Letter dated 30 January 2004 from the Ambassador of The Sudan to the Netherlands, together with the Written Statement of The Government of The Sudan

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Courinternationalede Justice
l Enregistréau Greffe le
.ternationaCO~ of mi3 3 + N ,2004 /2
Filedinthe Registryo:
-- - - ---

The Hague

LaanCovanCattenbu1,25EWTheHag,heNetherlands Tel85002797Fax:70-3617975



ThePresident of the International Court of Justice


The Hague, 30 January 2004


Upon instruction of my governmentand in accordance with the statute
of the Court and its Order of 19 December 2003 (General list No 13l), 1

have the honour to enclose herewith a written statement on the position of
the Governrnentof the Sudan on the illegality ofthe construction of a wall in

the occupiedPalestinian Territoryby Israel.
Please accept my highest consideration,


AbuelgasimA Idris
Ambassadorof The Sudanto TheNetherlands /


LaanCovan Cattech,25EWThe Hague,The Netherland607007972ax:70-3617975

Statementof The Government of The Sudan to the ICJ
on the construction of a wall by Israel in The Occupied Palestinian Territory

The Government of The Sudan objects to the construction of the wall
being built by Israel in the occupied Palestinian Territory including in

and around East Jerusalem, for the following reasons:
First, the construction of the wall is in clear violation of

recognized principles of International Law and of the obligations and
responsibilities of an occupying power under International
Humanitarian Law.

Second, while Israel claims the wall is intended for security
reasons, however its action is neither " proportionate" nor 6<
necessary" within the criteria and measures accepted by I.H.L,

including its construction of the wall inside the occupied territories.
The wall, as such, can only be seen as intended to annex an occupied

territory, and in a minimum, to prejudge a final resolution to the
conflict based on UN resolutions. It also interferes with territorial
sovereignty and the inalienable right for self- determination of the

Palestinian People, in violation of International Law.
Third, It clearly violates al1relevant UN resolutions and actions
including, inter alia, the armistice line of 1949 and subsequent

resolutions embodied in UN GeneralAssembly Resolution
(AIRESIES-1011 4 of 8 December 2003). It fùrther threatens

international peace and security and hinders efforts by the
International Community to achieve a lasting solution to the conflict.
Fourth, The report of the UN Secretary General (AIES-101248of

24thNovember 2003) clearly states that Israel has not complied with
the demand stated in Resolution ES- 1011 3 that it" stop and reverse
the construction of the wall in the occupied Palestinian Territory,

including in and around East Jenisalem, which is in departure of the
Armistice line of 1949and is in contradiction to relevant provisions of /

The Hague
LaanCopevanCattenburc8h1,2585EWThe Hague,The Neth0.:053070-427972ax:70-3617975

Fifth, As The UN Secretary General's report clearly evidence, the
Barrier has severe negative humanitarian and socio-economic impact

on the occupied Palestinian population, in violation of Israel's
obligations under International Humanitarian Law and International

HumanRights Law.
Sixth, Any attempts by any country to distance itself from its

obligations to respect International Humanitarian Law including the
Geneva Conventions, which are universal and embody recognized

principles of Customary International Law, are unacceptable.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Letter dated 30 January 2004 from the Ambassador of The Sudan to the Netherlands, together with the Written Statement of The Government of The Sudan
