Order of 1 July 2015

Document Number
Document Type
Date of the Document
Document File
Bilingual Document File












4 CIJ1082.indb 1 28/04/16 15:39 Mode officiel de citation :

Activités armées sur le territoire du Congo
(République démocratique du Congo c. Ouganda), ordonnance du 1 erjuillet 2015,
C.I.J. Recueil 2015, p. 580

Official citation:

Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo
(Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Uganda), Order of 1 July 2015,
I.C.J.Reports 2015, p. 580

N de vente:

ISSN 0074-4441 Sales number 1082
ISBN 978-92-1-157274-2

4 CIJ1082.indb 2 28/04/16 15:39 er
1 JUILLET 2015







1 JULY 2015


4 CIJ1082.indb 3 28/04/16 15:39 580


YEAR 2015 2015
1 July 2015 General List
No. 116




Present: PresidentAbraham ; Vice‑President Yusuf ; Judges Owada,
Bennouna, Cançado Trindéade, Greenwood, Xue, Donoéghue,
Gaja, Sebutinde, Bhandaréi, Robinson, Crawford,
Gevorgian; Judge ad hoc Verhoeven ; Registrar Couvreur.

The International Court of Justice,

Composed as above,

After deliberation,
Having regard to Article 48 of the Statute of the Court and to Arti-
cles 44, paragraph 1, and 48 of the Rules of Court,

Having regard to the Judgment dated 19 December 2005, by which the
Court found, on the one hand, that the Republic of Uganda (hereinafter é
“Uganda”) is under obligation to make reparation to the Democratiéc
Republic of the Congo (hereinafter “the DRC”) for the injury caused by

Uganda’s violation of the principle of nonuse of force in international
relations and the principle of non -intervention, of obligations incumbent
upon it under international human rights law and international humani-
tarian law, and of other obligations incumbent upon it under interna-
tional law, and, on the other hand, that the DRC is under obligation to é

make reparation to Uganda for the injury caused by the DRC’s violatioén
of obligations incumbent upon it under the 1961 Vienna Convention on
Diplomatic Relations,


4 CIJ1082.indb 581 28/04/16 15:39 armed activities (ordeér 1 VII 15) 581

Having regard to the decision of the Court, set forth in the said Judg -
ment, to settle, failing agreement between the Parties, the question of é
reparation due to each of them, and to reserve for that purpose the sub -

sequent procedure in the case ;
1. Whereas, under cover of a letter dated 12 May 2015 and received in

the Registry on 13 May 2015, the chargé d’affaires a.i. at the Embassy of
the DRC in Brussels submitted to the Court, on behalf of the Agent of thée
DRC, a document entitled “New Application to the International Court
of Justice”, dated 8 May 2015 and signed by the Congolese Minister of
Justice and Human Rights and Keeper of the Seals, requesting the Court

to decide the question of the reparation due to the DRC in the case ;
2. Whereas, in the said document, the Government of the DRC states
in particular that:

“[T]he negotiations on the question of reparation owed to the Dem -
ocratic Republic of the Congo by Uganda must now be deemed to
have failed, as is made clear in the joint communiqué signed by both é
Parties in Pretoria, South Africa, on 19 March 2015;

[I]t therefore behoves the Court, as provided for in paragraph 345(6)
of the Judgment of 19 December 2005, to reopen the proceedings that

it suspended in the case, in order to determine the amount of repara -
tion owed by Uganda to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, on
the basis of the evidence already transmitted to Uganda and which
will be made available to the Court” ;

3. Whereas a copy of the letter of the chargé d’affaires a.i. with atétach-
ment was immediately transmitted to the other Party ;
4. Whereas, at a meeting held by the President of the Court with the

representatives of the Parties on 9 June 2015, the Co-Agent of the DRC,
having traced the development of the negotiations held by the Parties
with a view to reaching an amicable settlement on the question of reparaé -
tion, maintained that his Government was of the view that the said nego -
tiations had failed and that it had no other choice but to seise the Couért
again; and whereas the Co-Agent indicated that the DRC, taking account,

in particular, of the time that had elapsed since the delivery of the Juédg -
ment on the merits, wished dates to be fixed for the filing of the writtéen
pleadings and the holding of hearings which would enable the Court to
render its Judgment on the question of reparation within approximately
one year ; whereas, at the same meeting, the Agent of Uganda, having in

turn outlined the history of the Parties’ negotiations, indicated that his
Government was of the view that the conditions for referring the questioén
of reparation to the Court had not been met, and that the request made
by the DRC in the Application filed on 13 May 2015 was therefore pre -
mature at this stage ; and whereas the Agent added that, taking account

of the Parties’ disagreement as to the procedure to be followed in thée
case, it was also too early to discuss time -limits for the filing of written
pleadings ;


4 CIJ1082.indb 583 28/04/16 15:39 armed activities (ordeér 1 VII 15) 582

5. Whereas, during the said meeting, the President recalled that it fell
to the Court to decide on the subsequent procedure in the case, in accoré-
dance with the Rules of Court and the 2005 Judgment, and asked both

Parties for their views on how much time they wished to have for the
preparation of their written pleadings on the question of reparations,
should the Court decide to fix such time -limits ; whereas the Co -Agent of
the DRC indicated that a time -limit of three and a half months to four
months at the latest would be sufficient for his Government to prepare

its Memorial; and whereas the Agent of Uganda, citing the highly
complex nature of the questions to be decided, mentioned a time -limit of
18 months, from the filing of the DRC’s Memorial, for the preparation of
a Counter-Memorial by his Government ;

* *

6. Whereas in points (6) and (14) of the operative part of its Judgment
on the merits of 19 December 2005, the Court “[d]ecide[d] that, failing
agreement between the Parties, the question of reparation due [by each
Party to the other] sh[ould] be settled by the Court” ; and whereas it

“reserve[d] for this purpose the subsequent procedure in the case”é ;
whereas, with respect to the compensation owed to the DRC by Uganda,
the Court, in paragraph 260 of its Judgment, “consider[ed] appropriate
the request of the DRC for the nature, form and amount of the repara -
tion due to it to be determined by the Court, failing agreement between é

the Parties, in a subsequent phase of the proceedings” ;
and whereas it specified in the same paragraph that

“[t]he DRC would thus be given the opportunity to demonstrate and
prove the exact injury that was suffered as a result of specific actionsé
of Uganda constituting internationally wrongful acts for which it is
responsible [and that it went] without saying, however, as the Court

ha[d] had the opportunity to state in the past, ‘that in the phase ofé
the proceedings devoted to reparation, neither Party [could] call in
question such findings in the present Judgment as ha[d] become res

Whereas the Court, in paragraph 261 of the same Judgment,

“also note[d] that the DRC ha[d] stated its intention to seek initialély
to resolve the issue of reparation by way of direct negotiations with
Uganda and to submit the question to the Court only ‘failing agree -
ment thereon between the parties’” ;

and whereas it emphasized that : “[i]t [was] not for the Court to determine

the final result of these negotiations to be conducted by the Parties[, éwho]
should seek in good faith an agreed solution based on the findings of thée
present Judgment”;


4 CIJ1082.indb 585 28/04/16 15:39 armed activities (ordeér 1 VII 15) 583

Whereas, with respect to the compensation owed to Uganda by the
DRC, the Court, in paragraph 344 of the Judgment,

“note[d] that, at this stage of the proceedings, it suffice[d] for it to
state that the DRC b[ore] responsibility for the breach of the invio -
lability of the diplomatic premises, the maltreatment of Ugandan

diplomats at the Ugandan Embassy in Kinshasa, the maltreatment of
Ugandan diplomats at Ndjili International Airport, and for attacks
on and seizure of property and archives from Ugandan diplomatic
premises, in violation of international law on diplomatic relations” ;

and whereas it added that

“[i]t would only be at a subsequent phase, failing an agreement
between the Parties, that the specific circumstances of these violationsé
as well as the precise damage suffered by Uganda and the extent of
the reparation to which it is entitled would have to be demonstratedӎ ;

* *

7. Whereas almost ten years have elapsed since the Court rendered its
Judgment of 19 December 2005 ; whereas although the Parties have tried

to settle the question of reparations directly, they have been unable toé
reach an agreement in that respect ; whereas the joint communiqué of the
fourth ministerial meeting held in Pretoria from 17 to 19 March 2015
expressly states that the ministers responsible for leading the said negéotia-
tions decided that there should be “no further negotiations” since “no

consensus [had been] reached” between the Parties ; whereas, taking
account of the requirements of the sound administration of justice, it néow
falls to the Court to fix time-limits within which the Parties must file their
written pleadings on the question of reparations ; whereas the first plead-
ing of the Democratic Republic of the Congo should address the Demo -

cratic Republic of the Congo’s request for compensation from the
Republic of Uganda, while the first pleading of the Republic of Uganda
should address any request for compensation which the Republic of
Uganda may wish to make ; and whereas the fixing of such time -limits
leaves unaffected the right of the respective Heads of State to provide éthe

further guidance referred to in the joint communiqué of 19 March 2015;
8. Whereas therefore each Party should set out in a Memorial the
entirety of its claim for damages which it considers to be owed to it byé the
other Party and attach to that pleading all the evidence on which it wiséhes
to rely,

(1) Decides to resume the proceedings in the case with regard to the
question of reparations ;

(2) Fixes 6 January 2016 as the time -limit for the filing, by the Demo -
cratic Republic of the Congo, of a Memorial on the reparations which


4 CIJ1082.indb 587 28/04/16 15:39 armed activities (ordeér 1 VII 15) 584

it considers to be owed to it by the Republic of Uganda, and for the
filing, by the Republic of Uganda, of a Memorial on the reparations

which it considers to be owed to it by the Democratic Republic of the

Reserves the subsequent procedure for further decision.

Done in French and in English, the French text being authoritative, at
the Peace Palace, The Hague, this first day of July, two thousand and
fifteen, in three copies, one of which will be placed in the archives ofé the

Court and the others transmitted to the Government of the Democratic
Republic of the Congo and the Government of the Republic of Uganda,

(Signed) Ronny Abraham,

(Signed) Philippe Couvreur,


Judge Cançado Trindade appends a declaréation to the Order of the

(Initialled) R.A.

(Initialled) Ph.C.


4 CIJ1082.indb 589 28/04/16 15:39

Bilingual Content












4 CIJ1082.indb 1 28/04/16 15:39 Mode officiel de citation :

Activités armées sur le territoire du Congo
(République démocratique du Congo c. Ouganda), ordonnance du 1 erjuillet 2015,
C.I.J. Recueil 2015, p. 580

Official citation:

Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo
(Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Uganda), Order of 1 July 2015,
I.C.J.Reports 2015, p. 580

N de vente:

ISSN 0074-4441 Sales number 1082
ISBN 978-92-1-157274-2

4 CIJ1082.indb 2 28/04/16 15:39 er
1 JUILLET 2015







1 JULY 2015


4 CIJ1082.indb 3 28/04/16 15:39 580


ANNÉE 2015
1 juillet
Rôleogénéral 1 juillet 2015
n 116





Présents: M. Abraham,président ; M.Yusuf,vice‑président; MM. mesada,
Bennouna, Cançado Trindéade, Greenwood, M Xue,
Donoghue, M. Gaja, M me Sebutinde, MM. Bhandari,
Robinson, Crawford, Gevoérgian,juges; M. Verhoeven, juge
ad hoc ; M.Couvreur, greffier.

La Cour internationale de Justice,

Ainsi composée,

Après délibéré en chambre du conseil,
Vu l’article 48du Statut de la Cour et les articl44, paragraphe 1, et

48 de son Règlement,
Vu l’arrêt en date du 19 décembre 2005, par lequel la Cour a dit, d’une
part, que la République de l’Ouganda (dénommée ci -après «l’Ouganda»)

a l’obligation de réparer le préjudice causé à la République démocratique
du Congo (dénommée ci -après «la RDC ») du fait de la violation par
l’Ouganda du principe du non -recours à la force dans les relations inter
nationales et du principe de nonntervention, d’obligations lui incombant

en vertu du droit international relatif aux droits de l’homme et du déroit
international humanitaire, ainsi que d’autres obligations lui incombaént en
vertu du droit international, et, d’autre part, que la RDC a l’obléigation de
réparer le préjudice causé à l’Ouganda du fait de la violéation par la RDC
d’obligations lui incombant en vertu de la convention de Vienne de 19é61

sur les relations diplomatiques,


4 CIJ1082.indb 580 28/04/16 15:39 580


YEAR 2015 2015
1 July 2015 General List
No. 116




Present: PresidentAbraham ; Vice‑President Yusuf ; Judges Owada,
Bennouna, Cançado Trindéade, Greenwood, Xue, Donoéghue,
Gaja, Sebutinde, Bhandaréi, Robinson, Crawford,
Gevorgian; Judge ad hoc Verhoeven ; Registrar Couvreur.

The International Court of Justice,

Composed as above,

After deliberation,
Having regard to Article 48 of the Statute of the Court and to Arti-
cles 44, paragraph 1, and 48 of the Rules of Court,

Having regard to the Judgment dated 19 December 2005, by which the
Court found, on the one hand, that the Republic of Uganda (hereinafter é
“Uganda”) is under obligation to make reparation to the Democratiéc
Republic of the Congo (hereinafter “the DRC”) for the injury caused by

Uganda’s violation of the principle of nonuse of force in international
relations and the principle of non -intervention, of obligations incumbent
upon it under international human rights law and international humani-
tarian law, and of other obligations incumbent upon it under interna-
tional law, and, on the other hand, that the DRC is under obligation to é

make reparation to Uganda for the injury caused by the DRC’s violatioén
of obligations incumbent upon it under the 1961 Vienna Convention on
Diplomatic Relations,


4 CIJ1082.indb 581 28/04/16 15:39 581 activités armées (ordonénance 1 VII 15)

Vu la décision de la Cour, énoncée dans ledit arrêt, de régler, au cas où
les Parties ne pourraient se mettre d’accord à ce sujet, la questiéon de la
réparation due à chacune d’elles et de réserver à cet efféet la suite de la

1. Considérant que, sous le couvert d’une lettre datée du 12 mai 2015

et reçue au Greffe le 13 mai 2015, le chargé d’affaires a.i. à l’ambassade de
la RDC à Bruxelles a fait tenir à la Cour, au nom de l’agent deé la RDC,
un document intitulé « requête en saisine à nouveau de la Cour internatio-
nale de Justice », daté du 8 mai 2015 et signé par le ministre congolais de
la justice, garde des sceaux et droits humains, tendant à ce que la Cour

tranche la question de la réparation due à la RDC en l’espècée;
2. Considérant que, dans ledit document, le Gouvernement de la RDC
expose notamment ce qui suit :

«[F]orce est de constater l’échec des négociations quant à l’éindem -
nisation de la République démocratique du Congo par l’Ouganda, é
comme en témoigne éloquemment le communiqué conjoint signé péar
les deux Parties à Pretoria, en Afrique du Sud, le 19 mars 2015;

[I]l sied dès lors, conformément au [paragraphe] 345, point 6), de
l’arrêt du 19 décembre 2005, que la Cour relance la procédure par

elle suspendue dans cette cause, aux fins de fixer le montant de l’iné -
demnité due par l’Ouganda à la République démocratique dué Congo
sur la base du dossier des pièces à conviction déjà communiquées à
la Partie ougandaise et à mettre à la disposition de la Cour »;

3. Considérant que copie de la lettre du chargé d’affaires a.i. eté du doc-u
ment annexé à celle -ci a été immédiatement transmise à l’autre Partie ;
4. Considérant que, au cours d’une réunion que le président de la Cour

a tenue avec les représentants des Parties le 9 juin 2015, le coagent de la
RDC, après avoir retracé l’évolution des négociations menéées par les Par-
ties aux fins de parvenir à une solution amiable sur la question de léa répa-
ration, a rappelé que, de l’avis de son gouvernement, lesdites négociations
avaient échoué et qu’il n’y avait pas d’autre choix pour écelui -ci que de
saisir à nouveau la Cour; et que le coagent a indiqué que la RDC, compte

tenu notamment du temps déjà écoulé depuis le prononcé deé l’arrêt sur le
fond, souhaitait que les dates qui seraient retenues pour le dépôté des
pièces de procédure écrite et la tenue d’audiences permettenét à la Cour de
rendre son arrêt sur la question de la réparation dans un délaié d’un an
environ ; qu’à la même réunion, l’agent de l’Ouganda, aprèsé avoir retracé

à son tour l’évolution des négociations entre les Parties, aé indiqué que, de
l’avis de son gouvernement, les conditions d’un renvoi à la Couér de la
question de la réparation n’étaient pas remplies et que la demaénde de la
RDC formulée dans la requête présentée le 13 mai 2015 était en consé -
quence prématurée à ce stade; et que l’agent a ajouté que, compte tenu du

désaccord entre les Parties sur la marche à suivre en l’espèéce, il était éga -
lement prématuré de discuter des délais pour le dépôt desé écritures ;


4 CIJ1082.indb 582 28/04/16 15:39 armed activities (ordeér 1 VII 15) 581

Having regard to the decision of the Court, set forth in the said Judg -
ment, to settle, failing agreement between the Parties, the question of é
reparation due to each of them, and to reserve for that purpose the sub -

sequent procedure in the case ;
1. Whereas, under cover of a letter dated 12 May 2015 and received in

the Registry on 13 May 2015, the chargé d’affaires a.i. at the Embassy of
the DRC in Brussels submitted to the Court, on behalf of the Agent of thée
DRC, a document entitled “New Application to the International Court
of Justice”, dated 8 May 2015 and signed by the Congolese Minister of
Justice and Human Rights and Keeper of the Seals, requesting the Court

to decide the question of the reparation due to the DRC in the case ;
2. Whereas, in the said document, the Government of the DRC states
in particular that:

“[T]he negotiations on the question of reparation owed to the Dem -
ocratic Republic of the Congo by Uganda must now be deemed to
have failed, as is made clear in the joint communiqué signed by both é
Parties in Pretoria, South Africa, on 19 March 2015;

[I]t therefore behoves the Court, as provided for in paragraph 345(6)
of the Judgment of 19 December 2005, to reopen the proceedings that

it suspended in the case, in order to determine the amount of repara -
tion owed by Uganda to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, on
the basis of the evidence already transmitted to Uganda and which
will be made available to the Court” ;

3. Whereas a copy of the letter of the chargé d’affaires a.i. with atétach-
ment was immediately transmitted to the other Party ;
4. Whereas, at a meeting held by the President of the Court with the

representatives of the Parties on 9 June 2015, the Co-Agent of the DRC,
having traced the development of the negotiations held by the Parties
with a view to reaching an amicable settlement on the question of reparaé -
tion, maintained that his Government was of the view that the said nego -
tiations had failed and that it had no other choice but to seise the Couért
again; and whereas the Co-Agent indicated that the DRC, taking account,

in particular, of the time that had elapsed since the delivery of the Juédg -
ment on the merits, wished dates to be fixed for the filing of the writtéen
pleadings and the holding of hearings which would enable the Court to
render its Judgment on the question of reparation within approximately
one year ; whereas, at the same meeting, the Agent of Uganda, having in

turn outlined the history of the Parties’ negotiations, indicated that his
Government was of the view that the conditions for referring the questioén
of reparation to the Court had not been met, and that the request made
by the DRC in the Application filed on 13 May 2015 was therefore pre -
mature at this stage ; and whereas the Agent added that, taking account

of the Parties’ disagreement as to the procedure to be followed in thée
case, it was also too early to discuss time -limits for the filing of written
pleadings ;


4 CIJ1082.indb 583 28/04/16 15:39 582 activités armées (ordonénance 1 VII 15)

5. Considérant que le président, au cours de ladite réunion, a rapépelé
qu’il revenait à la Cour de décider de la suite de la procédéure conformé -
ment à son Règlement et à l’arrêt de 2005, et a prié chacune des Parties de

préciser le délai dont elle aurait besoin pour la préparation dée sa pièce de
procédure écrite sur la question des réparations, dans le cas oéù la Cour
déciderait de fixer de tels délais ; que le coagent de la RDC a indiqué que
son gouvernement était prêt à déposer son mémoire dans uné délai de trois
mois et demi à quatre mois au plus tard ; et que l’agent de l’Ouganda,

faisant état du caractère extrêmement complexe des questions àé trancher,
a mentionné un délai de 18 mois, à compter du dépôt d’un mémoire par
la RDC, pour la présentation d’un contre -mémoire par son gouverne -
ment ;

* *

6. Considérant que, aux points 6) et 14) du dispositif de son arrêt sur
le fond du 19 décembre 2005, la Cour a « [d]écid[é] que, au cas où les Par-
ties ne pourraient se mettre d’accord à ce sujet, la question de léa répara -
tion due [par chacune des Parties à l’autre] sera[it] régléeé par la Cour»; et

qu’elle a «réserv[é] à cet effet la suite de la procédure »; considérant que,
s’agissant de l’indemnisation due à la RDC par l’Ouganda, laé Cour a, au
paragraphe 260 de son arrêt, « jug[é] … appropriée la demande de la
RDC tendant à ce que la nature, les formes et le montant de la répéaration
qui lui est due soient, à défaut d’accord entre les Parties, dééterminés par

la Cour dans une phase ultérieure de la procédure »;
et qu’elle a précisé au même paragraphe que

« [l]a RDC aurait ainsi l’occasion de démontrer, en en apportant la é
preuve, le préjudice exact qu’elle a subi du fait des actions spéécifiques
de l’Ouganda constituant des faits internationalement illicites dont éil
est responsable [et qu’il allait] sans dire cependant, ainsi que la Céour

a[vait] déjà eu l’occasion de l’indiquer, «que, dans la phase de la pro -
cédure consacrée à la réparation, ni l’une ni l’autre édes Parties ne
pourra[it] remettre en cause les conclusions du présent arrêt qui é
ser[aie]nt passées en force de chose jugée »»;

Considérant que la Cour a, au paragraphe 261 du même arrêt,

« not[é] également que la RDC a[vait] fait état de son intention éde
chercher d’abord à régler la question de la réparation au moéyen de
négociations directes avec l’Ouganda et de ne soumettre cette quesé -
tion à la Cour que dans le cas « où les Parties ne pourraient se mettre

d’accord à ce sujet»»;
et qu’elle a souligné qu’« [i]l n[e lui] appart[enait] pas … de déterminer le

résultat final de ces négociations…, les Parties dev[ant] rechercher de bonne
foi une solution concertée fondée sur les conclusions du présenét arrêt »;


4 CIJ1082.indb 584 28/04/16 15:39 armed activities (ordeér 1 VII 15) 582

5. Whereas, during the said meeting, the President recalled that it fell
to the Court to decide on the subsequent procedure in the case, in accoré-
dance with the Rules of Court and the 2005 Judgment, and asked both

Parties for their views on how much time they wished to have for the
preparation of their written pleadings on the question of reparations,
should the Court decide to fix such time -limits ; whereas the Co -Agent of
the DRC indicated that a time -limit of three and a half months to four
months at the latest would be sufficient for his Government to prepare

its Memorial; and whereas the Agent of Uganda, citing the highly
complex nature of the questions to be decided, mentioned a time -limit of
18 months, from the filing of the DRC’s Memorial, for the preparation of
a Counter-Memorial by his Government ;

* *

6. Whereas in points (6) and (14) of the operative part of its Judgment
on the merits of 19 December 2005, the Court “[d]ecide[d] that, failing
agreement between the Parties, the question of reparation due [by each
Party to the other] sh[ould] be settled by the Court” ; and whereas it

“reserve[d] for this purpose the subsequent procedure in the case”é ;
whereas, with respect to the compensation owed to the DRC by Uganda,
the Court, in paragraph 260 of its Judgment, “consider[ed] appropriate
the request of the DRC for the nature, form and amount of the repara -
tion due to it to be determined by the Court, failing agreement between é

the Parties, in a subsequent phase of the proceedings” ;
and whereas it specified in the same paragraph that

“[t]he DRC would thus be given the opportunity to demonstrate and
prove the exact injury that was suffered as a result of specific actionsé
of Uganda constituting internationally wrongful acts for which it is
responsible [and that it went] without saying, however, as the Court

ha[d] had the opportunity to state in the past, ‘that in the phase ofé
the proceedings devoted to reparation, neither Party [could] call in
question such findings in the present Judgment as ha[d] become res

Whereas the Court, in paragraph 261 of the same Judgment,

“also note[d] that the DRC ha[d] stated its intention to seek initialély
to resolve the issue of reparation by way of direct negotiations with
Uganda and to submit the question to the Court only ‘failing agree -
ment thereon between the parties’” ;

and whereas it emphasized that : “[i]t [was] not for the Court to determine

the final result of these negotiations to be conducted by the Parties[, éwho]
should seek in good faith an agreed solution based on the findings of thée
present Judgment”;


4 CIJ1082.indb 585 28/04/16 15:39 583 activités armées (ordonénance 1 VII 15)

Considérant que, s’agissant de l’indemnisation due à l’Ouéganda par la
RDC, la Cour a, au paragraphe 344 de l’arrêt,

«not[é] que, à ce stade de la procédure, il lui suffi[sait] de édéclarer que
la responsabilité de la RDC [était] engagée à raison de l’éatteinte à l’i-n
violabilité des locaux diplomatiques, des mauvais traitements infliégés,

à l’ambassade de l’Ouganda à Kinshasa, à des diplomates oéugandais,
des mauvais traitements infligés à des diplomates ougandais àé l’aéro-
port international de Ndjili, ainsi que des attaques contre les locaux
diplomatiques et de la saisie des biens et archives qui s’y trouvaienét, en
violation du droit international des relations diplomatiques»;

et qu’elle a ajouté que

« [c]e ne serait, à défaut d’accord entre les Parties, que lors dé’une
phase ultérieure de la procédure qu’il conviendrait d’apportéer des
éléments de preuve établissant les circonstances particulièrées de ces
violations, les dommages précis subis par l’Ouganda et l’éteéndue de
la réparation à laquelle il a droit»;

* *

7. Considérant qu’il s’est écoulé presque dix ans depuis queé la Cour a
rendu son arrêt du 19 décembre 2005; que si les Parties ont bien cherché

à s’entendre directement sur la question des réparations, elles n’ont pas
pu parvenir à un accord à ce sujet ; que le communiqué conjoint de la
quatrième réunion ministérielle tenue à Pretoria du 17 au 19é mars 2015
indique expressément que les ministres qui avaient été chargéés de mener
lesdites négociations ont résolu de « clôturer» celles-ci compte tenu du

« désaccord [qui avait été] persistant » entre lesParties ; que, étant donné
les exigences d’une bonne administration de la justice, il revient àé présent
à la Cour de fixer les délais dans lesquels les Parties devront dééposer leurs
pièces de procédure écrite sur la question des réparations ;ue la première
pièce de la République démocratique du Congo devra contenir sa é

demande d’indemnisation par la République de l’Ouganda, tandis éque la
première pièce de la République de l’Ouganda devra contenir étoute
demande d’indemnisation de cette dernière par la République démocra -
tique du Congo ; et qu’une telle fixation de délais laisse intact le droit des
chefs d’Etat respectifs d’indiquer les orientations visées dansé le communi-

qué conjoint du 19 mars 2015;
8. Considérant que chacune des Parties doit donc exposer dans un
mémoire l’ensemble de ses prétentions concernant l’indemnisaétion qu’elle
estime lui être due par l’autre Partie et joindre à cette pièéce tous les élé -
ments de preuve sur lesquels elle entend s’appuyer,

1) Décide de reprendre la procédure en l’affaire sur la question des
réparations ;

2) Fixe au 6 janvier 2016 la date d’expiration du délai pour le dépôt,
par la République démocratique du Congo, d’un mémoire portant sur les


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Whereas, with respect to the compensation owed to Uganda by the
DRC, the Court, in paragraph 344 of the Judgment,

“note[d] that, at this stage of the proceedings, it suffice[d] for it to
state that the DRC b[ore] responsibility for the breach of the invio -
lability of the diplomatic premises, the maltreatment of Ugandan

diplomats at the Ugandan Embassy in Kinshasa, the maltreatment of
Ugandan diplomats at Ndjili International Airport, and for attacks
on and seizure of property and archives from Ugandan diplomatic
premises, in violation of international law on diplomatic relations” ;

and whereas it added that

“[i]t would only be at a subsequent phase, failing an agreement
between the Parties, that the specific circumstances of these violationsé
as well as the precise damage suffered by Uganda and the extent of
the reparation to which it is entitled would have to be demonstratedӎ ;

* *

7. Whereas almost ten years have elapsed since the Court rendered its
Judgment of 19 December 2005 ; whereas although the Parties have tried

to settle the question of reparations directly, they have been unable toé
reach an agreement in that respect ; whereas the joint communiqué of the
fourth ministerial meeting held in Pretoria from 17 to 19 March 2015
expressly states that the ministers responsible for leading the said negéotia-
tions decided that there should be “no further negotiations” since “no

consensus [had been] reached” between the Parties ; whereas, taking
account of the requirements of the sound administration of justice, it néow
falls to the Court to fix time-limits within which the Parties must file their
written pleadings on the question of reparations ; whereas the first plead-
ing of the Democratic Republic of the Congo should address the Demo -

cratic Republic of the Congo’s request for compensation from the
Republic of Uganda, while the first pleading of the Republic of Uganda
should address any request for compensation which the Republic of
Uganda may wish to make ; and whereas the fixing of such time -limits
leaves unaffected the right of the respective Heads of State to provide éthe

further guidance referred to in the joint communiqué of 19 March 2015;
8. Whereas therefore each Party should set out in a Memorial the
entirety of its claim for damages which it considers to be owed to it byé the
other Party and attach to that pleading all the evidence on which it wiséhes
to rely,

(1) Decides to resume the proceedings in the case with regard to the
question of reparations ;

(2) Fixes 6 January 2016 as the time -limit for the filing, by the Demo -
cratic Republic of the Congo, of a Memorial on the reparations which


4 CIJ1082.indb 587 28/04/16 15:39 584 activités armées (ordonénance 1 VII 15)

réparations qu’elle estime lui être dues par la République dée l’Ouganda et
pour le dépôt, par la République de l’Ouganda, d’un méémoire portant sur

les réparations qu’elle estime lui être dues par la République démocra -
tique du Congo ;

Réserve la suite de la procédure.

Fait en français et en anglais, le texte français faisant foi, au Palais de
la Paix, à La Haye, le premier juillet deux mille quinze, en trois exem -
plaires, dont l’un restera déposé aux archives de la Cour et leés autres

seront transmis respectivement au Gouvernement de la République
démocratique du Congo et au Gouvernement de la République de

Le président,
(Signé) Ronny Abraham.

Le greffier,

(Signé) Philippe Couvreur.

M. le juge Cançado Trindade joint une déclaration à l’ordonnaénce.

(Paraphé) R.A.

(Paraphé) Ph.C.


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it considers to be owed to it by the Republic of Uganda, and for the
filing, by the Republic of Uganda, of a Memorial on the reparations

which it considers to be owed to it by the Democratic Republic of the

Reserves the subsequent procedure for further decision.

Done in French and in English, the French text being authoritative, at
the Peace Palace, The Hague, this first day of July, two thousand and
fifteen, in three copies, one of which will be placed in the archives ofé the

Court and the others transmitted to the Government of the Democratic
Republic of the Congo and the Government of the Republic of Uganda,

(Signed) Ronny Abraham,

(Signed) Philippe Couvreur,


Judge Cançado Trindade appends a declaréation to the Order of the

(Initialled) R.A.

(Initialled) Ph.C.


4 CIJ1082.indb 589 28/04/16 15:39

ICJ document subtitle

Fixing of time-limit: Memorials on the question of reparations

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Order of 1 July 2015
