Application Instituting Proceedings

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May. 19.55.


1 have the honour to refer to Articles 40 (1) of the Statute of
the International Court of Justice and Article 32 (2)of the Rules
of Court and, by direction of Her Majesty's Principal Secretary
of State for Foreign Affairs, to submit an Application instituting

proceedings in the name of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland against the Republic of Chile in the following
case '.
2.Differences have arisen between the Govemrnents of the
United Kingdom and of the Republic of Chile since Novernber 6,
1940, conceming pretensions advanced by the Republic in a

Presidential Decree of that date, to the sovereignty of certain
Antarctic and sub-Antarctic territones which belong to the United
Kingdom under prior, long standing, and well established legal
titles dating from, at latest, the period 1775-1843.The particular
temtones in dispute between the two countries, namely the South
Shetland Islands and Graham Land, form part of Falkland Islands
Dependencies. These were already existing British possessions
which (following on a long series of analogous enactrnents-see
paragraph 13 below) were proclaimed as such and formally placed

' It results from the pcesent Application that the United Kingdom Government
accepts the juriidieofthe Court in respect of the questions hereby submitted
to il, and in particular that of the title to tove1the South Shetlands
jurisdiction of the Court in anyother respect. or as regards the title to sovereignty
mer any temitory othor than the South Shetiands and Graham Land.49 APPLICATION INSTITUTIXG PROCEEDISGS (V j5)

under the administration of the Government of the Colony of
Falkland Islands by Royal Letters Patent of July 21, 1908. These
Letters Patent, the full text of which is set out in Annex I (No. I)
to the present Application, specified as the principal territories.
included within the Dependencies the temtories known as South

Georgia, the South Orkneys, the SouthShetlands and the Sandwich
Islands, and the territory known as Graham Land. Fiirther Letters
Patent of Ilarch 28, 1917 (Annex 1, No. z), were issued for the
purpose of clarifying the extent of the Antarctic mainland together
with its coastal archipelagos which were comprised within the-
designation "territory of Graham Land" used in the earlier Letters
Patent."Under the supplemental Letters Patent of 1917, the
Dependencies were finally defined to include-

"al1 islands and temtories xvhatsoever betwee~ithe 20th degree-
of West longitude and the goth degree of West longitude which
are situated south of the joth parallel of South latitude ; and all.
islands and territories whatsoever between the goth degree West
longitude and the 80th degreeof West longitude which are situated
south of the 58th parallel of South latitude".

The territories of the Dependencies, as so defined in the Letters.
Patent of 1908 and 1917, which had long been British possessions,
have for many years been utilised and administered bythe Falkland
Islands Government effectively,openly and, until recently, without
any objection from the Republic of Chile, which facts are con-
clusively shown in pafagraphs 6 to 25 below %.

3. Notwvithstanding the United Kingdom's open assumption, and.
longstandiig and peaceful exercise of sovereignty over the terri-
tories concemed, and the clear and precise delimitation of the-

Falkland Islandç Dependencies in the above-mentioned Letters.
Patent, the Government of the Republic of Chile in the above-.
mentioned Presidential Decree made the following announce-
ment :-

"Al1lands, islands,islets,reefsofrocks,glaciers(pack-ice)already
known, or to be discovered, and their resyective territorial waters,
in the sector between longitudes j3' and 90" West, constitute the
Chilean Antarctic or Chilean .4ntarctic temtory."

The Decree, the full text of which in Spanish and English is set
out in Annex I (No. 3), refers in terms only to Antarctic territory,
but Chile's subsequent encroachments on British territory in the
South Shetlands and at the northem extremity of Graham Land

It will be understaod that althouforreasans ofconvenience. the territories.
to which the present Application relatwere constituted part of the Falkland
Islands Dependencies for administrative purpones. the Brlitlto these terri-
tories is a separate and independent one which iwayoderivesfrom ordependî
on the title to the Falkland Islands themselves.5" APPLICATION IXSTITUTIXG PROCEEDISGS (V jj)

Iead the GoCernment of the United Kingdom to infer that the
pretensions' fomiulated in the Chilean Presidential Decree also
exfend to al1 territories within the spccified sector between longi-
tudes 53' and go0 West, including those situatcd outside the
Antarctic CircIe.

4. The western limit of Chile's pretensions, as proclaimed in
the Presidential Decree, is lonbitude gooWest, whereas the \vesterii
limit of the Falkland Islands Dependencies is longitude 80" West:

The United Kingdom's present Application to the Court does
not, thcrefore, concern Chile's preteiisionç in the areas between
longitudes 80" and go" West, which lie outside the liniits of the
Falkland Islands Dependencies. The eastern liniit of Chile's
pretensions, as proclaimed in the Presidential Decree, is longitude
53' Wcst. whereas the eastern limit of the Falkland Islands
Dcpendencies is 33 degrccs further to the cast at longitude zoo
West. The United Kingdoni's present Application does not,
therefore, concern the areas of the Falkland Islands Ilependencies

between longitudes zoo and 53' West, \%,hichlie outsidc the limits
of Chile's pretensions. The northern limit of the Falkland Islands
Dependencies in the longitudes in question being latitude 58'
South, the United Kingdoni's present Application relates to the
pretensions of Chile to the sovercignty of the islaiids and lands
of the Dcpendencies which lie between longitudes 53' and 80"
West and to the Southwards of latitiide 58"South. A map depicting
the territoneç' in dispute bctween the United Kingdom and Chile
is attached to the present Application as Annex z. As this map

shows, the principal territones in dispute between the two countrics
are the South Shetland Islands and Graham Land togethcr with
its .coastal archipelagos.
'j. The main facts relative to the United Kingdom's title to

the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands Dependencies and the
temtories comprised in it, and to the violation of her sovereignty
by the Republic of Chile, are set out in paragraphs 6-33 below S.
The United Kingdom Government considers that the facts stated
in the present Application suffice to establish conclusively both
the United Kingdom's title to sovereignty and the violation of
that sovereignty by the Republic of Chile. The United Kingdom
Government reserves the right, however, to amplify in its pleadings
its exposition of the relevant facts and to furnish further proof

of both these matters.

The description of the originç of the British titles and of their subsequent con-
solidation by occupation. user. administration and other means appropnate to the
Circumstances of the territories, as cantained in pa6. 25and 28-30hereof,
:arsuhçtantially identical with the corresponding passagesin the separate Appliea-
Rion which the United Kingdom Government is making concurrcntly with the
part of the Republic of Argentina.ions of its sovovergthe same areaon the APPI.ICt\TIONINSTITUTISG FROCEEDINGS (V 55)
Origins of the. British Titles,Historic Discoveries and Acts of

: Annexation by British Nationals in the Period 1675-1843

6. The British title to the territories concerned goes back to a
number of dates varyiiig from, at latest, 1775 to 1843 The first
discovery of auy of the islands or lands of the Falkland Islands
Dependencies may well have been that of South Georgia in 1675
by the British merchant Anthony de la Roche. This group of
islands was rediscovered in 1775 by the great English navigator
Captain James Cook, R.N. .On Jaiiuary 17 of that pear he landed
at three places on the island, took possession of it formally iii
the name of King George IIIand called it South Georgiû iiihonour
of the King.

7. Captain Cook also discovered the Soiith Sandwich Islands in
1775. Sailing eastwards from South Georgia, he sighted first a small
group of islands urhich he called the Clerke Rocks after the name of
his lieutenant, and then, on January 31, a larger group which he
called the Sandwich Land after the First Lord of the British Admi-
ralty of that date.
8. The SozrthShetlandIslands were discovered by the English sea
captain William Smith on Febrnary 18, 1819.Revisiting the islands
in Octoher of the same year, he landed, planted the British flag and
formally took possession of the group in the name of King George
III, cding it New South Britain-(this was aftenvards changed to
South Shetlands, named after the Shetland Islands, north of Scot-
land). A few months later, Edward Bransfield, R.N., accompanied
by William Smith, proceeded again to the islands and made a survey
of the whole group. On January 16, 1820, he landed on the largest
island (King George Island) in the centre of the group and took
possession formaüy in the name of King George IV. After a voyage
, south-westwards between the South Shetlands and Graham Land,
to which further reference is made in paragraph IO below,heretumed
tothe South Shetland Islands. On February 4 he landed on the most
easterly island of the group, taking possessionformally in the King's
name and calling the island Clarence Island in honour of the Duke of
Clarence, the brother of the King.

g. The SozrthOrkneyIslands (named after another Scottishgroup)
were discovered by the British sealing captain, George Powell, on
December 6, 1821. On the following day he landed on the largest of
the islands, took possession of it formally in the name of King
George IV and called it Coronation Island in honour of the King's

10. Graham Land, the northern extremity of the Antarctic con-
tinent, was first discovered on January 30, 1820, by E. Bransfield,
R.N., in the course of the voyage of exploration soiith-westwards
from the South Shctlands nhich was mentioned iii yaragraph 852 APPLICATION IXSTITUTING PROCEEDIXGS (Y 55)

above. He sighted,. in hazy weather, the outline of parts of the
Antarctic mainland and one or two coastal islands. He named the
land Trinity Land in compliment tothe Board of Triiiity House (the
British institution responsible for pilotage and maritime lights), and
he named two of the coastal islands, Hope Island and Tower Island,
respectively. He also traced the outline of the Antarctic mainland

and coastal islands, as he had seen them, on the chart which he drew
of the South Shetlands and forwarded to the British Admiralty.
Soon afterwards, further sightings of the Antarctic peninsula or its
coastal islands were reported by British and American sealers, by
the Russian navigator Admira1 Bellinghausen, and by the French
navigator, Captain D'Urville, but the first sighting was that of
E. Bransfield, R.N. In 1829, Captain H. Foster, R.N., in H.M.S.
Chaizticleer,effected a landing on one of the coastal islands, Hosea-
son Island off West Graham Land, and deposited there a copper
cylinder in which was a document taking possession in the name of
King George IV. On February 21,1832, the British sealing captain,
John Biscoe, landed on an island of the Palmer Archipelago, believ-

ing it to be part of the mainland, and took possession formally in the
name of King William IV, calling the territory Graham Land, by
which name the peninsula is known to-day, in honour of Sir James
Graham, then First Lord of the British Admiralty. On January 6,
1843, Captain J. C. Ross, R.N., commanding H.M.S. Erebus and
H.M.S. Terror, penetrated into a gulf on the eastern side of the
peninsula and landed on a coastal island. He named the gulf Erebus
and Terror Gulf, and the island James Ross Island, and took pos-
session of the island together with its "contiguous lands" for the
British Crown.

II. The first discoveries of South Georgia, the South Sandwich

Islands, the South Orkneys, the Sonth Shetlands, and Graham Land
were thus al1 made by British nationals-a fact reflected in the
names given to these territones by which they have been known,
and have figured in maps and charts, ever since. The same applies
to Coats Land, as to which see paragraph 14 below. Some discoveries
of particular parts ofthese principal groups of territory were made
by explorers or seamen of other nationalities ;but the initial dis-
covenes of al1 five principal groups were British. There were no
Spanish or Chilean discoveries. Furthermore, during this early
penod in Antarctic history from 1678 to 1643. acts of annexation
were peiformed in the name of the British Crown at places ashore
within al1the principal groups except the South Sandwich Islands,

where, frequently, the local conditions render landing impossible.
On the other hand, during this period 110acts of annexation were
performèd in any of the territories concerned on behalf of any other
State. 12. The facts stated in paragraphs 6 to II above show that from
very early dates varying between 1775 and 1843, Great Britain
possessed, on the basis of discovery, accompanied by a formal claim
in the name of the British Crown, an original root of title to al1the
territories concemed.

Display of British Sovereignty in or in regard to the Falkland
Islands Dependencies in the Period 1843 to July 21, 1908

13. In pursuance of a British Act of Parliament (6 Victoria,
Chapter 13-BritishandForeignStatePapers, Volume31, page IZII),
Royal Letters Patent were issned on June 23, 1843, making provi-
sion for the government of the "Settlements in the Falkland Islands
and their Dependencies" (Annex I hereto, No. 3). Supplemental
Letters Patent were issued on Aprilz8, 1876, making further provi-

sion for the governmeiit of the "Settlements in the Falkland Islands
and their Dependencies". On Febmary 25, 1892,fresh Letters Patent
were accordingly issued by which the Government of the "Settle-
ments in the Falkland Islands and their Dependencies" was design-
ated as the Government of a Crown Colony (British and Foreign
State Papers, Volume 84, page 262). Similarly, the Commission
issued to the new Governor in November, 1847 (Annex I hereto.
No. 4). and the ten succeeding Commissions to Govemors issued
between that date and 1908. were in the form of an appointment

covering "the Falkland Islands and their Dependencies". Again,
numerous laws passed by the Falkland Islands Govemment during
the period 1843-July 21, 1908,were made for "the Falkland Islands
and their Depentlencies" '.The particular temtories comprised in
the "Dependencies of the Falkland Islands" were not named in the
various Letters Patent, Governor's Commissions, or laws of the
Falkland Islands Government. The Colonial OfficeYear Book, how-
ever, began in 1887 to specify South Georgia as one of the Depend-
encies. There had been comparatively little whaling and similar

activity in the Antarctic in the middle of the nineteenth century,
but from 1892 onwards whaling, sealing and scientific exploration
began to revive. This renewed activity called for a corresponding
exercise of State authority in the Antarctic and led very soon to
special provision being made by Great Britain for the governmeiit
of the five principal territories as Dependencies of the Falkland
Islands and to their forma1 constitution as the Falkland Islands

14. The Antarctic revival in the area now in dispute hegan with
the voyage of four Scottish vessels in 1892 to the eastem side of
Graham Land and the Weddell Sea for whaling and sealing. In the
same year a Nomregian whaling expedition which went to the

4 As regards the naturof the connexion bet\reeo the Falkland Islsnd the
Dependencies.see footnat2 to paragraph2ahove.54 APPLICATIOY IXSTITUTING PROCEEDINGS (V55)

Weddell Sea, called at the South Orkneys, and further Norwegian
expeditions in 1893 and 1894 visitcd the South Shetlands and
Graham Land. In 1897 and 1901 respectively, Belgian and Swedish
scientific expeditions went to the South Shetlands-Graham Land
area, and in 1902 they were followed by a Scottish scientific expedi-
tion under Dr. IV. S. Bruce in the S.S.Scotin. Dr. Bruce established
a meteorological station at Laurie Island in the South Orkneys in
1903, the working of which was entrusted to the Argentine meteor-
ological office in the following year. He spent the Antarctic winter

of 1903 at Laune Island and in 1904, after revisiting Laurie Island
to lancl the Argentine meteorologists, he penetrated deep into the
Weddell Sea, discovering Conts Lad (named after a Scottish sup-
porter of the expedition) which is now the eastern frontier of the
Falkland lslands Dependencies on the Antarctic continent.

rj. In 1904 the Xorwegian whaling expert, Captain Larsen.
formed a Company in Buenos -4ires. the Compania Argentina de
Pesca. for the purpose of whaling in the -4ntarcticand established
a shore whaling station at South Georgia. In 1905, a Chilean com-
paiiy, the South Georgia Exploration Company, financed by British
subjccts in Chile, was grantcd a mining and grazing lease of South
Georgia by the Governor of the Falkland Islands and proceeded

there, only to findCaptain Larsen's Compania Argentina de Pesca.
already in occupation of the best site for a base. Meanwhile, the
Captain had applied through the British Legation in Buenos Aires
to the British Government in London for a whaling licence for
South Georgia. The British Government, leaming that another
licence had previously been granted by the Govemor, despatched
H.M.S. Sapfiho to South Georgia to investigate the situation on the
spot. The result was that a whaling licence was granted by the
Governor tothe Argentine company, andthe Chilean company then
abandoned its project. In the same year, 1905, Norwegian whalers
visited South Georgia and the South Shetlands, taking with them
the firstwhale-factory ship employed in the Antarctic. In connexion
with this enterprise, the Norwegian Governmcnt addressed an
inquiry to the British Government conceming the sovereignty of
territories in the area between longitude 35" and 80" West and

latitudes45"and 6j0 South, i.~ in the area covering South Georgia,
the South Shetlands, the South Orkneys and the northem part of
Graham Land. The British Government replied that the South
Shetlands were not international but ivere British possessions as
were also South Georgia, the South Orkneys and Graham Land (the
South Sandwich Islands lie outside the area of the Norwegian
inquiry) and that Norwegian whalers should apply to the Governor
of the Falkland Islands for any facilities that they might nced.55 ;\PPLIC:\TIO'IINSTITU.TING PROCEEDINGS (V 55)

16. In riew of these developments, the Falkland Islands Govern-
ment promulgated a whaling ordinance in 1906 (Ordinance No. 3
of 1906) by which the taking of whales without licence was made
unlawful, aiid a royalty was made payable in respect of each whale

caught under licence from that Govemment. It was furtherconsid-
ered desirable, in view of the increasing importance of the five
principal temtories as whaling and sealing bases, to make specific
provision for their government and to make more specificprovision
for their government as dependencies of the Falkland Islands.
i\ccortlinglj. on IiiIy 21, igoS, :is rïciic.iiii~,:ir:igr:ipl2 nbo!.~.
Soiitli Gt?orcia.ttic Soiitti Urkne\.s.the Soiitli Shetlnii~ls.thc Snnd-

wich ~slandvsind the temtorydof Graham Land weri by Royal
Letters Patent formally constituted Dependencies of the Colony
of the Falkland Islands and placed under its government. Under
these Letters Patent .(Annex I hereto, No. 1) it \vas provided
that :-

(a) the Governor of the Colony should be the Governor also of
the Dependencies and be invested with the same powers
of govemment and legislation in respect of them as he
shonld from time to time possess in the Colony ;
(b) the Executive Council of the Colony should act also as the

Executive Council of the Dependencies ;
(c) the Governor should have. and be deemed always tu have
had, power by and with the advice and consent of the
Legislative Council of the Colony. to make laws for the
peace, order and good govemment of the Dependencies ;

(d) the Goveriior should have, and be deemed always to have
had, power to make grants and dispositions of land
within the Dependencies in the name of the Crown.

The dekition of the lands comprised in the Falkland Islands
Dependencies, as mentioned in paragraph 2 above, was afterwards
amended by Letters Patent of March 28, 1917, so as to include
explicitly al1 islands and territories situated between longitudes
zooand 50"West, and south of latitude 50" South ; and al1islands

and territories situated between longitudes 50' and 80" West,
and south of latitude 58" South. The lines of longitude and latitude
laid down in these Letters Patent as dehing the temtories com-
pnsed within the Falkland Islands Dependencies are indicated in
red on themap exhibited as Annex 2 of this Application

Referenccisagain made to fwtnote zto paragraph 2.56 APPLICATION INSTITUTING PROCEEDINGS (V j5)

Display of British Sovereignty in or in Regard to the Dependencies
in the Period July 21, 1908-September 22, 1938

17. Great Britain's title to the islaiids and territories of the
Dependencies was thus formally confirmed and defiried by the issue
of the Letters Patent of 1908 and 1917, but, as has been shown,
it did not originate in or depend on these Letters Patent, and had
been in existence formany decades previously. This title was now
consolidated and maintained hy a further effective display and
cxercise of British sovereignty. In pursuance of the authority
contained in the Letters Patent of 1908, a Falkland Islands Ordi-

nance was promulgated in that year under which the Governor
in Council was empowered to declare any law passetl for the Colony
to be applicable also in the Dependencies so far as might be appro-
priate to their circumstances. Under this principal Ordinance
numerous laws were either made or made applicable to the Depend-
encies by the Govemor in Council, covering, inter alia, the adminis-
tration of civil andcriminal justice, marriage, testacy and intestacy,
&c., and constituting a full and sufficient corpus of laws for those
temtories, having regard to their particular circumstances.

18. Especially important are the laws made by the Falkland
Islands Government forwhaling and sealing, \<,hichprovide convinc-
ing proof of the effectiveness of Great Britain's display and exercise
of sovereignty in the Dependencies. In 1908 the whaling Ordinance
of 1906referred to in paragraph 16 above was repealed, and replaced
by a new Ordinance. This principal whaling Ordinance of 1908, as
amended by later Ordinances, together with the Regulations made
under it, established a detailed and comprehensive code of whaling
law for the Dependencies, as can be seen from the summary of the
whaling lawsin force in the Dependencies in 1920 which is contained
in the report of an officia1cornmittee presented to the Britisharlia-
ment in that year (Command PaPer No. 657). The relevant extract
from this report is annexed to this Application (Annex 1 hereto,
No. 5).It shows that one of the chief objects of the legislation was

the conservation of stocks by regulating the number and tonnage
of whaling vessels, the number of whaling licences, the number
of whales to be taken by each licence-holder, by protecting whale
calves and by other measures. Analogous, if somewhat less elaborate,
laws were introduced in 1909 for the regulation of sealing in the
Dependencies. These laws made it unlawful to take seals in the
Dependencies without a licence, gave anthority for the issue of
licences, and provided for the creation of a close season and of seal

19. The above-mentioned whaling and sealing laws were actively
and extensively applied in the Dependencies. For whaling-licence
purposes, as appears from the summary of laws given in Annex I,
No. 5, the Dependencies were divided into four units-South
Georgia, the South Shetlands together with Graham Land, the
South Orkneys and South Sandwich Islands.

(1) In the case of South Georgia, the Buenos Aires company

mentioned in paragraph 15 above, the Compania Argentina de
Pesca, was granted a lease of 500 acres of land at an annual rent
of £250 for 21 years from January 1, 1906, and obtained an addi-
tional lease of land in 1909.Seven other companies,four Norwegian
and three British, were granted whaling leases between 1908 and
1911 on terms similar to those given to the Argentine company.
Applications for further leases in South Georgia were refused in
order to conserve whale stocks. The whaling companies concerned,
in addition to their leases, were required totakeout whaling licences
for South Georgia which were renewable annually. In 1910 the

Argentine company took out, in addition, a sealing licence, and
after that year South Georgia was divided into four areas for sealing
purposes, three being let out on licence each year and the fourth
being left vacant 'as a seal reserve. An additional place was made
into a seal reserve in 1918.

(2) In the case of the South Shetlands and Grahatn Land, a licence
to take whales in their territorial waters was granted to a Chileau

company in 1907, and a similar licence was granted in 1908 to a
Nedoundland company. By the season of 1912-13, there were
12 factory ships and 32 catchers of various companies working
in the South Shetlandsarea, al1holding licences from the Falkland
Islands Govemment. In 1912 a Nonvegian company, the Hektor
Whaling Company, was granted a 21 years' lease of a site on Decep-
tion Island for a w,halingstation but, in the absence of other suitable
sites, the remaining companies operated with factory ships moored
at Deception Island or, occasionally, at King George Island. From
that date, whaling companies operated in the territorial waters of
the South Shetlands and Graham Land under licence from the

Falkland Islands Government every year witholit interruption,
even during the first world war, until 1930, when developments
in pelagic whaling led them to conduct their operations on the high
seas. Activity in these two territories has been practically confined
to whaling, although one sealing licence was issued in 1913 with

(3)In the caseof theSoi6thOrkiceys,the first whaliiig licence \vas
granted in 1908 to the Newfoundland Steam Whaling Company.
Other companies applied for licences, and in the 1914-15 season
four Norwegian companies were granted licences. Whaling ceased
during the remainder of the first world war, but in 1920a Norlvegian
company, the AIS Tonsbcrg Hvalfaiigeri, \vas granted a lease of
500 acres on Signy Island for a shore whaling station. A further
whaling lease for.the South Orkneys \vas granted in 1925 but9by
1930pelagic whaling had made it unnecessary for whalers to coiiduct
their operations in territorial waters, and applications for licences
ceased. One sealing licence \vas also issued for the South Orkneys
in 1913.
. .

(4)In the case of the Sonth Sandwich Islands, where access to
the land is estremely difficult, whaliiig activity has been less
frequent. In 1912, sis Nonvegiaii companies took out licences
from the Falkland Islands C;overnment, and in 1927 the Tonsbirg
Company applied for and obtained a licence. In addition, a sealing
licence was graiited in 1910 for the South Sandwich Islands to
the Argentine company, the Compania Argentina de Pesca.

20. British sovereignty has also been displayed and exercised
in the Dependencies through magistrates commissioned by the
Falkland Islands Government.

(i) As eariy as 1909, a resideiit magistrate ws sent to Sozrth
Georgia,and there has been a British administration in that groiip
continuously since that date. Customs and police officers were
added to the magistrate's staff, and iii 1912 a post office \vas
established at Grytviken. By 1925, the Govemment buildings
included offices, a \vireless station and a marine laboratory in
addition to dwelling houses.

(ii) TheSouth Shetlands and GrahancLand, as inentioiied in
paragraph 18 above, have been treated as a single unit for the
purpose of the whale fishery, a single licence being graiited to
cover both these temtories. The whaling companies normally
made their base first at Deception Island in the South Shetlands.
If the season was favourablc, thcy movcd southwards through
the Bransfield Strait and established a forward base in the Palmer
Archipelago either in the Melchior Islands or at Port Lockroy.
But Port Foster at Deception Island is the most convenient
starting point for operations in the Bransfield Strait and off
Graham Land, and it \vas accordingly made by law a "port of

entry" for shipping visiting the areaA resident British magistrate
was sent to Port Foster every summer season from 1910 to 1930,
and this officia1 exercised jurisdictioii over al1 whaling vessels
operating in the waters either of the South Shetlands or of Graham .4PPLICATIOS ISSTITUTISG PROCEEDIXGS (\' 55)
Land and its coastal islands. From 1912 to 1930 a post office was
inaintained by the magistrate at Port Foster.

(iii) At theSouth Orkneys whaling activity \vas somewhat less
frequent than at South Georgia and the South Shetlands, with
the result that the visits of British magistrates were correspondingly
less regular. But in 1913 a Customs Officer spent two months in
the islands supervising the observance of the whaling laws, while
a special Whaling Officer spent about three months there both
in 19x4 and 1915. Nest, the South Georgia magistrate went to
Signy Island in 1921 to inspect the site which the Tonsherg Hval-
fangen Company proposed to lease, and in the following year a
Whaling Officer spent three months at Signy to ensure that the
terms of the lease and the whaling laws were carried out by the

Company. In the three seasons 1925-26, 1926-27 and 1927-28,
a Whaling Officeragain spent three months in the South Orkneys.
Iii 1928 the Governor of the Falkland Islands himself visited Signy
lsland to inspect the area leased to the Tonsherg Hvalfangeri

(iv) The comparati\rely slight whaling activity at the almost
inaccessible Sozith Sandwich Islands has called for very little
exercise of administrative authority at the islands themselves '.
21. The cessation of certain facilities and activities after 1930
came abolit as follows. The introduction between 1925 and 1930
of pelagic whaling with large whale factory ships, enabled the

whaling companies to conduct their operations on the high seas
without the use of hases ashore or in coastal waters. The result
\vas that after 1930 the companies, in order to avoid payment
of the licence fees imposed by the Falkland Islands Govemment,
ceased to take out licences for operating from bases in the various
Dependencies-(licences continued to be taken out by the com-
panies with permanent bases in South Georgia). But; although in
conseqnence there was some diminution in the administrative
activity of the Falkland Islands Govemment with regard to the
whaling vessels themselves, British State activity in the Depend-
encies continued in full force and without interruption in the
period between 1930 ancl the outbreak of the second world war.

During this penod, the Ilependencies were estensively visited and
surveyed by the vessels of the Discovery Cornmittee, an official
body responsible to the Secretary of State for the Colonies. As
early as 1917, pmposals had been made for a thorough investigation

'Coats Land(seeparagraphs 14 and 15 above)alsonot discusçed here in an.
furtherdetail, only very recent Argentine action Iiavithistenitory into
question (sparapaph 4 above).60 APPLICATION INSTITUTING PROCEEDISGS (V 55)

into the economic resources of the Dependencies, and a Committee
had been set up to report on the preservation of the whaling
industry, the possibilities of developing other industries, and the
needs of scientific research. Following the presentation of this
Committee's report to the United Kingdom Parliament in 1920,
a permanent Cornmittee known as the Discovery Committee was
established in 1923 under the direction of the Secretary of State
for the Colonies. The principal function of this Committee, under
its terms of reference, \vas to conduct research into the economic
resources of the -4ntarctic and sub-Antarctic regions, with speciai
reference to the Falkland Islands Dependencies. But its functions
also included coastal surveys and general scientific research into
the oceanography, weather and ice conditions and flora and fauna
of the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic regions. Between 1925 and
1939 the Committee's research ships,Discovery I (one commission),
Discovery II (five corninissions) and Williana Scoresby (seven
commissions) made very extensive investigations of the Depend-
encies. Numerous voyages among the principal territories of the

Dependencies were made by these ships on each commission, and
detailed surveys were made of their coasts and coastal waters.
As a result, the Dependencies during this period were covered
literally by a network of patrols undertaken by the Discovery
Committee. The main focus of the Comrnittee's research was on
the natural history of whales, the rnost important economic
resonrce ofthe Dependencies, and especially intensive observations
were made on the whaling groiinds of South Georgia, the South
Shetlands and Graham Land. But the Committee also collected
yery extensive information on the hydrography and biology of
the Dependencies, on the navigation and charting of their waters,
and on. Antarctic ice and ice-navigation. A large and important
body of scientific matenal has been published by the Committee
in the 27 volumes of "Discovery Reports", and its research on the
natural history of whales is admitted by expert opinion to have
niade a vital contribution towards the effective solving of the
international problem of the conservation of whale fisheries.

22. In addition, a large-scale expedition, the British Grahafn
and Expedition, visited the southem parts of the Falkland
Islands Dependencies in 1934-37 to make land investigations.
Reaching Deception Island late in 1934. the expedition proceeded
to Port Lockroy in the Palmer Archipelago in January 1935:
Shortly afterwards, a base was established and occupied furthersouth, and from there various sledge and plane journeys were
made whch threw much fresh light on the geography of the area.
In February, 1936, the expedition moved still fiirther to the
south to Marguerite Bay and established a base on the Debenham
Islands. From therc, important sledge journeys were made across
Graham Laiid to the east coast and far soiithwards into King
George VI Sound. Niimerous reconnaissance flights were carried
out, and the expcdition ascertained conclusively for the first time

that Graham Land is attached to the Antarctic mainland.

23. Other examples of the display of British sovereignty in or
in regard to the Dependencies dunng the period July 21, 1908-
September 22, 1938, are mentioued in the three next succeeding
paragraphs of this Application dealing with the recognition of the
British claims by Norxi~ay,Argentina and Chile. Still further

examples could be cited. The facts given in paragraphs 16-22
above and in paragraph 24 below, however, are by themselves
sufficient to establish conclusively a continuous and peaceful
display of British sovereignty in and in regard to the territories
of the Ilependeiicies during the period July 21, 1908-Septem-
ber 22, 1938, which is that reviewed in the present section.

Recognition of the British Claims by Norway, Argentinaand Chie
after the Issue of the Letters Patent of July 21, 1908

24.-(1) The existence of British claims, not only to South
Georgia but to other territones in Antarctic and sub-Antarctic
regions was known in Norwny before the formal constitution of
the five principal territories as Dependencies of the Falkland
Islands by the Letters Patent of 1908.The Norwegian Government,
as stated in paragraph 15 above, addressecl an enquiry to Great

Britain in 1905concerning the sovereignty of the territories situated
between 35' and 80" West. and was informed in reply that South .
Georgia, the South Orkneys, the South Shetlands and Graham
Land were British possessions. When Norway made a further
enquiry in 1907, Great Britain reasserted her claim. Norway,
neither then nor after the issue of the Letters Patent of 1908,
made any protest or reservation against the assertion and exercise
of British sovereignty over the Dependencies. At the same time
numerous Nonvegian whaling companies took out British licences
and otherwise complied with the laws of the Falkland lslands
Governmeiit. These facts establish by implication Nonvay's
recognition of British sovereignty over the Dependencies in or
about 1908. This implication is completely confirmed by the

Nonvegian Proclamation of January 14, 1939, in which the western
bouiidary of Norway's own Antnrctic claim \vas defined by a line62 APPLICATION INSTITUTING PHOCEEDINGS (V 55)

coinciding with the eastem boundary of the Falkland Islands
Dependencies. It \!,as further expressly stated in the Proclamation
that the area named the Falkland Islands Dependencies had been
broiight iinder Great Britain's dominion in rgoX.

(2)The existence of British claims to at least some of the
Dependencies was also well known in Argentina before the issue

of the Letters Patent of 1908. It has been mentioned above
(paragraph 15) that as early as 1906 an Argentine Company, the
Compania Argentina de Pesca. took out a British lease of land
in South Georgia for 21 years. Indeed, it was the then Director of
Armame~itsof the .4rgeiitine Mi~iistry of Ilfarine who, in his cafiacity
as technical adviser 10the comfiany, visited the British Legation in
Buenos Aires to apply for the lease. In the same year Great Britain,
in order ta remove any possible misconception as to the legal basis
on which operation of the meteorological station on Laurie Island
in the South Orkneys had been transferred to the Argentine
Meteorological Office (see paragraph 14above), addressed a note
to the Argentine Government emphasising that the islands were
a British possessioii. This reservation of the British sovereignty
over the South Orkneys was repeated to Argentina in January
1907. Shortly aftenvards, when Chile proposed to Argentina the

negotiation of a treaty dividing between the two countries "the
islands and the rimericari Antarctic continents", the Argentine
Foreign ilfinister, in rejecting the proposal, said expressly that
"Chile ought to know that England claimed al1 these lands". In
1908, after the issue of the Letters Patent formally constituting
the Falkland Islands Dependencies, the Argentine Foreign Minister
asked to be informed of the terms of the British "declaration".
Accordingly, the British Ninister in Buenos Aires in a note of
February 20, 1909, transmitted to the Argentine Foreign Minister
a copy of the Falkland Islands Gazette containing the text of the
Letters Patent. The Argentine Foreign Miiiister replied in a note
of March 18, 1909 :-

''1have the pleasure of acknowledgingthe receipt of your Note
dated the20th of February last with which you were good enough
to fonvard a publicationcalled Falklaitd Islaitds Gazettecontaining
a Decree by which the 'South Orkneys'are declared a dependency
of the 'Falkland Islands'.
While thanking you for this attention,1 am happy ta renew to
you the assurances of my high consideration."

The British Minister, in communicating this reply to the British
Foreign Office, commented that he concluded from its tems that63 APPLICATION INSTITUTING PROCEEDINGS (v 55)

"Argentine Government do not dispute the rights of Great Britain
over the South Orkneys". A fortiori it is to be concluded from
the terms of her reply that in 1909 Argentina did not dispute
the British title to South Georgia, the South Sandwich Islands,
the South Shetlands and Graham Land, which territories were
also covered by the communication sent to the Argentine Govern-
ment, but were not mentioned in the Argentine reply '. Three
years later, negotiations were beguu for the cession by Great
Britain to Argentina, of the South Orkneys in return for a Legation

site in Buenos Aires and on condition of respecting any existing
Bntish whaling rights. By 19x4, the final text of a treaty of
cession had been agreed hetween the two countries but, on a
change of Government in Argentina, the new Government declined
on financial grounds to complete the transaction. The terms of
this draft treaty provide further evidence of Argentina's recognition
of the British title of the South Orkneys at this time, rcotwithstanding
the presence oftheArgentine tneteorologicalstation on Laurie Island.
Again, Argentina made no protests or reservations against the
issue of the British Letters Patent of 1917. Nor did she make any
protests or reservations against the promulgation of British Laws
for the Dependencies, nor against the application of those laws

to the Argentine company, the Compania Argentina de Pesca,
and to other foreign companies. Nor did she make any protests
or reservations against the exercise of authority by Bntish magis-
trates in the several territories of the Falkland Islands Depend-
encies and, in particular, in the South Orkneys, South Shetlands
and Graham Land. These facts establish beyond question that
at this period Argentina recognised Bntish sovereignty over the

(3) The existence of British -claims at least to soine of the
Uependencies was equally known in Chile, even before the issue
of the Letters Patent of 1908. Three years earlier, in 1905, a
Chilean company, as stated in paragraph 15 above, applied for
a British lease of land in South Georgia from the Falkland Islands
Government. In 1907. another Chilean company, the Sociedad
Ballenera de Magallanes of Punta Arenas, took out a British
whaling licence for the South Shetlands and Graham Land. In
the same year, when Chileiuvited Argentina to negotiate a division
of "the islands and American Antarctic continents", she was
expressly warned by Argentina that "England claimed al1 these
lands". Neither then nor after the issue of the Letters Patent of

' It seernclear in fact that Argentine interest at that date hardly extended
beyond the South Orkneys, where the Argentine meteoiologicwassituated.64 APPLICATION INSTITUTIKG PROCEEDINGS (v 55)
1908 or of 1917 did Chile make any protest or reservation against

the assertion and exercise of British sovereignty over the Depend-
encies. She maintained a Consular Officer in the Falkland Islands,
but at no time did she make any representations either to the
Government of Great Britain or to the Falkland Islands Govern-
ment in regard to the Letters Patent, or to the promulgation of
British laws for the Dependencies, or to the application of those
laws tothe Chilean company, the SociedadBallenera de Magallanes,
and to other foreign companies. Nor did she make any protests
or reservations against the exercise of authority by British magis-
trates in the several territories of the Falkland Islands Depend-
encies and, in particular, in thesouth Shetlands and Graham
Land. Al1these facts establish beyond question that at this period
Chile recognised British sovereignty over.the Dependencies.

25. The facts recitcd in the three immediately preceding sub-
paragraphs show conclusively that, during the years at the be-
ginning of the present century, when Great Britain was confirming
and consolidating her ancient titles to the Dependencies, Nonvay,

theState principally interested in Antarctic whaling, and Argentina
and Chile, made no reservations in regard to Great Britain's
display and exercise of State activity in those territones. They
further show that these three States in fact recognised Great
Britain's sovereignty over the Dependencies. Nor did any other
State during this period make any reservations or enter any
protests against the British claims.

Announcement of Chile'sPretensions to the South Shetlandsand
Graham Landon November 6, 1940

26. The Chilean Government, as related in paragraph 24 (3)
above, made no protests or reservations in respect of the issue
of the British Letters Patent of 1908, or those of 1917, or in
respect of the frequent and public display of State authority by
Great Britain in and in regard to the Dependencies. For more
than 30 years after the issue of the Letters Patent of 1908, no
interest was shown by the Chilean Govemment in the South
Shetlands or Graham Land. The only Chilean interest in those
territories during this period was that of the whaling company,

the Sociedad Ballenera de Magallanes which, as mentioned in
parag~aph 24 (3) above, took out British whaling licences for the
two territories between 1907 and 1914, and conducted their
operations under British laws and regulations. Although one of
the principal objects of the important international conferences APPLICATION IXSTITUTING PROCEEDIXGS (V 55)
for the regulatioii of whaling held hetwecii 1927 aiid 1939 waj:
the preservation of thc whale stocks in the seas siirrounding the
Dependencies, and especially in the Bransfield Strait between the
South Shetlands and Grahani Land, Chile neither tooli any part
in those conferences nor acceded to the resulting conventions.
which, if she had had sovereignty over these territories she might

be expected to have done. Nor did she voice any objection to
the fact that the United Kingdorn took a leading part in those
conferences in its capacity asthe State responsihlefor the regulatioii
of whaling in the I)ependencies, and especially in the Soutli
Shetlands and Graham Land. It \Iras only after the otlthreak of
the second worltl \var that the Chilean Government, by a decrec
of Septernber 7, 1939, established a special coniinission to esamine
into Chile's interests in the Antarctic. Thirteen rnonths later, thc
Chilean Government issued the PresidentialI3ecree of Xovemher 6,
1940, the text of which is given in paragraph 3 of the present
Application, and by this decree laid claim, intev nli<i,to the Rritish
territories of the Soutli Shetlands and Graliam Land.

Rejection of the ChiieanPretensions by the United ~in~doh and
Continued Display of British Sovereignty after November 6, 1940

27. Tlic British Ambassador in Santiago, a fe\r days after the
issue of the Presidential Decrec of November 6, 1940, drcw the
attention uf the Chilean Governrnent to thc fact that Chilc'spreteii-
sions in the Antarctic encroached upon British tcrritory iii the Falk-
land Islands Dependencies. Subsequently, in a diplomatic Xote of
February 25, 1941, the United Kingdom Government lodgecl a
formal protcst with the Chilean Government against the Presidential
Decree, declaring that it could not rccognise that Decrec as con-
ferring title on the Republic of Chile to any territory within the
limits of the Falkland Islands Dependencies.

2s: The C'nited Kingdom Govern~nent was, meanwhile, occupied
in the North and South Atlantic in dealiiig with attacks by Axis
naval forces on Allied and Neutra1 sea-borne trade ; and in March
1941 despatched H.b.1.S. Queen ofBer+irztdato the South Shetlands
to destroy oil tanks and stocks of ail left on Ueception Island by the
Hektor Whaling. Company, one of the cornpanies holding a lease of
land on that island from the British Crown. This measure, whicli
was taken to deny the use of the oil tanks and fuel stocks to Axis~
raiders, constituted a most significant display and exercise of British
sovereignty over the South Shetlands. In January 1943, another
British warship, H.M.S. Cnrna~uoitCnstle,\vas dispatched to the66 .\I'I'I.ICATIOX INSTITIJTING PROCEEDINGS (\.jjj

Soiith Orkneys aiid South Shetlands, to examine the apcliorages,in
those temtories for any signs of use by enemy raiders, and toinvesti-

gate rnmoiirs of purported acts of sovereignty there by the Argen*
tine naval transport. Priwzero de Mayero. H.M.S. Carnaruon Castle;
after visiting Signy and Laurie Islands in tlie South Orkneys, went
to Deception Island in the South Shetlands and obliterated from thé
u~allsof the Hektor Whaling Company's factory the national colours
of Argentins \\,hich had apparently beenpainted there recently by

the Primero de Mayero. -4 writ mas at the same time affixed to the
huilding proclaiming that the compaiiy's lease had lapsed and that
thc building \vas the property of the British Goverfiment. Soon after:
wards, the Argentine Government was notified of the visit of H.BI.S,
Carrzarzo?~Castle to Deception Island and was informed that the
United I<irigdom Government had iio intention of allolving the

British tit'e to the islaiid to be usurped by Argentina. In Febriiar~
of the sanic year the Prinaerode Mayero was reported to be depart:
ing again for tlit: Falkland Islands Dependencies, and to have twb
Chilean naval officerson board. The British Ainbassador in Santiago
on making represcntations to the Chileaii Go\~emmerit in regard to

these officers, was informed that they were sailing in the Argentine
ship inerely as observers and that the Chilean Governinent had itself
protested agaiiist Argentine atteinpts to establish a claiin to Decep-
tion Island B.

29. The United Kingdoin Govcriiineiit, in view of the apparent
intention of Argentins and Chile to disregard British territorial
rights in the South Orkneys. South Shetlands and Graham Land:
dispatclied H.M.S. Williatn Scoresby and S.S. Fitzroy to those terri-

tories at the end of January, 1944 T.hese ships visited the mainland'
and coastal islaiids of Graham Land, Deception Island in the South
Shetlands and .Signy Island in the South Orkneys. A permanent
shore base waSesiablished at Deception Island and another at Port
Lockroy in the Palmer Archipelago off the west coast of Grahain
Land, meteorological stations being attached to both bases. Fiirther

visits were paid by H.11.S. William Scoresbv to these two bases in
3larch and, again, in April 1944. Magistrates were sworn in for the
South Orkneys, South Shetlands and Graham Land, and a special
series of postage stamps was issucd for the use of British estahlish-
.. .

saine Britislterritorie(seeseparate hpplicationrospectingt\rgentina)-aicircuni;
stance tiiat canhardlyfaito reiieca<lversel"on hot1tlie motives andthc validily
of hotlisetsofclaims. .\PPI.ICATIOS ISSTITüTiSG t'K0CEEI)iSGS (\'jj)
iiieiits in those temtones and iri Soiith Georgia. Sincc 1944 tlie
United Kingdoni has niaintained a nurnher of British bases iii tho
Dependencics, the follo\viiig being the hases (either constnicted or

re-estal~lished)in the temtories to whicli Chile advances pretensions
and has made encroachnients:

S«irlh Shetlnnds-
Port Foster, Ilecel>tioii Islaiitl (1944) O.
.Adiiiiralty Bay, King George Islantl (1947).
Graharii Lai~duiui ifsArcltipeln~os-
Port Lockroy, Palmer .irchipelago (19~).
Hope Ray, Tnnity Pensiiisula (1945).
Stonington Island, Marguerite Hay (1946).
Barry Island, Del~enharnIslaiids (1946) lu.
-4rgeiitiiie Islands (1997) ln.

I)açe Bay, Triiiity Peninsiila (19j3).
The tiiiited Liiogdoni Go\zernn~ïiit lias sciit slii1)s to the South
Shetlands-Grahani Land area elver? Aiitarctic suiiinier since 1944 :

and al1the ahove bases, with the exception of that in the I>ebeiihani
Islands, have been occupied either contiiiiiously or iiitcrinittently
by British parties. A special organisation, The Fulkland Isluftds
DepeqidenciesSz~fi,ey,\\.as set iip i~i1945 to adrninistcr thesc bases.
together with three others iii the South Orkncys, and to sul)crvise
their work. Linder its direction exteiisi\.c survcys and explorations
werecamed out in the Depeiideiicies.includiiig grountl survcys, over
large stretches of tlic Gi-ahaham Land peniiisula, aiid iiicteorological

stations were established. Sovereignty \vas also displayed in othôr
ways as, for exaniple, by the aappointment of magistrates, the issue
of postage stamps, and the lodging of yrotests bath locally and
through the diplomatic channel against cncroachments by Chilcan
and Argentine parties. Thus the United Kingdom Governinent has
at aü times taken ail such steps as were open to it in the circuni-
stances to assert and maintain its title.

Chie's Persistence in the Pretensions Advanced in the Presidential
Decree of November 6, 1940, and Her wbsequent Physical
Encroachments on the British Territories of the South Shetlands
and Graham Land

30. ln a Note to the United Kingdom Govarninent of Septcin-
ber 29, 1944. the Chiiean Government, in conriexioii with the issue
Headquarters of British Magistrates, 1910-30.
'"Ruilt and oecupied by the British Graham Land Expeditionigjg-j7.68 AI~PI.ICATION LNSTITUTING PKOCI)iL»INGS (Vjj)

of British postage stamps for the South Shetlands and Grahaiii
Land, drew attention to the fact that thcsc tcrritories were covered
by the terms of the Chilean Decree of Xovcmber 6,1940. In a fiirther
Note of January 23, 1946, the Chilean Government at lcngth replied
to the United Kingdom's protest of Fcbriiary 25, 1941. against the
clairiis apparently madc by Chie in that Decrec to British terri-
tories. The Chilean C;ovcrnment contended, inter nliu. that it had
never been officially notified of the text of the British Letters Patent
of 1917, and that the regions in question had always beeii held to be
Chilean oii geographical,juridical, historical, diploniatic and admiii-
istrative grotinds. Mention \vas also inade of an award giveii by
His Najesty King Edward \'II in 1902, in a bounda~y arhitration
betwecn Argeiitiiia and Cliilc, in consequeiicc of mhich, it was stated,

thc regioiis iiow in qucstioii had bccn coiisidered by Chilc as iiicor-
porated in hcr iiational economy, and she had issu<:<lvarious-
unspecificd-decrees relatiiig to "occupatioii, fishing rights, Brc.".
In a Note of Xoveinber II, 1946, the Uriitcct Kingdom Govcrn~nent
replied to the Chilean asscrtions, pointing out, inter dia. that :-

(1) The British Letters Patent of 1917 ivere by their natucc open
and public documents, and had in fact been published in the
Falklnrtd Islnmis Guetet, and in the British ai~dForeign
StntePapers (Volume III, pages 16-17).

(2) The United Kingdom's attitude was in no way basetl solely
on the Letters I'atent of 1917, but also on the long-standing
responsibilities wliich it had assumed for the administration
of the temtories, for the equitablc control of whaling and
sealing, and for the accumulation of scientific and meteoro-
logical data. The only recordcd Chilean entcrprisc in the
area in question had operatcd entirely under Kritisli licence.

(3) The alleged "geographical grouiitls" for a Chile;rii title were
without aiiy hasis in international law, and werc in contra-
diction witli thedecision in the Islaiidof Pfllr~inarhitration.

(4) Haviiig regard to ziccepted usage ;uid law, British tliscoveries,
British scientific investigatioiis in the area, British adiniiiis-
trative activity and the continiiity of the British display

of the fuiictions of a State, al1 "jiiridical", "historic" and
"administrative" factors \voiild scem to point iiiireservedly
to British sovcreigiity. (5) The hoiiiidary arbitratioii of 1902 hct\veeii tlrgciitiiia aiid

Chile related solely to the continent of America, aiid iiithe
course of it iiothiiig \\,as ever said by eithei- part!. ahoiit
clnims to t\iitarctic territory.

For the purposes of the presciit Application, it suffices to add that
in the subsequeiit dil>loinatic correspoiideiice the United Kingdom
and Chile have maiiitaiiied their respective positions.

31. The Chileaii Goveriiinent, however, has iiot reniained coiiteiit
with challeiiging the Uiiited Kingdom's titles tothe South Shetlands
and Grahani Land iii dipfomatic corrcspoiidence. It has proceeded
to establish in these British territories the following Chilean posts :-

South Shetlaiids-llisco\rery Bay, Greenwich Islaiid (1947).
-Pendulum Covc, Deception Island (xgjj) ".

Grahaiii ~ai;d -Cape Legoupil, Trinity Peiiinstila (1948).
-Paradise Harhour (1951).

Protcsts agaiiist tliesc Cliilcaii ciiçroachiiiciits on 13ntish territory
have been lodged by tlit: Uiiited I<ingd«m, hoth throiigh the diplii-
matic chaiinel, aiid Iiically I)y oficials of the British admiiiistration
in the Falkland Islaiids 1)epeiidciicies. The Chileaii Governinent

has nevertheless inairitaiiiecl the ahove-inentioned posts in the
South Shetlaiids aiid Grahaiii Laiid, aiid lias repeatedly stated or
manifestcd its iiiteiitioii to coiitiiiue to disregard the United Kirig-
doni's prior aiid IveIl estahlished legal titles tn those territorics.

32. III the opiiiioii of the tiiiitetl I<iiigdorii G«veriiineiit, these
Chilean acts, takeii togethei-. aiid related to the coiiiplete nl>seiice
of aiiy Chileaii claiiii prior to 1940, aiid to the pre\-ions coiiipletc
Chilean indifference 10, aiid cveii recogiiitiori of, the British claim.
are evideiice of a quite receiit aiid cleliherate and coiisidei-ed policy

of infiltration on the part of the Chileaii Govemment directed 1c.1
creating a semhlaiicc or fictioii of Chileaii sovereignty, and to plncing
that Goreriiiiient in a position, after a sufficient lapsc of timc. to
argue that aiiy previous British sovereignty was no\\. rcplnced
or overlaid by Cliileaii sovereigntv. In effect, this is a policy of

. ~ ~
" The rïry recïnt cliaractrr oithis çncroachmenr =.il1 be nrit,\riittemptin
February 1gj3. to establish a Chilean hut ou the actual grouiid of the existing
Rritish base oriDeception Islari<l met ivitli forcible reiiata(seefmtnotc r) to
pnrap-aph 36 below).7" AFL'I.ICX~IOX INS~I'TUTISC. I'HOCERI)IXGS (Y jj)

. .
Cimited Relevance in Point of Law of Events after November 6: 1940
'. .

33. The :rets uf the I'arties after Xovciiiber 6, 1940. are of limited
relevance for t\vo reasons. First. the dispute crysiallisetl iiior
ibout Xoveinber, 1940. when Chile iirst asserted her claim i aiid
iïccording to \rrell-cstablished priiiciples of la\\-, it is at the date of
crystallisatii)~~that the rights of the parties arc to be adjodgcil.

The siihseiluciit acts of the Chilcaii Governinent were clearly takeii
with :r view to improving Chile's legal position-an attenipt to
create a title, iiot actioii in pursuaiice of ail existing one. Thcyare
iiot, therefore to be takcn into consideration (Minqz~iers.and
Ecrehos Case, I.C.J. Reports, 1953, p. jg). Secoiidly, eveii if thi:
United Kingdoin had iiot previously acquired a good title, it iiii-
<loubtedly displayed and exercised its sovereignty in and in regard
io the South Shetlands and Graham Land during the period July 21,
1908-No\~einher 6, 1940. Therefore, quite independently of its
earlier titles, the United Kingdom liad already in the periotl 1908-
1940 establishetl as against Chile, ail unimpeachable titlc to the
sovereignty of these territories. Accordingly, the Cliileaii Ikcrce

of November 6, 1940, aiid :dl Chilc's subsequent :retsiii niicliii
regard to the South Shetlarids wre aiitl always have beeii illegal
and invalid (Easter~zGreeftla~tdCase (1933) Series A/B j3. page 64).
Events siibsequeiit to Xovember 6, 1940,are thus priniarily relevant
for the purpose of shojving that, in face of the Chiieaii pretensions,
the United I<ingdom iiid not abandon, Ilut actively rnaintaiiied,
its titles to the territories in question. This is conclusively
demonstrated in l~aragraphs 26-29 above. The United Kingdom,
by its coiitinucd display of State activity ;by protests or counter-
measiires which were always pronipt, ;ilid evidence of the exercise
of due vigilance ; by attempts to settle the-dispute througli diplo-
matic iiegc~tiatioiis ; by activily seeking to bring the dispute to

arbitratioii or judicial settlement (sec paragraph 38 below) :and
5y submittiiig the prcsent Application tothe Court, has energetically
prosecuted its case, upheld its sovcreignty and maintained its
.-.hts and titles.

The Jurispmdence of International Tribunals Negatives the Chilean
Claims and Supports the United Kingdom's Titles "

34. The jurisprudence of international tribunals botli iiegativcs

ilie Chilean claims aiid supports the legal titles of thc United King-
dom, inore especially the awards :ind judgments in the following
:\vdl{l<noiyii&ses :-7I APPI.ICATIOK INSTlTUTlNG I'KOCEEDINGS (V 55)

The Island of Palmas (1928) 2 Reports of International Arbitral
Awards, 831 ;
Clipperton Islaii~l (1931) 2 Reports of International Arbitral
Awards, 1105 ;
Lcgal Status of Eastern Greenland (1933)Series A/B 53 ;
81incluicrsaiid Ecrehos 1.C.J. Reports, 1953,p. 47.

35. .l'licsï iiiotlern cases of higli iruthority, iiegative coniplet~?.
any Chileaii claim baseclon nlleged historie groiinds of title deriving
frorn succession to siipposetl titles acquired by Spain. Apart froni
the fact that, oii the evideiice, iio original Spanish titles caii be
established at alllg. the Islaltd oj Polmos Case (page 846) and the
Clipperfo?~Island Case (page Irog) clearly show that aiiy such
early Spniiish titlcs coiild not prevail to-&y against long contiiiued
British tlisplay and exercise of sovereigiity. Again, eveii if it were

possible to apply the cloctriiie of geoeogcrphicacloritigiity to islantls
distant soinc 400 ~iiiles,or to a separate coiitiiieiit distant some
500 miles, from Chileaii tcrritory, the Islniid oj Pnlpnas Case
(pays S54-3jj. SGg aiid 870) iic~ativcs coinpletely any Chilean
clatm based or1so-called gcographical grouiids of title. and clearly
lays clown that tlicy could iiot prevail :igainst nctual display and
csercise of iovercignty. .4s to Chilc's plen (see paragraph 30 above)
that she \\.;iignorant of the British titles, it is enough to rec:rll
the facts set out in paragrapli 24 (3) tibove \\,hich esiahlish Cliile's
acquiescence in and recogiiitioii of these titlcs. 3loreover, theBritish

title \vasirqiiestioii of fact and la\\., in no \vay dcpciideiit on Chile's
recognition of it. Iii aiiy eveiit, the Islnnd of Polmns Case (page
S6S) and the Clippertoit Isl(rird Case (page 1110) einphaticrilly
statc that official iiotificatioii is not reqnisitc under general inter-
national la\\., while the EnsterirGreeitlniid Case (page 62) and the
Miitqttiers niidEcrehos Case (page 66)clearly show that any reserva-
tioiis \\.hich might have beeii made hy Chile would not have altered
the chnracter and effect of the British Lettcrs Patent, or of the
other British legislati\,e and atlininistrative acts as maiiifestntions
of liritisli sovcreigiit~l.

36. At the saille tiiiie, the above-iiieiitioiied leadiiig cases show
coiiclusively that the "jurirlical" and "adiiiiiiistrative" grounds
referred to by the Chileaii Goveriiinent strongly siipport the claims

of the United Kingdoin, and not those of Chile. Thris, the Islaitd
O/ l->olnrus Case (page 870) :rnd the ClipperloirIslni~d Case (page

" Thc territones conceriiwerç barcly disçovered iii Spaiday. andthen nor
bySpain (sepnrapr:iyhs6-r nl>oveTliey weronever ]>artonnySpanishdominioii. A1'PI.ICATION. ISSTITUTING I>ROCEEUINGS (\' 55)
1110) indicatc that. the British takings of possession describcd in
paragraphs 6-11 of thc present !\pplicatioii created initial British

titles superior to any of Chile's pretended historical or geographical
titles. Thc island O/ Palfnas Case (pages 838-840 and 876). Eastern
Greazland Case (pages 52, 54 and 63) and Minquiers a~tdEcrehos
Case (at page 65) conclusively shoii~that to-day, in case of dispute,
the primary test of sovereignty is the actual display and exercise
of the functions of a Stite in and iii regard to the disputed terri-

tories diiririg the relevant periods. In the present case, it is eiident
from the facts set out in the preseiit .4pplicatioii that it is the United
Kingdoin, iiot Chile that has displayed and esercised the function
of a State in rcgarcl t« the South Shetlands and Graham Land,
and cspecially diiring the decisirc period of 32 years immediately
precediiig the critical date, iiamely, No\'einber 6, 1940, as well as


37. 'ShcUnited Kingdom, in its pleadings, \vil1refer mith greater

particulanty tothe iiumcroiis passages in the four ahorc-mentioried
leadiiig cases and in other authorities ivhich support its titles to
sovereigiit); over the Falkland Islands Deperidcncies. Although the
present Application is necessarily preliminar); in character, the
special circiimstaiiccs appear to jiistify drawing attention to the
jurispriideiice of the four leading cases, merely as an indication of

hon- solid are thc legal bases of the British titles, and hoir dei,oid
of any foundatioii the Chilean preteiisions.

Acceptance of the Court's Jurisdiction in the Case

3% The United Kirigdoiii, having regard tu the lorigperiod during
\\rl;ich British souereigtity has beeii effectively exercised in and iii
regard to the Sonth Shetlaiids and Graham Land, would have beeri
justified in taking strong measures to put an end to Chile'sencroach-

ments on thesc British territ«rics13. Firmly believing in the pacific
settlcmeiit of disputes among nations by judicial procedures aiid on
the hasis oi law, it has preferrcd, when negotiations proved fruitless,
to seek to have itsdispute with the Repiiblic of Chile regarding these
territories submitted to the Iiiternatioiial Court or other judicial or
arbitral triùi~nal. Shus, in Xotes of lleceniber 17, 194.7,the United

I<iiigdoni Goveriiment iiivited Chile and Argentina to whom a
separatc iii\ritation \vas sent, to challenge the British titles to sover-
eigiity I>yiiivoking the jurisdiction of the International Court of
Justice, \\.hich the United Iiingdom woiild then accept. Chile, in
Xote of January 31,'1948,replied to the effectthat, sincc sheregardeil
- ...~ --
laForcible action haiiifact to be takin onccase (nanieiyatlhception Island
in February 1953)"ben a particularly flagrant attenipt was ntoerecta Chilean
hut actually within the l?recincts of the exi-ing and occupied Bbaieson that

her own prctensions as irrefutable, it wonld not be logically justi-
fiable for her to approach the Court". The United Kingdom, in a
Note of Narch II, 1948,reaffirrned its willingness to collaborate with
Chile aiid Argentina in subinittiiig the dispute to the Court. The

United Iiiiigdom renewed its offer to go before the Court in Notes of
April3, 1951, and January 16, 1953, "thout, however, obtaining a
favoiirable response from the Republic of Chile. ils the continuance
of the dispute concerning the sovereignty of the territories of the

Falkland Islands Dependencies iiecessarily threatens to impair the
existing friendly relations between the tmo countries, the United
Kingdom addressed a further Note to Chile on December 21, 1954,
inviting her, jointly with the United Kingdom, to refer the dispute

to an independent ad hoc arbitral tribunal. On the same date, the
United Kingdom addressed an identical Note to Argentina. Neither
of thesc countries, however, has thought fit to accept the United
Kingdom's proposal 'j.

39.. The United Kingdom, in its Notes of December 21 last, stated
that in the event of Chile (orequally Argentina) failing to accept its
offer of arbitration, it reserved the right to takc such steps as might
bc open to it to obtain an adjudication of its legal rights. One of the

steps open to the United Kingdom is to bring the dispute before the
Coi~rtbya unilateral Application under Article 40 (1) of the Statute
and Article 32 (2) of the Rules and, as indicated in paragraph T
:rbore, it is this procedure which the United Kingdoni has elected to


40. Tho United Kingdom Govemment, therefore, declarcs that it
hereby subinits ti, the jurisdiction of the Court for the purposes of
the case referred to the Court in the present Application-(for the
precise scope of this submission, seefootnote Ito paragraph Labove).

The Chilean Government has iiot, so far as the United Kingdom
Government is amare, yet filed any cleclaration accepting the Court's
jurisdictio? either generally iinder Article 36 (2) of the Statute or
specially in the present case. The Chilean Government, which has.

frequently expressed its adherence to the principle of judicial settle-
ment of international disputes, is, however, legally qualified to.

'. Ili<.L~~~,~LII~~I$;~~~.ICJIIUIrI~g.ir1111.r':cntlnii p1rdgr.1111<,,~III\PSrlzal
tlCtIatt~rcuiinitry.towhtch a iiiiiilihr n;icm.ide. touk tlirs~tiiiIiitrYet 6011.
claiti.; (e:<.c:lntiii<OtliriuiirtiSlieilnn<ls ,nri:r:ih.irI.;~ii~li r.<thaieitIhe,.!i
good :and the inference isthat neither \vus

'5The prescnt Application is of course. formally, quitc separate froiiithecorre-
spanding Application respecting Argentins ; but the significancc of these rival
claims ta the same area will not be overloolced. It is a clear case of two rival and
incompatible attcmpts to oust and usiirp the legitimate sovercignty of the United.
Kingdom.;iil>iiii18.rlic jiiri~~lii.iia~.frlic i:~iiii11.rliisc~t,~. (~c~ii~t:~~ii~ii~Iy.
UDOII ii~itiric:itic~i,Ilie uie>t;iii.Ai)i)lic;i~i~u th(! I<f.i>tiblof Cliilc
hi the Kegistrar in accohance with the Rules of ~ou;t, the Chileao
Goveriiiiieiit, urider tlic settled jurispnidence of the Court, can take
the necessary steps to that ciid, and thereby cause the Court's juns-
diction in tlie case to be c~iiistituted in respect of Parties.

41. The Uiiited Kiiigdoiii Goveriiiiieiit fouiids the jurisdictioii of
the Court on the foregoing considerations and on Article 36 (1) of
the Court's Statute ; and asks that a copy of the preseiit hpplicatioii
be transiiiitted to the Government of Chile in accordarice with

.4rticle 33 of the Knles of the Court aiid to al1Jfembers of the United
Natioris and othei- States entitled to appear I>eforethe Court, uiidei-
Article 34 of the said liiiles.
42. The attitudc of tlie CliileariGovernmeiit in this case has corn'-
pelled the Uiiitetl Kiiigdom to take the initiative iiiplaciiig the
matter before the Court, and therefore in effect to appear as appli-
cant. The Unitecl Kiiigdom Go\rernnient nevertheless wishes to rnake

the fullest reservatioiis on tlie question of the oiius of proof of title:
It considers that the maiiifest prioritg in tinie of the Britisli posses'
sion of the territories datiiig back to periods varying betweeii IIO
and 180 years ago, and the complete absence during virtuaUy the
whole of those penods, until a quite receiit date, of aiiy activities of
a sovereigii character other thaii British, in the territories, isindicT
ative of a self-eviduit British title, whicli it is for any country
challeriging that title to rehiit.

The Contentions and Claims of the United Kingdoin Government
in the Case

43. Tlie Goi,eriiinciit of the Uiiited Kiiigdoni, iii si~l>mittirigthis
application to the Court, accoi-dingly contends :-

(1) that by .reasoii of historie Rritisli discoveries of certain terri-
tories in thc Antarctic and siib-Aiitnrctic ;by reasoii of the
long-continiied and peaceful display of British sovereignty
froni thedate of those discoveries onwards in,and in regard
ta, the territories concemed ; by reason of the incorporation
of these territories in the dominions of the British 'rom ;

hy virtiie of their forma1 constitiition in the Koyal Letters
Patent of 1908 and 1917 asthe British Possession called the
Falkland Islands Dependencies :the United I<iiigdom pos-
sesses, and at al1 material dates has possessed, the sover-
eigiity over the territories of the Falkland Islands Depeiid- eiicies, aiid iri particular the South Shetlands aiid Grahaiil
Land ;

(2) that the legal titles of the United Kingdom to the Falkland
Islands Dependencies, and in particular to the South Sliet-
lands and Graham Land, are, and at al1material dates have
been. supenor to the claims of any other State, and in par-
ticular to those of the Reoul~,icof Chile :
(31 thai iricniisi.(liiencç,[II<-~>reterisiuii.osf tlic Keliiit~litifCtiilc

tu tht:SoiirliSlictli~ndsiiiidi;rati:,iii I.aiid :iiii1ii.ciicroacli.
ineiits and ixetended acts of soverei~rit\~in those territories
are, uiider iiiteriiational lati,, il~egal'aiidiiivalid

M. The Go\,eriime~it of the United Kiiigdoiii, therefore, aslis the
Court tn declare-
(1) that the United Kiiigdoiii, as agaiiist the Kepublic of Chile.

possesses,aiid at al1material dates has possessed, valid and
subsisting legal titles to the sovereignty of the South Shet-
laiids and Graham Land ;
(2) that the preteiisions of the IZepublic of Chile to the South
Shetlands and Graham Land aiid her encroachments and

\refciided acts ~f io\.ereigiit\: iiiur ri:l;iti\e to tliose terri-
toriL:s:ire. ii~iderinternatinii;il l;~\\.,ilicgal;iii(iii\,ali<;

(3) tliat the Kepublic of Cliile is I~oundto respect the Uiiited
Kingdom's sovereignty over the South Shetlands aiid Gra-

ham Land, to cease her preteiisions to exercise sovereignty
in, or relative to those territories and, if called on by the
United Kingdom, to withdraw from them al1or any Chilean
personnel and equipment.

1 have the Iionour to be,

Your obedierit Sen,aiit,

(Signed) G. G. F~TZMAURICE,

Agent for the Govemnient
of the Uiiited Kingdoni. ANNEXES

(1)1907-08,Vol.en101.)July zr, 1908. (British and Foreign Staie Papers,

(2) Letiers Patent of March 28, 19x7.(IIrilishnnd ForeignStirteI'apsrs,
1917.18 \',II.III,)

(3) Presidential Decree of the Republic of Chile of November 6, 1940.
Translation froni La A~ztdrtida ChiJe~znby Oscar I'inoclict de la
Harra (Stntiago, 1g44), pp. 23-24,

Santiago, November 6, 1940.

It is the (Iiit?of tlic State to îix, witli exactitiide, its territorial
limits ;
Ui>to tlic uresent the Chihai~ territorial Liniitsin tlrnt part wliich
extcnds townids tlie polar region kno\vii as the America; Antarctic
have not beeii defined ;
The Iliiiistry for Foreign Affairs piblicly cleclared iri ry6 t!ia' the
delimitatioii of the territory 1-efcrrcdtow;is the siil~jjeot preliminary
invcstigatioiis whicli hcid not yet beeii completed ;
The actiial state of these investigations now enables ;I decisinri to
he reachcd iii tliis reslxct :
The speckil comniissioriappoiiited by the hlinistry ior I;oreigiiALfairh'
decree No. 1541 of the 7th Scptember, 1939, havc i:stablished the
boiiiidaries of the Chilean Antarctic territory in accordance with the
data supplicd by geographical, historical, jiiridical and dil>lomatic
precedents which hnvr: heen consiilted aiirl arithenticated u11 ti>the
present tiine :

1 decree :
Ail lands, islniids. islets, reefs, glaciers (pack-icc), &c., already kiiuwii
or to be discovered, .and their les >cctiveterritorial waters, in the scctor
betweeii loiigitudes 53" and 90 West of Greenwich. constitiite the
Chilean Antarctic or Cliileaii Antarctic territory.
Take ilote, communic:rte, piiblisb and insert in the Uiilletin of Lrws
aiirl Decrees of the Gn\~emment.-Acui~l~~~CERDA.-MARCIA M I. RAM.

Bilingual Content














May. 19.55.


1 have the honour to refer to Articles 40 (1) of the Statute of
the International Court of Justice and Article 32 (2)of the Rules
of Court and, by direction of Her Majesty's Principal Secretary
of State for Foreign Affairs, to submit an Application instituting

proceedings in the name of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland against the Republic of Chile in the following
case '.
2.Differences have arisen between the Govemrnents of the
United Kingdom and of the Republic of Chile since Novernber 6,
1940, conceming pretensions advanced by the Republic in a

Presidential Decree of that date, to the sovereignty of certain
Antarctic and sub-Antarctic territones which belong to the United
Kingdom under prior, long standing, and well established legal
titles dating from, at latest, the period 1775-1843.The particular
temtones in dispute between the two countries, namely the South
Shetland Islands and Graham Land, form part of Falkland Islands
Dependencies. These were already existing British possessions
which (following on a long series of analogous enactrnents-see
paragraph 13 below) were proclaimed as such and formally placed

' It results from the pcesent Application that the United Kingdom Government
accepts the juriidieofthe Court in respect of the questions hereby submitted
to il, and in particular that of the title to tove1the South Shetlands
jurisdiction of the Court in anyother respect. or as regards the title to sovereignty
mer any temitory othor than the South Shetiands and Graham Land. 2. REQUETE INTRODUCTIVE D'INSTANCE




Mai 1955.

Monsieur le Greffier,

J'ai l'honneur de me référerà l'article 40(1)du Statiit de la Cour
internationale de Justice et à l'article 3s(2) du Règlement de la
Cour et, sur instructions du secrétaired'Etat principal aux Affaires
étrangères de Sa Majesté, de déposer une requête introductive

d'instance au nom du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et
d'Irlande du Nord contre la République du Chili, dans l'affaire
suivante ' :
2. Des désaccords sesont produits entre les Gouvernements du

Royaume-Uni et de la Iiépublique du Chili depuis le 6 novembre
1940, date à laquelle le Chili a formulédans un décret présidentiel
des prétentions à la souveraineté sur certains temtoires antarc-
tiques et sub-antarctiques appartenant au Royaume-Uni en vertu de
titres légaux, anciens et reconnus, datant de 1775 i 1843 au plus
tard. Lesterritoires qui forment l'objet du litige entre les deux pays,
à savoir les îles Shetland du Sud et la Terre de Graham, font partie
des Dépendances des îles Falkland. Celles-ci constituaient déjàdes

possessions britanniques qui (à la suite d'une longue sériede lois
analogues - voir paragraphe 13 ci-dessous) furent. proclam&es
telles et officiellement placées sousl'autorité du Gouvernement de

' Il résultédc la présento requête qucGouvernement dit Royaume-Uni
la présente eniparticulier celle relative au titre de souverainete sur les Shetland
du Sud et laTerrede Graham. La présente requste ne constitue pas unerecon-
naissance de la compétence dCouren d'autres domainouen ce qui concerne
le titre de souverainpur tout autre territoire quShetlandu Sud et la
Terre de Graham.

under the administration of the Government of the Colony of
Falkland Islands by Royal Letters Patent of July 21, 1908. These
Letters Patent, the full text of which is set out in Annex I (No. I)
to the present Application, specified as the principal territories.
included within the Dependencies the temtories known as South

Georgia, the South Orkneys, the SouthShetlands and the Sandwich
Islands, and the territory known as Graham Land. Fiirther Letters
Patent of Ilarch 28, 1917 (Annex 1, No. z), were issued for the
purpose of clarifying the extent of the Antarctic mainland together
with its coastal archipelagos which were comprised within the-
designation "territory of Graham Land" used in the earlier Letters
Patent."Under the supplemental Letters Patent of 1917, the
Dependencies were finally defined to include-

"al1 islands and temtories xvhatsoever betwee~ithe 20th degree-
of West longitude and the goth degree of West longitude which
are situated south of the joth parallel of South latitude ; and all.
islands and territories whatsoever between the goth degree West
longitude and the 80th degreeof West longitude which are situated
south of the 58th parallel of South latitude".

The territories of the Dependencies, as so defined in the Letters.
Patent of 1908 and 1917, which had long been British possessions,
have for many years been utilised and administered bythe Falkland
Islands Government effectively,openly and, until recently, without
any objection from the Republic of Chile, which facts are con-
clusively shown in pafagraphs 6 to 25 below %.

3. Notwvithstanding the United Kingdom's open assumption, and.
longstandiig and peaceful exercise of sovereignty over the terri-
tories concemed, and the clear and precise delimitation of the-

Falkland Islandç Dependencies in the above-mentioned Letters.
Patent, the Government of the Republic of Chile in the above-.
mentioned Presidential Decree made the following announce-
ment :-

"Al1lands, islands,islets,reefsofrocks,glaciers(pack-ice)already
known, or to be discovered, and their resyective territorial waters,
in the sector between longitudes j3' and 90" West, constitute the
Chilean Antarctic or Chilean .4ntarctic temtory."

The Decree, the full text of which in Spanish and English is set
out in Annex I (No. 3), refers in terms only to Antarctic territory,
but Chile's subsequent encroachments on British territory in the
South Shetlands and at the northem extremity of Graham Land

It will be understaod that althouforreasans ofconvenience. the territories.
to which the present Application relatwere constituted part of the Falkland
Islands Dependencies for administrative purpones. the Brlitlto these terri-
tories is a separate and independent one which iwayoderivesfrom ordependî
on the title to the Falkland Islands colonic des îles Falkland par lettres patentes royales du 21 juill

let 1908. Ceslettres patentes, dont le texte intégralest donné à I'an-
nexe I (no 1) de la présente requête, désignaient comme temtoires
principaux inclus dans les Dépendances ceux connus sous le nom de
Georgie du Sud, Orcades du Sud, Shetland du Sud, les îles Sand-
wich ainsi que le temtoire dit Terre de Graham. Ile nouvelles lettres

patentes furent émises le28 mars 1917 (annexe 1, no2) dans le but
de préciser l'étendue du continent Antarctique et des archipels
côtiers comprise dans le terme aterritoire de la Terre de Graham II
utilisédans les lettres patentes antérieures. Par les lettres patentes
supplémentaires de 1917, il fut définitivement spécifiéque les
Dépendances comprenaient :

ntoutes lesileset tous les territoires compris eiitre le Zomoet le 5ornC
degréde longitude ouest, au sud du 5omcparallèle delatitude sud,
ainsi que toutes les îles et tous les temtoires compris entre le 5otnU

degréet le8omedegréde longitude ouest, au sud du 58meparallèlede
latitude sud ».

Les Dépendances, telles qu'elles sont définies dans les lettres

patentes de 1908 et 1917, possessions britanniques de longue date;
ont été utilisées et administrées par le Gouvernement des îles
Falkland depuis de longues années, effectivement et ouvertement
et, jusqu'i une date très récente,sans soulever d'objection de la part
de la République du Chili, faits qui sont irréfutablement établis

dans les paragraphes 6 à 25 ci-dessous %.
3. Bien que le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni ait ouvertement
pris possession et exerce une longue et paisible souveraineté sur

ces temtoires et malgréla délimitation claire et précisedes Dépen-
dances des îles Falkland dans les lettres patentes précitées, le
Gouvernement de la République du Chili a fait, dans le décret
présidentiel précité,la déclaration suivante :

iiTous lestemtoires, îles,îlots, récifsrocheux, glaciers(pack)déjà
connus ou àdécouvrir,ainsi que leurs eaux territoriales respectives,
situés entrele 53meet le gomedegré de longitudeouest, constituent
l'Antarctique chilienou temtoire Antarctique chilien. a

Dans le décret, dont le texte intégral est donné à l'annexe 1, no3:
en espagnol et en anglais, il est uniquement question du territoire

Antarctique, mais les empiétements ultérieurs du Chili sur le tcrri-
toire britannique des Shetland du Sud et l'extrémité nord de la

? noter qur si puiir di,. r;ua<,n~.>iiveiiaiiici tcrrit<>ircsrurIksquuls
porte la prPsentercqiiCtoont étdi:iigliitA danIrsUCpendanresdc~ iles Falkland.
pour der raisons nili>iiiiiitratiletitreIiritannique sur ce tctrituircdirrnncc
et indépendant; qu'il ne découle ni ne d6pend en aucune maniere du titre sur
les îles Iialkland elles-mêmes.5" APPLICATION IXSTITUTIXG PROCEEDISGS (V jj)

Iead the GoCernment of the United Kingdom to infer that the
pretensions' fomiulated in the Chilean Presidential Decree also
exfend to al1 territories within the spccified sector between longi-
tudes 53' and go0 West, including those situatcd outside the
Antarctic CircIe.

4. The western limit of Chile's pretensions, as proclaimed in
the Presidential Decree, is lonbitude gooWest, whereas the \vesterii
limit of the Falkland Islands Dependencies is longitude 80" West:

The United Kingdom's present Application to the Court does
not, thcrefore, concern Chile's preteiisionç in the areas between
longitudes 80" and go" West, which lie outside the liniits of the
Falkland Islands Dependencies. The eastern liniit of Chile's
pretensions, as proclaimed in the Presidential Decree, is longitude
53' Wcst. whereas the eastern limit of the Falkland Islands
Dcpendencies is 33 degrccs further to the cast at longitude zoo
West. The United Kingdoni's present Application does not,
therefore, concern the areas of the Falkland Islands Ilependencies

between longitudes zoo and 53' West, \%,hichlie outsidc the limits
of Chile's pretensions. The northern limit of the Falkland Islands
Dependencies in the longitudes in question being latitude 58'
South, the United Kingdoni's present Application relates to the
pretensions of Chile to the sovercignty of the islaiids and lands
of the Dcpendencies which lie between longitudes 53' and 80"
West and to the Southwards of latitiide 58"South. A map depicting
the territoneç' in dispute bctween the United Kingdom and Chile
is attached to the present Application as Annex z. As this map

shows, the principal territones in dispute between the two countrics
are the South Shetland Islands and Graham Land togethcr with
its .coastal archipelagos.
'j. The main facts relative to the United Kingdom's title to

the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands Dependencies and the
temtories comprised in it, and to the violation of her sovereignty
by the Republic of Chile, are set out in paragraphs 6-33 below S.
The United Kingdom Government considers that the facts stated
in the present Application suffice to establish conclusively both
the United Kingdom's title to sovereignty and the violation of
that sovereignty by the Republic of Chile. The United Kingdom
Government reserves the right, however, to amplify in its pleadings
its exposition of the relevant facts and to furnish further proof

of both these matters.

The description of the originç of the British titles and of their subsequent con-
solidation by occupation. user. administration and other means appropnate to the
Circumstances of the territories, as cantained in pa6. 25and 28-30hereof,
:arsuhçtantially identical with the corresponding passagesin the separate Appliea-
Rion which the United Kingdom Government is making concurrcntly with the
part of the Republic of Argentina.ions of its sovovergthe same areaon theTerre de Graham portent le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni à en

conclure que les prétentions formuléesdans le décret présidentiel
chilien visent également tous les territoires de la zone délimitéepar
les 53meet gomedegrésde longitude ouest, y compris ceux situésen
dehorsdu cercle antarctique.

4. La limite occidentale des prétentions du Chili, telle qu'elle
ressort du décret présidentiel, estle gomB degréde longitude ouest;
alors quelalimite occidentale des Dépendances desîles1:alklnnd est
le 80mcdegréde longitude ouest. En conséquence,la présenterequête
adressée par le Royaume-Uni à la Cour ne concerne pas les préten~
tions du Chili à l'égard dela zone comprise entre les 8omcet gome
degrésde longitude ouest, qui se trouve e,ndehors des limites des

Dépendances des îles Falkland. La limite orientale des prétentions
du Chili, telle qu'elle ressort du décretprésidentiel, est le 53"longi-
tude ouest, tandis que la limite orientale des Ilépendances des îles
Falkland est située à une distance de 33 degrks vers l'est, soit à zoo
de longitude ouest. C'estpourquoi la présente requêtedu Royaume-
Uni ne concerne pas les parties des Dépendances desîles Falkland.
situéesentre zooet 53' de longitude ouest, quisetrouvent en dehors

des limites des prétentions du Chili. Étant donnéque, pour leslongi-
tudes en question, la limite septentrionale des Dépendancesdes.îles
Falkland est le 58" delatitude sud,la présente requête duRoyaume:
Uni concerne les prétentions du Chili à la souverainetésur lesîles et
les terres des Dépendancescomprises entre le 53" et 80" de longitude
ouest, au sud du 58" de latitude sud. Une carte représentant les
territoires en litige entre le Royaume-Uni et le Chili est donnee à
l'annexe 2 de la présenterequête.Ainsi que l'indique cette carte, les

principaux temtoires en litige entre les deux pays sont : les. îles
Shetland du Sud et la Terre de Graham avec ses archipels côtier's!
j. Les principaux élémentsrelatifs au titre de souveraineté di
Royaume-Uni sur les Dépendancesdes îles Falkland et lesterritoires

y rattachés, ainsi que les faits relatifs à la violation de sa souverai-
neté par la République du Chili sont exposésaux paragraphes 6 à 33
ci-dessous 3. Le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni estime que les faits
exposésdans la présente requêtesuffisent à établir irréfutablement
tant le titre de souveraineté du Royaume-Uni que la violation de
cette souverainetépar la République du Chili. Le Gouvernement du
Royaume-Uni se réserve, cependant, le droit' de développer son

exposédes faits pertinents et d'apporter de nouvelles preuves à ce
double égarddans la procédure écrite.
L'exposé relatif aux origines des titres britanniquàsleur coiisolidatipn
ultérieure par l'occupation. l'usage, l'administration et autres moyens appropries
à i'etat des territoires, fait l'objet des parag25,et 28à 30de la presente
requ&tc, identiques dansune large mesure aux passages correspondants de la
requete s6parée que le Gouvïrnement du Koyaunie-Uniintroduit parallèleniont
à celle-cpour protester contre Ics atteintes portCe3par la Republique argentin?
2 sa souveraineté sur les inemeterritoires. APPI.ICt\TIONINSTITUTISG FROCEEDINGS (V 55)
Origins of the. British Titles,Historic Discoveries and Acts of

: Annexation by British Nationals in the Period 1675-1843

6. The British title to the territories concerned goes back to a
number of dates varyiiig from, at latest, 1775 to 1843 The first
discovery of auy of the islands or lands of the Falkland Islands
Dependencies may well have been that of South Georgia in 1675
by the British merchant Anthony de la Roche. This group of
islands was rediscovered in 1775 by the great English navigator
Captain James Cook, R.N. .On Jaiiuary 17 of that pear he landed
at three places on the island, took possession of it formally iii
the name of King George IIIand called it South Georgiû iiihonour
of the King.

7. Captain Cook also discovered the Soiith Sandwich Islands in
1775. Sailing eastwards from South Georgia, he sighted first a small
group of islands urhich he called the Clerke Rocks after the name of
his lieutenant, and then, on January 31, a larger group which he
called the Sandwich Land after the First Lord of the British Admi-
ralty of that date.
8. The SozrthShetlandIslands were discovered by the English sea
captain William Smith on Febrnary 18, 1819.Revisiting the islands
in Octoher of the same year, he landed, planted the British flag and
formally took possession of the group in the name of King George
III, cding it New South Britain-(this was aftenvards changed to
South Shetlands, named after the Shetland Islands, north of Scot-
land). A few months later, Edward Bransfield, R.N., accompanied
by William Smith, proceeded again to the islands and made a survey
of the whole group. On January 16, 1820, he landed on the largest
island (King George Island) in the centre of the group and took
possession formaüy in the name of King George IV. After a voyage
, south-westwards between the South Shetlands and Graham Land,
to which further reference is made in paragraph IO below,heretumed
tothe South Shetland Islands. On February 4 he landed on the most
easterly island of the group, taking possessionformally in the King's
name and calling the island Clarence Island in honour of the Duke of
Clarence, the brother of the King.

g. The SozrthOrkneyIslands (named after another Scottishgroup)
were discovered by the British sealing captain, George Powell, on
December 6, 1821. On the following day he landed on the largest of
the islands, took possession of it formally in the name of King
George IV and called it Coronation Island in honour of the King's

10. Graham Land, the northern extremity of the Antarctic con-
tinent, was first discovered on January 30, 1820, by E. Bransfield,
R.N., in the course of the voyage of exploration soiith-westwards
from the South Shctlands nhich was mentioned iii yaragraph 8 Origines des titres britanniques, dbcouvertes historiques et actes
d'appropriationpar des ressortissantsbritanniquesde 1675 à 1843

6. Le titre britannique sur les territoires en cause remonte à des

dates qui s'échelonnententre 1775 et 1843 au plus tard. 11est très
possible que la première découverte des îles ou terres des Dépen-
dances des îles Falkland ait étécelle de la Georgiedu Sud en 1675
par le négociantbritannique Anthony de la Roche. Ce groupe d'îles
fut redécouvert en 1875par legrand navigateur anglais, le capitaine
James Cook, R. N. Le 17janvier de cette anné aborda dans l'île
à trois endroits différents,en prit officiellement possession au nom
du roi George III et en l'honneur du roi la baptisa Georgie du Sud.

7. C'est en 1775 également que le capitaine Cook découvrit les
Sandwich du Sud. Parti de la Georgie du Sud et voguant vers l'est,
il aperçut tout d'abord un petit groupe d'îles qu'il appela Clerke

Rocks du nom de son lieutenant, puis, le 31 janvier, un groupe plus
étendu qu'il dénommaterre Sandwich, du nom du premier lord de
I'Ainirauté britannique de l'époque.
8. Les iles Shetland du Sud furent découvertespar le capitaine
anglais William Smith, le 18 février1819. Au cours d'une nouvelle
visite à ces îles en octobre de la mêmeannée,il aborda, planta le
drapeau britannique, et prit officiellementpossession, au nom du roi
George III, de ce groupe d'îles qu'il baptisa Nouvelle Bretagne du
Sud (nom remplacépar la suite par la désignationShetland du Sud,'
d'aprèsles îles Shetland situéesau nord de l'Écosse). Quelques mois
plus tard, Edward Bransfield, R. N., accompagnéde William Smith,
repartit pour ces îles qu'il explora complètement. Le 16 janvier

1820, il aborda dans la plus grande de ces îles (île du Roi George)
situéeau centre du groupe et en prit officiellementpossessionau nom
du roi George IV. Après avoir mis le cap sur le sud-ouest entre les
Shetland du Sud et la Terre de Graham, dont il sera de nouveau
question au paragraphe IO ci-dessous, il retourna aux Shetland du
Sud. Le 4 févrieril aborda dans l'îlela plus à l'est du groupe, en prit
officiellementpossession au nom du roi et la baptisa île Clarence, en
honneur du duc de Clarence, frère du roi.
9. Les Orcadesdu Sud (ainsi nomméesd'après un autre groupe
d'îles écossaises) furent découvertes par le phoquier anglais,
capitaine George Powell, le 6 décembre 1821. Le jour suivant il
aborda dans la plus grande des îles, en prit officiellementpossession
au nom du roi George IV et l'appela l'île du Couronnement en

commémoration du couronnement du roi.
IO. La Terre de Graham, extrémité septentrionale du continent,
antarctique, fut découverte la première fois le 30 janvier 1820
par E. Bransfield, R. N., au cours d'un voyage d'exploration en
direction du sud-ouest en partant des Shetland du Sud, et dont52 APPLICATION IXSTITUTING PROCEEDIXGS (Y 55)

above. He sighted,. in hazy weather, the outline of parts of the
Antarctic mainland and one or two coastal islands. He named the
land Trinity Land in compliment tothe Board of Triiiity House (the
British institution responsible for pilotage and maritime lights), and
he named two of the coastal islands, Hope Island and Tower Island,
respectively. He also traced the outline of the Antarctic mainland

and coastal islands, as he had seen them, on the chart which he drew
of the South Shetlands and forwarded to the British Admiralty.
Soon afterwards, further sightings of the Antarctic peninsula or its
coastal islands were reported by British and American sealers, by
the Russian navigator Admira1 Bellinghausen, and by the French
navigator, Captain D'Urville, but the first sighting was that of
E. Bransfield, R.N. In 1829, Captain H. Foster, R.N., in H.M.S.
Chaizticleer,effected a landing on one of the coastal islands, Hosea-
son Island off West Graham Land, and deposited there a copper
cylinder in which was a document taking possession in the name of
King George IV. On February 21,1832, the British sealing captain,
John Biscoe, landed on an island of the Palmer Archipelago, believ-

ing it to be part of the mainland, and took possession formally in the
name of King William IV, calling the territory Graham Land, by
which name the peninsula is known to-day, in honour of Sir James
Graham, then First Lord of the British Admiralty. On January 6,
1843, Captain J. C. Ross, R.N., commanding H.M.S. Erebus and
H.M.S. Terror, penetrated into a gulf on the eastern side of the
peninsula and landed on a coastal island. He named the gulf Erebus
and Terror Gulf, and the island James Ross Island, and took pos-
session of the island together with its "contiguous lands" for the
British Crown.

II. The first discoveries of South Georgia, the South Sandwich

Islands, the South Orkneys, the Sonth Shetlands, and Graham Land
were thus al1 made by British nationals-a fact reflected in the
names given to these territones by which they have been known,
and have figured in maps and charts, ever since. The same applies
to Coats Land, as to which see paragraph 14 below. Some discoveries
of particular parts ofthese principal groups of territory were made
by explorers or seamen of other nationalities ;but the initial dis-
covenes of al1 five principal groups were British. There were no
Spanish or Chilean discoveries. Furthermore, during this early
penod in Antarctic history from 1678 to 1643. acts of annexation
were peiformed in the name of the British Crown at places ashore
within al1the principal groups except the South Sandwich Islands,

where, frequently, the local conditions render landing impossible.
On the other hand, during this period 110acts of annexation were
performèd in any of the territories concerned on behalf of any other

il a étéquestion au paragraphe 8 ci-dessus. Il aperçut dans la
brume le profil d'une partie du continent antarctique et d'une
ou deux îles côtières. Il dénomma cette terre, terre de la Trinité,
en hommage au Board of Trinity Hoalse (institution britannique
de pilotage et de signalisation maritime) et baptisa deux des îles
côtières du nom de Hope Island et Tower Island, respectivement.
Il traça également la silhouette du continent antarctique et des
îles côtières telle qu'il l'avait aperçue, sur la carte qu'il fit des
Shetland du Sud et qu'il envoya à l'Amirauté britannique. Peu

après, des phoquiers britanniques et américains, un navigateur
russe, l'amiral Bcllinghausen, ainsi qu'uii navigateur français, le
capitaine cl'Urville, déclarkrent avoir aperçu soit la péninsule
antarctique soit les îles côtières, mais elles avaient étévues pour
la première fois par E. Bransfield, R. N. En 1829. le capitaine
H. Foster, R. N., à bord du H. M. S. Chanticleer, débarqua dans
une des îles côtières, l'île Hoseason, située à I'oucst de la Terre
de Graham, et il y déposa un cylindre de cuivre contenant le
document de prise de possession au nom du roi George IV. Le
21 février 1832, le capitaine phoquier anglais, John Biscoe, croyant
toucher le continent, débarqua sur une île de l'archipel Palmer,
en prit officiellement possession au nom du roi Guillaume IV
et la baptisa Terre de Graham, nom que porte aujourd'hiii la
péninsule, en l'honneur de sir James Graham, alors premier lord

de 1'Amiraiitébritannique. Le 6 janvier 1843, le capitaine J. C.
Ross, R. N.,commandant du H. M.S. Erebziset du H. M. S.Terror,.
pénétra daiis un golfe de la côte orientale de la péninsu!~ et
débarqua sur une ile côtière. Le golfe fut baptisé golfe de 1'Erèbe
et de la Terreur et l'île, île James Ross. Il prit possession de l'île
et des iiterres contiguës » pour la Couronne d'Angleterre.

II. Les premières découvertcs de la Georgie du Sud, des Sand-
wich du Sud, des Orcades du Sud, des Shetland du Sud et de la
Terre de Graham furent donc toutes effectuées par des ressor-
tissants britanniques - aiiisi qu'en témoignent les noms donnés
à ces territoires,noms sous lesquels ils sont depuis connus et
désignéssur les cartes géographiques et marines. Il en va de
mêmede la Terre de Coats, dont il est question au parag~aphe 14
ci-dessous. Certaines découvertes partielles fureiit effectuées dans

ce groupe de territoires par des explorateurs ou des marins d'autres
nationalités. mais la découverte initiale des ci."irrrAun.s urinciuaux
est duc à des Anglais. Auciine découverte n'est due ni à l'Espagne
ni ail Chili. Eii outre, au cours de cette période primitive de
l'histoire antarctique qui va de 1678 à 1843, des prises de pos-
session furent effectuées au nom de la Couronne d'Angleterre sur
le soldes groupes principaux, à l'exception des Sandwich du Sud, où
les conditions locales interdisent le plus souveiit d'aborder. D'autre
part, au cours de cette mêmepériode, on ne relève dans les terri-.
toires en cause aucune prise de possession au nom d'un autre État. 12. The facts stated in paragraphs 6 to II above show that from
very early dates varying between 1775 and 1843, Great Britain
possessed, on the basis of discovery, accompanied by a formal claim
in the name of the British Crown, an original root of title to al1the
territories concemed.

Display of British Sovereignty in or in regard to the Falkland
Islands Dependencies in the Period 1843 to July 21, 1908

13. In pursuance of a British Act of Parliament (6 Victoria,
Chapter 13-BritishandForeignStatePapers, Volume31, page IZII),
Royal Letters Patent were issned on June 23, 1843, making provi-
sion for the government of the "Settlements in the Falkland Islands
and their Dependencies" (Annex I hereto, No. 3). Supplemental
Letters Patent were issued on Aprilz8, 1876, making further provi-

sion for the governmeiit of the "Settlements in the Falkland Islands
and their Dependencies". On Febmary 25, 1892,fresh Letters Patent
were accordingly issued by which the Government of the "Settle-
ments in the Falkland Islands and their Dependencies" was design-
ated as the Government of a Crown Colony (British and Foreign
State Papers, Volume 84, page 262). Similarly, the Commission
issued to the new Governor in November, 1847 (Annex I hereto.
No. 4). and the ten succeeding Commissions to Govemors issued
between that date and 1908. were in the form of an appointment

covering "the Falkland Islands and their Dependencies". Again,
numerous laws passed by the Falkland Islands Govemment during
the period 1843-July 21, 1908,were made for "the Falkland Islands
and their Depentlencies" '.The particular temtories comprised in
the "Dependencies of the Falkland Islands" were not named in the
various Letters Patent, Governor's Commissions, or laws of the
Falkland Islands Government. The Colonial OfficeYear Book, how-
ever, began in 1887 to specify South Georgia as one of the Depend-
encies. There had been comparatively little whaling and similar

activity in the Antarctic in the middle of the nineteenth century,
but from 1892 onwards whaling, sealing and scientific exploration
began to revive. This renewed activity called for a corresponding
exercise of State authority in the Antarctic and led very soon to
special provision being made by Great Britain for the governmeiit
of the five principal territories as Dependencies of the Falkland
Islands and to their forma1 constitution as the Falkland Islands

14. The Antarctic revival in the area now in dispute hegan with
the voyage of four Scottish vessels in 1892 to the eastem side of
Graham Land and the Weddell Sea for whaling and sealing. In the
same year a Nomregian whaling expedition which went to the

4 As regards the naturof the connexion bet\reeo the Falkland Islsnd the
Dependencies.see footnat2 to paragraph2ahove. 12. Les faits exposésaux paragraphes 6 à II ci-dessus indiquent
que très tôt, à des dates s'échelonnant entre 1775 et 1843, du
fait de la découverte accompagnée d'un titre officiel de reven-

dication au nom de la Couronne d'Angleterre, la Grande-Bretagne
possédait une source de titre sur tous les territoires en cause.

Manifestations de la souveraineté britannique dans ou à l'égard
des Dépendances desîles Falkland, entre 1843 et le 21 juillet 1908

13.Des lettrespatentes royales émises le23 juin 1843 en applica-
tion d'un acte du Parlement britannique (6Victoria, Chap. 13 -
British and Foreign State Papers, vol. 31,p. 1211) .ontenaient des
dispositionsrelatives au gouvernement des iColonies fixéesdans les
îles Falkland et leurs Dépendances (annexe 1,no 3).Des lettres
patentes supplémentaires, datées du 28 avril1876, contenaient de
nouvelles dispositions visant le gouvernement des KColonies fixées
dans les îles Falkland et leurs Dépendances IIDans d'autres lettres
patentes émises en conséquence le 25 février 1892 e gouvernement
des aColonies fixéesdans les îles Falkland et leurs Dépendances II

était désigné commegouvernement d'une colonie de la Couronne
(British and Foreign State Papers, vol. 84, p. 262).De même,le
brevet remis au nouvcau gouverneur en novembre 1847 (annexe 1,
na 4)ainsi que les dix brevets suivants remisà ses successeurs entre
cette date et l'année 1908, stipulaient que son mandat s'étendait
aux « iles Falkland et à leurs Dépendances1)En outre, les nomhreu-
ses lois émanant du Gouvernement entre 1843 et le 21 juillet1908
étaient faites pour« les îles Falkland et leurs Dépendances 1'.Les
divers temtoires compris sous l'appellation « Dépendances des îles
Falkland »ne figuraient pas nommément dans les lettres patentes,

les brevets de gouverneur ni les lois édictéespar le gouverneur des
îles Falkland. Toutefois, à partir de 1887, la Georgie du Sud est
mentionnée commel'une des Dépendancesdans l'Annuaire du ~ninis-
tère des Colonies.Vers le milieu du lqme siècle, la pêchà la baleine
et rriitr,:sacri\,itis di1rni.iiiugviirt:Ctaieiit rel:iti\ciii~~iitrCcluitcs(1:ins
1'1int;ircti~~in.;irscn1692 ,:r~~échi?131)~loiiicct au l)lioqu~ainsi
que les explorations scientifiques prirent un nouvel essor. Cette
reprise d'activité appelait de nouvelles manifestations de l'autorité
de l'État dans l'Antarctique et, très rapidement, la Grande-Bretagne
fut amenée àprendre des dispositions spécialesen vue du gouverne-

ment des cinq temtoires principaux dépendant des îles Falkland et
de leur constitution officielle en Dépendances des îles Falkland.
14.La renaissance de la régionantarctique actuellement en litige
cl6hut:ivii1S92 Ixir I. oyagc dciiiirrtnavires bcoss~isqiiiSCrvndi-
rcnt :il'es11vInTvrre <ILG'rakim et <I:rnsI:riicrdc Wcddell pour ).
pêcherla baleine et le phoque. La mêmeannée, une exp6dition

'En cequiconcerne la nutdesliens cntlesîles Falkland et les D6peiirlances.
voir note?au paragraphe2 ci-rlessi~s.54 APPLICATIOY IXSTITUTING PROCEEDINGS (V55)

Weddell Sea, called at the South Orkneys, and further Norwegian
expeditions in 1893 and 1894 visitcd the South Shetlands and
Graham Land. In 1897 and 1901 respectively, Belgian and Swedish
scientific expeditions went to the South Shetlands-Graham Land
area, and in 1902 they were followed by a Scottish scientific expedi-
tion under Dr. IV. S. Bruce in the S.S.Scotin. Dr. Bruce established
a meteorological station at Laurie Island in the South Orkneys in
1903, the working of which was entrusted to the Argentine meteor-
ological office in the following year. He spent the Antarctic winter

of 1903 at Laune Island and in 1904, after revisiting Laurie Island
to lancl the Argentine meteorologists, he penetrated deep into the
Weddell Sea, discovering Conts Lad (named after a Scottish sup-
porter of the expedition) which is now the eastern frontier of the
Falkland lslands Dependencies on the Antarctic continent.

rj. In 1904 the Xorwegian whaling expert, Captain Larsen.
formed a Company in Buenos -4ires. the Compania Argentina de
Pesca. for the purpose of whaling in the -4ntarcticand established
a shore whaling station at South Georgia. In 1905, a Chilean com-
paiiy, the South Georgia Exploration Company, financed by British
subjccts in Chile, was grantcd a mining and grazing lease of South
Georgia by the Governor of the Falkland Islands and proceeded

there, only to findCaptain Larsen's Compania Argentina de Pesca.
already in occupation of the best site for a base. Meanwhile, the
Captain had applied through the British Legation in Buenos Aires
to the British Government in London for a whaling licence for
South Georgia. The British Government, leaming that another
licence had previously been granted by the Govemor, despatched
H.M.S. Sapfiho to South Georgia to investigate the situation on the
spot. The result was that a whaling licence was granted by the
Governor tothe Argentine company, andthe Chilean company then
abandoned its project. In the same year, 1905, Norwegian whalers
visited South Georgia and the South Shetlands, taking with them
the firstwhale-factory ship employed in the Antarctic. In connexion
with this enterprise, the Norwegian Governmcnt addressed an
inquiry to the British Government conceming the sovereignty of
territories in the area between longitude 35" and 80" West and

latitudes45"and 6j0 South, i.~ in the area covering South Georgia,
the South Shetlands, the South Orkneys and the northem part of
Graham Land. The British Government replied that the South
Shetlands were not international but ivere British possessions as
were also South Georgia, the South Orkneys and Graham Land (the
South Sandwich Islands lie outside the area of the Norwegian
inquiry) and that Norwegian whalers should apply to the Governor
of the Falkland Islands for any facilities that they might nced. REQU~TE INTRODUCTIVE D'INSTANCE (V55) 54

baleinière norvégienne àdestination de la mer de Weddell fit escale
aux Orcades du Sud et d'autres expéditions norvégiennes. en 1893
ct 1894, visitèrent les Shetland du Sud et la Terre de Graham. En
1897 ct 1901, respectivement, des expéditions scicntifiqnes belges et
suédoises se rendirent dans la régiondes Shetland du Sud et de la
Terre de Graham ;elles furent suivies en 1902 par une expédition
scientifique écossaise, dirigéepar leDr \Y. S. Brnce, à bord di1S.S.
Scotia En 1903, le Dr Bruce fonda à l'îleLaurie, dans les Orcades du
Sud, une station météorologiquedont l'exploitation fut confiéeau
service météorologiqueargentin l'année suivante. 11passa l'hiver
antarctique de 1903 à l'île Laurie et en 1904, après s'êtrearrêtéune
nouvelle foisà l'îleLaurie pour y débarquer les météorologuesargen-

tins, il s'engagea profondément dans la mer de Weddell où il décou:
vrit la Terre de Coats (du nom d'un écossaisayant financéI'expédi-
tioii), qui forme actuellement la frontibre orientale des Dépendances
des iles,Falkland sur le continent Antarctique.

15. En 1904,le capitaineLarsen,expert baleinier norvégien, fonda
à Buenos-Aires la Compania Argentina de Pesca, destinéeà la pêche
à la baleine dans l'Antarctique, et il installa une station baleinière
sur la côte de la Georgie du Sud. En1905, la South Georgia Explora-
tion Company, sociétéchilienne financée par des ressortissants bri-
tanniques fixésau Chili, obtint du gouverneur des îles Falkland la
concession des mines et le droit de pacage en Georgie du Sud, où
elle se rendit, pour constater que laCompania Argentina de Pesca
du capitaine Larsen occupait l'emplacemcnt le plus propice à l'éta-
blissement d'une base. Entre temps, le capitaine avait demandé au

Gouvernement britannique, par l'intermédiaire de la légation bn-
tannique à Buenos-Aires, une licence pour la pêcheà la baleine en
Georgie du Sud. Le Gouvernement britannique, apprenant qu'une
autre licence avait déjà étéaccordée par le gouverneur, dépêchale
H. M. S. Safipho en Georgie du Sud,pour y examiner la situation sur
place. Il apparut que le gouverneur avait accordélicence de pêcheà
la baleineà la sociétéargentine et la sociétéchilienne abandonna son
projet. La mêmeannée, 1g05, des baleiniers norvégiens serendirent
en Georgie du Sud et dans les Shetland du Sud, emmenant avec eux
le premier navire-usine utilisédans l'Antarctique pour lc traitement
de la baleine. A propos de cette expédition, le Gouvernement norvé-
gien adressa au Gouvernement britannique une demande d'informa-
tion concernant la souveraineté des territoires compris entre 35" et
80" de longitude ouest et 45" et 65" de latitude snd, c'est-à-dire la

régionenglobant la Georgie du Sud, les Shetland du Sud, les Orcades
du Sud et le nord de la Terre de Graham. Le Gouvernement britan-
nique répondit que les Shetland du Suc1n'étaient pas du domaine
international mais constituaient des possessions britanniques, tout
comme la Georgie du Sud, les Orcades du Sud et la Terre de Graham
(les Sandwich du Sud sont en dehors de la zone sur laquelle portait
le questionnaire norvégien),et que les baleiniers norvégiens devaient55 ;\PPLIC:\TIO'IINSTITU.TING PROCEEDINGS (V 55)

16. In riew of these developments, the Falkland Islands Govern-
ment promulgated a whaling ordinance in 1906 (Ordinance No. 3
of 1906) by which the taking of whales without licence was made
unlawful, aiid a royalty was made payable in respect of each whale

caught under licence from that Govemment. It was furtherconsid-
ered desirable, in view of the increasing importance of the five
principal temtories as whaling and sealing bases, to make specific
provision for their government and to make more specificprovision
for their government as dependencies of the Falkland Islands.
i\ccortlinglj. on IiiIy 21, igoS, :is rïciic.iiii~,:ir:igr:ipl2 nbo!.~.
Soiitli Gt?orcia.ttic Soiitti Urkne\.s.the Soiitli Shetlnii~ls.thc Snnd-

wich ~slandvsind the temtorydof Graham Land weri by Royal
Letters Patent formally constituted Dependencies of the Colony
of the Falkland Islands and placed under its government. Under
these Letters Patent .(Annex I hereto, No. 1) it \vas provided
that :-

(a) the Governor of the Colony should be the Governor also of
the Dependencies and be invested with the same powers
of govemment and legislation in respect of them as he
shonld from time to time possess in the Colony ;
(b) the Executive Council of the Colony should act also as the

Executive Council of the Dependencies ;
(c) the Governor should have. and be deemed always tu have
had, power by and with the advice and consent of the
Legislative Council of the Colony. to make laws for the
peace, order and good govemment of the Dependencies ;

(d) the Goveriior should have, and be deemed always to have
had, power to make grants and dispositions of land
within the Dependencies in the name of the Crown.

The dekition of the lands comprised in the Falkland Islands
Dependencies, as mentioned in paragraph 2 above, was afterwards
amended by Letters Patent of March 28, 1917, so as to include
explicitly al1 islands and territories situated between longitudes
zooand 50"West, and south of latitude 50" South ; and al1islands

and territories situated between longitudes 50' and 80" West,
and south of latitude 58" South. The lines of longitude and latitude
laid down in these Letters Patent as dehing the temtories com-
pnsed within the Falkland Islands Dependencies are indicated in
red on themap exhibited as Annex 2 of this Application

Referenccisagain made to fwtnote zto paragraph 2. REQUÊTE INTRODUCTIVE D'INSTANCE (v 55) 55

s'adresser au gouverneur des îles Falkland pour obtenir les facilités

16. En raison de ces événements, le Gouvernement des iles
Falkland promulga en 1906une ordonnance surla pêcheà la baleine
(ordonnance no 3 de 1go6), déclarant illégalela capture de baleines
sans licence et assujettissant au paiement d'une redevance chaque
prise faite sous licence du gouvernement. De plus, étant donné
l'importance croissante des cinq territoires principaux en tant que
bases de pêcheà la baleine et au phoque, on jugea nécessairede
prendre des mesures détailléesen vue de leur administration et des
mesures plus détailléesencore en vue de leur administration en

tant que dépendances des îles Falkland. En conséquence, ainsi
qu'il a étédit au paragraphe z ci-dessus. par lettres patentes du
zx juillet 1908, la Georgie du Sud, les Orcades du Sud, les Shetland
du Sud, les îles Sandwich et la Terre de Graham étaient officieiie-
ment constituées en Dépendances de la colonie des îles Falkland
et placéessous son gouvernement. Ces lettres patentes (annexe I,
no 1) disposaient :

a) le gouverneur de la colonie doit également faire office de
gouverneur des Dépendances et êtreinvesti à l'égard de
celles-cides nl&mespouvoirs gouvernementaux et législatifs
que ceux qu'il exerce dans la colonie à l'époqueenvisagée;
b) le conseil exécutifde la colonie doit également faire officede

conseil exécutifdes Dépendances ;
c) le gouverneur doit avoir et doit êtreconsidéré commeayant
toujours eu le pouvoir, conférépar le conseil legislatif de
la colonie, d'édicter, après consultation et avec le consente-
ment de ce dernier, des lois en faveur de la paix, de l'ordre
et de la bonne administration des Dépendances ;
d) le gouverneur doit avoir, et doit êtreconsidéré commeayant
toujours eu le droit de céder ou d'aliéner au nom de la
Couronne, des parties du temtoire des Dépendances.

La définition des territoires désignéspar Dépendance des îles

Falkland, telle qu'elle est mentionnéeau paragraphe z ci-dessus, fut
modifiéedans la suite par lettres patentes du 28 mars 1917, de
manière à inclure explicitement toutes les îles et tous les temtoires
situésentre 50" et 80' de longitude ouest, en-dessous du 58medegré
de latitude sud. Les indications de longitude et delatitude donnees
dans ces lettres patentes pour délimiter les territoires compris dans
les Dépendances des îles Falkland sont portées en traits rouges
sur la carte figurant Bl'annexe 2 de la présente requête

8Nouvelle r6fërenceàla note 2 au paragraphez.56 APPLICATION INSTITUTING PROCEEDINGS (V j5)

Display of British Sovereignty in or in Regard to the Dependencies
in the Period July 21, 1908-September 22, 1938

17. Great Britain's title to the islaiids and territories of the
Dependencies was thus formally confirmed and defiried by the issue
of the Letters Patent of 1908 and 1917, but, as has been shown,
it did not originate in or depend on these Letters Patent, and had
been in existence formany decades previously. This title was now
consolidated and maintained hy a further effective display and
cxercise of British sovereignty. In pursuance of the authority
contained in the Letters Patent of 1908, a Falkland Islands Ordi-

nance was promulgated in that year under which the Governor
in Council was empowered to declare any law passetl for the Colony
to be applicable also in the Dependencies so far as might be appro-
priate to their circumstances. Under this principal Ordinance
numerous laws were either made or made applicable to the Depend-
encies by the Govemor in Council, covering, inter alia, the adminis-
tration of civil andcriminal justice, marriage, testacy and intestacy,
&c., and constituting a full and sufficient corpus of laws for those
temtories, having regard to their particular circumstances.

18. Especially important are the laws made by the Falkland
Islands Government forwhaling and sealing, \<,hichprovide convinc-
ing proof of the effectiveness of Great Britain's display and exercise
of sovereignty in the Dependencies. In 1908 the whaling Ordinance
of 1906referred to in paragraph 16 above was repealed, and replaced
by a new Ordinance. This principal whaling Ordinance of 1908, as
amended by later Ordinances, together with the Regulations made
under it, established a detailed and comprehensive code of whaling
law for the Dependencies, as can be seen from the summary of the
whaling lawsin force in the Dependencies in 1920 which is contained
in the report of an officia1cornmittee presented to the Britisharlia-
ment in that year (Command PaPer No. 657). The relevant extract
from this report is annexed to this Application (Annex 1 hereto,
No. 5).It shows that one of the chief objects of the legislation was

the conservation of stocks by regulating the number and tonnage
of whaling vessels, the number of whaling licences, the number
of whales to be taken by each licence-holder, by protecting whale
calves and by other measures. Analogous, if somewhat less elaborate,
laws were introduced in 1909 for the regulation of sealing in the
Dependencies. These laws made it unlawful to take seals in the
Dependencies without a licence, gave anthority for the issue of
licences, and provided for the creation of a close season and of seal

Manifestations de la souveraineté britannique dans ou A l'égard
des Dependances des îles Falkland entre le 21 juillet 1908 et le
22 septembre 1938

17. Le titre britannique sur les îles et territoires des Dépendances
fut donc officiellement confirméet précisépar les lettres patentes
émises en1908 et 1917, mais, comme nous l'avons montré, il n'en
. dépend pas non plus qu'il n'y troiive son origine, puisque ce titre
existait déjà depuis de nombreuses décades. Ce titre fut ensuite
consolidéet conservégrâce à de nouvelles manifestations et à un
exercice effectif de la souverainetébritannique. En vertu du pouvoir
stipulé dans les lettres patentes de 1908, il fut promulgué cette
annéeaux iles Falkland un décretautorisant le gouverneur siégeant
en conseil à déclarer toute loi votée pour la colonie applicable
également aux Dépendances, dans la mesure où le permettaient les
circonstances. En vertu de ce décret principal, le gouverneur

siégeant en conseil, édicta de nombreuses lois, soit destinées, soit
rendues applicables aux Dépendances, concernant notamment
l'administration de la justice civile et criminelle, le régime des
mariages, des successions et de l'intestat et formant un corps de
lois complet et suffisant pour ces territoires, si l'on tient compte
des circonstances qui leur sont propres.
18. Particulièrement importantes sont les lois votées par le
Gouvernement des îles Falkland en matière de pêche à la baleine
et au phoque : elles constituent une preuve convaincante quant
à I'effectivitédes manifestations et de l'exercice de la souveraineté

britannique dans les Dépendances. En 1908, l'ordonnance de 1906
sur la pêcheà la baleine, dont il a étéquestion au paragraphe 16
ci-dessus, fut abrogée et remplacée par une nouvelle ordonnance.
Cette ordonnance principale de 1908, avec les ordonnances ulté-
rieures qui la modifièrent, ainsi que les règlementsqui s'en inspirent,
forme un code détailléet complet des lois sur la pêcheà la baleine
dans les Dépendances, comme le montre le résumé deslois sur
la pêcheà la baleine en vigueur dans les Dépendances en 1920,
résuméqui figure dans le rapport qu'une commission officielle
présenta cette année-là au. Parlement britannique (Command
Paper no 657). Un passage pertinent de ce rapport est joint en
annexe à la présente requête (annexe I, no 5). Il en ressort que
l'un des buts principaux de la législation était de préserver le
cheptelmarin en réglementant le nombre et le tonnage des balei-
nières, le nombre des licences accordées, le nombre de captures
permises à chaque titulaire de licence, en interdisant la capture

des baleineaux, etc. Des lois analogues, bien que moins détaillées,
furent introduites en 1909 pour réglementer la chasse au phoque
dans les Dépendances. Ces lois déclaraient illégale la prise de
phoques sans licence dans les Dépendances, accordaient le pouvoir
d'octroyer des licences et prévoyaient une saison ferméeainsi que
la constitution de réserves de phoques.

19. The above-mentioned whaling and sealing laws were actively
and extensively applied in the Dependencies. For whaling-licence
purposes, as appears from the summary of laws given in Annex I,
No. 5, the Dependencies were divided into four units-South
Georgia, the South Shetlands together with Graham Land, the
South Orkneys and South Sandwich Islands.

(1) In the case of South Georgia, the Buenos Aires company

mentioned in paragraph 15 above, the Compania Argentina de
Pesca, was granted a lease of 500 acres of land at an annual rent
of £250 for 21 years from January 1, 1906, and obtained an addi-
tional lease of land in 1909.Seven other companies,four Norwegian
and three British, were granted whaling leases between 1908 and
1911 on terms similar to those given to the Argentine company.
Applications for further leases in South Georgia were refused in
order to conserve whale stocks. The whaling companies concerned,
in addition to their leases, were required totakeout whaling licences
for South Georgia which were renewable annually. In 1910 the

Argentine company took out, in addition, a sealing licence, and
after that year South Georgia was divided into four areas for sealing
purposes, three being let out on licence each year and the fourth
being left vacant 'as a seal reserve. An additional place was made
into a seal reserve in 1918.

(2) In the case of the South Shetlands and Grahatn Land, a licence
to take whales in their territorial waters was granted to a Chileau

company in 1907, and a similar licence was granted in 1908 to a
Nedoundland company. By the season of 1912-13, there were
12 factory ships and 32 catchers of various companies working
in the South Shetlandsarea, al1holding licences from the Falkland
Islands Govemment. In 1912 a Nonvegian company, the Hektor
Whaling Company, was granted a 21 years' lease of a site on Decep-
tion Island for a w,halingstation but, in the absence of other suitable
sites, the remaining companies operated with factory ships moored
at Deception Island or, occasionally, at King George Island. From
that date, whaling companies operated in the territorial waters of
the South Shetlands and Graham Land under licence from the

Falkland Islands Government every year witholit interruption,
even during the first world war, until 1930, when developments
in pelagic whaling led them to conduct their operations on the high
seas. Activity in these two territories has been practically confined
to whaling, although one sealing licence was issued in 1913 with

(3)In the caseof theSoi6thOrkiceys,the first whaliiig licence \vas
granted in 1908 to the Newfoundland Steam Whaling Company.
Other companies applied for licences, and in the 1914-15 season
four Norwegian companies were granted licences. Whaling ceased
during the remainder of the first world war, but in 1920a Norlvegian
company, the AIS Tonsbcrg Hvalfaiigeri, \vas granted a lease of
500 acres on Signy Island for a shore whaling station. A further
whaling lease for.the South Orkneys \vas granted in 1925 but9by
1930pelagic whaling had made it unnecessary for whalers to coiiduct
their operations in territorial waters, and applications for licences
ceased. One sealing licence \vas also issued for the South Orkneys
in 1913.
. .

(4)In the case of the Sonth Sandwich Islands, where access to
the land is estremely difficult, whaliiig activity has been less
frequent. In 1912, sis Nonvegiaii companies took out licences
from the Falkland Islands C;overnment, and in 1927 the Tonsbirg
Company applied for and obtained a licence. In addition, a sealing
licence was graiited in 1910 for the South Sandwich Islands to
the Argentine company, the Compania Argentina de Pesca.

20. British sovereignty has also been displayed and exercised
in the Dependencies through magistrates commissioned by the
Falkland Islands Government.

(i) As eariy as 1909, a resideiit magistrate ws sent to Sozrth
Georgia,and there has been a British administration in that groiip
continuously since that date. Customs and police officers were
added to the magistrate's staff, and iii 1912 a post office \vas
established at Grytviken. By 1925, the Govemment buildings
included offices, a \vireless station and a marine laboratory in
addition to dwelling houses.

(ii) TheSouth Shetlands and GrahancLand, as inentioiied in
paragraph 18 above, have been treated as a single unit for the
purpose of the whale fishery, a single licence being graiited to
cover both these temtories. The whaling companies normally
made their base first at Deception Island in the South Shetlands.
If the season was favourablc, thcy movcd southwards through
the Bransfield Strait and established a forward base in the Palmer
Archipelago either in the Melchior Islands or at Port Lockroy.
But Port Foster at Deception Island is the most convenient
starting point for operations in the Bransfield Strait and off
Graham Land, and it \vas accordingly made by law a "port of

entry" for shipping visiting the areaA resident British magistrate
was sent to Port Foster every summer season from 1910 to 1930,
and this officia1 exercised jurisdictioii over al1 whaling vessels
operating in the waters either of the South Shetlands or of Graham REQU~TE INTRODUCTIVE D'IKSTANCE (v 55) 58

3) Dans le cas desOrcadesdu Sud, la première licence de pêcheà
la baleine fut octroyéeen 1908 à la Newfoundland Steam Whaling
Company. D'autres sociétésdemandèrent des licences qui, au cours
de la saison 1914-1915, furent accordées à quatre sociétésnorvé-
giennes. La pêche à la baleine fut interrompue pendant le restant
de la première guerre mondiale, mais en 1920, une sociéténorvé-
gienne, la AIS Tonsberg Hvalfangeri, obtint ?ibail 500 acres de
terrain sur l'île Signy, pour y établir une station baleinière. Une
autre concession de pêcheà la baleine dans les Orcades du Sud fut
encore accordée en 19zj mais dès 1930. en raison des conditions de
la pêcheà la baleine dans les zones pélagiques,il n'étaitplus néces-
saire pour les baleiniers d'opérer dans les eaux territoriales et

il n'y eut plus de deinandes de licence. Une licence de pêcheau
phoque dans les Orcades du Sud fut également octroyéeen 1913.
4) Dans lecasdesSrzndwichdu Sud, dont l'accèsest extrêmement
difficile,la pêchà la baleine est restéeréduite.En 1912,six socihtés
norvégiennesobtinrent licence du Gouvernement des îles Falkland
ainsi que la Toiisberg Company, en 1927. D'autre part, une licence

de pêcheau phoque dans les Sandwich du Sud fut accordéeen 1910
à la Compania Argeiitina de Pesca.

zo. La souveraineté britannique s'est également manifestéeet

exercée dans les Dépendances par l'intermédiaire de magistrats
nommés par le Gouvernement des îles Falkland.
i) En 1909 déjà, un magistrat résidant était envoyé en Georgie
du Sud et depuis cette date il existe dans ce groupe d'îles iine
administration britannique permanente. Iles fonctionnaires. des
Douanes et de la Police furent adjoints'au personneldumagistrat et,
en 1912, un bureau de poste était créé à Grytviken. Dès 1925 les
bâtiments gouvernementaux comportaient, outre les habitations,

des bureaiix, une statioii: de T. S. F. et un laboratoire marin.
ii) Les SheLlanddzi Sud et la Terre de Graham, mentionnées au
paragraphe 18, ont étéconsidéréescomme un ensemble unique en
ce qui concerne la pêcheà la baleine et une même licenceétait
valable pour ces deux territoires. Normalement, les compagnies
baleinières prenaient tout d'abord comme base l'île de la Déception
dans les Shetland du Sud. Lorsque la saison était favorable, ils
pénétraient plusprofondément vers le sud par 1e:dhtroit de Brans-

field et établissaient une base avancée dans l'archipel Palmer, soit
aux îles Melchior, soit à Port Lockroy. Mais Port Foster, dans
l'île de la Déception, est le point de départ le plus propice aux
opérations dans le détroit de Bransfield et au large de la Terre de
Graham. En coiiséquenceune loi le décréta « port d'entrée» pour
les navires circulant dans les parages. De 1910à 1930,un magistrat
britannique résidant fut envoyé chaque été à Port Foster; sa
juridiction s'étendait A tons les navires baleiniers opérant dans les .4PPLICATIOS ISSTITUTISG PROCEEDIXGS (\' 55)
Land and its coastal islands. From 1912 to 1930 a post office was
inaintained by the magistrate at Port Foster.

(iii) At theSouth Orkneys whaling activity \vas somewhat less
frequent than at South Georgia and the South Shetlands, with
the result that the visits of British magistrates were correspondingly
less regular. But in 1913 a Customs Officer spent two months in
the islands supervising the observance of the whaling laws, while
a special Whaling Officer spent about three months there both
in 19x4 and 1915. Nest, the South Georgia magistrate went to
Signy Island in 1921 to inspect the site which the Tonsherg Hval-
fangen Company proposed to lease, and in the following year a
Whaling Officer spent three months at Signy to ensure that the
terms of the lease and the whaling laws were carried out by the

Company. In the three seasons 1925-26, 1926-27 and 1927-28,
a Whaling Officeragain spent three months in the South Orkneys.
Iii 1928 the Governor of the Falkland Islands himself visited Signy
lsland to inspect the area leased to the Tonsherg Hvalfangeri

(iv) The comparati\rely slight whaling activity at the almost
inaccessible Sozith Sandwich Islands has called for very little
exercise of administrative authority at the islands themselves '.
21. The cessation of certain facilities and activities after 1930
came abolit as follows. The introduction between 1925 and 1930
of pelagic whaling with large whale factory ships, enabled the

whaling companies to conduct their operations on the high seas
without the use of hases ashore or in coastal waters. The result
\vas that after 1930 the companies, in order to avoid payment
of the licence fees imposed by the Falkland Islands Govemment,
ceased to take out licences for operating from bases in the various
Dependencies-(licences continued to be taken out by the com-
panies with permanent bases in South Georgia). But; although in
conseqnence there was some diminution in the administrative
activity of the Falkland Islands Govemment with regard to the
whaling vessels themselves, British State activity in the Depend-
encies continued in full force and without interruption in the
period between 1930 ancl the outbreak of the second world war.

During this penod, the Ilependencies were estensively visited and
surveyed by the vessels of the Discovery Cornmittee, an official
body responsible to the Secretary of State for the Colonies. As
early as 1917, pmposals had been made for a thorough investigation

'Coats Land(seeparagraphs 14 and 15 above)alsonot discusçed here in an.
furtherdetail, only very recent Argentine action Iiavithistenitory into
question (sparapaph 4 above). REQUÊTE IXTRODUCTIBE D'INSTANCE (V 55) 59

eaux soit des Shetland du Sud, soit de la Terre de Graham et de
ses îles côtières. De 1912à 1930, ce magistrat maintint en exercice
un bureau de poste à Port Foster.

iii) Dans les Orcadesdu Sud, la pêche à la baleine était moins
fréquente qu'en Georgie du Sud et dans les Shetland du Sud et,
en conséquence, les séjours des magistrats britanniques étaient
moins réguliers.Cependant, en 1913, un fonctionnaire de la douane
passa deux mois dans les îles pour veiller à l'application des lois
sur la pêcheà la baleine et un fonctionnaire spécialement chargé
des questions relatives à la pêche à la baleine y passa trois mois
en 1914 et en 1915. Ensuite, le magistrat de la Georgie du Sud

se rendit à l'île Signy en 1921 afin d'examiner l'emplacement
que la Compagnie Tonsberg Hvalfangeri se proposait de prendre
à bail et l'année suivante un fonctionnaire spécialement délégué
pour les questions baleinières passa trois mois à Signy afin de
veillerà ce que les conditions du bail et les lois sur la pêcheà
la baleine soient respectées par la société.Au cours des trois
saisons 1925.26, 1926-27et 1927-28, un fonctionnaire spécialement
chargé des questions de la pêcheà la baleine passa encore trois
mois dans les Orcades du Sud. En 1928, le gouverneur des îles

Falklandlui-même visita l'île Signy afin d'examiner l'emplacement
concédéà la Compagnie Tonsberg Hvalfangeri.
iv) Du fait que la pêche à la baleine était relativement minime
dans les îles presque inaccessibles des Sandwich du Sud, l'autorité
administrative aeu peu d'occasionsde s'exercer sur ces territoires6.

21. La suspension de certaines facilités et activités après 1930
est due aux faits suivants. L'introduction entre 1925 et 1930 de
la pêche pélagique au moyen de vastes navires-usines pour le
traitement des baleines permettait aux compagnies baleinières
d'opéreren haute mer sans utiliser de bases terrestres ou les eaux
côtières. Il en résulta qu'après 1930 les compagnies ne prirent
plus de licence pour opérer à partir de bases dans les diverses

Dépendances afin d'éviter le paiement des redevances imposées
par le Gouvernement des îles Falkland - (seules les compagnies
possédant des bases fixes en Georgie du Sud continuèrent à se
procurer des licences). Bien qu'il en soit résultéun certain ralen-
tissement de l'activit6 administrative déployéepar le Gouveme-
ment, des îles Falkland à l'égarddes navires baleiniers, l'activité
de 1'Etat britannique dans les Dépendancessemaintint pleinement
et sans interruption entre 1930 et le début de la deuxième guerre
mondiale. Au cours de cette période, les Dépendances furent

fréquemment visitéeset exploréespar les vaisseaux du Discouery
Committee, organisme officiel responsable devant le secrétaire
d'Etat aux Colonies. En 1917 déjà, des propositions avaient été

La Terre de Caats (voir paragraph14et 15)ne fait pas ici l'objet d'un
ment par suite de l'initiadevl'Argentin(voirparagrapheq ci-dessus).em-60 APPLICATION INSTITUTING PROCEEDISGS (V 55)

into the economic resources of the Dependencies, and a Committee
had been set up to report on the preservation of the whaling
industry, the possibilities of developing other industries, and the
needs of scientific research. Following the presentation of this
Committee's report to the United Kingdom Parliament in 1920,
a permanent Cornmittee known as the Discovery Committee was
established in 1923 under the direction of the Secretary of State
for the Colonies. The principal function of this Committee, under
its terms of reference, \vas to conduct research into the economic
resources of the -4ntarctic and sub-Antarctic regions, with speciai
reference to the Falkland Islands Dependencies. But its functions
also included coastal surveys and general scientific research into
the oceanography, weather and ice conditions and flora and fauna
of the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic regions. Between 1925 and
1939 the Committee's research ships,Discovery I (one commission),
Discovery II (five corninissions) and Williana Scoresby (seven
commissions) made very extensive investigations of the Depend-
encies. Numerous voyages among the principal territories of the

Dependencies were made by these ships on each commission, and
detailed surveys were made of their coasts and coastal waters.
As a result, the Dependencies during this period were covered
literally by a network of patrols undertaken by the Discovery
Committee. The main focus of the Comrnittee's research was on
the natural history of whales, the rnost important economic
resonrce ofthe Dependencies, and especially intensive observations
were made on the whaling groiinds of South Georgia, the South
Shetlands and Graham Land. But the Committee also collected
yery extensive information on the hydrography and biology of
the Dependencies, on the navigation and charting of their waters,
and on. Antarctic ice and ice-navigation. A large and important
body of scientific matenal has been published by the Committee
in the 27 volumes of "Discovery Reports", and its research on the
natural history of whales is admitted by expert opinion to have
niade a vital contribution towards the effective solving of the
international problem of the conservation of whale fisheries.

22. In addition, a large-scale expedition, the British Grahafn
and Expedition, visited the southem parts of the Falkland
Islands Dependencies in 1934-37 to make land investigations.
Reaching Deception Island late in 1934. the expedition proceeded
to Port Lockroy in the Palmer Archipelago in January 1935:
Shortly afterwards, a base was established and occupied further REQUÊTE INTRODUCTIVE D'INSTANCE (v 55) 60

faites en vue d'un examen approfondi des ressources économiques
des Dépendances et une commission avait été crééepour faire
rapport sur la protection de l'industrie baleinière, les possibilités
de développer d'autres industries et la nécessitéd'entreprendre
des recherches scientifiques. Cette commission fit rapport au
Parlement du Royaume-Uni en 1920, et en 1923 on nomma une
commission permanente connue sous le nom de Discovery Com-
mittee placée sous la direction du secrétaire d'État aux Colonies.
Aux termes de son mandat, cette commission avait pour tâché
principale d'entreprendre l'examen des ressources économiques
des régions antarctiques et sub-antarctiques et plus particulière-
ment dans-les Dépendances des iles Falkland. hlais ses fonctions

co.uo.taient kal.,eut l'étude des côtes ainsi oue des travaux
de rcchcrclies iciriitiriq~its gL:nEr:tlts<:oncernant I'uci.:~ni~gr;ipliie.
les conditions clirii:iric~u~~l, nature des gl:iccs, I;Lllore et 1;i
faune des régionsantarctiques et sub-antarctiques. Entre 1925 et
1939, les navires de recherche- de la Commission, Discovery I
(une mission). Discovery II. (cinq missions) et William Scoresby
(sept niissions) se livrèrentà des explorations trCs étendues dans
les Dépendances. Au cours de chacune de leurs missions ces navires
effectuèrent de nombreux voyages parmi les territoires principaux
des Dépendances et ils procédèrent à l'étude détailléede leurs
côtes et de leurs eaux côtières. Ainsi donc, au cours de cette
période, les Dépendances étaient littéralement recouvertes d'un
réseau de patrouilles entreprises par le Discovery Comniittee.
L'objet principal des travaux de recherche de la commission

portait sur l'histoire naturelle des baleines, ressource économique
la plus importante des Dépendances, et il fut piocédbà des études
très approfondies dans les zones de pêcheà la baleine de la Georgie
du Sud, des Shetland du Sud et de la Terre de Graham. En outre,
la Commission rassembla d'abord des renseignements détailléssur
les conditions hydrographiques-biologiques des Dépendances, sur
la navigabilité et l'aspect hydrographique de leurs eaux; ainsi que
sur la nature des glaces de l'Antarctique et sur la naviaation à
travers les champs de glace. La Commission publia un onvrage
volumineux et important de données scientifiques comportant
27 volumes sous le titre de a Discovery Reports i)et de l'avis des
experts ces recherches sur l'histoire naturelle des baleines ont
apporté une contribution d'importance primordiale à la solution
effective du problème international posé par la protection des
pêcheries 'de.baleines.

22. D'autre part, de 1934 à 1937, une expédition importante,
la British Graham Land Expeditio~t,visita les parties australes
des Dépendances des îles Falkland pour y faire pi0céder.à des
investigations géodésiques.L'expéditionaborda à I'ile de la Décep-
tion vers la 'fin de 1934 et en janvier 1935 elle partit pour Port
Lockroy dans l'archipel Palmer. Peu de temps après, une basesouth, and from there various sledge and plane journeys were
made whch threw much fresh light on the geography of the area.
In February, 1936, the expedition moved still fiirther to the
south to Marguerite Bay and established a base on the Debenham
Islands. From therc, important sledge journeys were made across
Graham Laiid to the east coast and far soiithwards into King
George VI Sound. Niimerous reconnaissance flights were carried
out, and the expcdition ascertained conclusively for the first time

that Graham Land is attached to the Antarctic mainland.

23. Other examples of the display of British sovereignty in or
in regard to the Dependencies dunng the period July 21, 1908-
September 22, 1938, are mentioued in the three next succeeding
paragraphs of this Application dealing with the recognition of the
British claims by Norxi~ay,Argentina and Chile. Still further

examples could be cited. The facts given in paragraphs 16-22
above and in paragraph 24 below, however, are by themselves
sufficient to establish conclusively a continuous and peaceful
display of British sovereignty in and in regard to the territories
of the Ilependeiicies during the period July 21, 1908-Septem-
ber 22, 1938, which is that reviewed in the present section.

Recognition of the British Claims by Norway, Argentinaand Chie
after the Issue of the Letters Patent of July 21, 1908

24.-(1) The existence of British claims, not only to South
Georgia but to other territones in Antarctic and sub-Antarctic
regions was known in Norwny before the formal constitution of
the five principal territories as Dependencies of the Falkland
Islands by the Letters Patent of 1908.The Norwegian Government,
as stated in paragraph 15 above, addressecl an enquiry to Great

Britain in 1905concerning the sovereignty of the territories situated
between 35' and 80" West. and was informed in reply that South .
Georgia, the South Orkneys, the South Shetlands and Graham
Land were British possessions. When Norway made a further
enquiry in 1907, Great Britain reasserted her claim. Norway,
neither then nor after the issue of the Letters Patent of 1908,
made any protest or reservation against the assertion and exercise
of British sovereignty over the Dependencies. At the same time
numerous Nonvegian whaling companies took out British licences
and otherwise complied with the laws of the Falkland lslands
Governmeiit. These facts establish by implication Nonvay's
recognition of British sovereignty over the Dependencies in or
about 1908. This implication is completely confirmed by the

Nonvegian Proclamation of January 14, 1939, in which the western
bouiidary of Norway's own Antnrctic claim \vas defined by a line REQU$TE INTRODUCTIVE D'INST:\NCE (Vj j) 6I

fut établie et occupéeplus profondément vers le sud. Cette base
servait de point de départ à des voyages en traineau ou par avion,
gràce auxquels la géographiede la régionfut éclairéed'une lumière
nouvelle. En février1936, continuant en direction du sud, I'expédi-

tion se rendit à Marguerite Bay et établit dans les îles llebenham
une base d'où furent entrepris de longs voyages en traineau à
travers la Terre de Graham jusqu'à la Eôte orientale et vers le sud
très profondément dans le détroit du Roi George VI. Il fut procédé
à de nombreux vols de reconnaissance et l'expéditionfut la première
à constater d'une manière certaine que la Terre de Graham fait
partie du continent antarctique.

23. D'autres exemples de manifestations de la souveraineté
britannique dans ou à l'égard des Dépendancesdans la périodedu
21 juillet 1908 et22 septembre 1938sont mentionnésdans les trois
paragraphes suivants de notre prbsente requête concernant la
reconnaissancedes prétentions britanniques parla Norvège,I'Argen-
tine et le Chili. D'autres exemples encore pourraient êtrecités.
Toutefois, les faits, exposésaux paragraphes 16 à 22 ci-dessus et

au paragraphe 24 ci-dessous, suffisent à prouver avec certitude
l'existence ininterrompue des manifestations pacifiques de la
souveraineté britannique dans ou à l'égard des territoires des
Dépendancesau cours de la périodedu 21 juillet 1908au 22 septem-
hre 1938 dont il a étéquestion dans ce chapitre.

Reconnaissance des prétentions britanniques par la Norv&ge,I'Argen-
tine et le Chili apr&sl'émission deslettres patentedu 21juillet 1908

24. - 1) La Norvège connaissait l'existence des prétentions
britanniques non seulement sur la Georgie du Sud mais sur d'autres
territoires antarctiqueset sub-antarctiques bien avant laconstitution

officielle des cinq temtoires principaux en Dépendances des îles
Falkland par les lettres patentes de 1908. Ainsi qu'il a étédit an
paragraphe 15, le Gouvernement norvégien adressa en 1905 à la
Grande-Bretagne une demande d'information relative à la souve-
raineté des territoires compris entre l3jme et le 80medegréde longi-
tude ouest, et il lui fut répondu que la Georgiedu Sud, les Orcades
du Sud,lesShetland du Sud et la Terre deGrahamétaient desposses-
sions britanniqnes. A I'occasion d'une nouvelle demande faite

par la Norvège en 1907, la Grande-Bretagne réaffirma sespréten-
tions. A ce moment, pas plus qu'aprèsl'émissiondes lettrespatentes
de 1908. la Norvège ne protesta ni n'émitde réserves à l'égardde
l'affirmation et de l'exercice de la souveraineté britannique dans
les Dépendances. A l'époque, denombreuses compagnies baleinières
norvégiennes seprocurèrent des licencesbritanniques, seconformant
de manière généraleaux lois émanant du Gouvernement des iles
Falkland. Cesfaits démontrent qu'aux environs dc 1908la Norvège
avait implicitement reconnu la souveraineté britannique sur les
Ilépendances. Cela est pleinement confirmé par la proclamation62 APPLICATION INSTITUTING PHOCEEDINGS (V 55)

coinciding with the eastem boundary of the Falkland Islands
Dependencies. It \!,as further expressly stated in the Proclamation
that the area named the Falkland Islands Dependencies had been
broiight iinder Great Britain's dominion in rgoX.

(2)The existence of British claims to at least some of the
Dependencies was also well known in Argentina before the issue

of the Letters Patent of 1908. It has been mentioned above
(paragraph 15) that as early as 1906 an Argentine Company, the
Compania Argentina de Pesca. took out a British lease of land
in South Georgia for 21 years. Indeed, it was the then Director of
Armame~itsof the .4rgeiitine Mi~iistry of Ilfarine who, in his cafiacity
as technical adviser 10the comfiany, visited the British Legation in
Buenos Aires to apply for the lease. In the same year Great Britain,
in order ta remove any possible misconception as to the legal basis
on which operation of the meteorological station on Laurie Island
in the South Orkneys had been transferred to the Argentine
Meteorological Office (see paragraph 14above), addressed a note
to the Argentine Government emphasising that the islands were
a British possessioii. This reservation of the British sovereignty
over the South Orkneys was repeated to Argentina in January
1907. Shortly aftenvards, when Chile proposed to Argentina the

negotiation of a treaty dividing between the two countries "the
islands and the rimericari Antarctic continents", the Argentine
Foreign ilfinister, in rejecting the proposal, said expressly that
"Chile ought to know that England claimed al1 these lands". In
1908, after the issue of the Letters Patent formally constituting
the Falkland Islands Dependencies, the Argentine Foreign Minister
asked to be informed of the terms of the British "declaration".
Accordingly, the British Ninister in Buenos Aires in a note of
February 20, 1909, transmitted to the Argentine Foreign Minister
a copy of the Falkland Islands Gazette containing the text of the
Letters Patent. The Argentine Foreign Miiiister replied in a note
of March 18, 1909 :-

''1have the pleasure of acknowledgingthe receipt of your Note
dated the20th of February last with which you were good enough
to fonvard a publicationcalled Falklaitd Islaitds Gazettecontaining
a Decree by which the 'South Orkneys'are declared a dependency
of the 'Falkland Islands'.
While thanking you for this attention,1 am happy ta renew to
you the assurances of my high consideration."

The British Minister, in communicating this reply to the British
Foreign Office, commented that he concluded from its tems that REQUÊTE INTRODUCTIVE D'INSTAXCE (V 55) 62

norvégienne du 14janvier 1939dans laquelle la frontière occidentale
des prétentions antarctiques de la Norvège est définie par une
ligne coïncidant avec la frontière orientale des Dépendances des
iles Falkland. En outre, il était dit expressément dans la proclama-
tion que la zone dénommée Dépendances desîles Falkland avait
étéplacéesous l'autorité de la Grande-Bretagne en 1908.

2) De mêmel'Argentineconnaissait parfaitement l'existence des
prétentions britanniques sur une partie tout au moins des Dépen-
dances, avant l'émissiondes lettres patentes de 1908. Il a été dit
précédemment (paragraphe 15) qu'en 1906 déjà une sociétéargen-
tine, la Compania Argentina de Pesca. avait obtenu une concession
britannique en Georgie du Sud pour une durée de 21 ans. C'est
mêmele directeur aux armements du ministère argentinde la
Marine qui, en sa qualitéde conseillertechniquede la comfiagnie,
se rendit lui-mêmeà la ILgationbritanniquede Buenos-Aires fiour

demander la concession.La mêmeannée, afin d'éviter toute possi-
bilitéde malentendu quant aux conditions juridiques sous lesquelles
l'exploitation de la station météorologique de Laurie Island dans
les Orcades du Sud avait ététransféréeau service météorologique
argentin (voir paragraphe 14), la Grande-Bretagne adressa au
Gouvernement argentin une note spécifiant que les îles étaient
une possession britannique. Cette réserve de la souveraineté
britannique à l'égarddes Orcades du Sud fit l'objet d'une nouvelle
confirmation à l'adresse de l'Argentine en janvier 1907. Peu de

temps après, lorsque le Chili proposa de négocieravec l'Argentine
un traité à l'effet de partager entre ces deux pays o les îles et coiiti-
nents de l'antarctique américain II,le ministre des Affaires étraii-
gères d'Argentine rejeta la proposition en disant que «le Chili
devrait savoir que l'Angleterre revendiquait toutes ces terres ».
En 1908, après l'émissiondes lettres patentes portant officiellement
constitution des Dépendances des îles Falkland, le ministre des
Affaires étrangères d'Argentine demanda communication du texte
de la adéclaration >ibritannique. En conséquence, par une note
du 20 février 1909, le ministre de Grande-Bretagne àBuenos-Aires

transmit au ministre des Affaires étrangères d'Argentine un exem-
plaire de la Falkland Islands Gazettecontenant le texte des lettres
patentes. Le ministre des Affaires étrangères d'Argentine répondit
par une note du 18 mars 1909 :

à laquelle vous avez eu l'amabilitéde joindre one publication dur
nom de Falkland IslandsGuzeltecontenant le texte d'nn décret
en vertn duquel les Orcades du Sud sont déclaréesDépendance
des «îles Falklandin.
Je vous remercie de votre attention et suis heureux de pouvoir
vous renouveler les assurances de ma haute considération. 0

En transmettant cette réponse au ministère britannique des

Affaires étrangères, le ministre britannique signala que, d'après63 APPLICATION INSTITUTING PROCEEDINGS (v 55)

"Argentine Government do not dispute the rights of Great Britain
over the South Orkneys". A fortiori it is to be concluded from
the terms of her reply that in 1909 Argentina did not dispute
the British title to South Georgia, the South Sandwich Islands,
the South Shetlands and Graham Land, which territories were
also covered by the communication sent to the Argentine Govern-
ment, but were not mentioned in the Argentine reply '. Three
years later, negotiations were beguu for the cession by Great
Britain to Argentina, of the South Orkneys in return for a Legation

site in Buenos Aires and on condition of respecting any existing
Bntish whaling rights. By 19x4, the final text of a treaty of
cession had been agreed hetween the two countries but, on a
change of Government in Argentina, the new Government declined
on financial grounds to complete the transaction. The terms of
this draft treaty provide further evidence of Argentina's recognition
of the British title of the South Orkneys at this time, rcotwithstanding
the presence oftheArgentine tneteorologicalstation on Laurie Island.
Again, Argentina made no protests or reservations against the
issue of the British Letters Patent of 1917. Nor did she make any
protests or reservations against the promulgation of British Laws
for the Dependencies, nor against the application of those laws

to the Argentine company, the Compania Argentina de Pesca,
and to other foreign companies. Nor did she make any protests
or reservations against the exercise of authority by Bntish magis-
trates in the several territories of the Falkland Islands Depend-
encies and, in particular, in the South Orkneys, South Shetlands
and Graham Land. These facts establish beyond question that
at this period Argentina recognised Bntish sovereignty over the

(3) The existence of British -claims at least to soine of the
Uependencies was equally known in Chile, even before the issue
of the Letters Patent of 1908. Three years earlier, in 1905, a
Chilean company, as stated in paragraph 15 above, applied for
a British lease of land in South Georgia from the Falkland Islands
Government. In 1907. another Chilean company, the Sociedad
Ballenera de Magallanes of Punta Arenas, took out a British
whaling licence for the South Shetlands and Graham Land. In
the same year, when Chileiuvited Argentina to negotiate a division
of "the islands and American Antarctic continents", she was
expressly warned by Argentina that "England claimed al1 these
lands". Neither then nor after the issue of the Letters Patent of

' It seernclear in fact that Argentine interest at that date hardly extended
beyond the South Orkneys, where the Argentine meteoiologicwassituated. REQUÊTE INTRODUCTIVE D'ISSTASCE (V55) 63

les termes de cette réponse, il concluait que ale Gouvernement
argentin ne conteste pas les droits de la Grande-Bretagne sur les
Orcades du Sud ».A fortiori, il faut conclure des termes de sa
réponse qu'en 1909 l'Argentine ne contestait pas les titres britan-
niques sur la Georgie du Sud, les Sandwich du Sud, les Shetland
du Sud et la Terre de Graham, territoires également compris
dans la communication envoyéeau Gouvernement argentin, mais
auquel ce dernier n'a pas fait appel dans sa réponse '.Trois ans
plus tard, des négociations furent entamées qui avaient pour objet

la cession par la Grande-Bretagne à l'Argentine des Orcades du
Sud, en échange d'un terrain destiné à l'établissement d'une
légation à Buenos-Aires, sous condition de respecter les droits
britanniques existant en ce qui concernait la pêcheà la baleine.
En 1914, les deux pays s'étaient mis d'accord sur le texte définitif
d'un acte de cession, mais à la suite d'un changement de gouverne-
ment en Argentine, le nouveau Gouvemement, invoquant des
raisons financières, refusa d'exécuterl'opération. Les termes de ce
projet de traité fournissent une nouvelle preuve de ce qu'à l'époque
l'Argentine reconnaissait le titre britannique sur les Orcades du
Sud, malgré la présence de la station météoroLogiqna ergentine
dans L'ELeaurie. De même,lors de l'émissiondes lettres patentes
britanniques de 1917, l'Argentine ne souleva aucune protestation

et ne fit aucune réserve. Elle ne protesta pas et ne fit aucune
réservelors de la promulgation des lois britanniques sur les Dépen-
dances et de l'application de ces lois à la sociétéargentine, la
Compania Argentina de Pesca, tout comme aux autres sociétés
étrangères. Elle ne protesta pas davantage'et ne fit aucune réserve
quant à l'exercice de l'autorité par des magistrats anglais dans les
différents territoires des Dépendances des îles Falkland, et plus
particulièrement les Orcades du Sud, les Shetland du Sud et la
Terre de Graham. Ces faits établissent d'une manière indubitable
qu'à cette époque l'Argentineavait reconnu la souveraineté britan-
nique sur les Dépendances.

3) Le ChiLi également connaissait l'existence des prétentions
britanniques. tout au moins sur une partie des Dépendances, même
avant l'émissiondes lettres patentes de 1908.Trois ansauparavant,
en 1905. coinme nous l'avons dit au paragraphe 15. une société
chilienne s'était adresséeau Gouvemement des îles Falkland pour
obtenir une concession de terrain britannique en Georgie du Sud.
En 1907, une autre société chilienne,la Sociedad Ballenera de
Afagallanes,de Punta Arenas. se fit délivrerune licence britannique
pour la pêcheà la baleine dans les Shetland du Sud et la Terre
de Graham. La mêmeannée, lorsque le Chili invita l'Argentine
à négocier le partage des «îles et continents de I'Antarctiquc
américain »,il fut formellement averti par IiArgentine que. l'Angle-

Il semble évident qu'à 1'8poque I'intérktdc 1';negs'étendaigu$rï
au delà des Orcades du Sud danslesquelles se tlastation m6t6orologique
1908 or of 1917 did Chile make any protest or reservation against

the assertion and exercise of British sovereignty over the Depend-
encies. She maintained a Consular Officer in the Falkland Islands,
but at no time did she make any representations either to the
Government of Great Britain or to the Falkland Islands Govern-
ment in regard to the Letters Patent, or to the promulgation of
British laws for the Dependencies, or to the application of those
laws tothe Chilean company, the SociedadBallenera de Magallanes,
and to other foreign companies. Nor did she make any protests
or reservations against the exercise of authority by British magis-
trates in the several territories of the Falkland Islands Depend-
encies and, in particular, in thesouth Shetlands and Graham
Land. Al1these facts establish beyond question that at this period
Chile recognised British sovereignty over.the Dependencies.

25. The facts recitcd in the three immediately preceding sub-
paragraphs show conclusively that, during the years at the be-
ginning of the present century, when Great Britain was confirming
and consolidating her ancient titles to the Dependencies, Nonvay,

theState principally interested in Antarctic whaling, and Argentina
and Chile, made no reservations in regard to Great Britain's
display and exercise of State activity in those territones. They
further show that these three States in fact recognised Great
Britain's sovereignty over the Dependencies. Nor did any other
State during this period make any reservations or enter any
protests against the British claims.

Announcement of Chile'sPretensions to the South Shetlandsand
Graham Landon November 6, 1940

26. The Chilean Government, as related in paragraph 24 (3)
above, made no protests or reservations in respect of the issue
of the British Letters Patent of 1908, or those of 1917, or in
respect of the frequent and public display of State authority by
Great Britain in and in regard to the Dependencies. For more
than 30 years after the issue of the Letters Patent of 1908, no
interest was shown by the Chilean Govemment in the South
Shetlands or Graham Land. The only Chilean interest in those
territories during this period was that of the whaling company,

the Sociedad Ballenera de Magallanes which, as mentioned in
parag~aph 24 (3) above, took out British whaling licences for the
two territories between 1907 and 1914, and conducted their
operations under British laws and regulations. Although one of
the principal objects of the important international conferences KEQU~TI~ lXTKOI>UC'~IVE D'INSTAXCF; (V jj) 64
terre revendiquait la totalité de ces. terres IIil ce moment, tout
comme aprk I'émissiorides lettres patentes de 1908 et de 1917.
le Chili ne fit ancilne protestation ou réserve à l'égard de I'affir-

mation et de I'exercice de la souveraineté britannique dans les
Dépendances. Le Chili avait un agent consulaire dans les îles
Falkland, inais à aucun moment il n'adressa de représeritatioiis
soit au Gouvernement de Grande-Bretagne soit au Gouvernement
des îles Falkland au sujet des lettres patentes, de la promrilgation
des lois britanniqiies concernant les Dépendances ou de l'applica-
tion de ces lois à la compagnie chilienne, Sociedad Ballenera de
Magallaties, ainsi qu'aux autres compagnies étrangères. En outre,
il ne fit aucune protest:ltioii ou réserve ail sujet cle I'exercice de
l'autorité par des magistrats britanniques dans les différents terri-
toircs des Ilépendances des îles Falkland et plus particulièrement
les Shetland du Sud et la Terre de Graham. Tous ces faits établis-

sent de manière indubitable qu'à cette époque le Chili admettait
la souveraineté hritaniii<liie dans les 1)épendances.
25. Les faits exposés dans les trois paragraphes précédents
établissent avec certitude qii'au début de ce siècle, tout au long
des années l>endant lesquelles la Grande-Bretagne :~ffirinait et
corisolidait ses titres anciens sur les Dépendances, ni la Xorvège.

principale intéressée à la pêche à la baleine dans'l'Antarctique, ni
l'Argentine ni lc Chili ne firent de. réserves ail sujet des mani-
festations et dc I'exercice par la. Grande-Bretague de l'activité
étatique dans ces territoires. Ils indiquent en outre que ces trois
États reconiiaissaieiit cri fait la souveraineté de la Grande-Bretagne
sur les. Dépendances. Au cours de cette meme période, aucun
autre Etat ne fit de réserves et ne souleva de protestations quant
aux revendications britanniques.

Notification des prétentions du Chili sur les Shetland du Sud et la
Terre de Graham en date du 6 novembre 1940

26. Ainsi que lions l'avons dit au paragraphe 24 (3).le Gouver-
nement chilien ne fit ni protestation ni réserve à l'égarddes lettres
patentes britanniques Emises en 190s et en 1917 ou à l'occasion
des manifestations fréquentes et ouvertes de l'autorité étatique
par la Graiide-Bretagne dans ou à l'égard des Dépendances.
Pendant plus de 30 ans après l'émission des lettres patentes de
1908, le Gouvernement chilien ne manifesta aucun intérêtvis-à-vis

des Shctland du Siid ou de la Terre de Graham. Aucours de cette
période les sculs intérêtschiliens sur ces territoires étaient ceux
de la compagnie baleinière, Sociedad Ballenera de AlagaIlanes qui,
ainsi qu'il a étédit au paragraphe 24 (3).se fit délivrer entre
1907 et 19x4 des licerices britanniques pour lapêche à la baleine
dans ces deux territoires et se livra &.ces activités conformément
aux lois et règlements britanniques. Bien que l'un des buts prin-
for the regulatioii of whaling held hetwecii 1927 aiid 1939 waj:
the preservation of thc whale stocks in the seas siirrounding the
Dependencies, and especially in the Bransfield Strait between the
South Shetlands and Grahani Land, Chile neither tooli any part
in those conferences nor acceded to the resulting conventions.
which, if she had had sovereignty over these territories she might

be expected to have done. Nor did she voice any objection to
the fact that the United Kingdorn took a leading part in those
conferences in its capacity asthe State responsihlefor the regulatioii
of whaling in the I)ependencies, and especially in the Soutli
Shetlands and Graham Land. It \Iras only after the otlthreak of
the second worltl \var that the Chilean Government, by a decrec
of Septernber 7, 1939, established a special coniinission to esamine
into Chile's interests in the Antarctic. Thirteen rnonths later, thc
Chilean Government issued the PresidentialI3ecree of Xovemher 6,
1940, the text of which is given in paragraph 3 of the present
Application, and by this decree laid claim, intev nli<i,to the Rritish
territories of the Soutli Shetlands and Graliam Land.

Rejection of the ChiieanPretensions by the United ~in~doh and
Continued Display of British Sovereignty after November 6, 1940

27. Tlic British Ambassador in Santiago, a fe\r days after the
issue of the Presidential Decrec of November 6, 1940, drcw the
attention uf the Chilean Governrnent to thc fact that Chilc'spreteii-
sions in the Antarctic encroached upon British tcrritory iii the Falk-
land Islands Dependencies. Subsequently, in a diplomatic Xote of
February 25, 1941, the United Kingdom Government lodgecl a
formal protcst with the Chilean Government against the Presidential
Decree, declaring that it could not rccognise that Decrec as con-
ferring title on the Republic of Chile to any territory within the
limits of the Falkland Islands Dependencies.

2s: The C'nited Kingdom Govern~nent was, meanwhile, occupied
in the North and South Atlantic in dealiiig with attacks by Axis
naval forces on Allied and Neutra1 sea-borne trade ; and in March
1941 despatched H.b.1.S. Queen ofBer+irztdato the South Shetlands
to destroy oil tanks and stocks of ail left on Ueception Island by the
Hektor Whaling. Company, one of the cornpanies holding a lease of
land on that island from the British Crown. This measure, whicli
was taken to deny the use of the oil tanks and fuel stocks to Axis~
raiders, constituted a most significant display and exercise of British
sovereignty over the South Shetlands. In January 1943, another
British warship, H.M.S. Cnrna~uoitCnstle,\vas dispatched to the REQUAT STHOI)I~CTI~E U'INST.ANCE (V jj)
cipaux des importantes conférences internationales sur la régle-
mentation de la p&che à la baleine, qui furent tenues entre 1927
et 1939, fut la protection des réserves de baleines dans les mers
entourant les Dépendances, et particulièrement dans le détroit
de Bransfield entre les Shetland du Sud et la Terre de Grahani.
Ic Chili ne participaà aucune de ccs conférences et n'adhéra pas
aiix con\~eiitioiis qiii en résultèrent, cc qu'elle aurait certainement
fait s'il avait eu la souveraineté siir ccs territoires.De niême,
il n'&leva aucune objection au fait que le Royaiime-Uni occu
une place prépondérante h ces conférences en sa qualité d' ptit
responsable de la réglementation de la chasse à la baleine dans
les Dbpendances et particulièrement les Shetland du Sud et la
Terre de Graham. C'est après I'oli\~ertiire de la deuxième guerre

inondiale seulement qiie, par décret tlu 7 septembre 1939, le
Gouvernement chilien institua une commission spéciale pour
examiner la question des intérêtsdii Chili dans l'Antarctique.
Treize mois plus tard, le Gouvernement chilien promulgua le
décret présidentieldu 6 novembre 1940 dont le texte est reproduit
au paragraphe 3 de la présente reqiiête et par lequel le Chili
élevait des prétentions internlin siir le territoire hritaiiniqiie des
Shetland du Sud et la Terre tle Graham.

Rejet des prétentions chiliennes par le Royaume-Uni et persistance
des manifestations de souveraineté britannique après

le 6 novembre 1940

27. Quelques joiirs après la parotiuii du décret présidentiel dii
6 novembre 1940, l'ambassadeur britannique à Santiago attira
l'attention du Gouvernement chilien sur le fait que les prétentions
chiliennes dans l'Antarctique empiétaient sur le temtoire britaii-
iiiqi~e des Dépendances des îles Falkland. Ensuite, par note
diploinatique du 2j février 1941, le Gouvernement di1 Royaiiine-
Uni protesta formellemerit auprès du Goiivernement chilien.
déclarant qu'il ne pouvait reconnaître le décret présidentieleii
tant que conférant à la Répiibli(liicdu Chili un titre sur les terri-
toires compris dans les limitesdes Ilépendances des îles Falklaiitl.
28. Entre temps, le Gouveriiemeiit du Koyauine-Uni était
engagédans le Nord et le Sud de I'Atlaiitique, où il devait riposter
à des attaques perpétrées par les forccs navales de l'Axe contre
{Icsriavires marchands alliés ct lieirtrcs. En mars 1941, il envoya

le H. M.S. Q~ieen of Berwirrduaux Shetland dii Sud, pour y tlétriiirc
cles réservoirs et des stocks d'huile, abandonnés sur l'île de 1:~
Déception par la Hektor Whaling Company, l'une des sociétés
qui avaient obtenu de la Coiironne britannique une concessioii
de terrains sur cette île. Cette mesure, qui avait pour but d'em-
pêcher les expéditions de l'Axe d'utiliser les réservoirs d'huile
et les stocks de carburants, constituait une manifestation dec66 .\I'I'I.ICATIOX INSTITIJTING PROCEEDINGS (\.jjj

Soiith Orkneys aiid South Shetlands, to examine the apcliorages,in
those temtories for any signs of use by enemy raiders, and toinvesti-

gate rnmoiirs of purported acts of sovereignty there by the Argen*
tine naval transport. Priwzero de Mayero. H.M.S. Carnaruon Castle;
after visiting Signy and Laurie Islands in tlie South Orkneys, went
to Deception Island in the South Shetlands and obliterated from thé
u~allsof the Hektor Whaling Company's factory the national colours
of Argentins \\,hich had apparently beenpainted there recently by

the Primero de Mayero. -4 writ mas at the same time affixed to the
huilding proclaiming that the compaiiy's lease had lapsed and that
thc building \vas the property of the British Goverfiment. Soon after:
wards, the Argentine Government was notified of the visit of H.BI.S,
Carrzarzo?~Castle to Deception Island and was informed that the
United I<irigdom Government had iio intention of allolving the

British tit'e to the islaiid to be usurped by Argentina. In Febriiar~
of the sanic year the Prinaerode Mayero was reported to be depart:
ing again for tlit: Falkland Islands Dependencies, and to have twb
Chilean naval officerson board. The British Ainbassador in Santiago
on making represcntations to the Chileaii Go\~emmerit in regard to

these officers, was informed that they were sailing in the Argentine
ship inerely as observers and that the Chilean Governinent had itself
protested agaiiist Argentine atteinpts to establish a claiin to Decep-
tion Island B.

29. The United Kingdoin Govcriiineiit, in view of the apparent
intention of Argentins and Chile to disregard British territorial
rights in the South Orkneys. South Shetlands and Graham Land:
dispatclied H.M.S. Williatn Scoresby and S.S. Fitzroy to those terri-

tories at the end of January, 1944 T.hese ships visited the mainland'
and coastal islaiids of Graham Land, Deception Island in the South
Shetlands and .Signy Island in the South Orkneys. A permanent
shore base waSesiablished at Deception Island and another at Port
Lockroy in the Palmer Archipelago off the west coast of Grahain
Land, meteorological stations being attached to both bases. Fiirther

visits were paid by H.11.S. William Scoresbv to these two bases in
3larch and, again, in April 1944. Magistrates were sworn in for the
South Orkneys, South Shetlands and Graham Land, and a special
series of postage stamps was issucd for the use of British estahlish-
.. .

saine Britislterritorie(seeseparate hpplicationrospectingt\rgentina)-aicircuni;
stance tiiat canhardlyfaito reiieca<lversel"on hot1tlie motives andthc validily
of hotlisetsofclaims. HI~QU~TE INTHOIIUCTIVE U'ISS~,\NCE (V jj). 66

@LISsigiiificativcs de l'exercice de la souveraineté britannique
dans les Shetlands du Sud. En janvier 1943, un autre navire de
guerre britannique, le H. M. S. Carnamon Castle, fut envoyé

dans les Orcades dii Sud et les Shetlands du Sud pour examiner
si Ics mouillages dans ces territoires avaient étéiitilisés par les
expéditions ennemies et pour vérifier les rumeurs relatives à des
velléitésd'actes de souveraineté de la part du transport argentin,
Prinlero de Afayero. Le H. M. S. Carnaruon Castle, après avoir
abordé aux iles Signy et Laorie, dans les Orcades du Siid, se
rendit à I'île de la IXception, dans les Shetland du Sud, où il

fit disparaître des murs de l'usine de la Hektor Whaling Compaiiy
les couleurs riationales de l'Argentine qui y avaient étépeintes
récemment par I'éqoipage du Primer0 de Mayero. Par la mêmc
occasion, on afficha sur le bâtiment un avis déclarant que le bail
de la sociétéétait révoquéet que le bâtiment était la propriété
di1 Goii\.ernement britannique. l'en après, le Gouvei-liement
argentin recc\:ait iiotificatioii de la visite du H. 31.S. Carnarvorr

Castle à l'ile <le la Déception et apprenait que le Gouvernement
du Royaiime-Uni n'avait lluiiement I'intentioll de permettre à
l'Argentine tl'usiirper-le titrc britannique sur l'île. En février de
la iiiêtneaiinbe, on apprenait que le Priinero de Mnyero était de
nouveaii en partance pour les Dépendances des îles Falkland et
qii'il avaità hord deus officiers de marine chiliens. L'ambassadeur
britaiiniqiie à Santiago; qui avait fait des représentations au

Gouvernement chilien au sujet de ces deux officiers, apprit qu'ils
sc trouvaient à bord uniquement en qualité d'observateurs et
quc le Gonverncment chilien lui-même avait protesté contre les
tentatives faites par l'Argentine pour faire valoir cles prétentions
Siir I'île dc la Déception 8.

29. En raison <le l'intention apparente <le l'Argentine et dii
Chili de ne tenir aucun compte des droits territoriaux britanniques
bans les Orcades dit Sud, les Shetland di1Sud et la Terre de Graham;
le Gouvernement rin Royaume-Uni envoya le H. BI. S. William
Sçoresbji ct le S. S.Fitzroy dans ces territoires àla fin janviei 1944.

Ccs riavires visitèrent le continent ainsi que les îles côtières de la
Terrc de Graham, I'île de la Déception, dans les Shetland du Sud,
et l'île Signy. dans les Orcades du Sud. Une base permanente ter-
restre fut créée à I'ilc tle la Déception et une autre & Port Lockroy,
dans l'archipel Palmer, au large de la côte ouest de la Terre de
Graham, et les deux bases fiirent dotéesde,stations inétéorologiques.

Le H. M. S. William Scoresby visita de nouveau ces denx hases en
mars, puis en avril 1944 On fit prêtèr.serment aux magistrats des
Orcades dii Siid, des Shetland du Siid et de la Terre de Graham
,8,0iiremirquïra que cesdeux États corninencent alors t'ler,er &te"-
tions sur les mémos territoires britanniques (voir requsc'par6e concernant
l'Argentine) -circonstancequi npeut manquer d'avoir unéiiifluence ddfavorable
snr IRYillenr clmotifs etla validitde ces deux groupesde revendications. .\PPI.ICATIOS ISSTITüTiSG t'K0CEEI)iSGS (\'jj)
iiieiits in those temtones and iri Soiith Georgia. Sincc 1944 tlie
United Kingdoni has niaintained a nurnher of British bases iii tho
Dependencics, the follo\viiig being the hases (either constnicted or

re-estal~lished)in the temtories to whicli Chile advances pretensions
and has made encroachnients:

S«irlh Shetlnnds-
Port Foster, Ilecel>tioii Islaiitl (1944) O.
.Adiiiiralty Bay, King George Islantl (1947).
Graharii Lai~duiui ifsArcltipeln~os-
Port Lockroy, Palmer .irchipelago (19~).
Hope Ray, Tnnity Pensiiisula (1945).
Stonington Island, Marguerite Hay (1946).
Barry Island, Del~enharnIslaiids (1946) lu.
-4rgeiitiiie Islands (1997) ln.

I)açe Bay, Triiiity Peninsiila (19j3).
The tiiiited Liiogdoni Go\zernn~ïiit lias sciit slii1)s to the South
Shetlands-Grahani Land area elver? Aiitarctic suiiinier since 1944 :

and al1the ahove bases, with the exception of that in the I>ebeiihani
Islands, have been occupied either contiiiiiously or iiitcrinittently
by British parties. A special organisation, The Fulkland Isluftds
DepeqidenciesSz~fi,ey,\\.as set iip i~i1945 to adrninistcr thesc bases.
together with three others iii the South Orkncys, and to sul)crvise
their work. Linder its direction exteiisi\.c survcys and explorations
werecamed out in the Depeiideiicies.includiiig grountl survcys, over
large stretches of tlic Gi-ahaham Land peniiisula, aiid iiicteorological

stations were established. Sovereignty \vas also displayed in othôr
ways as, for exaniple, by the aappointment of magistrates, the issue
of postage stamps, and the lodging of yrotests bath locally and
through the diplomatic channel against cncroachments by Chilcan
and Argentine parties. Thus the United Kingdom Governinent has
at aü times taken ail such steps as were open to it in the circuni-
stances to assert and maintain its title.

Chie's Persistence in the Pretensions Advanced in the Presidential
Decree of November 6, 1940, and Her wbsequent Physical
Encroachments on the British Territories of the South Shetlands
and Graham Land

30. ln a Note to the United Kingdom Govarninent of Septcin-
ber 29, 1944. the Chiiean Government, in conriexioii with the issue
Headquarters of British Magistrates, 1910-30.
'"Ruilt and oecupied by the British Graham Land Expeditionigjg-j7. REQU~~E IXTRODUCTIVE D'INSTANCE (V jj) 67

et on procéda I'éniissionde timbres-poste spéciaux à l'usage des
Stablissements britanniques sur ces territoires et en Géorgiedu
Sud. 1)epuis 1944, le Royaume-Uni entretient une sériede bases
hntanniqiies dans les Dépendances, dont les suivaiites (soit nou-
vellement créées,soit reconstniites) se trouvent sur les territoires
à l'égard desquelsle Chili élèvedes prétentions ou a comniis des

empiétements :
Shetland du Sud
Port Foster, île de la Déception O.

La Raie de l'Amirauté,île dti Roi (;eorgc (1947).
Terre de Gruhamet ses archipels
Port Lockroy, archipel Palmer (1944).

Baie de I'Espérniicc.péninsulede la Triiiité (1945).
Île Stoniiigtoii, baie Marguerite (1946).
lle Baml, îles Debenham (1946) *O.
Iles Argentiiies (1947) 'O.
Duse Bay, péniiisiilede la TriiiitS (1953).

1-2Gouvernciiieiit du Iiuyaunie-Uni a expédié des navires A destiiia-
tiori des Shetlaritl tlu Siid et de la Terre de Graham ail cours de cha-
que été aiitarctiquc del~uis1944 et toutes les Ilasesprécitées,Al'ex-
ception de celle des îles Uebenhani, ont éti:occupéessoit en perma-
iience, soit par intermittence par des missions britanniques. Une
organisatioii spéciale, le Frilkla~idIslands Dependencies Szrmey.
fut crééeen 1945 pour administrer ces hases, ainsi que trois autres
situées dans les Orcades du Sud, et pour surveiller leurs travaux.

lles étiideset des explorations trés&tendues,y compris des relevés
tol>ographicliies.furent entrepris sotis sa directiori dans les llépeii-
dniices et sur de graiides étendues de la péninsule de la Terre de
Gehaiii ; elle ): installa égaleiiient dcs stations météorologiqiies.
J..a souveraineté se inaiiifcsta égalenient pnr d'autres riioyciis, pal.
exemple, la iioiniiintioi~de magistrats, I'émissioiide tirnhrcs-poste
ainsi que les protestatioiis tant localemeiit que par la voie diploiiia-
ric1ue contre les empiétements commis par des ressortissaiits
chiliens et argentins. Aiiisi donc, en tous temps, le Gouveriieineiit

du Royaume-Uni a.pris lesmesiires dont il pouvait disposer selon les
circoiistaiicespiliir affiriner et maintenir son titre.
Persistance des prétentions élevées par le Chili dans le décret prési-

dentiel du 6 novembre 1940 et ses empiétements matenels ult6neurs
sur le territoire britannique des Shetland du Sud et de la Terre de

?o. Par note du 29 septembre 1944, adresséeau Gouveriieiiieiit
. .Royaume-Uni, le Gouvernement chilien faisait remarquer à
"Sihge clemagistratsbritaiiniques1910-30.
'OBase drigée etoccupdc par I'expeditioIiriraoniquïn lorre dç <:ralii<iti,

of British postage stamps for the South Shetlands and Grahaiii
Land, drew attention to the fact that thcsc tcrritories were covered
by the terms of the Chilean Decree of Xovcmber 6,1940. In a fiirther
Note of January 23, 1946, the Chilean Government at lcngth replied
to the United Kingdom's protest of Fcbriiary 25, 1941. against the
clairiis apparently madc by Chie in that Decrec to British terri-
tories. The Chilean C;ovcrnment contended, inter nliu. that it had
never been officially notified of the text of the British Letters Patent
of 1917, and that the regions in question had always beeii held to be
Chilean oii geographical,juridical, historical, diploniatic and admiii-
istrative grotinds. Mention \vas also inade of an award giveii by
His Najesty King Edward \'II in 1902, in a bounda~y arhitration
betwecn Argeiitiiia and Cliilc, in consequeiicc of mhich, it was stated,

thc regioiis iiow in qucstioii had bccn coiisidered by Chilc as iiicor-
porated in hcr iiational economy, and she had issu<:<lvarious-
unspecificd-decrees relatiiig to "occupatioii, fishing rights, Brc.".
In a Note of Xoveinber II, 1946, the Uriitcct Kingdom Govcrn~nent
replied to the Chilean asscrtions, pointing out, inter dia. that :-

(1) The British Letters Patent of 1917 ivere by their natucc open
and public documents, and had in fact been published in the
Falklnrtd Islnmis Guetet, and in the British ai~dForeign
StntePapers (Volume III, pages 16-17).

(2) The United Kingdom's attitude was in no way basetl solely
on the Letters I'atent of 1917, but also on the long-standing
responsibilities wliich it had assumed for the administration
of the temtories, for the equitablc control of whaling and
sealing, and for the accumulation of scientific and meteoro-
logical data. The only recordcd Chilean entcrprisc in the
area in question had operatcd entirely under Kritisli licence.

(3) The alleged "geographical grouiitls" for a Chile;rii title were
without aiiy hasis in international law, and werc in contra-
diction witli thedecision in the Islaiidof Pfllr~inarhitration.

(4) Haviiig regard to ziccepted usage ;uid law, British tliscoveries,
British scientific investigatioiis in the area, British adiniiiis-
trative activity and the continiiity of the British display

of the fuiictions of a State, al1 "jiiridical", "historic" and
"administrative" factors \voiild scem to point iiiireservedly
to British sovcreigiity. propos tle l'émissionde timbres-poste britaiiiiiqiues polir les Slict-
land du Sud et la Terre (le Graham que.ces derniers territoires
étaient couverts par les termes du décret chilieii du 6 iio\.emhre
1940. Par iiiie autre note en date du 24 janvier 1946. le Goii\~eriie-
ment chilien ri:p«ndit <leinanièrc détaillée à In protestatioii faite

par le Royaume-Uni le 25 février 1941 contre les prétentions
' a ternies de cc décret; le Chili avait apl~nreinineiit Clevéki
sur Ic territoire britannique. Lc Gouyeriiemeiit chilien prétendit
inter alia qiic le teste des lettres pateiitcs britaiiiiiqiics dc 1917 ne
lui avait jamais étéco~nmiiiiiqiiéofficielleinent et qiic les régions
en: cause avaient toujours &téconsidérées comnicapparteii;ttit ail
Cliili, en raison tl'éléineiitsd'ordre g&ographiqiie, jiiridicluc. Iiisto-
riqn" t1il)lomatique et adiniiiistratif. 11 y était ég+~lcnieiitf.ait

mention d'une sciiteiice rendue en 1902par S. M. le roi Etlouard 1'1 1,
qui arbitra iiiic questiori de frontières entre I'Argciitinc et Ic Cliili
et en vertu de laqiielle le Chili estimait qiie les régionsnctuellemeiit
en cause se troiivaient incorporées dans son économienationale et
avait proiniilguédivers décrets-non spécifiés- relatifs i sl'occii-
pation, les droits de pêche.etc.». I..e Gouvernement du Royauine-
Uni répondit ails allégations chiliennes par iine note eii date tlo
rr novemhre 1946, dans laqiielle il faisait remarqrier entre aiitres

que :

1) Les lettres patentes britaniiiqiies de 1917 étaieiit de par leur
nature mêmedes documents ouverts et publics, qu'elles
: avaient eii fait étépubliéesdans la Falkland Islands Gazette,
ainsi quedans les Rritisl~.a?rdForeign Stnte Pafiers(\vol. I11,
pp. 16-17).

2) L'attitude du IZoyaume-Uni ne se fondait paj uiiiqueineiit siir
les lettres patentes de 1917, mais également siir les respoii-
sabilités d'ancieiiiic date qu'il avait assumées en ce qiii
conceriie l'administration des territoires, la réglemeritatiuii
équitable de 111pêcheà la baleine et au plioclue et I'accu-
nirilatioii de doiinées scieiitifiqiies ct iiiétéorologi(liies.La
seule entreprise chilienne coiiiiue daiis la régioti eii r:;riisc
était exploitée eiitièreinent sons licence I~ritaiiiiiqiic.
, 3). Les motifs d'ordre géographique invoqiiés à I'appiii d'riii
: titre chilieii sont sans fondement en droit iiitcriiatioiial et
' -sont cii coiitradictioii avec la sentencc arhitralc rendue
an siijet de I'ilede Paln~as.

4) Eu égard :rus iisages et au d~oit reconnus, ails cl6couvertes
britaiiiiiques, aus recherches scientifiques faites dans la
région, à I'acti\:ité administrative hritaiiiiiqiie et au carac-
tère iiiiiiterroiiipu des manifestations de I'activiti: étatique
:, de la part de la Grande-Bretagne, tous ces éléments<l'ordre
.; :, .Njuridique n, a historique a et: eadministratif >i seinblai~iii

témoigiicr sans réser1.ede la souveraiiieté hritaiiniqii,c. (5) The hoiiiidary arbitratioii of 1902 hct\veeii tlrgciitiiia aiid

Chile related solely to the continent of America, aiid iiithe
course of it iiothiiig \\,as ever said by eithei- part!. ahoiit
clnims to t\iitarctic territory.

For the purposes of the presciit Application, it suffices to add that
in the subsequeiit dil>loinatic correspoiideiice the United Kingdom
and Chile have maiiitaiiied their respective positions.

31. The Chileaii Goveriiinent, however, has iiot reniained coiiteiit
with challeiiging the Uiiited Kingdom's titles tothe South Shetlands
and Grahani Land iii dipfomatic corrcspoiidence. It has proceeded
to establish in these British territories the following Chilean posts :-

South Shetlaiids-llisco\rery Bay, Greenwich Islaiid (1947).
-Pendulum Covc, Deception Island (xgjj) ".

Grahaiii ~ai;d -Cape Legoupil, Trinity Peiiinstila (1948).
-Paradise Harhour (1951).

Protcsts agaiiist tliesc Cliilcaii ciiçroachiiiciits on 13ntish territory
have been lodged by tlit: Uiiited I<ingd«m, hoth throiigh the diplii-
matic chaiinel, aiid Iiically I)y oficials of the British admiiiistration
in the Falkland Islaiids 1)epeiidciicies. The Chileaii Governinent

has nevertheless inairitaiiiecl the ahove-inentioned posts in the
South Shetlaiids aiid Grahaiii Laiid, aiid lias repeatedly stated or
manifestcd its iiiteiitioii to coiitiiiue to disregard the United Kirig-
doni's prior aiid IveIl estahlished legal titles tn those territorics.

32. III the opiiiioii of the tiiiitetl I<iiigdorii G«veriiineiit, these
Chilean acts, takeii togethei-. aiid related to the coiiiplete nl>seiice
of aiiy Chileaii claiiii prior to 1940, aiid to the pre\-ions coiiipletc
Chilean indifference 10, aiid cveii recogiiitiori of, the British claim.
are evideiice of a quite receiit aiid cleliherate and coiisidei-ed policy

of infiltration on the part of the Chileaii Govemment directed 1c.1
creating a semhlaiicc or fictioii of Chileaii sovereignty, and to plncing
that Goreriiiiient in a position, after a sufficient lapsc of timc. to
argue that aiiy previous British sovereignty was no\\. rcplnced
or overlaid by Cliileaii sovereigntv. In effect, this is a policy of

. ~ ~
" The rïry recïnt cliaractrr oithis çncroachmenr =.il1 be nrit,\riittemptin
February 1gj3. to establish a Chilean hut ou the actual grouiid of the existing
Rritish base oriDeception Islari<l met ivitli forcible reiiata(seefmtnotc r) to
pnrap-aph 36 below).7" AFL'I.ICX~IOX INS~I'TUTISC. I'HOCERI)IXGS (Y jj)

. .
Cimited Relevance in Point of Law of Events after November 6: 1940
'. .

33. The :rets uf the I'arties after Xovciiiber 6, 1940. are of limited
relevance for t\vo reasons. First. the dispute crysiallisetl iiior
ibout Xoveinber, 1940. when Chile iirst asserted her claim i aiid
iïccording to \rrell-cstablished priiiciples of la\\-, it is at the date of
crystallisatii)~~that the rights of the parties arc to be adjodgcil.

The siihseiluciit acts of the Chilcaii Governinent were clearly takeii
with :r view to improving Chile's legal position-an attenipt to
create a title, iiot actioii in pursuaiice of ail existing one. Thcyare
iiot, therefore to be takcn into consideration (Minqz~iers.and
Ecrehos Case, I.C.J. Reports, 1953, p. jg). Secoiidly, eveii if thi:
United Kingdoin had iiot previously acquired a good title, it iiii-
<loubtedly displayed and exercised its sovereignty in and in regard
io the South Shetlands and Graham Land during the period July 21,
1908-No\~einher 6, 1940. Therefore, quite independently of its
earlier titles, the United Kingdom liad already in the periotl 1908-
1940 establishetl as against Chile, ail unimpeachable titlc to the
sovereignty of these territories. Accordingly, the Cliileaii Ikcrce

of November 6, 1940, aiid :dl Chilc's subsequent :retsiii niicliii
regard to the South Shetlarids wre aiitl always have beeii illegal
and invalid (Easter~zGreeftla~tdCase (1933) Series A/B j3. page 64).
Events siibsequeiit to Xovember 6, 1940,are thus priniarily relevant
for the purpose of shojving that, in face of the Chiieaii pretensions,
the United I<ingdom iiid not abandon, Ilut actively rnaintaiiied,
its titles to the territories in question. This is conclusively
demonstrated in l~aragraphs 26-29 above. The United Kingdom,
by its coiitinucd display of State activity ;by protests or counter-
measiires which were always pronipt, ;ilid evidence of the exercise
of due vigilance ; by attempts to settle the-dispute througli diplo-
matic iiegc~tiatioiis ; by activily seeking to bring the dispute to

arbitratioii or judicial settlement (sec paragraph 38 below) :and
5y submittiiig the prcsent Application tothe Court, has energetically
prosecuted its case, upheld its sovcreignty and maintained its
.-.hts and titles.

The Jurispmdence of International Tribunals Negatives the Chilean
Claims and Supports the United Kingdom's Titles "

34. The jurisprudence of international tribunals botli iiegativcs

ilie Chilean claims aiid supports the legal titles of thc United King-
dom, inore especially the awards :ind judgments in the following
:\vdl{l<noiyii&ses :- REQUETE INTROI>UC~~I\.~I~>'~NS.T V\SC)~~ 7O

Pertinence limitée, au point de vue du droit, des événements,.
ultérieurs au 6 novembre 1940

33. Les actes des parties, après le 6 iiovembre 1940, sont d'urie
iinportance limitée pour deiix raisons. Premièrement, le différend
s'est cristallisé vers le mois de novembre 1940, moment où le
Chili a formulé pour la ]~reini&rcfois ses prétentions. Selon les
principes bien établis du droit, il faut se prononcer sur les droits
des parties au moment de la cristallisation du litige. Les actes
ultérieurs dii Gouvernement cliilieii oiit visiblement été posés
dans le but d'améliorer la positioii juridique dii Chil- c'est-à-dire

qu'il y a eu tentative eii vue de créer uii titre et noii une action
decoulant d'un titre existalit. II n'y a donc pas lieu d'en teiiir
comptc (affaire des !Mi.itqzbiersel des Écréhoiis, C. 1. J. Recueil
1953, 11.jg). Deuxièmement, même si le Royaume-Uni ii'avait
pas acquis précédemment iin titre solide, il a indribitablement
manifesté et exercé sa souveraineté sur et à l'égard des îles Shet-
land et de la Terre de Grahain au cours de la période s'étendant
di1 21 jiiillet 1908 au6 no\,embre 1940. Dèslors, indépendainmeiit
de ses titres aiitérieurs entre 1908 et 1940, le Royaume-Uiii s'était
déjà constitué à l'égard dii Chili uii titrc de souveraineté inatta-
quable sur ces territoires. 1311conséquerice, le décret chilieii (lu

6 novembre 1940aiiisi quc toiis les actes ultérieurs du Chili dans ou
à l'égard des Shetland du Siicl. ont ti,ujours étéillégaux et riori
valables (affaire du Groigilniidorieiital(1933), SérieA/B,53,page64).
Idesévénementsiiltérieurs au 6 novembre 1940ont donc cssciitielle-
ment pour but de montrer que, devaiit les prétentions chilieniles, le
Royaume-Uni n'a pas abandonné, inais a maintenu de manièreactive
ses titres sur les territoires enqiiestioii. C'est cequi a étédémoiitré
I'é\,ideiicedans les paragraplies 26 à 29. Par une manifestation
iiiiiiterronipue de l'activité étatiqiic, par des protestations et des
ripostes toujours promptes, par les preuves d'une vigilance toujours
active, par ses efforts eii vile (le régler le différeiid par la voie
de négociatioris diplomatiques, par ses efforts répétéscil vue de

soumettre le différend i l'arbitrage ou à un règlemeiit jiitliciairc
(voir paragraphe 38), et par le fait d'introduire la présente requête
devant la Cour, le Kuyauiiic-Uiii :Léiicrgicliiement défendu sn
l>ositioii. affirmé sa sou~~cr:riiicot maiiitciiu ses droits et titres.

. ,La jurisprudence des tribunaux internationaux s'oppose aux
prétentions chiliennes et corrobore les titres du Royaume-Uni

34. La jurisprudciice des tribuiiai~x iiitcriiatioiiaiix s'oppose aiii
re\.eiidicatioiis chiliennes tout autaiit qu'elle corrobore les titres
juridiques dii Royaume-Uiii, pliis particiilièreineiit si l'on se réfère
:lux senteiices et jugeiiieiits reiiclus daiis les affaires hien connues

The Island of Palmas (1928) 2 Reports of International Arbitral
Awards, 831 ;
Clipperton Islaii~l (1931) 2 Reports of International Arbitral
Awards, 1105 ;
Lcgal Status of Eastern Greenland (1933)Series A/B 53 ;
81incluicrsaiid Ecrehos 1.C.J. Reports, 1953,p. 47.

35. .l'licsï iiiotlern cases of higli iruthority, iiegative coniplet~?.
any Chileaii claim baseclon nlleged historie groiinds of title deriving
frorn succession to siipposetl titles acquired by Spain. Apart froni
the fact that, oii the evideiice, iio original Spanish titles caii be
established at alllg. the Islaltd oj Polmos Case (page 846) and the
Clipperfo?~Island Case (page Irog) clearly show that aiiy such
early Spniiish titlcs coiild not prevail to-&y against long contiiiued
British tlisplay and exercise of sovereigiity. Again, eveii if it were

possible to apply the cloctriiie of geoeogcrphicacloritigiity to islantls
distant soinc 400 ~iiiles,or to a separate coiitiiieiit distant some
500 miles, from Chileaii tcrritory, the Islniid oj Pnlpnas Case
(pays S54-3jj. SGg aiid 870) iic~ativcs coinpletely any Chilean
clatm based or1so-called gcographical grouiids of title. and clearly
lays clown that tlicy could iiot prevail :igainst nctual display and
csercise of iovercignty. .4s to Chilc's plen (see paragraph 30 above)
that she \\.;iignorant of the British titles, it is enough to rec:rll
the facts set out in paragrapli 24 (3) tibove \\,hich esiahlish Cliile's
acquiescence in and recogiiitioii of these titlcs. 3loreover, theBritish

title \vasirqiiestioii of fact and la\\., in no \vay dcpciideiit on Chile's
recognition of it. Iii aiiy eveiit, the Islnnd of Polmns Case (page
S6S) and the Clippertoit Isl(rird Case (page 1110) einphaticrilly
statc that official iiotificatioii is not reqnisitc under general inter-
national la\\., while the EnsterirGreeitlniid Case (page 62) and the
Miitqttiers niidEcrehos Case (page 66)clearly show that any reserva-
tioiis \\.hich might have beeii made hy Chile would not have altered
the chnracter and effect of the British Lettcrs Patent, or of the
other British legislati\,e and atlininistrative acts as maiiifestntions
of liritisli sovcreigiit~l.

36. At the saille tiiiie, the above-iiieiitioiied leadiiig cases show
coiiclusively that the "jurirlical" and "adiiiiiiistrative" grounds
referred to by the Chileaii Goveriiinent strongly siipport the claims

of the United Kingdoin, and not those of Chile. Thris, the Islaitd
O/ l->olnrus Case (page 870) :rnd the ClipperloirIslni~d Case (page

" Thc territones conceriiwerç barcly disçovered iii Spaiday. andthen nor
bySpain (sepnrapr:iyhs6-r nl>oveTliey weronever ]>artonnySpanishdominioii. HEQUETI S~~RODUCTLVE D'ISS.~ASC (EY jj)
Tle de Palmas (1028). Recueil des seritences arbitrales inter-
~ > ..
nationales, vol. 2, p. 831 ;
Affaire de l'île de Clipperton (1931), Kcciieil des sentences
arbitrales internationales, vol. 2, p. II05 ;
Statut juridique du Groënland oriental (1933)~Série A/B, no53 ;
Affaire dcs Minquiers et des Ecrt5hoiis. Keciicil C. 1. J. 1953,

P. 47.
3j.Ces cas inodcrnes qui font autorité s'upposent formellemerit
à toute prétention chilienne fondée sur des sourccs de titres préten-
dùnient historiques d6coulant de l'héritage dc titres supposés
acquis par l'Espagne. En dehors du fait qii'il est dc toute évidence
impossible de prouver l'existence de titrcs originaux espagnols '?.

I'affaire de I'ilede P<tltitns(page 546) et l'affairc dc l'?'de Clippertoit
(page 1109) montrcnt clairement qu'aucun titre espagnol aussi
ancien iic saurait prthraloir aujourd'hui au rcgard d'une longue
soiiverainet6 I~ritaiiiiique, exercée sans interruption. En oiitrc,
n:êine s'il était possible d'appliquer Pa tliéorie dç la contiguïté
géographiqiie ?L tics iles eti un coiitiiieiit sit1ii.srespectivement à

4oo ct joo inilles (ln tcrritoirc chilien, il n'en reste pas moins que
I'affaire de I'île (16 I'alircus (pp. Sjq-Sjj, Y69 et 870) s'oppose
coml>lètemcnt à une revendication chiliciine f«iitli.esur des sources
de titres dites tl'orclrc géographique cl spécifieclaireinent qu'elles
ne saliraient ]>révaloircontre des inanifestatioiis ct tiii exercice
réels dc la sou\~erairicté.Encc qui concerne I'all&gationdu Chili

(voir paragraphe 30) selon latliielie clle n'aurait pas CU connais-
sance des titres britaniiiques, il siifin tic se remémorer les faits
exposés ail paragraphe 24 (3) qui établissent que le Chili avait
admis et reconnu ces titres. I)e pliis. le titre britannique est iiiic
question de fait et de droit qni ne dépend en auciiiic manière de
l'asseiitiment du Cliili. En tout état de causc, dans I'affaire de

l'!le de Pnlnins (page 868) et dans l'affaire <leI'île de Clifipertorc
(page 11x0) il est dit exl>ressémciit<lii'aus ternies du droit inter-
national généralla iiotificatioii officielle n'est pas iiidispensable,
tandis quc l'affairc dii Groëttlnrtd ovierilnl (page 62) et cclle dcs
Minquiers et ries Écrélrorrs (page 66) indiquent clairement que
d'éventuelles réserves cliiliennes n'auraient pu altérer la nature
et l'effet des lettres patentes britanniques, ni d'autres actes britaii-

niques d'ordre législatifou administratif en taiit qiie manifestations
de la souveraineté britannique.
36. D'autre part, les décisions faisant jurisprudence précitées
inontrent à l'évidenceque lesmotifsd'ordre a juridique iet riadminis-

tratif 11invoqués par Ic Gouvernemeiit dii Cliili étayent fortement
les prétentions du lioyaume-Uni et non cellcs du Lhili. Dès lors,
I'affaire de I'ile de P(il?ilns(page 870) et I'affaircde I'îledeClipperton
. .
" Les territoireci>rliiestiuvenaientirpïiiie <I'Ctddcuuvïrts i I'ïpoque iIr
la domination espagnole ct ne l'avaient pas épar l'Espagne (voiparagraphes 6
i II ci-dessus). II n'ont jamais fait partie <le l'empire espagnol. A1'PI.ICATION. ISSTITUTING I>ROCEEUINGS (\' 55)
1110) indicatc that. the British takings of possession describcd in
paragraphs 6-11 of thc present !\pplicatioii created initial British

titles superior to any of Chile's pretended historical or geographical
titles. Thc island O/ Palfnas Case (pages 838-840 and 876). Eastern
Greazland Case (pages 52, 54 and 63) and Minquiers a~tdEcrehos
Case (at page 65) conclusively shoii~that to-day, in case of dispute,
the primary test of sovereignty is the actual display and exercise
of the functions of a Stite in and iii regard to the disputed terri-

tories diiririg the relevant periods. In the present case, it is eiident
from the facts set out in the preseiit .4pplicatioii that it is the United
Kingdoin, iiot Chile that has displayed and esercised the function
of a State in rcgarcl t« the South Shetlands and Graham Land,
and cspecially diiring the decisirc period of 32 years immediately
precediiig the critical date, iiamely, No\'einber 6, 1940, as well as


37. 'ShcUnited Kingdom, in its pleadings, \vil1refer mith greater

particulanty tothe iiumcroiis passages in the four ahorc-mentioried
leadiiig cases and in other authorities ivhich support its titles to
sovereigiit); over the Falkland Islands Deperidcncies. Although the
present Application is necessarily preliminar); in character, the
special circiimstaiiccs appear to jiistify drawing attention to the
jurispriideiice of the four leading cases, merely as an indication of

hon- solid are thc legal bases of the British titles, and hoir dei,oid
of any foundatioii the Chilean preteiisions.

Acceptance of the Court's Jurisdiction in the Case

3% The United Kirigdoiii, having regard tu the lorigperiod during
\\rl;ich British souereigtity has beeii effectively exercised in and iii
regard to the Sonth Shetlaiids and Graham Land, would have beeri
justified in taking strong measures to put an end to Chile'sencroach-

ments on thesc British territ«rics13. Firmly believing in the pacific
settlcmeiit of disputes among nations by judicial procedures aiid on
the hasis oi law, it has preferrcd, when negotiations proved fruitless,
to seek to have itsdispute with the Repiiblic of Chile regarding these
territories submitted to the Iiiternatioiial Court or other judicial or
arbitral triùi~nal. Shus, in Xotes of lleceniber 17, 194.7,the United

I<iiigdoni Goveriiment iiivited Chile and Argentina to whom a
separatc iii\ritation \vas sent, to challenge the British titles to sover-
eigiity I>yiiivoking the jurisdiction of the International Court of
Justice, \\.hich the United Iiingdom woiild then accept. Chile, in
Xote of January 31,'1948,replied to the effectthat, sincc sheregardeil
- ...~ --
laForcible action haiiifact to be takin onccase (nanieiyatlhception Island
in February 1953)"ben a particularly flagrant attenipt was ntoerecta Chilean
hut actually within the l?recincts of the exi-ing and occupied Bbaieson that
island. REQUÊTE IN~lHUIlUC~L.IVa I)'INSTASCE (V jj) 72

(page irro) font apparaître yuc les prises de possession britan-
nique, mentionnées dans les paragraphes 6 à II de la présente
requete, ont engendré des titres britanniques initiaux supérieurs
aux titres prétendûment historiques et géographiques du Chili.
Les affaires tle de PnLnzas(pages 838-8+0 et 867), Groënland oriental
(pages jz, j4 et 63) et Mi?tguiers etEcréhous(page 65) montrent
indubitablement que de nos jours, en cas de litige, le premier

critère de souveraineté réside dans la manifestation et l'exercice
réels des fonctions d'un État dans ou à l'égard des temtoires en
litige au cours des périodes pertinentes. Dans l'affaire actuelle,
il est évident, d'après les faits exposés dans la présente requete,
que c'est le Royaume-Uni et non le Chiii qui a manifesté et exercé
les fonctions d'iin État à l'égard desShetland du Siid et de la Terre
de Graham, et plus particulièrement au cours de la période décisive

des 32 années qui ont imi~iédiatement précédé la date critique, à
savoir le 6 novembre 1940, aussi bien qu'à une époqueplus reculée.
37. Dans la procédure écrite, le Royaume-Uni se référerad'une

manière plus détaillée aux passages nombreux qui, dans lesdécisions
faisant jurispriiderice précitéesainsi qiie dans d'autres documents
qui font autorité, étayent ses titres à la souveraineté sur les iles
Falkland. Malgré le caractère nécessairement préliminaire de la
présente requète, étant do~inéla nature des circonstances, il semble
justifié d'attirer l'attentionsur la jurisprudence des quatre affaires
principales, dans le simple but de faire ressortir combien sont
solides les hases juridiques des titres I~ritanniqiies et combien les

prétentions chiliennes sont dépoiirvues de tout fondement.

Acceptation de la juridiction de la Cour dans la prhsente affaire
38. Si l'on tient compte de In longue périodependant laquelle la

soiiveraineté britannique s'est effectivement exercée dans ou à
l'égard desSlietlaiid di1Sud et de la Terre de Grahain, le Roydliine-
Uni aurait étéfondéà prendre des mesiires énergiques pour mettre
fin aux empiétements dii Chili siir ces territoires britanniquesis.
Mais, partisan coiivaincii du règlement pacifique des différends
entre nations par le moyen de procédures jiidiciaires et sur la base
du droit, lorsqiie les négociations avec la Républiqiie du Chili

conceriiaiit ces territoires se furent avéréesstériles, le Royaume-
Uni a jugé préférable deporter le différend devant la Cour inter-
nationale dc Justice oii toute autre instance judiciaire ou arbi-
trale. Eii conséquence, par notes en date di1 17 décembre 1947,
le Gouveriiernent dii Royaume-Uni invita d'iine part le Chili et
d'autre part l'Argentine à soumettre leurs contestations des titres
britanniqiics i la souveraineté à la juridiction de la Cour inter-
,aEn fait, il eriuiicas où il afallu recouri la force(bsïvoirdans l'île
de la DBception. en fhvrier 195Unc tentative pnrticuli&renient flagrante avait
ïtd faitc evited'installer un baraqueitient chsurle terraimème dc la base
britannique existante ct occupésiicctte île.

her own prctensions as irrefutable, it wonld not be logically justi-
fiable for her to approach the Court". The United Kingdom, in a
Note of Narch II, 1948,reaffirrned its willingness to collaborate with
Chile aiid Argentina in subinittiiig the dispute to the Court. The

United Iiiiigdom renewed its offer to go before the Court in Notes of
April3, 1951, and January 16, 1953, "thout, however, obtaining a
favoiirable response from the Republic of Chile. ils the continuance
of the dispute concerning the sovereignty of the territories of the

Falkland Islands Dependencies iiecessarily threatens to impair the
existing friendly relations between the tmo countries, the United
Kingdom addressed a further Note to Chile on December 21, 1954,
inviting her, jointly with the United Kingdom, to refer the dispute

to an independent ad hoc arbitral tribunal. On the same date, the
United Kingdom addressed an identical Note to Argentina. Neither
of thesc countries, however, has thought fit to accept the United
Kingdom's proposal 'j.

39.. The United Kingdom, in its Notes of December 21 last, stated
that in the event of Chile (orequally Argentina) failing to accept its
offer of arbitration, it reserved the right to takc such steps as might
bc open to it to obtain an adjudication of its legal rights. One of the

steps open to the United Kingdom is to bring the dispute before the
Coi~rtbya unilateral Application under Article 40 (1) of the Statute
and Article 32 (2) of the Rules and, as indicated in paragraph T
:rbore, it is this procedure which the United Kingdoni has elected to


40. Tho United Kingdom Govemment, therefore, declarcs that it
hereby subinits ti, the jurisdiction of the Court for the purposes of
the case referred to the Court in the present Application-(for the
precise scope of this submission, seefootnote Ito paragraph Labove).

The Chilean Government has iiot, so far as the United Kingdom
Government is amare, yet filed any cleclaration accepting the Court's
jurisdictio? either generally iinder Article 36 (2) of the Statute or
specially in the present case. The Chilean Government, which has.

frequently expressed its adherence to the principle of judicial settle-
ment of international disputes, is, however, legally qualified to.

'. Ili<.L~~~,~LII~~I$;~~~.ICJIIUIrI~g.ir1111.r':cntlnii p1rdgr.1111<,,~III\PSrlzal
tlCtIatt~rcuiinitry.towhtch a iiiiiilihr n;icm.ide. touk tlirs~tiiiIiitrYet 6011.
claiti.; (e:<.c:lntiii<OtliriuiirtiSlieilnn<ls ,nri:r:ih.irI.;~ii~li r.<thaieitIhe,.!i
good :and the inference isthat neither \vus

'5The prescnt Application is of course. formally, quitc separate froiiithecorre-
spanding Application respecting Argentins ; but the significancc of these rival
claims ta the same area will not be overloolced. It is a clear case of two rival and
incompatible attcmpts to oust and usiirp the legitimate sovercignty of the United.

nationale de Justice :L lar~uclle le Royaume-Uni se soumettrait
également. Par ilote dii 31 janvier 1948, le Chili répondit qu'il
serait logiquement peii jiistifiéà s'adresser à la Cour l4 puisqu'il

considérait ses propres prétentions comme irréfutables. Par note
du II mars 1948,le Royaume-Uni réaffirmasa volonté de collaborer
avec le Chili et I'Argentiiic en soumettant le litige rl la Cour. Le

Royaume-Uni renouvela son offre de s'adresser à la Cour par des
iiotcs cn date du 3 avril igj1 et 16 janvier 1953, inais toiitefois
sans jamais obtenir de réponse favorable de la Répiiblique di1
Chili. Etant donnéque la persistance du différend relatif à la soiive-

raineté sur tes territoires des Dépeiidances des îles Falkland risque
inévitablement de compromettre les relations amicales actuelles
entre les deux pays, le lioyaume-Uni adressa iiiie iioiivelle note au
Chili le 21 décemhre Iqj4, l'in\-itant àse joindreàlui poursoumettre

le différend à un tribunal arbitral ad hocindépendant. Le Royaume-
Uni adressa iine note identique à l'Argentine, à la mêmedate.
Toutefois, ni I'iin ni I'aiitre de ces pals n'a jiigé,hon d'accepter la
proposition du Royaume-Uni ".

39. Par ses notes tlu 21 décembre dernier, le Royaume-Uni

faisait savoir clliesi le Chili (de mêmeque l'Argentine) n'acceptait
pas son offre d'arhitrage, il se réservait le droit de recourir à tontes
les voies qui liii seraient oiivertes pour obtenir la reconiiaissance
légalede ses droits légitimes. L'uiie des voies oiivertes au Royauine-

Uni est la possibilité de porter le différend devant la Cour par iiiie
requête iiiiilatérale, eii vertu <le l'article 40 (1) du Statut et de
l'article32 (2) dii R6glemciit, et, ainsi qu'il a étéditau paragraphe I
ci-dessus, c'est cette procédure que le Royaume-Uni a décidé


40. En coiisé<lueiiçe,le Gouvernement du Royaoine-Uni déclare
par la présente se soiiiiiettre à la juridiction de la Cour eii ce qui
concerne l'affaire souinisc à cette dernière par la présente requête -
(au sujet de la portée précisede cette acceptation, voir note I au

paragraphe 1). Poiir autant quc le sache le Gouvernement du
Royaume-Uni, le Goiivernemeiit chilien n'a pas jusqu'ici introduit
de déclaratiori par laquelle il accepte la juridictioii de la Cour,
soit de manière généraleen vertu de l'article 36 (2) du Statut, soit

specialement en ce qui concerne la présente affaire. Le Gouver-
nement chilien, ~liiia frCqueinineiit déclaréson adhésionau principe
" 1.a reqitGrc ~orrïspoi><l;inrclativï h I'Argeiitinr(paragrapliç 40) indique
que ce dernier pays h qui une offre identique avait étéfaite adopta lu mGmc
attitude.Or, il esimpossible que lespr6tentions des dei8.z l>uyportant I'iine et
l'autresur Lei Slietlanddu Siid etla 'Terre de Grahain soientfondées. IIfniit eu
ci>nciure qu'ellesne sont fondées ni I'uiirniVautre.
" La présente requïte est iormïllement distinctede la requBtu çorrespoiidatitc
relativeà I'Argentinc.alaison ne manquera pas de noter Ic faitsignificatif que
ces reren<lications rivalesportcnt SLITICS mêmes territoires.C'estun exemple
suirien+ -.-drii~ .-~~~~~i~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~t incomoatibles dans Ic biit <l'éliminer la
soii\.erainetlégitime di, Aoyaiime-Uni et de I'usilrper;iil>iiii18.rlic jiiri~~lii.iia~.frlic i:~iiii11.rliisc~t,~. (~c~ii~t:~~ii~ii~Iy.
UDOII ii~itiric:itic~i,Ilie uie>t;iii.Ai)i)lic;i~i~u th(! I<f.i>tiblof Cliilc
hi the Kegistrar in accohance with the Rules of ~ou;t, the Chileao
Goveriiiiieiit, urider tlic settled jurispnidence of the Court, can take
the necessary steps to that ciid, and thereby cause the Court's juns-
diction in tlie case to be c~iiistituted in respect of Parties.

41. The Uiiited Kiiigdoiii Goveriiiiieiit fouiids the jurisdictioii of
the Court on the foregoing considerations and on Article 36 (1) of
the Court's Statute ; and asks that a copy of the preseiit hpplicatioii
be transiiiitted to the Government of Chile in accordarice with

.4rticle 33 of the Knles of the Court aiid to al1Jfembers of the United
Natioris and othei- States entitled to appear I>eforethe Court, uiidei-
Article 34 of the said liiiles.
42. The attitudc of tlie CliileariGovernmeiit in this case has corn'-
pelled the Uiiitetl Kiiigdom to take the initiative iiiplaciiig the
matter before the Court, and therefore in effect to appear as appli-
cant. The Unitecl Kiiigdom Go\rernnient nevertheless wishes to rnake

the fullest reservatioiis on tlie question of the oiius of proof of title:
It considers that the maiiifest prioritg in tinie of the Britisli posses'
sion of the territories datiiig back to periods varying betweeii IIO
and 180 years ago, and the complete absence during virtuaUy the
whole of those penods, until a quite receiit date, of aiiy activities of
a sovereigii character other thaii British, in the territories, isindicT
ative of a self-eviduit British title, whicli it is for any country
challeriging that title to rehiit.

The Contentions and Claims of the United Kingdoin Government
in the Case

43. Tlie Goi,eriiinciit of the Uiiited Kiiigdoni, iii si~l>mittirigthis
application to the Court, accoi-dingly contends :-

(1) that by .reasoii of historie Rritisli discoveries of certain terri-
tories in thc Antarctic and siib-Aiitnrctic ;by reasoii of the
long-continiied and peaceful display of British sovereignty
froni thedate of those discoveries onwards in,and in regard
ta, the territories concemed ; by reason of the incorporation
of these territories in the dominions of the British 'rom ;

hy virtiie of their forma1 constitiition in the Koyal Letters
Patent of 1908 and 1917 asthe British Possession called the
Falkland Islands Dependencies :the United I<iiigdom pos-
sesses, and at al1 material dates has possessed, the sover-
eigiity over the territories of the Falkland Islands Depeiid- HI?QU~:TI:I~Y.~ROIJI~C'I UIN~IT:\SGE (\:jj) 74

du reglement judiciaire des différends internationaux, a cepenclant
la compétence juridique \,oiiliie pour se soiimettre à la juridiction
de la Cour dans la présente affaire. En conséquence, lorsque la
présente requête aiira éténotifiée par le Greffier à la Képul~lique
du Chili, conforniéiiiciit au Règlement de la Cour, le Gouvernement
chilien pourra, coiiforméinent à la jurispmdence établie par celle-ci,

prendre les mesures ii6cessaires à cet effet et faire par là que la
compétence de la Coiir dans la prksente affaire soit établieà l'égard
des Parties.
41. Le Gou\~eriiciiiciit ilu Koyaiiiiie-Uni foiitle 1:tcompéteiice tle
la Cour sur les corisidératioiis qui précèdent et sur l'article :<G(1)
du Statut de la Coiir. II derraiide qii'une copie de la présente
requête soit transmise au Gouvernement du Chili, conformément

à l'article 33 du Rkgleiiient de la Cour, ainsi qu'à chacuii des
Membres des Natioiis Unies et aux autres États adinis à cster
devant la Coiir, cii \;erto de l'article 34 dii Règlement précité.
42 1-'attitutle clu oirieiiiiit chilien clans cette . f.'re a
coiitr:iiiit le Ko):uuinc-Uriià prenilrc liii-mêniel'initiative en vue
<leporter l'affaire tlevant la Coiir et, en conséqiience, d'apparaître
en qualité de tlemaiitleur. Le Gou\.ernement dii Royaiiine-Uni

désire cependant faire les réser\,es les plus coinpl6tes en ce qui
concerne le f;irdc:iii de In preii\,c (IIItitre. 11estiiiie que, d'une part.
la priorité niaiiifestc daiis le tenips de la possessii)ii britannique de
ces tcrritoires,laquelle s'étenddaiis le passésur des periodes variant
de IIIJ 180ans, et d'autre part 1':lbscncecomplète pratiquement
pendant tolite cette période et jusclii'à une date très récente de
manifestatioiis de soii\.erainetb :Liitres que brit;~iiiiiques dans ces
territoires, constituent I'indicatiori d'un titre britannique évident
et que c'est ail pays qiii le conteste qu'il appartient d'apporter

la preii1.e contraire.

Prétentions et conclusions du Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni en

43. Ln soiinlettant la présontcrcqiiéte à la Coiir, le Goux-emeiiieiit
dii Royaume-Uni soutient en consbquence ce qui silit :

1) en rdisoii des d6couvertes I>rit;inniqucs historiques de certains
territoires antarctiques ct sub-antarctiques, en raison du
caractère continu et pacificlrie des manifestations de la
souverainctb britaiiniquc dans ou à l'égard des temtoires
en cause depuis la date tlcleur découverte, en raison de
l'incorporatioii de ces tcrritoires dans les possessions de
la Couronne hritanniquc, en vertu de leur constitution offi-
cielle en possessions britanniques sous le nom de Dkpen-
dances des îles Falkland par les lettres patentes royales de

19o8et <le1917~1~Royaume-Uni détient et a détenu à toutes
datcs pertinentes la soriveraineté sur les temtoires des eiicies, aiid iri particular the South Shetlands aiid Grahaiil
Land ;

(2) that the legal titles of the United Kingdom to the Falkland
Islands Dependencies, and in particular to the South Sliet-
lands and Graham Land, are, and at al1material dates have
been. supenor to the claims of any other State, and in par-
ticular to those of the Reoul~,icof Chile :
(31 thai iricniisi.(liiencç,[II<-~>reterisiuii.osf tlic Keliiit~litifCtiilc

tu tht:SoiirliSlictli~ndsiiiidi;rati:,iii I.aiid :iiii1ii.ciicroacli.
ineiits and ixetended acts of soverei~rit\~in those territories
are, uiider iiiteriiational lati,, il~egal'aiidiiivalid

M. The Go\,eriime~it of the United Kiiigdoiii, therefore, aslis the
Court tn declare-
(1) that the United Kiiigdoiii, as agaiiist the Kepublic of Chile.

possesses,aiid at al1material dates has possessed, valid and
subsisting legal titles to the sovereignty of the South Shet-
laiids and Graham Land ;
(2) that the preteiisions of the IZepublic of Chile to the South
Shetlands and Graham Land aiid her encroachments and

\refciided acts ~f io\.ereigiit\: iiiur ri:l;iti\e to tliose terri-
toriL:s:ire. ii~iderinternatinii;il l;~\\.,ilicgal;iii(iii\,ali<;

(3) tliat the Kepublic of Cliile is I~oundto respect the Uiiited
Kingdom's sovereignty over the South Shetlands aiid Gra-

ham Land, to cease her preteiisions to exercise sovereignty
in, or relative to those territories and, if called on by the
United Kingdom, to withdraw from them al1or any Chilean
personnel and equipment.

1 have the Iionour to be,

Your obedierit Sen,aiit,

(Signed) G. G. F~TZMAURICE,

Agent for the Govemnient
of the Uiiited Kingdoni. REQUET XTHODUC~~IVE I?'INSTAXCI~ (155) 75

I.)épendaiicesdes îles Falklaiid et en particulier les Shetland
du Sud et la Terre de Grahain :
n) les titres juridiques du Royauinc-Uni sur Ics Dépendances
des îles Falkland et en particulier sur les Shetland du Siid
et la Terre de Grahani sont et ont été à toutes dates perti-
nentes supérieurs aux prétentions de tout autre Etat et
en particulier celles de la Répiihlique do Clii;i

:+) ciiconséquence, les prétentions de la République du Chili
sur Ics Shetland du Sud et la Terre de 'raham, ainsi que
ses empiétenicnts et ses prétendus actes de souvcraiiieté sur
ces territoires sontillégaux et sans cffets en vertu du droit

a. En conséquence, leGoiiverneiiient dii Royauine-Uni deinaride
à la Cour de dire :
I) quevis-à-vis de la République du Chili le Royaume-Uni
possède et possédait à toutes dates pertinentes des titres

juridiques valables et permaneiits à la souveraineté sur les
Shetland du Sud et la Terre de Graham ;
2) clne les prétentions de la Républiqiie dii Chili siir les Shetland
du Sud et la Terre de Grahain ainsi qiie ses cmpiétcments
et prétendus actes de souveraineté sur ou en ce qiii concerne
ces territoires sont illégaiix et sans effets en droit iiitcr-
national ;

3) que la République du Chili est tciiue de respecter la souve-
raineté du Royaume-Uni sur les Shetland du Sud et la
'Terrede Graham, de renoncer à ses prétentions à l'exercice
de la souveraineté sur oii cn ce qui concerne ces territoires,
et, si elle en est requise par Ic Ropuinc-Uni, d'en retirer
toi11oit ]>ai-tiedii personnel et du matériel chilieiis. ,

Vcuillez agrker, etc.

(SignL) (C; .;.EI~Z.\IAUKICE.
Agent du Gouvernement

du Koyaiimc-Uni. ANNEXES

(1)1907-08,Vol.en101.)July zr, 1908. (British and Foreign Staie Papers,

(2) Letiers Patent of March 28, 19x7.(IIrilishnnd ForeignStirteI'apsrs,
1917.18 \',II.III,)

(3) Presidential Decree of the Republic of Chile of November 6, 1940.
Translation froni La A~ztdrtida ChiJe~znby Oscar I'inoclict de la
Harra (Stntiago, 1g44), pp. 23-24,

Santiago, November 6, 1940.

It is the (Iiit?of tlic State to îix, witli exactitiide, its territorial
limits ;
Ui>to tlic uresent the Chihai~ territorial Liniitsin tlrnt part wliich
extcnds townids tlie polar region kno\vii as the America; Antarctic
have not beeii defined ;
The Iliiiistry for Foreign Affairs piblicly cleclared iri ry6 t!ia' the
delimitatioii of the territory 1-efcrrcdtow;is the siil~jjeot preliminary
invcstigatioiis whicli hcid not yet beeii completed ;
The actiial state of these investigations now enables ;I decisinri to
he reachcd iii tliis reslxct :
The speckil comniissioriappoiiited by the hlinistry ior I;oreigiiALfairh'
decree No. 1541 of the 7th Scptember, 1939, havc i:stablished the
boiiiidaries of the Chilean Antarctic territory in accordance with the
data supplicd by geographical, historical, jiiridical and dil>lomatic
precedents which hnvr: heen consiilted aiirl arithenticated u11 ti>the
present tiine :

1 decree :
Ail lands, islniids. islets, reefs, glaciers (pack-icc), &c., already kiiuwii
or to be discovered, .and their les >cctiveterritorial waters, in the scctor
betweeii loiigitudes 53" and 90 West of Greenwich. constitiite the
Chilean Antarctic or Cliileaii Antarctic territory.
Take ilote, communic:rte, piiblisb and insert in the Uiilletin of Lrws
aiirl Decrees of the Gn\~emment.-Acui~l~~~CERDA.-MARCIA M I. RAM.(4) LeltersPatent (Charter) of June 23, 1843 (Pntcnt Roll 7 \'ic1. Part

(5) Commission issued to the Governor of the Falkland Islandsin
Novemher,1847.Extrnct from Lol~don Gnzefte,Xorember 30, 1847.
fsee ih 451

(6) Summary of the Whaling Laws in Force in the Falkland Islands
Dependenciesin ~gzo. (Report of the Interdepartmental Committce
on Research andDevclopment in the Dependencies of the Falkland
Islands: Cmd. 657April 1920.)

Anftex II
Map of the Falkland Islands Dependencies

[See end 01 uolrcme]

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Application Instituting Proceedings
