircct action oftrie Ciiited
Natioiis against enerny territoi-y,;

That the liquidation of tiic action c,>f\var iti (;uatc.rrii~llariccortls
with public tiecessity and iitility and witli social interest, thmefiire
in ~oriiorrnit~lwith ruticlr! 92 of tlic Co~istituti~n,ilte exyrvpriaiiori
ol the açsets, duefi anil shares of al\ kinds wliich the encmy and hiç
cultaboratorf; pssess in Giiateinala, cotnpençatitig for the said action
with thc surn of fliccompensations ta ~viiichthe affecteclpcrsorisiiavc
riglit, is accordirigto la\>; ,


The following 1.41~O+- .I'HESETTI.EWF.S.~ OF IVAII Awriras {f.~sD?-

rl~tbcler. -1Vitliin fIve n-iontl~sof tlieprorntilgatinn of tliis Iaw,
Guzitemala mil1fix a surnof itsclaims again51 Gcrrnaiiy aiid her sattl-
lites, by rcasori of espcrises, dzinages, luuses anfi depreciation (daf~os
y psrjuicios) dircct or indirect, tangible a~id intangible, caused to the
Kepublic hy its participation iii the second worlcl war.

.~lrta'ce.-Pcrsons of Guaternnlan rialionality must formulate
witliin sisty days corinted from the dq on whicli this I:iwcornes into
force clairns for darnage-es,losses or dcprecialiori (daiiosO pcrjuicioç)
acczsioricddircctly to tiierii by the encrny or the action of w:Lrof ttie
allics upon cnerny territciry. in tlieir own name OC iridircctly, witli tlic iioniinal list,cornpIete or
incomplete, of their ass~ts. \%en for an?; rcxon onc or intire propertieç
Iiave beeri omitted from tlic "Proinulgat Lcdts" (LisirisPrudaniaàas)
aiid any yersori is ~iarned ori tliislist ivitlt his own name or.witii the
iiorniiialist, con~pletrtor incnrnplere, ofhis azsetq, t)ipproperty on~itted
ïvilldso be co~isidercd as bclongiiif; io tiic cnemy ;

/dl Private? or coiporatinns xiio, ia iiidic;i~e<iln thepreïeding
dause, Iiuvc lgurccl ai ariy iirric iri tlie"ProrrrulgatedListç" (Listas
Prriciamadasj issucd hg: tlie r=ov~rrirnentrti tlie Kepuhlic ; (1) When
tllz Coiiiicil of Nilinisters{Coriseiej(le 5linistros) resolves, on heüring
the iritercsted party and oii the haqis of clcar proois prescnted bv the
Public Illinistry (Ministerio fiibIicoj. tkrt itlias bcen inariiicsliy i*Ilegül
that tliey be exceptcd froin espropriatinn ; aiid (2) When they Iiave ,
recovererl their ~zssetsor part of tlicrri in virtrle of judicial decisioiis
of an ititcrlocirtory natiirc or whirlj du riot arisc frur~ia final *i-iterice

pronouncecl iri ordinary judperit ;
(e) Pfivate vrsons or corporatjnrij oi ariy iiariui~:ility whn have:
(1)Belongcd at üny tinie to t tiX;ition:~l Sociaiist l'nrty. totiic Fascist

Party, or to an!; otiier official po1itic;ilgroiip of tiie coirntrics at war
\vitfi thc Repnblic ; or tn their l,r'ariclies, nfiliritéd orgaiiizations,
decenirx:tlizcd bodies arid otlicr clepcn<leni organizatioris cstriltished in
Guatetniila ; (2) Co-oprxted dirtctiy with thrise partiesor cuntributed
t.0tlicir support or propagandri ; (3) Participated itithe plzhiscites
\~.-iiichtook ~IXC Cri Ciuatcmülari tcrritoriai waters in 1938 ori board
the steainships Cor(iBl1erazntl lJiitrPcirr;aiid (4) Einigrated to erieniy
terrifor? in tirne oi war, unless tliey wcrit as functioiiaries, employees
or miIitary pcrsoiiiiel iri the scrvicc of <;uate~riaiaor of 5riy utller of
the United Sation~. For the prirpriçe: of this pzragrap htone, it is
cnnsi~~credtiiat wx hgan on tlic ISÇuf Septemkr, 1939 19;

(!j I'rivate persoiis, what~\:er tIicir nationalily, who, after the
~oth of Dccfirnber, rNr, liavi:: (1) Ueeii tlie reprcserttatives, agcrtts
or deputics vi cricrn?;governments or of their t>fticialpnlitic:tlbodies ;
(2) Been linked pohtically or ecoiivrriicallgr with arly of tlie encrny
go\-ernments ; and (3) Dcccitfiilly übused with ilcsirc lur gain iIie
einergc:eiicylaws to tlic bericfrt of " Nockcd nationds" jiiacionalcs
bloqucados), or ivho subsequeiitly have lent tliernselves to deceilfui
:dons in favour uf person': suhjcct to erpropriatioii accorditig tn
this law.-The actions of larrqyer s nd riotarjcsiii the legitimati: pxercise

of tllcir prof~ssirins are c~prcsslv escepted :
and (gJ Cor1>orati~ns of ariy natiorirtlii?; wliatsot?ver whuhave served
tlic jnttrcsts ol tlicAsis riftcr the 7th ni Ot:tokr, r938 : (1) As iristrii-
rricritsof its ecoriomic peiietration ; and (2) .45 critities dirccti yir
indirecrly liiik~d witfithe interests ofttic enerny, as mmaybc apparcrit

froin liic part lie lias in tiiem with regard to their deeds ofconstitution,
statutes, firiariccor funetion. For Ilie piryioçe of tfiis claiiiie, it ?vil1
lx deerned that corporations were linked to the ciierny wl~eii more
tliaii25% of tlieircapitat belonged to a yerioIi vr persons cii cnemy
iiatiun;iiity, or wjicn theÿ have coritiiiued to be conrrcillcd, diiected
or aflrniniçtered bu pcrsoris ci criemu natiot~dity :if~etriic 10th of
Dec:eniLcr, rq2 t.-I4O AKS FXES *t.OT.IF.CIi.l.ESÇTt3IShlEhlOR1IT. f~i,.14)
Ariicle #.-TIIF: State \vil1 cspropriate al1 the rissets,dues and
sliares, xcessory to irnmovables, or repr~sentative inany way of rcal
estate ducs or helanging to the corporatioriç wliicli tlie ~ircceding
arrick entirneratitesIf the acceswries, in \vliule or in part, bdong to
persoiis who arc riot subjcc t triexpropriation in conforrnitp witii the
present lai:, these pcrsons wili have the right to recrtive the vdiie .
of their prissessio~isaccordiiig to tlie 1-iilcof ordinary e~yropriation ;

the surns of rnoney thus paid will tiot be accountcd for in tlie coni-
pensatiori rekrred to by hi-ticle 4 ... The mo~iie.; in cash hcionging
to the persons enriinemted in the precedirig aitide udl bc held in a
speciai accoiirit to be openecl iii tlie Waiik of GuatcmaIü, and will f)e
destined for the ptoperty futid iriorder to recornpense the war clainis
of the State.
Rrfide 9.-A11 the xsets, dues and shnrcs \vil1also he ex ropriaterl
of Guatemalans naturalked üt any tinie who, having Iia S as their
original natioiiality that of one of the countries witit wiiidi trieRcpublic
was at lv:ir,have lost I;uatemalari riatioiiality ori account of any of ,
the actioris to ïvhiclt Article 12 nf tlieConstitution referç, eveti though
they keep tlie natioiialityof aiiy otlier country. or have becorne çtateiess
accardin togthe jurisprudence ofIi~terriutionalLaw svliichGuatcraala

-4rtide m.-Pe)crsons will be ipso /uciu adjtldgcd io bc of Gcr~~irtii
nationalitv nttu Iiavc, since tlie 7th of Octobcr., 1g3Y: (a) Uwd a
Germaripassport, or the attributc of Gemia~trisin any piibIic or attested
instrumetit. it bcirig deernerl that siicliacts coiistitute ari optioii for
that natioriality; x~llti(f Kcgkcted to atquire exprcssly (;iiatcntzilan
nationality, having been Gcrmans hefore that date, in coitformity
with the h1onttIfa.r-voiiBcrgcnTreaty and the compleiricritary diplorna-
tic ilotes, cven thoirghthey clairn to have Iost Gerrnm natio1i:tlity.

A*fict.e1 I.-The cspropriativris already carried out iiiconforniity
rvith previous dispositions of the emcr eiicy Iaivs arc dcfiriitivcly
approvcd, and cannot be the sub'cct of çlaii~~scin tIie part of the
interested parties, cscept witli re/ereiicc to tlie itidemr~itier wliich
may he dut: to tliern iiiaccorda~icewith Article 4 of tliislac..-III
treatiiig of cspropriation proceedings iiiprogress ztt the date of rhe
issue of this decree, coutiter-cfairns or petitiaiis of esception will be
Aatiy rejectcd wiien they have not nlrcrrdy I~een pr.cwntcri by trie
interested partics witliiri the terrns and witli tiic requir2ments fiscd
b\: tlie previous emergency 1au.s.-Cuunter-c1ai111s or ptitioiis of
exccptiori rvillalso lx flatly rejccrcd preçerited by the individuais to
wiiorn nurnber 4 ofcIausc (e) of Article 7 refers, atid those of those
persoiis wlio Itavc re~ioürice~lan? kind ofxction for the recovery of
tlieir assets, ducs, or shares, a.?a nccesç:iryreqiiirernent prior to tiieir
re-entry into the couiirry,allowcd by ihc Xinistrÿ of Esternnl Kelatioris
(hlinistcrio de Relacioiies Es tcriures) after liiecessxtion of licistitirs.
Ariicte r2.-Frorri tItc rriurnent whcn the deed of tcansfereiice of
orvriersliip over an expropriatecl -set is registercd, the terni of ali
credits, dues ;id sharcs relatiiigtu itwillbe considered tohave eespirrd
and tu be exigiblc on tliat account, unless they rclso tiave been
expropriateci. Tlie State wilt be respoitsihle for sucli crtdits, ducs or
sliares iiiitil the siirfised iiitlicreçpcctivc cleed ris tlie vnirieof triethat they maÿ briiig their actions. In evcry casc, the persoiis irisured
wiiI hold agrcernciirs and \vil1bc abte to exercise their rights tifherever
indicated by their policies or contracts ivitfi tire insuranc cempanics,
-The State wiilbe able to continueto carry orrtbc irisurancc u~nratiuris
to which this article rcfcrs througii tlic National Insurancc Company
(Aseguradora Yacinnal), when it is establisiied.

'1pvtidt14.-Thc assetswhiçli perçonssiibject to espi-opriation may
liüve acquired after having been suhject to sucfi ~irticcetli~iwill iicit
he liable tu expropriation, unless : (af Tficrc is itriytleçeit iri the
acq~iiring of tiicrn ; (b) 'Thexctlnjçiticilias ken niaclriiicotitraventiun
of ariy ofthe crnergency iaws, or when itcoi~sists of the piynient of
capitd, intcrests or fruits received in COI{traveritiori of the iiijunctiutis
nf Article 2 of Iegislativt: decrer. niimbcr ajS and al1 tliatjs relevarit
in tlie reinainirigemergencÿ larvs. For this purpsc. the payment of
ariy dcbt grratcr than trvohundred qriefzal8s\vilcorne under the terins
of this clause, eveii ifthis debt teen eiicaiiccIkdy ii.ieaisof entries
less than that sunt ; atid (cl At atiy tirrie since the 3rd of Septernher,

1938. the acquired assets have already beionged to the purcliaser,
in his relations aç dettrmined by Iaw, or to tiis partriers,Iie:ids or
subordinates iricvmrncrcial, irirlustria! tirxgricultural establishments.
- -Curifracts entered into agaiirst the terior,oftliis article are nuii and
void, on the makitigof a legnl deposition.
-4rtizl <cj.-Tlie tradc-rnarks, piitcrits of inveritions aiid commercial
Iiarrieçdiich shdl be orshxll Ii:tveken registered betweetithe z3rcl of
Ucwrnber, 1941, ;iiid the date nf this dccree hi the riarncof private
persoils or coipoi-atiotis sf'fectcclby tlic prcsenl taw, arc ipso Jacin

eupropriat~ri inPavourofthe Nation. The arlministrati b-c.c;~rithoieis
in charge of the branch rvillproc~d, witfiirr Fiftee~days and without ,
need of any iurthcr pruccetlirigsor rlcclaration, uficially tv carry uut
the registra~ioiiof tliern in tiie tianieut'the Nation.- -The trade-marks,
paf e~itsaiid carnmerciai iiarnes espro~irint~d in favoiii-of the Yntion
remüin uriderspecial rriles,as they have done siricc thc issue of govern-
mental decree number 134, with tlie proi,i~ion tllat no ~ireçcriptio~i
or perindof tcrminativn or espiq: shall riiiintheir disf:ivour oragainst
their registration.-Rcgistrations of trade-mnrks, patents aiid com-
rnercial narnes are de fncto niil1 and void, non-subsistent and nw-
existent, which, haviiig figurcd ori or after the ~3rd of Decernbcr,
1941, in favour of persoiis or bodies affected hy the preseiit law, sliall
1iai.c bceri newly entered after the said date, urider ariy title, under
the name of persotisor Imlies othcr thati the Nation. Tlicadrniriistrrrtive
;irrthoritiesof thc braticli ivillprocecd officiallyand imrnedizitely to
cariccl sucli registrations, re-registe~ing tlie trade-marks, pntentz; :ind
commercial simleç which are urilawfully protecicd by tiicni,iiiihc
natne of the Natiort.


..lrlicl16.-?'hç rrsçets uf pic-atc wiersori?rsha, haviirg heId the
nationaljty ofany of the countrtes with which the Hepublic was aat
\var, liave Iost such iiationnlity after the 7th of October, 1938, and beiorc the 6th of May, 1945b .y ari offrciaI decreeof tIieir coriiitrot
origine because of acis of plitical hostility, or of pemcutioris of a
religioiis orracial charactcr, \$-il1be cscepted and esclrrdcdfrom the
judgrncnts wliich mould apply to tIiem in cot~formity >\lth cla~ises(a)
and (6j of :it.tjcIc7, rovided tiiat noneotlicr. uf tItccaiises ofexprop-
riation foreseen in ~ta~ter 1i is applicable tu them. 111coiissqilciice,
aitd witli the sole exccptiori refcrred to, prsrins favourcd t>y tliis
cst:ept ion ~ill riot he esproprintct1.-I'crsons of I talian iiatiotiality
viinst whorri tlierc cxists iio othcr re;lc;on forex yirtjpriaon but t1i:it
7 tlicii rwtioirality, itiacçord:ince rvitl tie present Iaw, art. nlw
ercepted fron~ expropriation. .

rlrlicle 17. -.Private pcrsoristo wIiutiiclarises(a) and (bj of Article 7,
and Article ro refcr, will k escepteci (rom expropriation, eveii ifthey
appear or haiveappeared in tlic "l)romuIgated T,ists" (Listas ProcIa-
mütlaç), lxci~id~d tbat they deniiirlslrriiethat nulic otlier ofthe Teasuns
for cxproliriation established iri Chapter If is applicable to tlieiii,if
ftrrtlict. tliey pro\-fulLy al1 tliefoilowii~g circurnstances : (a) Tlirit
thr:y have beeii pcnnanently domicrled iii tlie KepuMic siricc 1933
:tttdstill are, el-en thougii tIiey lia\-cbecil coritiriuously absent Irorri
the country ~iptoa ~ieriwl of tw~ ycars ; That they have crjrnrnitted
none of tIie offeenccs nhich, nccorthiig to titc Iaws of the Republic,
Iead to o6çial proceed~ngs, mith tlie exception of petty crimes , (c)
'Tiiüt tIicy have forrnerl tlicirpzt rirrroriyiiiGiiarcniala, pravided tliat
they derno~istrale satisfnctorily : tiithey have invested irtlie Republic
at leasr two-thirtls of the toiai of tiieirncr profits ;or tiiat tiiel; ii:~ce
cutitracted matrimon? wirh :tGiintcnialaii or hnd childrcn of Cuate-
111aIai 1atioiiality; niici(4 'f11;itttt rio tirnc havtlicy registered tlicir
ch11drenas iiatiorials of their countrlf OForigin. nor have asserted this
last iiationality witli rcspect to tlicir spoiise or deswridürit to tlie
esdusiori of Giiatema1ari nat tonality or co~ijoiritly with it, atter the
3rd of Septerr~ber,1939.

Articje 18.- KotwiiItstai~ditig the i4egulations of the pr~cdi~ig
article, esception.i wiH he granted in no crise ircatinç of immovahle
assets, real tstlitr:dues orofdues, shares s-l-iichin any way whatsoecer
represcrit either the former or the 1;itter rvhe~r sucIt iocsessioiis fvnii
31.of the capital or of the sectiritieof corprationso 1 an agticiiltirra1,
8n:ineial or harikingnature, wliiïh arcsubjectto expropriarionaccordiiig
to this 1arv.-';or wiI1exceptions be granted treatingof shares (acciines

o p;irticipaciuties)of any ki~id, whicli represeiit corprations of iiri
qricultural, financial or hanking riitture, wIiicli art: suhject to espro-
prialio~i iiccorditig tu this Inw.
A c q Persans coming uridcr clause (8) of Article 7 who are
GuatemaIaiis eir.13~by hirth or by iiatrtralizat ororiatioiials ofille

couiitries witli wiiicti tliIicpubIic x~ts 11urat ïvar, will be complctely
esceptcd if they provc tliat none otlicr of tiie rexsonfsor exproy-triatioii
of Chaptcs II is appliçübIe to tlicrn.
Article 20.-Wiien the rcasoii for cspi,opriation implies ~ISO Hut
an offeiice has beencornmi tted,tlie Public Xinistry (hlinistcrioPiihlico)
wiII i~ijtiatethe appropriate proceeding isthe coirrts ol law-,and tlic

procding ofexception rriay riot bcntried on untiltliecase hns endcd.143 .-\Sh'EXES T# 1.IECHTENSTEIS XIEJIOKI:\L (No. 14)
-4rficle zr.-Wheil, iii coiiwqucrice of Iegitimatc rcasoris for exprn-
priatioti, C;iiatcrridtlari orricriwith sonsof tIie same nntionality arc
affectml as rcgards the \i-hole of t-heir ~iatrimniiy, lticy wilI have the
right to keep as their ~wssessiori arii~r.barproperty uf tiic type destined
esclu~ively to hc a dwelling-house. hlinors of Guritemalan nntionality

%vil1have thc wme right in analogous cases. -Tliey wÏll o111y F1ai:e
the right to keep as their posscssiori ari iiiban pperly. wlicri the
proprty is iint of the type destined to bc a dwdliilg-house, wheri the
Iattcr is the only oric wiiich coirid he es~iroprintcd iii cnnforrriity
Ariicle 22.-Assets will iiot tic:the suhject of errpropriatiori which,
hy reason of hereditary successiorior donation nturtis ct<zcsu,have
yitssed or nilght to p1s5 io the property 01 Giratemalan narionals,
osvirig lo tlte death of the principal hefore the piiblication of tiie
present larv ; provided that the expropxiat ion lias rio1 kcn carrial
out in coiifrirrnity wiiii tlieprcvioris emergency la~i~s,and that the
Iieirscir legatecs issire a fi111settlcrnerit of accourits iiifavoiir of the

State covering tlic scqucsiraticitiof the assets aridthe different masures
which coristituted it.
.iriiclfi 17.7.-The declnrritioii of exception will fülly esliibir the
right to tlie recovcry of ~lic assets inclilde<Iuiidei it in ttieir presciit
state : ùiit itwill not he able to origiiiaic claims uf riri)kind qairist
tlicStatc, agaitist ariy nf its deceritralizeii bodieor agni~istariy person
wlio Iias ~iarticipated in tiic cxpro~irirtliririoriii tiic Iiroccss of the
stqirestration of ille saitl üççets (escept where ail offence Iias been
corrirnittcd),riur about dama es, losscs or depreciatiori (daïos y Pr-
juicios).nor witli rcspecc tu ? ierestitution ol war taxes 1ei:icd on the
assers or an their fruits. ?Yie tieneficiaries wiI1 ha\-e the right to the

restitution of the fmils, less the costs of adininistratioiidirly ~ccounted
for, accordirigto the net sum whick the accounts of IlicNatioil pr9duce.
--As far as conccrris the ~sscts restciretl for ariy reason according to
tliisla\i~,the State >=vil 1xpres~l~ renniiiice tlie taxesor charges in
its favoiir iri exces of those e,dliiclthe said asjcts sustaiiied at the
timc oftlie seqiiestratiori,lcss tlicosts oi :idrrriistratiori duly accoiinted
for. The renoriricirigof a11 LItcclairnj to e,vliich-the prcccdirig para-
graplis refcr rntist he made rtrZficrfietiiana, in a public cir attested
ducurricrit, anti before the receptiori of the assetç.
Article W.-1'Iie expropriations which in confnrmity wilii the
previous erncrgci-icy1avs have heeri concluded or cvliichhave not ken
the object ofcouriter-clairns intirne, togethcr with the decisions ordered
or which niay he ordered in respect of praceediilgs of exception, uill
yroduce infull right iriany judgrneriircspectiiigthc recovery of assets

the defence of failure to take action, for Ït will be deerned to be a
1nat.tcrofadrrii~iistrativeorders agreed- to, in accorciariccwith article 2S
of legislative tiecree r539 ; yroceedi~igs iriprogress yroduce the defcnce
of litis pende?~ciriirisuch caser.
.4rticic25.-l'he expropriations to he concludetl under the present
law will carried out by the 6scal dcclaratioii respeçlirigthe imrnov-
ablcs concerned ai the datt? of rlieir scquestrrition. lri respect of
industriai or corrirricrciafcstablidimanis, oi xcuritiw, arid of «iller
afsetf, dues antl siiüres. tlic Comniittee for the Settlernent of War' -4Pairs (Jurita dc T.iluidaciSii de .i\s~lr~t.dse Guerra) will perform the
rnrresyxinding valuatioris, or wjll aççcyi as valid the corrtmercial5-alue
of such assets at the time when tliey were sequcsteretior ai the tirne
wheir tlicy wcre es1iiopriatcd.

,4riïcle zB.-Thk loss of the ndopt~td ~iatio~iality ni rtatur:ili7xd
Giialemalans who fur ririyre:trioiviiatsuevcr emigratcd to enemy tersi-
tury in tirneof \var, ili$so facfoestablished, urilcssthcy went as officiais,
t.mplt-iyeeçor rriilitaryp~rsor~rie in the xrvicc of Girntetririlsor of an y
ather uf the IJnitcd Natiorts.--For tlic purwses of this parqraph aloiic,
itiscorisideredt11:itthe stateof war bcgrin on the ~st.ofSelitember, 1939-

Jy6irJc 37.-'1']~ rtltur11 to the coiintry during the terrri of twen ty
years uf ewrÿ eiierriy ri~itioriawho, Iiavitigbcen doniiciIed in Guateniala.
emipted during the tuthe territory uf any of the nations of tiic
--Isis.uitli tlie following sole esccptions :
(u) Women marricd to Guatcrnalaris ;

(cl Fathers of Guüienlalini chilclreior Iiusba~icisoGf uüternalan wonicn,
pruvtde.d tliat,after an exxrniriation of e2c.iiridivitlüalcase, the Ministry
of Extcrriai Kclaljotis (h1iriisteride Rebcioiies Esteriores)~declnref. that
persons co~~~tituti~ig a (hnger to the SCCIIK~~~ of tiie corilinent are iioi:
conçerncd, confortnjng in this respect witb the recomnicridations of
Remlution IIXV 1 01 the F:rnr-rgcricyCurisultativf: Corrirnittee for the
Politicai Defence of the Contirietit (ConlitéConsultivo di: Ernergcncia
para la nefensa I'olitica Cantinenid), and with Recomiiic~ida~ion VI1

nf the Corifcrence 01 Chapulteyiec :
aiid (cl) Chilrireriof Iiarciitsof cncriiy riatioiialityor of natnralizerl
Gi~afernalans who, at the time wl-hcrithe latter ,lcftthe cotiritry tindcr
rtic ~;ircumst:~nces io wiiicli the firsl ~?ar~gra~ ofItie prcscnt articlearid
tlic preceding article mftar were minors, psnvidecl moreovcr thai they
tlidnot serve in tliearmcii forccs of t?i Aexis coiititri~s.

drtidr: 28.-Tlie fnllowing ni:ty he espelieti frtm the territory of
Cuai-ciriala: ((1) Xat.iutialscd an?; of tlic countries of tIie~isis who havc
piirticipatcd in espioriagd, sabotage or othcr rimibar activities dircctcd
xgai:~st üny Anlericriricuuritr~l,or-wfio iriune forrrior a~iutlterI~ave bccri
tlie servants of tlicgavei-nments of the Asis rcslwnsible for tiic carryji~g
out of sticti activities; (O) Gertnar~PY-officiais nr ex-consulrsvho siil1
rern;~ir011 tlicterritoryof thi:Kepublic ;(L) Foreigncrs wiio look aleadjng
part in the training, orcanizaiiun, tinl~ncing, adrninjstratiori, direction
or iunctioning of tlie Nx.1 Party or of m~nyof its depciirlpt organixations ;artcl (dj Foreigiters slitiwn to Liecoiinecred \rith sirbversive activities '
or active propqanda i~ifavour of Xa-~isrn,Fascisrrl, I-alürigism or
Cornmurrismiri ariy of thcir tendencics to irifiltration :irid exparisicia
the .4rnericar? curitincnt.

Artêclo 29.-The Govcrnrnent, tiirougli tlie-hlinistrJrof ICiitcriial
liclations (hliiiist~ridi: Kelacior~e~ Esteriores), will ordcr in each case
adequate inca.trre5 to bring about *lie cirpirlsioii, iri curifurrnitywith
the Law of Alieiishil)(Txy de Eatrarijcr'ia).

Article 30.- -.4Cotninittec ior the Settlerneritof War Affairs (jurila
de Liqiridnciiinde Asutitos cic Guerra)is sctiip,to cwisist of lticfollowing
mernhrs : a ciclegate of the Tribunaland Coinptr~)IIcrsliip of hccourits
(Tribunal Lontraloria de Clier~tas),ivho will preside over it; the pr-csi-
deritof the Relations Cornmittee (CoinisiiirideRelaciones) ul tliCnngress
of rhe Kcpubtic ; tIiepresideiitof tkic3fonclarq7 and Hankii~gCumrriittee
(Jiliita MiloiietaryaBancaria) ;the inrtrrager ofthe Rxik of Giiatemda ;
and three delegatc o f the Eseciitivt: dcsignatcrl at a rrteeting of tIie
Council of 3Iinisters (Lurlscjo clrMinisttos).- The rnernbers of the Coin-
miltcc (Junta) \t-iilberernnne~aied accrirding tn the systeni of piayinent
of~Iary by the day :they wiil fulfiltlieirofficelul kntzoretnwhen they
xtrp piihlic ernployccs or fririctioiiai-ise~riiineratcclfor ariothtitenmn.- -
Tlit:delegatt: oi tlieTribiinal :tiicCnmptrollership ul rlccoririts(Tribririal
y Çu~itraloria dî: Ciieittas)is c1iargi.dititlithe si~mmoriing of the Com-
niittec (Juiita) lor its frrstsession, iiiagrccrneiit with the Eiiccutivc,
~vitliinfiftren days of tlitipriblicationnf thislaw. Iri ~iiatfirst sessionlie
will subinit fur cliscussi,rr~proiec~cdrulesarid regiilations for the goverti-
melit of the activities of thi:Cominittec(Jiinta) iriconfrir4m tyi witlithis
dccree ; the ri~lesand regulatioiis niiistbf:ayiprovud by tfic Esecirtive
througIi the action nf the h1inistt.r01the Tr.casury(hlinisrerio EIC 1Iacien-
da) andpuhlished irthe Official Jcitirnal[Iliario Oficial).

..Irfic/e31.--The Corninittee (Juirtü) will havethe foiioiviti~ pr>wcts :
(a) to formulatc accordirig tb the ejtriblished rules speçiüi proceedings
iii01-der to fisthe suni of the clainîs ofGiiatemala agarnst Gcrmany and
lier satellites $ reawit of eqicriscs, danmges, losses and delircciatioii
(rlaiiosy perjuicios) direct or indirect, mngiblr: and iiitangihle. caused
iothe Repuhlic by its participation itithe second world xar ;

(h) 'I'oacrluaint tliemsclves uith tracçlaims triade rrgaiirsthe enerriy
by Guaternalanu in conforrnity with Article 2, to investigate them, Lo
deriiand the relevant eviderice, alid to rejpct the said clairrias groriiid-
less or to fi'the simi relating to tiicrnfur 11ie p1irposc.sof Article 34 :
(C To act as assessors tu tiic Miiiistries of Exteriial Rebtioris (Miiik-
terio de Rciaciones Esteriores) and of the Treasury arid Public Credit
(de Haciench y Lrédito Wblico) in riIthe cases irrespe<:tofwliiçft tliey
shall cansuIt it arid which i-einte to tiicenemy and his colla ho rat ut.^,
or to meXiires of plitical or econarnic defeiice stenirrririfrortithe aar ; (d) To nominate Iawyers, experts, accoiintants or saluers, when, iil
conformitw yith Articl~ 25 or the other yrovjsio~ij of this Iaw, it is
neceswry to etablisli spccinl snms w stipulatiuns with respect to

(el To dernand tu be s1iownal1kindsof public and officiaidocuments,
for thc purposc of proceeding lv examirie theni. :l public firrictioiiary
or private persori wlio refus~:;to esliibit the documents or to fiirnish
the facts requested of him, willcommit the offence definedaridpuriished
hy Article 253 of the Criminal Code (Chdigo Perial).-Uiplomatic docu-
ments of a conCidc11ti-Ar Liatrire and docurrimitsreferrir~g to rnilitary
operations wiIIbeeshibited at the discretion nf the Ministricsof Bsternal
Relarions {Ministeriode Rclaciones Exteriores) aridof Kational Defericc
(de la nefensa Naciorirtl )respectiveIy ;
('jTo declare, basirig themselves on the forrnulatcd proceediiip arid
ori the evidencc subrnitied hy tlie interested parties, the amount (if
the rvardainis of the Kepirtilic, iricIudinglegal actions to the bnefit
of Guatematans in coiiforniitv with ArticIe z :

arid(g) To suhmit for the approval of Congres4 wititin seven rnontl~s
counting from tbc proniuig~tinii of this law, tlie diiIy docirmcntcd
statement niadc iri coriiorrriitywitlithe preçetling clartse.
Arlicle 32.-Hefore annoiiricirigtiieirdecisiori,tlie Cornmittee (Junta)
n-il1consult and ubtairi tlicopinion of tlie kliriiçtriesofthe Treasury
arid Pnhlic Cr~dit (Miriisterio de Hacienda y CrGdiro Piiblico) and of
Externa1 Relatiolis (Hebciories Extcriores}, for which purpse the file
of docurricritswill be sent by turn for the maximum tem of twcritÿ

days to ench hlinistry. Srihsaqucntly. the Cornmittee (Juntaj wiU
prorioiiiicc itçdecision withiri tilttcrm indicated by tbk law, accom-
panying it with tlie1-elevaiidocuments; the judçnieiit mil1be :iiinouiunccd
according to ;isinrplc niajority of votes.
- Article 33.-Persons of Guatemalan iiationality Iiavirig daims
',xitinst the criein- in conformity with :2rticle z will present thcrri 10
the Cornmitter ({iiila) itecompnnied by the respect ive justlc:~tory
duçrirnents, if tiiey pssess them. If thcre is evidencc to bc rendered,
the (:ornrnittcc Ui~~lta)1rill appoint for the intercsted parties a tenn
of a month at the rnost, or of three rnoriflisif the evjdence is to Lw
obtained from abroad, in alhich tliey shall prodiir.~ tlierri,.andwill
inform rhc Public Miiistry {hlinisterioPublico). WIlen the terni has
expircd arid the evidence lias been collectcd,copies will h~:cent in turri
for tentiays in cach case to the Ilfinistry oI External Rclatioris (Minis-
terio de Relaciories Esteriorcs), tci that of the Tres~ury and Piiblic

Credit {dc Hacienda y Crkdito Putilico) and tu the Prociir.2tn~-l;cricral
of the Nation (Pracurador gened di: \a Kacion), and subscqueatly a
decisioiiwill ix annoiiiiced iiicoiilonnity with clairse (bjuf Article 3~.
Duririg tlic rc^;pectix=eterm, the interestcd party must prnposc arid
render expert evidence t o tix the siiniof Iiis clrii;nthe esperts will
bc nominateil :oric by flic cIaimalit, motlier by the Public hiiriistry
(IItlinisterioPublicri) and the third by the Cornmittee (Jnnta), in case
Articl6 .%.-Once the Committee (Jtirita)lias cletermiricd that tlie
daim is accordirig to Iawürid has fised the sumof the clairn, thedecision

1IwilI he passed iiiwriting to the hliriis otfrrhe Trcasury (h41iniderio
de Hacienda) for trie Iüiicr-to issue thc appropriate order for payrnent
diarged to extraorclinary expertses.Accountwill be kept of the payrnent
for the puyoses of Article 4 of tliislaiv. ,

A~ticLe.?.~.-XO Guatcmalaii who cornes undcr the case foreseeii by
Article 7, clause (el,i~iimber 4, will have the right to prewnt wrtr
claim, basing himself oit Article 2 of this law.

Ardicle36.-The Ministry of the Treasuty (Miitistcriode Hacienda)
is cmp\vercd lo give leadirig dccisions in tlic firat inst~incc, in the
foIIuwrrig cases : (a) Counter-claims aivniting decisiun in curifomity
with pfe\:ioiis legnl decisions, provided tliat the iritercsted rdrtittç
prcseiit tlic reIcvarit ~ictitiorof exceptiori hforehand iiiaccordance
witli the provi~ions of this 1xw: (b) Petitions of cxccption luucliirig
expropriation proceedings initiated aiter the date ori wltich this Iaw
corries into force ; aiid (c) Cuuriter-claks against iiew proceedings.

Artici2 37.-The Mtliniqt of the 'I'rcasur?;(Ministcrio de 1-1;icierida)
will ah liai-cIbe iotlowing powcrs : {a,'I'opüsspetiti<?nsof eucliisiori
to tlic EiIinistrof External Kehtions <3linist~riodc Relacioiics C4\ter-
iores) iiicases in whicit, it is necessary to detcrrniric beforchand the
~iatiorialityof iiic ir~terested partie,so that thar office map makt! the
reicvaritdeclaration ivithin the term of teiïdays ori the basis ofcvideiice
prnduced and cniisirlt ing beforehaiid the Public hiiriistry (Ministerio
Publicoj ; (ti 'Iforccornrnmd to the Ministry of Externa1 Helatioiis ,
(Ministerio de Kelaciones Exteriores) the cancellatioii of na tionality
tirheiiin conformity witli the law ; {cj'1'0pasr seriesof documents tu
tlic PublicMiriistry(hlinistcrio Xbiico) iiithe cases and for the ptirpciseu
referred to hy Articles 7, dauses (d)arid (hl, rq aiid 20 aitllc presei~t
decrw ; cd) To norniiiate, asfar as,itis coiicern~d, latvycrs, t~chriiciaas
;inci cxlierts as ncccssiiry forthe prompt ancl cficacious applicxtinn of
the TA~Y for the zettlcment of tti'ar:iffairs (Lcy dc LiquidaçiGri de
Asuntos de Gucrsa) : and (4 '1.execute the defiiiitive dccisions reackicd
in respect of the different ~~ruceeclirigst,hrougii the Procuratur-General
of the 3atioi-i {Procurador general de la Nacirin).

Article 38.. -In everÿthing relating tri the proceediiigs and the
1-ulesof procedure ru1ijcI:lie riot cxpi'csdy forcsce~i by this law, as
31s0 as conctirris irnpediments, excuse sr recuçations, tiieCornmittee
(Juiita) or in its cxw the Ministry of the 'i'reasiiry (hiinifterio de
Hacienda} willbt able to apply iria supplen-ren~nry nianner, iriorder:
the Law CoriccrriirigDkyutcs Directed zgigai~istlic Adininistratioii
{Ixy de 10 I:ontt.ncinw-Admini5trati\~o], th2 Constitirent Law of the
J~idicial Body {la Coristitutiva del Or~aiiismo Judicial) and tiic Cocle
of the institution and Prosecutjon of civiland &lercantile Proccedings
(CiKli~o de Enjuiciarnient<i Civil y Mercantil).

ArticIe 39.-Thc Yrocurator-GeneraI of fhc 3atiori (Prwurridor
generai de la Kaciiin) will he a par@ to al1 the procedings exarnined1.Y A~~KF,XBS -ru I,IECIITENÇTELK MEIIOKI~~T. (N~,. ~4)
drfic!e l~3.-'rhc eupropriatory proceedingç {vil1be iiiitiated hy a
msulutiun in whirh the Ninistry of tlie Treaairy (4Iiriisteride Ha-
cienda) shaHdispse that persoi~ally or tlirougiiiiislegal representative,
thc affwted ersoii shal delivcr iip hefnre the Goverriment Clerk
(Es~ii~rriudcf<;obienio) a dïed of tiansference of owiiersliip iiilavnur
of the Nation. Titis decision wilI Liepul>iisiicd i~ithe Official Journal
(Diario Oficial) tlireetimes witiiin the term of tiftccrclays, tlieperson
affect& beiiig net-ifred alw 1%-he io;sibtc.-The ptitions of exclusion

referred to by clause (b) of Articlc 36 ~riirsbc prcsented within fifteen
days of the publicatiori of tlic cdict. -The 3linistry will subsequently
requcst the prcceding circumstances from the Pirhlicbli~iistry(hfili~iisterio
P6blico) ,rvhichrnuçt furnislithem irrirncdiaLc1 ;yiid will simt~ltaneously
determirie the beginning of t1ic taking of evidencc for tlie tei-rn oi
filtuen days ivliich miist not be extended, and wIien thk icrrrihas
elap2cl a copy wilI ix passed for t1irt.cdays iri exh itistance ta tlie
Ministries of External I<ciations {hlinisterio de KeIaciones Esteriorcs)
and of Agriculti~re (de Agricirltura)and to the Proçurator-Gcrierd
of the Kation (Pr~ctirador general de la Xaciiin). \V:hcii the he:lri~~gs
1irii:ebecricoriclï~deil;L dajf 1r4H be sppointed for the 11-in].
Articic .#.-As soon as the adini~~ibilityof a petition of exception
isdeclared, the esproprtation yroçedirigs rnust he suspnded, for
wliich pilrpnse tiic Commit tee (Jirta) wiI1 iwic the xppropi-iate
iiutliurily to tlic Proc~irator-GeneraI of the Xation (Procurador gciieral

de IaYaciCin) and tlie Governmerit Lcgal Oficc (Escrihaniadel <;obierno).
rlrlicle45.-Ail the terrns designated by th& law -niay rioi be
exiended. Perrons ho do riot takc Ilic opprturiity oflep!Iy assedirig
their rights will iiotbc able to bririg anv judicid or extrajudicid clairn
agairist tlie capropriation, for they will be deemed tu Iiarrcgivcii ilieir
consent to it.

Articix $6.- 'The final decisifiris wkiicli close cases of escept ion-
(togetlier wit1-i espropriütioris alre:idy carried oiit iII favour of the
Statcs to whicti .4rticle II refersj are coiisidei-ed lo close thc case ;
arnoiig it-hich are expressly included e~prvpriations of shares of ariy
kiiid realized in confurrnity witli the law.
Article .,fi.-Recourçe to the aypellatc court agairis1 ticfrriitive
judpents pronounced hy the Triburixi for the Settleinent ofDisputes
againsi the Ad~rtinistr-ali0(T1ribund de Io (:ontencioso-Administrative)
is admissible, üs established t-iy ilrticle 164 of the Constitutiiin ;but
the St~preme Court (Cor te Suprema) before demaiiding the oiiginal
roceediiigswiil require tlitappellant tn depsit irr the Treasiir). of
udicial Funds Eesoreria de i4'ondnsde .JusEicia)wi tiiirtiicirrirruahle
term of five ddays,from two hundred toiwo fholiçarid qiretza1e..ccording
to the iniprtatice of the trarisaEiiniiiiithe jtidgmcritof the Tribunal,

a surn wfiidi the appellant \v<llforlcii tu tlie jirdicial funds if tlie
apyieal be flatly i~cjectcd. declared untenable or Iield to I-iax~ebccri
abai~doiied. 11s Faras cortccrristlie execiition of verdicts in t1iesecws,
it will t> ertaccordance with the ravisionsof dause (ejul Ar-ticlc 37
of this Law. -+An appeal \vil1be he& tu have ireil ahandonecl if, aithin
the indicated term, the appellarit has failed to prexiit to the Supr~me
Court of Justice (Corte Suprerna de In Jristicix)tlic staicrrieril that
tic lias yaid tlie daposit reqnired of Iiii~i. -4rticIc&.-The Suprerne Court of Justice (Corte Suprema dc Ia
Ju~sticia]rnust jlidge the appeals hasing itself or1 the prescriptions of
tiirs law; the drsposjtions of cornmon law (derechucornun}shaII only
be applied in a suppletnentary manncr, when fhey are not op~iosed
io the preseiit Iaw.


-4rfn'cle$9.-Petitions concerning return to thc çouri try in favoiir
of iersons com~irehended iriclauses (nf,(b), (cl and (dl of Article 27

\vi1 bc ymsentecl direct1y to the Mirtistry uf External Relations
(hlinisteriode Kelaciones Exteriores), which will determinc -+ai is
in accordaiice with the 13w, first justif ying tlic mexirresnecessar y,
cnnçuItirigits JuridicalOflice (Oficiila Juridica) and the Piiblic hlinistry
{Xinisterio Piiblico).
Articlii50.-The Public 31iriistry(Xinisterio Piiblico)or ariy Guate-
malari citizcn may present themselve; bcfurethe Ministry of Externul
12chtions flfinislerio de Kelacioneç Esteriores), requestirig 1I1deport-
atinn from iiational territory uf any foi-eigiicr who conles urider aiiy
of lie cases Irireseeii by Article zS ofthis Pair..These denririciatioris
wjl1 be ofhcially iinuestigat h ydthe Ministry of Exterrial Kelation~
(Mi tiisterio deHt.laciones Estertorcs).

Article 51.-The w~i';ions to svhid~ the three preceding-artides
rcfer x+-iIbe procecded with irraccordaticf:with the rcspectrve nilm
and rcgu1ations.-The decisions decreed miil tic definitive alid lierc
cnn bc no appeals agairistthein.
ilrtbcb j2.-1 f the alinistry of Esteriial Relatioits {~firiisierio de
Kdaciorics Esteriores) agree tn th: dcpr~aiion, it ivill decree the
cornp1ernentary dccisiuns in coiifonnity wilh it, in confonnity with
Article 29.-TIic decision rviIIbe cornmunicated tu tlic Consulsof the
Kepubli,~, in order that they may tliereaitei. ahtain from granting
entry visas intv tliecouritfy or any utfier travel document (documcrito
dc viaje) infavourof the prsori aftectzd. *

Arttcle 53.-Proviskiinll and for tlie yirrpciscof the action of the
Statc alrcady put into force, aiid about to be put into forcc, whilst
the Congress approvcs the decision to be made Iiiy tlic Compittcc
(jtinta) iti accor&ince with clause (g) of Articlc 31,the war daims of
GuaternaIa against Gerinany aiid co-bclligercrit coontries isfi'tcd at
the sum of tucnty-fivc rnilliorquctzales.

=IrticLe,?#.-For a teiln ofsis ycarç counting frorn the prorniilgatioii
of this law, the a~çetç expro riated iiiconformity ~47iththe preseiit
dccree and those ivliichin any forrn the Staterriayiransfer in corifomity

with tlielas1 paragrapli of Article93 of the C:onçtitutioiiwilIbe inalicn-
able. Article .5.5.-The Congres ~vr-ililnclirde tlieterris rekevanttu the
Cornmittee for the Settlcment of Wür Affairs (Jiinta de Liqiiidacibn
de:2suritos de Girrtrra) in the bitdget correspondiiig tu tlie ricstfiscal
ycar. Tite expenses carid by its setting up, asalso the sxlaries corrc-
spnding to the dül stillto run in iiicprescnt fiscalyear, willbe coverrd
at tlieciiarge ofthe Entry of Estraordinary Treasury Es~~risw:{Rirtida
tieC;,=istosExtraordinariils de Haciaida).-Tiie relevant traiisfers -il1
he macIc witli rcferencf: to the fact that, to give fiorccto thk ürticle,
whicli also figures in the projecte d ,ZL \Ci tl-ieSettlerneiit of \Var
Affairs {Ley de Liquidacibn de Asuiitos de Glierra) rretoed bp the Exc-
ciitir?e, itemsof extraordina exlienses were rreated or incrcased on .
belta11 of the Ir'Iinisti.ieçof Extcriial Relations (Irrlinisteride Rela-
ciones Exteriores) and of the Trearury (de Hacienda).

-.Articlrr$5.-Private pcrsotis against whoni ariy of the exprnyiriaritort
procecdings to wiiich tliislaw refeir; are initiatcd, and iii the case of
their appeals of esceptioi-r Iiauing &en admittecl, will have the right
to erijoy ri pnsion ofone Iiundrcd qrceiraalcp scr rnnnth, iiat repayabIe
by tliernto the State, if hesides provirig t1iat they have iio !neails of
' subsistence they are : (a) \-i!r>men; (b) Men oi morc thaii sixty Fars
of agc ; (cl Iricapacitared persoris and miiioi-s of htli sexes.-The
perçons affected will enjoy a1soa pension of t\v.vciit?;-fieuetzales pet
munth iiirespect of each of their children who is a riiirioand who is
under tItciryarentajl urisdictiori.-The pensions to which this article
reicrs will be paid rnonthly in advaiicc, al the çIixrge of the eiitry ui
Extraordiriary Expenses of the Mi~iistrr; of the 'rreasiirv (partida de
Extraordiriar~os del lliinisterio de Hacienda), and will Le siisperlded
ser--enmorithç aftcr the prescrit law cornes intoforce, or More jf a
decision is made irirespect ofthe relevant proceedings.-The pensions
to whicii LIie frrst paragrapliof tl-risarticlc rcfcrs wil1 he refiüced to
Iialfof the sum stipulated if the pçscçsions subject i.othc proceedirigs
of expropriatiori moiint to less than fifteen thoiisarid yirclzules.-The
Committee (Junta) wili fix iriiIieir iulesaiid regulaticins the rnanrier
iriwiiich the pensions rnirst h soughti, t being understmd that Ihc
total procccdingsrequired to obtain them will nclt extend for more

thari ten days. CVlicr it renders a judgrrieritof its tasks iiicoiifnrmity
with clause (gj of Article 31, the Cornmittee {junta) \vil1propose tu
the Cangress the procedure for aiid the finaiicing of aradequatesystem
of perisionuin respect of the prsoiis to which this article refers, and
those who hnve a rigiit to ear~iiiigs or profits derivecl from the joint
incorne nf spouses (g;ri~ni~ciales)or to aliowances with respect to tlieir
Iegal lirih witliexproprjat~dpersol~.
Article 57.-The Lominittee (Jirritrrnay agree nn its owR interna1
niles atid rcgirIations oradapt those nhich 1-egiilatetiltCourts of Jiistice.

rlrlic1e.5#.--iVt;hc1itlieCorrirni tee (Jitira) dissiives itself in cuit-
formity with the provisions ofibis law, ifs rircliives rvilsta in tlie
possessio ofn the Ministry of rlir Treriçury (2linistcrio de 1Iacicrida)
for due coriçcriationand custody.
drticiz 5y.-Tlic cases sti11rtwaitiiig dccisiorion the expirv of the
term of oRtcc hed for tlieCornmittee (Junta) alil be -passcd tci the
Miriisfry of trie Trcasury {Miriisteria de Hacietidri) to be concluded
iriçortfr>rmity witli themeasures of thisIaw. ArlPcle60.-C;overrimcntaI deci-ms3134.,31 3idj3138arid lcgislative
decree 114, are ritiriiillwitfi tic exception rcicrrcd ta in Article 37
of th laïr,, togetherii-ithni1the ernergencÿ regulations opposed trithe
yresen t laiv.

Arto'cleFil.-L'or rcasons of public order, thiç decree wiI1 Lierctro-
active iipto the 7th day of October, 1938, as wa.5 declai-?cof national
irilityaridnecessity arid \vas ~~ntcdarid üppioveci in coriforni wity
Article49 of ttic Constitutiuri.
Pas to the Executive Body for publicarinn and firlfili-ttent.

Giveri in the I1aIace of the I.egiçlntivc Xdy : iri(;iratctnaIa,on the
twlenty-filiit dayof the rrionth of May, orle thuusand riiric Iiuridred
arid forty-nine, tliefiftttyear of theRci~~liitioi~.

Natioi~aI Palace : Guatemala, thirtesri tliof Jiilÿ,onc llioirsand ~iine
htindred and ittiepublkhed and iulfillcd.

Ju.4~ Josb AREV;IL«.---?'~h ~iriistcrof the Trcasurj: and Public
Credit (Yitiisterici de Hacienda y Crédito Pilhlico), Osc~rrKARRIOS
CAS~ILLO.-The hiiiiisteof Externa1 Rclatioiis(Ministio de Relaciones
Esterieres). E. 31uy.rtihi~asu.

3rst OCTORER 199


'l'hairiordcr tliat decrcc 630 of the: Congess bc correctly applicd. it
isconvenient tlialsortie othe staternc~w ithiclcouId gi1.erise to doubts
in reçpect of its iiiteryiretatioii and procediireslioiilddarifred;

TIiat the principle arid thmry irntlerlyiiig dause (hl of Article rtiof
decree niirnher63r) ofthc Congresc xreide~iticaltothme riplietd hy decree
281of tltc Corigrcss,a questiori ivhicb ougbt to bc çlearly resolved;

That whilst the prwccdirigsarid closure ofeach of the cases regulatcd
by decree nurnber 630 of the Congress are iii progress, it appropriate
that rn+intenarice allowances br: assigricd to tlieperçoris subject to
expi-opriat iori acci.ngdtu tlic1üiv rcfcrredto ; I~ECKEI:JS

Article 1-Article I ofdecrcc630 of the Carigrcçç to rcad as follows :
"Article 1.-Within teriniorttlisof the proniiilgatioiofthis law,Griate-
rriala\+-ilfixthe siiniof its clainisagainst Gcrrriariy uridlier satellites
by reasoriof cspnses, damages, logcs and depreciatioii(danos y perjui-
cios) direct andindirect,iai-igible andiiitangrble,caiisetl the Republic
by its participationin the second world war."
Artici4 2.-TO Article S ofdecree630of the Congrcssis addcd a frnal
p;Gagt;iph,as follows :
Asscts subject to expropriation proceedings inconformity with the
prescritIaw May he sequestered by the State."

.4rlicle3.-Article 10 of dwree 630of the Coilgress toread ;rsfoloir.s:
"Article ~o.-l'eisoiis will he adjirdged ifiso fircdto be of Gemian
~iationdity :
(4 Who aftertlie wventh of Octobcr, one thousand riinchiiiidredand
iItirly-eighthave iiçcd a Germari passporot r the artribiitc of
Germans in a13ypublic or attesteclinstrument, it heiiig deemed
that sud; acfs constitute atioption for that iiationality ;and
(b) Al1 those who shallhave pasçeçsedthe nütionality of aiiyof tIic
coriiitti~ ivith which the Republic was at war, ii, before the
çeventh of Octobct, oiic tlioüsand niricliundred and thirty-ei ht.
they shall not have espressiy acquired Ciuaternalaniiation. dfity,
iiaccordarice with the larvs.

"As commarided by decree 281 of the Co ress, al1Germaris born rii
Guatemala duriiigthe tirne when the Montu Y as-von I3ergentr:aty arid
the cornplemeiltary diploniatic notes wem in farce, coritiiiuzpso jfwe
to posseçs tliesaid Gem-ian nationality."
Article 4.-Article 30 o!decree 630 ofthe Congress to raidas follows :
"Article 30.-A Cornmittee for the Scttlemcrtt of\iJarAffairs ( unta de
1-iquidacibnde A~rztos de Guerra) is set up, to consist ofthe ollowing
memhers : twodelegaies ofilieTribulia1and f:ornptroIIershipofA~courrls
(Tributral y Coritraloriade Cuentas}, one of whom, desigilated by tlie
said Tribunal, will bc noiiirnatedas Praident ; a delegate rcpresenting
the Congres?of the Republic ; ü delegate ofthe Slonetary Cornmittee
(Juiita Xonctaria) arid three deIegates of the Esecutive designated at a
meeting of tlieLounciIof hirilis(t Ceorisejode Ninistros).
"The rnemhers of the Cornrnittec will i~ rernuriecated acçcbrdingto

tlie system of yayrnent of sabry hy the day ; they \\<il fulfil thoffice
ud honorem ivhen tiieyarepublic ernploycesor fuiictionariesrernunerated
for another pirrpnse.
"Tticdelegate nurriiiiates President hy the TribunalandComptroller-
ship of Accounfs (Tribuna1y Coiitraloria de Cuentas) is charged uith
the surnrnoning of the Commit tccfor itsfirst scssjoiiria$reenieilrwith
the Esecutive, withiii fiftccndap aithe publication of this law.In that
first.sssiarilic will subn~itfodiscussionprojecie idles alidregulatioris
for the government of rticactiviti oefthe Cornrnitfeeiricotiformity wiih
this decree ; the rules and regulations rnust be appraved by the Ese-
cutive througii the action of the Ministry of the Treasur (31jiiisterio'
dï Hacienda) and publisliedin theOfflcialJournal (Diario 8ficinl):' .4NNE'IES .IO LIECIiTESYïEIN M-IEWORIIIL (NO. 15)
4~liclc clause (gj oi Arliclc 31 ofdecree riiimber 630 of the Con-
gress torcad as lollows :

"(KI To siihinit for thc riypruvalof Çorigress within twelv? muriiIis
counting frorri the promulgationof this law, tlicdrilydocumented
statement, made inconforrnity witkt tkicprc~edingdause."

Artïc!e 6.--Article 36 of dccrcc ~iriinhrh30 of the Corigi-essto readas
follows: "rlrticlr!36. The hlinktry of the Ti-easirryartd PiiMic Crcrlit
(Hinistcriu dc 13:iciciiclay Crédito PCiblicojis erripoweretlto givc final
dcçisions in the followirigcases :
In) t:ounter-ckiinis awaitirig decisioil in confoniii ty mith previous
legal decisiujis, provided that the iritei-estepartics prezent tlie
rclevarit pctiliuriof exceptiori bcfvrcIiaridirtaccorrlririccwith the

provisions of tliisIaiv;
(b) Petitions of exception or counter-clairris iouching expropriation
proceeclingsinstitufed :ifterthe date oii which ihislaw corn* into
force ;
(cl In the deciciirig of cniinter+clai~n praceedings wliich wcrc riot
rcpeated in conformi& wirh the prcseiit law ; and iri (Iicdeciding
of ~xpropriatioii procccdiiigs initi;iteil whilst tliprevious erner-
gency laws were in force, for wliicli yuiposs:tlic proceedin g siust
hc cmtiriued."

.4rli'cl7. --Article 44 of clecree riniiiber530of the Coiigrcss to rad
ai:fullou~s: "Article 44.-11s soon as the admissittility oi n petitioii of
exceptioriis declared, the expropri;ition proceedings must be s~ispeiidecl,
for whicii purpuse tfie Xiiiisti-y(if ille Treasury arid Pirblic (:redit
(;Cliriisteride Hacieiida y Crédito Puhlico) rvill isçrie the appropriate
authorizarions to Ehc Prucuralor-Generzl of the Natioii (l'rocurador
qeneral dc la NaciGitJ, and to the <-kwertirneiitT,egal OiT~ce (Escribania
hl I;ohierno).*'

~trlicIeS.-Article 56 of decrcc h,u of tkic Congr-eçs to rcad as
follo\+s : "Articl~ 56. -Private pcrsons ngainçt ivhom ary of tlie errpr'o-
priatiuri procccdirigs to which thiç larv rcifers arc iriitiatcdwiIIFiave
thc right to enjoya moiithly pensiuriil, bcvidcsproving iriati autlieiitic
rnanrlcr that tliey Iiüvc rio rricans of siihsistençe, they are :
(ct) IVoinen ;

(h) Xcri ol rriorethan sisty years of nge ; :ilid
(cf Incapacitatc pcersons or initiorsof bot h seses.

"The pension mil1 k fixed by trie hfinistryof die Treasury and I'uhlic
Crcriit (Mitiiskrio de Hacieiidü ÿ Crkdita I'irblico)up to a sum of one
hunrlred qaiefzrilcs; and the prsons affecter1 will eii'oy also a pcnsio~i
of twcrliy-fivc qstd~ide.~per month jiirespect of encfi of their ch~idrcri
ivho is a rninur arid who Îs iinder thcir parental jiirisdictioiiThis ~ighi
rriaynot be enjnyed uriless tlic yroçeeds or rczitsof the asset or assets
suhjcct to cspropriritiori prirocecdiiigshniv favou rable balances ; the
said peiisioris \vilk grantecl heirig a charge on the indzrnnifiçaliori
conccrned and wili be iiiproportiari to tic valiie of llic üsscts to tic
exproprintetl, itheing taken itito corisidcratioiithat the suiris tvhich
have b~cn fitrniçiiedand tlic eslimate of th(>e to bf: fii~nishedsliall156 :IXSEXES TO I.IECHTE3SSTEIS \'IE.\lORIAI(?;AI.16)
~iotescecd 30 pcr ccnt of tlicrlecbacd vüluc of tlime asset.. In c,se of
a &cIaraf ion ofexception and befure the Iianding over of the <xscts,
thc State u4l h~ creclitedwith tlic wims provided as pcrisiotisand tfic
respective quittance aiid a rcnunciatior~ (rdfltrpetrtctiof ali clairns
against it witl be issuedin its fnvour."

Article 9.-Article g$ ofdecree niimber 630 ofthe Congrcss LQ tvad
asfollows : "Article 56.-TIie Cornrnittce ivilt be dissolved, by incaris
of a formal act, at flicLatest wilhiii ihirty after the üpproval by
tlieCori rcs of the ICepublic of the gerieralrcport concerning the tasks
of the e ornrnittee arid of tlie fiiiadeclaration rcquircd by tlte law.
Within thp term reierrecl ro iri thiçarticle,tlicCornmittee \vil1trriiisfer
to thc Irliriistrof ttic 'Trcasury and l'ziblicCredit (Ministeriu de
fIaçiendii 37Cr6dito Yfibfco)in n detaileciinventory and with the iiiler-
vention of the Tribunal and CornptroIlership of Accounts (Tribunaty
CuritralorIa dc Ctrertias) its:irchives. ~qiiiprnent and other working
Article m.-Tlie present decrcc \viUconie into force oii the day of

its pu blicatioii in the OfficiaiJotrrriai(Diario Oficia!).
Pas to the Excciitive Body for its piihlicatioriand fuIfilmci-it.

Givcii inthe Palace of the LeE=islntivebody :inGuatemala, o~i the
thirty-frrst uf October, one ihomand ninc hiiridred aitiIfarts-niric,
tlic sixtb ye:ir of the Revoltition.

'J'ltatfor the fuII and due applicatiori uf dccree ~iuniher630 oftiie
Congrcsçand its ameniirncnt, it is conveniontto lengtlien ttie tcnn
cotitcmpkated in Article I of the said law, ';Ofhat the assets (yatri-
monio) of encmy nationality may LE liquidatd as souri as possitlc ;

That, inordcrthat war afiairsmay bcspcedily settled,itis ccinvenicnt
to determine what appei~b ngainst rhe deusions issueci by ttic Corn- tnttee for the SettieirieiinfiVarAffairs {Juiita Liquidadora de Asuritos
deGtierra) are in progress ;

Tiiat, in order to dererrnirteas esactly as ~iossiblc tlitotal sum of
the assets {patrimonio) of enerny iiütioiiality, it isprocriedir~g to draw

up the corrcsporidirtgii~vcntories :

U~ca~~ls :

The foHowing a1ter:itiuns tcitlic Law ior the 5ettlerncnt uf\frar
Affiiirs(Ley de Liquiclnci6n de Asun torrtlc (;iicrs(d~crees nurnhctr-Ggo
andGligofthe Congrecs oithe Ktpiiblic) : 1.-ArticIc I ofdecree GYg, to rcad as follows : "Gi~atetnal:~
will fix tlicsutn of itt; clnirnçngainst C;crmany anci her sntellitcs, by
rexçon of tixpeiiçes. dritnages. loçses :tnd depi,eciatiort(dafios5; yerjui-
ciris) direct andindirect,tangible anrl intangible, caiised totfie 1Ccpilhliç
hy ils yarticipatioii irthe second ~vorldwar.."

Arlicta z.-<l'o Article 24 of decree Iip is addcd tliefollowirig:

"Article 24.-J iidgmen ts or proceediiigs institutcri or proccecli~ig
rclatiiigto thc assets of persons iticludcdin the "I~rornulgatd r-ists"
("listas proclamadas"), are niil1 arid voit1 ipsopre, unless there Ilas
bcerra previoris dehiiite declaration of exceptiori issucd by competerit
authority in conformity witIi the previous ernergency laws or witli the
prrsent law. provided that the PiibIic Milinistrytirfinisterio Piibliço)
has riut been granted i~iterventian in the said jiidgrnc~itsor procwdings.
"The Strprcmc Court of Justice iç char ed ivithdistribuking widelv
to al1 tliecourts of the Judicial Body (8igailismo Judiciiil)the fui1
nominal Iists of assets ancl perçons stibject toexpropriation yrweedine
who or whidi have rint as yet heen tcgaI1 cscepted.
"Tlic courts of justice which iiithe uturc do not grant dtie irilcr-
vention to the PubIic Ministry (ljinisteriaPiiblicoj iIItfiejudgments
or prnceeding of any kirid ivhicli iiffecprsoris or iissets suliject to
expropriation, iiifavourof wliom or of whjch no ha1 decisinn of esccp-
tioiiIias been jssued, willcornmi t tbe nffericui culiusion (prevaric:ito)."

A rfic l-Claiise (11) ofhrticlc 31 of decree 630 ici read as follows :
"(ajTo formulate nccordirig to tliccstab1ir;hetlules special proceed-

~BKSiitiotdcr to fix tlisum of tliec\aitilof Gnatemala against Gerrnany
and liesatdlites hy reason ofexpcnxs, darna~cs,lusscs and depreciatioti
(dafius y pcrjrricios)direct and iiidirect. tüngihitand intangible, cituscd
to the Kepiiblic by its participation itith€:sccorid iïrorld %var,and to
proce~d to draw irp tIic in\-entory of ail the rtçseta,du~s and sliarm
(zccio~ics)exl-irolit.iatcfrom Germans."

A rliclc4.-Article 4of decrce ($9 to redd 2sfollows :
"ArticIe 4.-Artiçlc 30 of decree 630 of tiic Congress to rcad as
ioltows : :I'INE'ïES TO 1,IECH'TllSÇTEIY 1IETICiKI.41,(SU. ~f>),
Artide 30.-A Cornmittee for thc Settlcinerit of \Var Affairs (Jrinta
de Liqt~idaciOn de Asuritos ilcGn~ri-a)is set up,to consistof tliefollowirig
mmhers : tivoclelegatesof thc Triburialand i:omlitrollershipof Accoiints
(Tribuiial y Coritrüloria de Cilentas), one of whorn, as designatcd by
tlte samc Tribunal, will he noiriiiiaied x Prcsident ; one .(iclcgatc

reyireseritirithe Corigressof tiic liepublic ; one delegatc oithe hionetary
Coinmittee (Junta Monetaria) ; arid ~Irree deIegates of the Execritive
desigtiatcclat a rncetirig ol Ilie Coiiiicil of klinisrers (Corisejdc Minis-
tros). 'l'hlCongress \vil1 ahu riorrtiriala siihstitiite for tiieir deleg:ite,
in caçe nf t~_uipvra~yabserice.
"Tlicrricrrihers of the Conimitt~e will hc rentiiricratccl;iccur<tng tu
the sysrernof papeiit of ~alary bu tiic day : they \vil! fuliil theioffice
arEholaov~nw z hen ihcy are public en-iployeesor lu~ictiotiariesrcrnirricrated
fur ;iricitIireasosc.
'The delegaie riurriiriatcrlas IJresident by die Tribtitinl and Conip-
ti*ok\ersliiof Accvunts rt'rihunaly Contraloriri dc Cucritasj ischarged
ivith tlicsummoiiiiig of the Corrirriittccforits firstsession, ii-agreement
mit11 the EXCÇUE~V wCi,lii~i Iifteeii daysof the publicatioii of this laiv.
III tltat first sessionhe ivill iubmii for di~cuss~o~o yrri-ojccted rulcs arid
replations for the government of tkica~tivities of the Corninittee in
conformit? witlttliisdecrec; the rulcs aridregirlatiniis intistbckpproved
by the F.xeciriive, tl-iro~~glilie actior-ioftlic Mitiistry oi th 'l'rcasury
(Rlinisicriricle Hacieiidaj and publishfit.ili the OfficiaiJouriial (Iliario
Ohcial).' "

..lrlic/5.-CIarisc {y) ufArticle j of decrcc 689 io rcad asiollows :

"IR) To subniit for thc approval ofCorigr~ss by the grst of Janiinry,
~gg~, atthe latest, the duly dricirinei~ted~~ü~erricrim t ade ircuriiorriiity
with tlic prcceding clmw." .
Article 6.-Article 32 of rlecrcc 630 tu read ,?cfollows:

"Articlc 32. --IIIorder that tlie starenicnt reierred to in clniise [g)
of trie yrecediiig article rnay lie mure firllydocirinented, tlie Cornmittee
will rnnsiilt artd obtaiti tiic opii-iiorof the 31iriistr-ieosf thc Trcasury
arid Public Credit (Illiiiisteride 1-facienda y C~éilitoPiibIicoJ and
of External Relations (Rc1;tcione.i F:xteriort.s),aiid forthis purpose
the file will be sent by turi1 for the masiniu~n tcrrriof 20 days to eacIt
Mirlistry. Nevertliel~ss, eveti if iiic opitiion of thc said Ir.iii-ti5triecis
lacking, not Iiavirig hccri announced in tirne, the Comrriittce wilI
pronounce ils deciçiori witliiii trie term indicaicd by tliis Iaw, accorri-
pr~yirig itwith the relevaritdocurricriis ;the jirdpnent:will Lieaniioiincd
according in n siriipIc iiiajority of votes."

Article 7.-:\rticlc 33 of decree h~o, tu read as follnws :
LArticle 33.-Persoiis of ~urttcrnulari iiatiaiiality Iiavjri~ clnirns
against the crierriy iricuriformity with hrticlc 2 will prescn! tiierrtlu

tlieCornmittee, acc~mpanied by the respctive justihcatory docurnents,
ifthey possess tbem. 1i there is cvide~ict:tobe rcndcrcd, LiieCornmittee
wili appoiril for the iiiterestcd partics a term cifa moni IIatthe nimi,
or of thr-eemontlis if thc cvidence is to ht! ohtained from übroad, iri
wiiicli they sliall produce it, and wilI inionri the Public: Xlinistrq-
(33iriisterio Piihlicnj. When tiic tcriiilias espïred anci tlie e~idence
h;ls heen collccted, çopicç wili he yent iri turn for ttn clays iri caçticrise t.o the hfi~iistq 01 Exterilal Relations (Ministerio dc Relacioiicç
Extcriorcs), to that of the Timaçury and Public Creclit {de Hacienrl;t
y Créditn l'riblico) atito tlieProcurator-General tifthe Xatioii (Pro-
curador gcrieral de Ia NaciOn), ürid sukqiieiitly a decisiun will Iic
anritiuriccd in confurinity witii clailse (h) of Artidc gr. Di~ritig the
respective term, tlie iritercstcui part y miist propose anri retidcr expert
proof to fix the siin-of his clairri; tlic esyxrts will be nominated :
oiie by the claimaiit, ariotlieby- the Priblir31iriisiry(hliriiçterioT'iihlic,}
arid the third I>y trie Cornmittee, in cxise of disagreenicrit. For thc
purpnses of clairns in marks, tIic cscliarige rntewiI1 he fiscd üt twetiiy
mtntict.ude yrddzul (Q. o.zoj per mark. l'lie coniniittee will be ernywivered
tu proceed oficially in casc of defatilt hy tlie iritercsted pi1-ties or
by tlie offices oficia1Iy intervcriing, so tliat the proceedirigs rnay tic
coiiiinüed arid ter-mitiated a5 quickly as possible. Iii rnnserliience,
rvhen the notifiat iorisor cori+espoiidingIiearirigs hüvc lnpssd ivithoirt
Iiaving heri conipleteri, tlie Coniinittcc will ctinsider tkern tn hart:
been rcrioirriçcdand will order tlic proçecttirigsto he siispnrlcd wlicri-
er-er tiie issiie arises. For thc .piirpnses nf tliij arliclc. lepl cvideiice
alone will bc admissible.
"SIic fullowirigal-ipealç are applicable agaiiist tlie clecisions issued
b!; the Comrnittee in r.espct of the clairnsto wfiicli thiu article refer.::

r.-Of repeal in respect of orclerscoriccrii& with proceedirigs alont: ;
?.Ai rcstoratinii. c1;trificdiiori and an~pIification in resyiect oi
yroceeding ;:ind
3.4f clarificatioii arid aiiiplificüliori iri i-espect of a final deciçioii.
Apu1.L irurri tliese rrppeals, no ot1ier ap~ical will be admit ted." .

.-irlicl8.-:irticle 34 of decree 630 to read asfolIo\\? :

"Article ~+-O~CC th" Conifnittee Iias Geternlined tliat the clairn
is according to larvand Iias fiscd thc sirni of the dairn, lliisum will
lx accoiinted for for the piirposcs of Article 31, ciause (j), of the
pre~*t'riltair., ririt will pass htli decisii,iisto the Minisiru of the
Trcasury and 1'iibIicCredi~(bliri eritde Hacienda y Crf dito Piliblicoj.
"Once tlie decisinn determiiiirigail Itic ckaiinç refei-rto by Article 2
of tlic Iiiw Iiavc been fiiially rericlied, rind tlie total suiri of tlie catile
estabiislted, tlic Ministry of the Treasury (hliriisieriu de Hacienda)
willnnuke the rcs~ieçtivi: yayrnei-its, contixting for tIiat piirpoçc a
public debt guaratiteeil h!; i~pto five lier'cent of tlie gross annri;il
ii-icorncof ~hc National Estates (Fincas Saciorialcs} lor n period not
escediiig five ycars.
"The XTiriistr-yf the ?'re;s~siiyhli~iistcride Hacienda) \vil1transmit
to the Ctirigrcesof tlie Repirt>lic ;L projcct for a laiv cstitbIishing this
dehl, ivillii sisîy days folll-iwiiig the establishirig of the total sun~
of the clnirnqto iihicf;tIiis articlercfers."

/Idiclc 9.-Ariicle 41 of (iecree 530, to rearl :isioltows :
"Article qr. --Tlie I1rticurattir (Prociiradur) is hurid to presctit
bcfore the 'TrihiirtalestiiMisiied for ttie ScItlemen t of Ilisputes agairiçt
tlie ildinitiisti;ition {Tribrinal dc Io Ctiri~ciiciom-Administradiit divo)

before tIie siipreme Court of Jiistice, when riçcessary, appeals against
tlie decisioi~s iss~ied hy the Miriisry ol the Treasury (Ministerio de
Hacieida) alid ilte Trihiirinl estrtbliçl~ccifttic Settlemcnt ofDisputesiigaiiisthc Adrriiriistration{Triliuiialdc IoCrintenciow-Administrative),
when itie said decisions arc: iiiniiy w;iy to the disadvalitage of the
intercsts of thc State.
"He will Liecqually botiiid to prcsciit nll the appenls recognized by
this laff to the Cornmittee for tlie tjettlerricrit of Wnr Affairs {Ju~~K
de Liquidaci611dc I\çuntos de Guerra), in respect of decisions issued
hy rhe latter coritrary tothe interest<ofthc Çtatc :and al1the cxcoptiriris

aiid appm"b instituted by tliis law and by the ordinary lüws irithe
jiidpents and proccedings whicli map he instituted iii the courts
nf justice of the Kepuhlic ivhich inaiiy way affect the assets (liatri-
moiiio} of prsoris subject to expropriation in wliose favuiir 110 final
decisiori lias yet been içsiied z establishcd by the prcseiit decree.
"7'Iic Procnrat or (Procurador) will he directly responsihle for the
carrying out of this article liefore the law."

drticle JO.---'I'hepresent decree will corne iiito force oii the day
fnllowing its publicatioii iiittte Oficial jourriai (Diario Oficial}.
Pass to the Executivc Body for its pirhlication and fiilfilment.

Givezi iri ilic Palace of tlic LegisLatir-eBody : iriGuatemala, the
çecoridof October, one thou-nd nine Iiuiidred and ftfty, the sixth
year nf the Reuolution.

M.'~IIC AO. \'ILL.%YAR C.,

Kational 1';iIace : Ciuateniala, sis th ofOciober, one thoitsürid nine
hiindred and fifty.

kt it be publislied and fulhlled.

The SIinisterof thc 'Treasisriyncl l>ubiicCredit(hfiriistrode 1Iacienda
y Crkditu Piihlico), A. P~riit~n.

'FheMinisterof Ex ternal Relations (Ministre de Relaciooes Ex teriores),
1. C;onznr.~i!AR t:v;\r.o. P
'I'lianotwi thstandin tge resoluijon approved by tliisBody (Orga-
nisrno) oritlieIjtii ofMay, 1950,coiicerning the rcqucst forinterpretntioii
of nirticles r7 and 18of thc decr~ ofthe coi~grcss riumher 630, prcscntcd
by the Public Xinistry (MinisterioPiiblico), Article IS of the cuilcction
of laws referrec1 trilias contiiiuetltrihe applid iricorrcctly;

1Iiat for ilic correct zpplication of tliedecr~e of thr congress nilm-
ibcr 530 aiid for the bcttcr dcfcnc~of riaiionalinterestu, it ncccssary to
intcirpretthe sense and srope of Article 13oi the d~cree referretlto;

Article 1.-Article 18 of the decree of tlic corigrcss ~iurnbe,r630
ap..ies aiike tu corporations arid to private pcrsons.
-4rticle2.- -The present clecree will corne i~ito forcc or1 the day of
its piihlication in tiic OficiaI Joui-na1 (Diario Oficii~ll).

Pass to the Executive Body (Orgartisnio fijecutivo) for publication

Criveiiin the Palace oi thc Legislative Body (0rganic;rno I,egislativu),
in Giiatcmala, ori the twerity-third of May one thoiisancl nine hundred
;ind fifty-one, seventh yiar of the Kevoltitiori.

Xatioi-ialPalace : Gw~ternüla, twenty-fourth nf May on? tliousarirl
ninc Iiuridredand fifty-one.

Let it he publishcd and fulfillcd,A~iiii<sz.-The MinLiter of C2wcrri-
merit {S nistro de G~)b~r~~a~ii)n ),AMIRD ORI)ONI.I :ZANI.IGU~I.

Document Long Title

Memorial submitted by the Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein
