(ROYAUME-UC.IRAN)Al1 rights reserved by the
International Courtof Justice
Tous droits réservés par la
.Courinternationale de Justice This volume should be quoted as :
I.C.J. PZeadings, Alzglo-Ira~zianOil Co. Case (Unite Kdingdom
v. Irart)
Le présent volume doit êtrecité comme suit :
C. 1. J. 1MémotresA,Qnirede l'~n~lo-~runianOil Co. (Royazc~ne-Ufii
--.,- ... . .---
26th May, 1951.
1have the honour to rcfer tothe declaration made by the United
Kingdom and by Iran accepting the Optional Clause provided
for in Article 36 (2)of the Statute of the International Court of
Justice, and, under the jurisdiction thereby conferred upon the
Court, to submit, in accordance with Article 40 (1) of the Statute
and Article 32 (2) of the Rules of the Court, an Application insti-
tuting prûceedings in the name of the Government of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland against the
Imperid Government of Iran in the following case :
SIorgmcw 01 2. On ,the 29th April, 1933, a Convention (a copy of which,
containing nlso an English translation prepared for the use of the
Company-, is annexed to this Application as Annex Al) was con-
cluded between the Imperia1 Government of Persia (now the Im-
ycrid Govcriirricrii of Irari) miil ilic Anglu-Pcrsia~i Oil Cornpaiiy,
Liniitcd [now the A~iglo-Iranian ClilLoinpaliy, Limitccl), a cornpaiiy
incorporattd in the United Kingdom. This Conventioa (licreiilafrer
clcscribed as the Convention), after being ratified by the Persian
BTajlisari the 23th May, 793.3, and rifter receiving the Trnperial
Asscrit ori Lhc zgtli M;ly, Tc)33,i;;irneirito forti,rithe 29th May.
15333.In Articlc I of the C&nvciition tlic Inipcrial Covcranicnt: of
l'ersia grailted to thc Loiiipany "le droit cxclusif, .dans lc territoire
de1:iConce5sion[which was defineciin Article 2 of thc Conventiori].
da reclierçlier et 11'~xtr:iirll:e pGtrilinsi cpide raffiner(iitraiter
dc toute autrc ~nanihrc et rcridrc Iirolirc I)olIr le cr.irliriicrcele
petrolc obtei-ipar cllc". Tlic Coinpsriy wss slso graiitcd, through-
wt Persia, "le droit non cxclusif de transporter le pétrole, de le
raffiner ou traiter de toute autre manière et de le rendre propre
pour le commerce, ainsi que de le vendre en Perse et l'exporter".
In Adide 26 of the Convention it was provided that "Cette Conces-
sion est octroyée à la Compagnie pour la période commençant le
jour de son entrée en vigueur et expirant le 31 décembre 1993.
"Avant la date du 31 décembre 1993 ,ette Concession ne pourra
prendre fin que dans le cas où Ia Compagnie renoncerait à la Conces-
JortrwaforAugust-December,1933.sAnnexr1467.nthe Leaguc of NatioOficial 9 APPLICATION 1NSi'~I'U'iINC PXOÇEIIUINCS (26 V 51)
sion (art. 25) oii daris le cas oii le trihiinil arbitral' déclarerait
aiinu1i.e la Conccssioii par siiite de fiilitl: de litCumptignie d;iris
1'cxCcutiondc la présctiteCotivcritio~i.
"Se scroiit coiisidCrCscoiriiiic faiilcs dans ce seris (lue les cas
suivants :
a) si une somme quelconque, allouée à la Perse par le tribunal
arbitral, n'a pas étépayéedans le délaid'un mois à compter
de la sentence ;
bJ si la liquidation volontaire ou forcéede la Compagnie est
"En tous autres cas d'infraction à la présente Convention par
l'une ou l'autre partie, le tribunal arbitral fixera les responsabilités
et en déterminera les conséquences ...."
In Article 21 of the Convention it was provided that "Les parties
contmctantes déclarentbaser l'exécutionde la présenteConvention
sur les principes réciproques de bonne volonté et de bonne foi
ainsi que sur une interprétation raisonnable de cette Convention" ;
ais0 that "Cette Concession ne sera pas annulée par le Gouverne-
ment et les dispositions y contenues ne seront altéréesni par une
législationgénérale ou spécialefuture, ni par des mesures administra-
tives ou tous autres actes quelconques des autorités exécutives."
In Article 22 of the Convention it was provided that "tom
différendsde nature quelconque entre les parties" should be settled
by arbitration ;that the party requesting arbitration should notify
the other party in writing ;that each of the parties should appoint
an arbitrator and tliat the two arbitrators, before proceedirig to
arbitratioii,slioiild aliliriirit ari umpirIt was also provided iii the
same artide that, iii thc cvciit ofa failiirr tu agree within two month
rirthe prson of the uiiipire, the lattcr slioiild be numiri;rtecl, :~tthe
reili~wLof either of the parties, by thc Prcsiderit uf tlie Peririaiieiil
Coiirt 4jiTriterriational Justice ;that, if oiie of tlie 1i;irlics ilid noi
appoint ils arliilrÿtor or ~lirliiot :idvisethe otlicr parly ofils aplioùit-
ment. ïvithiii sixty days ofliaviiig reçeivrd notification ofthe request
frir sirbitration, the othcr party shoiilil 1i:ivethe right to recluest
tlie Pwsident of the l'crinaneiit Coiirt of 1riternation;iI justice to
iioriiiriat;L sole tirbitrator; that tlic proce~liirt: of ;~rhitr:ltinn
should bc tliat followcd. at llic tirne of the arbitration, by the Per-
manent Court of International Justice ; and that the award shodd
be based on the juridical principles contained in Article 38 of the
Statutes of the Permanent Court of International Justice.
3. The effect of Article 22 of the Convention was thereby to
exclude from the jurisdiction of the Persian courts "tous différends
de nature quelconque entre les parties" and to make the form of
arbitration laid down in that article the exclusive legal remedy
open to either party in the event of such differences arising between
See .%nicle2 of the Convention, discussed below. IO APPISCATION INSTITUTINC YI<OÇEEr)lNG( S26 V 51)
4. 011 the 15th March, rggr, :mrl LIIC 20th Marçli. 1951 ',the
Iratiiaii hlajlis and the 1r:iriiari Scriatc rcspectively approvcd a
Singlr ,Article r.niinci:ltirig Lhc pririciple of thc iiatiorializatioii of
the riiliridiistry in Iran,and this SingleArticle subse~lueiitlyrecrived
the Imperia1 assent, dated the 1st May, 19j1. On the 26th April,
19jr, the Majlis Oil Cornmittee prepared a Bill (resolution) "for
carrying out oil nationalization" and this Bill was passed by the
Majh on the 28th April, 1951. On the same day (28th April, 1951).
the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited, protested against the
proposed action to the Imperial Government of Iran without effect.
(A copy of this protest is filed as Annex B to this Application.)
The Bill rrraspassed by the Senate on the 30th April, 1951, and it
then received the Imperial asscnt, dated the 1st May, 1951. This
Act (hereinafter referred to as the Iranian Oil Nationalization Act
of the 1st May, 1951, and a translation of which into English k
filed as Annex C to this Application) involves the establishment of
a "mixed Board composed of five Senators and five Deputies,
elected by each of the two Houses, and of the Minister of inance
or his deputy" (Article 1). It also obliges the Imperial Government
of Iran "to dispossess at once the former Anglo-Iranian Oil Company
under the supervision of the mixcd Board" (Article 2). The Act
further states that : "Whereas, with effect from the 29th Isfand
'1329 (20th March, ~gjx), when nationalization of the oil industry
was sanctioned also by the Senate, the entire revenue derived from
oil and its products is indisputably due to the Persian nation, the
Government is bound to audit the Company's accounts under the
supervision of thc mixcd Board, which must also closely supervise
exploitation as from the date of the implcrricntition of this laiv
until ttic :11)1ioiritrncrt1 an cxccutivc body." (Article 4.)
j. On the 8th May, 1g51, bklieving thnt the Irtinian Oil Natioii-
alization Act of the 1st May; rggr, ;imouiit.ed.or1the part of Iran.
tu ;iunil;iter;~l;mniilrnent. or altcratinri of tlic tcrtiis, of 1:hcCon-
v~~itio~c iontr;iry to tlic cxprcss tcrrns of Articles 21 ariil zGof the
Convention, wliicli had bccii ratiricd by the Majlis, tlic Ariglo-
IraniruiOiiCoriipariy, Liniited, which had, asindicatrd in paragra~h4
'abriva, protestrd ;igaiiist the pro1iirserl:~ctioriwilliout effect, hled
a notice requesting that its difference ivith the Imperial Government
of Iran be submitted to arbitration, in accordance with the terms
of Artide 22 of the Convention. (A copy of this notice is filed as
Annex D to this Application.)
6. On the 20th May, 1951, the Iranian Minister of Finance
' In the I~nperial assent to the Iranian Oil XationaliratAct, dated the
1st X~J:.1951, the17th Dlarch,1951, is givenasthe date ofthe Single Article.
This wa5 in fvct the daton which the Scnate Standing Committces on Farci,-
-4ffairand Finance reachcdagreement on the Single >\rticle.II .~~~LICM'IOX INSTITUTING PROCEEDINGS (26 v 51)
iurote a Icltcr to "Mr. Rrpresentative of the foriiier Atiglo-1r;uii;in
Oil Loiiipaiiy" (a trnrislalion of ahich iiito Eiiglish is filcd ~5
Aiiiicx E to this hli~ilic;~tiori) in which it was stated that "The
ri:itiunalizatioii of the oil riot sul~jrct to arbitration.
and no international authority is qualified to investigate this
marter" : and also that "The Persian Government in the present
circumstanccs has no other duty except the enforccment of the
above-mentioned law, and does not agree whatsoever with the
contents of the letter of the former oil company regarding reference
to arbiiration". The Minister of Finance underlincd the deter-
mination of the Imperial Government of Iran to reject a settlement
by arbitration by inviting "the former oil company" to appoint
reprcsentatives with a vie\\. to implementing the nationalization
law. It is plain from the terms of the Minister of Finance's letter
that the position of the Imperial Government of Iran is that the
execution of the Iranian Oil Nationalization Act of the 1st May,
rgjr, is to proceed and that there is no remedy to which the Com-
pany can have recourse in order to arrest its execution. Aiter
receiving and considering this letter, the Anglo-Iranian Oil Com-
pany, Limited, despatched a communication to the President of
the Court requesting him, in accordance with paragraph (d) of
Article 22 of the Convention, toappoint a sole arbitrator to decide
the disvute between the Com~anv .nd Ahe Imvenal Government
of han.
7. An attempt has also heen made to reach a frienùly settlement
between the Imperial Government of Iran and the Government of
thc United ICingdom through thc diplornatic chaniiel. On thc
19th May, 19.51 H,is Hritaiiiiic Ifajcsty's Arrili;~ss;~irn 'Cehran
delivcrcil a note to the Iinperial Guvcriiriicrit of Iran expressing
tbr holie tli;~l tlic 11rol)lemcould br solvcd by iicgotiatioii Li1ttii?
s;itisfaction of al1curiccrrictl;~ndoffrring, on behalf of thc Govcrri-
mcrit of the United ICirigdorri,to scrid ;L mission forthn7itli to
Tchren to discuss tlic tcrtns of a ricw agreement. (A copp of this
notc is iilrd as Aiiiicx F to this Applicaliori.) A rc~ilyto this note
hns iioi y1.1I~ccnrecrivrd froiii the Iiiiperial Govcrtiriiciiof Irxn,
liiit. iiistcod a furtlicr lcltcr, ;~ddrrsïrd hy the Iranian Ministcr uf
Firiance to "Mr. Kcpreseritati\~c of tlic former Anglo-Jraninn Oil
Coiiipany;", was delivered on the 24th May, 19j1. Iri this letter
(a translation of which into English is filcd as Annex G to this
Application) the Minister of Finance stated that, if the Company's
reprejentatives did not attend within six days, the Imperial Govern-
ment of Iran would proceed to implement the nationalization la\%..
It vould appear, therefore, to the Government of the United King-
dom that the Imperial Government of Iran are not responding to
the request of the .Government of the United Kingdom that the
problem should be settled by negotiation.
' le Annex E, p. 40,footnote r, and Part IV. Correspondence12 APPLICATION INSTITUTIZG PKOCEEDINGS (26 V 51)
8. This atlcrript to rcach a friendly settlcrricrit through direct
nii~uiiaiioiisbctwccii the two Governrricritsliavirig-provcd abortive,
tlicrc noiv cxists a dispute l)i:tuv+entlic Itri]icrial Goverlimerit of
Iran and the Government. of tlic Uriitcd Kiiigdom-a dispute wliich
the Government of the United Kingdom have deemed appropnate
to submit to the Court.
9. The Governmcnt of the United Kingdom in submitting this
dispute to the Court claim that :-
{a) The Imperial Goveniment of Iran are not entitled to refuse
to submit the dispute between themselves and the Anglo-
Iranian Oil Company, Limited, to arbitration, as procided
for in Article22 of the Convention concluded in 1933 between
the Imperial Government of Persia and the Anglo-Persian
Oil Company, Limited ;
(b) By the terms of the Iranian Oil Kationalization Act of the
1st Rlay, 1951, the Imperial Government of Iran haxre
purported to effect a unilateral annulment, or alteration of
the terms, of the Convention concluded in 1933 between the
Imperial Government of Persia and the Anglo-Persian Oil
Company, Limited, contrary to the express terms of Arti-
cles zr and 26 of that Convention;
{cj In so purporting to effect a unilateral annulment, or alter-
ation of the terms, of the Convention concluded in 1933
between the Imperial Government of Persia and the Anglo-
Persian Oil Company, Limited, contrary to the express ternis
of Articles21 and 26 of that Convention, the Imperial Govcrn-
rncrit(ifIraii Iiavc thereby ciimrnitletl a wroiig agaiiist tlii:
4nglo-Iraiiiaii Oil Conip;iny, T.iiriitcd, a British natiurial :
(d) In rcjcctiiig arbitration, the rncaiis providcd by Article 22
of the Conventiori for scttliiig "tous différends de rialure
r~iidlçoriili~~ctitrcIcs parties", idter tlic Atig1o:Iraiiian Oil
Cntril>aiiy,Liiiiitcd, had fileil a tioticc iri writiiig reqlirstirig
orl>itr.~tioii,iii accortl;irice witli thc ~irovisioiisof that iirtiçlc,
the Iiiiperial Goverrirncnt of Iraii have denied, or are ;~llcinpt-
ing to deny, to tlic Coinpaiiy the exclusive lepl rcniedy
expressly ~irovidcdfor in the Ciiriveritioti;
(ej Ili piirportiiig uiiilater;illy to ;~ritiul,or alter the (if,Lhc
Convention with the Corripatiy,and in denying, or iriitlempt-
ing to deny, to the Company the exclusive legal remedy
expressly provided for in the Convention, the Impcrial
Government of Iran have been, or will, if they persist in
the denial of this remedy, be responsible for a denial of
justice against a British national ;
(/) By their conduct as set forth in (b) to (e) above, the Imperial
Government of Iran have thereby treated a British national
in a manner not in accordance with the pnnciples of intema-
tional law and have, in consequence, committed an intema-
tional wrong against the Government of the United Kingdom. 13 Ai'l'LICATION TNSTTTUTING PROCEEDINGS (26 V 51)
@ IhC Colcri IO. Trttlte siiliriiissioiisof the Govcrniiiciit oftheUnited 1<ingdom,
ihc Court lias jurisdictioii to determine this dispute hrtween thr
Govcriiineiit of the United Iiiiigdom antl the 1rnperi;ll Govcrrirne~it
of Ir;in for the rr;iïori thatisa dispiitc çovcrcd I-rytlic tcrinsof the
declaration, deposited with the Secretariat of the League of Nations
on the 19th September, 1932,in which the Imperial Government of
Persia accepted the jurisdiction of the Permanent Court of Inter-
national Justice in conformity with Article 36 (2) of the Statute of
that Court. By the terms of that declaration, the Imperial Govern-
ment of Iran are bound to accept, on the basis of reciprocity, vis-à-
vis any other govemment, the jurisdiction of the Court, "sur tous
les différendsqui s'élèveraientaprès la ratification de la préxnte
déclaration, au sujet de situations ou de faits ayant directement ou
indirectement trait à l'application des traités ou conventions accep-
téspar la Perse et postérieurs à la ratification de cette déclaration.
exception faite pour :
a) Les différends ayant trait au statut territorial de la Perse,
y compris ceux relatifs à ses droits de souverainetésur ses iles
et ports ;
6) Les différendsau sujet desquels les parties auraient con\-enu
ou conviendraient d'avoir recours à un autre mode de règle-
ment pacifique ;
G) Les différends relatifs à des questions qui, d'après le droit
international, relèveraient exclusivement de la juridiction de
la Perse."
II. In the submissioiis of the Goveriimeiit ofthe United Kingdr)m.
this dispute between the Govarnment of ttie United Kingdom and
the Imperia1 Government uf Iran is a (lisliutc covcrcd by the terrns
of the decl;ir;ition. depositctl by tlic Impcrial Govcriiiiieiit of Persia
witli flie Secretariat of the Lcague of Nations on the 19th Septem-
bcr, 1932. bccause
(a) '1-hedispute has nrisrn ";ipr&s1;1r;itification (lc la prkcntc
dklaration" (paragrapti rz below).
(b) The dispute is "a11sujct dc situations ou dc faits ayant direc-
tement oii iridircctcrnctit traià l'application des trait& ou
conventions acceptéspar la Perse" (paragraph 13 liehiw).
(E)The dispute is "au sujet de situations ou de faits" which are
"postérieursàlaratification decette déclaration" (paragraph 12
(d) The exceptions set forth in the aforesaid declaration are not
applicable to the present case. In particular, the question
whether or not a State has committed a breach of an intèr-
national obligation is not, and cannot be,a question exclusivelj:
within the domestic jurisdiction of that State. 12. The dispute is ;Idispiilc wliicli has arisen ";ipr&s la raiiï-
cation de la ~>rEscritcilCclaration" (19th Saptcrribcr. 1932), and is
al50 ;idis~iiitc"au sujet de situations oii de faits" which are "pmttr.
rieurs h h ratification de cette dbdaratiori" (xgth Septomber. 1932)
in that both the dispute and the facts out of which it arises are ail
consequences of and subsequent to the Iranian Oil Nationalization
Act of the 1st May, 1951.
13. The "traités ou conventions acceptés par la Perse", which
are directly or indirectly involved by the situations and facts out
of which the dispute anses, are of two kinds :
(la)First, there are certain treaties and conventions by which
Iran is obliged to accord to British nationals the same treat-
ment as that accorded to nationals of the most favoured
nation, and there arc also certain other treaties and conyen-
tions, by which Iran is obliged to treat the nationals of other
States in accordance with the principles of international
laur (paragraphs 14-1 j belou,).
(b) Secondly, there is a direct treaty obligation between Iran
and the United Kingdom by which Iran is obliged to treat
British nationals in accordance with the principles of inter-
national law (paragraph 17 below).
Further. the Convention concluded in 1933, by which the
Concession was granted, may, having regard to the circumstances
in which it was made, be held to be a "convention" within the
tricaiiiiig of that expressiciri in thc declaratiori iIcliositcd by the
Iriiperial Governmerit of Pcrsia relating to Arliclc 36 (2) of the
Statiite of the Coiirt.
14. The trcatics and converilions obliging Iran tu accord to
British natioiials the same trcatiiicnt as that ;iccor<lcilto iiatioiials
of the most favoured iiatioii (rcferretl to iri Ix~ragraph 13 (a) ;ihrive,)
are :
(u) The Trcaty coiicluded at.Paris bct\z8cciithe Unitt:d Kiiigdom
aiid Pcrsia on the 4th March, 18j7, Article TX of whch
i'cads: "The Higli Ciiritractirig l'arties erigagc that, in the
cstablishiiient and recognition of Consiils-Gcricral, Consuls,
Vice-Consuls, and Consular Agents, each shaU be placed in
the dominions of the other on the footing of the most favoured
nation ; and that the treatment of their respective subjects,
and their trade, shall also, in every respect, be placed on
the footing of the treatment of the subjects and commerce
of the most favoured nation."
(b)The Commercial Convention concluded at Tehran betirreen
the United Kingdom and Persia on the 9th February, 1903,
Article II of which reads: " ...IIest formellcnient stipuléque les sujets et les impor-
tations britanniques en l'erse, ainsi que les sujets persans
et les importations persanes di~ns l'Empire brit;~rinirlue,
continurront i jouir sous toiis les rtrpports do rkgirnt: ilc
la nation la plus favorisée ...."
15. The treaties obliging Iran to treat the nationals of certain
other States in accordancc with the principles of international laiv
(ah referred to in paragraph 13 (a)above) include the following :
(B) The Treaty of Friendship and Establishment coiicluded
at Tehran between Pcrsia and Egypt on the 28th November.
1928, Article 11' of which provides that the subjects ofeach
of the High Contracting Parties shall enjoy "la plus constante
protection et s6curitéquant à leurs personnes, biens, droits
et intérêts,conformément au droit commun international".
(b) The Establishment Convention concluded at Tehran between
Pcrsia and Belgium on the 9th May, 1929, Article 1 of which
provides that "Les ressortissants de chacune des hautes
parties contractantes seront, sur le territoire de l'autre.
reçus et traités, relativement à leur personne et à leurs biens.
conformément au droit commun international. Ils y jouiront
de la plus constante protection des lois et des autorités
territoriales pour leur personne, leurs biens, droits et intérèts."
(cj The Establishment Convention concluded at Tehran between
Persia and Czechoslovakia on the 29th October, 1930,
Article 1 of which provides that "Les ressortissants de chacun
des l?t;~t.s i:ontr;ict;mt.s seront acciieillis et traitbs sur le
Lcrritoirc dc l'aiitrc fit;lt, en cc qui coriccrriclcurs personlies
ct lciirs liicris, d'aprks lcs priiicipcs ct la pratique du droit
coiiiniuri intcriiatiorial. Ils y jouiront de la plus const.;inte
protection des lois et ;~utorit.ksterritori;lles 1)oiirlcurs ~ic~--
ço~iricset pour lcurs bicris, droils cl iritCrets."
(d) Thc Trcaty of Fricridship, Establishriicrit and Coinmerce
coiicludcd at Tchraii hctween l'ersia and Deninark un the
20th k-ebriiary, 1934, Article IV of which pn)vidcs lhot
4LH ressortissarils dc cliacuric ilcs liautcs parties contrac-
Ia~ilcs seront, sur lc tcrritoirc de l'autrc, reçus et traites,
relativement à leurs personnes et à leurs biens, conformément
aus principes et à la pratique du droit commun international.
Ilsy jouiront de la plus constante protection des lois et des
autorités territoriales pour leurs personnes, et pour Leurs
biens, droits et intéretç'."
(8) The Establishment Convention concluded between Persia
and Switzcrland at Berne on the 25th A~ril. 1~14.Ar<-..e 1
of which provides that "Les ressortissants de chacune
des hautes parties contractantes seront accucillis et traités
sur le territoire de l'autre partie, en ce qui concerne leurs16 API'1,ICATIONINSïITU71NÇ YKUCEEUINGS (26 V 51)
persoiincs ct Icurs liicns, d't~prts les principes et la pratique
du droit coininiin iiitertiatioiid. Ils y joiiin)nt rlc la plus
cunstante protectioii des lois ct aut0ritl.s icrritori;iles pour
lc11rs1)crsonnt.Set pour leurs biens, droits ct iritCr&ts."
(i) The Establishment Convention concluded at Tehran between
Persia and Germany on thc 17th February, 1929, Article 1
of which provides that "Les ressortissants de chacun des
Rtats contr?ctants seront accueillis et traités sur le territoire
de l'autre Etat, en ce qui concerne leurs personnes et leurs
biens, d'après les principes et la pratique du droit commun
international. Ils y jouiront de la plus constante protection
des lois et autorités territoriales pour lcurs personnes, et pour
leurs biens, droits et intérets."
(g) The Establishment Convention concluded at Tebran between
Persia and Turkey on the 14th March, 1937,Article 1of which
provides that "Les ressortissants dechacune des hautes parties
contractantes seront, sur le temtoire de l'autre, reçus et
traités, relativement à.leurs personnes et à leurs biens, confor-
mément au droit commun international. Ils y jouiront de la
plus constante protection des lois et des autorités territoriales
pour leurs personnes et leurs biens, droits et intérêts."
(h)The Exchange of Notes between Persia and the United States
constituting a modus vivendi regarding friendly and commer-
cial relations, dated the 14th May, 1928,in which the Acting
Persian Minister for Forcigii Affairs stated that "A tlater du
IO mai 1928,les ressortissants des États-Unis d'Amériqueen
Perse seront admis et traités conformément ailx règles et
pr;rt.iquesdu droit coiniiiuii iiitcriialiorial et sur I;rbase d'iine
1)arf;lite réciprocité."
(ilThe Excliaiigc nf Notes hetween I'ersia aiid tlic Ncthcrlarids
constitiitiiig a rnorlt~snioendi rrgarding friciidsliip aiid cuni-
merce dated the 20th Juiic, 1928,in wtiich the Acting l'ersian
Mi~iistcr for Foreign Afiairs statcd: " ressortiss;i~ils
dcs Pays-Bas sur le territoiredc la Pcrse y seront ;~drnisci
traitCs coiiforrn<irneri;tlux règleset pratiqucs du droit coiriniun
(j) Tlir Exchi~ngeof Notes bctwccn Pcrsi;~tirid Italy, constitut-
irig ;r nzodztsviv~?!,diin inattcrs of cornrnerce ;~ridjurisdictiun
dated the 25th June, 1928,in which the Acting Persian Minis-
ter for Foreign Affairs stated: "Les ressortissants italiens
seront admis et traités sur le temtoire persan conformément
aux règleset pratiques du droit commun international sur la
base d'une parfaite réciprocité."
16. .%sshown in paragraphs 14 and 15 above, Iran has accepted
treaties and conventions binding her to accord to British iiationals
the sarne treatment as that accorded to the nationais of the rnost
favoured nation and has aiso accepted treaties and conventionsI7 APPLICATION INSTITIJTING PROCEEDINGS (26 V 51)
binding her totreat thc iiatioiials of ccrtaiii otlicr States in accord-
arii:c witli the principles of international law. It thcrefore followc,
in tlic suli~tiissioiiof tlie G!)vrrriment.of the United Kingdoin, Lliat
Iran has acccptctl Lrcaties 1)iridiriglier Io tre;it British iiatioiials in
accordance with the principles of international law.
17. As indicated in paragraph 13 (b) above, there also exists
a direct trcaty obligation, binding the Imperia1 Government of
Iran to treat British nationals in accordance with the principles
of international law. This arises out of the fact that in an cxchange
of notes hetween the Imperial Government of Persia and the
Government of the United ICingdom, on the 10th May, 1928,
relating to the abolition of capitulations in Persia, the Imperia1
Government of Persia undertook that henceforth British nationais
in Persia "will be admitted and treated on Persian territory in
conformity with the rules and practice of international law" '.
18. .4s stated in paragraph 9 above, it is the submission of the
Government of the United Kingdom that the Imperial Government
of Iran have treated the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited, a
Britijh national, in a manner which is not in accordance with the
principles of international law. This treatmerit constitutes, on the
part of the Imperial Government of Iran, not only a breach of
the rules of customary international law but also a breach of
treaty obligations accepted bythat Govemnient (seeparagraphs 14-
17 above). with the consequericc that that Government, in accord-
ance with the terms of thcir dcclnratioii. deposited with the
Sccrctariat of the Eeague of Nations on tlic ~gtli September, 1932,
acccptiiig tlie jiirisdiction of the Pcriiiaiiciit Coirrl of Tritcrnatioiid
.JiisLiccin çoriformity with Articlc 36 (2) of the SLal~iteof that
Court, arc Iioiiiicltcisiibmit to the jurisdictioii of tlic International
Court of Justice in tliis caso.
79. For the reasons givcii in paragra~ilis 11-18 abovc. it istlie
suliniissiuri of the Goveriiniciit of tlic IJiiited Kingdorii tlial tlic
Court haç tlic right to rxercise jurisdictioii in Lliis case uiider
,Article 56 (2) of tlic SLaLiiteof the Court, by reasoii of the declara-
tiuri daposittid by tlic Iriipcrial Goverriment of I'ersia witli the
Secretariat of the League of Nations on the 19th September, 1932.
zo. Alternatively, whether or not the Court has the right to
exercise jurisdiction in this case by virtue of the terms of the afore-
said declaration of the Imperial Government of Persia, the,Govern-
ment of the United Icingdom expect that Iran, as a Member of the
United Nations, one of the purposes of which is "to bring about by
' The ocginal texu,asin French and reads asfollow:"seront admis et traités
sur le territoire persan conformémenaux regles et pratiques du droit commun
international". 18 .~YI'LICA'I'IOINSIIIU.L.lC.'CPHOCEE1)INÇS (26 V 51)
~)excrfiilme:lriï, and in cunforniity with the principlcs of justice
aiid intcr~natioiiallaw, acljiislrnciit i)r settlernerit of international
disputcs or sitilaliotis wliicli rriiglit Icad to 1)reacliuf the peace"
(Article r (1) of tlic Charter). ariil tniiiilliil of thc principle that
"legal disputes should as a general rule be referred by the parties
to the International Court of Justice in accordance with the provi-
sions of the Statute of the Court" (Article 36 (3) of the Charter).
\vil1agree to appenr before the Court voluntarily in order to hear
and ansiver on their merits the arguments of the Government of the
United Kingdom. (Forupn prorogatum; Corfu Channel clas6
(Preliminary Objection) ; Judgmeiit of March 25th, 1948-I.C. J.
Reports 1947-1948, page 27.) This course is ali the more incumbent
upon the Imperial Government of Iran since the dispute in a large
measure concerns the Convention concluded on the 29th April.
1933, between the Imperial Government of Persia and the Anglo-
Persian Oil Company, Limited, in which both parties declared that
they base "l'exécution de la présente Convention sur les principes
réciproquesde bonne volonté et de bonne foi".
Vattcrrof rbc Zr. Accordingly, the Government of the United Kingdom açk
ckim the Court to give notice of the present Application to the Imperia1
Government of Iran in accordancewith Article 40 (2)of the Statute
of the Court and, after hearing the contentions of the parties :
(a) To declarc that the Imperial Government of Iran are under
a duty to submit the dispute between themselves and the
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited, to arbitration under
the provisions of Article 22 of Llic Cotivcntiori çciricludcd
on the 29th April, 1933, bctwccti tlic Itnpcrial Covcrriincnt
iiIPersia ;lnd the Anglo-l'ersian Oil Coinpaiiy, Liiiiitcd, and
to scccljt and carry out :rriytrward issiied as a result of wcti
(h) LIltcr~iativcly,
(i) l'o declarc tliat tlic puttirig irito effect of the Iraiiisn
ClilNationalization Act of tlic 1st May, 1951, iii so far
as il piirports to effect a ~iiiilatcralaiiiiultnciit. or alter;i-
tioii of the terrns. of the Convention concliided on tlia
29th April, 1933. between the Imperia1 Government of
Persia and the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, Limited.
contrary to Articles 21 and 26 thereof, would be an act
contrary to international law for which the Imperia1
Government of Iran would beintemationally responsible ;
(ii) To declare that Article 22 of the aforesaid Convention
continues to be legally binding on the Imperial Govern-
ment of Iran and that, by denying to the Anglo-Iranian
Oil Company, Limited, the exclusive legal remedy
provided in Article 22 of the aforesaid Convention,'9 APPLICATION INSTITUTINC I~l<OC~LDlNGS (26 V 51)
the lnipc!ri;bl(;overrirnerit ti;lvi+(:ornrnitte;L (l(!i~ilbf
jiistiçc cciiitr;lry to intcriiatiorial l:w
(iii) '1'0declare that the ;iforesaid Convrritii)ii c;uinot 1;~wfiilly
be ;inniilled, or its trrrns ;~ltrrrrl, by thc 1rnperi;llGovcrii-
ment of Iran, othenvise than as the result of agreement
with the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited, or nnder
the conditions provitled in Article 26 of the Convention ;
(ir-) l'o adjudge that the Imperia1 Government of Iran
should give full satisfaction and indemnity for al1 acts
committed in relation to the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company,
Limited, which are contrary to international law or the
aforesaid Convention, and to determine the manner of
such satisfaction and indemnity.
22. The Goveriiment of the United Kingdom rescrve the right
to request the Court, in accordance with Article 41 of the Statute
of the Court, to indicate any provisional measures which ought
to be taken to protect the rights of the Government of the United
Kingdom that their national, the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company.
Limited. shonld enjoy the nghts to which it is entitled under the
aforesaid Convention.
23. The undersigned has been appointed by the Government
of the Cnited Kingdom as its Agent for the purposes of these
I have the hononr to be, etc.
Lcgal Adviscr to the
For the purpose of establishing a new Concessionto replace that
which \vas granted in 1901 to William Knox D'Arcy, the present
Concession is granted by the Persian Government and accepted by
the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, Limited.
This Concessionshall regulate in the future the relations between
the two parties above mentioned.
The foiiowing definitions of certain terms used in the present
Agreement are applicable for the purposes hereof, without regard
to any different meaning which inay or might be attribiited to
those terms for other purposes :
"The Government" means the Imperia1 Government of
"The Company" means the Anglo-Persitui Oil Cornl)aiiy,
],imiteci, ;ind ;il1its siibordiri:lte ~(ir;lsaiiies
"Tlie Aiigln-Pcrsiaii Oil Corripaiiy. Liiiiitcd" incaiis the
t\ngln-PcrsiaiiOil Coiripaiiy, Liinitcd, or aiiy other body
coipoiatc to which, with the consent of the Guvornmnnt
(Article z6), this Concession inightbe trnnsferretl ;
"Subordin:ite Complriy" meÿris ariy coiripaiiy for wliich
the Cornpaiiy lias tlic rifilit to iioiniiiate dircctly or indirectlg-
niore thaii one-half of the directors, in whicli tlic Corri~sariy
holds, directly or indirectly;rnurnlii?iifsliarcs sufliciciil to
asure it Inore thari 50 per cerit of al1 votirig rights at the
general meetings of such a Company ;
"Petroleum" means crude oil, natural gases, asphalt,
ozokerite, as well as al1 products obtained either from these
substancesorby mixingthcse substances with other substances ;
"Operations of the Company in Persia" means allindustrid.
commercial and technical operations carried on bythe Company
exclusively for the purposes of this Concession.21 ANNEXES TO APPLICATION (A)
Tlie Covcriiiiiciit grants to the Conipany. on the t(!rms of tlrk
Concession, the exclusivi: right, wittiiri tlit? Icrritory of tlic Coriccs-
sion. to search for and extract petroleum as well as to refine or
treat in any other manner and render suitable for commerce the
petroleum obtained by it.
ïhe Government also grants to the Company, throughout Persia,
the non-exclusive right to transport petroleum, to refine or treat
it in any other manner ancl to render it suitable for commerce, as
ir.ell as to sel1 it in Persia and to export it.
Article 2
.4. The territory of the Concession, until December yst, 1938,
chall be the territory to the south of the violet linc drawn on the
map 'signed by both parties and annexed to the present Agreement.
B. The Company is bound, at latest by December pst, 1938, to
select on the territory above mentioned one or several areas of
such chape and such size aiid so situated as the Company may
deem suitable. The total area of the area or areas selected mnst not
excecd one hundred thousand English square miles (1oo.000 square
miles), each linear mile being equivalent to 1,609 metres.
The Company shall notify to the Government in writirig on
December 31st, 1938, or before that date, the area or areas which
it shall have selected as above provided. The maps and data
iicccssary toidrntify :lridrl(:firietlit:;iir;lrcas wliicli tlic Coiripaiiy
shall ha\-t:selectoil sliall I>caltaclicil to cacli notification.
C. After Uecembrr ist, 19138,the Ci~ml>;~riy sliall tio Iniigcr
have the riglit to scarcli for aiid exlrocl pctrolcuiii cxccpt 011the
nrpa or arcas sclccted by it under paragraph H above, ;riid the
Lerritory of the Concession, after that date, sh;hIIme;rri orily ilic
arca or arcas so selected and the selection of which sIi;~llti;ive lice11
iiotihed to the Giivi+rrirncnt;~s;iliovl: ~>roviilcil.
Avticlc 3
The Company shall have the non-exclusive right to cotistruct
and to own pipe-lines. The Company may determinc the position
of its pipe-lines and operate them.
Article 4
4. Any unutilized lands belonging to the Go\~eriimeiit. \\.hich
the Company shall deem necessary for its operations in L'ersiaand
'The map annexed to the original document not reproduced.but inuy be
reicrreto in the archives of the Secretar[of theLeague of Nations].22 ANNEXES TO AYYLLCI\TTON (A)
whicli tlic Govcriitrictit sliail tiot rctliiire for purposcs of public
utility, shall bc liaiidcd ovcr gratuitously to the Company.
'1-hr:maiiner of acqiiiriiig such Iaiidï ï11;ilI hr tlir following:
w?ierir,vcr any land heccrmesriecessary to tlic Ciirriliniiy,it is liiiuntl
to send to the Ministry of Finance a rnap or maps on which thc
land >>-hichthe Company needs shall be shown in colour. The Govern-
ment undertakes, if it has no objection to make, to give its approval
rvithin a period of three months after receipt of the Company's
request. '
B. Lands beloiiging to the Government, of which use is being
mad'e, and which the Company shall need, shall be requested of
the Government in the manner prescribed in the precediiig para-
graph. and the Government, in case it should not itself need these
lands and should have no objection to make, shall give, within a
penod of thrce months, its approval to the sale asked for by the
The pnce of these lands shall be paid by the Company /such
pnce must be reasonable and riot exceed the current pricc of lands
of the same kind and utilized in the same manner in the district.
C. In the absence of a reply from the Government to requests
under paragraphs A and B above, after the expiry of two months
from the date of receipt of the said requests, a reminder shall bc
sent by the Company to the Government ; should the Government
fail to reply to such reminder within a period of one month, its
silence shaU be regarded as approval.
D. Lariils wliiçh du not belong to the Giivrrnment. and wtiich
are iicccssary to tlic Cirrn1);uiyshall hi: ac(liiiri:il I>ytlic Coiriliatiy,
by agrcenieiit witli tlic l>artii:sirii.i:rest.ed,aiiil tliroiigli tlic iiicdiilili
of thi: Govcriiiuciit.
III case ;igrarment. should not lie rcaçhed ;rsto the prict!~, thri
Govcmnicrit sIia11riot ;ill(iw the vwners of sudi l:~riilLiiilcirin~id
a price higlicr tliaii Llicpriccs cornrnorily currciit for iici,qlil>ouring
lnrids of the saiiic iiaturc. Iii valiiitig siicli laiids, iio rciard sliall
hc:piid to the use to vrhich tlic Coiii1)anyinay wish to put theni.
E. HoIy places and histoncal monuments, as well as al1 placcs
and sitcs of histoncal interest, are excluded from thc foregoing
proi,isions, as well as their immediate surroundings for a distance
of at least two hundred metres.
F. The Company has the non-cxclusive right to take withiii
the territory of the Concession, but not elsewhere, on anyunutilizcd
land belonging to the State, and to utilize gratuitously for al1 the
operations of the Company, any kinds of soil, sand, lime, gypsum,
stone and other building materials. It is understood that if thc
utilization of the said materials were prejudicial to any rights 23 ANNEXES TO APPT.IC~\TIOS (A)
ivhatcvcr of third parties, tlic Coiiipaiiy sliould iiideninify those
whoec rights wcrc iiifringed.
Article 5
The operations of the Company in Persia shall be restricted in
the foilou,ing manner :
(1)The construction of any new railway line and of any
new port shall be subject to a previous agreement between
the Government and the Company.
(21If the Company wishes to increase its existing service of
telephones, telegraphs, wireless and aviation in Persia, it shall
only be able so to do with the previous consent of the Govem-
If the Government requires to ntilize the meaus of transport and
communication of the Company for national defence or in other
critical circumstances, it undertakes to impede as little as possible
the operations of the Company, and to pay it fair compensation
for aiidamages caused by the utilization above mentioned.
A. The Company is authorized to effect, without special license.
.:dl imports iicccssary for tlic cxclilsive necds of its cniployccnn
pqmeiit of the Custoiii duties and otlicr dutics and taxes iii forcc
nt the time of importatioii.
The Coiiipaiiy shall take the iiecessary iiieaslires to prevciit the
sale or the: hcinding over of products iinportrd to persons not
i!mplriycd by tlie Com~i;my.
o. The Company shall have the right to import, without special
licrnse, the erliiipment. mcitrricil,mediceiland surgiceilinstruments
ancl ~~lurrnaccutical ~>ro(liicts,ricccssarfor its (lisl~cnsaricsand
hospitals iii l'ersia, and shall be exempt iii respect thereof from
any Ciistom duties and othrr diities and taxes in force at the time
of importation, or payments of any nature whatever to the Persian
State or to local authorities.
C. The Company shall have the right to import, without any
license and exempt from any Custom dutics and from aiiy taxes
or payments of any nature whatever to the Persian State or to
local authorities, anything necessary exclusively for the operations
of the Company in Persia.
D. The exports of petroleum shall enjoy Customs immunity
and shall be exempt from any taxes or payments of any nature
whatever to the Persian State or to local authorities.25 ANNEXES TO AYPLICATION (A)
Articlc 7
A. The Coiiipany aiid its rmployecs di;dl crijoy tlic legal protec-
tion of the Governinent.
B. The Government shall give, within the limits of the laws and
regulations of the country, al1 possible facilities for the operations
of the Company in Persia.
C. If the Government grants coiicessions to third parties for
the purpose of exploiting other mines within the territory of the
Concession, it must cause the necessary precantions to be taken
in order that these exploitations do not cause any damage to the
installations and works of the Company.
D. The Company shail be responsible for the determination of
dangerous zones for the construction of habitations, shops and
other buildings, in order that the Government may prevent the
inhabitants from settling there.
Article 8
The Company shall not be bound to convert into Persian currency
any part whatsoever of its funds, in particular any proceeds of the
sale of its exports from Persia.
Article g
Thc Coriipaiiy shall imniediately m;lkt! ils arratigeriictits to
procced ivitli its operations ithe provinçc of Kcrrriaiisliah throu~h
a subsidiary conipany witli a vicw 10 produciiig and rehning
petroleiim thcrc.
A T~;c~IO
1. 'Thesiiriis to Iic liLodLlic(;ovcrtimciit by the Comp;iny in
;iccortlaricc witli this Ajirecmeiit (besides those provi<liriotlicr
articles) arc Iixcd asfollo\v:
(a) Ali annual royalty, hcgirining on January rst, rgjj, of
four shillings per ton of petroleum sold for consumption in
Persia or exported from Persia ;
fij Payment of a sum equal to twenty per cent (zo %) of
the distribution to the ordinary stockholders of the Angb
Persian Oil Company, Limited, in excess of the sum of six
hundred and seventy-one thousand two hundred and fifty
pounds sterling (L 671,zjo). whether that distribution be
made as dividends for any one year or whether it relates to
the reserves of that Company, exceeding the reserves \\.hich,
according to its books, existed on December 31st, 1932 ;zj ANNEXES 1.0 AYPLICATION (A)
(c) Tlic total ;imolint to be paid by the Cotripariyfor cach
calciirinr (Chrisliari) yc:u undrr siib-clauses (a) aiid (b) shnll
ne\-er bc lcss tliari scven Iiundr~d and fifty thousand pouiirls
sterliiig (f;75o,ooo).
II. Payments by the Company under this Article shall be made
asfollo\vs :
(a) On March 31st. June 30th. September 30th and Decem-
ber 31st of each year, on each occasion onehundred and eighty-
seven thousand five hundred pounds sterling (il187,500) (the
payment relating to hlarch 31st, 1933. shall be made imme-
diately after the ratification of the present Agreement) ;
(b) On February &th, 1934, and thereafter on the same
date in each year, the amount of the tonnage royalty for the
previous year provided for in sub-clause 1 (a) less the sum
ofseven hundred and fifty thousand pounds sterling (£75o,wo),
already paid under sub-clause II (a) ;
(cj Any sums due to the Government under sub-clause 1
(b) of this article shall be paid simultaneously with any distri-
butions to the ordinary stockholders.
III. On the expiration of this Concession, as weU as in the case
of surrender by the Company under Article 25, the Company shaii
paq'to the Government a sum equal to twenty per cent (20 O/,)of :
(a)Tlic çiirl)liisdifierence hetween the ainoutit ofthc rcscrvcs
(Gencral Rcscrvc) i:)the Ang-Io-PersianOilCompany, Liinited,
at thc date of tlic cxliirntiun of the Concessionor ofitssurrcntlcr.
and the atiioutit of tlic same resrrvrs nt December yst, 1932 :
(6) The surplus difference b~tween the balance carried
tonvard by the Aiiglo-Pcrsiaii Oil Girnp;iny, T,irnited, at the
date tifthe expiratioii of tlic Coticcssiotior of its c;iirrentlerand
the balaiicc carricd forwtird hy that Company at Dccciii-
ber pst, 1932. Aiiy payrnerit (liie to the Government under
this cl;i.iiseshall be inadc witliiii a ~icriodof orle rnorilli frum
the date of the general meeting of the Company follouring
the expiration or the surrender of the Concession.
Il7. The Government shall have the right to check the rcturns
relating to sub-clause 1 (a) which shaU be made to it at latest on
February 28th for the preceding year.
T:. To secure the Government against any loss which migbt result
£rom fluctuations in the value of English currency, the parties
have agreed as follows:26 ANNEXES TO AE'k'LICA.I'ION(A)
(fi) If, at atiy tirrie. the prict: of gold in Londoii exceeds sis
pounds stcrliiig licr ottiicc (oiirir:etnby), the payments to be
madc by thc Cotoiiipaiiy iiioi:çonl:~riii: ith the present Agee-
ment (with the csccptiori of siirrisiliito tlieGnvernment under
sub-clause 1 (b) and clause III (a) and (b) of this article and
sub-clause 1 (a) of Article 23) shall be increased by one
thousand four hundred and fortieth part (144O for each
penny of increase of the price of gold above six pounds sterling
(26) pcr ounce (ounce troy) on the due date of the payments ;
(b) If, at any tirne, the Government considers that gold has
ceased to be the general basis of values and that the payments
ahove mentioned no longer give it the security which isintended
by the parties, the parties shall come to an agreement asto
a modification of the nature of the security above mentioned
or, in default of such an arrangement, shall submit the question
to the Arbitration.Court (Article 22) which shall decide whether
the security provided in sub-clause (a) above ought to be
altered and if so, shall settle the provisions to be substituted
therefor and shall fix the period to which such provisions SM
VI. In case of a delay, beyond the dates fixed in the present
Agreement, which might be made by the Company in the payment
of surns due by it to the Govcrnment, interest at five pcr cent
(5 y" )er annum shall be paid for the period of delay.
Article Ir
1. The Curnpaiiy shaU ùc cotni~lcLclycxcinpt. for itsoperations
in Pcrsio, for the first thirty ycars, froiii aiiy taxatiijriires se orit
fiitiirc of LheStatr and of local authorities ; iii coiisidcratioii tlicre-
for the frillowitig l>ayrncrit$sh;ill he made to thc Govcriiiiicnt :
(u) 1:)uriiig the first fiftccii ycars of tliis Coricrssioii. on
Fcbruary 28th of each ycar and, for the first tiiiic, on Ecliriiury
zlith, 1934.iiitic pcriçefor rnch ofthe fir!t.six million (b,ovo,ooo)
tons of petrolcuin, oii wliiçli Llic roy:~lty prvvided for in
Article IO, 1 (a), is payable for the preceding calendar (Chris-
tian) year, and six pence for each ton in excess of the figure
of six miilion (6,000,ooo) tons above defined ;
(b) The Company guarantees that the amount paid under
the preceding siib-clause shall ncver be lcss than two hundred
and tiventy-five thousand pounds sterling (~~~5,000) ;
(c) During the fiftcen years following, one shilling for each
of the first six million (6,000,ooo)tons of petroleum, 011which*7 ANNEXES TO APP1,ICATTON (A)
the royalty providcd for in Article IO,1 (IL).is p;ryahle for the
1>~r"'dirigci~lendaryeai-,and niiie pciicc for cach ton in cxcess
uf ilie figure of 6,ooo,crootons above dehiicd.
(d) The Company guarantees that the amount paid under
the preceding sub-clause (c) shall never be less than three
hundred thousand pounds sterling (~300,ooo):
II.Before the year 1963, the parties shall come to an agreement
as to the amounts of the annual paymcnts to be made, in considera-
tion of the complete exemption of the Company for its operations
in Persia from any taxation of the State and of local authorities,
during the second period of thirty years extending until Decem-
ber pst, 1993.
Article 12
4. The Company, for its operations in Persia in accordance
with the present Agreement, shall employ ail means customary
and proper to ensure economy in and good returns from its opera-
tions, to preserve the deposits of petroleum and to exploit its
Concession by methods in accordance with the latest scientific
B. If, ivithin the territory of the Concession, there exist other
mineral substances than petroleum or woods and forests belonging
to the Government, the Company may not exploit them in accord-
ance with the present Concession. nor object to their exploitation
hy other pcrsoiis (siihject to the due conipliance with the termsuf
clause C of Article 7) : 1)ilt the Crrrnp;lnysh;~ll1i;ivetlic riglit tu
utilizr. tls;~idsuhstaiiccs or tlic woods and forcsts aliiovcinciitioncd
if they arc iiccess;iry for the exploratioii or the extraction of
C. Al1 boreholcs wliiçti, not having resultrd in the rliscovery of
clruleum, producc watcr or Iirecioiis siibst;~riccs,sliall bc rcscrvorl
or the Governnieiit wliicli sliall iirinicdiatcly bc infornicd of
these di~~ilveries by the Conipanp, aiid the Goveriimeiit shall
inforni thc Coinpariy as soon as possible if it wishes to trike pos~s-
siun of thein. If it wishes tu take possession, it sliall watcli that
the operations of the Company be not impeded.
Article 13
The Company undertakes to send, at its own expense and within
a reasonable time, to the Ministry of Finance, whenever the repre-
sentative of the Government shall request it, accurate copies of
al plans, maps, sections and any other data whether topographical,
geological or of drilling relating ta the territory of the Concession,
which are in its possession.28 ASSEXES -1'APPLICATION (A)
Fiirtherinore, the Company sliall coiiiiiiiinicate to the Govern-
ment throughoiit the rluratioti of the Coticessioii al1 iniportant
scientifir;ind tec1inic;il (1;it;~rcsultiiig from its work in l'rrsi;~.
Al1 Ilicrïc diiciirricnls shall be considerad by tlio C.ovc:riirner;L<
Article 14
A. The Govemment shall have the right to cause to be inspected
at its wish, at any reasonable time, the technical activity of the
Company in Persia, and to nominate for this purpose technical
specialist experts.
B. The Company shall place at the disposa1 of the specialist
experts nominated ta this end by the Government, the whole of
its records relative to scientific and technical data, as well as al1
measuring apparatus and means of measurcment, and these
specialist experts shall, further, have the right to ask for any
information in al1 the offices of the Company and on al1 the
temtories in Persia.
Article Ij
TIic G<>verriiiieitlinll have thc righr to apl>uint:irel)rcsent;irive
\\ho shall lie dcsimnted '1)elccatc of thi: 1miicri;il Go\~criiriierit".
This representati;e shall haveuthe right :
(11To obtain from the Company al1the information to uzhich
the stockholders of the Company are entitled ;
(2)To be pi-eseiitat al1tlic riicctiiigs of the Board of L)ir~-
tors, of its corninittees and nt al1the iiieetings of stockholders,
\i.liich have brrn cunvened to coiisider aiiy questioii arising
out (ilthe rel;ltiorisIictwceiithe Govrrnment ;miltlic Corriliariy;
(3) To prcsidc LX oficiu, witli;Lciistirig vote, ovcr thc Com-
mittec to be set up by Llic Cornpariy for the purpox of
distribiitiiig the grant for nrid supcrvisitig the professioirai
ediic;it.ion in Grr;it Britaiii of l'ersiaii iiationals refemd to
in hrticlc IG :
(4) To 1-eqiiestthat specinl rncctitigs of the Board of Uirec-
tors br conveiied ritany titnc, to co~isidrr any proposal th;it.
the Government shall submit to it. These meetings shall be
coni-ened within fifteen days from the date of the receipt by
the Secretary of the Company of a request in writing to that
The Company shall pay to the Govemment to cover the expenses
to be borne by it in respect of the salary and expenses of the above-
mentioned delegate a yearly sum of two thousand pounds sterling
&2,oooj. The Government shall notify the Company in writing of
the appointment of this delegate and of any changes in such
Article ru
1. 110th pirlics recogiiize and Ficceptas the principle goveming
the perforrnaricc of this Agreement tlic supremc tiecessity, in their
mutual interest, of maintaining the highest degree of efficiencyand
of economy in the administration and the operations of the Company
in Persia.
II. It is, however, understood that the Company shall recmit
its artisans as well as its technical and commercial staff from among
Persian nationals to the extent that it shd find in Persia persons
who possess the requisite competence and experience. It is likewise
understood that the unskilled staff shall be composed exclusively
of Persian nationals.
III. The parties declare themselves in agreement to study and
preparc a general plan of yearly and progressive reduction of the
non-Persian employees with a view to replacing them in the shortest
possible time and progressively by Persian nationals.
IV. The Company shall make a yearly grant of ten thousand
pounds sterlingin order to give in Great Britain to Persian nationals
the professional education necessary for the oil industry.
The said gant shall be expended by a Committee which shall
be consiituted as provided in Article 15.
The Cunipatiy shdl I>ei~cspotisiblrfor orgünizing :lnd shall pay
the cris1of 'theprovision, coiitrol rinrliipkccp of sariitary siid public
health services, accordiiig to thc rcquirciiieiits of the iiiost modem
hS.giciiepr;ii:tiscd iii Persi;~,oii al1 the lands of the Cornl~anyand
in al1 hilil(lings, and dwcllirigs, destiiirt>ythe Company for ihc
use riiitç employecs, iiicluding the worktiicii eriildoycd ivithiii the
tcrritory of tlic Coiicession.
Article JX
Whericvcr the Corrij)atiyshall ni;bkeissilcs of sliarcs to the public,
tfic iubscriptiun lists shall be upcricd at Teherati at the same time
as elsewhere.
Article 19
The Company shall seIl for internai consumption in Persia.
including the needs of the Government, motor spirit, kerosene and
fuel oil, produced from Persian petroleum, on the following hasis :
(a) On the first of Julie iii each year, the Company shall
ascertain the average Roumanian f.0.b. prices for motor spirit,30 ANNEXES TO APPLICATION (A)
kerosene and fuel oil and the average Gulf of Mexico f.0.b.
prices for each of these products during the preceding period
of twelve months ending on April 30th. The lowest of these
average prices shall be selected. Such prices shall be the "basic
prices" for a period of one year, beginning on June 1st. The
"basic pnces" shall be regarded as being the prices at the
(b) The Company shall sel1 (1)to the Government for its
own needs, and not for resale, motor spirit, kerosene and fuel
ail at the basic prices, provided in siib-clause (a) above, with
a deduction of twenty-five per cent (25 %) ; (2) to other
consumers at the basic prices with a deduction of ten per cent
(10 %).
(G) The Company shall be entitled to add to the basic prices
mentioned in suh-clause (a), al1 actual costs of transport and
of distribution and of sale, as well as any imposts and taxes
on the said products.
(d) TheGovernment shall forbid the export of the petroleum
products sold by the Company under the provisions of this
Article 20
1. (a) During the last ten years of the Concession, or during the
two years from the notice preceding the surrender of the Concession
provided in Article 25, the Company shall not sel1 or otherwise
alienate, except to subordinate companies, any of its immovable
properties in Persia. During the same period, the Compaiiy shall
not alienate or export any of its movable property whatever except
such as has become unutilizable.
(b) During the whole of the period preceding the last ten years
of the Concession, the Company shall not alienate aiiy land
obtained by it gratuitously from the Government ;it sliall not
export from Persia any movable property, except in the case when
such property shall have become unutilizable or shall he no longer
necessary for the operations of the Company in Persia.
II. At the end of the Concession, whether by expiration of time
or otherwise, al1the property of the Company in Persia shall become
the property of the Government in proper working order and free
of any expenses and of any encumbrances.
III. The expression "al1 the property" comprises ail the lands,
buildings and workshops, constructions, wells, jetties, roads, pipe-
lines, bridges, drainage and water-supply systems, engines, installa-
tions and equipments (including tools) of any sort, al1 means of
transport and communication in Persia (including, for example,
automobiles, carriages, aeroplanes), any stocks and any other3I ANNEXES TO APPLICATION (A)
objects in Persia which the Company is utilizing in any manner
whatsoever for the objects of the Concession.
Article 21
The contracting parties declare that they base the performance
of the present Agreement on principles of mntual goodwill and
good faith as well as on a reasonable interpretation of this Agree-
The Company formally undertakes to have regard at al1 times
and in al1places tothe rights, privileges and interests of the Govern-
ment and shall abstain from any action or omission which might
be prejudicial to them.
This Concession shall not be annulled by the Government and
the terms therein contained shall not be altered either by general
or special legislation in the future, or by administrative measures
or any other acts whatever of the executive authorities.
Article 22
A. Any differences between the parties of any nature whatever
and in particular any differencesarising out of the interpretation
of this Agreement and ofthe rights and obligations therein contained
as well as any differences of opinion which may arise relative to
questions for the settlement of which, by the terms of this Agree-
ment. the agreement of both parties is necessary, shall be settled
by arbitration.
B. The party which requests arbitration shall so notify the other
party in writing. Each of the parties shall appoint an arbitrator,
and the two arbitrators, before proceeding to arbitration, shall
appoint an umpire. If the two arbitrators cannot, within two
months. agree on the person of the umpire, the latter shall be
nominated, at the request of either of the parties, by the President
of the Permanent Court of International Justice. If the President
of the Permanent Court of International Justice belongs to a nation-
ality or a country which, in accordance with clause C, is not
qualified to furnish the umpire, the nomination shall be made by
the Vice-President of the said Court.
C. The umpire shall be of a nationality other than Persian or
British ;furthermore, he shall not be closely connected with Persia
or with Great Britain as belonging to a dominion, a protectorate,
a colony, a mandated country or other country administered or
occupied by one of the two countries above mentioned or as being
or having been in the service of one of these countries.
D. If one of the parties does not appoint its arbitrator or does
not advise the other party of its appointment, within sixty days
of having received notification of the request for arbitration, the32 ANNEXES TO APPLICATION (A)
other party shall have the right to request the President of the
Permanent Court of International Justice (or the Vice-President
in the case provided at the end of clause B) to nominate a sole
arbitrator, to be chosen from among persons qualified as above
mentioned, and, in this case, the difference shall be settled by this
sole arbitrator.
E. The procedure of arbitration shall be that followed, at the
time of arbitration, by the Permanent Court of International
Justice. The place and time of arbitration shall be fixed by the
umpire or by the sole arbitrator provided for in clause D, as the
case may be.
F. The award shall be hased on the juridical principles contained
in Article38 of the Statutes of the Permanent Court of International
Justice. There shall be no appeal against the award.
G. The expenses of arbitration shaü be borne in the manner
determined by the award.
Article 23
1. In full settlement of al1the claims of the Government of any
nature in respect of the past until the date of coming into force
of this Agreement (except in regard to Persian taxation), the
Company: (a) shall pay within a period of thirty days from the
said date the sum of one million pounds sterling K~,ooo,ooo) and,
besides, (b) shall settle the payments due to the Government for
the financial years 1931 and 1932 on the basis of Article IO of this
Agreement and not on that of the former D'Arcy Concession, after
deduction of two hundred thousand pounds sterling (~zoo,ooo)
paid in 1932 to the Government as an advance against the royalties
and f;113,403 3s. 1od. placed on deposit at the disposa1 of the
II. Within the same period, the Company shali pay tothe Gov-
ernment in full settlement of al1its claims in respect of taxation for
the period from March zxst, 1930, to December yst, 1932, a sum
calculated on the basis of sub-clause (a) of clause I of Article II,
but without the guarantee provided in sub-clause (6)of the same
Articb 24
If, by reasoii of the anriulment of the D'Arcy Concession, litiga-
tion should arise betweeii the Company and private persons on
the subject of the duration of leases made in Persia before Ilecem-
ber 1st. 1932, within the limits allowed by the D'Arcy Concession,
the litigation shali be decided according to theles of interpretation
(a) If the lease is to terminate, according to its terms, at
the end of the D'Arcy Concession, it shall retain its validity
untii May 28th. 1961, notwithstanding the annulment of the
said Concession ;
(b) If it has been provided in the lease that it shall be valid
for the duration of the D'Arcy Concession and, in the event
of its renewal, for the duration of the renewed Concession,
the lease shall retain its validity until December 31st, 1993.
Article 25
The Company shall have the right to surrender this Concession
at the end of any Christian calendar year, on giving to the Govern-
ment notice in writing two years previously.
On the expiry of the period above provided, the whole of the
property of the Company in Persia (defined in Article 20, III) shd
become free of cost and withont encumbrances the property of
the Government in proper working order and the Company shall
be released from ariy engagement for the future. In case there
should be disputes between the parties concerning their engage-
ments before the expiry of the period above provided, the differences
shall be settled by arbitration as provided in Article 22.
Article 26
This Concession is granted to the Company forthe period begin-
ning on the date of its coming into force and ending on Decem-
ber-31st, 1993. - .
Before the date of December ?~st. . I,,-, this Concession can onlv
corne to an end in the case that-the Company should surrender thé
Concession (Article 25) or in the case that the Arbitration Court
should declare the Concession annulled as a consequence of default
of the Company in the performance of the present Agreement.
The following cases only shall be regarded as default in that
sense :
(a) If any sum awarded to Persia by the Arbitration Court
has not been paid within one month of thedate of the award ;
(6) If the volnntary or compulsory liquidation of the Com-
pany be decided upon.
In any other cases of breach of the present Agreement by one
party or the other, the Arbitration Court shall establish the respons-
ibilities and determine their consequences.
Any transfer of the Concession shall be subject to confirmation
by the Government.34 ANNEXES TO APPLICATION (A)
This Agreement shall come into force after ratification by thc
hlajlis and promulgation by Decree of His Imperial lfajesty the
Shah. The Govemment undertakes to submit this Agreement, as
soon as possible, for ratification by the lfajlis.
XADB at Teheran the twenty-ninth April one thousand nine
hundred and thirty-three.
For the Imperial Govcrnment of l'crsia,
(Signed) S. H. TAQIZADEH.
For and on behalf of the Anglo-Persiaii Oil Company, Limited,
(Signed) John CAD~IA~C ;,hairnzar~;
1%':FRASER,Defiuty Chairnza?~.
(This Agreement came into force on May 29th. 1933, followiiig
its ratification by the hlajlis on May &th, 1933, and the Royal
Assent, given on hlay 29th. 1933.)35 ANNEXES TO APPLICATION (B)
Tehran, 28th April, 1951.
[The text of the letter given here is the text which the Chief
Representative of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Liniited, in
Tehran, was instructed to send. A copy of the letter as sent by
him has not yet been received in London.]
Yonr Excellency,
The press of to-day contains a statement that the Oil Committee
has passed a resolution for subinission to the Majlis proposing to
take over immediately al1 the activities in Persia of the Anglo-
Iranian Oil Company.
If that information is correct we beg to ask you to convey to
the Cabinet and to the Majlis that this Company formally protests
against the possihility of such a breach of the Agreement between
the Imperial Government and the Company.
The Agreement as you weil know provides in its Article21 that
its performance should be based on principles of mutnal good ~vili
and good faith and that it should not be annulled and that the
terms of it should not be altered by any legislative, administrative
or esccutive acts.
Iielying on that solemn promisc which was approved by the
hlajlis and which hecame ;ipart of the law of Iran, this Company
has worked for eighteen years to develop the oil indnstry in Iran
and has assisted the people of Iran in their economic progress.
\Ve cannot helieve that that solemn promise can be disregarded.
\Vhilc f<,rriially~,rutejring ;~::iinst arteriil)ts 11111lyalteritlu
tlie conditions of its oi>er:itio1r:iiithc (:onii>aii\.hc<s to rvniincl
Your Excellency that at no time has the Company Fcfused, nor
do they refuse now, to consider alteration of those conditions by
agreement to be negotiated, concluded and performed on the
principles of mutual good \vil1and good faith, which principles the
Imperial Government and the Company made the basis of their
OF THE 1st MAY, 1951
By the grace of Almighty God,
Pahlavi Shahinshah of Persia,
hereby command, by virtue of Article 27 of the
Supplementary Constitutional Law, that :
Art. I.The Bill conceming the procedure for enforcement of
the Law conceming the nationalization of the oil industry through-
out the country which was approved by the Senate and the Majlis
on 9th Urdibihisht (30th April) and is hereto attached may be
Art. z. The Council of Ministers are charged with the enforce-
ment of this Law.
The text of the Bill conceming procedure for enforcement of
the Law relating to the nationalization of oil, as approved by the
two Houses of Parliament after amendments by the Majlis.
Art. 1.With a view to arranging the enforcement of the Law of
24 and 29 Isfand 1329 (15th and 20th Rlarch, 1951)conceming the
nationalization of the oil industry throughout Persia, a mixed
Board composed of 5 Senators and 5 Deputies elected by each
of the two Houses and of the Minister of Finance or his deputy
shall be formed.
Art. z.The Govemment is bound to dispossess at once the
former Anglo-Iranian Oil Company under the supervision of the
mixed Board. If the Company refused to hand over at once on the
grounds of existing claims on the Government, the Government can,
by mutual agreement, deposit in the bank Milli Iran or in any
other bank up to 25 %of current revenue from the oil after deduc-
tion of exploitation expenses in order to meet the probable claims
of the Company.
Art. 3. The Govemment is bound to examine the rightful
claims of the Government as well as the nghtful claims of the Com-
pany under the supervision of the mixed Board and to submit its
suggestions to the two Houses of Parliament in order that the
same may be implemented after approval by the two Houses.37 ANNEXES TO APPLICATION (c)
Art. 4. Whereas, with effect from 29th Isfand 1329 (20th March,
1951). when nationalization of the oil industry was sanctioned
also hy the Senate, the entire revenue derived from oil and its
products is indisputably due to the Persian nation, the Government
is bound to audit the Company's accounts under the supervision
of the mixed Board which must also closely supervise exploitation
as from the date of the implementation of this lalv until the appoint-
ment of an executive body.
Art. 5. The mixed Board must draw up, as soon as possible,
the statute of the National Oil Company in which provision is to
be made for the setting up of an executive body and a supervisory
body of experts, and must submit the same to the two Houses for
Art. 6. For the gradua1 replacement of foreign experts by
Persian experts the mixed Board is bound to draw up regulations
for sending, after competitive exarninations, a number of students
each year to foreign countries to undertake study in the various
branches of required knowledgeand gain experiencein oil industries,
the said regulations to be camed out by the Ministry of Education,
after the approval of the Council of Ministers. The expenses
connected with the study of such students shall be met out of oil
Art. 7. Al1purchasers'of products derived from the wells taken
back from the former Anglo-Iranian Oil Company can, in future,
buy annually the same quantity of oil they used to buy annually
from the Company from the heginning of the Christian year 1948
up to 29th Isfand 1329 (20th March, 1951) at a reasonable inter-
national price. For any surplus quantity they shall have prionty
in the event of equal terms of purchase being offered.
Art. 8. Al1 proposals formulated by the mixed Board for the
approval of the Majlis and submission to the Majlis must be sent
to the Oil Committee.
Art. 9. The mixed Board must finish its work within three
months asfrom the date of approval of this law and must submit
the report of its activities to the Majlis in accordance with Article 8.
In the event of requiring an extension it must apply giving valid
reasons for such extension. Whilst, however, the extension is hefore
the two Houses for approval the mixed Board can continue its
Tehran, 8th RIay, IgjI.
l'our Excellency,
1 am instructed by Sir William Fraser, Chairman of the Anglo-
Iranian Oil Company, Limited, to submit to you the following
notification on his behal:
"Your Excellency,
The measures recently introduced in respect of the Oil
Industry in Iran clearly have the object of either bnnging the
Concession held by the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited,
to an end, or annulling it before the date provided therein
for its termination, by a unilateral act of the Imperia1 Iranian
Government in breach of Articles 26 and21 of the Concession
Agreement or unilaterally altering the terms therein contained
in hreach of Article21 and I of that Agreement.
Therefore 1, on bebalf of the Company and in accordance
with the rights reserved to it by Articleszz and 26 of the
Concession Agreement, beg to notify the Government that the
Company requests arbitration for the purpose of determining
whether in so attempting to annul, or terminate the Concession
or to alter the Concession Agreement, the Government has
acted in accordance with the terms of the Concession Agree-
ment and for the purpose of establishing the responsihility
for determining the consequences of the breach above re-
ferred to.
1 further beg to state that the Company has appointed the
Right Honourable Lord Radcliffe, G.B.E., as its arbitrator
and that he has given his consent to act.
FinaUy, the Company,in view of the gravity of the situation
brought about by the measures above referred to, expresses
the hope that the Government will appoint its arbitrator at
the Government's earliest convenience."39 ANNEXES TO APPLICATION (D)
1 shall be glad if Your Excellency will kindly acknowledge receipt
of the above notification from Sir William Fraser.
With the assurance, etc.
(Signed)N. R. SEDDON.
Copy to H.E. the Minister of Finance,4O ANNEXES TO APPLICATION (E)
20th MAY, 1951 '
Mr. Representative of the former Anglo-Iranian Oil Com-
pany :
His Excellency the Prime Minister has instructed me to convey
the following reply to your letter No. 22/29619 dated 8th hlay.
1951, addressed to him :
In accordance with the Acts of 15th and 20th March, 19j1, and
30th April, 1951, copies of which are enclosed herewith, the petro-
leum industry throughout Iran has been nationalized, and the
Imperia1 Government is required to undertake itself the explora-
tion for and production, refining and exploitation of petroleum
It perhaps needs no explanation that :
FIRSTLY :the nationalization of industries derives from the right
of sovereignty of nations, and other governments, among them
the British Government and the Mexican Government, have in
various instances avaiied themselves of this same right.
SECONDLY private agreements, even supposing their validity is
established, cannot hinder the exercise of this right which is
founded on the indisputable principles of international law :
THIRDLY the fact of nationalization of the petroleum industry,
which derives from the exercise of the right of sovereignty of the
Iranian nation, is not referable to arbitration, and no international
authority has the competence to deal with this matter.
In view of these premises the Iranian Government has no dnty
in the existing circumstances other than implementing the articles
of the above-mentioned Acts and does not agree in any way with
the contents of the letter of the former Oil Company on the subject
of reference of the matter to arbitration.
You are meanwhiie notified that, in accordance with Articles 2
and 3 of the Act of April1951, the Iranian Govemment is prepared
to examine the just claims of the formcr Oil Company.
In conclusion. the former Oil Company is hereby invited to
nominate immediately its representatives with a view to making
arrangements concerning the matter and carrying out the above-
mentioned law, so that the dav, hour and place of their attendance
should be notified.
Minister of Finance.
'The annexprinted here represents theamendedby the United Kingdom
Gorernrnent following an exchofletters between the Par(See PaIV.)4I ANPiEXES TO APPLICATION (F)
OF IRAN ON THE 19th MAY, 1951
[The text given here is the instruction sent by the Secretary
of Çtate for Foreign Affairs to Sir Francis Shepherd, British Ambas-
sador in Tehran, on the basis of whicb the note actualiy delivered
by the Ambassador would be drafted. Acopy ofthe note as delivered
by him has not yet been received in London but is unlikely to
differ in any point of substance from the instruction.]
1 have received through His Imperial Majesty's Ambassador in
London your reply to the message which 1 sent to you through him
on May 2nd. 1regret to find that it contains no response to the sug-
gestion which 1 made, and whicb 1have since reaffirmed pnblicly,
that His hlajesty's Government in the United Kingdom wish to
see the question of the future operations of the Anglo-Iranian
Oil Company in Iran settled by negotiation, but instead appears
to assert a right by the Imperial Government of Iran to proceed
by unilateral action to dispossess the Anglo-Tranian Oil Company.
His Majesty's Government fully understand and sympathize with
the desire of the Iranian Government to strengthen the economic
structure of tbeir country and to provide for the general welfare
of its people. They themselves have constantly shown in practical
ways that these objects are of deep concern to them. They find
it diflïcult to believe, however, that the unilateral action which
the Iranian Government are proposing to take will contribute
towards their fulfilment.
His Majesty's Government, moreover, iieither desire nor intend
to question the exercise by Iran of any sovereign rights which she
may legitimately exercise. They maintain, however, that the action
now proposed against the Company is not a legitimate exercise
of those rights. The 1933 Agreement is a contract between the
Persian Government and a foreign Company concluded under the
auspices of the League of Nations after an attempt by the Iranian
Government to deprive the Company of these rights under its
previous Concession had been brought by His Majesty's Govern-
ment before the League of Nations. It was, moreover, ratified
by the Majlis and became Persian law. Further, the Agreement
contains two very important provisions :43 ANNEXES TO APPLICATION (F)
this opportunity to reaffirm that His Majesty's Governnient are
prepared to send a mission forthwith to Tehran to discuss the
terms of a new agreement. 1 earnestly trust that Your Excellency
will be prepared to agree to this procedure and to conduct nego-
tiations with a mission on a fair and equitable basis.
In conclusion, 1 note that Your Excellency has reciprocated the
desire which 1 have already expressed to you of maintaining good
relations and strengthening the foundation of friendship between
Iran and the United Kingdom. 1 should, however, be less than
frank if 1 did not Say that a refusa1 on the part of the Iranian
Government to negotiate, or any attempt on their part to proceed
by a unilateral action to the implementation ofthe recent legislation,
could not fail gravely to impair those friendly relations urhich we
both wish to exist and to have the most serious consequences. ANNEX G
Mr. Representative of the former Anglo-Iranian Oil
With reference to my letter 9582 of the 20th May, since you
have not, so far, nominated your representatives for making arran-
gements to execute the laws for the nationalization of oil, 1 have
to state:
1 am waiting every day in the Finance Ministry for your repre-
Should you fail to nominate and send your representatives within
one week, that is before the close of the 30th May, which is a
Wednesday, theGovernment wiUhaveno choice but to act according
to its legal duties as prescribed in the laws of the 15th Rlarch and
the 20th March and that of the 30th April, 1951.
Minister of Finance.
(ROYAUME-UC.IRAN)Al1 rights reserved by the
International Courtof Justice
Tous droits réservés par la
.Courinternationale de Justice This volume should be quoted as :
I.C.J. PZeadings, Alzglo-Ira~zianOil Co. Case (Unite Kdingdom
v. Irart)
Le présent volume doit êtrecité comme suit :
C. 1. J. 1MémotresA,Qnirede l'~n~lo-~runianOil Co. (Royazc~ne-Ufii
--.,- ... . .---
26th May, 1951.
1have the honour to rcfer tothe declaration made by the United
Kingdom and by Iran accepting the Optional Clause provided
for in Article 36 (2)of the Statute of the International Court of
Justice, and, under the jurisdiction thereby conferred upon the
Court, to submit, in accordance with Article 40 (1) of the Statute
and Article 32 (2) of the Rules of the Court, an Application insti-
tuting prûceedings in the name of the Government of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland against the
Imperid Government of Iran in the following case :
SIorgmcw 01 2. On ,the 29th April, 1933, a Convention (a copy of which,
containing nlso an English translation prepared for the use of the
Company-, is annexed to this Application as Annex Al) was con-
cluded between the Imperia1 Government of Persia (now the Im-
ycrid Govcriirricrii of Irari) miil ilic Anglu-Pcrsia~i Oil Cornpaiiy,
Liniitcd [now the A~iglo-Iranian ClilLoinpaliy, Limitccl), a cornpaiiy
incorporattd in the United Kingdom. This Conventioa (licreiilafrer
clcscribed as the Convention), after being ratified by the Persian
BTajlisari the 23th May, 793.3, and rifter receiving the Trnperial
Asscrit ori Lhc zgtli M;ly, Tc)33,i;;irneirito forti,rithe 29th May.
15333.In Articlc I of the C&nvciition tlic Inipcrial Covcranicnt: of
l'ersia grailted to thc Loiiipany "le droit cxclusif, .dans lc territoire
de1:iConce5sion[which was defineciin Article 2 of thc Conventiori].
da reclierçlier et 11'~xtr:iirll:e pGtrilinsi cpide raffiner(iitraiter
dc toute autrc ~nanihrc et rcridrc Iirolirc I)olIr le cr.irliriicrcele
petrolc obtei-ipar cllc". Tlic Coinpsriy wss slso graiitcd, through-
wt Persia, "le droit non cxclusif de transporter le pétrole, de le
raffiner ou traiter de toute autre manière et de le rendre propre
pour le commerce, ainsi que de le vendre en Perse et l'exporter".
In Adide 26 of the Convention it was provided that "Cette Conces-
sion est octroyée à la Compagnie pour la période commençant le
jour de son entrée en vigueur et expirant le 31 décembre 1993.
"Avant la date du 31 décembre 1993 ,ette Concession ne pourra
prendre fin que dans le cas où Ia Compagnie renoncerait à la Conces-
JortrwaforAugust-December,1933.sAnnexr1467.nthe Leaguc of NatioOficial 8
FOREIGN OFFICE Londres, S. W. 1.
26 mai IgjI.
J'ai l'honneur de me référer à la déclaration par laquelle le
Royaume-Cni et I'lran ont acceptéla djsposition faciiltative prévue
par l'article 36, paragraphe 2,du Statut de la Cour internationale
de Justice ; en vertu de la compétence ainsi 'confcrée A la Cour,
j'ail'honneur de déposer,conformémentàl'article 40, paragraphe r,
du Statut, et à l'article 32,paragraphe 2,du Règlement de la Cour,
une requete introductive d'instance au nom du Gouvernement du
RoyaumeUni dc Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord contre
le Gouvernement impérial d'Iran, dans l'affaire suivante :
2. Le 29 avril 1933, une Convention (dont un exemplaire, conte- Expasddes
nant également une traduction en anglais faite à l'usage de la tait5
Compagnie, constitue l'annexe A l à la présente requête) a été .
ccsncIueentre le Gouvernement impérial de Perse (aujourd'hui le
Griiivcr~icrnciïtimpérial dd'It;in)et I'Anglo-Pcrçian Oil Compn.ny,
Limi-icd (aujourd'hui I'hriglo-lrani;kri Oil Company, T,irnitet.l),
com~iqiïis ciirtgistr6e ;In Ruyniime-IJrii. Cette Conventiori (ci-
ayrk dkignie par lc icrmc ril? Convciition ii), 1,:ibs avoir fit6
ratifier11:~~IB Mcdjlcsçc persan le 28 mai '19.33 ci aprcs avoir reçu
13SWIC~IOi~ mphriale le z(:mai 1933, est r:rittPccii vigueur 29 ~niki
1933. Par l'article pi-enlier de la Corivetilioti, lc 'Gouvernernerit
imperial de Perse ecçortlait h 1;tCornI>;~gtiiilc droit escliisif, dans
Ic terriiiiirs de la Coriccssion [droiqui était (liifir;iI'articl2 de
la Coni~ciïtioil],de rechercher et d'extr;~itele ~sktrale,ainsi que (le
rsmner ou traiter de I.oi1tautre rn;i~ii$rcet rcndre propre pr>iirlc
commerce le p8trcilo obtcnu par cllc>i.La Compagnie sc vciyait
également octroyer, sur ltens(:mble du territoire de la Perse, « le
droit non exclusif de transporter le pétrole, de le raffiner ou traiter
de toute autre manière et de le rendre propre pour le commerce,
ainsi que de le vendre en Perse et l'exporter II.
L'article 26 de la Convention disposait : «Cette Concession est
octroy6e à la Compagnie pour la période commençant le jour de
son entrée elivigueur et expirant le 31 décembre 1993. .
<[Arant la datedu 31décembre 1993, cette Concession ne pourra
prendre fin quedans le cas où la Compagnie renoncerait à la Corices-
Le texte.dela Conventiose trouve également reproduau Journal officiel
dc [aSociétéd6 Nationsa.oût-dkccnibr1933,anncxe1467. 9 APPLICATION 1NSi'~I'U'iINC PXOÇEIIUINCS (26 V 51)
sion (art. 25) oii daris le cas oii le trihiinil arbitral' déclarerait
aiinu1i.e la Conccssioii par siiite de fiilitl: de litCumptignie d;iris
1'cxCcutiondc la présctiteCotivcritio~i.
"Se scroiit coiisidCrCscoiriiiic faiilcs dans ce seris (lue les cas
suivants :
a) si une somme quelconque, allouée à la Perse par le tribunal
arbitral, n'a pas étépayéedans le délaid'un mois à compter
de la sentence ;
bJ si la liquidation volontaire ou forcéede la Compagnie est
"En tous autres cas d'infraction à la présente Convention par
l'une ou l'autre partie, le tribunal arbitral fixera les responsabilités
et en déterminera les conséquences ...."
In Article 21 of the Convention it was provided that "Les parties
contmctantes déclarentbaser l'exécutionde la présenteConvention
sur les principes réciproques de bonne volonté et de bonne foi
ainsi que sur une interprétation raisonnable de cette Convention" ;
ais0 that "Cette Concession ne sera pas annulée par le Gouverne-
ment et les dispositions y contenues ne seront altéréesni par une
législationgénérale ou spécialefuture, ni par des mesures administra-
tives ou tous autres actes quelconques des autorités exécutives."
In Article 22 of the Convention it was provided that "tom
différendsde nature quelconque entre les parties" should be settled
by arbitration ;that the party requesting arbitration should notify
the other party in writing ;that each of the parties should appoint
an arbitrator and tliat the two arbitrators, before proceedirig to
arbitratioii,slioiild aliliriirit ari umpirIt was also provided iii the
same artide that, iii thc cvciit ofa failiirr tu agree within two month
rirthe prson of the uiiipire, the lattcr slioiild be numiri;rtecl, :~tthe
reili~wLof either of the parties, by thc Prcsiderit uf tlie Peririaiieiil
Coiirt 4jiTriterriational Justice ;that, if oiie of tlie 1i;irlics ilid noi
appoint ils arliilrÿtor or ~lirliiot :idvisethe otlicr parly ofils aplioùit-
ment. ïvithiii sixty days ofliaviiig reçeivrd notification ofthe request
frir sirbitration, the othcr party shoiilil 1i:ivethe right to recluest
tlie Pwsident of the l'crinaneiit Coiirt of 1riternation;iI justice to
iioriiiriat;L sole tirbitrator; that tlic proce~liirt: of ;~rhitr:ltinn
should bc tliat followcd. at llic tirne of the arbitration, by the Per-
manent Court of International Justice ; and that the award shodd
be based on the juridical principles contained in Article 38 of the
Statutes of the Permanent Court of International Justice.
3. The effect of Article 22 of the Convention was thereby to
exclude from the jurisdiction of the Persian courts "tous différends
de nature quelconque entre les parties" and to make the form of
arbitration laid down in that article the exclusive legal remedy
open to either party in the event of such differences arising between
See .%nicle2 of the Convention, discussed below. R~QIJÊTE INTKOUUC~IVE D'INSTANCE (26 V 51)
sion (art. 25) OU dans le cas iiù Ic tribiltial arbitral ' dEclarcrait
aniiulce la Concession par suitc dc fautc dc la Coiiipagnie dans
l'exécution de 1;ipréseiitc Convention.
qtNe seront corisiil4r4s coiiiiiie fautes d;ins ce seris qiie les cas
suivants :
a) si une somme quelconque, allouée à la Perse par le tribunal
arbitral, n'a pas étépayée dans le délaid'un mois à compter
de la sentence ;
b) si la liquidation volontaire ou forcée de la Compagnie est
rrEn tous autres cas d'infraction à la présente Coiiventiori par
I'une ou l'autre partie, le tribunal arbitral fixera les responsabilités
et en déterminera les conséquences.... 1)
A l'article 21 de la Convention, il était dit que u Les parties
contractantes déclarent baser l'exécution de la présente Convention
sur les principes réciproques de bonne volonté et de bonne foi
ainsi que sur une interprétation raisonnable de cette Convention 1);
et que u Cette Concession ne sera pas annulée par le Gouvernement
et les dispositions y contenues ne seront altéréesni par une législa-
tion généraleou spécialefuture, ni par des mesures administratives
ou tous autres actes quelconques des autorités exécutives.
L'article 22 de la Convention disposait que «tous différends de
nature quelconque entre les parties n seraient tranchés par voie
d'arbitrage ; que la partie qui demanderait l'arbitrage devrait le
notifier à l'autre par écrit ; que les deux parties désigneraient un
arbiire et que les deux arbitres, avant de procéder à l'arbitrage,
clésigncraicnt un tiers arbitre. 1.e nienic articlc ilisliosait que, faute
d'accord dans les deux mois sur la pcrsotitic du tiers ;!rhitre, cc
dernier irrnit numrnc, A la drinaiidc de I'uiie ou I'autro des liartics,
par It:13r&sidmt (le 1;~Ciiiir ~iertnaiieiite de Justice inlcrriatiotial;
que si ll'uiiciles parties ric clbigriait p;is son ;~rliitreou ii'cn notifiait
la d&sigiiatioiià la partic ;~dvrrse d:~iisles soixaiitc jours après
a~oir reçu notification de la ilcrriatiilc d'arbitrage, l'autre partie
aurait le droit de demander au PrEsidciit dc la Cour permanente
de Justice iritcrriatiorialc ilc tioiiirner un seul ihrbi;r(~IICla 1irocÇ-
diirc dc l'arbitrage serait ccllr (lui serilit siiivie, ail inoincnt de
l'arbitrage, par la Cour Iiermaiierilc dc Jiisticc iiitcrii~tioiia;enfin,
que la sentence se fonderait sur les principes juridiques contenus
dans l'article 35 du Statut de la Cour permanente de Justice inter-
3. L'article 22 de la Convention avait pour effet d'exclure de la
compétence des tribunaux persans «tous différendsde nature quel-
conque entre les parties IIet de faire de la méthode d'arbitrage
indiquée dans cet article la voie exclusive de recours juridique
ouverte à I'une ou l'autre partie au cas où des différends de cet
ordre s'&lèveraient entre elles.
1 Voir l'articl2de laConvention, que nousaxaminons ci-dessous. IO APPISCATION INSTITUTINC YI<OÇEEr)lNG( S26 V 51)
4. 011 the 15th March, rggr, :mrl LIIC 20th Marçli. 1951 ',the
Iratiiaii hlajlis and the 1r:iriiari Scriatc rcspectively approvcd a
Singlr ,Article r.niinci:ltirig Lhc pririciple of thc iiatiorializatioii of
the riiliridiistry in Iran,and this SingleArticle subse~lueiitlyrecrived
the Imperia1 assent, dated the 1st May, 19j1. On the 26th April,
19jr, the Majlis Oil Cornmittee prepared a Bill (resolution) "for
carrying out oil nationalization" and this Bill was passed by the
Majh on the 28th April, 1951. On the same day (28th April, 1951).
the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited, protested against the
proposed action to the Imperial Government of Iran without effect.
(A copy of this protest is filed as Annex B to this Application.)
The Bill rrraspassed by the Senate on the 30th April, 1951, and it
then received the Imperial asscnt, dated the 1st May, 1951. This
Act (hereinafter referred to as the Iranian Oil Nationalization Act
of the 1st May, 1951, and a translation of which into English k
filed as Annex C to this Application) involves the establishment of
a "mixed Board composed of five Senators and five Deputies,
elected by each of the two Houses, and of the Minister of inance
or his deputy" (Article 1). It also obliges the Imperial Government
of Iran "to dispossess at once the former Anglo-Iranian Oil Company
under the supervision of the mixcd Board" (Article 2). The Act
further states that : "Whereas, with effect from the 29th Isfand
'1329 (20th March, ~gjx), when nationalization of the oil industry
was sanctioned also by the Senate, the entire revenue derived from
oil and its products is indisputably due to the Persian nation, the
Government is bound to audit the Company's accounts under the
supervision of thc mixcd Board, which must also closely supervise
exploitation as from the date of the implcrricntition of this laiv
until ttic :11)1ioiritrncrt1 an cxccutivc body." (Article 4.)
j. On the 8th May, 1g51, bklieving thnt the Irtinian Oil Natioii-
alization Act of the 1st May; rggr, ;imouiit.ed.or1the part of Iran.
tu ;iunil;iter;~l;mniilrnent. or altcratinri of tlic tcrtiis, of 1:hcCon-
v~~itio~c iontr;iry to tlic cxprcss tcrrns of Articles 21 ariil zGof the
Convention, wliicli had bccii ratiricd by the Majlis, tlic Ariglo-
IraniruiOiiCoriipariy, Liniited, which had, asindicatrd in paragra~h4
'abriva, protestrd ;igaiiist the pro1iirserl:~ctioriwilliout effect, hled
a notice requesting that its difference ivith the Imperial Government
of Iran be submitted to arbitration, in accordance with the terms
of Artide 22 of the Convention. (A copy of this notice is filed as
Annex D to this Application.)
6. On the 20th May, 1951, the Iranian Minister of Finance
' In the I~nperial assent to the Iranian Oil XationaliratAct, dated the
1st X~J:.1951, the17th Dlarch,1951, is givenasthe date ofthe Single Article.
This wa5 in fvct the daton which the Scnate Standing Committces on Farci,-
-4ffairand Finance reachcdagreement on the Single >\rticle. REQU~~ INTRODUCTIVJI D'INSTANCE (26 v 51) IO
4. 1.c15 mars 1951et Ic zo iiiars rgjr ' resi~cctiveinent. Ic Mcdj-
les% irariien et Ic SCiiat iranien orit approuve un ;irticlc uiiique
brionçant le priiicipc de la n;~tiorialisation de l'industrie pétrolière
cri Iran, al cet aiticle uniquc reçut iilt4rirurcrricrit la s;iilction
impériale en date du mai 1951. Le 26 avril 1g51, la Commission
des pétroles du Nedjlesse prépara un. projet de loi (rCsolution)
x pour pruceder à la nationalisation des pétroles 1,; cette loi fut
adoptée par le Rfedjlessele 28 avril 1951. Le même jour(le 28 avril
rg51).. i'hglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited, protesta contre la
mesure projetée auprès du Gouvernement impérial d'Iran, mais
sans succk. (Un exemplaire de cette protestation fait l'objet de
l'annexe B à la présente requête.)La loi fut adoptée par le Sénat
le 30 avril 19jr et reçut la sanction imp6riale à la date du ~':rmai
~gj~. Cette loi (ci-dessous désignéesous le nom de « Loi du I':Cmai
1951 portant nationalisation des pétroles iraniens IIet dont une
traduction en anglais fait l'objet de l'annexe Cà la présente requête)
prévoit l'établissement d'une ccCommissionmixte composéede cinq
sénateurs et de cinq députés,éluspar chacune des deux Chambres,
et du ministre des Finances ou de son représentant » (article xer).
Elle obiige le Gouvernement impérial d'Iran à procéder immé-
diatement a i'expropriation de l'ancienne Anglo-Iranian Oil Com-
pany, sous le contrôle de la Commission mixte 11(article2). La loi
dispme ensuite :« Attendu que, à partir du 29 dumois de Isfand
1329 (zo març 1951). date où le Sénat a sanctionné à son tour la
nationalisation de l'industrie pétrolière, tous les revenus tirés de
l'exploitation du pétrole et de ses produits reviennent indiscutable-
rncnt à ln iiatiou iranienne, Ic Gouvernement est tenu de vérifier
la con1pt:iIiilitCde 1;iConiliagiiie sous le cotitrîilc dc la Comrniçsioii
iiiixte ;d'autre part, cciic-ci surveillera Ctroitctiierit l'exploitation
depuis l'cntréeen vigucur de 1;itlitcloi jusqii'i la nomiriatioii d'un
conseil d'administratioti. n (Article 4.)
5. Le 8 iii;ii1951, estini;int quc la loi (111irr mai 1951 porkint
nationaliï.~iio~ides pi.trolcs iraniens G(.liiivalait,dc la part de l'Irati,
à uni: aririuhtion on à uiic inodilication ~iiiilatCi-aldes cotiditions
de la Coiiventiori, coiitraircnicrit aux teriiies ex~irès des arti-
cles 21 et 26 dc celle-ci, qui avait étépr&cedt.mrricritratifit.aIi;ir Ic
IvIedjlesse. I'hiiglo-lr;iniari Oil Crirnl)aiiy, Lirnited, aprhs avoir
protcsiC sails succ~s contre 1;1rricsurc envisagée airisi qu'il est
indiqué au paragraphe 4 ci-dessus, déposa une note par laquelle
elle demandait que le différend qui i'opposait au Gouvernement
impériald'Iran fût soumis à i'arbitrage, conformément aux termes
de i'article zz de la Convention. (Un exemplaire de cette note fait
l'objet de l'annexe D à la présente requête.)
6. Le 20 mai 1951, le ministre des Finances d'Iran écrivit à
, ,
Dans lasanction impériale dela loi portant nationalisation des pétroles iraniens.
l'amide unique. Ils'agiçsait en fait de la date àlaquelle les commissions permanentes
des.%ffaÜesétrangère esdes Financesdu Senat se sont mises d'accard sur l'article
iurote a Icltcr to "Mr. Rrpresentative of the foriiier Atiglo-1r;uii;in
Oil Loiiipaiiy" (a trnrislalion of ahich iiito Eiiglish is filcd ~5
Aiiiicx E to this hli~ilic;~tiori) in which it was stated that "The
ri:itiunalizatioii of the oil riot sul~jrct to arbitration.
and no international authority is qualified to investigate this
marter" : and also that "The Persian Government in the present
circumstanccs has no other duty except the enforccment of the
above-mentioned law, and does not agree whatsoever with the
contents of the letter of the former oil company regarding reference
to arbiiration". The Minister of Finance underlincd the deter-
mination of the Imperial Government of Iran to reject a settlement
by arbitration by inviting "the former oil company" to appoint
reprcsentatives with a vie\\. to implementing the nationalization
law. It is plain from the terms of the Minister of Finance's letter
that the position of the Imperial Government of Iran is that the
execution of the Iranian Oil Nationalization Act of the 1st May,
rgjr, is to proceed and that there is no remedy to which the Com-
pany can have recourse in order to arrest its execution. Aiter
receiving and considering this letter, the Anglo-Iranian Oil Com-
pany, Limited, despatched a communication to the President of
the Court requesting him, in accordance with paragraph (d) of
Article 22 of the Convention, toappoint a sole arbitrator to decide
the disvute between the Com~anv .nd Ahe Imvenal Government
of han.
7. An attempt has also heen made to reach a frienùly settlement
between the Imperial Government of Iran and the Government of
thc United ICingdom through thc diplornatic chaniiel. On thc
19th May, 19.51 H,is Hritaiiiiic Ifajcsty's Arrili;~ss;~irn 'Cehran
delivcrcil a note to the Iinperial Guvcriiriicrit of Iran expressing
tbr holie tli;~l tlic 11rol)lemcould br solvcd by iicgotiatioii Li1ttii?
s;itisfaction of al1curiccrrictl;~ndoffrring, on behalf of thc Govcrri-
mcrit of the United ICirigdorri,to scrid ;L mission forthn7itli to
Tchren to discuss tlic tcrtns of a ricw agreement. (A copp of this
notc is iilrd as Aiiiicx F to this Applicaliori.) A rc~ilyto this note
hns iioi y1.1I~ccnrecrivrd froiii the Iiiiperial Govcrtiriiciiof Irxn,
liiit. iiistcod a furtlicr lcltcr, ;~ddrrsïrd hy the Iranian Ministcr uf
Firiance to "Mr. Kcpreseritati\~c of tlic former Anglo-Jraninn Oil
Coiiipany;", was delivered on the 24th May, 19j1. Iri this letter
(a translation of which into English is filcd as Annex G to this
Application) the Minister of Finance stated that, if the Company's
reprejentatives did not attend within six days, the Imperial Govern-
ment of Iran would proceed to implement the nationalization la\%..
It vould appear, therefore, to the Government of the United King-
dom that the Imperial Government of Iran are not responding to
the request of the .Government of the United Kingdom that the
problem should be settled by negotiation.
' le Annex E, p. 40,footnote r, and Part IV. Correspondence REQU~TE INTRODUCTIVE U'INSTANCE (26 V 51) TI
irM. le reprrsentant de l';iiiciciiiie Anglo-lraiiiaii Oil Coiiipaiin
iine leltrt: (rlriiit la tradiiclioii eii aiiglais a étéjointe en anneT'
la prEsc~ilcrcquetc ') dans laquelle il6t;iitdit <]liirla nation;llisa-
tioii de i'uidustrie des pbtroles ...n'est lias siiscc~~tililcd'arbitrage
et aucune autonté internationale n'est cornpetente pour connaître
de cette question » ; la lettre poursuivait : « Le Gouvernement de
1'Iran n'a pas, dans les circonstances présentes, d'autre obligation
que de donner effet aux lois précitéeset ne donne en aucune façon
son accord sur le contenu de la lettre émanant de l'ancienne com-
pagnie pétrolièreen ce qui est du renvoi à l'arbitrage. 1Le ministre
des Finances insista sur la détermination du Gouvernement d'Iran
à rejeter un règlementpar voie d'arbitrage, en invitant i<l'ancienne
compagnie pétrolière Ià designer des représentants en vue d'appli-
quer la loi de nationalisation. Il ressort des termes de la lettre du
ministre des Finances que la position du Gouvernement impiirial
d'Iran est la suivante :l'exécution dela loi du mai 1951portant
nationalisation des pétrolesiraniens doit avoir lieu, et la Compagnie
ne dispose d'aucune voie de recours lui permettant d'interrompre
cette exécution. Ayant reçu cette lettre et après en avoir examiné
les termes, 1'Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited, communiqua au
Président de la Cour une requêtepar laquelle elle lui demandait, en
vertu du paragraphe d) de l'article zz de la.Convention, de désigner
un arbitre unique aux fins de trancher le différendqui oppose la
Compagnie au Gouvemement impériald'Iran.
7. Il y eut également une tentative en vue d'un règlement amia-
ble de la question par la voie diplomatique entre le Gouvernement
impCria1 rYIran ct lc Gouvernement di1 Royniimr-Uni. L'amhns-
ssdcur de 5a Iilajcstébritaii~ii(~uch TCliCrarircrriit, lc 19 niai 105i.
nri Cuiivrm~ment irnpbri;ll d'lraii une note dans laquelle il rxpri-
maii l'espoir quc Ic problème pourr;iit être r~solii par voie de
~iCgociotio~is i la satisfaction tle tous 1t.s intC.ress4nct proposait,
au iioin du tiouveriieiiieiit dii Royailrric-llrii. l'crivoi imriikdiath
TGhEran d'une mission ch;irgCc dc dCbattrc les coiiditioiis d'un
riuiir.el ;iccrirrl. (Uri cxcrrililaire de cette nofait l'objet. de l'an-
ncxc F 3. 13 prisctitc rcqudte.) Aiiçiine r4ponse :L r:ettc riotc ri'a
ciicore étbreçue du Goiiverricrricrit irripériald'Iran ; toutcfois, en
lieu de réponse,iule iiouvelle lcttrc a kt6 rcriiisclc 24 mai rggr par le
ministre des I'in;inçrs ir;inierià a M. lc rcpr6sentaiit de I'aiiçirnnc
hglo-Iranian Oil Company ».Ilans cette lettre (dont la traduction
en anglais fait l'objet de l'Annexe G à la présente requête),le
ministre des Finances déclarait que si les représentants de la Com-
pagnie ne se présentaient pas dans un délaide six jours, le Gouver-
nement impérial d'Iran procéderait à l'application de la loi de natio-
nalisation. Il apparaît donc au Gouvemement du Royaume-Uni
que Ie Gouvernement impérial d'Iran n'a pas donné suite à la
requéte par laquelle le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni demandait
que le problème fût réglépar voie de négociations.
Voir annexeE. p. 40,note r. et partieIV, Correspondance.12 APPLICATION INSTITUTIZG PKOCEEDINGS (26 V 51)
8. This atlcrript to rcach a friendly settlcrricrit through direct
nii~uiiaiioiisbctwccii the two Governrricritsliavirig-provcd abortive,
tlicrc noiv cxists a dispute l)i:tuv+entlic Itri]icrial Goverlimerit of
Iran and the Government. of tlic Uriitcd Kiiigdom-a dispute wliich
the Government of the United Kingdom have deemed appropnate
to submit to the Court.
9. The Governmcnt of the United Kingdom in submitting this
dispute to the Court claim that :-
{a) The Imperial Goveniment of Iran are not entitled to refuse
to submit the dispute between themselves and the Anglo-
Iranian Oil Company, Limited, to arbitration, as procided
for in Article22 of the Convention concluded in 1933 between
the Imperial Government of Persia and the Anglo-Persian
Oil Company, Limited ;
(b) By the terms of the Iranian Oil Kationalization Act of the
1st Rlay, 1951, the Imperial Government of Iran haxre
purported to effect a unilateral annulment, or alteration of
the terms, of the Convention concluded in 1933 between the
Imperial Government of Persia and the Anglo-Persian Oil
Company, Limited, contrary to the express terms of Arti-
cles zr and 26 of that Convention;
{cj In so purporting to effect a unilateral annulment, or alter-
ation of the terms, of the Convention concluded in 1933
between the Imperial Government of Persia and the Anglo-
Persian Oil Company, Limited, contrary to the express ternis
of Articles21 and 26 of that Convention, the Imperial Govcrn-
rncrit(ifIraii Iiavc thereby ciimrnitletl a wroiig agaiiist tlii:
4nglo-Iraiiiaii Oil Conip;iny, T.iiriitcd, a British natiurial :
(d) In rcjcctiiig arbitration, the rncaiis providcd by Article 22
of the Conventiori for scttliiig "tous différends de rialure
r~iidlçoriili~~ctitrcIcs parties", idter tlic Atig1o:Iraiiian Oil
Cntril>aiiy,Liiiiitcd, had fileil a tioticc iri writiiig reqlirstirig
orl>itr.~tioii,iii accortl;irice witli thc ~irovisioiisof that iirtiçlc,
the Iiiiperial Goverrirncnt of Iraii have denied, or are ;~llcinpt-
ing to deny, to tlic Coinpaiiy the exclusive lepl rcniedy
expressly ~irovidcdfor in the Ciiriveritioti;
(ej Ili piirportiiig uiiilater;illy to ;~ritiul,or alter the (if,Lhc
Convention with the Corripatiy,and in denying, or iriitlempt-
ing to deny, to the Company the exclusive legal remedy
expressly provided for in the Convention, the Impcrial
Government of Iran have been, or will, if they persist in
the denial of this remedy, be responsible for a denial of
justice against a British national ;
(/) By their conduct as set forth in (b) to (e) above, the Imperial
Government of Iran have thereby treated a British national
in a manner not in accordance with the pnnciples of intema-
tional law and have, in consequence, committed an intema-
tional wrong against the Government of the United Kingdom. REQU~TL INTKODU~TIVL D'INSTANCE (26 v 51) 12
8. Ccttc tentative en vile il'iin reglement amiable, par voie
de négocintions dircctcs ctitrc Ics deux (;ouvrrnement.s, n'ayant
donne ;iucun r&siiltat, il existe actuellenient iiriiIifl(:ron(lenti-e le
Gouvrmerrieril irripériald'lraii et le Goiiverncrrierit (111Roylirme-
Uni, difiérendque le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni a jugépropre
à êtresoumis à la Cour.
9. En soumettant ce différend à la Cour, le Gouvernement du
Royaume-Uni soutient que :
la) Le Gouvernement impérial d'Iran n'est pas fondé à refuscr
de soumettre le différend qui I'oppose à I'Anglo-Iranian Oil
Company, Limited, à I'arbitrage prévu par l'article 22 de la
Convention conclue en 1933 entre le Gouvernement impérial
de Perse et l'Angle-Persian Oil Company, Limited ;
bj Aux termes de la loi du ler mai 1951 portant nationalisation
des pétroles iraniens, le Gouvernement impérial d'Iran a
prétendu opérer une annulation ou une modification unila-
térales des dispositions de la Convention conclue en 1933entre
le Gou\yernement impérial de Perse et 1'Anglo-Persian Oil
Company. Limited, contrairement aux termes exprès des
articles 21 et 26 de ladite Convention ;
c) En prétendant ainsi procéderà une annulation ou modification
unilatérales des dispositions de la Convention conclue en 1933
entre le Gouvernement impérial de Perse et l'Anglo-Persian
Oil Company, Limited, contrairement aux termes exprès des
articles Zr et 26 de cette Convention, le Gouvernement
impErial d'Traiia coniiiik uii actc illicitc contre 1'Ariglii-Tr;ini;in
Oil Ciimliariy, Liinited, sociQtQde natiori;ilitli britnririiqiie ;
d) Eri rejetalit I'arbitrage, mode prémi par l'article 22 de la
Convcntion piiur régler n tous ciifflireriilsdc nature quelconque
entre les partics n, à la siiilc (111dApBtpar I'Anglo-li-anian
Oil Company, Liiriitcd, d'unc iiotcCcritc demandant l'arbitrage,
cnnformémentaux dispositioiis dudit article, le Gouvrrriement
irnliGrial[l'Iran a refusé,oii tente de refiiscr, h la Cotriliagtiie
le rccoursjuririirliiaexclosif espressélncr1)rEi.upar la Coi~ven-
tion ;
e) En pktend;~iit dc façon uiiilatCrale aiiiiiihir 111rrii~ilifierles
dispvsitions de la Convention conclue avec la Coinpagtiic, et
en lui refusant ou en tentant de lui refuser le recours juridique
exclusif expressément prévu par la Convention, le Gouverne-
ment impérial d'Iran, s'il persiste à refuser ce recours, sera
responsable d'un déni de justice à l'égard d'une sociétéde
nationalité britannique ;
/) Par la manière d'agir exposéeaux points b) à e) ci-dessus, le
Gouvernement impérial d'Iran a traité lin ressortissant
britannique d'une manièrequi n'est pas conforme aux principes
du droit international et, de ce fait, il a commis un délitinter-
national contre le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni.
@ IhC Colcri IO. Trttlte siiliriiissioiisof the Govcrniiiciit oftheUnited 1<ingdom,
ihc Court lias jurisdictioii to determine this dispute hrtween thr
Govcriiineiit of the United Iiiiigdom antl the 1rnperi;ll Govcrrirne~it
of Ir;in for the rr;iïori thatisa dispiitc çovcrcd I-rytlic tcrinsof the
declaration, deposited with the Secretariat of the League of Nations
on the 19th September, 1932,in which the Imperial Government of
Persia accepted the jurisdiction of the Permanent Court of Inter-
national Justice in conformity with Article 36 (2) of the Statute of
that Court. By the terms of that declaration, the Imperial Govern-
ment of Iran are bound to accept, on the basis of reciprocity, vis-à-
vis any other govemment, the jurisdiction of the Court, "sur tous
les différendsqui s'élèveraientaprès la ratification de la préxnte
déclaration, au sujet de situations ou de faits ayant directement ou
indirectement trait à l'application des traités ou conventions accep-
téspar la Perse et postérieurs à la ratification de cette déclaration.
exception faite pour :
a) Les différends ayant trait au statut territorial de la Perse,
y compris ceux relatifs à ses droits de souverainetésur ses iles
et ports ;
6) Les différendsau sujet desquels les parties auraient con\-enu
ou conviendraient d'avoir recours à un autre mode de règle-
ment pacifique ;
G) Les différends relatifs à des questions qui, d'après le droit
international, relèveraient exclusivement de la juridiction de
la Perse."
II. In the submissioiis of the Goveriimeiit ofthe United Kingdr)m.
this dispute between the Govarnment of ttie United Kingdom and
the Imperia1 Government uf Iran is a (lisliutc covcrcd by the terrns
of the decl;ir;ition. depositctl by tlic Impcrial Govcriiiiieiit of Persia
witli flie Secretariat of the Lcague of Nations on the 19th Septem-
bcr, 1932. bccause
(a) '1-hedispute has nrisrn ";ipr&s1;1r;itification (lc la prkcntc
dklaration" (paragrapti rz below).
(b) The dispute is "a11sujct dc situations ou dc faits ayant direc-
tement oii iridircctcrnctit traià l'application des trait& ou
conventions acceptéspar la Perse" (paragraph 13 liehiw).
(E)The dispute is "au sujet de situations ou de faits" which are
"postérieursàlaratification decette déclaration" (paragraph 12
(d) The exceptions set forth in the aforesaid declaration are not
applicable to the present case. In particular, the question
whether or not a State has committed a breach of an intèr-
national obligation is not, and cannot be,a question exclusivelj:
within the domestic jurisdiction of that State. REQUÈ'.TE IN.I'ROI>UCTl VNESTANCE(26 V 51) I3
ro. Suivatit lcs ci~riçliiaiidu Goiiverneiiiciit di1 Koyaiiiiic-Uni,Co"'"'cnrdc
la Cour a coiiipCtciicc pour coiiiiaitrr de cl: diff4rerid qui i,l:iposo
le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni ct lc Goi~vcrtictiictit irii~iArial
d'Iran, attcriilu qu'il s';tgit tl'iiii diffkciid vis6 par Ics dis~>osilioiis
de la déclaration déposee au Secrétariat de la Sociétédes Nations
. le19 septembre 1932. par laquelle le Gouvernement impérial de
'Perse acceptait la juridiction de la Cour permanente de Justice
internationale conformémciit A l'article 36, paragraphe z, du Statut
de ladite Cour. Aux termes de cette déclaration, le Gouvernemcnt
impérial d'Iran est convenu d'accepter la juridiction de la Coiir,
sur la base de réciprocité,à l'égard de tout autre gouvernement
nsur tous la différendsqui s'élèveraientaprès la ratification de la
présente déclaration, au sujet de situations oii de faits ayant
directement ou indirectement trait à l'application des traités ou
conventions acceptés par la Perse et postérieurs à la ratification de
cette déclaration, exception faite pour :
a) Les différends ayant trait au statut territorial de la Perse, y
compris ceux relatifs à ses droits de souvcraineté sur ses îles
et ports ;
6) Les différends au sujet desquels les parties auraient convenu
ou conviendraient d'avoir recours à un autre mode de règle-
ment pacifique ;
c) Les différends relatifs à des questions qni, d'après le droit
international, relèveraient exclusivement de la juridiction de
la Perse. n
II. Suivant lcs coiiclusioiis du Gouvernement tliRoyaume-Uni,
le différend qui oppose ici le Gouveriicrncrit di1 Roy~iirne-Uni ;il1
Guiivememerit irnp4ri;ll d'lr;lii se trouvc vis6 par Ics ilisl~ositiotis
clcla tl6cioratioti qiie Ic Gouvcriicnicnt impérial de I'ersc a d6poscc
au Sccrktariat dc la SociCtk dcs Nations le 19 septembre 1932. En
effet :
a) Le diffknd s'est élevéa après la ratificatiori (le 1;1prksente
dEc1;ir;itiuj)(paragraphe r2 ci-dcssoiis).
h} Le différend existe (1au sujet de sililatiotis ou de faits ayarit
tlirectciric~it on irillireçterncrit àrl'application des traités
ou convcntioiis acccptCs par la l'erse IV(paragraphe 13 ci-
c)Le différend existe aau sujet de situations ou de faits IIqui
sont apostérieurs à la ratification de cette déclaratio» (para-
graphe 12 ci-dessous).
d) Les exceptions énuméréesdans ladite déclaration ne sont pas
applicables à l'affaire présente. En particulier, le point de
savoir si un État s'est rendu coupable ou non d'un manque-
ment à une obligation internationale n'est pas,et ne saurait
étre. une question exclusivement réservée à la compétence
nationale de cet État. 12. The dispute is ;Idispiilc wliicli has arisen ";ipr&s la raiiï-
cation de la ~>rEscritcilCclaration" (19th Saptcrribcr. 1932), and is
al50 ;idis~iiitc"au sujet de situations oii de faits" which are "pmttr.
rieurs h h ratification de cette dbdaratiori" (xgth Septomber. 1932)
in that both the dispute and the facts out of which it arises are ail
consequences of and subsequent to the Iranian Oil Nationalization
Act of the 1st May, 1951.
13. The "traités ou conventions acceptés par la Perse", which
are directly or indirectly involved by the situations and facts out
of which the dispute anses, are of two kinds :
(la)First, there are certain treaties and conventions by which
Iran is obliged to accord to British nationals the same treat-
ment as that accorded to nationals of the most favoured
nation, and there arc also certain other treaties and conyen-
tions, by which Iran is obliged to treat the nationals of other
States in accordance with the principles of international
laur (paragraphs 14-1 j belou,).
(b) Secondly, there is a direct treaty obligation between Iran
and the United Kingdom by which Iran is obliged to treat
British nationals in accordance with the principles of inter-
national law (paragraph 17 below).
Further. the Convention concluded in 1933, by which the
Concession was granted, may, having regard to the circumstances
in which it was made, be held to be a "convention" within the
tricaiiiiig of that expressiciri in thc declaratiori iIcliositcd by the
Iriiperial Governmerit of Pcrsia relating to Arliclc 36 (2) of the
Statiite of the Coiirt.
14. The trcatics and converilions obliging Iran tu accord to
British natioiials the same trcatiiicnt as that ;iccor<lcilto iiatioiials
of the most favoured iiatioii (rcferretl to iri Ix~ragraph 13 (a) ;ihrive,)
are :
(u) The Trcaty coiicluded at.Paris bct\z8cciithe Unitt:d Kiiigdom
aiid Pcrsia on the 4th March, 18j7, Article TX of whch
i'cads: "The Higli Ciiritractirig l'arties erigagc that, in the
cstablishiiient and recognition of Consiils-Gcricral, Consuls,
Vice-Consuls, and Consular Agents, each shaU be placed in
the dominions of the other on the footing of the most favoured
nation ; and that the treatment of their respective subjects,
and their trade, shall also, in every respect, be placed on
the footing of the treatment of the subjects and commerce
of the most favoured nation."
(b)The Commercial Convention concluded at Tehran betirreen
the United Kingdom and Persia on the 9th February, 1903,
Article II of which reads: WQIJF'.TE INTROUUCTIVE D'INSTANCC (26 V 51) r4
12. Ce diiferciid s'est Clevé 1aprks la ratificaticiri (le 1;1présknte
dhclaration a (19 septembre 1932) ; c'est égalernetit iitiilifférarid
gau sujet dc situations ou de f;lits fiqui sont nlioçtbricurs :i la
ratification dc cette déclar;~ti«ri (19 septembre 1932) cil cc qiic lc
différend et les faits qui lui ont donnénaissance sont tous deux des
conséquences de la loi du I~~ mai 1951 sur la nationalisatiori des
pétroIes iraniens et sont postérieurs à cette loi.
13, Le;; 41traités ou conventions acceptés par la Perse », et. qui
sont directement ou indirectement mis en cause par les situations
et les faits qui ont donné naissance au différend, sont de deux
mrts :
a) On trouve en premier lieu certains traités et conventions par
lesquels l'Iran est tenu d'accorder aux ressortissants britan-
niques le mêmetraitement qu'il accorde aux ressortissants
de la nation la plus favorisée et certains autres traités et
con\-entions par lesquels l'Iran est tenu de traiter les ressor-
tissants des autres États conformément aux principes du
droit international (paragraphes 14-15 ci-dessous).
b) Il existe en second lieu, entre l'Iran et le Royaume-Uni, une
obligation conventionnellc directe par laquelle l'Iran est tenu
de traiter les ressortissants britanniques conformément aux
principes du droit international (paragraphe 17 ci-dessous).
En outre, la Convention coiiclue en 1933, portant octroi de la
Concession, peut, si l'on tient compte des circonstances dans
IesqueiIes elle a étéfaite, êtreconsidéréecomme une IIconvention 1)
au sens doniii: à cette cxprcssioii dans la dkclaratinn déposCep;ir
le Gouvemamcnt impérial de t-'t:rst:et relative Q 1';lrtil:lc36, para-
gra1)lic a, du Çt;~tut dc la Coiir.
14, Les trÿites ct coiivciitioiis obligeant l'Iran à accorder aux
1-essortissants britanniques le méme traitciiicnt qu'il :~cccirde:rilx
ressortissnnts dc la nation la plils favoris&c (trait.& ;~iixiliielsil a
Pt4 filit ;llliisi;LU p;i.r;lgr;~plie1a) ci-dessiis) sont les suivaiits:
a) Lc trailk coiiclu à Faris entre lc Royauriie-Uni et la l'crse. lc
J m;irs1857, dont l'article 1X tlisliosc cc qui sui: «T.esH;~iitcs
Part.iç.s contractantes suiit convenues que, eri <:cqui est de
l'&labli%ement et de la reçoriiiaissance des cotisuls g6riéraux.
consuls, vice-consuls et agents consulaires, chacune sera
placée sur les territoires de l'autre dans la situation de la
nation la plus favorisée ; le traitement accordé à leurs sujets
respectifs ct à leurs intérets commerciaux sera également à
tous égards le mêmeque celui dont bénéficient lessujets et
les intérêtscommerciaux de la nation la plus favorisée. 11
b) La con\-ention commerciale conclue à Téhéran entre le
Royaume-Uni et la Perse, le g février 1903. dont l'article II
énonce ce qui suit : " ...IIest formellcnient stipuléque les sujets et les impor-
tations britanniques en l'erse, ainsi que les sujets persans
et les importations persanes di~ns l'Empire brit;~rinirlue,
continurront i jouir sous toiis les rtrpports do rkgirnt: ilc
la nation la plus favorisée ...."
15. The treaties obliging Iran to treat the nationals of certain
other States in accordancc with the principles of international laiv
(ah referred to in paragraph 13 (a)above) include the following :
(B) The Treaty of Friendship and Establishment coiicluded
at Tehran between Pcrsia and Egypt on the 28th November.
1928, Article 11' of which provides that the subjects ofeach
of the High Contracting Parties shall enjoy "la plus constante
protection et s6curitéquant à leurs personnes, biens, droits
et intérêts,conformément au droit commun international".
(b) The Establishment Convention concluded at Tehran between
Pcrsia and Belgium on the 9th May, 1929, Article 1 of which
provides that "Les ressortissants de chacune des hautes
parties contractantes seront, sur le territoire de l'autre.
reçus et traités, relativement à leur personne et à leurs biens.
conformément au droit commun international. Ils y jouiront
de la plus constante protection des lois et des autorités
territoriales pour leur personne, leurs biens, droits et intérèts."
(cj The Establishment Convention concluded at Tehran between
Persia and Czechoslovakia on the 29th October, 1930,
Article 1 of which provides that "Les ressortissants de chacun
des l?t;~t.s i:ontr;ict;mt.s seront acciieillis et traitbs sur le
Lcrritoirc dc l'aiitrc fit;lt, en cc qui coriccrriclcurs personlies
ct lciirs liicris, d'aprks lcs priiicipcs ct la pratique du droit
coiiiniuri intcriiatiorial. Ils y jouiront de la plus const.;inte
protection des lois et ;~utorit.ksterritori;lles 1)oiirlcurs ~ic~--
ço~iricset pour lcurs bicris, droils cl iritCrets."
(d) Thc Trcaty of Fricridship, Establishriicrit and Coinmerce
coiicludcd at Tchraii hctween l'ersia and Deninark un the
20th k-ebriiary, 1934, Article IV of which pn)vidcs lhot
4LH ressortissarils dc cliacuric ilcs liautcs parties contrac-
Ia~ilcs seront, sur lc tcrritoirc de l'autrc, reçus et traites,
relativement à leurs personnes et à leurs biens, conformément
aus principes et à la pratique du droit commun international.
Ilsy jouiront de la plus constante protection des lois et des
autorités territoriales pour leurs personnes, et pour Leurs
biens, droits et intéretç'."
(8) The Establishment Convention concluded between Persia
and Switzcrland at Berne on the 25th A~ril. 1~14.Ar<-..e 1
of which provides that "Les ressortissants de chacune
des hautes parties contractantes seront accucillis et traités
sur le territoire de l'autre partie, en ce qui concerne leurs AEQU~~TE 1NTRODIJC.TIV D 'INS~ANCE (26 V 51) I5
4 ....Il es1 fortricllciiient stipulé que les siijcts et les iirij)cir-
latiuns britaiiiiiqucs en Perse. airisi qiic Ics sujcts pcrsaiis
et les importations pcrsaiics dans l'Empire britannique.
continuerorit i joiiir sous tous les rapports di1 rGgime de
Ia nation la plus favorisée ...II
15. Les traités obligeant l'Iran à traiter les ressortissants de
certains autres États conformément au& principes du droit inter-
national (auxquels il a étédéjà fait allusion au paragraphe 13a)
ci-dessus) comprennent les textes suivants :
a) Le traité d'amitié et d'établissement conclu à Téhéranentre
la Perse et l'Égypte, le 28 novembre 1928, dont l'article IV
dispose que les ressortissants de chacune des Hautes Parties
contractantes jouiront di: K la plus constante protection et
sécuritéquant à leurs personnes, biens, droits et intérets,
conform~ment au droit commun international JI.
b) La convention d'établissement conclue à Téhéran entre la
Perse et la Belgique, le g mai 1929, dont l'article premier
dispose que «Les ressortissants de chacune des hautes parties
contractantes seront, sur lc territoirc de l'autre, reçus et
traités, relativement à leur personne et à leurs biens, confor-
mément au droit commun international. Ils y jouiront di: la
plus constante protection des lois et des autorités territoriales
pour leur personne, leurs biens, droits et intérêts. u
c) La convention d'établissement conclue à Téhéran entre la
Perse et la Tchécoslovaquie le 29 octobre 1930, dont l'article
prcmicr disposc comme suit : <Lcs ressortissants dc chacun
des Etats contractants scroiit accueillis et traités sur le terri-
toire de 1';iutre I"t;lt, en ce qui concerne Ieiirs prrsoriries; et
leurs I)ieris.d'aprbs lcs principes et la praliqiic du droit com-
niuii inicrnational. Ils y joiiirorit dc la plus constante
protection des lois et autoritCs territoriales pour leurs per-
sonnes et pour leurs biens, droits et inthr&ts.I)
d) 1.e trait4 d'arriiti8, d'établissement et de çorrirrierce coiiclii
;iT6litr.îiictilrc la. Perse et le D;~tirrn;lrk 20 Iévricr 1934,
dont l'article IV dispose çornrrie siiil: «Lcs rcssortissaiits de
cliacunc da hautes parties <:otitraclaiitcs scroiit, sur le terri-
toise de l'autre, rrçiis et traitCs, rclativeiiàeleurs personnes
et à leurs biens, conformément aux principes et à la pratiqne
du droit commun international. Ils y jouiront de la plus
constante protection des lois et des autorités territoriales
pour leurs personnes, et pour leurs biens, droits et intéréts. »
e) La convention d'établissement conclue à Berne entre la Perse
et la Suisse le 25 avril 1934, dont l'article premier dispose
comme suit : «Les ressortissants de chacune des hautes parties
contractantes seront accueillis et traités sur le territoire de
l'autre partie; en ce qui concerne leurs personnes et leurs biens,16 API'1,ICATIONINSïITU71NÇ YKUCEEUINGS (26 V 51)
persoiincs ct Icurs liicns, d't~prts les principes et la pratique
du droit coininiin iiitertiatioiid. Ils y joiiin)nt rlc la plus
cunstante protectioii des lois ct aut0ritl.s icrritori;iles pour
lc11rs1)crsonnt.Set pour leurs biens, droits ct iritCr&ts."
(i) The Establishment Convention concluded at Tehran between
Persia and Germany on thc 17th February, 1929, Article 1
of which provides that "Les ressortissants de chacun des
Rtats contr?ctants seront accueillis et traités sur le territoire
de l'autre Etat, en ce qui concerne leurs personnes et leurs
biens, d'après les principes et la pratique du droit commun
international. Ils y jouiront de la plus constante protection
des lois et autorités territoriales pour lcurs personnes, et pour
leurs biens, droits et intérets."
(g) The Establishment Convention concluded at Tebran between
Persia and Turkey on the 14th March, 1937,Article 1of which
provides that "Les ressortissants dechacune des hautes parties
contractantes seront, sur le temtoire de l'autre, reçus et
traités, relativement à.leurs personnes et à leurs biens, confor-
mément au droit commun international. Ils y jouiront de la
plus constante protection des lois et des autorités territoriales
pour leurs personnes et leurs biens, droits et intérêts."
(h)The Exchange of Notes between Persia and the United States
constituting a modus vivendi regarding friendly and commer-
cial relations, dated the 14th May, 1928,in which the Acting
Persian Minister for Forcigii Affairs stated that "A tlater du
IO mai 1928,les ressortissants des États-Unis d'Amériqueen
Perse seront admis et traités conformément ailx règles et
pr;rt.iquesdu droit coiniiiuii iiitcriialiorial et sur I;rbase d'iine
1)arf;lite réciprocité."
(ilThe Excliaiigc nf Notes hetween I'ersia aiid tlic Ncthcrlarids
constitiitiiig a rnorlt~snioendi rrgarding friciidsliip aiid cuni-
merce dated the 20th Juiic, 1928,in wtiich the Acting l'ersian
Mi~iistcr for Foreign Afiairs statcd: " ressortiss;i~ils
dcs Pays-Bas sur le territoiredc la Pcrse y seront ;~drnisci
traitCs coiiforrn<irneri;tlux règleset pratiqucs du droit coiriniun
(j) Tlir Exchi~ngeof Notes bctwccn Pcrsi;~tirid Italy, constitut-
irig ;r nzodztsviv~?!,diin inattcrs of cornrnerce ;~ridjurisdictiun
dated the 25th June, 1928,in which the Acting Persian Minis-
ter for Foreign Affairs stated: "Les ressortissants italiens
seront admis et traités sur le temtoire persan conformément
aux règleset pratiques du droit commun international sur la
base d'une parfaite réciprocité."
16. .%sshown in paragraphs 14 and 15 above, Iran has accepted
treaties and conventions binding her to accord to British iiationals
the sarne treatment as that accorded to the nationais of the rnost
favoured nation and has aiso accepted treaties and conventions HEQU~TF. INTROUUCTIVE D'~NSTANCE (26 v $1) 16
d'aprbs lcs principes et la pratique du droit cornrnuri inter-
national. Ils y jouiront de 1;i plus constante prntectiori des
lois et autoritis territuri;iles pour leurs persorines ct pour
Ierirs I~iens,droits et iiitér&ts11
f) La convention d'établissement conclue à Téhéran entre la
Perse et l'Allemagne le 17 février 1929, doiit l'afticle premier
dispose que :« Les ressortissants de chacun des Etats coiijac-
tants seront accueillis et traités sur le territoire de l'autre htat,
en ce qui concerne leurs personnes et leurs biens, d'après les
principes et la pratique du droit commun international. Ils y
jouiront de la plus constante protection dcs lois et autorités
temtoriales pour leurs personnes, et pour leurs biens, droits
et intérêts. »
g) La convention d'établissement conclue à Téhéranentre la
Perse et la Turquie le 14 mars 1937, dont l'article premier
dispose que : n Les ressortissants de chacune des hautes parties
contractantes seront, sur le territoire de l'autre, reçus et
traités. relativement à leurs personnes et à leurs biens, confor-
mément au droit commun international. Ils y jouiront de la
plus constante protection des lois et des autorités territoriales
pour leurs personnes et leurs biens, droits et intérêts. 1)
hj L'échangede notes entre la Perse et les États-Unis portant
établissement d'un modus vivesdi en matière d'amitié et de
relations commerciales, en date du 14 mai 1928, dans lequel
le ministre des Affaires étrangèresde Perse en exercice dkcla-
rait :u A dater du IO mai 1928, les ressortissants des I?.tats-
Unis &AmCrique en Perse seront admis et traites conforme-
ment aux rhgles et pratiques <IIIdroit commiiri iritcrtiatiiinal
et siirla base d'une 11;iriailcrCci~iro<:itb 1.
ij réchange de riotcs ctitrc la I'ersc ct lcs l'ays-Has portant
I.tabli3smncrit d'un modrrs oivend.icti iiiatière d'amitié ct de
relatioiis comincrciales, en date du zo juin 1928, dans Icqiiel
le ministre des Affaires Cit.r;mg&re dse I'erse en cxcrcice dEcla-
rail :a Les ressurtissaiits des l'ays-Bas sur lc territoire de la
Pc~c y sertiril adrriis ct traites coriformbment aux r2gl:lcset
pratiques du droit commun international. n
j) L'khnnge de notes entre 1;iPerse et I'ltalie liortaiit Ctablissc-
nient d'un ncurlus vivsv~dicritiiatièredc cornnicrce et de jriridic-
tion. en date du 25 juin 1928, dans lequel le ministre des
Maires étrangères de Perse en exercice déclarait : ILes
ressortissants italiens seront admis et traites sur le territoire
persan conformémentaux règleset pratiques du droit conimun
international sur la base d'une parfaite réciprocité. 11
16. Ainsi qu'il ressort des paragraphes 14 et 15 ci-dessus, l'Iran
a condu des traités et conventions qui l'obligent à accorder
aux ressortissants britanniques le traitement qu'il accorde aux
ressortissants de la nation la plus favorisée, ainsi que certainsI7 APPLICATION INSTITIJTING PROCEEDINGS (26 V 51)
binding her totreat thc iiatioiials of ccrtaiii otlicr States in accord-
arii:c witli the principles of international law. It thcrefore followc,
in tlic suli~tiissioiiof tlie G!)vrrriment.of the United Kingdoin, Lliat
Iran has acccptctl Lrcaties 1)iridiriglier Io tre;it British iiatioiials in
accordance with the principles of international law.
17. As indicated in paragraph 13 (b) above, there also exists
a direct trcaty obligation, binding the Imperia1 Government of
Iran to treat British nationals in accordance with the principles
of international law. This arises out of the fact that in an cxchange
of notes hetween the Imperial Government of Persia and the
Government of the United ICingdom, on the 10th May, 1928,
relating to the abolition of capitulations in Persia, the Imperia1
Government of Persia undertook that henceforth British nationais
in Persia "will be admitted and treated on Persian territory in
conformity with the rules and practice of international law" '.
18. .4s stated in paragraph 9 above, it is the submission of the
Government of the United Kingdom that the Imperial Government
of Iran have treated the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited, a
Britijh national, in a manner which is not in accordance with the
principles of international law. This treatmerit constitutes, on the
part of the Imperial Government of Iran, not only a breach of
the rules of customary international law but also a breach of
treaty obligations accepted bythat Govemnient (seeparagraphs 14-
17 above). with the consequericc that that Government, in accord-
ance with the terms of thcir dcclnratioii. deposited with the
Sccrctariat of the Eeague of Nations on tlic ~gtli September, 1932,
acccptiiig tlie jiirisdiction of the Pcriiiaiiciit Coirrl of Tritcrnatioiid
.JiisLiccin çoriformity with Articlc 36 (2) of the SLal~iteof that
Court, arc Iioiiiicltcisiibmit to the jurisdictioii of tlic International
Court of Justice in tliis caso.
79. For the reasons givcii in paragra~ilis 11-18 abovc. it istlie
suliniissiuri of the Goveriiniciit of tlic IJiiited Kingdorii tlial tlic
Court haç tlic right to rxercise jurisdictioii in Lliis case uiider
,Article 56 (2) of tlic SLaLiiteof the Court, by reasoii of the declara-
tiuri daposittid by tlic Iriipcrial Goverriment of I'ersia witli the
Secretariat of the League of Nations on the 19th September, 1932.
zo. Alternatively, whether or not the Court has the right to
exercise jurisdiction in this case by virtue of the terms of the afore-
said declaration of the Imperial Government of Persia, the,Govern-
ment of the United Icingdom expect that Iran, as a Member of the
United Nations, one of the purposes of which is "to bring about by
' The ocginal texu,asin French and reads asfollow:"seront admis et traités
sur le territoire persan conformémenaux regles et pratiques du droit commun
international". REQLI~I.~ INTRC~~~UC~I 'TN STANCE (26 v 51) '7
trailbs ct conventions qui I'obligeriS traiter les rrssiii'tiss:ml.s dc
liluçieurs autrrs I:tats conform8rricnt auxprincipes du droit irilcr-
national. Il s'crisuit donc, sclon lc Gouvernemerit du Hoyaumc-Uni,
que I'lrari a conclu des traitCs qui l'obligenl 3.traiter les ressortis-
sants britanniques conformément aux principes du droit inter-
'7. Ainsi ,qu'il a étéindiqué au paragraphe 13 b) ci-dessus, il
existe également une obligation conventionnelle directe cn vertu
de laquelle le Gouvernement impérial d'Iran est tenu de traiter
les res5ortissants britanniques conformément aux principes du
droit international. Cela découle de l'engagement pris par le
Goiivemement impérial de Perse, par un échange de notes entre
ce Gouvernement ct le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni, en date
du IO mai 1928, relatif à l'abolition des capitulations en Perse,
portant que dorénavant les ressortissants britanniques en Perse
seront admis et traités sur le territoire persan conformément aux
règles et pratiques du droit commun international D.
18. Ainsi qu'il est dit au paragraphe 9 ci-dessus, la concliision
du Gouvernement du Royaunie-Uni est la suivante : le Gouverne-
ment impérial (l'Iran a traité 1'Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited,
sociétéde nationalité britannique, d'une manière qui n'est pas
conforme aux principes du droit international. Ce traitement
constitue de la part du Gouvernement impérial d'Iran, non seule-
ment un manquement aux règles de droitinternational coutumier,
mais encore un manquement aux obligations conventionnelles
assumées par ce Gouvernement (voir paragraphes 14-17 ci-dessus).
Il cn rtsulte que, conformément au tcxte de la déclaration d&r>osée
par lui au Seçr&tariat dr la SociCtEdes Nations Ic 19 scptctnbrc
rgy etpar 1:lrliicllcil acceptait la jiiridictii~n de la Cour permanente
de justice iritcriiationalc cil vertu de 1':irticlc 36. paragraphe2,
dii Statut dc la Cour, Ic Gouveriicrricrit d'Iran est. trriii de
suiiincttrci la juridiçlion de la Cour iiiternatiori;lle tlc Justicc
dans Ia prcsente affairc.
19.l'our lcs tiiutifs diiriii8s aux paragr;y>lics 11-18 ci-dessus, le
Gouver~iciiicnt du Koyaunic-Uni cori(:liit clilc la Cour ;Ile droit.
rl'excrccr juridictiori (l;ins cette aliairc cil vertu de l'article 36,
parsgraphe z.dii Statut de 1;Cour, dufait de 1;1d(:clai~atioiitl6posCc
au, Secrétarial dc la SoçiBtB des Nations par Ic Gouver~icnient
impérial de Perse, le 19 septembre 1932.
20. A titre subsidiaire, que la Cour ait ou non juridiction
en cetie affaire aux termes de ladite déclaration du Goiiver-
nement impérial de Perse, le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni est
convaincu que l'Iran, en sa qualité de Membre des Nations Unies,
dont un des buts est «de réaliser par des moyens pacificlueç, 18 .~YI'LICA'I'IOINSIIIU.L.lC.'CPHOCEE1)INÇS (26 V 51)
~)excrfiilme:lriï, and in cunforniity with the principlcs of justice
aiid intcr~natioiiallaw, acljiislrnciit i)r settlernerit of international
disputcs or sitilaliotis wliicli rriiglit Icad to 1)reacliuf the peace"
(Article r (1) of tlic Charter). ariil tniiiilliil of thc principle that
"legal disputes should as a general rule be referred by the parties
to the International Court of Justice in accordance with the provi-
sions of the Statute of the Court" (Article 36 (3) of the Charter).
\vil1agree to appenr before the Court voluntarily in order to hear
and ansiver on their merits the arguments of the Government of the
United Kingdom. (Forupn prorogatum; Corfu Channel clas6
(Preliminary Objection) ; Judgmeiit of March 25th, 1948-I.C. J.
Reports 1947-1948, page 27.) This course is ali the more incumbent
upon the Imperial Government of Iran since the dispute in a large
measure concerns the Convention concluded on the 29th April.
1933, between the Imperial Government of Persia and the Anglo-
Persian Oil Company, Limited, in which both parties declared that
they base "l'exécution de la présente Convention sur les principes
réciproquesde bonne volonté et de bonne foi".
Vattcrrof rbc Zr. Accordingly, the Government of the United Kingdom açk
ckim the Court to give notice of the present Application to the Imperia1
Government of Iran in accordancewith Article 40 (2)of the Statute
of the Court and, after hearing the contentions of the parties :
(a) To declarc that the Imperial Government of Iran are under
a duty to submit the dispute between themselves and the
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited, to arbitration under
the provisions of Article 22 of Llic Cotivcntiori çciricludcd
on the 29th April, 1933, bctwccti tlic Itnpcrial Covcrriincnt
iiIPersia ;lnd the Anglo-l'ersian Oil Coinpaiiy, Liiiiitcd, and
to scccljt and carry out :rriytrward issiied as a result of wcti
(h) LIltcr~iativcly,
(i) l'o declarc tliat tlic puttirig irito effect of the Iraiiisn
ClilNationalization Act of tlic 1st May, 1951, iii so far
as il piirports to effect a ~iiiilatcralaiiiiultnciit. or alter;i-
tioii of the terrns. of the Convention concliided on tlia
29th April, 1933. between the Imperia1 Government of
Persia and the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, Limited.
contrary to Articles 21 and 26 thereof, would be an act
contrary to international law for which the Imperia1
Government of Iran would beintemationally responsible ;
(ii) To declare that Article 22 of the aforesaid Convention
continues to be legally binding on the Imperial Govern-
ment of Iran and that, by denying to the Anglo-Iranian
Oil Company, Limited, the exclusive legal remedy
provided in Article 22 of the aforesaid Convention, miyche INTHOUUCTIVE ~'INSTANC (26 .v 51) 18
conforinheiit aux principes de la jiistiçc cl dii droit intcriiational,
l'ajustement ou le riiglement de diff4rciirls ou dc sitiiatioiis de
caractère intemiiticirial, siisceptihles clc iricàiune riiliturc dc la
paix. (article prernicr, par;igr;iplie r. dc la Charte), et conscient
du principe suivant lequel n lesdifférendsd'ordre juridique devraient,
d'une manière générale,êtresoumis par les parties à la Cour inter-
nationale de Justice, conformément aux dispositions du Statut
de la Cour ii(article 36, paragraphe 3, de la Charte), acceptera de
se présenter volontairement devant la Cour afin que les argunients
dii Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni puissent faire l'objet, sur le
fond, d'un examen contradictoire. (Forztm prorogalzim; Afaire
dit Détroitde Corfozt (exception préliminaire) ; Arrèt du 25 mars
1948- C. 1. J. Recueil 1947-1gq8, page 27.) Cette attitude s'impose
d'autant plus au Gouvernement impérial d'Iran que le différend
vise dans une large mesure la Convention conclue le 29 avril 1933
entre le Gouvernement impérial de Perse et 1'Anglo-Persiari Oil
Company. Limited. dans laquelle les deux parties déclarent fonder
a l'exécution de la présente Convention sur les principes réciproques
dc bonne 1-olontéet de bonne foi n.
21. En conséquence,le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni demande XOIM~Sde ro
à la Cour de notifier la présente requete au Gouvernement impérial dmndr
d'Iran conformément à l'article 40, paragraphe z, du Statut de la
Cour, et, après avoir entendu les parties dans leurs prétentions :
a) Déclarer que le Gouvernement impérial d'Iran est tenu de
soumetire à l'arbitrage le différend qui a surgi entre lui et
l'hglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited, cela en vertii de
l'ariiclc zz dc la Corivcritioti conclue l29 avril rg:<? entre le
tiouveriieinent iiiilifrialde Perse et I'Ariglo-l'ersiari Oil
Company, Limited, et qu'il est tcnu d'accclitcr et d'cxbcutcr
la sentence rendue :i la suite de cct arbitrage.
b) Çubsidiairenieiit,
i) Ukcl;irer qiic la mise en vigiiciir dc la loi iranieriric sur la
n;itirinalisation du pbtrtile iliI~~ Inai 1951, eii tant que
celie loi a Iiour ohjet, coritraircinent aiix art.ii:lcset z6
de 13Convention conclue le 29 tivril 1933erilrc le Goiiver-
nement impérialde Perse et 1'Anglo-Persian Oil Company,
Limited. d'annuler ou de modifier unilatéralement les
termes de ladite Convention, serait un acte contraire au
droit international qui engagerait la responsabilité inter-
nationale du Gouvernement impérial d'Iran ;
ii) Déclarerque l'article zz de la Convention précitéecontinue
à lier juridiquement le Gouvernement impérial d'Iran, et
qu'en déniant à I'Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited,
i'usage de la voie exclusive de recours prévueà l'article zz
de la Convention précitée, le Gouvernement impérial a'9 APPLICATION INSTITUTINC I~l<OC~LDlNGS (26 V 51)
the lnipc!ri;bl(;overrirnerit ti;lvi+(:ornrnitte;L (l(!i~ilbf
jiistiçc cciiitr;lry to intcriiatiorial l:w
(iii) '1'0declare that the ;iforesaid Convrritii)ii c;uinot 1;~wfiilly
be ;inniilled, or its trrrns ;~ltrrrrl, by thc 1rnperi;llGovcrii-
ment of Iran, othenvise than as the result of agreement
with the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited, or nnder
the conditions provitled in Article 26 of the Convention ;
(ir-) l'o adjudge that the Imperia1 Government of Iran
should give full satisfaction and indemnity for al1 acts
committed in relation to the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company,
Limited, which are contrary to international law or the
aforesaid Convention, and to determine the manner of
such satisfaction and indemnity.
22. The Goveriiment of the United Kingdom rescrve the right
to request the Court, in accordance with Article 41 of the Statute
of the Court, to indicate any provisional measures which ought
to be taken to protect the rights of the Government of the United
Kingdom that their national, the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company.
Limited. shonld enjoy the nghts to which it is entitled under the
aforesaid Convention.
23. The undersigned has been appointed by the Government
of the Cnited Kingdom as its Agent for the purposes of these
I have the hononr to be, etc.
Lcgal Adviscr to the
Foreign Oiiice. REQL~TE INTRODUCTIVE I)'INSTANCE (26 v 51) 19
commis un diini de jiisticc coritrairc au droit iiiteriiatio-
nxl ;
iii) Ucclarer que le Gouvernerrierit irril>Criald'lraii rie saurait
annuler licitement ladite Coiivcritiori, ni eii modifier les
dispositions, sauf par la voie d'un accord avec l'Anglo-
Iranian Oil Company, Limited, ou dans les conditions
privucs à l'article 26 de la Convention ;
iv) Dire et juger que le Gouvernement impérial d'Iran est
tenu d'accorder pleine satisfaction et indemnité pour tous
actes commis à l'égardde l(Ang10-Iranian Oil Company,
Limited, et contraires aux règles de droit international
ou à la Convention précitée,et déterminer la maniére
dont cette satisfaction et cette indemnité devraient être
22. Le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni se réserve le droit de
demander à la Cour d'indiquer, conformément à l'article 41 de son
Statut, toutes mesures conservatoires qu'il conviendrait de prendre
pour protéger les droits du Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni à ce
que son ressortissant, l'Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Liniited,
oonwrx-e la jouissance des droits qui sont les siens aux termes de
ladite Convention.
23. Le soussignéa étédésigné par le Gouvernement du Royaume-
Uni en qualité d'agent aux fins de la présente affaire.
\'euillez agréer, etc.
(Sigd) Eltic BXCI<ETT;
ConsciUcrjuridique iiu
For the purpose of establishing a new Concessionto replace that
which \vas granted in 1901 to William Knox D'Arcy, the present
Concession is granted by the Persian Government and accepted by
the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, Limited.
This Concessionshall regulate in the future the relations between
the two parties above mentioned.
The foiiowing definitions of certain terms used in the present
Agreement are applicable for the purposes hereof, without regard
to any different meaning which inay or might be attribiited to
those terms for other purposes :
"The Government" means the Imperia1 Government of
"The Company" means the Anglo-Persitui Oil Cornl)aiiy,
],imiteci, ;ind ;il1its siibordiri:lte ~(ir;lsaiiies
"Tlie Aiigln-Pcrsiaii Oil Corripaiiy. Liiiiitcd" incaiis the
t\ngln-PcrsiaiiOil Coiripaiiy, Liinitcd, or aiiy other body
coipoiatc to which, with the consent of the Guvornmnnt
(Article z6), this Concession inightbe trnnsferretl ;
"Subordin:ite Complriy" meÿris ariy coiripaiiy for wliich
the Cornpaiiy lias tlic rifilit to iioiniiiate dircctly or indirectlg-
niore thaii one-half of the directors, in whicli tlic Corri~sariy
holds, directly or indirectly;rnurnlii?iifsliarcs sufliciciil to
asure it Inore thari 50 per cerit of al1 votirig rights at the
general meetings of such a Company ;
"Petroleum" means crude oil, natural gases, asphalt,
ozokerite, as well as al1 products obtained either from these
substancesorby mixingthcse substances with other substances ;
"Operations of the Company in Persia" means allindustrid.
commercial and technical operations carried on bythe Company
exclusively for the purposes of this Concession. ANNEXE A
Dans le but d'établir une uouveUe Concession en remplacement
de celle qui avait étéaccordécen 1901 à William Knox D'Arcy, la
prbsente Concession est octroyée par le Gouvernement persan et
acceptée par l'uAnglo-Persiari Oil Company, Limited II.
Cette Concessionréglera pourl'avenir les rapports entre les deux
parties ci-dessus mentionnées.
Les définitions ci-dessous (le certains termes employés dans la
présente Conventioii sont applicables aux fins de celle-ci, abstrac-
tion faitc de toute signification différente qui peut ou pourrait
leur Ctre attribuée pour d'autres fins :
<rLe Gouvernement IIsignifie le Gouvernement impérial de
Perse ;
a La Ciim~):igiiic n signifie 1'.Aiiglo-Pcrsiari Oil Coriip;my,
1,irnitcin ct toutes ses -sociétkssiilioriloiili~es;
irL'hnglo-l'ersian Oil Comliaiiy, Liniited usignifie1'.hiiglc-
Pcrsiaii Oil Compiny, 1.irriitnd ou tolite autre personne
iiiorale à I;uliielle, avec lc consentement du Gouvernement
(;irticle zG), cctte Coiiccssioii poiirr;iil Ctrc traiisf6r;.c
iiÇociCté siihordoririCe iii;igriiîic toute soçi6iA polir laquelle
la Coinpagnir ;L Ic tlroii dc noninier plus (lc ln iiioitik dfr
adtninistrat~urs dircctciriciit ou indirectrrricrit, ou d;iiis I;ic]uelic
la Compignic ~!osshdc,soit directrinrnt, soit itidirectemi+nt, iiri
numbre d'actiotis suffisant pour lui garantir plus dc jo 'X,de la
totalité des droits de vote dans les assemblées générale(sl'une
telle société ;
u Le pétrole ii signifie l'huile brute, les gaz naturels, les
asphaltes, les ozokéntes, ainsi que tous les prodiiits obtenus.
soit de ces substances, soit en mêlant celles-ci à d'autres
substances ;
a Opérations de la Compagnie en Persc 1)signifie toutes les
opGrations industrielles, commerciales et techniqiies faitespar
la Compagnie exclusivement aux fins de cette Concessinn.
Tlie Covcriiiiiciit grants to the Conipany. on the t(!rms of tlrk
Concession, the exclusivi: right, wittiiri tlit? Icrritory of tlic Coriccs-
sion. to search for and extract petroleum as well as to refine or
treat in any other manner and render suitable for commerce the
petroleum obtained by it.
ïhe Government also grants to the Company, throughout Persia,
the non-exclusive right to transport petroleum, to refine or treat
it in any other manner ancl to render it suitable for commerce, as
ir.ell as to sel1 it in Persia and to export it.
Article 2
.4. The territory of the Concession, until December yst, 1938,
chall be the territory to the south of the violet linc drawn on the
map 'signed by both parties and annexed to the present Agreement.
B. The Company is bound, at latest by December pst, 1938, to
select on the territory above mentioned one or several areas of
such chape and such size aiid so situated as the Company may
deem suitable. The total area of the area or areas selected mnst not
excecd one hundred thousand English square miles (1oo.000 square
miles), each linear mile being equivalent to 1,609 metres.
The Company shall notify to the Government in writirig on
December 31st, 1938, or before that date, the area or areas which
it shall have selected as above provided. The maps and data
iicccssary toidrntify :lridrl(:firietlit:;iir;lrcas wliicli tlic Coiripaiiy
shall ha\-t:selectoil sliall I>caltaclicil to cacli notification.
C. After Uecembrr ist, 19138,the Ci~ml>;~riy sliall tio Iniigcr
have the riglit to scarcli for aiid exlrocl pctrolcuiii cxccpt 011the
nrpa or arcas sclccted by it under paragraph H above, ;riid the
Lerritory of the Concession, after that date, sh;hIIme;rri orily ilic
arca or arcas so selected and the selection of which sIi;~llti;ive lice11
iiotihed to the Giivi+rrirncnt;~s;iliovl: ~>roviilcil.
Avticlc 3
The Company shall have the non-exclusive right to cotistruct
and to own pipe-lines. The Company may determinc the position
of its pipe-lines and operate them.
Article 4
4. Any unutilized lands belonging to the Go\~eriimeiit. \\.hich
the Company shall deem necessary for its operations in L'ersiaand
'The map annexed to the original document not reproduced.but inuy be
reicrreto in the archives of the Secretar[of theLeague of Nations]. Lc C;ouveriienieiit octroie à la Compagiiie. aux termes de cette
Concession. le dniit rxcliisil. dans le.territoire dc la Co~iccssiori,(le
rechercher et d'extraire le pétrole, ainsi que de raffiner ou traiter
de toute autre manière et rendre propre pour le commerce le
pétrole obtenu par elle.
Le Gouvernement octroie également à la Compagnie, dans
l'étenduede la Perse, le droit non exclusif de transporter le pétrole,
de Ic raffiner ou traiter de toute autre mariièreet dc le rendre propre
pour le commerce, ainsi que de le vendre en Perse et l'exporter.
Article z
A. Le territoire de la Concession, jusqu'au 31 décembre1938,
sera le territoire au sud de la ligne violette tracée sur la carte1,
signéepar les deux parties et annexée à la présente Convention.
B. La Compagnie devra, au plus tard le 31 décembre 1938,
choisir dans le territoire ci-dessus mentionné un ou plusieurs
espaces de telle forme et telle grandeur situés dans tels endroits
que la Compagnie jugera convenir. L'ensemble de la superficie du
ou des espaces choisis ne doit pas dépasser cent mille milles carrés
anclais (1oo.000 milles carrés), chaque mille simple correspondant
à Ï.609 'mètres. \
La Compagnieinformera par écritle Gouvernement, le 31 décem-
bre 1938. ou avant cette date, de l'espace ou des espaces qu'elle
aura choisis cnmme il est préviici-dessus. Seront jointes à chaque
iriii~rrnalio~ilcs cartcs ct lcs dotiriCcs~iCccssairespour identifier et
delimitcr l'espace ou les espaces qu'aura choisis la Comp;igiiie.
C. tiliri.; 31 dCceiiibre1938, la Compagnie n'aurri plus le droit
dc rechercher et d'extraire le pétrole que dans I'eslirice ou les
espaces choisis par elle selon le parrigraphe l3ci-tlcssiis, et le terri-
toire deIn Concessirin,;lj)rts cette d;~tc,sigiiificrnsculcmcrit l'cspacc
oii Irs espaces ainsi clioisis ct dont le choix aura été notifié au
Giiuvcrncmcnt coiiiiiic il est pr&vu ci-dessus.
La Compagnie aura le droit non exclusif de.construire et d'avoir
des apipe-linesn. Il lui appartient de fixer le tracé de ses xpipe-
linesn et de les exploiter.
Article 4
A. Tous terrains non utilisés, appartenant au Gouvernement,
que la Compagnie jugera nécessaires,pour scs opbrations en Perse,
h carreannexéeau texte originan'a pas étéreproduite. Elle peut ètre
ïonsult6c damles=chives du Secrétariat [dela Soci6té des Nations].22 ANNEXES TO AYYLLCI\TTON (A)
whicli tlic Govcriitrictit sliail tiot rctliiire for purposcs of public
utility, shall bc liaiidcd ovcr gratuitously to the Company.
'1-hr:maiiner of acqiiiriiig such Iaiidï ï11;ilI hr tlir following:
w?ierir,vcr any land heccrmesriecessary to tlic Ciirriliniiy,it is liiiuntl
to send to the Ministry of Finance a rnap or maps on which thc
land >>-hichthe Company needs shall be shown in colour. The Govern-
ment undertakes, if it has no objection to make, to give its approval
rvithin a period of three months after receipt of the Company's
request. '
B. Lands beloiiging to the Government, of which use is being
mad'e, and which the Company shall need, shall be requested of
the Government in the manner prescribed in the precediiig para-
graph. and the Government, in case it should not itself need these
lands and should have no objection to make, shall give, within a
penod of thrce months, its approval to the sale asked for by the
The pnce of these lands shall be paid by the Company /such
pnce must be reasonable and riot exceed the current pricc of lands
of the same kind and utilized in the same manner in the district.
C. In the absence of a reply from the Government to requests
under paragraphs A and B above, after the expiry of two months
from the date of receipt of the said requests, a reminder shall bc
sent by the Company to the Government ; should the Government
fail to reply to such reminder within a period of one month, its
silence shaU be regarded as approval.
D. Lariils wliiçh du not belong to the Giivrrnment. and wtiich
are iicccssary to tlic Cirrn1);uiyshall hi: ac(liiiri:il I>ytlic Coiriliatiy,
by agrcenieiit witli tlic l>artii:sirii.i:rest.ed,aiiil tliroiigli tlic iiicdiilili
of thi: Govcriiiuciit.
III case ;igrarment. should not lie rcaçhed ;rsto the prict!~, thri
Govcmnicrit sIia11riot ;ill(iw the vwners of sudi l:~riilLiiilcirin~id
a price higlicr tliaii Llicpriccs cornrnorily currciit for iici,qlil>ouring
lnrids of the saiiic iiaturc. Iii valiiitig siicli laiids, iio rciard sliall
hc:piid to the use to vrhich tlic Coiii1)anyinay wish to put theni.
E. HoIy places and histoncal monuments, as well as al1 placcs
and sitcs of histoncal interest, are excluded from thc foregoing
proi,isions, as well as their immediate surroundings for a distance
of at least two hundred metres.
F. The Company has the non-cxclusive right to take withiii
the territory of the Concession, but not elsewhere, on anyunutilizcd
land belonging to the State, and to utilize gratuitously for al1 the
operations of the Company, any kinds of soil, sand, lime, gypsum,
stone and other building materials. It is understood that if thc
utilization of the said materials were prejudicial to any rightset dolit le Gouvernement n'aura pas besoin pour des buts d'utilitC
publique, seront cédésgratuitenient à la Conipagnie.
La manikm d'acquérir lesdits terrains sera la suivante : chaque
iois r111'uterrain devient. ni;cess;~hr1;iComp;lgnic. cette dernière
doit en\-oyer au ministère des Finances une ou plusieurs cartes sur
lesquelles le terrain dont la Compagnie a besoin sera indiqué en
couleur. Le Gouvernement s'engage à donner son :~pprobationdans
un délai de trois mois après avoir reçu la demande de la Compagnie,
s'il n'a pas d'objection à faire.
B. Les terrains utilisés,appartenant au Gouvernement, et dont
la Compagnie aura besoin seront demandes au Gouvernement de la
manière indiquée à l'alinéaprécédent,et le Gouvernement, au cas
où il n'aurait pas lui-même besoinde ces terrains et n'aurait aucune
objection à formuler, donnera, dans un délai de trois mois, son
approbation à la vente sollicitéepar la Compagnie.
Le prix de ces terrains sera pay4 par la Compagnie ; ce prix
dexra êtreraisonnable et ne pas dépasser le prix courant des ter-
rain~ de mêmenature et de même emploidans la même région.
C. En l'absence d'une réponsede la part du Gouvernement aux
demandes prévuesaux alinéas A et B précités,après l'expiration de
deux mois à partir de la date de la réception desdites demandes,
un rappel sera adressé par la Compagnie au Gouvernement ; à
défaut de réponseh ce rappel de la part du Gouvernement, dans un
délai d'un mois. son silence sera considérécomme approbation.
D. Les tcrreç qui ti'appartieiiiictit pas au Gouveriieinent et qui
sont nécessaires à la Coiiipagiiir seront acquisris par elle, d'accord
;ivrc Ivs intéressiisi:tp;ir l'int.ermt!di;ltliiGoiiverncment.
Dam lc cm où l'on iic sc riicttrait lias d'accord sur les prix, le
Gouvcrncrucnt tic pcrtnettra pas ailx propribtaires desdites terres
de reclamer un prix plus iilrvii qiie Irs prix ordin;~ircmeritcoiir;lnt.s
~)<nlrdes t.crres viiisirics de rri6rricriaturc. En Cvaluaiit les tcrrcs
swmciitionti~es, on ne s'occupera point de l'emploi que la Com-
pagnie voudiz en faire.
E. Les lieux saints el les riioriurxierilsIiistoriques, ainsi que Lous
les endroits et sites ayant un intérêthistorique, sont exclus des
dispositions qui précèdent,de mêmeque leurs dépendances à une
distance d'au moins deux cents mètres.
F. La Compagnie a le droit non exclusif dc prendre dans le
territoire dc la Concession, mais pas ailleurs, dans tout terrain non
utilisé appartenant à l'État, et d'employer gratuitement pour
toutes les opérationsde la Compagnie toutes espècesde terre, sable,
chaux. gypse, pierre et autres matières de constrnction. Il est
entendu que si l'utilisation desdits matériaux était préjudiciableà 23 ANNEXES TO APPT.IC~\TIOS (A)
ivhatcvcr of third parties, tlic Coiiipaiiy sliould iiideninify those
whoec rights wcrc iiifringed.
Article 5
The operations of the Company in Persia shall be restricted in
the foilou,ing manner :
(1)The construction of any new railway line and of any
new port shall be subject to a previous agreement between
the Government and the Company.
(21If the Company wishes to increase its existing service of
telephones, telegraphs, wireless and aviation in Persia, it shall
only be able so to do with the previous consent of the Govem-
If the Government requires to ntilize the meaus of transport and
communication of the Company for national defence or in other
critical circumstances, it undertakes to impede as little as possible
the operations of the Company, and to pay it fair compensation
for aiidamages caused by the utilization above mentioned.
A. The Company is authorized to effect, without special license.
.:dl imports iicccssary for tlic cxclilsive necds of its cniployccnn
pqmeiit of the Custoiii duties and otlicr dutics and taxes iii forcc
nt the time of importatioii.
The Coiiipaiiy shall take the iiecessary iiieaslires to prevciit the
sale or the: hcinding over of products iinportrd to persons not
i!mplriycd by tlie Com~i;my.
o. The Company shall have the right to import, without special
licrnse, the erliiipment. mcitrricil,mediceiland surgiceilinstruments
ancl ~~lurrnaccutical ~>ro(liicts,ricccssarfor its (lisl~cnsaricsand
hospitals iii l'ersia, and shall be exempt iii respect thereof from
any Ciistom duties and othrr diities and taxes in force at the time
of importation, or payments of any nature whatever to the Persian
State or to local authorities.
C. The Company shall have the right to import, without any
license and exempt from any Custom dutics and from aiiy taxes
or payments of any nature whatever to the Persian State or to
local authorities, anything necessary exclusively for the operations
of the Company in Persia.
D. The exports of petroleum shall enjoy Customs immunity
and shall be exempt from any taxes or payments of any nature
whatever to the Persian State or to local authorities. des drnils quclcoiiques apparteri;lrit IIilcs tiers, la Compagnie
d4dommagc1,ait lcs ayants droit.
Les opérations de la Compagnie en Perse seront restreintes de la
manière suivante :
I" La constmction de toute nouvelle ligne de chemins de
fer et de tout port nouveau sera subordonnée à un accord
préalable entre le Gouvernement et la Compagnie.
z" Çi la Compagnie désireaugmenter son service actuel de
téléphone, télégraphe, T. S. ri. et aviation en Perse, elle ne
pourra le faire que moyennant le consentement préalable du
Si le Goul-ernement a besoin d'utiliser les moyens de transport
et de communication de la Compagnie pour la defense nationale,
ou dans d'autres circonstances critiques, il s'engage 3. entraver
aussi peu que possible les opérationsde la Compagnie et àlui verser
une légitime compensation pour tous les dommages causés par
l'utilisation ci-dessus prévue.
A. La Compagnie est autorisée de faire, sans licence spéciale,
toutcs les importations necessaircs pour les besoins exclusifs ilc sot1
personnel, moyennant lc paicmeiit des droits de douatic ct autres
droits et tdxas cri vigueur au moment de I'irnportatioti.
T,nComliagnic prciidra les niesiires nPccssaircs pour empècher la
vcriic ou la cessioii des produits irriportb 3.des personnes ne filisaiit
paç partie de son persoriricl.
B. La Compagnie aura le droit <l'irriportcr,salis licence sp6ci;lle.
1'Equipement. It:iiiatGriel. Ics iristruiricrits iiiédicetxctiiriirgi-
Causet Irsproiliiits ~)li;~rrriucci~tiç, cessaireh ses ilispcris:iires
et hGpit;lux CIIPcrsc, ct sera exeiiiptr de ce chef dc tous droits de
rlouaric et autres droits et taxes en vigiicur au monictit de I'irn1iort.;~-
tion, ou paiement de quelque nature que ce soit à l'État persan
ou aux autorités locales.
C. La Compagnie aura le droit d'importer, sans aucune licence
et exempt de tous droits de douane et de toutes taxes ou paiements,
de quelque nature que ce soit, à l'État persan ou aux autorités
locales. tout ce qui sera nécessaireexclusivement pour les opéra-
tions de la Compagnie en Perse.
D. Les exportations de pétrole jouiront de la franchise douanière
et seront exemptes de toutes taxes ou paiements, de quelquc nature
que ce soit,i l'État persan ou aux autorités locales.25 ANNEXES TO AYPLICATION (A)
Articlc 7
A. The Coiiipany aiid its rmployecs di;dl crijoy tlic legal protec-
tion of the Governinent.
B. The Government shall give, within the limits of the laws and
regulations of the country, al1 possible facilities for the operations
of the Company in Persia.
C. If the Government grants coiicessions to third parties for
the purpose of exploiting other mines within the territory of the
Concession, it must cause the necessary precantions to be taken
in order that these exploitations do not cause any damage to the
installations and works of the Company.
D. The Company shail be responsible for the determination of
dangerous zones for the construction of habitations, shops and
other buildings, in order that the Government may prevent the
inhabitants from settling there.
Article 8
The Company shall not be bound to convert into Persian currency
any part whatsoever of its funds, in particular any proceeds of the
sale of its exports from Persia.
Article g
Thc Coriipaiiy shall imniediately m;lkt! ils arratigeriictits to
procced ivitli its operations ithe provinçc of Kcrrriaiisliah throu~h
a subsidiary conipany witli a vicw 10 produciiig and rehning
petroleiim thcrc.
A T~;c~IO
1. 'Thesiiriis to Iic liLodLlic(;ovcrtimciit by the Comp;iny in
;iccortlaricc witli this Ajirecmeiit (besides those provi<liriotlicr
articles) arc Iixcd asfollo\v:
(a) Ali annual royalty, hcgirining on January rst, rgjj, of
four shillings per ton of petroleum sold for consumption in
Persia or exported from Persia ;
fij Payment of a sum equal to twenty per cent (zo %) of
the distribution to the ordinary stockholders of the Angb
Persian Oil Company, Limited, in excess of the sum of six
hundred and seventy-one thousand two hundred and fifty
pounds sterling (L 671,zjo). whether that distribution be
made as dividends for any one year or whether it relates to
the reserves of that Company, exceeding the reserves \\.hich,
according to its books, existed on December 31st, 1932 ; 11. La Coiiipagniecl scs criiployt!~joiiirorit de la ~irotectionI6g;ilc
du Gouveriiement.
B. Le Gouvernement donnera, dans les limites des lois et règle-
ments du pays, toutes les facilitéspossibles pour les opérations de
la Compagnie en Perse.
C. Si le Gouvernement accorde à des tiers des concessions ayant
pour objet l'exploitation d'autres mines dans le territoire de la
Concession, il devra faire prendre les précautions nécessairesa6n
que ces exploitations ne produisent aucun dommage aux installa-
tions et tra\,aux de la Compagnie.
D. La Compagnie aura à sa charge de déterminer la zone dange-
reuse pour la construction des habitations, des boutiques et des
autres constructions, afin que le Gouvernement puisse prévenir les
habitants de nc pas s'y installer.
Article 8
La Compagnie ne sera pas obligéede changer en monnaie persane
une partie quelconque de ses fonds, notamment les produits de la
vente de ses exportations de Perse.
La Cnm~iagiiie prendra imriiédiatenirnt ses ~lispositioiis pour
procklcr i ses opérations (l;~ris la 1)n)viricc de Kerinaiich;~h, ail
mi,ycti d'une com~ingriiesubsidiairc. cri vue d'y produire cl d'y
rafliiicr ie petmlc.
ilrticl cO
1. Les somines à payer au Gouvcriieiiient par 1;iCorripagiiieen
vertu de c~ltc Convelition (outi-e celles ~TAVIICdSans les aiitrrs
articles) sunt déteimii1C.t.corrime $nit:
R) Kedevancc annuelle. corritiieiiçantItIV~ j;invier 1g3:{,de
quatre shillings par tonne .de pétrole vendu pour la consom-
mation en Perse ou exporté de Perse ;
b) Paiement d'une somme égale à vingt pour cent (20%) de
la distribution aux actions ordinaires de l'aAnglo-Persian Oil
Company, Limited »,excédant la somme de six cent soixante
et onze milIedeux cent cinquante livres sterling (L671.~5o),que
la distribution soit faitecomme dividendes pour une année
quelconque ou qu'elle se rapporte aux réserves de la même
Compagnie, excédant celles qui, d'après ses livres, existaient
au 31 décembre 1932;zj ANNEXES 1.0 AYPLICATION (A)
(c) Tlic total ;imolint to be paid by the Cotripariyfor cach
calciirinr (Chrisliari) yc:u undrr siib-clauses (a) aiid (b) shnll
ne\-er bc lcss tliari scven Iiundr~d and fifty thousand pouiirls
sterliiig (f;75o,ooo).
II. Payments by the Company under this Article shall be made
asfollo\vs :
(a) On March 31st. June 30th. September 30th and Decem-
ber 31st of each year, on each occasion onehundred and eighty-
seven thousand five hundred pounds sterling (il187,500) (the
payment relating to hlarch 31st, 1933. shall be made imme-
diately after the ratification of the present Agreement) ;
(b) On February &th, 1934, and thereafter on the same
date in each year, the amount of the tonnage royalty for the
previous year provided for in sub-clause 1 (a) less the sum
ofseven hundred and fifty thousand pounds sterling (£75o,wo),
already paid under sub-clause II (a) ;
(cj Any sums due to the Government under sub-clause 1
(b) of this article shall be paid simultaneously with any distri-
butions to the ordinary stockholders.
III. On the expiration of this Concession, as weU as in the case
of surrender by the Company under Article 25, the Company shaii
paq'to the Government a sum equal to twenty per cent (20 O/,)of :
(a)Tlic çiirl)liisdifierence hetween the ainoutit ofthc rcscrvcs
(Gencral Rcscrvc) i:)the Ang-Io-PersianOilCompany, Liinited,
at thc date of tlic cxliirntiun of the Concessionor ofitssurrcntlcr.
and the atiioutit of tlic same resrrvrs nt December yst, 1932 :
(6) The surplus difference b~tween the balance carried
tonvard by the Aiiglo-Pcrsiaii Oil Girnp;iny, T,irnited, at the
date tifthe expiratioii of tlic Coticcssiotior of its c;iirrentlerand
the balaiicc carricd forwtird hy that Company at Dccciii-
ber pst, 1932. Aiiy payrnerit (liie to the Government under
this cl;i.iiseshall be inadc witliiii a ~icriodof orle rnorilli frum
the date of the general meeting of the Company follouring
the expiration or the surrender of the Concession.
Il7. The Government shall have the right to check the rcturns
relating to sub-clause 1 (a) which shaU be made to it at latest on
February 28th for the preceding year.
T:. To secure the Government against any loss which migbt result
£rom fluctuations in the value of English currency, the parties
have agreed as follows: ANNEXES A LA REQU~TE (A) TI
6) Le montant total à payer par la Corripapiic pour chaque
aiiiiêecaleiidrièrt:(chrfitiennc), scloiiles aliiiéasa) et b). nepeiit
jamais êtreinfbriciir i sept cerit ciiiqiiantr mille livres stcrlirig
II. Les paiements de la Compagnic selon cet article seront faits
comme suit :
a) Les 31 mars, 30 juin, 30 septembre et 31 décembrede
chaque année, chaque fois cent quatre-vingt-sept mille cinq
cents livres sterlingCG 187.500) (le paiement relatif au 31 mars
1933 sera effectuéimmédiatement après la ratification de la
présente Convention) ;
b) Le 28 février1934 et. ensuite, à la mêmedate de chaque
année,Ic montant de la redevance pour l'année précédentesur
le tonnage prévudans l'alinéa1a), aprèsdéductiondela somme
de sept cent cinquante mille livres sterling (L750.000) déjà
payéeselon l'alinéa II a) ;
G) Toute somme due au Gouvernement selon l'alinéa 1 b)
de cet article lui sera payéeen mêmetemps que s'effectuera la
répartition aux actions ordinaires.
III. A i'expiration de cette Concession, ainsi qu'en cas de renon-
ciation par la Compagnie selon l'article 25, celle-ci paieni au
Gouvernement une somme égaleà vingt pour cent (20 %) :
a) 1)e la diflércriccCI)plus entre le miinkm1 dcs r6si:rves
[general rcscrvc) dc 1'.Aiiglo-l'ersian (]il Corripaiiy, Limiten,
:iladate de l'cxpiratioii de la C»nccssioriou desa reiioiiciat'ion.
et le iiiontaiit des mêmesr4scrvcs 3. la date du :<r dkçcmùrc
b) De la différencern pliis cntrc Ic solde à 1iouvr;iurelx)rl&
par 1'.Anglo-Pcrsiari <>il Coiiipaiiy, Limitedn, i la tlatc de
l'expiratici~idc la Coticessioiiou deS;Ircrioriciatioii, ct le solde
h nouveau reporté par la mirnc Compagnie le 31 deceinlire
1g32. Tout p;iiemrnt dii ail Gouvcriiement d'aprts cet alinCa
sern i:ffeçtu(:dans lc clClaid'uii inois ;iprks 1;~dalc (le l'asseiii-
bléegénéralede la Compagnie, subséquente à l'expiration ou
à la renonciation de la Concession.
IV. Le Gouvernement aura le droit de contrôler les décomptesse
rapportant à l'alinéa 1a) qui lui seront envoyésau plus tard le
28 février ponr l'année précédente.
V. Pour garantir le Gouvernement contre toute perte pouvant
résulterdes fluctuations de la valeur monétaire anglaise, les parties
ont convenu ce qui suit:26 ANNEXES TO AE'k'LICA.I'ION(A)
(fi) If, at atiy tirrie. the prict: of gold in Londoii exceeds sis
pounds stcrliiig licr ottiicc (oiirir:etnby), the payments to be
madc by thc Cotoiiipaiiy iiioi:çonl:~riii: ith the present Agee-
ment (with the csccptiori of siirrisiliito tlieGnvernment under
sub-clause 1 (b) and clause III (a) and (b) of this article and
sub-clause 1 (a) of Article 23) shall be increased by one
thousand four hundred and fortieth part (144O for each
penny of increase of the price of gold above six pounds sterling
(26) pcr ounce (ounce troy) on the due date of the payments ;
(b) If, at any tirne, the Government considers that gold has
ceased to be the general basis of values and that the payments
ahove mentioned no longer give it the security which isintended
by the parties, the parties shall come to an agreement asto
a modification of the nature of the security above mentioned
or, in default of such an arrangement, shall submit the question
to the Arbitration.Court (Article 22) which shall decide whether
the security provided in sub-clause (a) above ought to be
altered and if so, shall settle the provisions to be substituted
therefor and shall fix the period to which such provisions SM
VI. In case of a delay, beyond the dates fixed in the present
Agreement, which might be made by the Company in the payment
of surns due by it to the Govcrnment, interest at five pcr cent
(5 y" )er annum shall be paid for the period of delay.
Article Ir
1. The Curnpaiiy shaU ùc cotni~lcLclycxcinpt. for itsoperations
in Pcrsio, for the first thirty ycars, froiii aiiy taxatiijriires se orit
fiitiirc of LheStatr and of local authorities ; iii coiisidcratioii tlicre-
for the frillowitig l>ayrncrit$sh;ill he made to thc Govcriiiiicnt :
(u) 1:)uriiig the first fiftccii ycars of tliis Coricrssioii. on
Fcbruary 28th of each ycar and, for the first tiiiic, on Ecliriiury
zlith, 1934.iiitic pcriçefor rnch ofthe fir!t.six million (b,ovo,ooo)
tons of petrolcuin, oii wliiçli Llic roy:~lty prvvided for in
Article IO, 1 (a), is payable for the preceding calendar (Chris-
tian) year, and six pence for each ton in excess of the figure
of six miilion (6,000,ooo) tons above defined ;
(b) The Company guarantees that the amount paid under
the preceding siib-clause shall ncver be lcss than two hundred
and tiventy-five thousand pounds sterling (~~~5,000) ;
(c) During the fiftcen years following, one shilling for each
of the first six million (6,000,ooo)tons of petroleum, 011which ANNEXES A I.A RRQUÊTE (A) 26
aj Si,à uii m«rricrit quclcoiiquc, le prix de l'or :LJ,ondres
dbpnsrr six livres slcrling par oricc (ounce troy). liis 1);licrneiits
:i&er,liicr 1)" Coinpagiiie eii vertu [le 1;1pi-fiscritcCoiivt:n-
[ion (:il'cxcc~itioiides sonimes revan;~nt.;LU ~;OUVC~~~CIIIC~~.ri
vertu des alinéas 1 b) et II1 a) et b) du présent article et de
l'alinsa 1a) de l'article 23) seront augmentés d'un mille quatre
cent quarantiéme (+) pour chaque penny d'augmenta-
tion du prix de l'or au-dessus de six livres sterling (L 6) par
once (ounce troy) nu jour de l'échéanccdes paiements ;
b) Si, à un moment quelconque, le Gouvernement estime
que l'or a cesséd'être labase généralcdes valeurs et que les
paicmenis mentionnés ci-dessus ne lui donnent plus la garantie
qui est dans les intentions des parties, celles-ci se mettront
d'accord au sujet d'une modificatioii de la naturede la garantie
susmentioniiée ou, à défaut d'un tel arrangement, soumct-
troni la question au tribunal arbitral (article22) qui déclarera
si la garantie prévue àl'alinéaa) ci-dessus doit étrechangéeet,
dans l'affirmative. déterminera les conditions qui y seront
subsiituées et fixera la période à laquelle celles-ci s'appli-
W. En cas d'un retard, au delà des dates fixécsdansla préseiite
Convention, éventuellement apporté par la Compagnie dans le
versement des sommes dues par eile au Gouvernement, un intérêt
de cinq pour cent (j%) par an sera payé pour la durée du retard.
1. La Coinpagriic sera conipléteniriit t:xcmlilc, pour ses o[iGr;i-
lions cn l'crse peiidaiit les trriitr ~irerriiBr,csaiiiiCcs, dc toute
irriposiriiiii ;ictucllc ou fiiti;ii~)ri,fitde 1'Ltat ct des ;i.ut.oritCs
locales; eii Ech:lngi:. lei; vcrscrricrits suivaiits seront. eflectiiiis au
la Jcrirlriritlcs quiiize premikres ;iiiri&csdc ccttc Coiicessiori,
lc aS fevricr de chaqiit: ;innC.e et Iiour la pi-eiiiièrefois lc
zS février 19:<4, nc11f ])criçc pour cliacuii des six prainicrs
millioiis ( dc toiiiiçs de pktrulc, pour lcsquclles la
redevance prévue à l'articleIO; 1 a), est payable pour l'année
calendrière (chrétienne) précédente, et six pence pour chaque
tonne au-dessus du chiffre de six millions ( tonnes
indiqué ci-dessus ;
b) La Compagnic garantit que le montant paye en vertu de
l'alinéa précédent nesera jamais inférieur à deux cent vingt-
cinq mille livres sterling zz5.000) ;
c) Pendant les quiiize années suivantes, un shilling pour
chacun des six premiers millions ( de tonnes de*7 ANNEXES TO APP1,ICATTON (A)
the royalty providcd for in Article IO,1 (IL).is p;ryahle for the
1>~r"'dirigci~lendaryeai-,and niiie pciicc for cach ton in cxcess
uf ilie figure of 6,ooo,crootons above dehiicd.
(d) The Company guarantees that the amount paid under
the preceding sub-clause (c) shall never be less than three
hundred thousand pounds sterling (~300,ooo):
II.Before the year 1963, the parties shall come to an agreement
as to the amounts of the annual paymcnts to be made, in considera-
tion of the complete exemption of the Company for its operations
in Persia from any taxation of the State and of local authorities,
during the second period of thirty years extending until Decem-
ber pst, 1993.
Article 12
4. The Company, for its operations in Persia in accordance
with the present Agreement, shall employ ail means customary
and proper to ensure economy in and good returns from its opera-
tions, to preserve the deposits of petroleum and to exploit its
Concession by methods in accordance with the latest scientific
B. If, ivithin the territory of the Concession, there exist other
mineral substances than petroleum or woods and forests belonging
to the Government, the Company may not exploit them in accord-
ance with the present Concession. nor object to their exploitation
hy other pcrsoiis (siihject to the due conipliance with the termsuf
clause C of Article 7) : 1)ilt the Crrrnp;lnysh;~ll1i;ivetlic riglit tu
utilizr. tls;~idsuhstaiiccs or tlic woods and forcsts aliiovcinciitioncd
if they arc iiccess;iry for the exploratioii or the extraction of
C. Al1 boreholcs wliiçti, not having resultrd in the rliscovery of
clruleum, producc watcr or Iirecioiis siibst;~riccs,sliall bc rcscrvorl
or the Governnieiit wliicli sliall iirinicdiatcly bc infornicd of
these di~~ilveries by the Conipanp, aiid the Goveriimeiit shall
inforni thc Coinpariy as soon as possible if it wishes to trike pos~s-
siun of thein. If it wishes tu take possession, it sliall watcli that
the operations of the Company be not impeded.
Article 13
The Company undertakes to send, at its own expense and within
a reasonable time, to the Ministry of Finance, whenever the repre-
sentative of the Government shall request it, accurate copies of
al plans, maps, sections and any other data whether topographical,
geological or of drilling relating ta the territory of the Concession,
which are in its possession. ANNEXES A LA REQU~E (A) 27
pbtrule. pour lesquelles la redev;tnce prCvuei l'articleIO,1a),
cçt ~'ayal'lcpour I'annPc r:alentlritrc prC.cC.dei,t iicuf pcricc
pour chaque to~iticau-dcssus du cliiilrc dc 6.ouo.oou de tonnes
indiqué ci-dessus :
d) La Compagnie garantit que le montant payé en vertu de
l'alinéaprécédent c)ne sera jamais inférieur à trois cent rnille
livres sterlingCG 3oo.000).
II. Avant l'année 1963, les parties se mettront d'accord sur les
montants des versements annuels à effectuer, en échangede l'exemp-
tion complète de la Compagnie, pour ses opérations en Perse, de
toute imposition au profit de l'État et des autorités locales, pendant
la seconde période de trente ans s'étendant jusqu'au 31 décembre
Article 12
A. La Compagnie, pour ses opérations en Perse en vertu de la
présente Convention, se servira de tous les moyens qui sont d'usage
et convenables. pour assurer l'économie et le bon rendement de
ses opérations, pour conserver les gisements de pétrole et pour
exploiter sa concession par les méthodes conformes aux progrès
scientifiques du jour.
B. Si. dans le territoire de la Concession, se trouvent d'autres
substances minérales que du pétrole ou des bois et forêtsapparte-
nant au Gouuernement, la Compagnie ne pourra les exploiter en
~ertu de la présente Concession, ni s'opposer à leur exploitation
par d'autres personnes (Bcondition de respecter lcs dis~ioc;itiunsdu
liIIetaC,rie i'~';irLl); rriÿis 1;1Comliagnie ;uir;Lle droit d'utiliser
lesdites substaiiccç ou Ics bois et forets susvisCss'ils sont iiEcessaircs
à l'exploration ou à l'extraction du pCtrolc.
C. Tous Ics sori<lagcsqui. ri'nyarit I>x%di(niti :Ala dbcouvcrte dc
pétrole, prduixrit des eaux ou des matihrcs precieuses doivent
êtrerésemésau Goiivernemeiit, qui sera iniin6di;itrment avisé de
ces par IriCompagnie, nt le C;oiiveriicrncrit l'iriforniera
ausitbt quc poçsiblc s'il veut cri 1)rcriilpossession. Dans l'aiï~r-
matiw, il veilleraà ce que les opérations de la Corripagnir ne soient
pas entravées.
Article 13
La Compagnie s'engage à remettre, à ses propres frais et dans
un délai raisonnable, au ministère des Finances, chaque fois que le
représentant du Gouvernement le demandera, des copies exactes
de tous les plans, cartes, profils et toutes autres données, soit
topographiques, géologiques ou de sondage, se rapportant au
temtoire de la Concession, qui se trouvent en sa possession.28 ASSEXES -1'APPLICATION (A)
Fiirtherinore, the Company sliall coiiiiiiiinicate to the Govern-
ment throughoiit the rluratioti of the Coticessioii al1 iniportant
scientifir;ind tec1inic;il (1;it;~rcsultiiig from its work in l'rrsi;~.
Al1 Ilicrïc diiciirricnls shall be considerad by tlio C.ovc:riirner;L<
Article 14
A. The Govemment shall have the right to cause to be inspected
at its wish, at any reasonable time, the technical activity of the
Company in Persia, and to nominate for this purpose technical
specialist experts.
B. The Company shall place at the disposa1 of the specialist
experts nominated ta this end by the Government, the whole of
its records relative to scientific and technical data, as well as al1
measuring apparatus and means of measurcment, and these
specialist experts shall, further, have the right to ask for any
information in al1 the offices of the Company and on al1 the
temtories in Persia.
Article Ij
TIic G<>verriiiieitlinll have thc righr to apl>uint:irel)rcsent;irive
\\ho shall lie dcsimnted '1)elccatc of thi: 1miicri;il Go\~criiriierit".
This representati;e shall haveuthe right :
(11To obtain from the Company al1the information to uzhich
the stockholders of the Company are entitled ;
(2)To be pi-eseiitat al1tlic riicctiiigs of the Board of L)ir~-
tors, of its corninittees and nt al1the iiieetings of stockholders,
\i.liich have brrn cunvened to coiisider aiiy questioii arising
out (ilthe rel;ltiorisIictwceiithe Govrrnment ;miltlic Corriliariy;
(3) To prcsidc LX oficiu, witli;Lciistirig vote, ovcr thc Com-
mittec to be set up by Llic Cornpariy for the purpox of
distribiitiiig the grant for nrid supcrvisitig the professioirai
ediic;it.ion in Grr;it Britaiii of l'ersiaii iiationals refemd to
in hrticlc IG :
(4) To 1-eqiiestthat specinl rncctitigs of the Board of Uirec-
tors br conveiied ritany titnc, to co~isidrr any proposal th;it.
the Government shall submit to it. These meetings shall be
coni-ened within fifteen days from the date of the receipt by
the Secretary of the Company of a request in writing to that
The Company shall pay to the Govemment to cover the expenses
to be borne by it in respect of the salary and expenses of the above-
mentioned delegate a yearly sum of two thousand pounds sterling
&2,oooj. The Government shall notify the Company in writing of
the appointment of this delegate and of any changes in such
appointment. ANNEXES A LA KLPU~~E (A) 28
En outre. IaÇornpagnie conimuniquer;l ;IIGoiiverncniciit pendant
toute la duree de la Concession toiitcs Ics données importantes
scientifiques et teclinic~iicsr6sultarit ilc ses travaux Perse.
Tuus ces ilocurncnts seront considéréspar le Goiiveniemcrit
comme confidentiels.
Article 14
A. Le Gouvernement aura le droit de faire inspecter à son gré,
à tout temps raisonnable, l'activité technique de la Compagnie en
Perse et de nommer à ce but des experts-spécialistes techniques.
B. La Compagnie mettra à la disposition des experts-spCcialistes
nommés à cette fin par le Gouvernement, toute sa documentation
relative aux données scientifiques et techniques, ainsi que toutes
les installations et moyens de mesurage, et ces experts-spécialistes
auront, en outre, le droit de demander toutes informations dans
tous les bureaux de la Compagnie et sur tous les territoires en Perse.
Article 15
Le Gouvernement aura le droit de nommer un représentant qui
sera désigné rDélégué du Gouvernement impérial)). Ce représen-
tant aura le droit :
I" D'obtenir de la Compagnie toutes les informations aux-
quelles ont droit les actionnaires de la Compagnie ;
2" Wosçistcr à toutes les séancesdu Conseil d'adniinistra-
lion, dc ses coiiiités età toutes las st;mccs des asseiiiblées
ginkales. convotliihes Ix)ur dClibCrcrsur toute question rksiil-
tant des rclatioiis entre le C+ouverneiiieritet la Conipagri:c
3' T)cprbider ex oficioavec vote deçisif. lc CornitCà crCer
par iaCompagnie dans la lnitdi? distriliiier l'allocation et de
surveiller l'&diication~~riilcssinriricri Grande-Bretagne des
ressortis%ints licrsaris visCà l'article 16;
4' De deniander que des réuriioris spéciales du Cciriseil
d'administration soient corivoi~iiCc3.uri riionient quelconilue.
pour délibérersur toute proposition que le Gouvernement lui
wumettra. Ces réunions seront convoquées avec un délai de
quinze jours à dater de la réception par le secrétaire de la
Compagnie d'une demande écrite à cette fin.
La Compagnie paiera au Gouvernement,pour couvrir les dépenses
incombant icelui-ci du chef de la rémunérationet des dépensesdu
délé,@ susmentionné, une somme annuelle de deux mille livres
sterling& z.000).Le Gouvernement avertira par écritla Compagnie
de la nomination de ce délégué et, éventuellement, de son remplace-
Article ru
1. 110th pirlics recogiiize and Ficceptas the principle goveming
the perforrnaricc of this Agreement tlic supremc tiecessity, in their
mutual interest, of maintaining the highest degree of efficiencyand
of economy in the administration and the operations of the Company
in Persia.
II. It is, however, understood that the Company shall recmit
its artisans as well as its technical and commercial staff from among
Persian nationals to the extent that it shd find in Persia persons
who possess the requisite competence and experience. It is likewise
understood that the unskilled staff shall be composed exclusively
of Persian nationals.
III. The parties declare themselves in agreement to study and
preparc a general plan of yearly and progressive reduction of the
non-Persian employees with a view to replacing them in the shortest
possible time and progressively by Persian nationals.
IV. The Company shall make a yearly grant of ten thousand
pounds sterlingin order to give in Great Britain to Persian nationals
the professional education necessary for the oil industry.
The said gant shall be expended by a Committee which shall
be consiituted as provided in Article 15.
The Cunipatiy shdl I>ei~cspotisiblrfor orgünizing :lnd shall pay
the cris1of 'theprovision, coiitrol rinrliipkccp of sariitary siid public
health services, accordiiig to thc rcquirciiieiits of the iiiost modem
hS.giciiepr;ii:tiscd iii Persi;~,oii al1 the lands of the Cornl~anyand
in al1 hilil(lings, and dwcllirigs, destiiirt>ythe Company for ihc
use riiitç employecs, iiicluding the worktiicii eriildoycd ivithiii the
tcrritory of tlic Coiicession.
Article JX
Whericvcr the Corrij)atiyshall ni;bkeissilcs of sliarcs to the public,
tfic iubscriptiun lists shall be upcricd at Teherati at the same time
as elsewhere.
Article 19
The Company shall seIl for internai consumption in Persia.
including the needs of the Government, motor spirit, kerosene and
fuel oil, produced from Persian petroleum, on the following hasis :
(a) On the first of Julie iii each year, the Company shall
ascertain the average Roumanian f.0.b. prices for motor spirit, -4rticle16
1. Les deux parties reconnaissent et acceptent, comme principe
directeur de l'exécutionde cette Convention, la suprêmenécessité,
dansleurintérêtmutuel, de maintenir le plus haut degréd'cfficacité
et d'économiedans l'administration et les opérations de la Com-
pagnie en Perse.
II. Il est toutefois eiiteiidii que la Compagnie recrutera ses
artisans, ainsi que son personnel technique et commercial, parmi
les ressortissants persans, pour autant qu'elle trouve en Perse des
personnes possédant la compétence et l'expériencerequises. Il est
également entendu que le personnel non qualifié sera composé
exclusivement de ressortissants persans.
III. Les parties se déclarent d'accord pour étudier et préparer
un plan généralde réduction annuelle et progressive des employés
non persans, afin de leur substituer, dans lplus bref délaipossible
et progressivement, des ressortissants persans.
IV. La Compagnie fera iine allocation annuelle de dix inille
livres sterling pour donner en Grande-Bretagne, à des rcssortis-
sants persans, l'éducation professionnelle nécessaire l'industrie
La susdite allocation sera dépenséepar un Comité qui sera
constitué suivant l'article15.
La Compagnie se chargera de l'organisation - et en supportera
les frais d'installation, de contrôle et d'entretie- des mesures
sanitaires et de santé publique. selon les exigences de l'hygiènela
plus moderne pratiquée en Perse, sur tous les terrains de la Com-
pagnie et dans tous les bâtiments et habitations affectéspar elle à
l'usage de son personnel, y compris les ouvriers employésdans le
territoire de la Concession.
Lorsque la Compagnie fera des émissions d'actions dans le
public, les listes de souscription devront être ouvertesà Téhéran
en mêmetemps qu'ailleurs.
La Compagnie vendra pour la consommation intérieure en Perse,
y compris les besoins du Gouvernement, l'essence (motor spirit), le
lampant (kerosene) et le mazout (fuel oil), produits du pétrole
persan, sur la base suivante:
a) Le lerjuin de chaque année, la Compagnie établira les
moyennes des prix f. o. b. Roumanie pour l'essence, lelampant30 ANNEXES TO APPLICATION (A)
kerosene and fuel oil and the average Gulf of Mexico f.0.b.
prices for each of these products during the preceding period
of twelve months ending on April 30th. The lowest of these
average prices shall be selected. Such prices shall be the "basic
prices" for a period of one year, beginning on June 1st. The
"basic pnces" shall be regarded as being the prices at the
(b) The Company shall sel1 (1)to the Government for its
own needs, and not for resale, motor spirit, kerosene and fuel
ail at the basic prices, provided in siib-clause (a) above, with
a deduction of twenty-five per cent (25 %) ; (2) to other
consumers at the basic prices with a deduction of ten per cent
(10 %).
(G) The Company shall be entitled to add to the basic prices
mentioned in suh-clause (a), al1 actual costs of transport and
of distribution and of sale, as well as any imposts and taxes
on the said products.
(d) TheGovernment shall forbid the export of the petroleum
products sold by the Company under the provisions of this
Article 20
1. (a) During the last ten years of the Concession, or during the
two years from the notice preceding the surrender of the Concession
provided in Article 25, the Company shall not sel1 or otherwise
alienate, except to subordinate companies, any of its immovable
properties in Persia. During the same period, the Compaiiy shall
not alienate or export any of its movable property whatever except
such as has become unutilizable.
(b) During the whole of the period preceding the last ten years
of the Concession, the Company shall not alienate aiiy land
obtained by it gratuitously from the Government ;it sliall not
export from Persia any movable property, except in the case when
such property shall have become unutilizable or shall he no longer
necessary for the operations of the Company in Persia.
II. At the end of the Concession, whether by expiration of time
or otherwise, al1the property of the Company in Persia shall become
the property of the Government in proper working order and free
of any expenses and of any encumbrances.
III. The expression "al1 the property" comprises ail the lands,
buildings and workshops, constructions, wells, jetties, roads, pipe-
lines, bridges, drainage and water-supply systems, engines, installa-
tions and equipments (including tools) of any sort, al1 means of
transport and communication in Persia (including, for example,
automobiles, carriages, aeroplanes), any stocks and any other .4Sh'EXES A LA REQUÊTE (A) 30
et le mazout et les moyennes des prix f.0.b. du golfe du Mexi-
que pour chacun des memes produits pendant la période
précédentede douze mois prenant fin le 30 avril. On choisira
de ces moyennes celles qui ont étéles plus basses. Celles-ci
seront lesn prix de baser pour une.période d'une annéecom-
mençant le xer juin. Les «prix de base » seront considérés
comme étant les prix à la raffinerie.
b) La Compagnie vendra: I" au Gouvernement, pour ses
propres besoins et non pas pour la revente, l'essence, le lam-
pant et le mazout aux prix de base, prévus à l'alinéaa) ci-
dessus, avec déduction de vingt-cinq pour cent (25%) ;z0aux
autres consommateurs aux prix de base avec déduction de
dix pour cent (IO%).
c) La Compagnie aura le droit d'ajouter aux prix de base
mentionnés à l'alinéaa) tous les frais réelsde transport et de
distribution et de vente, ainsi que tous impôts et taxes sur
lesdits produits.
d) Le Gouvernement interdira l'exportation des produits
du pétrolevendus par la Compagnie sous le régimedu présent
Article zo
1. a) Pendant les dix dernières années dela Concession ou pen-
dant les deux années du préavis précédantla renonciation à la
Concessioii prévue par l'article25, la Compagnie ne pourra vendre
ou autrement aliéner, sauf à des sociétés subordonnées,un ou
plusieurs de ses immeubles situésen Perse. Pendant la même
période, la Compagnie ne pourra aliéner ou exporter l'une quel-
conque de ses propriétés mobilières,à l'exception de celles devenues
b) Pendant toute la période précédantles dix dernières années
de la Concession, la Compagnie ne pourra aliéner aucun terrain
obtenu par elle gratuitement du Gouvernement ; elle ne pourra
non plus exporter dc la Perse aucune propriété mobiliére,excepté
dans le cas où celle-ci serait devenue inutilisable ou ne serait plus
nécessairepour les opérations de la Compagnie en Perse.
II. A la fin de la Concession, soit par expiration ordinaire, soit
d'une autre manière, toute la propriétéde la Compagnie en Perse
deviendra propriété du Gouvernement dans un état convenable
d'exploitation et libre de tous frais et de toutes charges.
III. L'expression toute la propriétéiicomprend tous les ter-
rains, bâtiments et usines, coiistructions, puits, jetées, routes,
a pipe-linesiiponts, systèmes d'égout et de distribution d'eau,
machines. installations et équipements (y compris les outils) de
toute sorte, tous les moyens de transport et de communication en
Perse (y compris, par exemple, automobiles, voitures, avions), tous3I ANNEXES TO APPLICATION (A)
objects in Persia which the Company is utilizing in any manner
whatsoever for the objects of the Concession.
Article 21
The contracting parties declare that they base the performance
of the present Agreement on principles of mntual goodwill and
good faith as well as on a reasonable interpretation of this Agree-
The Company formally undertakes to have regard at al1 times
and in al1places tothe rights, privileges and interests of the Govern-
ment and shall abstain from any action or omission which might
be prejudicial to them.
This Concession shall not be annulled by the Government and
the terms therein contained shall not be altered either by general
or special legislation in the future, or by administrative measures
or any other acts whatever of the executive authorities.
Article 22
A. Any differences between the parties of any nature whatever
and in particular any differencesarising out of the interpretation
of this Agreement and ofthe rights and obligations therein contained
as well as any differences of opinion which may arise relative to
questions for the settlement of which, by the terms of this Agree-
ment. the agreement of both parties is necessary, shall be settled
by arbitration.
B. The party which requests arbitration shall so notify the other
party in writing. Each of the parties shall appoint an arbitrator,
and the two arbitrators, before proceeding to arbitration, shall
appoint an umpire. If the two arbitrators cannot, within two
months. agree on the person of the umpire, the latter shall be
nominated, at the request of either of the parties, by the President
of the Permanent Court of International Justice. If the President
of the Permanent Court of International Justice belongs to a nation-
ality or a country which, in accordance with clause C, is not
qualified to furnish the umpire, the nomination shall be made by
the Vice-President of the said Court.
C. The umpire shall be of a nationality other than Persian or
British ;furthermore, he shall not be closely connected with Persia
or with Great Britain as belonging to a dominion, a protectorate,
a colony, a mandated country or other country administered or
occupied by one of the two countries above mentioned or as being
or having been in the service of one of these countries.
D. If one of the parties does not appoint its arbitrator or does
not advise the other party of its appointment, within sixty days
of having received notification of the request for arbitration, the stocks et tous autres objets en Perse que la Compagnie utilise d'une
manière quelconque pour les buts de la Concession.
Les parties contractantes déclarent baser l'exécution de la
présenteConvention sur les principes réciproques de bonne volonté
et de bonne foi, ainsi que sur une interprétation raisonnable de
cette Convention.
La Compagnie s'engage formellement à avoir égard en tout
temps et en tout lieu aux droits, privilègeset intérêtsdu Gouverne-
ment et s'abstiendra de toute action ou omission préjudiciable à
Cette Concession ne sera pas annulée par le Gouvernement et Ics
dispositions y contenues ne seront altéréesni par une législation
généraleou spécialefuture ni par des mesures administratives ou
tous autres actes quelconques des autorités exécutives.
A. Seront tranchés par la voie d'arbitrage tous différends de
nature quelconque entre les parties et spécialementtous différends
résultant de l'interprétation de cette Convention et des droits et
obligations y contenus. ainsi que tous différendsd'opinion pouvant
naître à l'égard de questions pour la solution desquelles, d'après
les dispositions de cette Convention, l'accord des deux parties est
B. La partie qui demande l'arbitrage doit le notifier par écrit à
l'autre. Chaque partie désignera un arbitre, et les denx arbitres,
avant de procéder à l'arbitrage, désigneront un tiers arbitre. Si les
deux arbitres ne peuvent pas, dans les deux mois, se mettre d'ac-
cord sur la personne du tiers arbitre, ce dernier sera nommé,à la
demande d'une partie ou de l'autre, par le Président de la Cour
permanente de Justice internationale. Si le Président de la Cour
permanente de Justice internationale appartient à une nationalité
ou à un pays qui n'a pas, en vertu de l'alinéa C, qualité pour
fournir le tiers arbitre, la nomination sera faite par le Vice-l'rési-
dent de ladite Cour.
C. 1.e tiers arbitre sera d'une nationalité autre que persaue ou
britannique ; en outre, il ne sera pas en étroite relation avec la
Perse ou avec la Grande-Bretagne comme appartenant à un
dominion, un protectorat, une colonie, un pays de mandat ou autre,
administré ou occupépar l'un des deux pays précitésou comme
étant ou ayant étéau service d'un de ces pays.
D. Si l'une des parties ne désignepas son arbitre ou n'en notifie
pas la désignation à la partie adverse, dans les soixante jours après
avoir reçu notification de la demande d'arbitrage, l'autre partie32 ANNEXES TO APPLICATION (A)
other party shall have the right to request the President of the
Permanent Court of International Justice (or the Vice-President
in the case provided at the end of clause B) to nominate a sole
arbitrator, to be chosen from among persons qualified as above
mentioned, and, in this case, the difference shall be settled by this
sole arbitrator.
E. The procedure of arbitration shall be that followed, at the
time of arbitration, by the Permanent Court of International
Justice. The place and time of arbitration shall be fixed by the
umpire or by the sole arbitrator provided for in clause D, as the
case may be.
F. The award shall be hased on the juridical principles contained
in Article38 of the Statutes of the Permanent Court of International
Justice. There shall be no appeal against the award.
G. The expenses of arbitration shaü be borne in the manner
determined by the award.
Article 23
1. In full settlement of al1the claims of the Government of any
nature in respect of the past until the date of coming into force
of this Agreement (except in regard to Persian taxation), the
Company: (a) shall pay within a period of thirty days from the
said date the sum of one million pounds sterling K~,ooo,ooo) and,
besides, (b) shall settle the payments due to the Government for
the financial years 1931 and 1932 on the basis of Article IO of this
Agreement and not on that of the former D'Arcy Concession, after
deduction of two hundred thousand pounds sterling (~zoo,ooo)
paid in 1932 to the Government as an advance against the royalties
and f;113,403 3s. 1od. placed on deposit at the disposa1 of the
II. Within the same period, the Company shali pay tothe Gov-
ernment in full settlement of al1its claims in respect of taxation for
the period from March zxst, 1930, to December yst, 1932, a sum
calculated on the basis of sub-clause (a) of clause I of Article II,
but without the guarantee provided in sub-clause (6)of the same
Articb 24
If, by reasoii of the anriulment of the D'Arcy Concession, litiga-
tion should arise betweeii the Company and private persons on
the subject of the duration of leases made in Persia before Ilecem-
ber 1st. 1932, within the limits allowed by the D'Arcy Concession,
the litigation shali be decided according to theles of interpretation
following :aura le droit de demander au Président de la Cour permanente de
Justice internationale (ou au Vice-Président, dans le cas prévu à
la finale de l'alinéB) de nommer un seul arbitre, à choisir parmi
des personnes qualifiées, commeil est mentionné ci-dessus, et, dans
ce cas, le différendsera tranché par ce seul arbitre.
E. La procédure de l'arbitrage sera celle qui sera suivie au
moment de l'arbitrage par la Cour permanente de Justice inter-
nationale. Le lieu et letemps de l'arbitrage seront déterminés,selon
le cas, par le tiers arbitre ou par l'arbitre unique viséà l'aliD.a
F. La sentence se basera sur les principes juridiques contenus
dans l'article 38 des Statuts de la Cour permanente de Justice
internationale. La sentence sera sans appel.
G. Les frais d'arbitrage seront supportés de la façon déterniinée
par la sentence.
1. En entière liquidation de toutes les réclamations de toute
nature du Gouvernement, pour ce qui concerne le passé jusqu'à la
date de l'entrbe en vigueur de cette Convention (sauf en ce qui
touche les impôts persans), la Compagnie: a) paiera dans le délai
de trente jours, à compter de ladite date, la somme d'un million
de livres sterlingL et, en outre, b) réglera lespaiements
dus au Gouvernement pour les exercices 1931 et 1932 sur la base
de l'articleIO de cette Convention, et non sur ceile de l'ancienne
Concession D'Arcy, après déduction de deux cent mille livres
sterling Ct; payées en 1932 au Gouvernement comme
avance sur les redevances, et L 113.403 3s. ~od. mises en dépôt
à la disposition du Gouvernement.
II. Dans le mêmedélai,la Compagnie paiera au Gouvernement,
en entière liquidation de toutes ses réclamations en matière d'im-
pôts pour la périodedu 21 mars 1930 jusqu'au 31 décembre 1932,
une somme calculéesur la base de l'alinéaa) du paragraphe 1 de
l'articleII, mais sans la garantie prévue à l'alinéa b) du niême
Si, en raison de l'annulation de la Concession D'Arcy, il se pro-
duit des litiges entre la Compagnie et des particuliers au sujet de
la duréedes contrats de baux passés enPerse avant le décembre
1932 dans les limites permises par la Concession D'Arcy, le litige
sera tranché suivant les règles interprétatives suivantes:33 ANNEXES TO APPLICATION (A)
(a) If the lease is to terminate, according to its terms, at
the end of the D'Arcy Concession, it shall retain its validity
untii May 28th. 1961, notwithstanding the annulment of the
said Concession ;
(b) If it has been provided in the lease that it shall be valid
for the duration of the D'Arcy Concession and, in the event
of its renewal, for the duration of the renewed Concession,
the lease shall retain its validity until December 31st, 1993.
Article 25
The Company shall have the right to surrender this Concession
at the end of any Christian calendar year, on giving to the Govern-
ment notice in writing two years previously.
On the expiry of the period above provided, the whole of the
property of the Company in Persia (defined in Article 20, III) shd
become free of cost and withont encumbrances the property of
the Government in proper working order and the Company shall
be released from ariy engagement for the future. In case there
should be disputes between the parties concerning their engage-
ments before the expiry of the period above provided, the differences
shall be settled by arbitration as provided in Article 22.
Article 26
This Concession is granted to the Company forthe period begin-
ning on the date of its coming into force and ending on Decem-
ber-31st, 1993. - .
Before the date of December ?~st. . I,,-, this Concession can onlv
corne to an end in the case that-the Company should surrender thé
Concession (Article 25) or in the case that the Arbitration Court
should declare the Concession annulled as a consequence of default
of the Company in the performance of the present Agreement.
The following cases only shall be regarded as default in that
sense :
(a) If any sum awarded to Persia by the Arbitration Court
has not been paid within one month of thedate of the award ;
(6) If the volnntary or compulsory liquidation of the Com-
pany be decided upon.
In any other cases of breach of the present Agreement by one
party or the other, the Arbitration Court shall establish the respons-
ibilities and determine their consequences.
Any transfer of the Concession shall be subject to confirmation
by the Government. a) Si le contrat doit finir, d'après ses propres termes, à la
fin de la Concession D'Arcy, il gardera sa valeur jusqii'au
28 mai 1961, nonobstant l'annulation de ladite Concession ;
b) Si l'on a prévu dans le contrat qu'il sera valable pour la
durée de la Concession D'Arcy et dans l'éventualité de son
renouvellement pour la durée de la Concession renouvelée, le
contrat gardera sa valeur jusqu'an 31 décembre 1993.
Article 25
La Compagnie aura le droit de renoncer à cette Concession h la
fin de toute année calendrière (chrétienne), moyennant notification
écrite au Gouvernement par un préavis de deux ans.
A l'expiration du délaici-dessus prévu, la totalité de la propriété
de la Compagnie en Perse (définie à l'article20. III) deviendra
gratuitement et sans charge propriété du Gouvernement, dans un
état convenable d'exploitation, etla Compagnie sera libérée detout
engagement pour l'avenir. Dans le cas où il y aurait des litigesritre
les parties concernant leurs engagements avant l'expiration du
délai ci-dessus prévu, le différend sera tranché par l'arbitrage
prbvu à l'article22.
Article 26
Cette Concession est octroyée à la Compagnie pour la période
commençant le jour de son entrée en vigueur et expirant le
31 décembre 1993.
Avant la date du 31 décembre 1993, cette Concession ne pourra
prendre fin que dans le cas où la Compagnie renoncerait à la Con-
cession (article25) ou dans le c:is où le tribunal arbitral déclarerait
annulée la Concession par suite de faute de la Compagnie dans
l'exécution de la présente Convention.
Ne seront considéréscomme fautes dans ce sens que les cas
suivants :
a) Si une somme quelconque, allouée à la Perse par le
tribunal arbitral, n'a pas étépayée dans le délai d'un mois
à compter de la sentence ;
b) Si la liquidation volontaire ou forcée ae la Compagnie
est décidée.
En tous autres cas d'infraction à la présente Convention par l'une
ou l'autre partie, le tribunal arbitral fixera les responsabilités et
en déterminera les conséquences.
Tout transfert de la Concession sera subordonné à la ratification
du Gouvernement.34 ANNEXES TO APPLICATION (A)
This Agreement shall come into force after ratification by thc
hlajlis and promulgation by Decree of His Imperial lfajesty the
Shah. The Govemment undertakes to submit this Agreement, as
soon as possible, for ratification by the lfajlis.
XADB at Teheran the twenty-ninth April one thousand nine
hundred and thirty-three.
For the Imperial Govcrnment of l'crsia,
(Signed) S. H. TAQIZADEH.
For and on behalf of the Anglo-Persiaii Oil Company, Limited,
(Signed) John CAD~IA~C ;,hairnzar~;
1%':FRASER,Defiuty Chairnza?~.
(This Agreement came into force on May 29th. 1933, followiiig
its ratification by the hlajlis on May &th, 1933, and the Royal
Assent, given on hlay 29th. 1933.) Article27
Cette Convention entrera en vigueur après avoir étératifiéepar
le bledjlesse et promulguée par le décret de Sa Majesté impériale
le Chah. Le Gouvernement s'engageà soumettre cette Convention,
le plus tôt possible,a ratification du Medjlesse.
FAIT i Téhéran,le vingt-neuf avril mil neuf cent trente-trois
Pour le Gouvernement impérial de la Perse.
(Signé) S. H. TAQIZADEH.
For and on behalf of the Anglo-Persian OilCompany, Limited,
(Signé)John CADXAX C,lzairman;
W. FRASISK D,e@<tyChairnraa.
(Cet Accord est entré en vigueur 29mai 1933.à la suite de sa
ratification par le Medjless28lmai 1933 et de la sanction royale
accordée le zg mai 1933,)35 ANNEXES TO APPLICATION (B)
Tehran, 28th April, 1951.
[The text of the letter given here is the text which the Chief
Representative of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Liniited, in
Tehran, was instructed to send. A copy of the letter as sent by
him has not yet been received in London.]
Yonr Excellency,
The press of to-day contains a statement that the Oil Committee
has passed a resolution for subinission to the Majlis proposing to
take over immediately al1 the activities in Persia of the Anglo-
Iranian Oil Company.
If that information is correct we beg to ask you to convey to
the Cabinet and to the Majlis that this Company formally protests
against the possihility of such a breach of the Agreement between
the Imperial Government and the Company.
The Agreement as you weil know provides in its Article21 that
its performance should be based on principles of mutnal good ~vili
and good faith and that it should not be annulled and that the
terms of it should not be altered by any legislative, administrative
or esccutive acts.
Iielying on that solemn promisc which was approved by the
hlajlis and which hecame ;ipart of the law of Iran, this Company
has worked for eighteen years to develop the oil indnstry in Iran
and has assisted the people of Iran in their economic progress.
\Ve cannot helieve that that solemn promise can be disregarded.
\Vhilc f<,rriially~,rutejring ;~::iinst arteriil)ts 11111lyalteritlu
tlie conditions of its oi>er:itio1r:iiithc (:onii>aii\.hc<s to rvniincl
Your Excellency that at no time has the Company Fcfused, nor
do they refuse now, to consider alteration of those conditions by
agreement to be negotiated, concluded and performed on the
principles of mutual good \vil1and good faith, which principles the
Imperial Government and the Company made the basis of their
CO-operation. ANNEXE B
[Tradnctio~~ Téhéran,le 28 avril1951
[Le texte ci-dessous est celui que le représentant à Téhérande
1'.4nglo-lranian Oil Company, Limited, avait reçu instruction
d'envoyer. La copie de la lettre qu'ia écrite n'a pas encore été
reçue à Londres.]
La presse d'aujourd'hui annonce que la Commission des pétroles
a adopté une résolutionen vue de proposer au Medjlesse la reprise
immédiate de toutes les activités de 1'Anglo-Iranian Oil Company,
Limited, sur le territoire de la Perse.
Si cette informationest exacte, nous vousprions de faire connaître
au Cabinet et au Medjlesse quela Compagnie proteste formellement
contre l'éventualité d'un tel niaiiquement à l'accord conclu entre
le Gouvernement impérial et la Compagnie.
Vous savez que l'articl21 de l'accord dispose que son exécution
se fondera sur des principes réciproques de bonne volonté et de
bonne foi, qu'il ne sera pas annuléet que les dispositions n'en seront
altéréespar aucun acte d'ordre législatif, administratif ou exécutif.
La Compagnie, se fiant à cette promesse solennelle qui, approuvée
par le Medjlesse, a pris force de loi en Iran, a travaillé pendant
dix-huit ans au développement de l'industrie du pétrole en Iran
et a coopéréau d6veloppement économique du peuple iranien.
Nous ne saurions croire que cette promesse solennelle puisse dtre
Tout en protestant formellement contre toute tentative qui
serait faite de modifier unilatéralement les coiiditions de son
activité en Iran, la Compagnie désirerappeleà Votre Excellence
qu'eue n'a jamais refuséet ne refuse paàl'heure actuelle, d'eiivi-
sager une modification de ces conditions par la voie d'un accord
négocié, concluet appliqué selon les principes do bonne volonté
et de bonne foi dont le Gouvernement impérial et la Compagnie
ont fait la base de leur collaboration. ANNEXES IO APPLICATION (c)
OF THE 1st MAY, 1951
By the grace of Almighty God,
Pahlavi Shahinshah of Persia,
hereby command, by virtue of Article 27 of the
Supplementary Constitutional Law, that :
Art. I.The Bill conceming the procedure for enforcement of
the Law conceming the nationalization of the oil industry through-
out the country which was approved by the Senate and the Majlis
on 9th Urdibihisht (30th April) and is hereto attached may be
Art. z. The Council of Ministers are charged with the enforce-
ment of this Law.
The text of the Bill conceming procedure for enforcement of
the Law relating to the nationalization of oil, as approved by the
two Houses of Parliament after amendments by the Majlis.
Art. 1.With a view to arranging the enforcement of the Law of
24 and 29 Isfand 1329 (15th and 20th Rlarch, 1951)conceming the
nationalization of the oil industry throughout Persia, a mixed
Board composed of 5 Senators and 5 Deputies elected by each
of the two Houses and of the Minister of Finance or his deputy
shall be formed.
Art. z.The Govemment is bound to dispossess at once the
former Anglo-Iranian Oil Company under the supervision of the
mixed Board. If the Company refused to hand over at once on the
grounds of existing claims on the Government, the Government can,
by mutual agreement, deposit in the bank Milli Iran or in any
other bank up to 25 %of current revenue from the oil after deduc-
tion of exploitation expenses in order to meet the probable claims
of the Company.
Art. 3. The Govemment is bound to examine the rightful
claims of the Government as well as the nghtful claims of the Com-
pany under the supervision of the mixed Board and to submit its
suggestions to the two Houses of Parliament in order that the
same may be implemented after approval by the two Houses. ANNEXE C
[Tvaductio?~de l'anglais]
Par la grâce de Dieu Tout-Puissant,
Pahlavi Chahinchah de Perse,
ordonnons par les présentes,vu l'article 27 de la loi
constitutionnelle additionnelle, que
Art, I. Le projet de loi concernant la procédure de mise en
Œuvre de la loi portant nationalisation de l'industrie pétrolièresur
l'ensemble du temtoire, approuvé par le Sénat et le filedjlesse le
g du mois de Urdibihisht (30 avril) et annex6 ci-joint, peut entrer
en vigueur.
Art. z. Le Conseil des Ministres est chargéde l'application de la
présente loi.
Texte du projet de loi concernant la procédure demise en Œuvre
de la loi portant nationalisation desroles, approuvé par les deux
Chambres, après avoir étéamendépar le,Medjlesse.
Art. I. En vue de procéderà l'application de la loi des 24 et 29
du mois de Isfand 1329 (15et 20 mars 1951). portant nationalisa-
tion de l'industrie pétrolièresur l'ensemble du territoire de la Perse,
il est institué une Commission mixte composéede 5 sénateurs et de
5 députés,éluspar chacune des deux Chambres, et du ministre des
Finances ou de son représentant.
Art. 2.Le Gouvernement est tenu de procéderimmédiatement,
sous le contrôle de la Commission mixte,à l'expropriation de l'an-
cienne Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited. Si la Compagnie
refuse de se dessaisir immédiatement, en invoquant les droits
qu'elle aurait contre le Gouvernement, celui-ci pourra, par accord
mutuel, déposer auprès de la banque hlilli Iran ou de toute
autre banque, jusqu'à concurrence de 25 'Y,, les revenus cou-
rants produits par les pétroles après déduction des frais d'exploi-
tation, et ce afin de satisfaire les revendications probables de la
Art. 3. Le Gouvernement est tenu d'examiner, sous le contrôle
de la Commission mixte, les réclamations légitimes formuléestant
par le Gouvernement que par la Compagnie et de soumettre ses
propositions à l'approbation des deux Chambres du Parlement,
afin que lesdites propositions puissent êtreappliqu6es.
Art. 4. Whereas, with effect from 29th Isfand 1329 (20th March,
1951). when nationalization of the oil industry was sanctioned
also hy the Senate, the entire revenue derived from oil and its
products is indisputably due to the Persian nation, the Government
is bound to audit the Company's accounts under the supervision
of the mixed Board which must also closely supervise exploitation
as from the date of the implementation of this lalv until the appoint-
ment of an executive body.
Art. 5. The mixed Board must draw up, as soon as possible,
the statute of the National Oil Company in which provision is to
be made for the setting up of an executive body and a supervisory
body of experts, and must submit the same to the two Houses for
Art. 6. For the gradua1 replacement of foreign experts by
Persian experts the mixed Board is bound to draw up regulations
for sending, after competitive exarninations, a number of students
each year to foreign countries to undertake study in the various
branches of required knowledgeand gain experiencein oil industries,
the said regulations to be camed out by the Ministry of Education,
after the approval of the Council of Ministers. The expenses
connected with the study of such students shall be met out of oil
Art. 7. Al1purchasers'of products derived from the wells taken
back from the former Anglo-Iranian Oil Company can, in future,
buy annually the same quantity of oil they used to buy annually
from the Company from the heginning of the Christian year 1948
up to 29th Isfand 1329 (20th March, 1951) at a reasonable inter-
national price. For any surplus quantity they shall have prionty
in the event of equal terms of purchase being offered.
Art. 8. Al1 proposals formulated by the mixed Board for the
approval of the Majlis and submission to the Majlis must be sent
to the Oil Committee.
Art. 9. The mixed Board must finish its work within three
months asfrom the date of approval of this law and must submit
the report of its activities to the Majlis in accordance with Article 8.
In the event of requiring an extension it must apply giving valid
reasons for such extension. Whilst, however, the extension is hefore
the two Houses for approval the mixed Board can continue its
functions. ANNEXES A LA REQUETE (c)
Art. 4. Attendu que, à partir du 29 du mois d- Isfand 1329
(20mars 1951) d,ate où le Sénata sanctionnéà son tour la nationali-
sation de l'industrie pétrolière,tous les revenus tir& de I'exploita-
tion du pétrole et de ses produits reviennent incliscutableme~it à
la nation iranienne, le Gouvernement est tenu de vérifierla compta-
bilité de la Compagnie sous le contrôle de la Commission mixte ;
d'autre part, celle-ci surveillera étroitement l'exploitation depuis
l'entrée envigueur de ladite loi jusqu'à la nomination d'un conseil
Art. 5. La Commission mixte élaborera aussitôt que possible les
statuts de la Compagnie nationale pétrolière,lesquels énonceront
les dispositions nécessaires envue d'établir un conseil d'administra-
tion et un conseil de surveillance composéd'experts ;ces statuts
seront soumis à l'approbation des deux Chambres.
Art. 6. En vue de remplacer graduellement les expertsétrangers
par des experts persans, la Commissionmixte établira un règlement
aux fins d'envoyer chaque année à l'étranger, à la suite d'un
concours, un certain nombre d'étudiantsdésirant étudierles diverses
connaissances requises dans l'industrie pétrolière et acquérir
l'expériencenécessaire ; le ministère de l'Éducation nationale sera
chargé de l'application dudit règlement après approbation par le
Conseildes Ministres. Les fraisd'étudesseront perçus sur lesrevenus
des pétroles.
Art. 7. Les acheteurs des produits tirés des puits repris à
l'ancienne Anglo-Iranian Oil Company pourront à l'avenir acquérir
chaque année la mêmequantité de pétroleque depuis le début de
l'année 1948 de l'ère chrétienne jusqu'au 29 du mois de Isfand
1329 (20mars 1g51), et ce au prix international raisonnable. Pour
toute quantité supplémentaire, ils auront prioritéà égalitéde prix
Art. 8. Toute proposition formulée par la Commission mixte
et destinéeàl'examen et à l'approbation du Medjlessesera transmise
à la Commission des pétroles.
Art. g. La Commission mixte achèvera sa tâche dans un délai
de trois mois à dater de l'approbation de la présente loi et elle
soumettra au Rledjlesseun rapport sur ses activités, conformément
à l'article8.Au cas où elle demanderait un délaisupplémentaire,
elle devrait en donner des raisons valables. Toutefois, la Comniis-
sion mixte pourra continuer d'exercer ses fonctions durant le
temps que les deux Chambres discuteront ce délaisupplémentaire.3S ANNEXES TO APPLICATION (D)
Tehran, 8th RIay, IgjI.
l'our Excellency,
1 am instructed by Sir William Fraser, Chairman of the Anglo-
Iranian Oil Company, Limited, to submit to you the following
notification on his behal:
"Your Excellency,
The measures recently introduced in respect of the Oil
Industry in Iran clearly have the object of either bnnging the
Concession held by the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited,
to an end, or annulling it before the date provided therein
for its termination, by a unilateral act of the Imperia1 Iranian
Government in breach of Articles 26 and21 of the Concession
Agreement or unilaterally altering the terms therein contained
in hreach of Article21 and I of that Agreement.
Therefore 1, on bebalf of the Company and in accordance
with the rights reserved to it by Articleszz and 26 of the
Concession Agreement, beg to notify the Government that the
Company requests arbitration for the purpose of determining
whether in so attempting to annul, or terminate the Concession
or to alter the Concession Agreement, the Government has
acted in accordance with the terms of the Concession Agree-
ment and for the purpose of establishing the responsihility
for determining the consequences of the breach above re-
ferred to.
1 further beg to state that the Company has appointed the
Right Honourable Lord Radcliffe, G.B.E., as its arbitrator
and that he has given his consent to act.
FinaUy, the Company,in view of the gravity of the situation
brought about by the measures above referred to, expresses
the hope that the Government will appoint its arbitrator at
the Government's earliest convenience." ANNEXE D
Téhéran,le 8 mai 19jr.
Sir William Fraser, président de 1'Anglo-Iranian Oil Company,
Limited, me charge de vous faire en son nom la notification sui-
vante :
Les mesures récemment prises et relatives àl'industrie des
pétroles en Iran ont pour objet évident, soit de mettre fin à
la concession détenue par 1'Anglo-Iranian Oil Company,
Limited, soit de l'annuler avant la date prévue pour son expira-
tion par un acte unilatéral du Gouvernement impérial d'Iran,
contrairement aux articles 26 et 21 de l'accord de concession,
soit d'en altérer les dispositions unilatéralement et contraire-
ment aux dispositions des articles zr et I.
Par conséquent, au nom de la Compagnie et en vertu des
droits que lui confèrent les articles22 et 26 de l'accord de
concession, je vous prie de faire savoir au Gouvernement que
la Compagnie demande un arbitrage en vue de déterminer si
la tentative faite par le Gouvernement d'annuler la Concession,
d'y mettre fin ou d'en altérer les dispositions, est confoi-me
aux termes de l'accord de concession, et en vue d'établir la
responsabilité des conséquences de ladite rupture.
Je désire ensuite indiquer que la Compagnie a désigné
comme arbitre le très honorable lord Radcliffe, G. B. E., et
que celui-ci s'est déclarédisposéàremplir cette fonction.
Enfin, devant la gravité de la situation entraînée par les
.mesures dont il a étéfait état ci-dessus, la Compagnie exprime
l'espoir que le Gouvernement désignera son arbitre le plus tôt
qu'il lui sera possible.r39 ANNEXES TO APPLICATION (D)
1 shall be glad if Your Excellency will kindly acknowledge receipt
of the above notification from Sir William Fraser.
With the assurance, etc.
(Signed)N. R. SEDDON.
Copy to H.E. the Minister of Finance, Je serais heureux si Votre Excellence voulait bien accuser la
rkception de cette notification émanant de sir William Fraser.
Veuillez agréer, etc.
(Signé) N. R. SEDDON.
Copie adressée à S.Exc.
le ministre des Finances.4O ANNEXES TO APPLICATION (E)
20th MAY, 1951 '
Mr. Representative of the former Anglo-Iranian Oil Com-
pany :
His Excellency the Prime Minister has instructed me to convey
the following reply to your letter No. 22/29619 dated 8th hlay.
1951, addressed to him :
In accordance with the Acts of 15th and 20th March, 19j1, and
30th April, 1951, copies of which are enclosed herewith, the petro-
leum industry throughout Iran has been nationalized, and the
Imperia1 Government is required to undertake itself the explora-
tion for and production, refining and exploitation of petroleum
It perhaps needs no explanation that :
FIRSTLY :the nationalization of industries derives from the right
of sovereignty of nations, and other governments, among them
the British Government and the Mexican Government, have in
various instances avaiied themselves of this same right.
SECONDLY private agreements, even supposing their validity is
established, cannot hinder the exercise of this right which is
founded on the indisputable principles of international law :
THIRDLY the fact of nationalization of the petroleum industry,
which derives from the exercise of the right of sovereignty of the
Iranian nation, is not referable to arbitration, and no international
authority has the competence to deal with this matter.
In view of these premises the Iranian Government has no dnty
in the existing circumstances other than implementing the articles
of the above-mentioned Acts and does not agree in any way with
the contents of the letter of the former Oil Company on the subject
of reference of the matter to arbitration.
You are meanwhiie notified that, in accordance with Articles 2
and 3 of the Act of April1951, the Iranian Govemment is prepared
to examine the just claims of the formcr Oil Company.
In conclusion. the former Oil Company is hereby invited to
nominate immediately its representatives with a view to making
arrangements concerning the matter and carrying out the above-
mentioned law, so that the dav, hour and place of their attendance
should be notified.
Minister of Finance.
'The annexprinted here represents theamendedby the United Kingdom
Gorernrnent following an exchofletters between the Par(See PaIV.) ANNEXE E
[Traduction de l'anglais]
Monsieur le Représentant de l'ancienne Anglo-Iranian Oil
Son Excellence le Premier Ministre m'a chargé de répondre
comme suit à la lettre que vous lui avez adresséel8 mai :
Conformément aux lois des 15 et 20 mars et du 30 avril, dont
je vous prie de trouver ci-joint copies, l'industrie du pétrole a
éténationalisée sur l'ensemble du-territoire dl'Iran, et le Gou-
vernement impérial est tenu d'entreprendre lui-~n&mela prospec-
tion, la production, le raffinement ainsi que l'exploitation de ses
ressources pétrolières.11n'est sans doute pas nécessaired'expliquer
que :
I.La nationalisation des industries découledu droit de souve-
raineté des nations, droit dont d'autres gouvernements, parmi
lesquels le Gouvernement britannique et le Gouvernement mexi-
cain, se sont à diverses reprises prévalus.
2.Des accords privés, même dans l'hypothèse que leur validité
serait établie, ne sauraient empêcher l'exercicedu droit précité,
qui est fondé sur les règles incontestées du droit international.
3. Le fait de nationaliser l'industrie pétrolière, qui découle de
l'exercice du droit souverain de la nation iranienne, n'est pas
susceptible d'arbitrage, et aucune autorité internationale n'est
compétente pour connaitre de cette question.
Vu ce qui précède, leGouvernement iranien, dans les circonstan-
ces présentes, n'a pas d'autre obligation que de donner effet
aux lois précitéeset ne saurait en aucun cas donner son accord
sur le contenu de la lettre émanant de l'ancienne compagnie pétro-
lière en ce qui est d'un renvoi à l'arbitrage.
Il vous est entre temps notifiéque, conformément aux articles z
et 3 de la loi d'avri1951 e Gouvernement iranien est disposé à
examiner les justes demandes de I'ancienne compagnie pétrolière.
En conclilsion, l'ancienne compagnie pétrolière est invitée à
procéder immédiatement à la désignation de ses représentants en
vue de prendre les mesures utiles à ce sujet et d'appliquer la loi
précitée,afin que leur soient notifiés le jour, l'heure et l'endroit
où leur présence sera nécessaire.
Le Ministre des Finances,
Royaume-Uniàila suite d'un&changede lettres entre les Parties. (Vair Partie IV.)4I ANPiEXES TO APPLICATION (F)
OF IRAN ON THE 19th MAY, 1951
[The text given here is the instruction sent by the Secretary
of Çtate for Foreign Affairs to Sir Francis Shepherd, British Ambas-
sador in Tehran, on the basis of whicb the note actualiy delivered
by the Ambassador would be drafted. Acopy ofthe note as delivered
by him has not yet been received in London but is unlikely to
differ in any point of substance from the instruction.]
1 have received through His Imperial Majesty's Ambassador in
London your reply to the message which 1 sent to you through him
on May 2nd. 1regret to find that it contains no response to the sug-
gestion which 1 made, and whicb 1have since reaffirmed pnblicly,
that His hlajesty's Government in the United Kingdom wish to
see the question of the future operations of the Anglo-Iranian
Oil Company in Iran settled by negotiation, but instead appears
to assert a right by the Imperial Government of Iran to proceed
by unilateral action to dispossess the Anglo-Tranian Oil Company.
His Majesty's Government fully understand and sympathize with
the desire of the Iranian Government to strengthen the economic
structure of tbeir country and to provide for the general welfare
of its people. They themselves have constantly shown in practical
ways that these objects are of deep concern to them. They find
it diflïcult to believe, however, that the unilateral action which
the Iranian Government are proposing to take will contribute
towards their fulfilment.
His Majesty's Government, moreover, iieither desire nor intend
to question the exercise by Iran of any sovereign rights which she
may legitimately exercise. They maintain, however, that the action
now proposed against the Company is not a legitimate exercise
of those rights. The 1933 Agreement is a contract between the
Persian Government and a foreign Company concluded under the
auspices of the League of Nations after an attempt by the Iranian
Government to deprive the Company of these rights under its
previous Concession had been brought by His Majesty's Govern-
ment before the League of Nations. It was, moreover, ratified
by the Majlis and became Persian law. Further, the Agreement
contains two very important provisions : ANNEXE F
[Le texte reproduit ci-dessoiis représente les instructions trans-
mises par le secrétaire d'État aux Affaires étrangèresà sir Francis
Shepherd, ambassadeur de Grande-Bretagne àTéhéran,pour servir
de base à la rédaction de la note à présenter par l'ambassadeur.
La copie de la note telle qu'elle a étéprésentéen'a pas encore
étéreçue à Londres, mais il est improbable qu'elle diffèresur rien
d'essentiel de ces instructions.]
L'ambassadeur de Sa Majestéimpériale à Londres m'a commu-
niquévotre réponseau message que je vous avais fait transmettre
le 2 mai, par son intermédiaire. J'ai le regret de constater qu'elle
ne contient pas de réponseà la proposition que je vous avais faite,
que j'ai renouveléepubliquement depuis lors, à savoir que le Crou-
vernement de Sa Majesté au Royaume-Uni désire voir réglerpar
voie de négociations la question des activités futures de 1'Anglo-
Iranian Oil Company en Iran ; tout au contraire, il semble que
votre note soutienne le droit du Gouvernement impérial d'Iran
à procéder unilatéralement à l'expropriation de I'Anglo-Iranian
Oil Company.
Le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté comprend entièrement et
envisage avec sympathie le désir manifestépar le Gouvernement
iranien de renforcer la structure économique du pays et d'assiirer
le bien-êtredu peuple. Il a lui-mêmemontré constamment par des
gestes concrets le profond intéqu'il éprouvepour de tels objectifs.
II a cependant peine à croire que les mesures unilatérales que le
Gouvernement iranien se v.or-osede vrendre puissent contribuer
à leur réalisation.
En outre, le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté n'a ni le désir ni
l'intention de contester àl'Iran tous les droits souverains au'il peut
légitimement exercer. 11maintient cependant que les mesires ênvi-
sagees actuellement à l'encontre de la Compagnie ne relèvent pas de
l'exercice légitime de ces droits. L'accord de33 est un contrat
conclil, sous les auspices de la Société desNations, entre le Gouver-
nement de la Perse et une Compagnie étrangère, après qu'une
tentative du Gouvernement iranien en vue de priver la Compagnie
des droits à elle conféréspar la concession précédenteeut été
portée devant la Société des Xations par le Gouvernement de
Sa Majesté. En outre, l'accord a étératifiépar le Medjlesse et est
devenu une partie de la législation de la Perse. D'autre part, il
contient deux dispositions de la plus haute importanc: ANNEXES A LA REQUÊTE (F) 42
a) Le statut conféréà la Compagnie par l'accord ne sera jamais
modifiépar le Gouvernement iranien ou mêmepar la législation
iranienne (article 21), sauf à la suite d'un accord entre la Com-
pagnie et le Gouvernement iranien ;
6) si le Gouvernement iranien avait un grief à l'égard de la
Compagnie ou vice versa, et que le différend ne pût être réglé
autrement, il faudrait recourir à un arbitrage (article22). le
tribunal d'arbitrage étant présidépar un tiers arbitre désignépar
les arbitres ou,à défautde leur accord, par le Président de la Cour
internationale de Justiceà La Haye.
Ce qui est essentiel, ce n'est pas le droit pour une puissance
souveraine de nationaliser par voie législativeles entreprises com-
merciales dont l'activité s'exerce à l'intérieur de ses frontii:res,
ni quel est le montant de l'indemnité qu'elle doit verser à cet effet.
L'essentiel est que le Gouvernement de la Perse s'est engagéen
fait à lie pas exercer ce droit; l'objet réel du litige porte par
conséquent sur le délit commissi l'État souverain rompt un contrat
auquel il a délibérément souscrit.
Si, comme le dit Votre Excellence, le Gouvernement iranien a des
griefs contre la Compagnie, le moyen d'y remédier est, comme je
viens de le montrer, de recourir à l'arbitrage. Ce n'est pas la
méthode qui a étéadoptée. Le Parlement iranien a, au contraire,
voté une loi qui prévoit une modification fondamentale du statut
de la Compagnie. Par conséquent, la Compag~iie ne peut que
faire connaître au Gouvernement iranien son désir de soumettre
l'ensemble de l'affaire à un arbitrage.
L'Anglo-Iranian Oil Compariy est une sociétébritannique enre-
gistréeau Royaume-Uni ; en outre, le Gouvernement de Sa Najesté
possède lamajorité des actions de la Compagnie.Ilest doncévident
quele Gouvernement de SaMajestéa le droit le plus absolu de proté-
ger ses intérêtspar tous les moyens appropriésdont il dispose. Les
droits précieux conférés à la Compagnie par l'accord ont subi un
dommage du fait d'une loi irailienne, ce que l'artic21 avait pour
objet d'interdire. La Compagnie a fait appel à la seule voie de recours
dont elle dispose, c'est-à-dire à l'arbitrage, sur la base de l'a22.cle
Si le Gouvernement iranien rend illusoire cette voie de recours, la
question devient alors forcément un litige entre les deux Gouveme-
ments. Le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté serait incontestablement
fondé, en droit international, à prendre l'affaire en mains et, s'il
le jugeait opportun, à saisir la Cour internationale de Justice à
La Haye de ses griefs àl'encontre du Gouvernement iranien. Dans
cette hypothèse, le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté exprimerait
l'espoir que le Gouvernement iranien accorderait sa coopération
en sorte que la Cour puisse prononcer dans le plus bref délaipossible.
D'autre part, le Gouvernement de Sa Majestécontinue à espérer
que le problème pourra êtrerégléà la satisfaction de tous les inté-
ressés par voie de négociatioii.Les intérêtsdu Gouvernement de
Sa Majesté et de 1'Anglo-Iraiiian Oil Company sont en l'espèce43 ANNEXES TO APPLICATION (F)
this opportunity to reaffirm that His Majesty's Governnient are
prepared to send a mission forthwith to Tehran to discuss the
terms of a new agreement. 1 earnestly trust that Your Excellency
will be prepared to agree to this procedure and to conduct nego-
tiations with a mission on a fair and equitable basis.
In conclusion, 1 note that Your Excellency has reciprocated the
desire which 1 have already expressed to you of maintaining good
relations and strengthening the foundation of friendship between
Iran and the United Kingdom. 1 should, however, be less than
frank if 1 did not Say that a refusa1 on the part of the Iranian
Government to negotiate, or any attempt on their part to proceed
by a unilateral action to the implementation ofthe recent legislation,
could not fail gravely to impair those friendly relations urhich we
both wish to exist and to have the most serious consequences. ANNEXES A LA REQUÊTE (F) 43
identiques, et je saisis cette occasion pour répéterque le Gouverne-
ment de Sa Majesté est prêt à envoyer sans délai une mission à
Téhéran en vued'y discuter les termes d'un nouvel accord. Je suis
profondément convaincu que Votre Excellence est prête ir se
rallierà cette manière d'agir et à conduire les négociations avec
cette mission sur une base juste et équitable.
Pour conclure, je note que Votre Excellence a manifesté de son
côtéle désirque j'avais déjàexpriméde maintenir les bonnes rela-
tions entre l'Iran et le Royaume-Uni et de renforcer les fondements
de leur amitié. Je manquerais cependant à la sincéritési je ne
déclarais qu'un refus de négocier opposk par le Gouvernement
iranien ou toute tentative de sa part en vue de procéder par voie
unilatéraleà la mise en Œuvre de la récente législation,ne sauraient
manquer d'affecter sérieusement les relations amicales, dont iious
souhaitons tous deux l'existence. et d'entraîner les conséquences les
plus graves. ANNEX G
Mr. Representative of the former Anglo-Iranian Oil
With reference to my letter 9582 of the 20th May, since you
have not, so far, nominated your representatives for making arran-
gements to execute the laws for the nationalization of oil, 1 have
to state:
1 am waiting every day in the Finance Ministry for your repre-
Should you fail to nominate and send your representatives within
one week, that is before the close of the 30th May, which is a
Wednesday, theGovernment wiUhaveno choice but to act according
to its legal duties as prescribed in the laws of the 15th Rlarch and
the 20th March and that of the 30th April, 1951.
Minister of Finance. ANNEXE G
[ïraductid onl'anglais]
Monsieur le Représentant de l'ancienne Anglo-Iranian Oil
Me référantà ma lettre 9582, en date du zo mai, et considérant
que vous n'avez pas encore procédéà la désignation de vos repré-
sentants en vue de prendre les arrangements destànmettre en
Œuvre les lois portant nationalisation des pétroles. j'ail'honneur de
vous faire savoir ce qui s:it
J'attends chaque jour l'arrivéede vos représentants au ministère
des Finances.
Au cas où vous n'auriez pas désignéet envoyévos représentants
dans le délaid'une semaine, c'est-à-dire jusqu'au mercredi 30 mai
au soir, monGouvernement sera tenu de conformer ses actions aux
obligations qui lui incombent aux termes des lIjset zo mars
et du 30 avril 1951.
Le Ministre des Finances,
Application instituting proceedings