Order of 13 September 1993

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Incidental Proceedings
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ORDONNANCE DU 13 SEPTEMBRE 1993 Officia1citati:n
Application of the ConventiononereventionandPunishment
oftheCrimeofGenocide,Provisionl easures,Order13September1993,
I.C.J.Repor1993,p. 325

Mode officielde citat:on
Applicationde laconventionpour laprévnt la répressnucrime
degénocide, mesuresconservatoires,ordondue13septembr1993,
C.I.J.Recue1993,p. 325

ISSN 0074-4441 Nodevent: 640 1

1993 YEAR 1993
No.91 13 September1993






Present: President Sir Robert JENNI; ice-PresidentODA; Judges

In the caseconcerning application ofthe Convention onthe Prevention

and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide,
The International Court of Justice,

Composed asabove,
After deliberation,

Having regard to Articles,41 and 48 of the Statute of the Court,
and to Articles74,75 and 76of the Rules of Court,
Having regard to theer made by the Court on 8April1993,326 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13IX 93)

Makes thefollowingOrder.
1. Whereasbyan Application bythe Republic of Bosniaand Herzego-
vina(hereinaftercalled"Bosnia-Herzegovina")filedinthe Registryofthe
Court on 20 March 1993,instituting proceedings against the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) (hereinafter called
"Yugoslavia"), Bosnia-Herzegovina,basing thejurisdiction of the Court

on ArticleIXofthe Convention onthe Preventionand Punishment ofthe
Crime of Genocide, adopted by the General Assembly of the
United Nations on 9 December 1948 (hereinafter called the "Geno-
cide Convention"), recounts a series of events in Bosnia-Herzegovina
from April 1992up to the date of Application which, in its contention,
amount to acts of genocide within the definition given in the Genocide
Convention; and whereas Bosnia-Herzegovinaclaimsthat the acts com-
plained of have been committed by former members of the Yugoslav
People'sArmy(YPA)and by Serb militaryand paramilitary forces under
the direction of, at the behest of, and with assistance from Yugoslavia,
and that Yugoslavia is therefore fully responsible under international
law fortheir activities

2. Whereason the basis ofthe facts allegedin the Application Bosnia-
Henegovina requeststhe Court to adjudge and declare as follows :
"(a) that Yugoslavia(Serbiaand Montenegro) hasbreached, and is
continuing to breach, its legal obligations toward the People
and State of Bosnia and Henegovina under Articles 1,II (a),
II(b),II(c),II(d),II1(a),III(b),III(c),III(d),III(e),IVand Vof

(b) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) has violated and is
continuing to violate its legal obligations toward the People
and State of Bosnia and Herzegovina under the four Geneva
Conventions of 1949,their Additional ProtocolI of 1977,the
customary international laws of war including the Hague
Regulationson Land Warfare of 1907,and other fundamental
principles ofinternationalhumanitarian law ;

(c) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) has violated and
continues toviolate Articles 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10,11.12,13,
15,16,17, 18,19,20,21,22,23,25,26 and 28 of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights with respect to the citizens of
Bosniaand Herzegovina;
(d) that Yugoslavia(Serbiaand Montenegro), in breach ofitsobli-

gations under general and customary international law, has
killed, murdered, wounded, raped, robbed, tortured, kid-
napped, illegally detained, and exterminated the citizens of
Bosniaand Herzegovina,and iscontinuingto do so ;
(e) that in itstreatment ofthe citizensof Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Yugoslavia(Serbia and Montenegro) has violated, and is con-327 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13IX 93)

tinuing to violate, its solemn obligations under Articles 1(3),
55 and 56ofthe UnitedNations Charter;

If lhat Yugoslavia(Serbia and Montenegro)has used and is con-
tinuing to use force and the threat of force against Bosnia and
Herzegovina in violation of Articles2 (l), 2 (2),2(3),2(4),and
33(l), ofthe United Nations Charter;

(g) that Yugoslavia(Serbiaand Montenegro), in breach ofitsobli-
gations under general and customary international law, has
used and is using force and the threat of force against Bosnia
and Herzegovina;
(h) that Yugoslavia(Serbiaand Montenegro),in breach ofitsobli-
gations under generaland customaryinternational law,hasvio-
lated and is violating the sovereignty of Bosnia and Hene-
govinaby :

- armed attacks against Bosnia and Herzegovina by air and
- aerialtrespassinto Bosnianairspace;

- effortsbydirectand indirectmeansto coerceand intimidate
theGovernment ofBosniaand Herzegovina ;

(i) that Yugoslavia(Serbia and Montenegro),inbreach of itsobli-
gations under general and customary international law, has
intervened and is interveningin the interna1affairs of Bosnia
and Herzegovina;
) that Yugoslavia(Serbia and Montenegro), in recruiting, train-
ing, arming, equipping, financing, supplying and otherwise
encouraging, supporting, aiding, and directing military and
paramilitaryactions in and against Bosniaand Herzegovinaby
means ofitsagentsand surrogates,hasviolated and isviolating
its express charter and treaty obligations to Bosnia and Herze-
govina and, in particular, its charter and treaty obligations

under Article 2(4)ofthe United Nations Charter, as wellasits
obligationsunder generaland customaryinternational law ;

(k) that under the circumstancessetforth above,Bosniaand Hene-
govina has the sovereign right to defend Itself and its People
under United Nations Charter Article 51and customaryinter-
national law, including by means of immediately obtaining
military weapons, equipment, supplies and troops from other
(1) that underthe circumstancessetforth above,Bosniaand Herze-
govina has the sovereign right under United Nations Charter
Article51and customaryinternational lawto requestthe imme-328 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13IX 93)

diate assistanceofanyStateto cometo itsdefence,includingby
militarymeans(weapons,equipment,supplies,troops, etc.);

(m)that SecurityCouncil resolution 713 (1991),imposing a wea-
pons embargoupon the former Yugoslavia,must be construed
inamannerthatshallnotimpair the inherentright ofindividual
or collectiveself-defenceof Bosniaand Herzegovinaunder the
termsofUnited Nations Charter Article51and the rulesofcus-

tomaryinternational law ;

(n) that al1subsequentSecurityCouncilresolutions that referto or
reaffirm resolution 713 (1991)must be construed in a manner
that shallnot impair the inherent right of individual or collec-
tiveself-defenceof Bosniaand Herzegovinaunder the terms of
United Nations Charter Article 51and the rules of customary
international law ;

(O) that SecurityCouncilresolution7 13(1991)and al1subsequent

Security Council resolutions referring thereto or reaffirming
thereof mustnotbeconstrued to imposean armsembargoupon
Bosniaand Herzegovina,asrequired byArticles24(1)and 51of
the UnitedNations Charterand inaccordance withthe custom-
arydoctrine of ultra vires;

(pl that pursuant to the right of collectiveself-defencerecognized
by United Nations Charter Article 51,al1other Statesparties to
the Charter have the right to cometo the immediatedefence of
Bosniaand Herzegovina - atitsrequest - includingbymeans
of immediatelyproviding It with weapons, military equipment

and supplies, and armed forces (soldiers, sailors, airpeople,
(q) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) and its agents and
surrogatesare under an obligation to cease and desistimmedi-
atelyfromitsbreaches ofthe foregoinglegalobligations,and is
under aparticularduty to ceaseand desistimmediately :

- from its systematic practice of so-called'ethnic cleansing'
ofthe citizensand sovereignterritory of Bosniaand Herze-
- from the murder, summary execution, torture, rape, kid-
napping, mayhem, wounding, physical and mental abuse,

and detention ofthe citizensofBosniaand Herzegovina;

- from the wanton devastation of villages, towns, districts,
cities,and religiousinstitutionsin Bosniaand Herzegovina; - from the bombardment of civilian population centres in
Bosnia and Herzegovina, and especially its capital, Sara-

- fromcontinuing the siegeofany civilianpopulation centres
in Bosniaand Herzegovina,and especiallyitscapital, Sara-
jevo ;
- fromthe starvation ofthe civilianpopulation in Bosniaand
- fromthe interruption of,interference with,orharassment of
humanitarian relief supplies to the citizens of Bosnia and
Herzegovinabytheinternational community ;

- from al1use of force - whether direct or indirect, overt or
covert - against Bosnia and Herzegovina, and from al1
threats offorceagainstBosniaand Herzegovina;

- from al1violations ofthe sovereignty,territorial integrity or
politicalindependence of Bosniaand Herzegovina,includ-
ing al1intervention,direct or indirect, inthe interna1affairs

ofBosniaand Herzegovina;
- from al1support of any kind - including the provision of
training, arms, ammunition, finances, supplies, assistance,
direction or any other form of support - to any nation,
group, organization, movement or individual engaged or
planning to engagein military or paramilitary actions in or
againstBosniaand Herzegovina;

(r) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) has an obligation to
pay Bosnia and Herzegovina, in its own right and as parens
patriae for its citizens,reparations for damages to persons and
property as well as to the Bosnian economy and environment

causedbythe foregoingviolations ofinternational lawin a sum
to be determined by the Court. Bosnia and Herzegovina
reservesthe rightto introduce to the Court a preciseevaluation
of the damages caused by Yugoslavia (Serbia and Monte-
negro)" ;

3. Whereasbyarequestfiledinthe Registryon20March 1993immedi-
ately after the filing of the Application, Bosnia-Herzegovina, invoking
Article41ofthe Statute ofthe Courtand Articles73,74,75 and 78ofthe
Rules of Court, and relying on the facts alleged in the Application,
urgently requested that the Court indicate the following provisional

measuresto be in effect whilethe Court is seisedofthis case :

"1. That Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), together with its
agents and surrogates in Bosnia and elsewhere, must immediately ceaseand desistfrom al1acts ofgenocide and genocidal actsagainst
the People and State of Bosnia and Herzegovina, includingbut not
limitedto murder; summaryexecutions; torture; rape; mayhem; so-
called 'ethnic cleansing'; the wanton devastation of villages,towns,
districtsand cities;the siegeofvillages,towns,districtsand cities;the
starvation ofthe civilianpopulation; theinterruption of,interference
with, or harassment of humanitarian relief supplies to the civilian
population by the international community; the bombardment of
civilianpopulation centres ; and the detention ofciviliansin concen-
tration camps or otherwise.

2. That Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) must immediately
cease and desist from providing, directly or indirectly, any type of
support - includingtraining,weapons, arms,ammunition,supplies,
assistance,finances,direction or anyotherform ofsupport - to any
nation, group, organization, movement, militia or individual
engagedin orplanning to engageinmilitaryorparamilitary activities
in oragainstthe People, Stateand Govemment ofBosniaand Herze-
3. That Yugoslavia(Serbia and Montenegro) itself must immedi-
atelycease and desistfromany and al1types of military or paramili-
tary activitiesby its own officiais, agents, surrogates, or forces in or
against the People, State and Government of Bosnia and Herzego-
vina, and from any other use or threat of force in its relations with
Bosniaand Herzegovina.

4. That under the currentcircumstances,the Govemment of Bos-
nia and Herzegovinahas the right to seek and receive support from
other States in order to defend Itself and its People, including by
means of immediately obtaining military weapons, equipment, and
5. That under the current circumstances,the Government of Bos-
nia and Herzegovina has the right to request the immediate assist-
ance of any State to come to its defence, including by means of
immediately providing weapons, military equipment and supplies,
and armed forces(soldiers, sailors,airpeople, etc.).

6. That under the current circumstances,anyStatehasthe right to
cometo the immediatedefence of Bosnia and Herzegovina - at its

request - including by means of immediately providing weapons,
militaryequipment and supplies, and armedforces (soldiers, sailors,
and airpeople, etc.)";

4. Whereas in written observations,submitted to the Court on 1April
1993,on the first request of Bosnia-Herzegovina for the indication of
provisional measures,the Govemment of Yugoslavia331 APPLICATIONOFGENOCIDECONVENTION(ORDER 13IX 93)

"recommendsthattheCourt, pursuant toArticle41 ofitsStatuteand
Article 73 ofits Rules of Procedure, order the application of provi-
sional measures,in particular :
- to instructthe authorities controlled by A.Izetbegovicto comply

strictlywiththe latest agreement on a cease-firein the 'Republic
of Bosnia and Herzegovina' which wentinto force on 28March
- to direct the authorities under the control of A. Izetbegovic to
respect the Geneva Conventions forthe Protection of Victimsof
War of 1949and the 1977Additional Protocolsthereof, sincethe
genocide of Serbslivingin the 'Republic ofBosniaand Herzego-
vina'is being carried out by the commissionof veryserious war
crimes which are in violation of the obligation not to infringe
uponthe essential human rights;

- to instructthe authorities loyalto A.Izetbegovicto closeimmedi-
atelyand disband al1prisons and detention campsin the 'Repub-
lic of Bosnia and Herzegovina' in which the Serbs are being
detained because of their ethnic origin and subjected to acts of
torture,thuspresentingarealdanger fortheirlifeand health;

- to direct the authorities controlled by A. Izetbegovic to allow,
without delay, the Serb residents to leave safely Tuzla, Zenica,
Sarajevoand other places inthe 'Republic ofBosnia and Herze-
govina',wheretheyhavebeensubjectto harassment and physical
and mental abuse, and having in mind that they may suffer the
samefate asthe Serbsin eastern Bosnia,whichwasthe siteofthe

killingandmassacresofafewthousand Serbcivilians ;

- to instructthe authorities loyalto A.Izetbegovicto ceaseimmedi-
atelyany further destruction ofOrthodox churches and places of
worship and of other Serb cultural heritage, and to release and
stopfurther mistreatmentof al1Orthodox priestsbeinginprison;

- to directthe authorities under the control ofA.Izetbegovicto put
an end to al1acts of discrimination based on nationality or reli-
gionand thepractice of'ethniccleansing',includingthediscrimi-
nation related to the delivery of humanitarian aid, against the
Serbpopulation in the 'RepublicofBosniaand Henegovina' " ;

5. WhereasbyitsOrder of8April1993the Court indicated certain pro-

visional measures which ought to be taken by Yugoslavia, and further
indicated that the Govemment of Yugoslavia and the Government of
Bosnia-Herzegovina should not take any action and should ensure that
no action istaken whichmayaggravateorextendthe existingdisputeover332 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13IX 93)

the prevention or punishment ofthe crime of genocide, or render itmore
difficult of solution;
6. Whereas by a second request filed in the Registryon 27July 1993,
Bosnia-Henegovina, invoking Article 41 of the Statute of the Court and
Articles 73,74 and 75 of the Rules of Court, and relying on the facts
alleged in the Application and in the first request for provisionalea-
sures, and on further facts alleged in the second request, requested

urgently that the Court indicate the following additional provisional
measuresto be in effectwhilethe Court isseisedofthis case :

"1. That Yugoslavia(Serbia and Montenegro) must immediately
cease and desist from providing, directly or indirectly, any type of
support - includingtraining, weapons,arms,ammunition,supplies,
assistance,finances,directionoranyotherform ofsupport - to any
nation,group,organization, movement,military,militia orparamili-
tary force,irregulararmed unit, or individualin Bosnia and Herze-
govinafor anyreason or purpose whatsoever.

2. That Yugoslavia(Serbiaand Montenegro) and al1of itspublic
officials- including and especially the President of Serbia,
Mr. Slobodan Milosevic - must immediately ceaseand desist from
anyand al1efforts,plans,plots, schemes,proposals ornegotiationsto
partition, dismember,annex orincorporatethe sovereignterritory of
Bosniaand Herzegovina.
3. Thatthe annexation or incorporation ofanysovereignterritory
of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina by Yugoslavia (Serbia
and Montenegro) by any means or for any reason shall be deemed
illegal,null,and void abinitio.
4. ThattheGovernment ofBosniaand Herzegovinamusthavethe

means 'to prevent'the commissionofactsofgenocideagainstits own
People as required by Article 1ofthe GenocideConvention.

5. That al1Contracting Parties to the Genocide Convention are
obliged by Article 1thereof 'to prevent'the commission of acts of
genocide against the People and State of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

6. ThattheGovernment ofBosniaand Herzegovinamusthavethe
means to defend the People and State of Bosnia and Herzegovina
fromactsofgenocideand partition and dismembermentby meansof

7. That al1ContractingParties to the Genocide Conventionhave
the obligationthereunder 'to prevent'actsofgenocide,and partition
and dismemberment by means of genocide, against the People and
State of Bosniaand Herzegovina.

8. That in order to fulfilitsobligations under the Genocide Con-333 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13 IX 93)

vention under the current circumstance, the Government of Bosnia
and Herzegovina must have the ability to obtain military weapons,
equipment, and suppliesfromother Contracting Parties.

9. That in order to fulfil their obligations under the Genocide
Convention under the current circumstances,al1ContractingParties
thereto must have the ability toprovide military weapons, equip-
ment, supplies and armed forces (soldiers, sailors, airpeople) to the
Government of Bosniaand Herzegovinaat itsrequest.

10. That United Nations Peace-keeping Forces in Bosnia and

Herzegovina(Le.,UNPROFOR) must do al1intheir powerto ensure
the flow of humanitarian relief supplies to the Bosnian People
through the Bosnian cityofTuzla";

7. Whereason27July 1993,theday onwhichthe secondrequestforthe
indication of provisional measures was received in the Registry, the
Deputy-Registrarnotified the Government of Yugoslavia ofthe filing of
therequest,and sentacertifiedcopy oftherequest to itinaccordancewith
Article 73,paragraph 2, oftheRules of Court;
8. Whereas by a letter dated 28 July 1993the Agent of Yugoslavia
requestedthat the Court, whensettingthe datefor ahearing onthesecond
request forprovisional measures,bearin mind theneedfor Yugoslavia,in
view of the seriousness and extensiveness of that request, to be able

adequately to prepare its response; whereas on 29 July 1993 the
Deputy-Registrarinformedthe Parties that the President ofthe Courthad
fixed 25August 1993asthe date forthe opening ofthat hearing; whereas
the Agent of Bosnia-Herzegovina, by letter of 30 July 1993,urged the
President to reconsider the date; and whereas on 31 July 1993 the
Deputy-Registrarinformed the Parties that the President of the Court
nevertheless consideredit appropriateto maintain the date of 25August
1993forthe opening ofthe hearing;
9. Whereasbya letterdated 4August 1993,the Agentof Bosnia-Herze-
govina stated that he was amending the second request for provisional
measuresby submitting a "request for an immediate Order without hear-
ingpursuant to the Second Request" forprovisional measures,inreliance
on Article 75,paragraph 1,of the Rules of Court; and whereas a copy of

thiscommunication wasforwardedtothe AgentsofYugoslaviaassoonas

10. Whereas the President of the Court addressed a message, dated
5August 1993,to both Parties,referring to Article74,paragraph 4,ofthe
Rules of Court, which enables him, pendingthe meeting ofthe Court, to
"cal1upon the parties to act in such a way as will enable any order the
Court may make on the request for provisional measures to have its
appropriate effects", and stati:g "1do nowcallupon the Parties soto act,and 1stressthat theprovi-
sional measures already indicated in the Order which the Court
made afterhearingthe Parties, on 8April 1993,stillapply.

Accordingly 1call upon the Parties to take renewed note of the
Court's Order and to take al1and any measures that may be within
their power to prevent any commission, continuance, or encourage-
ment ofthe heinousinternational crime ofgenocide" ;

11. Whereaswrittenobservations byYugoslaviaonthe secondrequest
for provisional measures, as modified by the Agent of Bosnia-Herzego-
vina on 4 August 1993,were received in the Registryon 10August; and
whereasthe submissions therein were as follows:

"The Federal Republic of Yugoslaviarequests the Courtto reject
the Amended Second Request for the reasons stated above and
becauseitisnot based onthe Rulesofthe Court. Aswellasbecause it
is contrary to the well-establishedpractice of the Court";

12. Whereason 10August 1993arequest,dated 9 August 1993,forthe
indication of provisional measures was filed in the Registry by Yugo-
slavia,wherebyYugoslaviarequestedthe Courtto indicatethe following
provisionalmeasure :

"The Government ofthe so-called Republic of Bosniaand Herze-
govina should immediately,in pursuance of its obligation under the
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of
Genocide of 9 December 1948,take al1measures within itspower to
prevent commission of the crime of genocide against the Serb
ethnic group" ;
13. Whereas by a letter of 11August 1993in response to the letter of

4 August 1993 from the Agent of Bosnia-Herzegovina (paragraph 9
above),the Registrar, onthe President'sinstructions,reiterated the view
ofthe Court,already conveyedto the Agentof Bosnia-Herzegovinainthe
context of the previous requests for provisionalmeasures, by a letter of
24March 1993,thatthe Court did not consider thatthe questionarose of
the exerciseof its powers under Article 75,paragraph 1,of the Rules of

"where, as in the present case specificrequestsfor the indication of
provisional measures ...have beenmade by each ofthe Parties",

and that, in itsview,

"those powers do not in any event extend to indicating measures
withoutaffordingboth Partiesthe opportunity ofbeing heard" ;335 APPLICATIONOFGENOCIDECONVENTION(ORDER 13IX 93)

14. Whereasby a seriesof communications, dated 6August,7August,
8August, 10August, 13August,22August,23Augustand 24August 1993
the Agent ofBosnia-Herzegovinastated that he wasfurther amending or
supplementing the second request forprovisional measures, aswellas,in
some cases,the Application instituting proceedings; and whereas copies
of these communicationsweretransmitted to the Agents ofYugoslaviaas
soon asreceived;
15. Whereas on 23August 1993,Yugoslaviapresented further written
observations on the second request of Bosnia-Herzegovina for provi-

sional measures,and made the followingsubmissions :

"the Federal Republic of Yugoslaviarequests theCourt to reject al1
requestsforindication ofprovisional measures,contained in al1sub-
missionsofthe Applicant State,becausetheyare outsidethejurisdic-
tion of the Court, and for reasons expressed in the Observations of
9August 1993";

16. Whereas,sincethe Court does not include upon the bench ajudge
of the nationality of either of the Parties, the Government of Bosnia-
Herzegovina has chosen Mr. Elihu Lauterpacht, Q.C., and the Govern-
ment ofYugoslaviaMr.MilenkoKreCa,to sitasjudges ad hocinthis case;
17. Whereas oral observations of the Parties on the request of each
Party for provisional measures were presented, at public hearings held,
pursuant to Article 74, paragraph 3, of the Rules of Court, on 25 and

26August 1993,bythe followingrepresentatives :

onbehalfof Bosnia-Herzegovina :

H.E. Mr. Muhamed Sacirbeyand
Mr. Francis A.Boyle,Agents;
on behalfof Yugoslavia:

Mr. Rodoljub Etinski and
Mr. Djordje Lopicic,Agents;
Mr. Miodrag Mitic,
Mr. ShabtaiRosenne;

18. Whereas at the public hearings questions were put by judges to
both Parties, and repliesweregiveneitherorallyatthe hearings, or subse-
quently in writing;
19. Whereas at the final stage of the hearings the Agent of Bosnia-
Herzegovina confirmed the request for provisional measures set out in
paragraph 6 above; and whereasthe Agent ofYugoslaviathen presented
the followingsubmissions :

"The Federal Republic of Yugoslaviaasks the Court to reject al1
provisional measures requested by the Applicant State
- becausetheCourt hasnojurisdiction to indicatethem;336 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13 IX 93)

- becausetheyarenotfounded onthenewlegallyrelevantfacts ;

- because of the abuse of rights of the request for provisional
measures ;
- because they would cause irreparable prejudice to the rights of
the FederalRepublic ofYugoslaviathattheso-calledRepublic of
Bosnia and Herzegovina fulfils its obligations under the Geno-
cide Convention conceming the Serb people in Bosnia and
Herzegovina ;

- becausetheylooktothe pastnot tothefuture;
- becausetheymeananinterimjudgment;
- because the clarification of the provisions ofthe GenocideCon-
ventioncannotbethe subject-matteroftheprovisionalmeasures;
- because they are ill-founded on Article 75, paragraph 1,of the

Wishingto protect its rights by making the so-calledRepublic of
Bosnia and Herzegovina to fulfil al1its obligations conceming the
protection of the Serbethnicgroup according to the Genocide Con-
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia asks the Court to indicate the
followingprovisionalmeasure :

TheGovemment ofthe so-calledRepublicofBosnia-Herzegovina
should immediately, in pursuance of its obligation under the Con-
ventiononthe Preventionand PunishmentoftheCrime ofGenocide
of 9 December 1948,take al1measures within its power to prevent
commissionofthe crime ofgenocideagainstthe Serbethnicgroup" ;

20. Whereas, during the oralproceedings,the Agentof Bosnia-Herze-

govina presented to the Court a further written communication,dated
25 August 1993,directed to supplementing and amending the second
request forprovisional measuresand theApplicationinstituting proceed-
ings; whereas at the hearing of 26 August 1993counsel for Yugoslavia
protested at "the unending flood of sometimes heavy documentation"
fromthe AgentofBosnia-Herzegovina,and askedtheCourt to declarethe
communication of 25 August 1993 inadmissible; and whereas on
26August 1993the Agentof Bosnia-Herzegovinapresentedtothe Court a
further written communicationsupplementingthe secondrequest;

21. Whereasthe submissionbythe Applicant ofa seriesofdocuments,

up to the eve of, and even during, the oral proceedings, in the circum-
stancessetoutinparagraphs 14and 20above,isdifficultto reconcilewith
an orderly progress of the procedure beforethe Court, and with respect 337 APPLICATION OFGENOCIDECONVENTION (ORDER 13IX 93)

for the principle of equality of the Parties; whereas however Article 74,
paragraph 3, ofthe Rules of Court providesthat "The Court shall receive
and take into account anyobservations that maybe presented to itbefore
the closure of the oral proceedings"; whereas the Court, taking into
account the urgencyand the other circumstances'ofthe matter, considers
it possible to receive the documents in question as being in this case
"observations" under that provision to the extent that they relate to the
requestsfor the indication of provisionalmeasures ;

22. WhereasbyitsOrder of 8April1993 the Court gaveitsdecision on
a first request for the indication of provisional measures presented by
Bosnia-Herzegovina,and on a similar request by Yugoslavia, and indi-
cated certain provisional measures; whereas an Order indicating, or
decliningto indicate,provisional measures may be revoked or modified,
as stated in Article76ofthe Rules of Court; whereas however according
to that text, the Court cannot revoke or modify an Order unless, "in its
opinion, some change in the situation justifies" doing so, and where a

request formeasureshasbeen rejected, any freshrequest must,according
to Article75,paragraph 3,ofthe RulesofCourt, be "based on newfacts";
whereas the same applies when additional provisional measures are
requested; whereas it is therefore for the Court to satisfy itself that the
secondrequest by Bosnia-Herzegovina,and that ofYugoslavia,arebased
upon newcircumstances suchasto justifytheirbeing examined; whereas,
taking into account the development of the situation in Bosnia-Herzego-
vina in recent months,this condition should be regarded as satisfied;

23. Whereas Yugoslavia has disputed "the legitimacy of the Appli-
cant" and contends, asit did atthe timeofthe firstrequest forprovisional
measures, that the President and Government of Bosnia-Herzegovina

have no status to conduct proceedings before the Court; whereas the
Court has been seised of the second request for provisional measures
under essentiallythe same conditions as the first request; whereas there-
fore the objection of Yugoslaviashould be rejected for the same reasons
asthe Court stated inparagraph 13of its Order of 8April 1993;

24. Whereason a request forprovisionalmeasures the Court need not,
beforedecidingwhether ornotto indicatethem,finallysatisfy itselfthat it
hasjurisdiction on the merits ofthe case,yetit ought not to indicate such
measures unless the provisions invoked by the Applicant appear, 338 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13IX 93)

prima facie,to afford abasis on which thejurisdiction ofthe Court might
be established;

25. Whereas in its Order of 8 April 1993the Court considered that
Article IX of the Genocide Convention, to which both the Applicant
and the Respondent are parties, appeared to the Court

"to afford a basis on which the jurisdiction of the Court might be
founded to the extent thatthe subject-matter ofthe disputerelates to
'the interpretation, application or fulfilment' of the Convention,
including disputes 'relating to the responsibility of a State foro-
cide or forany ofthe other actsenumerated inarticle III' oftheCon-
vention" (Z.C. Rep.orts 1993,p. 16,para. 26);

26. Whereas Bosnia-Herzegovinaalso submitted to the Court, in sup-
port ofitsfirstrequest,as an additional basis ofjurisdiction, a letter dated
8June 1992addressed to the President of the Arbitration Commission of
the International Conference for Peace in Yugoslavia;whereas the Court
concluded that it was "unable to regard" that letter "as constituting a
prima faciebasis ofjurisdiction inthe present case", and considered that
it had to

"proceed therefore on the basisonly that it has prima faciejurisdic-
tion, both rationepersonae and ratione materiae, under Article IX of
the Genocide Convention" (ibid.,p. 18,para. 32);

27. Whereas the Agent of the Applicant has, both in its Application
institutingproceedings and in itssecondrequest forthe indication of pro-
visional measures,resewed "theright to revise,supplement or amend" the
Application and the request respectively; whereas in reliance on these
resewations, by lettersdated 6 August, 10August and 13August 1993,he
submitted that the Court's jurisdiction is grounded not only on theuris-
dictional bases previously put forward but also on certain additional
texts,specifiedin the lettersreferred to;
28. Whereas the Applicant cannot, simply by resewing "the right to
revise, supplement or amend" its Application or requests for provisional
measures,confer on itself arighttoinvoke additional grounds ofjurisdic-
tion, not referredto in the Applicationinstitutingproceedings;whereasit
willbe for theCourt, at an appropriate stage of the proceedings, to deter-
mine, if necessary, the validity of such claims; whereas however, as the
Court has recognized, "Anadditional ground ofjurisdiction may ...be
brought to the Court's attention" after the filing of the Application,

"and the Court may take it into account provided the Applicant
makes it clear that ittends to proceed upon that basis ...and pro-
vided also that the result is not to transform the dispute brought
before the Court bythe application intoanother dispute which isdif-
ferent in character..." (Military and Paramilitaty Activitiesin and339 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13IX 93)

against Nicaragua (Nicaraguav. UnitedStates ofAmerica),Jurisdic-
tionandddmissibility, Judgment,I.C.J.Reports1984,p.427,para. 80);

whereas the Court thus concludesthat, for the purposes of a request for

indication ofprovisionalmeasures,itshouldthereforenot excludeapriori
suchadditional basesofjurisdiction fromconsideration,but that itshould
considerwhetherthe textsrelied on may,in al1the circumstances,includ-
ingthe considerationsstated in the decision quoted above, afford a basis
on whichthejurisdiction of the Courtto entertain the Application might
prima faciebe established;

29. Whereas the first additional basis ofjurisdiction relied on by the
Applicant is the Treaty between the Ailied and Associated Powers (the
United States of Arnerica, the British Empire, France, Italy and Japan)

and the Kingdom ofthe Serbs,Croats and Slovenes,on the Protection of
Minorities, signed at Saint-Germain-en-Laye on 10 September 1919
(hereinaftercalledthe "1919Treaty"), which came into force on 16July
1920;whereasChapter 1ofthe 1919Treatyconcernsprotection ofminori-
ties,and includes an Article 11wherebythat protection wasplaced under
the guarantee of the League of Nations; whereas that Article provides

"The Serb-Croat-SloveneState agrees that any Member of the
Council ofthe Leagueof Nations shall havethe rightto bring to the
attention of the Council any infraction, or any danger of infraction,
ofany of these obligations,andthat the Council maythereupon take
suchactionand givesuchdirectionsasit maydeemproper and effec-
tivein the circumstances.
TheSerb-Croat-SloveneState further agreesthat anydifferenceof
opinion as to questions of law or fact arising out of these Articles
between the Serb-Croat-SloveneState and any one of the Principal
Ailied and Associated Powersor any other Power, a member of the

Council ofthe Leagueof Nations, shallbe held to be a dispute of an
international character under Article 14 of the Covenant of the
League of Nations. The Serb-Croat-SloveneState hereby consents
that any such dispute shall, if the other party thereto demands, be
referred to the Permanent Court of International Justice. The deci-
sion of the Permanent Court shallbe final and shall have the same
force and effectas an award under Article 13ofthe Covenant" ;

whereas Chapter II of the 1919Treaty,concerning successionto treaties,
commerce,treatment of foreign vessels,and freedom of transit, contains
an Article 16which provides interalia:340 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13IX 93)

"Ailrightsand privilegesaccorded bythe foregoingArticlesto the
Ailiedand Associated Powersshall be accorded equally to al1States

Members ofthe Leagueof Nations";
and whereasthe Applicant contends thatthe effectofthesetwoArticlesis
that a dispute to which Article 11of the 1919Treaty applied could be
referred to the Permanent Court of International Justice by any State
which was a Member of the League of Nations; whereas the Applicant
contends furtherthat the jurisdiction conferred on the Permanent Court

of International Justice by the 1919Treaty is exercisable by the present
Court byvirtue of Article37ofthe Statute ofthe Court;
30. Whereas the Applicant contends further that Yugoslaviahas suc-
ceeded to the rights and obligationsof the Kingdom of the Serbs,Croats
and Slovenes under the 1919Treaty ;and whereas,asregards its ownright
to invoke the 1919Treaty, the Applicant contends that, in the light of,
inter alia, General Assembly resolution 24 (1),the United Nations has
assumed the functions and powers of the League of Nations regarding,
interalia,the 1919Treaty,andthe General Assemblyhassubstituted itself
forthe Council ofthe Leagueinthat respect, and concludes that

"Bosnia-Herzegovina, as a member State of the United Nations,
thus isinthe position ofthe Statesdescribed in Articles 11and 16of
the Serb-Croat-SloveneTreaty, namely, the member States of the
League, and thus its dispute with Yugoslavia (Serbia and Monte-
negro) is one overwhichthis Court hasjurisdiction";

31. Whereasin order to reach a decision onthe contentions of Bosnia-
Herzegovinaasto the 1919Treatyasabasis ofjurisdiction, theCourt will
not have to pronounce on the questionwhether Articles 11and 16of the
1919Treaty are still in force, nor on their interpretation; whereas the
1919Treaty on the face of itstext imposes an obligation on theKingdom
ofthe Serbs,Croats and Slovenesto protect minoritieswithin its ownter-
ritory; whereasaccordingly,if, and in so far as,Yugoslavia is nowbound
by the 1919Treaty as successor of that Kingdom, its obligations under it

would appear tobelimitedto thepresentterritory ofYugoslavia;whereas
Bosnia-Herzegovinahas put fonvard no claiminitsApplication concern-
ingthe treatment ofminorities inYugoslavia,and hasrequested no provi-
sional measures in that respect; whereas therefore the Court considers
that, in any event,the 1919Treaty is irrelevant to the present request for

32. Whereasthe second ofthe additional bases ofjurisdiction put for-
ward by the Applicant is the letter, dated 8 June 1992,addressed to the 341 APPLICATION OFGENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13IX 93)

President ofthe ArbitrationCommission oftheInternational Conference
for Peace in Yugoslaviaby Mr. Momir Bulatovic,President of the Repub-
licof Montenegro, and Mr. Slobodan Milosevic,President ofthe Repub-
lic of Serbia, already referred to in paragraph 26 above; whereas in its

Order of8April1993 theCourt, afterexaminingthis letter,concluded that
it was unable to regard it "as constituting a prima faciebasis ofjurisdic-
tion in the present case" (I.C.J.Reports1993,p. 18,para. 32);whereas the
Applicanthasnotput fonvard anynewfactwhichmightlead the Courtto
reopen the question; whereas the Applicant's submission on the point
must be rejected;

33. Whereas it is claimed by the Applicant that

"theCourt'sjurisdiction isalsogrounded in the Customary and Con-
ventional International Laws of War and International Humanitar-
ian Law,includingbut not limitedtothe fourGenevaConventions of
1949,their FirstAdditional Protocol of 1977,the Hague Regulations
on Land Warfare of 1907,and the Nuremberg Charter, Judgment,
and Principles";

whereas however the Applicant has not brought to the attention of the
Court any provision in the texts enumerated conferring upon the Court
jurisdiction todeal with a disputebetween the Partiesconcerningmatters
to which those texts relate; whereas such jurisdiction is not prima facie
established ;

34. Whereas, in the context of the first request made by the Applicant
forthe indication ofprovisionalmeasures, the Respondent also, byacom-
munication of 1April 1993,recommended that such measures, listed in
paragraph 9 of the Court's Order of 8 April 1993,be indicated; whereas
some of the measures so requested might be directed to the protection of
rights going beyond those covered by the Genocide Convention; and
whereas the question thus arises whether, by requesting such measures,

the Respondent might have agreed that the Court should have a wider
jurisdiction, in accordance with the doctrine known as that of forum
prorogatum; whereas however the provisional measure requested by
Yugoslavia in a subsequent request, dated 9 August 1993(paragraph 12
above), was directed solely to protection of asserted rights under the
GenocideConvention; whereas moreoverthe Respondent has constantly
denied thatthe Court hasjurisdiction to entertain the dispute, onthe basis
ofthat Convention oron anyotherbasis;whereas inthe circumstancesthe
communicationfrom Yugoslaviacannot, evenprima facie,be interpretedas "an unequivocalindication" of a "voluntary and indisputable" accept-
ance of the Court's jurisdiction (cf. Rightsof Minoritiesin UpperSilesia
(MinoritySchools),P.C.Z.J.S, eriesA, No.15,p. 24; CorfuChannel,Prelimi-

naryObjection,Judgment,Z.C.J.Reports 1947-1948p ,. 27);

35. Whereas the power of the Court to indicate provisional measures
under Article 41ofthe Statute ofthe Court hasasits object to preserve the
respectiverights oftheparties pending the decision oftheCourt, and pre-
supposes that irreparable prejudice should not be caused to rights which
are the subject of dispute injudicial proceedings; and whereas it follows
that the Court must be concernedto preserve by such measures the rights
which may subsequently be adjudged bythe Courtto belong either to the
Applicant or to the Respondent ;

36. Whereasthe Court, having established the existenceofone basis on
which itsjurisdiction tnight be founded, namelyArticle IX of the Geno-
cide Convention, and having been unable to find that other suggested
bases could prima facie be accepted as such, ought not to indicate
measures for the protection of any disputed rights other than those
which mightultimately formthe basis of ajudgment in the exerciseof the
jurisdictionthus prima facieestablished;

37. Whereas by its Order of 8April 1993the Court indicated,

"pending itsfinal decision intheproceedingsinstituted on 20 March
1993by the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovinaagainst the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) the following
measures :
A. (1) Unanimously,

The Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
(Serbia and Montenegro)shouldimmediately, in pursuance ofits
undertaking in the Convention on the Prevention and Punish-
ment of the Crime of Genocide of 9 December 1948,take al1
measures within its power to prevent commission of the crime
ofgenocide ;

(2) By13votesto 1,
The Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
(Serbia and Montenegro) should in particular ensure that any
military, paramilitary or irregular armed units which may be343 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13IX 93)

directed orsupported by it, aswellas any organizations ander-

sonswhichmaybesubjectto itscontrol,direction orinfluence,do
not commit any acts of genocide, of conspiracy to commitgeno-
cide, of direct and public incitement to commit genocide, or of
complicity in genocide, whether directed against the Muslim
population of Bosnia and Herzegovina or against any other
national,ethnical,racial orreligiousgrou;

B. Unanimously,
The Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
(Serbiaand Montenegro)and the Government ofthe Republic of
Bosnia and Herzegovina should not take any action and should
ensure that no action istaken whichmay aggravateor extend the
existingdispute over the prevention or punishment of the crime
ofgenocide,orrender itmoredifficult ofsolution" (I.C.J.Reports
1993,p.24,para. 52);

38. Whereasthe legalrightssought to beprotected bythe indication of
provisional measures are enumerated in the second request of Bosnia-
Herzegovinaforthe indication of such measures as follows :

"(a) theright ofthe citizensofBosniaand Herzegovinaphysicallyto
surviveasa Peopleand asaState;
(b) the rights of the People of Bosnia and Herzegovina to life,
liberty, security, and bodily and mental integrity, as well as
the other basic human rights specified in the 1948Universal
Declaration ofHuman Rights;
(c) the right ofthe People and State of Bosnia and Herzegovinato
be free atal1times from genocide and other genocidal acts
perpetrated upon Them by Yugoslavia (Serbia and Monte-
negro), actingtogether with itsagents and surrogates in Bosnia
and elsewhere;
(d) the right ofthe People and State of Bosniaand Herzegovinato
be free at al1times from the use or threat of force directed

against Them by a foreign State acting in conjunction with its
agents and surrogates on Their sovereign territory and else-
(e) theright ofBosniaand Herzegovinato conduct itsaffairsandto
determine matters within its domestic jurisdiction without
interference or intervention by anyforeignState acting directly
orbymeansofagentsand surrogates,orboth;

03 the right of self-determination of the People of Bosnia and
(g) thebasic right ofsovereignexistenceforthe Peopleand Stateof

(h) the right of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina to con-
tinue to existas a Member state ofthe United Nations Organi-

39. Whereas however, with respect to the measures requested, the
Court is,forthe reasonsexplained above,confinedto the consideration of
such rights under the Genocide Convention as might form the subject-
matter of ajudgment ofthe Court inthe exerciseof itsjurisdiction under
Article IX of that Convention; whereasthe rights listed at (a)to(g)were
asserted in almostidenticalterms, and their protection was claimedto be
necessary,in the firstrequest ofBosnia-Herzegovinaforprovisional mea-
sures,filed on 20March 1993;whereas ofthe rights listed onlythat indi-
cated in paragraph (c)is such that it may prima facie to some extent fa11
within the rights arising under the Genocide Convention; and whereas it
wasthereforeinrelation to that paragraph and forthe protection ofrights

under the Convention that theCourt indicatedprovisionalmeasuresin its
Order of 8April 1993;whereasaccordingly it isfor Bosnia-Herzegovina,
havingfiled a second request forthe indication of provisional measures,
to show that such further measures are necessary for the protection of
those rights;

40. Whereasthe listofmeasureswhichthe Applicant now requeststhe
Courtto indicate,set out inparagraph 6above,includescertain measures
(and inparticular those numbered 5,7,9 and 10on that list)whichwould
be addressed to States or entitiesnot parties to the proceedings; whereas
the Applicanthasexplained that itisnot askingforanOrder bindingupon
any Stateother than the Parties,but for a clarification of the Applicant's
rights"which canbeused inthe SecurityCouncil and the General Assem-
bly and elsewhere"; whereas the judgment in a particular caseby which
disputed rights maybe adjudged bythe Courtto belong to the Applicant
or to the Respondent has, in accordance with Article 59of the Statute of

the Court, "no binding forceexcept betweenthe parties"; whereas accord-
inglythe Court may, for the prese~ation of those rights, indicate provi-
sional measuresto betaken bythe parties,but not bythird Statesor other
entities who would not be bound by the eventualjudgment to recognize
and respect those rights; whereas consequently the Court cannot, in the
exerciseof its powerto indicate provisionalmeasures,indicate byway of
"clarification" that those States or entities should take, or refrain from,
specific action in relation to the acts of genocide which the Applicant
allegesare being committed in Bosnia-Herzegovina;

41. Whereasthree of the measures requested by the Applicant (those
numbered 4,6 and 8 on the list in paragraph 6 above) provide that the
Government of Bosnia-Herzegovina "must have the means" to prevent
the commission of genocide, and to defend its people against genocide,345 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13IX 93)

and "must have the ability to obtain military weapons, equipment, and
supplies"from the otherparties tothe Genocide Convention; whereas the
Applicant has made it clear in its written and oral observations that it
bases these proposed measures on the Genocide Convention and on the
right of self-defencereferredto inArticle 51of the United Nations Char-
ter, and on its claim thatbecause of the arms embargo laid down by the
SecurityCouncil by resolution 713(199l), the Applicant isunable to pro-
tect its people from genocide; whereas a similar claim was before the
Court when it examined the first request for provisionalmeasures,when
some of the requested measures were directed to the question of self-
defence,but were not regarded by the Court as within the scope of the
jurisdiction under Article IX of the Genocide Convention; whereas Ar-
ticle 41 of theStatute empowers the Court to indicate measures "which
ought to betaken to preserve the respectiverights of eitherparty", and for
the reasons giveninparagraph 39 abovethis means measures which ought

to be taken by one or both parties to thecase; whereas however it is clear
thatthe intention ofthe Applicant in requesting these measures isnot that
the Court indicate thatthe Respondent oughtto take certain stepsforthe
prese~ation of the Applicant's rights, but rather that the Court make a
declaration of what those rights are,which "would clarifythe legal situa-
tion for theentire international community", inparticular the members of
the United Nations Security Council; whereas accordingly this request
must be regarded as outside the scope of Article 41of the Statute;

42. Whereas two of the measures requested by the Applicant (those
numbered 2and 3on the listinparagraph 6above) relatetothepossibility
of "partition and dismemberment7',annexation or incorporation of the
sovereign territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina (and this question is also

referred to inmeasuresnumbers 6and 7);whereasit appears totheCourt,
from the definition of genocideinArticle II of the Genocide Convention
(set out, sofar as relevant, inparagraph 39ofthe Court's Order of 8April
1993),that its essential characteristic is the intended destruction of "a
national,ethnical,racial orreligious group", and notthe disappearance of
a State asa subject ofinternational lawor a change in itsconstitution or its
territory; whereas,accordingly, the Court isunable to accept, forthe pur-
pose ofthe presentrequestfor the indication ofprovisionalmeasures, that
a "partition and dismemberment", or annexation of a sovereign State, or
itsincorporationintoanother State,couldin itselfconstitutean actof geno-
cide and thus a matter falling within the jurisdiction of the Court under
Article IX ofthe Genocide Convention; whereas, on the otherhand, inso
far asitisthe Applicant's contention thatsuch "partition and dismember-
ment", annexation or incorporation willresultfrom genocide, the Court,
in itsOrder of 8April 1993has alreadyindicated that Yugoslavia should347 APPLICATIONOFGENOCIDECONVENTION(ORDER 13IX93)

Bosnia-Herzegovina; whereas furthermore, as the Court noted in para-
graph 45of itsOrder of 8April1993, both Yugoslaviaand Bosnia-Herze-
govina are under a clearobligationto do al1in their power to preventthe
commissionof anyacts ofgenocide, and byparagraph 52Bofthat Order
the Court indicated that both Bosnia-Herzegovinaand Yugoslaviashould
nottakeanyaction and should ensurethat no action istaken whichmight
aggravate or extend the existing dispute over the prevention or punish-
mnent of the crime of genocide, or render it more difficult of solution;
whereas the Court does not find that the circumstances, as they now
present themselves to the Court, are such as to require a more specific

indication ofmeasuresaddressed to Bosnia-Herzegovinasoasto recallto
it both itsundoubted obligationsunder the GenocideConvention,and the
need to refrain from action of thekind contemplated by paragraph 52B
ofthe Court's Order of 8April 1993;

47. Whereas Article 75,paragraph 2, of the Rules of Court recognizes
the power ofthe Court, when a request forprovisional measureshas been
made, to indicate measures that are in whole or in part other than those
requested ;
48. Whereas the Court, in the context of the present proceedings on a
request forprovisional measures,has in accordance with Article41ofthe
Statute to consider the circumstances drawnto itsattention andto deter-
minewhether those circumstancesrequirethe indication offurther provi-
sional measures to be taken by the Parties for the protection of rights
under the Genocide Convention; whereas however the Court cannot
make definitivefindings of fact or of imputability, and the right of each
Partyto disputethe facts alleged againstit,to challengethe attribution to

it of responsibilityfor those facts,and to submit arguments in respect of
the merits, must remain unaffected bythe Court's decision;

49. Whereasinparagraph 45ofitsOrder of8April1993theCourt con-
cludedthatthere wasagraveriskofactsofgenocidebeingcommittedand
that Yugoslaviaand Bosnia-Herzegovina,whetheror not any such actsin
thepast maybelegallyimputable tothem,wereunder aclearobligationto
do al1in their power to prevent the commission of any such acts in the
50. Whereas Article 1 of the Genocide Convention, quoted by the
Court in the same paragraph of its Order of 8April 1993,provides that:

"The Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether com-
mitted in time of peace or in time of war, is a crimeunder interna-
tional lawwhichthey undertake to prevent and to punish" ;348 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13IX 93)

whereas al1parties to the Convention have thus undertaken "to prevent

andto punish" the crime of genocide;
51. Whereas, as the Court recorded in its Order of 8 April 1993,the
crime of genocide "shocks the conscience of mankind, results in great
lossesto humanity ...and is contrary to moral law and to the spirit and
aims of the United Nations", in the words of General Assemblyresolu-
tion 96(1)of 11December 1946on "The Crime of Genocide";

52. Whereas, since the Order of 8 April 1993was made, and despite
that Order, and despite many resolutions of the SecurityCouncil of the
United Nations, great suffering and lossof lifehasbeen sustained bythe
population ofBosnia-Herzegovinaincircumstanceswhichshockthe con-
science of mankind and flagrantlyconflict with moral law and the spirit
and aimsof the United Nations :

53. Whereas, sincethe Order of 8April1993 was made, the graverisk
which the Court then apprehended of action being taken which may
aggravateor extend the existingdispute overthe prevention and punish-

ment ofthe crime ofgenocide, or render it moredifficult of solution,has
been deepened by the persistence of conflicts on the territory ofosnia-
Herzegovina and the commission of heinous acts in the course of those
54. Whereas the Security Council of the United Nations in resolu-
tion 819(1993)of16 April1993 took note ofthe Court's Order of 8April
1993in which the Court indicated that the Federal Republic of Yugo-
slavia(Serbiaand Montenegro)shouldtake al1measures withinits power
to prevent the commission of the crime of genocide, and whereas the
Security Council in that resolution reaffirmed its condemnation of al1
violations of international humanitarian law, in particular the practice
of "ethnic cleansing";

55. Whereas the Security Council of the United Nations in resolu-
tion 859 (1993)of 24 August 1993which, inter alia, affirmed the con-
tinuing membership of Bosnia-Herzegovina in the United Nations,

reaffirmed the principle ofthe unacceptability ofthe acquisition ofterri-
torybyforceand recalledthat ofindividual responsibilityforthe perpetra-
tion ofwar crimesand otherviolationsofinternationalhumanitarian law;

56. Whereas the Security Council of the United Nations, by resolu-
tions 808(1993)of 22 February 1993and 827(1993)of 25 May 1993,has
established an international tribunal for the prosecution of persons
responsible for serious violations of humanitarian law committed in the
territory ofthe formerYugoslavia;
57. WhereastheCourt, while takinginto account, interalia,the replies
ofthetwo Partiesto a questionput to them atthe hearings astowhatsteps
had been taken bythem "to ensure compliancewiththe Court's Order of
8April 1993",isnot satisfied that al1that might havebeen done hasbeendone to prevent commission of the crime of genocide in the territory of
Bosnia-Henegovina, and to ensure that no action is taken which may
aggravateor extend the existing dispute orrenderitmoredifficult ofsolu-
58. Whereas, asthe Court has previouslyfound,

"When theCourtfindsthatthe situationrequires that measures of
this kind should be taken, it is incumbent on each party to take the
Court's indication seriouslyintoaccount ..."(MilitaryandParamili-
taryActivitiesinandagainst Nicaragua(Nicaraguav. UnitedStates of
America),Judgment,I.C.J.Reports 1986,p. 144,para. 289);

whereasthis isparticularly so in such a situation as now exists in Bosnia-
Herzegovina where no reparation could efface the results of conduct
which the Court may mle to have been contraryto international law;

59. Whereas the present perilous situation demands, not an indica-
tion of provisional measures additional to those indicated by the
Court's Order of 8April1993, setout in paragraph 37above, but immedi-
ate and effectiveimplementation of those measures;

60. Whereas the decision given in the present proceedings in no way
prejudges the question of the jurisdiction of the Court to deal with the
merits of the case, or any questions relating to the admissibility of the
Application, or relating to the merits themselves, and leaves unaffected

the right of the Governments of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Yugoslavia to
submitargumentsin respect of those questions ;

61. For these reasons,

(1) By 13votes to 2,

ReaffImisthe provisional measure indicated in paragraph 52 A (1) of
the Order made by the Court on 8 April 1993,which should be immedi-
ately and effectivelyimplemented;

IN FAVOUR: PresidentSir Robert Jennings; Vice-PresidenO t da; Judges
Schwebel,Bedjaoui,Ni, Evensen,Guillaume, Shahabuddeen,Aguilar
Mawdsley,Weeramantry,Ajibola, Herczegh; Judge ad hoc Lauter-
pacht ;
AGAINST :JudgeTarassov ;Judgead hocKreCa ;
(2) By 13votes to 2,

Reaffirmsthe provisional measure indicated in paragraph 52 A (2) of
the Order made by the Court on 8 April 1993,which should be immedi-
ately and effectivelyimplemented;350 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13IX 93)

IN FAVOUR: PresidentSir Robert Jennings;Vice-îresidenOda; Judges
Schwebel,Bedjaoui,Ni, Evensen,Guillaume,Shahabuddeen,Aguilar
Mawdsley, Weeramantry,Ajibola, Herczegh; Judge ad hoc Lauter-
AGAINST :JudgeTarassov;Judge ad hocKreCa;

(3) By 14votes to 1,

ReafJirmsthe provisional measure indicated in paragraph 52 B of the
Order made by theCourt on 8April 1993,which should be immediately
and effectivelyimplemented.

IN FAVOUR : PresidenSir Robert Jennings; Vice-PresideOda; Judges
Aguilar Mawdsley,Weeramantry,Ajibola, Herczegh; Judge ad hoc
AGAINST :Judgead hoc KreCa.

Done in English and in French, the English text being authoritative, at
the Peace Palace, The Hague,this thirteenth day of September, oneou-

sand nine hundred and ninety-three, infour copies, one of which willbe
placed inthe archives ofthe Court and the otherstransmitted respectively
to the Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, theGov-
ernment ofthe Federal Republic ofYugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro),
and tothe Secretary-General ofthe United Nations fortransmission tothe
Security Council.

(Signed) R.Y. JENNINGS,


(Signed)Eduardo VALENCIA-OSPINA,

Vice-President ODAappends a declaration to the Order of the Court.

LAUTERPACa pTpend separate opinions to the Order of the Court.

Judge TARASSO and Judge ad hocKRE~A append dissentingopinions
to the Order of theCourt.



Bilingual Content














ORDONNANCE DU 13 SEPTEMBRE 1993 Officia1citati:n
Application of the ConventiononereventionandPunishment
oftheCrimeofGenocide,Provisionl easures,Order13September1993,
I.C.J.Repor1993,p. 325

Mode officielde citat:on
Applicationde laconventionpour laprévnt la répressnucrime
degénocide, mesuresconservatoires,ordondue13septembr1993,
C.I.J.Recue1993,p. 325

ISSN 0074-4441 Nodevent: 640 1

1993 YEAR 1993
No.91 13 September1993






Present: President Sir Robert JENNI; ice-PresidentODA; Judges

In the caseconcerning application ofthe Convention onthe Prevention

and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide,
The International Court of Justice,

Composed asabove,
After deliberation,

Having regard to Articles,41 and 48 of the Statute of the Court,
and to Articles74,75 and 76of the Rules of Court,
Having regard to theer made by the Court on 8April1993, COUR INTERNATIONALE DE JUSTICE

ANNÉE 1993 1993
Rôle général
13 septembre 1993






Présents:Sir Robert JENNINGS,Prési;t M. ODA, Vice-Présid;t
HERCZEGH ju,ges; MM. LAUTERPACHKT,E~Ajuges ad hoc;

En l'affaire reàal'application de la convention pour la prévention

etla répressiondu crime de génocide,
La Cour internationale de Justice,

Ainsi composée,
Après délibéen chambre du conseil,

Vulesarticles,36,41 et48du Statut dela Cour etlesarticles73,74,75
et 76de son Règlement,
Vul'ordonnance rendue parla Cour le 8avril 1993,326 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13IX 93)

Makes thefollowingOrder.
1. Whereasbyan Application bythe Republic of Bosniaand Herzego-
vina(hereinaftercalled"Bosnia-Herzegovina")filedinthe Registryofthe
Court on 20 March 1993,instituting proceedings against the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) (hereinafter called
"Yugoslavia"), Bosnia-Herzegovina,basing thejurisdiction of the Court

on ArticleIXofthe Convention onthe Preventionand Punishment ofthe
Crime of Genocide, adopted by the General Assembly of the
United Nations on 9 December 1948 (hereinafter called the "Geno-
cide Convention"), recounts a series of events in Bosnia-Herzegovina
from April 1992up to the date of Application which, in its contention,
amount to acts of genocide within the definition given in the Genocide
Convention; and whereas Bosnia-Herzegovinaclaimsthat the acts com-
plained of have been committed by former members of the Yugoslav
People'sArmy(YPA)and by Serb militaryand paramilitary forces under
the direction of, at the behest of, and with assistance from Yugoslavia,
and that Yugoslavia is therefore fully responsible under international
law fortheir activities

2. Whereason the basis ofthe facts allegedin the Application Bosnia-
Henegovina requeststhe Court to adjudge and declare as follows :
"(a) that Yugoslavia(Serbiaand Montenegro) hasbreached, and is
continuing to breach, its legal obligations toward the People
and State of Bosnia and Henegovina under Articles 1,II (a),
II(b),II(c),II(d),II1(a),III(b),III(c),III(d),III(e),IVand Vof

(b) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) has violated and is
continuing to violate its legal obligations toward the People
and State of Bosnia and Herzegovina under the four Geneva
Conventions of 1949,their Additional ProtocolI of 1977,the
customary international laws of war including the Hague
Regulationson Land Warfare of 1907,and other fundamental
principles ofinternationalhumanitarian law ;

(c) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) has violated and
continues toviolate Articles 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10,11.12,13,
15,16,17, 18,19,20,21,22,23,25,26 and 28 of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights with respect to the citizens of
Bosniaand Herzegovina;
(d) that Yugoslavia(Serbiaand Montenegro), in breach ofitsobli-

gations under general and customary international law, has
killed, murdered, wounded, raped, robbed, tortured, kid-
napped, illegally detained, and exterminated the citizens of
Bosniaand Herzegovina,and iscontinuingto do so ;
(e) that in itstreatment ofthe citizensof Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Yugoslavia(Serbia and Montenegro) has violated, and is con- Rend l'ordonnance suivante:
1. Considérant que, dans une requête introductive d'instance
contre la République fédérative de Yougoslavie(Serbie et Monténégro)
(ci-aprèsdénommée«Yougoslavie »), déposéeau Greffe de la Cour le
20 mars 1993,la République de Bosnie-Herzégovine (ci-aprèsdénom-
mée «Bosnie-Herzégovine»)fonde la compétence de la Cour sur l'ar-
ticle IX de la convention pour la prévention etla répression du crime

de génocide, adoptée par l'Assembléegénéraledes Nations Unies le
9 décembre 1948 (ci-après dénomméela «convention sur le géno-
cide~); qu'elle relate une série d'événements survenue sn Bosnie-Herzé-
govine d'avril 1992jusqu'à la date de la requête, événements qui, selon
elle, sont assimilables à des actes de génocide au sens de la défini-
tion qu'en donne la convention sur le génocide; et considérant que
la Bosnie-Herzégovinesoutient que les actes qu'elle dénonce ont été
commis par d'anciens membres de l'armée populaire yougoslave et
par des forces militaires et paramilitaires serbes agissant sous la
direction, sur l'ordre et avec l'aide de la Yougoslavie, et que la Yougo-
slavie est donc entièrement responsable en droit international de leurs
2. Considérant que, sur la base des faits alléguésdans la requête,la

Bosnie-Herzégovineprie la Cour de dire etjuger:
«a) que la Yougoslavie(Serbieet Monténégro)a violé,et continue
de violer, ses obligations juridiquesà l'égarddu peuple et de
1'Etat de Bosnie-Herzégovine en vertu des articles premier,
II a),II b),II c),II d),III a),IIIII c)III d),III e),IVet Vdela
convention surlegénocide ;

b) que la Yougoslavie(Serbieet Monténégro)a violé et continue
de violer ses obligations juridiques à l'égarddu peuple et de
1'Etatde Bosnie-Herzégovineen vertu des quatre conventions
de Genèvede 1949,de leur protocole additionnel 1de 1977,du
droit international coutumier de la guerre, et notamment du
Règlementde La Haye de 1907concernantla guerre surterre,et
d'autres principes fondamentaux du droitinternational huma-
c) que la Yougoslavie(Serbieet Monténégro)a violé etcontinue
de violerlesdispositions desarticles 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,
12,13,15,16,17,18, 19,20,21,22,23,25,26 et28de la Déclara-
tion universelle des droits de l'homme vis-à-visdes citoyens de
la Bosnie-Herzégovine ;

d) quela Yougoslavie(Serbieet Monténégro), en violationde ses
obligationsen vertu du droitinternational générae ltcoutumier,
atué,assassiné,blessév ,iolé,volét,orturé,enlevé,détenuilléga-
lement et exterminédes citoyens de la Bosnie-Herzégovine,et
continue delefaire;
e) qu'en traitant ainsi les citoyens de la Bosnie-Herzégovine,la
Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro) a violé et continue de327 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13IX 93)

tinuing to violate, its solemn obligations under Articles 1(3),
55 and 56ofthe UnitedNations Charter;

If lhat Yugoslavia(Serbia and Montenegro)has used and is con-
tinuing to use force and the threat of force against Bosnia and
Herzegovina in violation of Articles2 (l), 2 (2),2(3),2(4),and
33(l), ofthe United Nations Charter;

(g) that Yugoslavia(Serbiaand Montenegro), in breach ofitsobli-
gations under general and customary international law, has
used and is using force and the threat of force against Bosnia
and Herzegovina;
(h) that Yugoslavia(Serbiaand Montenegro),in breach ofitsobli-
gations under generaland customaryinternational law,hasvio-
lated and is violating the sovereignty of Bosnia and Hene-
govinaby :

- armed attacks against Bosnia and Herzegovina by air and
- aerialtrespassinto Bosnianairspace;

- effortsbydirectand indirectmeansto coerceand intimidate
theGovernment ofBosniaand Herzegovina ;

(i) that Yugoslavia(Serbia and Montenegro),inbreach of itsobli-
gations under general and customary international law, has
intervened and is interveningin the interna1affairs of Bosnia
and Herzegovina;
) that Yugoslavia(Serbia and Montenegro), in recruiting, train-
ing, arming, equipping, financing, supplying and otherwise
encouraging, supporting, aiding, and directing military and
paramilitaryactions in and against Bosniaand Herzegovinaby
means ofitsagentsand surrogates,hasviolated and isviolating
its express charter and treaty obligations to Bosnia and Herze-
govina and, in particular, its charter and treaty obligations

under Article 2(4)ofthe United Nations Charter, as wellasits
obligationsunder generaland customaryinternational law ;

(k) that under the circumstancessetforth above,Bosniaand Hene-
govina has the sovereign right to defend Itself and its People
under United Nations Charter Article 51and customaryinter-
national law, including by means of immediately obtaining
military weapons, equipment, supplies and troops from other
(1) that underthe circumstancessetforth above,Bosniaand Herze-
govina has the sovereign right under United Nations Charter
Article51and customaryinternational lawto requestthe imme- violer les obligations qu'elle a solennellement assumées en

vertu du paragraphe 3de l'article 1et des articles 55et 56de la
Charte desNations Unies;
f) que la Yougoslavie(Serbieet Monténégro)a employé et conti-
nue d'employerla force et de recourir à la menace de la force
contrelaBosnie-Herzégovineenviolationdesparagraphes 1,2,
3et4del'article2etdu paragraphe 1del'article33dela Charte
desNations Unies;
g) que la Yougoslavie (Serbieet Monténégro),enviolationde ses
obligationsenvertu du droitinternationalgénéraletcoutumier,
a utiliséet utilise la force et la menace de la force contre la
Bosnie-Herzégovine ;
h) que la Yougoslavie(Serbieet Monténégro),enviolationde ses
obligationsenvertu dudroit international généraletcoutumier,

a violé et violela souverainetéde la Bosnie-Herzégovinedu -
- d'attaques armées contre la Bosnie-Herzégovine par air et
- de la violation de l'espace aériende la Bosnie-Herzégo-
- d'actes directset indirects de coercition et d'intimidationà

l'encontredu Gouvernement delaBosnie-Herzégovine;
i) que la Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro), en violation des
obligations que lui impose le droit international généralet
coutumier, est intervenue et intervient dans les affaires inté-
rieures delaBosnie-Herzégovine;

j) que la Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro),en recrutant,
formant, armant, équipant, finançant, approvisionnant et en
encourageant, appuyant, assistant et dirigeant de toute autre
manière des actions militaires et paramilitaires en Bosnie-
Herzégovineou contre celle-cipar le truchement de sesagents
et auxiliaires,a violé et viole sesobligationsexpresses en vertu
de la Charte et des traités enversla Bosnie-Herzégovineet, en
particulier, ses obligations conventionnelles en vertu du para-
graphe 4del'article2delaCharte desNations Unies, demême
que ses obligations en vertu du droit international généralet
k) que, vu les circonstances exposéesci-dessus,la Bosnie-Herzé-
govinepossèdeledroit souverain de sedéfendre etde défendre

son peuple en vertu de l'article 51 de la Charte des Nations
Unies et du droit international coutumier, y compris en se
procurant immédiatementauprès d'autres Etats desarmes,des
matérielsetfournituresmilitairesainsi quedestroupes ;
1) que, vu les circonstances exposéesci-dessus,la Bosnie-Herzé-
govinepossède ledroit souverain en vertu de l'article 51de la
Charte des Nations Unies et du droit international coutumier328 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13IX 93)

diate assistanceofanyStateto cometo itsdefence,includingby
militarymeans(weapons,equipment,supplies,troops, etc.);

(m)that SecurityCouncil resolution 713 (1991),imposing a wea-
pons embargoupon the former Yugoslavia,must be construed
inamannerthatshallnotimpair the inherentright ofindividual
or collectiveself-defenceof Bosniaand Herzegovinaunder the
termsofUnited Nations Charter Article51and the rulesofcus-

tomaryinternational law ;

(n) that al1subsequentSecurityCouncilresolutions that referto or
reaffirm resolution 713 (1991)must be construed in a manner
that shallnot impair the inherent right of individual or collec-
tiveself-defenceof Bosniaand Herzegovinaunder the terms of
United Nations Charter Article 51and the rules of customary
international law ;

(O) that SecurityCouncilresolution7 13(1991)and al1subsequent

Security Council resolutions referring thereto or reaffirming
thereof mustnotbeconstrued to imposean armsembargoupon
Bosniaand Herzegovina,asrequired byArticles24(1)and 51of
the UnitedNations Charterand inaccordance withthe custom-
arydoctrine of ultra vires;

(pl that pursuant to the right of collectiveself-defencerecognized
by United Nations Charter Article 51,al1other Statesparties to
the Charter have the right to cometo the immediatedefence of
Bosniaand Herzegovina - atitsrequest - includingbymeans
of immediatelyproviding It with weapons, military equipment

and supplies, and armed forces (soldiers, sailors, airpeople,
(q) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) and its agents and
surrogatesare under an obligation to cease and desistimmedi-
atelyfromitsbreaches ofthe foregoinglegalobligations,and is
under aparticularduty to ceaseand desistimmediately :

- from its systematic practice of so-called'ethnic cleansing'
ofthe citizensand sovereignterritory of Bosniaand Herze-
- from the murder, summary execution, torture, rape, kid-
napping, mayhem, wounding, physical and mental abuse,

and detention ofthe citizensofBosniaand Herzegovina;

- from the wanton devastation of villages, towns, districts,
cities,and religiousinstitutionsin Bosniaand Herzegovina; APPLICATION DE CONVENTION GBNOCID (ERD.13IX 93) 328

de demander à tout Etat de l'assister immédiatement en se
portant à son secours, y compris par des moyens militaires
(armes,matérielsetfournituresmilitaires,troupes, etc.);
m) que la résolution713 (1991)du Conseil de sécurité imposant
un embargo sur les livraisonsd'armes à l'ex-Yougoslaviedoit
être interprétée d'une manière telle qu'elle ne porte pas

atteinte au droit naturel de légitimedéfense, individuelleou
collective,de la Bosnie-Herzégovineen vertu de l'articlede
la Charte des Nations Uniesetdes règlesdu droit international
n) quetoutes lesrésolutionsultérieuresdu Conseilde sécuritéqui
se réfèrentàla résolution 713(1991)ou la réaffirment doivent
être interprétées d'une manière telq leu'elles ne portent pas
atteinte au droit naturel de légitimedéfense, individuelleou
collective,de la Bosnie-Herzégovineen vertu des dispositions

de l'article 51de la Charte des Nations Unies et des règlesdu
droitinternational coutumier;
O) que la résolution713 (1991)du Conseil de sécurité ettoutesles
résolutionsultérieuredu Conseildesécuritéqus i'yréfèrentou
laréaffirmentnedoiventpas êtreinterprétéescommeimposant
un embargosurleslivraisonsd'armes à la Bosnie-Herzégovine,
commel'exigent lesdispositions duparagraphe 1del'article24
et de l'article 51de la Charte des Nations Unies et conformé-
mentauprincipe coutumierd'ultra vires;

p) qu'en vertudu droit de légitimedéfensecollectivereconnu par
l'article1de la Charte des Nations Uniestous lesautres Etats
parties àla Charte ont le droit de se porter immédiatementau
secours de la Bosnie-Herzégovine - à sa demande - y com-
pris en lui procurant immédiatement desarmes, des matériels
et des fournitures militaires,et en mettànsa disposition des
q) quelaYougoslavie(SerbieetMonténégroe )tsesagentsetauxi-
liaires sont tenus de mettre fin et de renoncer immédiatement
aux violationssusmentionnéesde leurs obligationsjuridiques,

et ont le devoirexprèsde mettre fin et de renoncer immédiate-
ment :

à leurpratique systématiquede la ((purification ethniquD
des citoyens et du territoire souverain de la Bosnie-Herzé-
govine ;
à l'assassinaà,l'exécutionsommaire, à latorture,au violà
l'enlèvement, à la mutilation, aux blessures, aux sévices
physiques et psychologiqueset à la détention descitoyens
delaBosnie-Herzégovine ;
à la dévastation sauvageet aveuglede villages,de villes,de

districts, d'agglomérationset d'institutions religieuses en
Bosnie-Herzégovine; - from the bombardment of civilian population centres in
Bosnia and Herzegovina, and especially its capital, Sara-

- fromcontinuing the siegeofany civilianpopulation centres
in Bosniaand Herzegovina,and especiallyitscapital, Sara-
jevo ;
- fromthe starvation ofthe civilianpopulation in Bosniaand
- fromthe interruption of,interference with,orharassment of
humanitarian relief supplies to the citizens of Bosnia and
Herzegovinabytheinternational community ;

- from al1use of force - whether direct or indirect, overt or
covert - against Bosnia and Herzegovina, and from al1
threats offorceagainstBosniaand Herzegovina;

- from al1violations ofthe sovereignty,territorial integrity or
politicalindependence of Bosniaand Herzegovina,includ-
ing al1intervention,direct or indirect, inthe interna1affairs

ofBosniaand Herzegovina;
- from al1support of any kind - including the provision of
training, arms, ammunition, finances, supplies, assistance,
direction or any other form of support - to any nation,
group, organization, movement or individual engaged or
planning to engagein military or paramilitary actions in or
againstBosniaand Herzegovina;

(r) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) has an obligation to
pay Bosnia and Herzegovina, in its own right and as parens
patriae for its citizens,reparations for damages to persons and
property as well as to the Bosnian economy and environment

causedbythe foregoingviolations ofinternational lawin a sum
to be determined by the Court. Bosnia and Herzegovina
reservesthe rightto introduce to the Court a preciseevaluation
of the damages caused by Yugoslavia (Serbia and Monte-
negro)" ;

3. Whereasbyarequestfiledinthe Registryon20March 1993immedi-
ately after the filing of the Application, Bosnia-Herzegovina, invoking
Article41ofthe Statute ofthe Courtand Articles73,74,75 and 78ofthe
Rules of Court, and relying on the facts alleged in the Application,
urgently requested that the Court indicate the following provisional

measuresto be in effect whilethe Court is seisedofthis case :

"1. That Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), together with its
agents and surrogates in Bosnia and elsewhere, must immediately APPLICATION DE CONVENTION GÉNOCIDE (ORD.13 IX 93) 329

- au bombardement de centres de population civile en
Bosnie-Herzégovine, etspécialementde sa capitale, Sara-
jevo ;
- à la poursuite du siègede centres de population civile de
Bosnie-Herzégovine, etspécialementde sa capitale, Sara-

- auxactesquiontpour effetd'affamerlapopulation civilede
Bosnie-Herzégovine ;
- aux actes ayant pour effet d'interrompre, d'entraver oude
gêner l'acheminement des secours humanitairesenvoyés
par la communauté internationale aux citoyensde Bosnie-
Herzégovine ;
- à toute utilisation de la forc- directe ou indirecte, mani-

festeouocculte - contrela Bosnie-Herzégovine,et à toutes
lesmenacesd'utilisationdelaforcecontrela Bosnie-Herzé-
govine ;
- à toutes lesviolations dela souveraineté,de l'intégritéterri-
toriale ou de l'indépendance politiquede la Bosnie-Herzé-
govine, y compris toute intervention, directe ou indirecte,
- à tout appui de quelque nature qu'ilsoit - y compris l'en-

traînement etlafourniture d'armes,demunitions, defonds,
de matériels, d'assistance, d'instruction ou toute autre
forme de soutien - àtoute nation ou groupe, organisation,
mouvementou individu selivrantou sedisposant àselivrer
à desactivitésmilitairesouparamilitaires en Bosnie-Herzé-

r) que la Yougoslavie(Serbieet Monténégroe )sttenue depayer à
la Bosnie-Herzégovine,de son propre droit et comme parens
patriae de ses citoyens, des réparations pour les dommages
subis par les personnes, les biens, l'économieet I'environne-
ment de la Bosnie à raison des violations susviséesdu droit
international, dont le montant sera déterminépar la Cour. La

Bosnie-Herzégovine se réserve ld eroit de présenter à la Cour
une évaluation précise des dommagescausép sar la Yougosla-
vie(SerbieetMonténégro) » ;

3. Considérant que,par une demande déposéeau Greffe le 20 mars
invoquant l'article41du Statut dela Cour et lesarticles 73,74,75 et78de
son Règlement, et s'appuyant sur les faits alléguésdans la requête,
a instamment prié la Cour d'indiquer les mesures conservatoires
ci-après, qui devront rester en vigueur tant que la Cour sera saisie de

((1. LaYougoslavie(SerbieetMonténégro),ainsq iuesesagentset
auxiliairesen Bosnieetailleurs,doiventimmédiatementmettrefin et ceaseand desistfrom al1acts ofgenocide and genocidal actsagainst
the People and State of Bosnia and Herzegovina, includingbut not
limitedto murder; summaryexecutions; torture; rape; mayhem; so-
called 'ethnic cleansing'; the wanton devastation of villages,towns,
districtsand cities;the siegeofvillages,towns,districtsand cities;the
starvation ofthe civilianpopulation; theinterruption of,interference
with, or harassment of humanitarian relief supplies to the civilian
population by the international community; the bombardment of
civilianpopulation centres ; and the detention ofciviliansin concen-
tration camps or otherwise.

2. That Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) must immediately
cease and desist from providing, directly or indirectly, any type of
support - includingtraining,weapons, arms,ammunition,supplies,
assistance,finances,direction or anyotherform ofsupport - to any
nation, group, organization, movement, militia or individual
engagedin orplanning to engageinmilitaryorparamilitary activities
in oragainstthe People, Stateand Govemment ofBosniaand Herze-
3. That Yugoslavia(Serbia and Montenegro) itself must immedi-
atelycease and desistfromany and al1types of military or paramili-
tary activitiesby its own officiais, agents, surrogates, or forces in or
against the People, State and Government of Bosnia and Herzego-
vina, and from any other use or threat of force in its relations with
Bosniaand Herzegovina.

4. That under the currentcircumstances,the Govemment of Bos-
nia and Herzegovinahas the right to seek and receive support from
other States in order to defend Itself and its People, including by
means of immediately obtaining military weapons, equipment, and
5. That under the current circumstances,the Government of Bos-
nia and Herzegovina has the right to request the immediate assist-
ance of any State to come to its defence, including by means of
immediately providing weapons, military equipment and supplies,
and armed forces(soldiers, sailors,airpeople, etc.).

6. That under the current circumstances,anyStatehasthe right to
cometo the immediatedefence of Bosnia and Herzegovina - at its

request - including by means of immediately providing weapons,
militaryequipment and supplies, and armedforces (soldiers, sailors,
and airpeople, etc.)";

4. Whereas in written observations,submitted to the Court on 1April
1993,on the first request of Bosnia-Herzegovina for the indication of
provisional measures,the Govemment of Yugoslavia renoncer àtous actes de génocideet actes de mêmenature contre le
peuple et l'Etat de Bosnie-Herzégovine,y compris, mais sans que
cette énumération soitlimitative, les assassinats, les exécutions
sommaires,la torture, leviol, lesmutilations, la purification ethni-
que», la dévastationsauvage et aveugle de villages, de villes, de
et d'agglomérations,les actes ayant pour effet d'affamer la popula-
tion civileet d'interrompre, d'entraver ou de gênerl'acheminement
des secourshumanitaires àla population civilepar la communauté
internationale, lebombardement de centresdepopulation civileetla
détentionde civilsdans des camps de concentrationou ailleurs.

2. La Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro) doit immédiatement
mettre fin etrenoncer àtoute aide,directe ou indirect- y compris
la formation, la fourniture d'armes, de munitions, de matériels,
d'assistance, de fonds, d'instruction ou toute autre forme de
soutien - à toute nation ou groupe, organisation, mouvement,
miliceou individuselivrant ou sedisposant àselivreràdes activités
militaires ou paramilitaires dirigées contre le peuple,i'Etat et le
Gouvernementde la Bosnie-Herzégovineou dans cet Etat.
3. La Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro) doit immédiatement
mettre fin et renoncerà toutes activités militairesou paramilitaires
exercées par ses propres fonctionnaires, agents ou auxiliaires

ou par ses forces contre le peuple,1'Etatet le Gouvernement de la
Bosnie-Herzégovine oudans cet Etat, et à tout autre recours ou
menace de recours à la force dans ses relations avec la Bosnie-
4. Dans les circonstances actuelles, le Gouvernement de la
Bosnie-Herzégoviea le droit de demander et de recevoir l'aide
d'autres Etats afin de se défendre et de défendre son peuple, y
compris en seprocurant immédiatementdes armes, des matérielset
des fournitures militaires.
5. Dans les circonstances actuelles, le Gouvernement de la
Bosnie-Herzégovinea le droit de demander àtout Etat de lui accor-
der une assistanceimmédiateen seportant à son secours,ycompris

enluiprocurant immédiatementdes armes,desmatérielsetdesfour-
nitures militaires, ainsi qu'en mettant à sa disposition des forces
armées(soldats,marins, aviateurs, etc.).
6. Dans lescirconstancesactuelles, tout Etata ledroitde seporter
immédiatement au secours de la Bosnie-Herzégovine - à sa
demande - y compris en lui procurant immédiatementdes armes,
des matérielset des fournitures militaires, ainsi qu'en mettanàsa
disposition des forces armées(soldats, marins et aviateurs, etc.)

4. Considérantque,dans lesobservationsécritesqu'ila présentées à la
Cour, le le'avril 1993,sur lapremièredemandeenindication de mesures

conservatoiresde la Bosnie-Herzégovine,leGouvernement de la Yougo-

"recommendsthattheCourt, pursuant toArticle41 ofitsStatuteand
Article 73 ofits Rules of Procedure, order the application of provi-
sional measures,in particular :
- to instructthe authorities controlled by A.Izetbegovicto comply

strictlywiththe latest agreement on a cease-firein the 'Republic
of Bosnia and Herzegovina' which wentinto force on 28March
- to direct the authorities under the control of A. Izetbegovic to
respect the Geneva Conventions forthe Protection of Victimsof
War of 1949and the 1977Additional Protocolsthereof, sincethe
genocide of Serbslivingin the 'Republic ofBosniaand Herzego-
vina'is being carried out by the commissionof veryserious war
crimes which are in violation of the obligation not to infringe
uponthe essential human rights;

- to instructthe authorities loyalto A.Izetbegovicto closeimmedi-
atelyand disband al1prisons and detention campsin the 'Repub-
lic of Bosnia and Herzegovina' in which the Serbs are being
detained because of their ethnic origin and subjected to acts of
torture,thuspresentingarealdanger fortheirlifeand health;

- to direct the authorities controlled by A. Izetbegovic to allow,
without delay, the Serb residents to leave safely Tuzla, Zenica,
Sarajevoand other places inthe 'Republic ofBosnia and Herze-
govina',wheretheyhavebeensubjectto harassment and physical
and mental abuse, and having in mind that they may suffer the
samefate asthe Serbsin eastern Bosnia,whichwasthe siteofthe

killingandmassacresofafewthousand Serbcivilians ;

- to instructthe authorities loyalto A.Izetbegovicto ceaseimmedi-
atelyany further destruction ofOrthodox churches and places of
worship and of other Serb cultural heritage, and to release and
stopfurther mistreatmentof al1Orthodox priestsbeinginprison;

- to directthe authorities under the control ofA.Izetbegovicto put
an end to al1acts of discrimination based on nationality or reli-
gionand thepractice of'ethniccleansing',includingthediscrimi-
nation related to the delivery of humanitarian aid, against the
Serbpopulation in the 'RepublicofBosniaand Henegovina' " ;

5. WhereasbyitsOrder of8April1993the Court indicated certain pro-

visional measures which ought to be taken by Yugoslavia, and further
indicated that the Govemment of Yugoslavia and the Government of
Bosnia-Herzegovina should not take any action and should ensure that
no action istaken whichmayaggravateorextendthe existingdisputeover ((recommande à la Cour d'indiquer, conformément à l'article41de
son Statut et àl'article73de son Règlement,des mesures conserva-
toires,et enparticulier:
- de donner des instructions aux autorités sous le contrôle de
M. A. Izetbegovic pour qu'elles se conforment strictement au
dernier accord sur le cessez-le-feu dans la ((République de
Bosnie-Herzégovine»quiestentréenvigueurle28mars 1993 ;

- d'ordonner aux autorités sousle contrôle de M. A. Izetbegovic
qu'elles respectent les conventions de Genèvede 1949pour la
protection desvictimesdelaguerre etlesprotocolesadditionnels
de 1977à cesconventions,étantdonnéquelegénocidedesSerbes
vivantdans la Républiquede Bosnie-Herzégovine »estentrain
d'être perpétrpéar des crimes de guerre trèsgraves qui enfrei-
gnent l'obligation de ne pas violer les droits essentiels de la
personnehumaine ;
- dedonner desinstructionsauxautoritésloyales à M.A.Izetbego-
vic afin qu'ellesferment et démantèlent immédiatement toutes
les prisons et tous les camps de détentionse trouvant dans la

((Républiquede Bosnie-Herzégovine »etoùlesSerbessontdéte-
nus en raison de leur origine ethnique et font l'objet d'actesde
torture, cequimetensérieuxdangerleurvieetleursanté;
- d'ordonner auxautoritéssouslecontrôlede M.A.Izetbegovicde
permettre sans tarder aux habitants serbes de quitter en toute
sécurité Tuzla, Zenica, Sarajevoet les autres localités de la
((Républiquede Bosnie-Herzégovine» où ils ont fait l'objet de
harcèlementsetdemauvaistraitementsphysiques etmentaux,en
tenant compte de ce qu'ilsrisquent de subir le mêmesortque les
Serbesen Bosnieorientale, qui a été le théâtrede meurtres et de
massacresdequelquesmilliersdecivilsserbes ;
- dedonner desinstructionsauxautoritésloyales à M.A.Izetbego-

vicpour qu'ellesmettent immédiatementfin àla destruction des
églisesetlieux de culteorthodoxes etd'autres élémentd supatri-
moine culturel serbe, et pour qu'elles libèrent et cessent de
maltraitertous lesprêtresorthodoxesdétenus;
- d'ordonner auxautoritéssouslecontrôlede M.A.Izetbegovicde
mettre un terme à tous les actes de discrimination baséssur la
nationalitéou la religionainsiqu'aux pratiques de ({purification
ethnique)), y compris la discrimination exercée en ce qui
concerne l'acheminement de l'aide humanitaire, à l'encontre de
la population serbe dans la ((Républiquede Bosnie-Herzégo-
vine »;

5. Considérant que,par sonordonnance du 8avril 1993,laCour a indi-
qué certaines mesures conservatoires qui doivent être prisespar la
Yougoslavie, etaindiquéenoutreque le Gouvernement de la Yougosla-

vie et le Gouvernement de la Bosnie-Herzégovinedoivent ne prendre
aucune mesureetveiller àcequ'iln'en soitprise aucune,quisoitdenature332 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13IX 93)

the prevention or punishment ofthe crime of genocide, or render itmore
difficult of solution;
6. Whereas by a second request filed in the Registryon 27July 1993,
Bosnia-Henegovina, invoking Article 41 of the Statute of the Court and
Articles 73,74 and 75 of the Rules of Court, and relying on the facts
alleged in the Application and in the first request for provisionalea-
sures, and on further facts alleged in the second request, requested

urgently that the Court indicate the following additional provisional
measuresto be in effectwhilethe Court isseisedofthis case :

"1. That Yugoslavia(Serbia and Montenegro) must immediately
cease and desist from providing, directly or indirectly, any type of
support - includingtraining, weapons,arms,ammunition,supplies,
assistance,finances,directionoranyotherform ofsupport - to any
nation,group,organization, movement,military,militia orparamili-
tary force,irregulararmed unit, or individualin Bosnia and Herze-
govinafor anyreason or purpose whatsoever.

2. That Yugoslavia(Serbiaand Montenegro) and al1of itspublic
officials- including and especially the President of Serbia,
Mr. Slobodan Milosevic - must immediately ceaseand desist from
anyand al1efforts,plans,plots, schemes,proposals ornegotiationsto
partition, dismember,annex orincorporatethe sovereignterritory of
Bosniaand Herzegovina.
3. Thatthe annexation or incorporation ofanysovereignterritory
of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina by Yugoslavia (Serbia
and Montenegro) by any means or for any reason shall be deemed
illegal,null,and void abinitio.
4. ThattheGovernment ofBosniaand Herzegovinamusthavethe

means 'to prevent'the commissionofactsofgenocideagainstits own
People as required by Article 1ofthe GenocideConvention.

5. That al1Contracting Parties to the Genocide Convention are
obliged by Article 1thereof 'to prevent'the commission of acts of
genocide against the People and State of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

6. ThattheGovernment ofBosniaand Herzegovinamusthavethe
means to defend the People and State of Bosnia and Herzegovina
fromactsofgenocideand partition and dismembermentby meansof

7. That al1ContractingParties to the Genocide Conventionhave
the obligationthereunder 'to prevent'actsofgenocide,and partition
and dismemberment by means of genocide, against the People and
State of Bosniaand Herzegovina.

8. That in order to fulfilitsobligations under the Genocide Con-à aggraverou étendrele différend existantsur la préventionet la répres-
sion du crime de génocide,ou à en rendre la solution plus difficile;
6. Considérant que,par une seconde demande, déposéeau Greffe le
27juillet 1993,la Bosnie-Herzégovinei,nvoquant l'article 41du Statut de
la Cour et lesarticles 73,74 et 75de son Règlement, et s'appuyantsur les
faits alléguésdans la requêteet dans la premièredemandeen indication
de mesures conservatoires,ainsi que sur d'autres faits allégués dans la
seconde demande, a instamment prié la Cour d'indiquer les mesures
conservatoiresadditionnelles ci-après,qui devront rester en vigueurtant
que la Cour sera saisiede l'affaire

«1. La Yougoslavie(Serbie et Monténégro)doit immédiatement
mettre fin et renonceràtoute aide,directeou indirecte - ycompris
la formation, la fourniture d'armes, de munitions, de matériels,
d'assistance, de fonds, d'instruction ou de toute autre forme de
soutien - àtoute nation ou tout groupe, organisation,mouvement,
force militaireou paramilitaire, force de milice,unité armée irrégu-
lièreou individu en Bosnie-Herzégovinepour quelque motif ou but
que ce soit.
2. La Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro) et tous ses représen-
tants officiel- ycompris etenparticulier leprésidentde la Serbie,

M. Slobodan Milosevic - doivent immédiatement mettre fin et
renoncer àtous efforts, plans, conspirations, desseins,propositions
ounégociationsenvuedepartager, démembrer,annexerou absorber
leterritoire souverain de la Bosnie-Herzégovine.
3. L'annexion ou l'absorption de tout territoire souverain de la
Républiquede Bosnie-Herzégovinepar la Yougoslavie (Serbie et
Monténégrop )ar quelque moyen ou pour quelque motif que ce soit
seraréputéeillicite,nulle et non avenue d'emblée.
4. Le Gouvernement de la Bosnie-Herzégovinedoit avoir les
moyensde ((prévenir»lacommissiond'actesdegénocidecontreson
propre peuple comme le requiert l'article premierde la convention

sur le génocide.
5. Toutes lesparties contractantesà la convention sur legénocide
sonttenues par l'article premierdecelle-cide«prévenir»lacommis-
sion d'actes de génocidecontrele peuple et 1'Etatde Bosnie-Herzé-
6. Le Gouvernement de la Bosnie-Herzégovinedoit avoir les
moyensdedéfendrelepeuple et 1'EtatdeBosnie-Herzégovinecontre
les actes de génocide,et la partition et le démembrementpar le
moyen du génocide.
7. Toutes les parties contractantes à la convention sur le géno-
cide ont l'obligation en vertu de cette dernière de «prévenir» les

actes de génocide,et la partition et le démembrementpar le moyen
du génocide, entrepris contrele peuple et 1'Etatde Bosnie-Herzé-
8. Pours'acquitterdesesobligationsenvertu dela conventionsur333 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13 IX 93)

vention under the current circumstance, the Government of Bosnia
and Herzegovina must have the ability to obtain military weapons,
equipment, and suppliesfromother Contracting Parties.

9. That in order to fulfil their obligations under the Genocide
Convention under the current circumstances,al1ContractingParties
thereto must have the ability toprovide military weapons, equip-
ment, supplies and armed forces (soldiers, sailors, airpeople) to the
Government of Bosniaand Herzegovinaat itsrequest.

10. That United Nations Peace-keeping Forces in Bosnia and

Herzegovina(Le.,UNPROFOR) must do al1intheir powerto ensure
the flow of humanitarian relief supplies to the Bosnian People
through the Bosnian cityofTuzla";

7. Whereason27July 1993,theday onwhichthe secondrequestforthe
indication of provisional measures was received in the Registry, the
Deputy-Registrarnotified the Government of Yugoslavia ofthe filing of
therequest,and sentacertifiedcopy oftherequest to itinaccordancewith
Article 73,paragraph 2, oftheRules of Court;
8. Whereas by a letter dated 28 July 1993the Agent of Yugoslavia
requestedthat the Court, whensettingthe datefor ahearing onthesecond
request forprovisional measures,bearin mind theneedfor Yugoslavia,in
view of the seriousness and extensiveness of that request, to be able

adequately to prepare its response; whereas on 29 July 1993 the
Deputy-Registrarinformedthe Parties that the President ofthe Courthad
fixed 25August 1993asthe date forthe opening ofthat hearing; whereas
the Agent of Bosnia-Herzegovina, by letter of 30 July 1993,urged the
President to reconsider the date; and whereas on 31 July 1993 the
Deputy-Registrarinformed the Parties that the President of the Court
nevertheless consideredit appropriateto maintain the date of 25August
1993forthe opening ofthe hearing;
9. Whereasbya letterdated 4August 1993,the Agentof Bosnia-Herze-
govina stated that he was amending the second request for provisional
measuresby submitting a "request for an immediate Order without hear-
ingpursuant to the Second Request" forprovisional measures,inreliance
on Article 75,paragraph 1,of the Rules of Court; and whereas a copy of

thiscommunication wasforwardedtothe AgentsofYugoslaviaassoonas

10. Whereas the President of the Court addressed a message, dated
5August 1993,to both Parties,referring to Article74,paragraph 4,ofthe
Rules of Court, which enables him, pendingthe meeting ofthe Court, to
"cal1upon the parties to act in such a way as will enable any order the
Court may make on the request for provisional measures to have its
appropriate effects", and stati:g le génocidedans les circonstancesactuelles,le Gouvernement de la
Bosnie-Herzégovinedoit avoir la facultéde se procurer des armes,
des matérielset des fournitures militaires auprès d'autres parties
9. Pour s'acquitter de leurs obligations en vertu de la convention
sur le génocidedans les circonstances actuelles, toutes les parties
contractantesà cetteconventiondoiventavoir la facultéde procurer
des armes, des matériels et des fournitures militairesauuveme-
ment de la Bosnie-Herzégovine, à sa demande, et de mettre à sa
disposition desforcesarmées(soldats,marins, aviateurs).
10. Lesforcesdemaintien delapaixdesNations Unies enBosnie-
Herzégovine (c'est-à-direla FORPRONU) doivent faire tout ce qui
esten leurpouvoir pour assurerl'acheminement continu desfourni-

tures d'assistance humanitaire au peuple bosniaque par la ville
bosniaque de Tuzla» ;

7. Considérant que, le 27 juillet 1993, date à laquelle la seconde
demande enindication demesuresconservatoiresa étéreçue auGreffe,le
Greffieradjoint aaviséleGouvernement delaYougoslaviedudépôtdela
demande et lui ena adressécopie certifiéeconforme,ainsique leprévoit
leparagraphe 2de l'article73du Règlement;
8. Considérant que,par lettredu 28juillet 1993,l'agentdelaYougosla-
vieapriéla Cour,lorsqu'elle fixerait ladatede l'audiencepour l'examen
delasecondedemandeenindication demesuresconservatoires,denepas
perdrede vuelanécessité pour laYougoslavie,vulagravitéetl'étenduede
cettedemande,de pouvoirsepréparercommeil convientpour yrépondre;

que, le 29 juillet 1993,le Greffier adjoint a informé les Parties quele
Présidentde la Cour avait fixéau 25 août 1993la date d'ouverture des
audiences; que l'agent de la Bosnie-Herzégovine,par lettre du 30juillet
1993,ainsistépour quelePrésidentreconsidèreladate ainsifixée;etque,
le3 1juillet 1993,leGreffier adjoiatinformélesPartiesque le Président
de la Cour estimaitnéanmoinsapproprié demaintenir au 25août la date
d'ouverture desaudiences;
9. Considérant que,par lettre du 4 août 1993,l'agent de la Bosnie-
Herzégovinea fait savoir qu'ilmodifiait la seconde demande en indica-
tion demesuresconservatoires enprésentant «une demandetendant à ce
que soit prise immédiatementune ordonnance sans audience préalable
pour faire suite la seconde demande »en indication de mesuresconser-
vatoires, sur la base du paragraphe 1 de l'article 75 du Règlement; et

considérant qu'une copiede cettecommunication a été transmise,dès sa
réception,aux agentsde la Yougoslavie;
10. Considérantque le Présidentde la Cour a, le 5août 1993,adressé
aux deux Parties un messagedans lequel, seréférantau paragraphe4 de
l'article 74 du Règlementqui l'autorise, en attendant que la Cour se
réunisse,à inviterlesPartiesà agirde manièreque toute ordonnancede
la Cour sur la demande en indication de mesures conservatoirespuisse
avoirleseffetsvoulus »,il déclarai: "1do nowcallupon the Parties soto act,and 1stressthat theprovi-
sional measures already indicated in the Order which the Court
made afterhearingthe Parties, on 8April 1993,stillapply.

Accordingly 1call upon the Parties to take renewed note of the
Court's Order and to take al1and any measures that may be within
their power to prevent any commission, continuance, or encourage-
ment ofthe heinousinternational crime ofgenocide" ;

11. Whereaswrittenobservations byYugoslaviaonthe secondrequest
for provisional measures, as modified by the Agent of Bosnia-Herzego-
vina on 4 August 1993,were received in the Registryon 10August; and
whereasthe submissions therein were as follows:

"The Federal Republic of Yugoslaviarequests the Courtto reject
the Amended Second Request for the reasons stated above and
becauseitisnot based onthe Rulesofthe Court. Aswellasbecause it
is contrary to the well-establishedpractice of the Court";

12. Whereason 10August 1993arequest,dated 9 August 1993,forthe
indication of provisional measures was filed in the Registry by Yugo-
slavia,wherebyYugoslaviarequestedthe Courtto indicatethe following
provisionalmeasure :

"The Government ofthe so-called Republic of Bosniaand Herze-
govina should immediately,in pursuance of its obligation under the
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of
Genocide of 9 December 1948,take al1measures within itspower to
prevent commission of the crime of genocide against the Serb
ethnic group" ;
13. Whereas by a letter of 11August 1993in response to the letter of

4 August 1993 from the Agent of Bosnia-Herzegovina (paragraph 9
above),the Registrar, onthe President'sinstructions,reiterated the view
ofthe Court,already conveyedto the Agentof Bosnia-Herzegovinainthe
context of the previous requests for provisionalmeasures, by a letter of
24March 1993,thatthe Court did not consider thatthe questionarose of
the exerciseof its powers under Article 75,paragraph 1,of the Rules of

"where, as in the present case specificrequestsfor the indication of
provisional measures ...have beenmade by each ofthe Parties",

and that, in itsview,

"those powers do not in any event extend to indicating measures
withoutaffordingboth Partiesthe opportunity ofbeing heard" ; APPLICATIONDE CONVENTIONGÉNOCIDE(ORD. 13 IX 93) 334

«.T'invitemaintenant les Parties à agir de cette manière, et je
souligne que les mesures conservatoiresqui ont déjà été indiquées
dans l'ordonnance que la Cour a rendue le 8 avril 1993,après avoir
entendu les Parties,continuent de s'appliquer.
J'inviteen conséquenceles Parties àprendre note de nouveau de
l'ordonnance delaCour et àprendre toutes mesuresen leurpouvoir
afin deprévenirtoute commissionou continuation del'odieux crime
international de génocideou tout encouragement àce crime» ;

11. Considérantque des observations écritesde la Yougoslavie sur la
seconde demande en indication de mesures conservatoires, telle que
modifiéepar l'agent de la Bosnie-Herzégovinele 4 août 1993,ont été
reçues au Greffe le 10août; et que les conclusions y contenues étaient
ainsi conques :

((La République fédérativd eeYougoslavieprie la Courde rejeter
la seconde demande modifiée,pour les motifs sus-énoncés et parce
qu'ellen'estpas fondéesur le Règlementde la Cour, ainsi que parce
qu'elle estcontraireàla pratique bien établiede laCour D;

12. Considérant que, le 10 août 1993,la Yougoslavie a déposéau
Greffe une demande en indication de mesures conservatoires,datéedu
9août 1993,par laquelleelleapriélaCour d'indiquerlamesureconserva-
toire suivante:

«LeGouvernement delaprétendue Républiquede Bosnie-Herzé-
govine doit immédiatement, conformément à l'obligation qui est la
sienne en vertu de la convention pour la préventionet la répression
du crimedegénocidedu 9décembre1948,prendre toutes lesmesures
ensonpouvoir afin de prévenirla commissiondu crimedegénocide
contre legroupe ethnique serbe» ;

13. Considérant quepar une lettre du 11août 1993,en réponse à la
lettre de l'agent de la Bosnie-Herzégovinedu 4 août 1993(paragraphe 9
ci-dessus), leGreffier, sur les instructions du Président, a réitéré e,d
l'avisdela Cour, etainsi qu'ilavaitdéjàétéprécisé àl'agentde la Bosnie-
Herzégovinepar lettre du 24mars 1993dans le contexte desprécédentes
demandes en indication de mesuresconservatoires,la question de l'exer-

cice éventuelpar la Cour des pouvoirs qu'elletient du paragraphe 1de
l'article75du Règlementne sepose pas
«lorsque, comme en l'espèce,des demandes spécifiquesen indica-
tion de mesuresconservatoires ..ont étéprésentées par chacune des

«ces pouvoirs nevont entout étatde causepasjusqu'à luipermettre
d'indiquerdesmesuressansque lapossibilitéde sefaireentendre ait
étédonnéeaux deux Parties »;335 APPLICATIONOFGENOCIDECONVENTION(ORDER 13IX 93)

14. Whereasby a seriesof communications, dated 6August,7August,
8August, 10August, 13August,22August,23Augustand 24August 1993
the Agent ofBosnia-Herzegovinastated that he wasfurther amending or
supplementing the second request forprovisional measures, aswellas,in
some cases,the Application instituting proceedings; and whereas copies
of these communicationsweretransmitted to the Agents ofYugoslaviaas
soon asreceived;
15. Whereas on 23August 1993,Yugoslaviapresented further written
observations on the second request of Bosnia-Herzegovina for provi-

sional measures,and made the followingsubmissions :

"the Federal Republic of Yugoslaviarequests theCourt to reject al1
requestsforindication ofprovisional measures,contained in al1sub-
missionsofthe Applicant State,becausetheyare outsidethejurisdic-
tion of the Court, and for reasons expressed in the Observations of
9August 1993";

16. Whereas,sincethe Court does not include upon the bench ajudge
of the nationality of either of the Parties, the Government of Bosnia-
Herzegovina has chosen Mr. Elihu Lauterpacht, Q.C., and the Govern-
ment ofYugoslaviaMr.MilenkoKreCa,to sitasjudges ad hocinthis case;
17. Whereas oral observations of the Parties on the request of each
Party for provisional measures were presented, at public hearings held,
pursuant to Article 74, paragraph 3, of the Rules of Court, on 25 and

26August 1993,bythe followingrepresentatives :

onbehalfof Bosnia-Herzegovina :

H.E. Mr. Muhamed Sacirbeyand
Mr. Francis A.Boyle,Agents;
on behalfof Yugoslavia:

Mr. Rodoljub Etinski and
Mr. Djordje Lopicic,Agents;
Mr. Miodrag Mitic,
Mr. ShabtaiRosenne;

18. Whereas at the public hearings questions were put by judges to
both Parties, and repliesweregiveneitherorallyatthe hearings, or subse-
quently in writing;
19. Whereas at the final stage of the hearings the Agent of Bosnia-
Herzegovina confirmed the request for provisional measures set out in
paragraph 6 above; and whereasthe Agent ofYugoslaviathen presented
the followingsubmissions :

"The Federal Republic of Yugoslaviaasks the Court to reject al1
provisional measures requested by the Applicant State
- becausetheCourt hasnojurisdiction to indicatethem; APPLICATIONDE CONVENTIONGÉNOCIDE(ORD. 13IX 93) 335

14. Considérant que,par une sériede communications en date des

6 août, 7 août, 8 août, 10août, 13août, 22 août, 23 août et 24 août 1993,
l'agentdelaBosnie-Herzégovineafaitsavoirqu'ilentendait encoremodi-
fier oucompléterlasecondedemandeen indication demesuresconserva-
toires ainsi que, dans certains cas, la requête introductived'instance; et
que descopies de cescommunications ont ététransmises aux agentsdela
15. Considérant que,le 23 août 1993,la Yougoslavie a présentéde
nouvelles observations écritessur la seconde demande en indication de
mesuresconservatoiresdela Bosnie-Herzégovine,et qu'elle aformuléles
conclusionssuivantes :

«La Républiquefédérativd ee Yougoslavieprie la Cour de rejeter
toutes les demandes en indication de mesures conservatoires figu-
rant dans toutes les communications de i'Etat demandeur, étant
donnéqu'elles échappent à la compétencede la Cour, et pour les
motifsexposésdansles observations du 9août 1993 »;

16. Considérant que,la Cour ne comptant passur lesiègedejuge de la
nationalité des Parties, le Gouvernement de la Bosnie-Herzégovinea
désigné M. Elihu Lauterpacht, Q.C.,et leGouvernement de la Yougosla-
vie M. Milenko KreCa,pour siégeren qualitédejuges ad hocen l'affaire;
17. Considérant que, lors d'audiences publiques tenues les 25 et
26 août 1993,conformémentau paragraphe 3 de l'article 74 du Règle-
ment, des observations orales sur la demande en indication de mesures
conservatoiresde chacune desParties ont étéprésentées par lesreprésen-
tants suivantsdes Parties

aunomdela Bosnie-Herzégovine:
S.Exc.M. Muhamed Sacirbeyet
M. Francis A. Boyle,agents;

aunomde la Yougoslavie:
M. Rodoljub Etinski et

M. Djordje Lopicic,agents,
M. Miodrag Mitic,
M. Shabtai Rosenne;
18. Considérant qu'au cours des audiences publiques des questions
ont étéposéesauxdeux Partiep sar desjuges etque desréponsesyont été
données, soitoralement à l'audience, soitultérieurementpar écrit;

19. Considérant que, au terme des audiences, l'agent de la Bosnie-
Herzégovinea confirmé lademande en indication de mesures conserva-
toires énoncéeau paragraphe 6 ci-dessus;et que l'agentde la Yougoslavie
a alorsprésentélesconclusionssuivantes :
«La République fédérativd ee Yougoslavieprie la Cour de rejeter
toutes lesmesuresconservatoiressollicitéespar1'Etatdemandeur

- parcequela Cour n'apascompétencepour lesindiquer;336 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13 IX 93)

- becausetheyarenotfounded onthenewlegallyrelevantfacts ;

- because of the abuse of rights of the request for provisional
measures ;
- because they would cause irreparable prejudice to the rights of
the FederalRepublic ofYugoslaviathattheso-calledRepublic of
Bosnia and Herzegovina fulfils its obligations under the Geno-
cide Convention conceming the Serb people in Bosnia and
Herzegovina ;

- becausetheylooktothe pastnot tothefuture;
- becausetheymeananinterimjudgment;
- because the clarification of the provisions ofthe GenocideCon-
ventioncannotbethe subject-matteroftheprovisionalmeasures;
- because they are ill-founded on Article 75, paragraph 1,of the

Wishingto protect its rights by making the so-calledRepublic of
Bosnia and Herzegovina to fulfil al1its obligations conceming the
protection of the Serbethnicgroup according to the Genocide Con-
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia asks the Court to indicate the
followingprovisionalmeasure :

TheGovemment ofthe so-calledRepublicofBosnia-Herzegovina
should immediately, in pursuance of its obligation under the Con-
ventiononthe Preventionand PunishmentoftheCrime ofGenocide
of 9 December 1948,take al1measures within its power to prevent
commissionofthe crime ofgenocideagainstthe Serbethnicgroup" ;

20. Whereas, during the oralproceedings,the Agentof Bosnia-Herze-

govina presented to the Court a further written communication,dated
25 August 1993,directed to supplementing and amending the second
request forprovisional measuresand theApplicationinstituting proceed-
ings; whereas at the hearing of 26 August 1993counsel for Yugoslavia
protested at "the unending flood of sometimes heavy documentation"
fromthe AgentofBosnia-Herzegovina,and askedtheCourt to declarethe
communication of 25 August 1993 inadmissible; and whereas on
26August 1993the Agentof Bosnia-Herzegovinapresentedtothe Court a
further written communicationsupplementingthe secondrequest;

21. Whereasthe submissionbythe Applicant ofa seriesofdocuments,

up to the eve of, and even during, the oral proceedings, in the circum-
stancessetoutinparagraphs 14and 20above,isdifficultto reconcilewith
an orderly progress of the procedure beforethe Court, and with respect APPLICATIONDE CONVENTIONGÉNOCIDE(ORD. 13IX 93) 336

- parce qu'elles ne sont pas fondéessur les faits nouveauxjuridi-
quementpertinents ;
- parce qu'ilyaabusdu droit de demanderl'indication de mesures
conservatoires ;
- parce qu'ellescauseraient un préjudiceirréparableau droit de la
République fédérativede Yougoslavie d'obtenir que la préten-
due Républiquede Bosnie-Herzégovineremplisse lesobligations
quisont lessiennesenvertu delaconvention surlegénocideen ce

qui concernelepeupleserbeenBosnie-Herzégovine ;
- parce qu'elles visentlepasséetnonl'avenir;
- parce qu'ellesconstitueraient unjugement provisionnel;
- parce que la clarification desdispositions de la convention sur le
génocidenepeutfaire l'objetdemesures conservatoires ;

- parce qu'elles sont fondées à tort sur le paragraphe 1 de l'ar-
ticle75du RèglementdelaCour.

Souhaitantprotégersesdroitsenobtenant quelaprétendue Répu-
blique de Bosnie-Herzégovines'acquitte de toutes les obligations
concernant la protection du groupe ethnique serbe qui sont les
siennesenvertu de la convention sur le génocide,
la République fédérativede Yougoslavie prie la Cour d'indiquer la

mesureconservatoiresuivante :
Le Gouvernement de la prétendue Républiquede Bosnie-Herzé-
govine doit immédiatement, conformément à l'obligation qui est la
sienneenvertu de la convention sur lapréventionet larépressiondu
crime degénocidedu9 décembre1948,prendretoutes lesmesures en
son pouvoir afin de prévenir la commission du crime de génocide

contre le groupe ethnique serbe » ;

20. Considérant que, au cours de la procédure orale, l'agent de la
Bosnie-Herzégovinea soumis à la Cour une nouvelle communication
écrite,endatedu 25août 1993,tendant à compléteretmodifierlaseconde
demandeen indication de mesures conservatoires et la requête introduc-
tive d'instance; qu'à l'audience du 26 août 1993l'un des conseils de la

Yougoslavie aprotestécontre«le flotincessant dedocumentsparfois fort
longs » émanantde l'agent de la Bosnie-Herzégovine eta demandé àla
Courde déclarerla communication du 25août 1993irrecevable; et que le
26 août 1993l'agent de la Bosnie-Herzégovinea présenté à la Cour une
autre communication écrite complétant la seconde demande en indica-
tion de mesures conservatoires;
21. Considérant que la présentation,par le demandeur, d'une sériede
documentsjusqu'à la veille de la procédure orale,et mêmependant cette
procédure,dans les circonstancesexposéesaux paragraphes 14et 20 ci-

dessus, est difficilement compatible avec le déroulement ordonnéde la 337 APPLICATION OFGENOCIDECONVENTION (ORDER 13IX 93)

for the principle of equality of the Parties; whereas however Article 74,
paragraph 3, ofthe Rules of Court providesthat "The Court shall receive
and take into account anyobservations that maybe presented to itbefore
the closure of the oral proceedings"; whereas the Court, taking into
account the urgencyand the other circumstances'ofthe matter, considers
it possible to receive the documents in question as being in this case
"observations" under that provision to the extent that they relate to the
requestsfor the indication of provisionalmeasures ;

22. WhereasbyitsOrder of 8April1993 the Court gaveitsdecision on
a first request for the indication of provisional measures presented by
Bosnia-Herzegovina,and on a similar request by Yugoslavia, and indi-
cated certain provisional measures; whereas an Order indicating, or
decliningto indicate,provisional measures may be revoked or modified,
as stated in Article76ofthe Rules of Court; whereas however according
to that text, the Court cannot revoke or modify an Order unless, "in its
opinion, some change in the situation justifies" doing so, and where a

request formeasureshasbeen rejected, any freshrequest must,according
to Article75,paragraph 3,ofthe RulesofCourt, be "based on newfacts";
whereas the same applies when additional provisional measures are
requested; whereas it is therefore for the Court to satisfy itself that the
secondrequest by Bosnia-Herzegovina,and that ofYugoslavia,arebased
upon newcircumstances suchasto justifytheirbeing examined; whereas,
taking into account the development of the situation in Bosnia-Herzego-
vina in recent months,this condition should be regarded as satisfied;

23. Whereas Yugoslavia has disputed "the legitimacy of the Appli-
cant" and contends, asit did atthe timeofthe firstrequest forprovisional
measures, that the President and Government of Bosnia-Herzegovina

have no status to conduct proceedings before the Court; whereas the
Court has been seised of the second request for provisional measures
under essentiallythe same conditions as the first request; whereas there-
fore the objection of Yugoslaviashould be rejected for the same reasons
asthe Court stated inparagraph 13of its Order of 8April 1993;

24. Whereason a request forprovisionalmeasures the Court need not,
beforedecidingwhether ornotto indicatethem,finallysatisfy itselfthat it
hasjurisdiction on the merits ofthe case,yetit ought not to indicate such
measures unless the provisions invoked by the Applicant appear, APPLICATIONDE CONVENTIONGÉNOCIDE(ORD. 13IX 93) 337

procédure devantlaCour etlerespectdu principe del'égalitédep sarties;
considérant cependantque le paragraphe 3 de l'article74 du Règlement

dispose que : «La Cour reçoit et prend en considération toutes observa-
tions qui peuvent lui être présentées avant la clôturede [la]procédure
[orale]»;considérant que,comptetenudel'urgenceetdesautres circons-
tancesquiprévalent,laCour estimepossibled'accueillirlesdocumentsen
question comme constituant en l'espècedes ((observations » présentées
conformément à cette disposition, dans la mesure où ils concernent les
demandes en indication de mesuresconservatoires:

22. Considérant que,par son ordonnance du 8 avril 1993,la Cour a
statuésur la premièredemande en indication de mesures conservatoires
présentéepar la Bosnie-Herzégovine,ainsi que surune demande analo-
gue présentée par la Yougoslavie, eta indiqué certaines mesuresconser-
vatoires; considérant qu'une ordonnancepar laquellela Cour indique ou
s'abstient d'indiquer des mesures conservatoirespeut êtrerapportéeou
modifiée, commeil est précisé à l'article 76 du Règlement; considérant
toutefoisque,selon cetarticle,la Cour nepeut rapporter ou modifier une
telle ordonnance que «si un changementdans la situation lui paraît justi-
fier» qu'il en soit ainsi; que, lorsqu'une demande en indication de
mesuresconservatoiresaété rejetée,toute nouvelledemandedoit,d'après
le paragraphe 3 de l'article 75 du Règlement,être((fondéesur des faits

nouveaux»; qu'il en est de mêmelorsque des mesures conservatoires
additionnellessontsollicitées;qu'ilappartient doncà laCourde s'assurer
que la seconde demande de la Bosnie-Herzégovine,ainsi que celle de la
Yougoslavie,sont fondéessur des circonstances nouvelles de nature àen
justifier l'examen; que, compte tenu de l'évolutionde la situation en
Bosnie-Herzégovinedans les derniers mois, cette condition doit en l'es-
pèceêtre considéré commeremplie;
23. Considérant que laYougoslavieconteste «la légitimitdu deman-
deur » et soutient en l'espèce,comme elle l'avaitfait lors de la première
demande en indication de mesures conservatoires, que le président etle
Gouvernement de la Bosnie-Herzégovinen'ont pas qualitépour agir
devant la Cour; considérant que la Cour a étésaisie de la seconde
demande enindication demesuresconservatoiresdansdesconditionsqui
sont pour l'essentiel les mêmes que celles dans lesquelles elle avait été

saisiedelapremière; que,par suite,l'exceptionsoulevéepar laYougosla-
vie doit être écartépeour les mêmesmotifs que ceuxretenus par la Gour
au paragraphe 13de son ordonnancedu 8avril 1993 ;

24. Considérant que, en présenced'une demande en indication de

mesuresconservatoires,point n'estbesoin pour la Cour, avant de décider
d'indiquer ou non de telles mesures, de s'assurer de manière définitive
qu'ellea compétencequantaufond del'affaire, maisqu'ellenepeut indi- 338 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13IX 93)

prima facie,to afford abasis on which thejurisdiction ofthe Court might
be established;

25. Whereas in its Order of 8 April 1993the Court considered that
Article IX of the Genocide Convention, to which both the Applicant
and the Respondent are parties, appeared to the Court

"to afford a basis on which the jurisdiction of the Court might be
founded to the extent thatthe subject-matter ofthe disputerelates to
'the interpretation, application or fulfilment' of the Convention,
including disputes 'relating to the responsibility of a State foro-
cide or forany ofthe other actsenumerated inarticle III' oftheCon-
vention" (Z.C. Rep.orts 1993,p. 16,para. 26);

26. Whereas Bosnia-Herzegovinaalso submitted to the Court, in sup-
port ofitsfirstrequest,as an additional basis ofjurisdiction, a letter dated
8June 1992addressed to the President of the Arbitration Commission of
the International Conference for Peace in Yugoslavia;whereas the Court
concluded that it was "unable to regard" that letter "as constituting a
prima faciebasis ofjurisdiction inthe present case", and considered that
it had to

"proceed therefore on the basisonly that it has prima faciejurisdic-
tion, both rationepersonae and ratione materiae, under Article IX of
the Genocide Convention" (ibid.,p. 18,para. 32);

27. Whereas the Agent of the Applicant has, both in its Application
institutingproceedings and in itssecondrequest forthe indication of pro-
visional measures,resewed "theright to revise,supplement or amend" the
Application and the request respectively; whereas in reliance on these
resewations, by lettersdated 6 August, 10August and 13August 1993,he
submitted that the Court's jurisdiction is grounded not only on theuris-
dictional bases previously put forward but also on certain additional
texts,specifiedin the lettersreferred to;
28. Whereas the Applicant cannot, simply by resewing "the right to
revise, supplement or amend" its Application or requests for provisional
measures,confer on itself arighttoinvoke additional grounds ofjurisdic-
tion, not referredto in the Applicationinstitutingproceedings;whereasit
willbe for theCourt, at an appropriate stage of the proceedings, to deter-
mine, if necessary, the validity of such claims; whereas however, as the
Court has recognized, "Anadditional ground ofjurisdiction may ...be
brought to the Court's attention" after the filing of the Application,

"and the Court may take it into account provided the Applicant
makes it clear that ittends to proceed upon that basis ...and pro-
vided also that the result is not to transform the dispute brought
before the Court bythe application intoanother dispute which isdif-
ferent in character..." (Military and Paramilitaty Activitiesin and APPLICATION DE CONVENTION GÉNOCIDE (ORD.13IX 93) 338

quer ces mesures que si les dispositions invoquéespar le demandeur
semblent primafacieconstituer une base sur laquellela compétencede la
Cour pourrait êtrefondée;

25. Considérantque la Cour, dans son ordonnance du 8 avril 1993,a
estiméque l'article IX de la convention sur le génocide, à laquelle le
demandeur et le défendeursont parties, semblait
«constituerune base sur laquelle la compétencede la Courpourrait
êtrefondéep,our autantque l'objetdu différend atraità1'«interpré-

tation, l'application ou l'exécution la convention, y compris les
différends((relatifsàla responsabilitéd'un Etaten matièredegéno-
cideou de l'un quelconque desautres actesénumérés àl'articleIII»
de la convention»(C.I.J.Recueil1993,p. 16,par. 26);
26. Considérantque la Bosnie-Herzégovine, à l'appui de sa première

demande,avaitenoutresoumis à laCour, commebasesupplémentairede
compétence,une lettre endate du 8juin 1992adresséeau présidentde la
commission d'arbitrage de la conférence internationalepour la paix en
Yougoslavie ;quelaCour adécidé qu'ellen'était«pas enmesuredeconsi-
dérer »cette lettre «comme une base de compétenceprima faciedans la
présente affaireet qu'elle devait

«par conséquent procéder surune seule base, à savoir qu'elle a
compétence, primafacie,tant rationepersonaeque rationemateriae,
envertu de I'articleIXde la convention surlegénocide»(ibid.,p. 18,
par. 32);

27. Considérantque l'agentdu demandeur, tant dans sa requêteintro-
ductive d'instance que dans sa seconde demande en indication de
mesures conservatoires, s'est réservéle droit de reviser, compléter ou
modifier» sa requêteet sa demande, respectivement;que, sefondant sur
cesréserves,la Bosnie-Herzégovinep , ar lettresendate des6,10 et 13août
1993,a soutenu que la compétencede la Cour a pour fondement, dans la
présente affaire, non seulementles textes antérieurement avancés,mais
encore certains autrestextesmentionnésdans leslettres en question;
28. Considérantque le demandeur ne saurait, en seréservant«le droit
de reviser,compléteroumodifier »sarequêteou sesdemandes enindica-
tion de mesures conservatoires, se donner par là mêmeun droit d'invo-
quer desbases supplémentairesde compétencenon mentionnéesdansla
requête introductive d'instance;et qu'ilappartiendra la Cour, au stade

appropriédelaprocédure,de seprononcer éventuellementsurlavalidité
de telles prétentions; considérant toutefois qu'unmotif de compétence
non spécifiédans la requête peut, ainsique laCour l'areconnu,
«êtreportéultérieurement à l'attention de la Cour, et [que]celle-ci
peut en tenir compte àcondition que le demandeur ait clairement

manifestél'intentionde procédersur cettebase ...àcondition aussi
que le différendportédevant la Cour par requête nese trouve pas
transformé en unautre différenddont le caractère ne serait pas le339 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13IX 93)

against Nicaragua (Nicaraguav. UnitedStates ofAmerica),Jurisdic-
tionandddmissibility, Judgment,I.C.J.Reports1984,p.427,para. 80);

whereas the Court thus concludesthat, for the purposes of a request for

indication ofprovisionalmeasures,itshouldthereforenot excludeapriori
suchadditional basesofjurisdiction fromconsideration,but that itshould
considerwhetherthe textsrelied on may,in al1the circumstances,includ-
ingthe considerationsstated in the decision quoted above, afford a basis
on whichthejurisdiction of the Courtto entertain the Application might
prima faciebe established;

29. Whereas the first additional basis ofjurisdiction relied on by the
Applicant is the Treaty between the Ailied and Associated Powers (the
United States of Arnerica, the British Empire, France, Italy and Japan)

and the Kingdom ofthe Serbs,Croats and Slovenes,on the Protection of
Minorities, signed at Saint-Germain-en-Laye on 10 September 1919
(hereinaftercalledthe "1919Treaty"), which came into force on 16July
1920;whereasChapter 1ofthe 1919Treatyconcernsprotection ofminori-
ties,and includes an Article 11wherebythat protection wasplaced under
the guarantee of the League of Nations; whereas that Article provides

"The Serb-Croat-SloveneState agrees that any Member of the
Council ofthe Leagueof Nations shall havethe rightto bring to the
attention of the Council any infraction, or any danger of infraction,
ofany of these obligations,andthat the Council maythereupon take
suchactionand givesuchdirectionsasit maydeemproper and effec-
tivein the circumstances.
TheSerb-Croat-SloveneState further agreesthat anydifferenceof
opinion as to questions of law or fact arising out of these Articles
between the Serb-Croat-SloveneState and any one of the Principal
Ailied and Associated Powersor any other Power, a member of the

Council ofthe Leagueof Nations, shallbe held to be a dispute of an
international character under Article 14 of the Covenant of the
League of Nations. The Serb-Croat-SloveneState hereby consents
that any such dispute shall, if the other party thereto demands, be
referred to the Permanent Court of International Justice. The deci-
sion of the Permanent Court shallbe final and shall have the same
force and effectas an award under Article 13ofthe Covenant" ;

whereas Chapter II of the 1919Treaty,concerning successionto treaties,
commerce,treatment of foreign vessels,and freedom of transit, contains
an Article 16which provides interalia: même ..» (Activités militairesetparamilitairasu Nicaragua et contre
celui-ci(Nicaraguac.Etats-Unis dYmérique)c ,ompétenceet recevabi-
lité,arrêt,.I.J.Recueil1984,p. 427,par. 80);

considérantdèslorsqu'auxfins d'une demandeen indication de mesures
conservatoiresla Cour ne doit pas serefuser à priori d'examiner de telles
bases supplémentaires de compétence,mais qu'elle doit se demander si,
compte tenu de toutes les circonstances, y compris les considérations
énoncéesdans la décisionprécitéel,estextesinvoquéspourraient consti-
tuer une base sur laquelle sa compétence pour connaître du différend
pourrait primafacie êtrefondée;

29. Considérant que la première base supplémentaire de compétence
invoquéepar ledemandeur estletraitéentrelesPuissancesalliéesetasso-
ciées(lesEtats-Unisd'Amérique, l'Empirebritannique, la France, l'Italie
et le Japon) et le Royaumedes Serbes, Croates et Slovènessur la protec-
tiondesminorités,signé à Saint-Germain-en-Layele 10septembre 1919et
entréenvigueurle 16juillet 1920(ci-aprèsdénommé le((traitéde 1919»);
considérantque lechapitre 1de cetraitéconcernelaprotection desmino-
ritésetcomporte un article 11selonlequelcetteprotection estgarantie par
la Sociétédes Nations ; que cet articleprévoiten particulier qu:

L'Etat serbe-croate-slovèneagréeque tout membre du Conseil
de la Société des Nationsaura le droit de signaler à l'attention du
Conseil toute infraction ou danger d'infraction à l'une quelconque
de ces obligations, et le Conseil pourra prendre telles mesures et
donner telles instructions qui paraîtront appropriées et efficaces
dans la circonstance.
L'Etatserbe-croate-slovèneagréeenoutrequ'en casde divergence
d'opinion, sur des questions de droit ou de fait concernant ces ar-
ticles entre'Etatserbe-croate-slovèneet l'une quelconque des Prin-
cipales Puissances alliées et associées ou toute autre Puissance,
membre du Conseil de la Société des Nations, cettedivergencesera

considéréecomme un différend ayant un caractère international
selon les termes de l'article 14du Pacte de la Société des Nations.
L'Etatserbe-croate-slovèneagréequetout différendde cegenresera,
si l'autre partie le demande, déféré la Cour permanente de Justice
internationale. La décisionde la Cour permanente serasans appel et
aura la mêmeforce et valeur qu'une décision rendue en vertu de
l'article 13du Pacte»;

considérant quele chapitre II du traitéde 1919,concernant la succession
enmatièredetraités,lecommerce, letraitementdes navires étrangersetla
libertéde transit, comporte un article 16,lequelprévoitnotamment que :340 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13IX 93)

"Ailrightsand privilegesaccorded bythe foregoingArticlesto the
Ailiedand Associated Powersshall be accorded equally to al1States

Members ofthe Leagueof Nations";
and whereasthe Applicant contends thatthe effectofthesetwoArticlesis
that a dispute to which Article 11of the 1919Treaty applied could be
referred to the Permanent Court of International Justice by any State
which was a Member of the League of Nations; whereas the Applicant
contends furtherthat the jurisdiction conferred on the Permanent Court

of International Justice by the 1919Treaty is exercisable by the present
Court byvirtue of Article37ofthe Statute ofthe Court;
30. Whereas the Applicant contends further that Yugoslaviahas suc-
ceeded to the rights and obligationsof the Kingdom of the Serbs,Croats
and Slovenes under the 1919Treaty ;and whereas,asregards its ownright
to invoke the 1919Treaty, the Applicant contends that, in the light of,
inter alia, General Assembly resolution 24 (1),the United Nations has
assumed the functions and powers of the League of Nations regarding,
interalia,the 1919Treaty,andthe General Assemblyhassubstituted itself
forthe Council ofthe Leagueinthat respect, and concludes that

"Bosnia-Herzegovina, as a member State of the United Nations,
thus isinthe position ofthe Statesdescribed in Articles 11and 16of
the Serb-Croat-SloveneTreaty, namely, the member States of the
League, and thus its dispute with Yugoslavia (Serbia and Monte-
negro) is one overwhichthis Court hasjurisdiction";

31. Whereasin order to reach a decision onthe contentions of Bosnia-
Herzegovinaasto the 1919Treatyasabasis ofjurisdiction, theCourt will
not have to pronounce on the questionwhether Articles 11and 16of the
1919Treaty are still in force, nor on their interpretation; whereas the
1919Treaty on the face of itstext imposes an obligation on theKingdom
ofthe Serbs,Croats and Slovenesto protect minoritieswithin its ownter-
ritory; whereasaccordingly,if, and in so far as,Yugoslavia is nowbound
by the 1919Treaty as successor of that Kingdom, its obligations under it

would appear tobelimitedto thepresentterritory ofYugoslavia;whereas
Bosnia-Herzegovinahas put fonvard no claiminitsApplication concern-
ingthe treatment ofminorities inYugoslavia,and hasrequested no provi-
sional measures in that respect; whereas therefore the Court considers
that, in any event,the 1919Treaty is irrelevant to the present request for

32. Whereasthe second ofthe additional bases ofjurisdiction put for-
ward by the Applicant is the letter, dated 8 June 1992,addressed to the ((Tous les droits et privilègesaccordéspar les articles précédents
aux Puissancesalliéeset associéesserontégalementacquis àtous les
Etats Membres de la Sociétédes Nations »;

et considérantque le demandeur prétend que,par l'effet de ces deux ar-
ticles, tout différendqui tombait sous le coup de l'article 11du traitéde
1919pouvait êtreportédevant la Cour permanente de Justiceinternatio-
nalepar tout Etat Membre dela Société des Nations; etque ledemandeur
prétend en outre que la Cour actuelle peut, en vertu de l'article37 du
Statut,exercerla compétence attribuée à la Cour permanente de Justice
internationale par letraitéde 1919;

30. Considérant quele demandeur soutient par ailleurs que la Yougo-
slavie a succédé aux droitset obligations que le Royaume des Serbes,
Croates et Slovènestenait du traitéde 1919;et considérant que, pour ce
qui estdesondroitd'invoquer lui-mêmecetraité,ledemandeur prétend, à
lalumièrenotamment de larésolution24 (1)de l'Assembléegénéraleq , ue
l'organisation desNations Unies aassumélesfonctions etlespouvoirs de
la SociétédesNations en cequiconcerne,entreautres, letraitéde 1919,et
que l'Assembléegénérales'est substituéeau Conseil de la Société des
Nations àcet égard,et qu'ilen conclut que:

«La Bosnie-Herzégovine,en tant qu7EtatMembre de l7Organisa-
tiondesNations Unies, estdonc dans lasituationdesEtats de1'Org~-
nisation visésaux articles 11et 16du traité serbe-croate-slovèneà
savoircelled'un Etat Membre dela Société desNations,et par consé-
quent son différend avecla Yougoslavie (Serbieet Monténégro)est
de ceuxqui relèventde lajuridiction de cette Cour» ;

31. Considérantque la Cour,pour parvenir à une décisionsur l'argu-
mentation tiréepar la Bosnie-Herzégovinedu traitéde 1919en tant que
base de compétence,n'aura àseprononcer ni sur le maintien en vigueur,
ni sur l'interprétation desarticles 11et 16it traité;qu'à premièrevue,
le texte du traitéde 1919imposeune obligation au Royaume des Serbes,
Croates et Slovènesde protégerles minoritéssur son propre territoire;
considérant en conséquence que,si, et dans la mesure où la Yougoslavie
est aujourd'hui liéepar le traité de 1919en tant que successeur de ce
royaume, ses obligationsenvertu de cetraité seraientapparemment limi-
tées à l'actuel territoire de la Yougoslavie; considérant que la Bosnie-
Herzégovine n'aprésentédans sa requêteaucune demande concernant

letraitement desminorités en Yougoslavie, et qu'elle n'a sollicitéaucune
mesure conservatoire à cet égard; que, par voie de conséquence, la
Cour estime qu'en tout étatde cause le traitéde 1919est dénuéde perti-
nence à l'égardde la présentedemandeen indication de mesures conser-

32. Considérant que la deuxièmebase de compétencesupplémentaire
présentéepar le demandeur estlalettre endate du 8juin 1992adresséeau 341 APPLICATION OFGENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13IX 93)

President ofthe ArbitrationCommission oftheInternational Conference
for Peace in Yugoslaviaby Mr. Momir Bulatovic,President of the Repub-
licof Montenegro, and Mr. Slobodan Milosevic,President ofthe Repub-
lic of Serbia, already referred to in paragraph 26 above; whereas in its

Order of8April1993 theCourt, afterexaminingthis letter,concluded that
it was unable to regard it "as constituting a prima faciebasis ofjurisdic-
tion in the present case" (I.C.J.Reports1993,p. 18,para. 32);whereas the
Applicanthasnotput fonvard anynewfactwhichmightlead the Courtto
reopen the question; whereas the Applicant's submission on the point
must be rejected;

33. Whereas it is claimed by the Applicant that

"theCourt'sjurisdiction isalsogrounded in the Customary and Con-
ventional International Laws of War and International Humanitar-
ian Law,includingbut not limitedtothe fourGenevaConventions of
1949,their FirstAdditional Protocol of 1977,the Hague Regulations
on Land Warfare of 1907,and the Nuremberg Charter, Judgment,
and Principles";

whereas however the Applicant has not brought to the attention of the
Court any provision in the texts enumerated conferring upon the Court
jurisdiction todeal with a disputebetween the Partiesconcerningmatters
to which those texts relate; whereas such jurisdiction is not prima facie
established ;

34. Whereas, in the context of the first request made by the Applicant
forthe indication ofprovisionalmeasures, the Respondent also, byacom-
munication of 1April 1993,recommended that such measures, listed in
paragraph 9 of the Court's Order of 8 April 1993,be indicated; whereas
some of the measures so requested might be directed to the protection of
rights going beyond those covered by the Genocide Convention; and
whereas the question thus arises whether, by requesting such measures,

the Respondent might have agreed that the Court should have a wider
jurisdiction, in accordance with the doctrine known as that of forum
prorogatum; whereas however the provisional measure requested by
Yugoslavia in a subsequent request, dated 9 August 1993(paragraph 12
above), was directed solely to protection of asserted rights under the
GenocideConvention; whereas moreoverthe Respondent has constantly
denied thatthe Court hasjurisdiction to entertain the dispute, onthe basis
ofthat Convention oron anyotherbasis;whereas inthe circumstancesthe
communicationfrom Yugoslaviacannot, evenprima facie,be interpreted président de la commission d'arbitrage de la conférence internationale
pour la paix en Yougoslavie par M. Momir Bulatovic, président de la
République du Monténégro,et M. Slobodan Milosevic, président de la

République de Serbie, dont il a déjà été fait étaatu paragraphe 26 ci-
dessus; considérant que la Cour, dans son ordonnance du 8 avril 1993,
ayant examiné cette lettre, a conclu qu'elle n'était pas en mesure de la
considérer «comme une base de compétenceprimafacie dans laprésente
affaire»(C.I.J.Recueil1993,p. 18,par.32);considérantque ledemandeur
n'avanceaucun faitnouveau denature à amener laCour à rouvrirlaques-
tion; que lesconclusions dudemandeur surcepoint doiventêtreécartées;

33. Considérant quele demandeur soutient que

«la compétencede la Cour est aussifondéesur le droit international
de la guerre coutumier et conventionnelet sur le droit international
humanitaire, y compris,maissans quecetteénumération soitlimita-
tive,les quatre conventions de Genèvede 1949,le premier protocole
additionnel de 1977 à ces conventions, le règlement annexé à la
convention de La Haye de 1907concernant leslois et coutumes de la
guerre sur terre, le statut du Tribunal de Nuremberg, le jugement
qu'ila rendu et les principes qu'ila appliqués ;

considérant cependant que le demandeur n'a porté à l'attention de la
Cour aucune disposition des textes ainsi énumérés qui attribuerait à la
Cour compétencepour connaître d'un différendentre les Parties concer-
nant les questions viséespar cestextes; que primafacie cettecompétence
n'est nullement établie;

34. Considérant que,dans le contexte de la premièredemande enindi-
cation de mesures conservatoiresprésentéepar le demandeur, le défen-
deur, par une communication du le' avril 1993,avait recommandé, lui
aussi,que soientindiquéesdetellesmesures, lesquelles sont énuméréeasu
paragraphe 9de l'ordonnance rendue par la Cour le8avril 1993 ;considé-
rant que certaines des mesures ainsi sollicitées pouvaient tendre à la
protection de droits allant au-delà de ceux couverts par la convention sur
le génocide;et quela question sepose par suite de savoir sile défendeur,
en sollicitant de telles mesures, n'aurait pas consenti ce que la Cour
disposed'une compétencepluslarge,conformément à la doctrine dite du
forum prorogatum; considérant cependant que la mesure conservatoire
sollicitéepar la Yougoslavie dans une demande ultérieure, datéedu

9août 1993 (garagraphe 12ci-dessus),tendait seulement àlaprotection de
droits revendiquéssur la base de la convention sur le génocide; considé-
rant de plus que le défendeur a constamment contesté que la Cour ait
compétencepour connaître du différend,sur la base de cetteconventionas "an unequivocalindication" of a "voluntary and indisputable" accept-
ance of the Court's jurisdiction (cf. Rightsof Minoritiesin UpperSilesia
(MinoritySchools),P.C.Z.J.S, eriesA, No.15,p. 24; CorfuChannel,Prelimi-

naryObjection,Judgment,Z.C.J.Reports 1947-1948p ,. 27);

35. Whereas the power of the Court to indicate provisional measures
under Article 41ofthe Statute ofthe Court hasasits object to preserve the
respectiverights oftheparties pending the decision oftheCourt, and pre-
supposes that irreparable prejudice should not be caused to rights which
are the subject of dispute injudicial proceedings; and whereas it follows
that the Court must be concernedto preserve by such measures the rights
which may subsequently be adjudged bythe Courtto belong either to the
Applicant or to the Respondent ;

36. Whereasthe Court, having established the existenceofone basis on
which itsjurisdiction tnight be founded, namelyArticle IX of the Geno-
cide Convention, and having been unable to find that other suggested
bases could prima facie be accepted as such, ought not to indicate
measures for the protection of any disputed rights other than those
which mightultimately formthe basis of ajudgment in the exerciseof the
jurisdictionthus prima facieestablished;

37. Whereas by its Order of 8April 1993the Court indicated,

"pending itsfinal decision intheproceedingsinstituted on 20 March
1993by the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovinaagainst the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) the following
measures :
A. (1) Unanimously,

The Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
(Serbia and Montenegro)shouldimmediately, in pursuance ofits
undertaking in the Convention on the Prevention and Punish-
ment of the Crime of Genocide of 9 December 1948,take al1
measures within its power to prevent commission of the crime
ofgenocide ;

(2) By13votesto 1,
The Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
(Serbia and Montenegro) should in particular ensure that any
military, paramilitary or irregular armed units which may be APPLICATION DE CONVENTION GÉNOCIDE (ORD.13IX 93) 342

ou surtoute autre base; que, dans cescirconstances,lacommunication de
la Yougoslavie ne peut être regardée,mêmeprima facie,comme «une
manifestation non équivoque» de la volonté de cet Etat d'accepter de
manière volontaire,indiscutable »la compétencede la Cour (voirDroits
des minoritésen Haute-Silésie (écolesminoritaires), C.P.J.I.sérieo 15,
p. 24;Détroitde Corfou,exceptionpréliminaire a,rrêt, .I.J.Recuei1947-
1948, p. 27);

35. Considérantque le pouvoir d'indiquer des mesures conservatoires
conféré àla Cour par l'article41de sonStatut apour objet de sauvegarder
ledroit de chacunedesparties en attendantque la Cour rendesadécision,
et présuppose qu'un préjudice irréparable ne doit pas être causé aux
droitsen litigedans une procédurejudiciaire;etconsidérantqu'ils'ensuit
que la Cour doit se préoccuper de sauvegarder par de telles mesures les
droitsquel'arrêtqu'elleaura ultérieurement àrendrepourrait éventuelle-
ment reconnaître, soit au demandeur, soit au défendeur;
36. Considérant que la Cour, ayant établi qu'il existe une base sur
laquelle sa compétence pourrait être fondée, à savoir l'article IX de la

convention sur le génocide,et n'ayant pu conclure que d'autres bases
avancéespourraient primafacieêtreretenues commetelles,ne devraitpas
indiquer de mesures tendant à protéger des droits contestés autres que
ceux qui pourraient en définitiveconstituerlabase d'un arrêtrendu dans
l'exercicede la compétenceainsi établieprimafacie;

37. Considérant que, par son ordonnance du 8 avril 1993,la Cour a

«à titre provisoire, en attendant son arrêt définitifdans l'instance
introduite le0mars 1993par la Républiquede Bosnie-Herzégovine
contrela Républiquefédérativede Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténé-
gro), les mesures conservatoiressuivantes

A. 1) Al'unanimité,
LeGouvernement de la Républiquefédérative de Yougoslavie
(Serbie et Monténégro) doit immédiatement, conformément à
l'engagement qu'ila assuméauxtermes de la convention pour la
préventionet la répression du crime de génocidedu 9 décembre

1948,prendre toutes les mesures en sonpouvoir afin de prévenir
la commission du crime degénocide;
2) Partreizevoixcontreune,

Le Gouvernement de la Républiquefédérative de Yougoslavie
(Serbie et Monténégro)doit en particulierveilleràce qu'aucune
desunitésmilitaires, paramilitairesou unitésarmkes irrégulières343 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13IX 93)

directed orsupported by it, aswellas any organizations ander-

sonswhichmaybesubjectto itscontrol,direction orinfluence,do
not commit any acts of genocide, of conspiracy to commitgeno-
cide, of direct and public incitement to commit genocide, or of
complicity in genocide, whether directed against the Muslim
population of Bosnia and Herzegovina or against any other
national,ethnical,racial orreligiousgrou;

B. Unanimously,
The Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
(Serbiaand Montenegro)and the Government ofthe Republic of
Bosnia and Herzegovina should not take any action and should
ensure that no action istaken whichmay aggravateor extend the
existingdispute over the prevention or punishment of the crime
ofgenocide,orrender itmoredifficult ofsolution" (I.C.J.Reports
1993,p.24,para. 52);

38. Whereasthe legalrightssought to beprotected bythe indication of
provisional measures are enumerated in the second request of Bosnia-
Herzegovinaforthe indication of such measures as follows :

"(a) theright ofthe citizensofBosniaand Herzegovinaphysicallyto
surviveasa Peopleand asaState;
(b) the rights of the People of Bosnia and Herzegovina to life,
liberty, security, and bodily and mental integrity, as well as
the other basic human rights specified in the 1948Universal
Declaration ofHuman Rights;
(c) the right ofthe People and State of Bosnia and Herzegovinato
be free atal1times from genocide and other genocidal acts
perpetrated upon Them by Yugoslavia (Serbia and Monte-
negro), actingtogether with itsagents and surrogates in Bosnia
and elsewhere;
(d) the right ofthe People and State of Bosniaand Herzegovinato
be free at al1times from the use or threat of force directed

against Them by a foreign State acting in conjunction with its
agents and surrogates on Their sovereign territory and else-
(e) theright ofBosniaand Herzegovinato conduct itsaffairsandto
determine matters within its domestic jurisdiction without
interference or intervention by anyforeignState acting directly
orbymeansofagentsand surrogates,orboth;

03 the right of self-determination of the People of Bosnia and
(g) thebasic right ofsovereignexistenceforthe Peopleand Stateof
Bosniaand Herzegovina; quipourraient relever de sonautoritéoubénéficier deson appui,
ni aucune organisation ou personne qui pourraient se trouver
soussonpouvoir,sonautorité, ousoninfluencene commettentle
crimede génocide,ne s'entendent envuede commettre cecrime,
n'incitent directementetpubliquement à lecommettreou ne s'en
rendent complices, qu'un tel crime soit dirigé contrela popula-
tion musulmane de Bosnie-Herzégovine,ou contre tout autre

B. Al'unanimité,
LeGouvernement de la Républiquefédérativd eeYougoslavie

(Serbieet Monténégro) etle Gouvernement de la Républiquede
Bosnie-Herzégovinedoiventneprendreaucune mesureet veiller
à ce qu'il n'ensoitprise aucune, qui soit denatuàeaggraverou
étendrele différend existantsur la prévention etla répression,
crime de génocide, ou à en rendre la solution plus difficile»
(C.I.J.Recueil1993,p.24,par. 52);
38. Considérant que les droitsque la seconde demande en indication

de mesures conservatoiresde la Bosnie-Herzégovinevise àprotéger sont
énuméréscommesuitdans laditd eemande :
«a) le droit pour les citoyens de Bosnie-Herzégovinede survivre
physiquemententant quepeuple et qu'Etat ;
6) lesdroitsdupeuple deBosnie-Herzégovine àlavie,laliberté,la
sûreté et l'intégrité physique et mentale, ainiue les autres

droits de l'homme fondamentaux définisdans la Déclaration
universelledesdroitsdel'hommede 1948 ;
c). le droit pour lepeuple et 1'Etatde Bosnie-Herzégovined'êtrà
tout moment protégés contreles actes de génocide et autres
actes assimilables perpétrés contreeux par la Yougoslavie
(Serbie et Monténégro), agissantde concert avec ses agents et
auxiliairesen Bosnieetailleurs;
d) le droit pour lepeuple et 1'Etatde Bosnie-Herzégovined'êtreà
tout momentprotégés contrel'emploiou la menace de la force
delapart d'un Etat étrangeragissantdeconcert avecsesagents

e) le droit pour la Bosnie-Herzégovinede conduire sesaffaires et
de décider des questions relevantde sa compétence nationale

sans ingérence ni intervention d'aucun Etat étranger agissant
directement ou par l'intermédiaire d'agentset auxiliaires,ou
lafoisdirectementetpar leurintermédiaire;
f) le droit du peuple de Bosnie-Herzégovineà l'autodétermina-
g) ledroitfondamental du peuple etde 1'Etatde Bosnie-Herzégo-
vine àl'existenceetàlasouveraineté; 344 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13IX 93)

(h) the right of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina to con-
tinue to existas a Member state ofthe United Nations Organi-

39. Whereas however, with respect to the measures requested, the
Court is,forthe reasonsexplained above,confinedto the consideration of
such rights under the Genocide Convention as might form the subject-
matter of ajudgment ofthe Court inthe exerciseof itsjurisdiction under
Article IX of that Convention; whereasthe rights listed at (a)to(g)were
asserted in almostidenticalterms, and their protection was claimedto be
necessary,in the firstrequest ofBosnia-Herzegovinaforprovisional mea-
sures,filed on 20March 1993;whereas ofthe rights listed onlythat indi-
cated in paragraph (c)is such that it may prima facie to some extent fa11
within the rights arising under the Genocide Convention; and whereas it
wasthereforeinrelation to that paragraph and forthe protection ofrights

under the Convention that theCourt indicatedprovisionalmeasuresin its
Order of 8April 1993;whereasaccordingly it isfor Bosnia-Herzegovina,
havingfiled a second request forthe indication of provisional measures,
to show that such further measures are necessary for the protection of
those rights;

40. Whereasthe listofmeasureswhichthe Applicant now requeststhe
Courtto indicate,set out inparagraph 6above,includescertain measures
(and inparticular those numbered 5,7,9 and 10on that list)whichwould
be addressed to States or entitiesnot parties to the proceedings; whereas
the Applicanthasexplained that itisnot askingforanOrder bindingupon
any Stateother than the Parties,but for a clarification of the Applicant's
rights"which canbeused inthe SecurityCouncil and the General Assem-
bly and elsewhere"; whereas the judgment in a particular caseby which
disputed rights maybe adjudged bythe Courtto belong to the Applicant
or to the Respondent has, in accordance with Article 59of the Statute of

the Court, "no binding forceexcept betweenthe parties"; whereas accord-
inglythe Court may, for the prese~ation of those rights, indicate provi-
sional measuresto betaken bythe parties,but not bythird Statesor other
entities who would not be bound by the eventualjudgment to recognize
and respect those rights; whereas consequently the Court cannot, in the
exerciseof its powerto indicate provisionalmeasures,indicate byway of
"clarification" that those States or entities should take, or refrain from,
specific action in relation to the acts of genocide which the Applicant
allegesare being committed in Bosnia-Herzegovina;

41. Whereasthree of the measures requested by the Applicant (those
numbered 4,6 and 8 on the list in paragraph 6 above) provide that the
Government of Bosnia-Herzegovina "must have the means" to prevent
the commission of genocide, and to defend its people against genocide, h) ledroitde la Républiquede Bosnie-Herzégovinede continuer à
exister en tant qu'Etat Membre de l'organisation des Nations
Unies elle-même ):

39. Considérant cependant que,en cequi concerne lesmesures sollici-
tées,la Cour, pour les motifs sus-énoncés,doitse borner à l'examen des
droits conféréspar la convention sur le génocide pouvant faire l'objet
d'un arrêtde la Cour rendu dans l'exercicede sa compétenceen vertu de
l'articleIXde cetteconvention; que lesdroitsénumérésauxalinéaa s)àg)
ont étéinvoquésentermespresque identiquesdans lapremièredemande
en indication de mesures conservatoires,déposéele 20 mars 1993par la
Bosnie-Herzégovine, etque, dans cette demande, leur protection a été

sollicitée commenécessaire; que, de tous les droits énumérés, seul celui
énoncé à l'alinéa c)est tel que, par sa nature, il peut dans une certaine
mesure relever prima facie des droits conféréspar la convention sur le
génocide;et que c'estpar conséquentenrelationavec cetalinéaetpour la
protection de droits conféréspar la convention que la Coura indiqué des
mesures conservatoires dans son ordonnancedu 8avril 1993 ;considérant
par voie de conséquenceque c'est àla Bosnie-Herzégovine,quia déposé
une seconde demande en indication de mesures conservatoires, qu'il
incombe de montrer que ces nouvelles mesures sont nécessairespour la
protection de ces droits;
40. Considérant que, parmi les mesures dont la liste figure au para-
graphe 6 ci-dessus et que le demandeur prie maintenant la Cour d'indi-
quer, il en est certaines (et enparticulier celles qui portent les numéros
7, 9 et 10dans cette liste) qui s'adresseraientà des Etats ou entités qui

ne sont pas parties à l'instance; que le demandeur a expliquéqu'il ne
demande pas une ordonnance qui lierait un Etat autre que les Parties,
mais demande une clarification de ses droits, dont il pourra ensuite
«se prévaloirau Conseildesécurité et àl'Assemblée généralee ,tailleurs»;
que I'arrêtrendu dansune affaire donnéepar lequella Cour peut recon-
naître au demandeur ou au défendeur certains droits contestésn'est, en
vertu de l'article 59 du Statut de la Cour, obligatoire que pour les par-
ties en litige;que, par voie de conséquence,la Cour peut, pour la sau-
vegarde de ces droits, indiquer des mesures conservatoires à prendre par
les parties, mais non par des Etats tiers ou d'autres entités alors que
ceux-ci ne seraient pas tenus de reconnaître et respecter ces droits par
application de I'arrêtqui sera en définitive rendu; considérant que, par
suite, la Cour ne peut, dans l'exercice de son pouvoir d'indiquer des

mesures conservatoires, indiquer àtitre de «clarification » que ces Etats
ou entitésdoiventprendre, ou s'abstenir de prendre, des mesures spécifi-
ques à l'égarddesactes de génocidequi,selonle demandeur, sontactuel-
lement commis en Bosnie-Herzégovine;
41. Considérant que, aux termes de trois des mesures sollicitéespar le
demandeur (à savoir celles qui portent les numéros4,6 et 8dans la liste
reproduite au paragraphe 6 ci-dessus), le Gouvernement de la Bosnie-
Herzégovine«doit avoir les moyens» de prévenir la commission d'un345 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13IX 93)

and "must have the ability to obtain military weapons, equipment, and
supplies"from the otherparties tothe Genocide Convention; whereas the
Applicant has made it clear in its written and oral observations that it
bases these proposed measures on the Genocide Convention and on the
right of self-defencereferredto inArticle 51of the United Nations Char-
ter, and on its claim thatbecause of the arms embargo laid down by the
SecurityCouncil by resolution 713(199l), the Applicant isunable to pro-
tect its people from genocide; whereas a similar claim was before the
Court when it examined the first request for provisionalmeasures,when
some of the requested measures were directed to the question of self-
defence,but were not regarded by the Court as within the scope of the
jurisdiction under Article IX of the Genocide Convention; whereas Ar-
ticle 41 of theStatute empowers the Court to indicate measures "which
ought to betaken to preserve the respectiverights of eitherparty", and for
the reasons giveninparagraph 39 abovethis means measures which ought

to be taken by one or both parties to thecase; whereas however it is clear
thatthe intention ofthe Applicant in requesting these measures isnot that
the Court indicate thatthe Respondent oughtto take certain stepsforthe
prese~ation of the Applicant's rights, but rather that the Court make a
declaration of what those rights are,which "would clarifythe legal situa-
tion for theentire international community", inparticular the members of
the United Nations Security Council; whereas accordingly this request
must be regarded as outside the scope of Article 41of the Statute;

42. Whereas two of the measures requested by the Applicant (those
numbered 2and 3on the listinparagraph 6above) relatetothepossibility
of "partition and dismemberment7',annexation or incorporation of the
sovereign territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina (and this question is also

referred to inmeasuresnumbers 6and 7);whereasit appears totheCourt,
from the definition of genocideinArticle II of the Genocide Convention
(set out, sofar as relevant, inparagraph 39ofthe Court's Order of 8April
1993),that its essential characteristic is the intended destruction of "a
national,ethnical,racial orreligious group", and notthe disappearance of
a State asa subject ofinternational lawor a change in itsconstitution or its
territory; whereas,accordingly, the Court isunable to accept, forthe pur-
pose ofthe presentrequestfor the indication ofprovisionalmeasures, that
a "partition and dismemberment", or annexation of a sovereign State, or
itsincorporationintoanother State,couldin itselfconstitutean actof geno-
cide and thus a matter falling within the jurisdiction of the Court under
Article IX ofthe Genocide Convention; whereas, on the otherhand, inso
far asitisthe Applicant's contention thatsuch "partition and dismember-
ment", annexation or incorporation willresultfrom genocide, the Court,
in itsOrder of 8April 1993has alreadyindicated that Yugoslavia should APPLICATION DE CONVENTION GÉNOCIDE (ORD.13IX 93) 345

génocideet de défendre son peuple contre le génocide, et«doit avoir la

facultéde se procurer des armes, des matériels et des fournitures mili-
taires»auprèsdesautresparties à la convention sur legénocide; considé-
rant que le demandeura clairementindiqué dans sesobservationsécrites
etorales qu'il sefonde, pour proposer cesmesures, surla conventionsurle
génocideet surle droit de légitimedéfensementionné àl'article 51de la
Charte des Nations Unies, ainsi que sur le fait que, selon lui, il est dans
l'impossibilitéde défendre son peuple contre le génocide à cause de
l'embargo sur les livraisons d'armes que le Conseil de sécuritéa imposé
par sarésolution 713(1991) ;que la Cour étaitsaisied'une argumentation
analogue lorsqu'elle a examinéla première demande en indication de
mesures conservatoires et que certaines des mesures alors sollicitées
visaient la question de la légitimedéfense,mais n'avaient pas été consi-
déréespar la Cour comme relevant de la compétence que lui confère

l'articleXde la convention sur le génocide;que la Coura lepouvoir, en
vertu de l'article 41 de son Statut, d'indiquer «quelles mesures conser-
vatoires dudroitdechacundoiventêtreprises »,etque, pour lesmotifs ex-
posésau paragraphe 39ci-dessus,cetteformules'entend desmesuresqui
doiventêtreprisespar l'une desparties a l'affaire oupar les deux parties;
considérant cependant qu'il est clair que l'intention du demandeur, en
sollicitant cesmesures, n'estpas d'obtenir que la Cour indiqueque le dé-
frndeur doitprendre certainesdispositions pour la sauvegardedesdroits du
demandeur, mais plutôt que la Cour fasse une déclaration précisantces
droits, déclaration qui ((clarifierait la situation juridique l'intention
de l'ensemble de la communauté intemationale», en particulier des
membres du Conseil de sécuritédel'organisation desNations Unies; que
cette demande doit être considéréecommeétant hord su champ d'appli-

cation de l'article 41du Statut;
42. Considérant que deux des mesures sollicitées par le demandeur
(àsavoir celles qui portent les numéros2 et 3 dans la listereproduite au
paragraphe 6 ci-dessus) ont trait a l'éventualitéde «la partition et [du]
démembrement », de l'annexion ou de l'absorption du territoire souve-
rain de la Bosnie-Herzégovine(questionsquementionnent également les
mesures portant les numéros 6 et 7); qu'il apparaît a la Cour, d'après la
définitiondu génocidefigurant a l'article IIde la convention sur legéno-
cide (citée,dans ses passages pertinents, au paragraphe 39 de l'ordon-
nancerendue par la Cour le 8avril 1993),quelacaractéristiqueessentielle
du génocide est la destruction intentionnelle d'un «groupe national,
ethnique, racial ou religieux et non la disparition d'un Etat entant que
sujet de droit international ou le fait de modifier sa constitution ou son
territoire; que, par voie de conséquence,la Cour ne peut admettre, aux

finsde laprésentedemande enindication de mesures conservatoires,que
«la partition et ledémembrement»ou l'annexion d'un Etat souverain, ou
son absorption par un autre Etat, pourrait en soi constituer un acte de
génocide,et,de cefait, une questionrelevant de la compétencedela Cour
en vertu de l'articleIX de la convention sur le génocide; considérant
d'autre part que, dans la mesure où le demandeur prétend qu'unetelle APPLICATION DE CONVENTION GÉNOCIDE (ORD.13IX 93) 346

{(partition» et un tel ({démembrement»,une telle annexion ou une telle
absorption résultera d'un génocide, la Cour, dans son ordonnance du
8 avril 1993,a déjà indiquéque la Yougoslavie doit «prendre toutes les

mesuresen son pouvoir afin de prévenirlacommissiondu crime degéno-
cide »,quelles que soientlesconséquences de ce crime;
43. Considérant que la mesure restante que sollicite le demandeur(à
savoir cellequi porte lenuméro1dans lalistereproduite au paragraphe 6
ci-dessus),laquelle ne fait pas référencea convention sur le génocide,
estpresqueidentiquedanssonlibellé à ladeuxièmemesuresollicitéedans
la première demande en indication de mesures conservatoires(énoncée
au paragraphe 3 ci-dessus) de la Bosnie-Herzégovine,à ceci prèsque sa
portéeest plus large; que, danssonordonnancedu 8avril 1993,la Cour,
ayantconclu qu'ellenedevrait pas indiquer demesurestendant àprotéger
desdroitscontestésautresque ceux quipourraient constituerlabased'un
arrêt rendudans l'exercicede sa compétenceenvertu de l'articleX de la
convention sur legénocide,a indiqué desmesures ne faisant pas mention

de la mesurealors sollicitéeue lesmêmesconsidérationscontinuent de

44. Considérant que la demande en indication de mesures conserva-
toiresprésentéepar la Yougoslavie, énoncéeauparagraphe 12ci-dessus,
sefondesur l'argumentselonlequel lesfaitsexposés à laCour démontrent

«que le mêmedegréd'urgenceet la mêmeperspectivemalheureuse
d'un préjudice irréparable existentautant dans le cas du groupe
ethniqueserbeen Bosnie-Herzégovineque,commecela estallégué, à
l'égard d'autres groupesde cettepopulation »,
et justifieraient, par voie de conséquence, l'indication à l'adresse de la

Bosnie-Herzégovine,dans les termes visésau paragraphe 12 ci-dessus,
d'une mesurequi seraitparallèleàcelleindiquéeàl'adresse de la Yougo-
slavieà l'alinéa 1 du paragraphe 52 A de l'ordonnance rendue par la
Cour le 8avril 1993;
45. Considérant que la mesure que sollicitela Yougoslavie serait de
nature àprotéger des droits que confèrela convention sur le génocideet
qui relèvent de ce fait de la compétenceprima faciede la Cour; que la
Cour, sur la base des élémentsde preuve et d'information dont elle
dispose, doit aussi reconnaître l'existence de certains risques pour les
personnes dont la Yougoslavie demande la protection; considérant
cependant que la question qui se poseà la Cour est celle de savoir si les
circonstances «exigent» l'indication de mesures conservatoires,confor-
mément à l'article 41du Statut;

46. Considérantque la Cour, ayantindiqué auparagraphe 52 Ade son
ordonnance du 8 avril 1993que la Yougoslavie doit prendre toutes les
mesures en son pouvoir afin de prévenirle génocide,a indiqué quelles
étaient«enparticulier »lesmesuresappropriées àprendre par la Yougo-
slavie dans les circonstances de l'affaire, où il existait un risque de347 APPLICATIONOFGENOCIDECONVENTION(ORDER 13IX93)

Bosnia-Herzegovina; whereas furthermore, as the Court noted in para-
graph 45of itsOrder of 8April1993, both Yugoslaviaand Bosnia-Herze-
govina are under a clearobligationto do al1in their power to preventthe
commissionof anyacts ofgenocide, and byparagraph 52Bofthat Order
the Court indicated that both Bosnia-Herzegovinaand Yugoslaviashould
nottakeanyaction and should ensurethat no action istaken whichmight
aggravate or extend the existing dispute over the prevention or punish-
mnent of the crime of genocide, or render it more difficult of solution;
whereas the Court does not find that the circumstances, as they now
present themselves to the Court, are such as to require a more specific

indication ofmeasuresaddressed to Bosnia-Herzegovinasoasto recallto
it both itsundoubted obligationsunder the GenocideConvention,and the
need to refrain from action of thekind contemplated by paragraph 52B
ofthe Court's Order of 8April 1993;

47. Whereas Article 75,paragraph 2, of the Rules of Court recognizes
the power ofthe Court, when a request forprovisional measureshas been
made, to indicate measures that are in whole or in part other than those
requested ;
48. Whereas the Court, in the context of the present proceedings on a
request forprovisional measures,has in accordance with Article41ofthe
Statute to consider the circumstances drawnto itsattention andto deter-
minewhether those circumstancesrequirethe indication offurther provi-
sional measures to be taken by the Parties for the protection of rights
under the Genocide Convention; whereas however the Court cannot
make definitivefindings of fact or of imputability, and the right of each
Partyto disputethe facts alleged againstit,to challengethe attribution to

it of responsibilityfor those facts,and to submit arguments in respect of
the merits, must remain unaffected bythe Court's decision;

49. Whereasinparagraph 45ofitsOrder of8April1993theCourt con-
cludedthatthere wasagraveriskofactsofgenocidebeingcommittedand
that Yugoslaviaand Bosnia-Herzegovina,whetheror not any such actsin
thepast maybelegallyimputable tothem,wereunder aclearobligationto
do al1in their power to prevent the commission of any such acts in the
50. Whereas Article 1 of the Genocide Convention, quoted by the
Court in the same paragraph of its Order of 8April 1993,provides that:

"The Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether com-
mitted in time of peace or in time of war, is a crimeunder interna-
tional lawwhichthey undertake to prevent and to punish" ;cide, non pas sur le territoire yougoslave,mais en Bosnie-Herzégovine;

considérant enoutreque, commelaCour l'aobservéau paragraphe 45de
son ordonnance du 8avril 1993,tant laYougoslavieque la Bosnie-Herzé-
govinesonttenues de l'incontestable obligationde fairetout cequi est en
leur pouvoir pour prévenir la commissiond'actesde génocide,et que la
Cour a indiquéau paragraphe 52 B de ladite ordonnance que tant la
Bosnie-Herzégovine que la Yougoslavie doivent ne prendre aucune
mesure, et veilleràce qu'il n'en soit prise aucune, qui soit de nature à
aggraverou étendreledifférend existantsurlapréventionetlarépression
du crimedegénocide,ou àenrendre lasolutionplusdifficile; quelaCour
n'estimepas que les circonstances, telles qu'ellesse présentent actuelle-
ment àelle,exigentune indication plus spécifiquede mesuresà l'adresse
de la Bosnie-Herzégovine à l'effetde lui rappelàrla foislesobligations
qui sont incontestablement les siennes en vertu de la convention surle

génocideet la nécessitéde s'abstenir de prendre toute mesure du type
envisagéauparagraphe 52Bdel'ordonnancerendue parlaCour le8avril

47. Considérant que le paragraphe 2 de l'article 75 du Règlement
reconnaît à la Cour, lorsqu'une demande en indication de mesures

conservatoireslui a étéprésentélee,pouvoir d'indiquer desmesurestota-
lement ou partiellement différentesde cellesqui sont sollicitées;
48. ConsidérantquelaCour,dans lecontextedelaprésenteprocédure
concernant une demande en indication de mesures conservatoires,doit,
conformément àl'article41du Statut,examiner lescirconstancesportées
à son attention et déterminersi ces circonstancesexigentl'indication de
mesures conservatoiresadditionnelles que les Parties devraient prendre
pour protégerdesdroitsconférépsar laconventionsurlegénocide;consi-
dérant cependantque la Cour n'est pas habilitée à conclure définitive-
ment sur lesfaitsou leurimputabilitéet que sa décisiondoit laisserintact
le droit de chacune des Parties de contester les faits alléguéscontreelle,
ainsi que la responsabilitéqui lui est imputéequantcesfaits et de faire
valoir sesmoyenssur le fond;

49. Considérant qu'auparagraphe 45 de son ordonnance du 8 avril
1993la Coura concluqu'ilexistaitun risque gravequedesactes degéno-
cide soient commis et que la Yougoslavieet la Bosnie-Herzégovine,que
de tels actes commis dans le passé puissent ou non leur être imputés en
droit,étaienttenuesde l'incontestable obligationde fairetout cequi était
en leur pouvoir pour en assurer la prévention'avenir;
50. Considérantque l'article premierdela convention sur legénocide,
citépar la Cour dans le même paragraphede son ordonnance du 8 avril
1993,dispose ce qui suit:

«Les Parties contractantes confirment que le génocide,qu'ilsoit
commisentempsdepaix ou entempsdeguerre,estun crimedu droit
des gens, qu'elles s'engagent préveniretà punir »;348 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13IX 93)

whereas al1parties to the Convention have thus undertaken "to prevent

andto punish" the crime of genocide;
51. Whereas, as the Court recorded in its Order of 8 April 1993,the
crime of genocide "shocks the conscience of mankind, results in great
lossesto humanity ...and is contrary to moral law and to the spirit and
aims of the United Nations", in the words of General Assemblyresolu-
tion 96(1)of 11December 1946on "The Crime of Genocide";

52. Whereas, since the Order of 8 April 1993was made, and despite
that Order, and despite many resolutions of the SecurityCouncil of the
United Nations, great suffering and lossof lifehasbeen sustained bythe
population ofBosnia-Herzegovinaincircumstanceswhichshockthe con-
science of mankind and flagrantlyconflict with moral law and the spirit
and aimsof the United Nations :

53. Whereas, sincethe Order of 8April1993 was made, the graverisk
which the Court then apprehended of action being taken which may
aggravateor extend the existingdispute overthe prevention and punish-

ment ofthe crime ofgenocide, or render it moredifficult of solution,has
been deepened by the persistence of conflicts on the territory ofosnia-
Herzegovina and the commission of heinous acts in the course of those
54. Whereas the Security Council of the United Nations in resolu-
tion 819(1993)of16 April1993 took note ofthe Court's Order of 8April
1993in which the Court indicated that the Federal Republic of Yugo-
slavia(Serbiaand Montenegro)shouldtake al1measures withinits power
to prevent the commission of the crime of genocide, and whereas the
Security Council in that resolution reaffirmed its condemnation of al1
violations of international humanitarian law, in particular the practice
of "ethnic cleansing";

55. Whereas the Security Council of the United Nations in resolu-
tion 859 (1993)of 24 August 1993which, inter alia, affirmed the con-
tinuing membership of Bosnia-Herzegovina in the United Nations,

reaffirmed the principle ofthe unacceptability ofthe acquisition ofterri-
torybyforceand recalledthat ofindividual responsibilityforthe perpetra-
tion ofwar crimesand otherviolationsofinternationalhumanitarian law;

56. Whereas the Security Council of the United Nations, by resolu-
tions 808(1993)of 22 February 1993and 827(1993)of 25 May 1993,has
established an international tribunal for the prosecution of persons
responsible for serious violations of humanitarian law committed in the
territory ofthe formerYugoslavia;
57. WhereastheCourt, while takinginto account, interalia,the replies
ofthetwo Partiesto a questionput to them atthe hearings astowhatsteps
had been taken bythem "to ensure compliancewiththe Court's Order of
8April 1993",isnot satisfied that al1that might havebeen done hasbeen APPLICATIONDE CONVENTION GÉNOCIDE(ORD. 13IX 93) 348

considérantque toutes lesparties à la convention ont donc assumél'obli-
gation «de prévenir etde punir »le crime de génocide;
51. Considérantqu'ainsi que la Cour l'anotédansson ordonnance du
8 avril 1993le crime de génocide «bouleverse la conscience humaine,
inflige de grandes pertes à l'humanité ..et est contraireà la loi morale
ainsi qu'à l'esprit etaux fins des Nations Unies», selon les termes de la
résolution96 (1)de l'Assembléegénéraleendatedu 11décembre1946sur
«Le crime de génocide» ;
52. Considérant que, depuis que l'ordonnance du 8 avril 1993a été
rendue, et en dépitde cette ordonnance et de nombreuses résolutions du
Conseil de sécuritéde l'organisation des Nations Unies, de très vives
souffrances ont étéendurées edte lourdes pertes en vieshumaines ont été
subies par la population de Bosnie-Herzégovinedans des circonstances

qui bouleversent la conscience humaine et sont àl'évidenceincompa-
tibles avecla loi morale ainsi qu'avec l'espritet lesfins des Nations Unies;
53. Considérant que, depuis que l'ordonnance du 8 avril 1993a été
rendue, le risque grave, alors redoutépar la Cour, que soient prises des
mesures de nature à aggraver ou étendre le différend existant sur la
prévention etla répression ducrime de génocide, ou à en rendre la solu-
tion plus difficile, a étéaccrupar la persistance de conflits sur leterritoire
de la Bosnie-Herzégovineetla commissiond'actes odieux au cours de ces
54. Considérant que le Conseil de sécuritéde l'organisation des
Nations Unies, danssa résolution819(1993)du 16avril 1993,apris note
de l'ordonnance de la Courdu 8 avril 1993,dans laquelle la Cour aindi-
quéquela République fédérative de Yougoslavie(Serbieet Monténégro)

devait prendre toutes les mesures en son pouvoir afin de prévenir la
commission du crime degénocide,etque leConseil desécuritéd , ans cette
résolution,a réaffirmésa condamnation de toutes les violations du droit
humanitaire international, et en particulier de la pratique du «nettoyage
ethnique » ;
55. Considérant que le Conseil de sécuritéde l'organisation des
Nations Unies, dans sa résolution859 (1993)du 24 août 1993qui, entre
autres, affirme la continuitéde la Bosnie-Herzégovinecomme Membre
des Nations Unies, a réaffirmé le caractère inacceptablede l'acquisition
de territoires par la forceet rappeléleprincipe de la responsabilité indivi-
duelle pour la perpétrationde crimes de guerreet desautres violations du
droit humanitaire international;
56. Considérant que le Conseil de sécuritéde l'organisation des

Nations Unies, par ses résolutions808 (1993)du 22 février1993et 827
(1993) du 25 mai 1993,a créé untribunal international pour juger les
personnes présumées responsablesde violationsgraves du droit humani-
taire international commises sur leterritoire de l'ex-Yougoslavie;
57. ConsidérantquelaCour,tenant compte, entre autres, desréponses
apportéespar les deux Parties à une question, posée à l'audience, sur le
point de savoir quelles dispositions elles avaient prises «pour assurer le
respect del'ordonnance du 8avril 1993 »,n'estpas convaincue quetout cedone to prevent commission of the crime of genocide in the territory of
Bosnia-Henegovina, and to ensure that no action is taken which may
aggravateor extend the existing dispute orrenderitmoredifficult ofsolu-
58. Whereas, asthe Court has previouslyfound,

"When theCourtfindsthatthe situationrequires that measures of
this kind should be taken, it is incumbent on each party to take the
Court's indication seriouslyintoaccount ..."(MilitaryandParamili-
taryActivitiesinandagainst Nicaragua(Nicaraguav. UnitedStates of
America),Judgment,I.C.J.Reports 1986,p. 144,para. 289);

whereasthis isparticularly so in such a situation as now exists in Bosnia-
Herzegovina where no reparation could efface the results of conduct
which the Court may mle to have been contraryto international law;

59. Whereas the present perilous situation demands, not an indica-
tion of provisional measures additional to those indicated by the
Court's Order of 8April1993, setout in paragraph 37above, but immedi-
ate and effectiveimplementation of those measures;

60. Whereas the decision given in the present proceedings in no way
prejudges the question of the jurisdiction of the Court to deal with the
merits of the case, or any questions relating to the admissibility of the
Application, or relating to the merits themselves, and leaves unaffected

the right of the Governments of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Yugoslavia to
submitargumentsin respect of those questions ;

61. For these reasons,

(1) By 13votes to 2,

ReaffImisthe provisional measure indicated in paragraph 52 A (1) of
the Order made by the Court on 8 April 1993,which should be immedi-
ately and effectivelyimplemented;

IN FAVOUR: PresidentSir Robert Jennings; Vice-PresidenO t da; Judges
Schwebel,Bedjaoui,Ni, Evensen,Guillaume, Shahabuddeen,Aguilar
Mawdsley,Weeramantry,Ajibola, Herczegh; Judge ad hoc Lauter-
pacht ;
AGAINST :JudgeTarassov ;Judgead hocKreCa ;
(2) By 13votes to 2,

Reaffirmsthe provisional measure indicated in paragraph 52 A (2) of
the Order made by the Court on 8 April 1993,which should be immedi-
ately and effectivelyimplemented; APPLICATION DE CONVENTION GÉNOCIDE (ORD.13IX 93)

qui pouvait être fait ait été ftour prévenir la commission du crime de
génocidesur le territoire de la Bosnie-Herzégovineet pour veiller à ce
qu'aucune mesure ne soitprise qui soit de natureàaggraver ou étendrele
différend existantou en rendre la solutionplus difficile;
58. Considérant que,comme laCour l'a dit précédemment,

((lorsque la Cour conclut que la situation exige l'adoption de
mesures de cegenre, ilincombe àchaque partiedeprendre sérieuse-
ment en considération les indications ainsi données ..» (Activités
militaires etparamilitairesau Nicaragua et contrecelui-ci(Nicaragua
c.Etats-UnisdAmérique),arrêtC , .Z.J. ecueil1986,p. 144,par. 289);

qu'il en va particulièrement ainsi dans une situation telle qu'elle se
présente actuellement en Bosnie-Herzégovineoù aucune réparation ne
pourrait effacer les conséquencesd'un comportement que la Cour pour-
rait juger avoirété contraireau droit international;
59. Considérant que la situation dangereuse qui prévaut actuellement
exige non pas l'indication de mesures conservatoires s'ajoutantà celles
qui ont étéindiquéespar l'ordonnance de la Cour du 8 avril 1993,et qui
sontreproduites auparagraphe 37ci-dessus,maisla mise en Œuvreimmé-
diate et effectivede cesmesures;

60. Considérant qu'une décisionrendue en la présente procédurene
préjuge en rien la compétence de la Cour pour connaître du fond de
l'affaire, ni aucune question relativela recevabilitéde la requête ou au
fond lui-même,et qu'elle laisse intact le droit du Gouvernement de la
Bosnie-Herzégovine et du Gouvernement de la Yougoslavie de faire
valoirleurs moyens en ces matières;

61. Par cesmotifs,

1) Partreize voix contre deux,

RéafJimzela mesure conservatoire indiquée à l'alinéa 1 du para-
graphe 52 A de l'ordonnance rendue par la Cour le 8 avril 1993,qui doit
êtreimmédiatementet effectivement mise en Œuvre;
POUR: Sir Robert Jennings, Président; M. Oda, Vice-Président;
MM. Schwebel,Bedjaoui, Ni, Evensen, Guillaume, Shahabuddeen,
Aguilar MawdsleyW , eeramantry,Ajibola,Herczegh,juges; M.Lauter-
pacht,juge ad hoc;
CONTRE :M. Tarassov,juge ;M. KreSa,juge ad hoc;

2) Partreize voix contre deux,

RéafJirmela mesure conservatoire indiquée à l'alinéa 2 du para-
graphe 52 A de l'ordonnance rendue par la Cour le 8 avril 1993,qui doit
être immédiatemene tt effectivement mise en Œuvre:350 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 13IX 93)

IN FAVOUR: PresidentSir Robert Jennings;Vice-îresidenOda; Judges
Schwebel,Bedjaoui,Ni, Evensen,Guillaume,Shahabuddeen,Aguilar
Mawdsley, Weeramantry,Ajibola, Herczegh; Judge ad hoc Lauter-
AGAINST :JudgeTarassov;Judge ad hocKreCa;

(3) By 14votes to 1,

ReafJirmsthe provisional measure indicated in paragraph 52 B of the
Order made by theCourt on 8April 1993,which should be immediately
and effectivelyimplemented.

IN FAVOUR : PresidenSir Robert Jennings; Vice-PresideOda; Judges
Aguilar Mawdsley,Weeramantry,Ajibola, Herczegh; Judge ad hoc
AGAINST :Judgead hoc KreCa.

Done in English and in French, the English text being authoritative, at
the Peace Palace, The Hague,this thirteenth day of September, oneou-

sand nine hundred and ninety-three, infour copies, one of which willbe
placed inthe archives ofthe Court and the otherstransmitted respectively
to the Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, theGov-
ernment ofthe Federal Republic ofYugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro),
and tothe Secretary-General ofthe United Nations fortransmission tothe
Security Council.

(Signed) R.Y. JENNINGS,


(Signed)Eduardo VALENCIA-OSPINA,

Vice-President ODAappends a declaration to the Order of the Court.

LAUTERPACa pTpend separate opinions to the Order of the Court.

Judge TARASSO and Judge ad hocKRE~A append dissentingopinions
to the Order of theCourt.


(InitialledE.V.O. POUR: Sir Robert Jennings, Président; M. Oda, Vice-Président
MM. Schwebel, Bedjaoui,Ni, Evensen, Guillaume, Shahabuddeen,
AguilarMawdsley,Weeramantry,Ajibola, Herczegh, juges; M.Lauter-
pachtjuge ad hoc;
CONTRE :M.Tarassov, juge;M.Kreka, juge ad hoc;

3) Par quatorze voix contre une,

RéafJllmela mesure conservatoire indiquée au paragraphe 52 B de
l'ordonnance rendue par la Cour le 8avril 1993,quidoit êtreimmédiate-
ment et effectivement mise en Œuvre.
POUR : Sir Robert Jennings, Présiden; M. Oda, Vice-Président
MM. Schwebel, Bedjaoui,Ni, Evensen, Tarassov,Guillaume,Shaha-
buddeen, Aguilar Mawdsley, Weeramantry, Ajibola, Herczeg juges;
M.Lauterpacht, jugeadhoc;

CONTRE :M.KreSa, juge ad hoc.

Fait en anglais et en français, le texte anglais faisant foi, au Palais de
la Paix,à La Haye, le treize septembre mil neuf cent quatre-vingt-treize,
en quatre exemplaires, dont l'un restera déposé auxarchives de la Cour
et les autres seront transmis respectivement au Gouvernement de la

Républiquede Bosnie-Herzégovine,au Gouvernement de la République
fédérativede Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro) etau Secrétaire géné-
ral de l'organisation des Nations Unies pour transmission au Conseil de

Le Président,

(Signé) R.Y. JENNINGS.
Le Greffier,


M. ODA,Vice-Président,joint une déclaration à l'ordonnance.

PACHT, juge ad hoc,joignent à l'ordonnance les exposésde leur opinion

M. TARASSOjV ug,e, et M.KRE~Aj,uge ad hoc,joignent à l'ordonnance
lesexposésde leuropinion dissidente.


ICJ document subtitle

Further Requests for the Indication of Provisional Measures

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Order of 13 September 1993
