ORDONNANCE DU 8 AVRIL1993 Officia1citat:on
Application oftheConventiononthePreventionandPunishment
oftheCrimeof Genocide,ProvisionalMeasus,rderof8April1993,
Applicationdelaconventionpour lapréveet la répression
du crimede génocide, mesures conservatoires,ordcueanvril 1993,
C.I.J.Recueil 1993,p. 3
Sales number
ISSN 0074-4441 Nodevent: 631 1
1993 YEAR 1993
No.91 8 April 1993
Present: PresidentSirRobert JEN;Vice-Presidet D;JudgesAGO,
The International Court ofJustice,
Composed as above,
After deliberation,
Having regard to Articles35,36,41 and 48of the Statute of the Court,
and to Articles73,74 and 75ofthe Rules of Court,
Havingregardto the Application bythe RepublicofBosniaand Herze-
govina(hereinafter called "Bosnia-Herzegovina")filed in the Registryof
the Court on0 March 1993,instituting proceedings against the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) (hereinafter called"Yugoslavia") in respect of a dispute concerning alleged violations by
Yugoslavia of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the
Crime of Genocide, adopted by the General Assembly of the United
Nations on 9 December 1948(hereinafter called "the Genocide Conven-
tion"), aswellasmatters which Bosnia-Herzegovinamaintains to be con-
nected therewith,
1. Whereasin the above-mentioned Application Bosnia-Herzegovina,
basing the jurisdiction of the Court on Article IX of the Genocide Con-
vention, recounts a series of events in Bosnia-Herzegovina from April
1992up tothepresent daywhich,initscontention, amountto actsofgeno-
cidewithinthe definition givenin the Genocide Convention, specifically
(i) killing members of a group, namely Muslim inhabitants of Bosnia-
(ii) causingseriousbodilyormentalharmto membersofthat group ;
(iii) deliberately inflicting on that group conditions of life calculated to
bring about itsphysicaldestructioninwholeorinpart; and
(iv) imposingmeasuresintended topreventbirths withinthatgroup;
and whereasBosnia-Herzegovinaclaimsthatthe actscomplained ofhave
been committed by former members of the Yugoslav People's Army
(YPA)and bySerbmilitaryand paramilitary forcesunder the directionof,
at the behest of, and with assistance from Yugoslavia; and whereas
Bosnia-Herzegovinaclaimsthat Yugoslaviaistherefore fullyresponsible
under international lawfortheir activities;
2. Whereason the basis ofthe facts allegedin the Application Bosnia-
Herzegovinarequests the Court to adjudge and declare as follows:
"(a) that Yugoslavia(Serbiaand Montenegro) hasbreached, and is
continuing to breach, its legal obligations toward the People
and State of Bosnia and Herzegovina under Articles 1,II (a),
II (b),IIc)II (d),III (a),III (b),III (c),III (d),III (e),IVand Vof
the Genocide Convention;
(b) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) has violated and is
continuing to violate its legal obligations toward the People
and State of Bosnia and Herzegovina under the four Geneva
Conventions of 1949,their Additional ProtocolI of 1977,the
customary international laws of war including the Hague
Regulations on Land Warfare of 1907,and otherfundamental
principles ofinternationalhumanitarian law ;
(c) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) has violated and
continues to violateArticles 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10,11,12,13,
15, 16,17,18, 19,20,21,22,23,25,26 and 28of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with respect to the citizens of
Bosniaand Herzegovina;
(d) that Yugoslavia(Serbiaand Montenegro),inbreach ofitsobli-
gations under general and customary international law, has
killed, murdered, wounded, raped, robbed, tortured, kid-
napped, illegally detained, and exterminated the citizens of
Bosniaand Herzegovina,and iscontinuingtodo so ;
(e) thatin itstreatment ofthe citizensof Bosniaand Herzegovina,
Yugoslavia(Serbia and Montenegro) has violated, and is con-
tinuing to violate, its solemn obligations under Articles 1(3),
55and 56ofthe United Nations Charter;
03 that Yugoslavia(Serbiaand Montenegro) has used and is con-
tinuing to use force and the threat of force against Bosnia and
Henegovina in violation of Articles2 (l), 2 (2),2 (3),2 (4)and
33(l), ofthe United Nations Charter;
(g) that Yugoslavia(Serbiaand Montenegro),inbreach ofitsobli-
gations under general and customary international law, has
used and is using force and the threat of force against Bosnia
and Herzegovina;
(h) that Yugoslavia(Serbiaand Montenegro),in breach ofitsobli-
gations under general and customary international law, has
violated and is violatingthe sovereigntyof Bosniaand Herze-
govinaby :
- armed attacks against Bosnia and Herzegovina by air and
land ;
- aerialtrespassinto Bosnianairspace;
- efforts by direct and indirect means to coerce and intimi-
datethe GovernmentofBosniaand Herzegovina;
(i) that Yugoslavia(Serbiaand Montenegro),inbreach ofitsobli-
gations under general and customary international law, has
intervened and is intervening in the interna1affairs of Bosnia
and Herzegovina;
Q) ting, arming, equipping, financing, supplying andting,othenvise
encouraging, supporting, aiding, and directing military and
paramilitary actionsin and against Bosniaand Herzegovinaby
means ofitsagentsand surrogates,hasviolated and isviolating
its expresscharter and treaty obligationsto Bosniaand Herze-
govina and, in particular, its charter and treaty obligations
under Article2(4)ofthe United Nations Charter, aswellasits
obligations under generaland customaryinternational law;
(k) that under the circumstancesset forth above, Bosniaand Her- zegovinahas the sovereignright to defend Itselfand its People
under United Nations Charter Article 51and customaryinter-
national law, including by means of immediately obtaining
military weapons, equipment, supplies and troops from other
(1) that under the circumstances setforth above,Bosnia and Her-
zegovinahasthe sovereignright under United Nations Charter
Article 51 and customary international law to request the
immediate assistance of any State to come to its defence,
including by military means (weapons, equipment, supplies,
troops, etc.)
(m) that Security Council resolution 713 (1991),imposing a wea-
pons embargoupon the former Yugoslavia,mustbe construed
in a manner that shallnot impair the inherent right of individ-
ual or collectiveself-defenceof Bosniaand Henegovina under
the terms ofUnited Nations Charter Article51andthe rulesof
customaryinternationallaw ;
(n) that al1subsequentSecurityCouncilresolutions that referto or
reaffirm resolution 713(1991)must be construed in a manner
that shall not impair the inherent right of individual or collec-
tiveself-defenceofBosniaand Henegovina under the termsof
United Nations Charter Article 51and the rules of customary
international law;
(O) that SecurityCouncilresolution 713 (1991)and al1subsequent
Security Council resolutions referring thereto or reaffirming
thereof must not be construed to impose an arms embargo
upon Bosnia and Herzegovina,as required by Articles 24 (1)
and 51ofthe United Nations Charter and in accordance with
the customarydoctrine of ultravire ;s
(pl that pursuant to the right of collectiveself-defencerecognized
by United Nations Charter Article51, al1other Statesparties to
the Charter havethe right to cometo the immediatedefence of
Bosniaand Henegovina - atitsrequest - includingbymeans
of immediatelyproviding It with weapons, militaryequipment
and supplies, and armed forces (soldiers, sailors, airpeople,
(4) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) and its agents and
surrogatesare under an obligation to ceaseand desistimmedi-
atelyfromitsbreaches ofthe foregoinglegalobligations, and is
under aparticular dutyto ceaseand desistimmediately :
- from its systematicpractice of so-called 'ethnic cleansing'
ofthe citizensand sovereigntenitory of Bosniaand Hene-
govina; - from the murder, summary execution, torture, rape, kid-
napping, mayhem, wounding, physical and mental abuse,
and detention ofthe citizensofBosniaand Herzegovina;
- from the wanton-devastation of villages,towns, districts,
cities,and religiousinstitutionsin Bosniaand Herzegovina;
- from the bombardment of civilian population centres in
Bosnia and Herzegovina, and especially its capital, Sara-
- fromcontinuingthe siegeofanycivilianpopulation centres
in Bosnia and Henegovina, and especially its capital,
Sarajevo ;
- fromthe starvation ofthe civilianpopulation in Bosniaand
Herzegovina ;
- fromtheinterruption of,interferencewith,orharassment of
humanitarian relief supplies to the citizens of Bosnia and
Herzegovinabytheinternational community ;
- from al1use of force - whether direct or indirect, overt or
covert - against Bosnia and Herzegovina, and from al1
threats offorceagainstBosniaand Herzegovina;
- from al1violations ofthe sovereignty,territorial integrityor
politicalindependence of Bosniaand Herzegovina, includ-
ing al1intervention, direct or indirect, inthe interna1affairs
- from al1support of any kind - including the provision of
training, arms, ammunition, finances, supplies, assistance,
direction or any other form of support - to any nation,
group, organization, movement or individual engaged or
planning to engagein militaryor paramilitary actions in or
againstBosniaand Herzegovina;
(r) that Yugoslavia(Serbiaand Montenegro) has an obligation to
pay Bosnia and Herzegovina, in its own right and as parens
patriae for its citizens,reparations for damagesto persons and
property as well asto the Bosnian economy and environment
causedbythe foregoingviolationsofinternational lawin asum
to be determined by the Court. Bosnia and Herzegovina
reservesthe right to introduce to the Court aprecise evaluation
of the damages caused by Yugoslavia (Serbia and Monte-
negro)" ;
3. Whereasbyarequestfiledinthe Registryon20March 1993immedi-
atelyafterthe filingofthe Application, Bosnia-Herzegovina,invokingAr-
ticle 41 of the Statute of the Court and Articles 73, 74,75 and 78 oftheRules of Court, and relying on the facts set forth in the Application,
urgentlyrequested that the Court indicatethe followingprovisional mea-
suresto be in effectwhilethe Court is seisedofthis case :
"1. That Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro),together with its
agents and surrogates in Bosnia and elsewhere, must immediately
cease and desist fromal1acts ofgenocide and genocidalacts against
the People and State of Bosnia and Herzegovina,includingbut not
limitedto murder; summaryexecutions; torture; rape ;mayhem; so-
called 'ethnic cleansing'; the wanton devastation of villages,towns,
districtsand cities;the siegeofvillages,towns,districtsand cities;the
starvationofthe civilianpopulation ;theinterruption of,interference
with, or harassment of humanitarian relief supplies to the civilian
population by the international community; the bombardment of
civilianpopulation centres; and the detention ofciviliansin concen-
tration campsor othenvise.
2. That Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) must immediately
cease and desist from providing, directly or indirectly,any type of
support - includingtraining,weapons, arms,ammunition,supplies,
assistance,finances,direction or anyotherform of support - to any
nation, group, organization, movement, militia or individual
engagedin orplanning to engageinmilitaryorparamilitary activities
in oragainstthe People,Stateand Government ofBosniaand Herze-
3. That Yugoslavia(Serbiaand Montenegro) itselfmust immedi-
ately cease and desistfromany and al1types of militaryor paramili-
tary activitiesby its own officiais, agents, surrogates,or forces in or
against the People, State and Government of Bosnia and Herzego-
vina, and from any other use or threat of force in its relations with
Bosniaand Herzegovina.
4. That under the current circumstances, the Government of
Bosnia and Herzegovina has the right to seek and receive support
from other Statesin order to defend Itself and its People, including
by means of immediately obtaining military weapons, equipment,
and supplies.
5. That under the current circumstances, the Government of
Bosnia and Herzegovina has the right to request the immediate
assistanceof any Stateto cometo itsdefence,including by means of
immediately providing weapons, military equipment and supplies,
and armedforces (soldiers,sailors,airpeople, etc.).
6. That under the current circumstances,anyStatehasthe right to
cometo the immediatedefence of Bosnia and Herzegovina - at its
request - including by means of immediately providing weapons,
militaryequipment and supplies,and armed forces(soldiers,sailors,
and airpeople, etc.)"; 4. Whereas on 20 March 1993,the day on which the Application and
the requestforthe indication ofprovisionalmeasures werereceivedinthe
Registry,the Registrarnotified the Government of Yugoslaviaofthe fil-
ingofthe Application and the request,and communicatedthetextthereof
to it, by telefax, and sent certified copies of the Application and the
request to it by expressregisteredpost on 22 March 1993,in accordance
with Article40,paragraph 2,of the Statute and Articles38,paragraph 4,
and 73,paragraph 2,ofthe Rules of Court;
5. Whereas,pending the notification under Article40,paragraph 3,of
the Statute and Article 42 of the Rules of Court, by transmittal of the
printed bilingual text of the Application to the Members of the United
Nations and other Statesentitled to appear beforethe Court,the Registrar
on 25 March 1993informed those States of the filing of the Application
and of its subject-matter, and of the request for the indication of provi-
sional measures ;
6. Whereas on 25 March 1993,the Registrar, in accordance with Ar-
ticle 43of the Rules of Court, addressed the notification provided for in
Article63,paragraph 1,ofthe Statuteto the States,other than the Parties
to the dispute, which on the basis of information supplied by the Secre-
tary-General of the United Nations as depositary (ST/LEG/SER.E/lO
and supplementsto date)appeared tobeparties to the GenocideConven-
tion, and in addition addressed to the Secretary-General of the United
Nations the notification provided for in Article 34, paragraph 3, of the
Statute ofthe Court;
7. Whereas on 25 March 1993the Registrarinformed the Parties that
the Court would hold public sittings on 1and 2 April 1993to hear the
observationsofthe Parties onthe request forthe indication ofprovisional
measures;whereas on29March 1993Yugoslaviarequestedthepostpone-
mentofthose sittingsto adateinearlyMay 1993,but theCourt decidedon
30 March 1993that, in viewof the urgency attaching under Article 74 of
the Rules of Court to a request for provisionalmeasures,it was unable to
accedeto that request;
8. Whereas on 31March 1993,the Agent of Bosnia-Henegovina filed
in the Registry of the Court a document dated 8June 1992which in the
contention of Bosnia-Herzegovinaconstitutedabasisfor thejurisdiction
ofthe Court additional to that specified inthe Application;
9. Whereas in written observations,submittedto the Courton 1April
1993,on the request forthe indication of provisionalmeasures, the Gov-
ernment of Yugoslavia
"recommends thattheCourt, pursuant to Article41ofitsStatuteand
Article 73 of its Rules of Procedure, order the application of provi-
sional measures,in particular :
- to instructthe authorities controlled by A.Izetbegovicto comply
strictlywith thelatest agreement on a cease-fireinthe 'Republic
of Bosnia and Henegovina' which went into force on 28 March
1993 ; - to direct the authorities under the control of A. Izetbegovic éo
respect the Geneva Conventions for the Protection of Victimsof
War of 1949and the 1977Additional Protocolsthereof, sincethe
genocide of Serbslivinginthe 'Republic ofBosniaand Herzego-
vina' isbeing carried out by the commissionof veryserious war
crimes which are in violation of the obligation not to infringe
upon the essentialhuman rights;
- toinstructthe authoritiesloyalto A.Izetbegovicto closeimmedi-
atelyand disband al1prisons and detention campsin the 'Repub-
lic of Bosnia and Herzegovina' in which the Serbs are being
detained because of their ethnic origin and subjected to acts of
torture,thus presentingarealdanger forfheirlifeandhealth;
- to direct the authorities controlled by A. Izetbegovicto allow,
without delay, the Serb residents to leave safely Tuzla, Zenica,
Sarajevoand other places inthe 'Republic ofBosniaand Herze-
govina',wheretheyhavebeensubjecttoharassment and physical
and mental abuse, and having in mind that they may suffer the
samefate asthe Serbsin eastern Bosnia,whichwasthe siteofthe
killingand massacresofafewthousand Serbcivilians;
- to instructthe authoritiesloyalto A.Izetbegovicto ceaseimmedi-
atelyanyfurther destruction ofOrthodox churchesand places of
worship and of other Serb cultural heritage, and to release and
stopfurther mistreatmentof al1Orthodox priestsbeinginprison ;
- to directthe authorities under the control ofA.Izetbegovicto put
an end to al1acts of discrimination based on nationality or reli-
gionand thepractice of'ethniccleansing',includingthe discrimi-
nation related to the delivery of humanitarian aid, against the
Serbpopulationinthe 'RepublicofBosniaand Herzegovina' ";
10. Having heard the oral observations on the request for provisional
measurespresented at public hearings held on 1and 2 April 1993by the
followingrepresentatives :
H.E. Mr. Muhamed Sacirbeyand
Mr. Francis A. Boyle,Agents;
onbehalfof Yugoslavia:
Mr. Ljubinko Zivkovicand
Mr. Shabtai Rosenne, ActingAgents ;and havingreceivedthe repliesofthe Partiesto a questionput by a Mem-
ber ofthe Court at the hearings;
11. Having regard to the "Supplementary Submission" on the facts
alleged in support of the Application and the request transmitted to the
Courton 1ApriI 1993by facsimilebythe Agent of Bosnia-Herzegovina;
12. Whereas in the written observations referred to in paragraph 9
above, Yugoslavia made what it termed "a preliminary objection with
regardto the legitimacyofthe Applicant", claimingthat neitherthe Presi-
dent ofthe Republic ofBosniaand Herzegovina,Mr.A.Izetbegovic,who
appointed the Agents of that State and authorized the institution of the
present proceedings, nor the Government of the Republic of Bosnia and
Herzegovina,arelegallyelected;whereas Yugoslaviaclaimsthatthe legit-
imacyand mandate ofthe Government and the President ofthe Republic
ofBosniaand Herzegovinaaredisputed not only byrepresentativesofthe
Serbpeople but also by representatives ofthe Croat people, and further-
more thatthe mandate of Mr. Izetbegovicexpired on 20December 1992,
and was challenged on this ground by the Prime Minister of Bosnia-
Herzegovinain a letterto the Chairman oftheEuropean AffairsSubcom-
mittee of the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee dated
24 February 1993,circulated, at the request of the Prime Minister of
Bosnia-Herzegovina,bythe Secretary-Generalofthe United Nations asa
document ofthe General Assemblyand ofthe SecurityCouncil;
13. Whereas the Agent of Bosnia-Herzegovina stated that Presi-
dent Izetbegovic is recognized by the United Nations as the legitimate
Head of State of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina; whereas the
Court has been seised of the case on the authority of a Head of State,
treated as such in the United Nations; whereas the power of a Head of
Stateto act on behalf of the State in its international relations isver-
sallyrecognized,and reflected in, for example,Article7,paragraph 2 (a),
of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties; whereas accordingly
the Court may, for the purposes of the present proceedings on a request
for provisionalmeasures,accept the seisinas the act ofthat State;
14. Whereason a requestforprovisionalmeasures theCourt neednot,
before decidingwhether ornottoindicatethem,finally satisfyitselfthat it
hasjurisdiction on the merits ofthe case,yetit ought not to indicateuch
measuresunless the provisionsinvoked by the Applicant or found in theStatute appear, prima facie,to afford a basis on whichthejurisdiction of
the Court might be established; whereas this consideration embraces
jurisdiction both rationepersonae and ratione materiae, even though,
inasmuch asalmost al1Statesaretodayparties to the Statuteofthe Court,
it isin general onlythe latter which requires tobe considered;
15. Whereas Article 35,paragraph 1,of the Statute of the Court pro-
vides that "The Court shall be open to the States parties to the present
Statute", and Article93,paragraph 1,ofthe United Nations Charter that
"Al1Membersofthe United Nations are ipsofactoparties to the Statuteof
the International Court of Justice"; and whereas it is maintained in the
Application that "As Members of the United Nations Organization, the
Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Yugoslavia(Serbia and Mon-
tenegro) are parties to the Statute"; whereas however in the Application
Bosnia-Herzegovina indicates that the "continuity" of Yugoslavia with
the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, a Member of the
United Nations, "has been vigorously contested by the entire interna-
tional community, and [sic] including by the United Nations Security
Council well as by the General Assembly", and reference is there
made to (interalia)Security Council resolution 777(1992)and General
Assemblyresolution 47/1;
16. Whereas Security Council resolution 777 (1992)of 19September
1992reads, so far aspertinent:
Consideringthatthe Stateformerlyknown asthe SocialistFederal
Republic of Yugoslavia has ceasedto exist,
Recallingin particular resolution 757(1992)which notes that 'the
claim by the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Monte-
negro) to continue automatically the membership of the former
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the United Nations
has not been generallyaccepte&,
1. Considersthat the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia(Serbia and
Montenegro) cannot continue automatically the membership ofthe
former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the United
Nations; and therefore recommendsto the General Assemblythat it
decide that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Mon-
tenegro) should apply for membership in the United Nations and
that it shall not participate in the work of the General Assembly";
and whereason22September 1992theGeneral Assemblyadopted resolu-
tion 47/ 1,which reads, so far as pertinent: "The GeneralAssembly,
Having receivedthe recommendation of the Security Council of
19September 1992that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia(Serbia
and Montenegro) should apply for membership in the United
Nations and that it shallnot participate in the work of the General
Assembly ...,
1. Considersthat the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia(Serbia and
Montenegro) cannot continue automatically the membership of the
former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the United
Nations; and therefore decides that the Federal Republic of Yugo-
slavia(Serbia and Montenegro) shouldapplyfor membership in the
United Nations and that it shall not participate in the work of the
General Assembly" ;
17. Whereas the Under-Secretary-General and Legal Counsel of the
United Nations addressed a letter on 29September 1992tothe Permanent
Representatives to the United Nations of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Cro-
atia, in which he stated that the "considered view of the United Nations
Secretariat regarding the practical consequences of the adoption by the
General Assemblyof resolution 47/ 1"was as follows :
"While the General Assembly has stated unequivocally that the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) cannot
automatically continue the membership of the former Socialist Fed-
eral Republic of Yugoslaviain the United Nations andthat the Fed-
eral Republic of Yugoslavia(Serbia and Montenegro) should apply
for membership in the United Nations, the only practical conse-
quence that the resolution draws is that the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia(Serbia and Montenegro)shall notparticipateinthe work
oftheGeneral Assembly.It isclear,therefore, that representatives of
the Federal Republic ofYugoslavia(Serbia and Montenegro) canno
longerparticipateinthe work ofthe General Assembly,itssubsidiary
organs, nor conferences and meetingsconvened by it.
On the otherhand,the resolution neither terminates nor suspends
Yugoslavia's membershipinthe Organization.Consequently,the seat
and nameplate remain asbefore, but in Assemblybodies representa-
tivesofthe Federal Republic ofYugoslavia(Serbia and Montenegro)
cannot sitbehindthe sign'Yugoslavia'.Yugoslavmissions at United
Nations Headquarters and officesmaycontinue tofunction and may
receive and circulate documents. At Headquarters, the Secretariat
willcontinueto flythe flagoftheold Yugoslaviaasit isthe lastflagof
Yugoslavia used by the Secretariat. The resolution does not take
away the right of Yugoslavia to participate in the work of organs 14 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 8 IV93)
other than Assemblybodies.Theadmission to the United Nations of
a new Yugoslavia under Article 4 of the Charter will terminate the
situation created by resolution 47/1"(doc.A/47/485);
18. Whereas,whilethe solutionadopted isnotfreefromlegal difficult-
ies, the question whether or not Yugoslavia is a Member of the United
Nations and as such a party to the Statute of the Court is one which the
Court does not need to determine definitivelyat the present stage of the
proceedings ;
19. Whereas Article 35 of the Statute, after providing that the Court
shallbe open to the parties to theStatute,continues:
"2. The conditions under which the Court shallbe open to other
Statesshall,subject to the specialprovisionscontained in treaties in
force,be laid down bythe SecurityCouncil, but in no caseshall such
conditions place the parties in a position of inequality before the
whereas the Court therefore considers that proceedings may validly be
institutedbya StateagainstaState whichisaparty to suchaspecialprovi-
sionin atreaty in force,but isnot party to thetatute,and independently
of the conditions laid down by the SecurityCouncil in its resolution 9 of
1946(cf. S.S. 'Wimbledon",1923,P.C.I.J., SeriesA, No.1,p. 6);whereasa
compromissoryclause in a multilateral convention, such as Article IX of
the GenocideConvention reliedonby Bosnia-Herzegovinainthe present
case,could, in the viewofthe Court, be regarded prima facieas a special
provision contained in a treaty in force; whereas accordingly ifBosnia-
Herzegovina and Yugoslavia are both parties to the Genocide Conven-
tion, disputes to which Article IX applies are in any event prima facie
withinthejurisdiction rationepersonae ofthe Court;
20. Whereas the Court must therefore now consider its jurisdiction
rationemateriae; whereas Article IX of the Genocide Convention, upon
whichBosnia-HerzegovinainitsApplication claimsto foundthe jurisdic-
tion ofthe Court, provides that
"Disputesbetween the ContractingPartiesrelating tothe interpre-
tation,application orfulfilmentofthepresentConvention,including
those relatingtothe responsibilityofaStateforgenocideorforanyof
the other acts enumerated in article III, shall be submitted to the
International Court of Justice atthe request of any of the parties to
the dispute"; 21. Whereas the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
signedthe GenocideConvention on 11December 1948,and deposited an
instrument of ratification, without resemation, on 29 August 1950;
whereas both Parties tothe present case correspond to parts of the terri-
tory ofthe former SocialistFederal Republic of Yugoslavia;
22. Whereasatthetimeofthe proclamation ofthe Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia(that is to saythe Respondent inthe present proceedings) on
27April 1992,a forma1declaration wasadopted on itsbehalf to the effect
"The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,continuing the State,inter-
nationallegaland politicalpersonalityofthe SocialistFederal Repub-
licofYugoslavia,shallstrictlyabide by al1the commitmentsthatthe
SocialistFederal Republic of Yugoslaviaassumedintemationally" ;
and whereasthisintention ofYugoslaviato honourthe international trea-
ties ofthe former Yugoslaviawas confirmed in an officia1Note from the
PermanentMission ofYugoslaviatothe UnitedNations, addressed to the
Secretary-General,dated 27April 1992;
23. Whereas Bosnia-Herzegovinaon 29December 1992transmitted to
the Secretary-Generalofthe United Nations, the depositary ofthe Geno-
cide Convention, a Notice of Successionin the followingterms :
"the Govemment ofthe RepublicofBosniaand Herzegovina,having
consideredthe Convention onthe Preventionand Punishment ofthe
Crime ofGenocide,ofDecember9,1948,to whichthe former Social-
ist Federal Republic ofYugoslaviawas a party, wishesto succeedto
the same and undertakes faithfully to perform and cany out al1the
stipulations therein contained with effect from March 6, 1992,the
dateonwhichthe RepublicofBosniaand Herzegovinabecame inde-
pendent" ;
and whereasthe Secretary-General on 18March 1993communicated the
followingDepositaryNotification to the parties tothe GenocideConven-
"On 29December 1992,the notification ofsuccessionbythe Gov-
ernment of Bosnia and Herzegovinato the above-mentioned Con-
vention was deposited with the Secretary-General,with effectfrom
6 March 1992,the date on which Bosnia and Herzegovinaassumed
responsibilityfor itsinternational relations";
24. Whereas Yugoslavia has disputed the validity and effect of the
Notice of 29 December 1992,contending that no rule of generalinterna-
tional law gives Bosnia-Herzegovina the right to proclaim unilaterally
that itsnow a party to the Genocide Convention merelybecause the for-
mer SocialistFederal Republic ofYugoslavia wasaparty to the Conven-
tion andthe Convention was thus applicable to what is now the territoryof Bosnia-Herzegovina,that the "declaration of succession" procedure
providedforinthe Vienna Convention on Successionof Statesin respect
of Treaties (which Convention is not in force) was evolved for, and is
applicable only in, cases of decolonization, and is therefore not open to
Bosnia-Herzegovina; and that the Notice of 29 December 1992,if con-
strued as an instrument of accession under Article XI of the Genocide
Convention, can only "become effective on the ninetieth day following
the deposit oftheinstrument"inaccordance withArticle XIII oftheCon-
vention; whereas Yugoslavia concludes that the Court has jurisdiction
under the Genocide Convention, if at all, only in respect of facts subse-
quent to the expiration of 90days fromthe Notice of 29December 1992;
25. Whereasthe Court observesthat the Secretary-Generalhastreated
Bosnia-Herzegovina,not asacceding, but as succeedingto the Genocide
Convention, and ifthisbesothequestion oftheapplication ofArticlesXI
and XIII ofthe Convention would not arise; whereashoweverthe Court
notes that even if Bosnia-Herzegovina were to be treated as having
acceded to the GenocideConvention, withthe resultthat the Application
mightbe said to bepremature when filed, "this circumstancewould now
be covered" by the fact that the 90-dayperiod elapsed between the filing
of the Application and the oralproceedings on the request (cf.Mavrom-
matisPalestineConcessions J,udgmentNo.2,1924,P.C.I.J.,SeriesA, No.2,
p. 34); whereas the Court, in deciding whether to indicate provisional
measures is concerned,not so much withthe past as withthe present and
with the future; whereas, accordingly evenif itsjurisdiction suffersfrom
the temporal limitationasserted by Yugoslavia - which it does not now
haveto decide - this is not necessarily abarto the exerciseofitspowers
under Article41ofthe Statute;
26. Whereas Article IX of the Genocide Convention, to which both
Bosnia-Herzegovina and Yugoslavia are parties, thus appears to the
Court to afford a basis on which the jurisdiction of the Court might be
founded to the extentthat the subject-matter ofthe dispute relatesto "the
interpretation, application or fulfilment" of the Convention, including
disputes "relatingto the responsibilityofa Stateforgenocide orforany of
the other actsenumeratedin article III" ofthe Convention;
27. Whereas on 31March 1993the Agent of Bosnia-Herzegovinasub-
mitted, as constituting an additional basis ofjurisdiction of the Court in
this case, aletter, dated 8 June 1992,addressed to the President of the
Arbitration Commission of the International Conference for Peace inYugoslaviaby Mr. Momir Bulatovic,President of the Republic of Mon-
tenegro, and Mr. Slobodan Milosevic, President of the Republic of
Serbia; whereas the Court considers that the fact that thisletter was not
invokedinthe Application asabasis ofjurisdiction doesnot in itselfcon-
stitute a bar to reliance being placed upon it in the further course of the
proceedings (cf. Militaly andParamilitaly Activitiesinandagainst Nicara-
gua (Nicaragua v. United States of America), I.C.J. Reports 1984,
pp. 426-427,para. 80);
28. Whereasthe letterof8June 1992referredto aletterwhichthe Presi-
dent of the Arbitration Commissionhad on 3June 1992addressedtothe
Presidentsofthe RepublicsofBosniaand Herzegovina,Croatia, Macedo-
nia, Montenegro, Serbia and Sloveniaandto the Presidency of the Fed-
eral Republic of Yugoslavia, requesting a statement of the position of
theirrespectivecountriesonthree questionsraisedbythe Chairman ofthe
Conference for Peace in Yugoslavia; whereas the first question was
whether the Federal Republic of Yugoslaviawas a new State calling for
recognition by the Member Statesof the European Community, the sec-
ond question waswhether the dissolution of the former SocialistFederal
RepublicofYugoslaviacouldberegarded ascomplete,andthethird was :
"If this is the case, on what basis and by what means should the
problems of the succession of States arising between the different
States emerging from the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
be settled?"
29. Whereasinthejoint letterof8June 1992,the PresidentofMontene-
groandthe PresidentofSerbiachallengedthe Commission's competence
to givean opinion on the three questions submitted to it, and went on to
say,in the English translation supplied by Bosnia-Herzegovinafrom the
original Serbo-Croat :
"2. It is the principled position of FR Yugoslavia that al1ques-
tions involvedinthe overallsettlementofthe Yugoslav crisisshould
be resolvedin an agreementbetween FR Yugoslaviaand al1the for-
mer Yugoslavrepublics.
3. FR Yugoslaviaholdsthe viewthat al1legaldisputeswhich can-
not be settled by agreementbetween FR Yugoslaviaand the former
Yugoslavrepublicsshouldbe takentotheInternational Court ofJus-
tice, asthe principal judicial organ ofthe United Nations.
Accordingly,and inviewofthe factthat al1theissuesraisedinyour
letter are of a legalnature, FR Yugoslaviaproposes that in the event
that agreement is not reached amongthe participants in the Confer-
ence, these questions should be adjudicated by the International
Court ofJustice, in accordance withits Statute";18 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 8IV93)
30. Whereas Bosnia-Herzegovinainterpretsthistextas an offerbythe
Federal Republic of Yugoslaviato submit al1outstanding legal disputes
between itself and Bosnia-Henegovina to the Court, and in reliance on
this offer the Agent of Bosnia-Herzegovina at the hearings stated that
"hereby submitsto the Court al1ofthe legaldisputes between it and
... Yugoslavia that have been set forth in Our Application [and]
Request forprovisional measures",
and submitted
"that thisorma1expressionofintention to submittothejurisdiction
of this Court by the appropriate authorities ... provides an addi-
tional jurisdiction for the Court to decide al1the outstanding legal
disputes between us";
and requested the Court "to consider this additional jurisdictional
basis support of [the]request for an indication of provisional mea-
sures" ;
31. Whereas however at the present stage of the proceedings,and on
thebasis oftheinformationbefore theCourt, itisbyno meansclearto the
Court whetherthe letter of 8 June 1992was intended as an "immediate
commitment" by the two Presidents, binding on Yugoslavia, to accept
unconditionally the unilateralsubmission to the Court of a widerange of
legaldisputes (cf.AegeanSea ContinentalShelJ;Z.C.J.Reports1978,p. 44,
para. 108);or whether it was intended as a commitment solely to sub-
missiontothe Court ofthe three questions raised bythe Chairman ofthe
Cornmittee; or as no more than the enunciation of a general policy of
favouringjudicial settlement,which did not embodyan offer or commit-
ment ;
32. Whereasthe Court isthus unable to regardthe letterof 8June 1992
as constitutinga prima facie basis ofjurisdiction in the present case and
must proceed therefore on the basis only that it has prima facie jurisdic-
tion, both rationepersonae and ratione materiae, under Article IX of the
33. Whereas Yugoslaviahas drawn attention to the numerous resolu-
tions adopted by the United Nations Security Council concerning the
situationin the former Yugoslavia,andto the fact that in that respectthe
SecurityCouncilhas taken decisionsonthebasisofArticle25oftheChar-
ter, and has indicated expresslythat it is acting under Chapter VI1of the
Charter; whereas Yugoslavia contends that solongasthe Security Coun-
cil is acting in accordance with Article 25 and under that Chapter,
"it wouldbepremature and inappropriate for theCourtto indicate provi-
sional measures, and certainly provisional measures of the type whichhave been requested"; whereas the Court understands this objection as
beingprimarily addressed to those measuresrequested by Bosnia-Herze-
govina which gobeyond matters within the scope of the Genocide Con-
vention, and which for that reason the Court cannot consider; whereas
howeverin anyevent,as the Court has observed in a previous case,while
there isinthe Charter
"a provision for a clear demarcation of functions between the Gen-
eral Assembly andthe SecurityCouncil,in respect of any dispute or
situation,thatthe formershould notmakeanyrecommendation with
regard to that dispute or situation unless the Security Council so
requires, there is no similarprovision anywhere in the Charter with
respectto the SecurityCouncil and the Court. TheCouncilhas func-
tions of apolitical nature assigned to it,whereasthe Court exercises
purely judicial functions. Both organs can therefore perform their
separate but complementary functions with respect to the same
events"(Militaryand ParamilitaryActivities inandagainst Nicaragua
(Nicaragua v. UnitedStates ofAmerica), JurisdictionandAdmissibil-
ity,Judgment,I.C.J.Reports1984,pp. 434-435,para. 95);
34. Whereas the power of the Courtto indicate provisional measures
under Article41 ofthe StatuteoftheCourt hasasitsobjecttopreservethe
respectiverights ofthe parties pending thedecisionoftheCourt,and pre-
supposesthat irreparableprejudiceshall notbecausedto rightswhichare
the subject ofdispute injudicial proceedings; and whereasit followsthat
the Court must be concerned to preserve by such measures the rights
which maysubsequentlybe adjudged bythe Court tobelongeitherto the
Applicant ortothe Respondent ;
35. Whereas the Court, having established the existence of a basis on
which itsjurisdiction might be founded, ought not to indicate measures
for the protection of any disputed rights other than those which might
ultimately form the basis of a judgment in the exercise of that jurisdic-
tion; whereas accordingly the Court will confine its examination of the
measures requested, and of the grounds asserted for the request for
such measures, to those which fa11within the scope of the Genocide
36. Whereasthe legalrightssought to be protected bythe indication of
provisional measures are enumerated in the request of Bosnia-Herzego-
vina forthe indication of such measures asfollows : "(a) the right of the citizensof Bosnia and Herzegovinaphysically
to surviveasaPeopleand asaState;
(b) the rights of the People of Bosnia and Herzegovina to life,
liberty, and security, as well as the other basichuman rights
specifiedinthe 1948UniversalDeclaration ofHuman Rights;
(c) the right ofthe People and State of Bosniaand Herzegovinato
be free at al1times from acts of genocide and other genocidal
actsperpetrated upon Them by Yugoslavia (Serbia and Mon-
tenegro), acting together with its agents and surrogates in
Bosniaand elsewhere;
(d) the right ofthe People and Stateof Bosniaand Herzegovinato
al1timesfromthe use orthreat of forceagainst Them
be freeat
by aforeignStateacting in conjunction withitsagentsand sur-
rogatesonTheirsovereignterritory and elsewhere;
(e) the right of Bosniaand Herzegovinato conduct its affairs and
to determine matters within its domestic jurisdiction without
interference orinterventionby anyforeign Stateactingdirectly
orbymeansofagentsand surrogates,orboth;
03 the right of self-determination of the People of Bosnia and
(g) thebasicright ofsovereignexistenceforthe Peopleand Stateof
Bosniaand Henegovina" ;
37. WhereasYugoslaviasimilarlyseekstheprotection ofcertain rights
by the provisional measures recommended by it, set out in paragraph 9
above ;
38. Whereas however,with respect to the measuresrequestedboth by
Bosnia-Herzegovinaand by Yugoslavia,the Court is,as observed above,
confined tothe consideration ofsuch rightsunder the GenocideConven-
tion as might form the subject-matter of ajudgment of the Court in the
exerciseof itsjurisdictionunder Article IX ofthat Convention;
39. Whereas the definition of genocidein Article II of the Genocide
Convention reads, so far as relevant:
"In the present Convention,genocide means any of the following
acts committedwith intent to destroy,inwhole orin part, a national,
ethnical,racial or religiousgroup, asuch :
(a) Killingmembersofthe group;
(b) Causingseriousbodilyormentalharm tomembersofthegroup;
(c) Deliberatelyinflictingonthe groupconditions oflifecalculated
tobringabout itsphysicaldestructionin wholeorinpart;
(d) Imposingmeasuresintendedtopreventbirthswithinthegroup" ; 40. Whereas the Applicant has brought beforethe Court, in the State-
ment of Factsin itsApplication, and inthe subsequentdocumententitled
"Supplementary Submission", accounts of military and paramilitary
activities,includingthe bombing and shelling of towns and villages,the
destruction ofhouses and forcedmigration of civilians,and ofactsofvio-
lence, including execution, murder, torture, and rape which, in the cir-
cumstances in which they have occurred, show, in the view of the
Applicant,that acts of genocidehave been committed, and will continue
to be committed against,in particular,the Muslim inhabitants of Bosnia-
Herzegovina ;
41. Whereas Bosnia-Herzegovina claims in the Application that the
actsthere complained ofhavebeen committed by former members ofthe
Yugoslav People'sArmy (YPA) and by Serb military and paramilitary
forces under the direction of, at the behest of, and with assistance from
Yugoslavia,andthat Yugoslaviaistherefore fullyresponsible under inter-
national law fortheir activities; and whereas in its request forthe indica-
tion ofprovisional measures Bosnia-Herzegovinasimilarlycontends that
thefactsstated inthe Applicationshowthat Yugoslaviaiscommittingacts
ofgenocide,both directlyand by means of itsagents and surrogates, and
that there is no reason to believe that Yugoslavia will voluntarily desist
from this course of conduct while the case is pending before the Court;
42. Whereas Yugoslavia observes that the situation is not one of
aggressionby oneStateagainstanother,but a civilwar,and assertsthat it
hasno soldiersintheterritory ofBosnia-Herzegovina,that itdoesnot mil-
itarilysupport anysideinthe conflict,andthat itdoes not support orabet
in any waythe commissionof crimescitedinthe Application; that Yugo-
slavia and its subordinate bodies, including the military, have not com-
mitted and are not committing any of the acts to which Article III of the
GenocideConventionrefers; andthat the claimspresented in the Appli-
cation are without foundation; and whereas Yugoslaviahas also argued
that what Bosnia-Herzegovina is seeking is an interim judgment on the
meritsofthe case,whichisnot coveredbyArticle41ofthe Statute(cf.Fac-
toly at Chorzbw (Zndemnities),Order of 21 November 1927, P.C.Z.J.,
SeriesA, No.12,p. 10);
43. Whereas Yugoslaviain its written observationson the request for
theindication ofprovisionalmeasures "requeststhe Courtto establishthe
responsibilityofthe authorities" of Bosnia-Herzegovinaforacts of geno-
cide against the Serb people in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and indicates its
intention to submit evidence to that effect; and whereas Yugoslavia
claimedatthehearings that genocideand genocidal actsarebeingcarried
out against Serbs livingin Bosnia-Herzegovina; whereas Bosnia-Herze-
govinaforits part contends howeverthat there isno basisin fact orin law
for the indication of provisional measures against it, there being no
credible evidence that its Government has committed acts of genocide
against anyone; 44. Whereas the Court, in the context of the present proceedingson a
requestforprovisional measures,has inaccordance withArticle41ofthe
Statute to consider the circumstancesdrawn to its attention as requiring
the indication of provisional measures, but cannot make definitive find-
ings of fact or of imputability, and the right of each Party to dispute the
facts alleged against it, to challenge the attribution to it of responsibility
for those facts, and to submit arguments in respect of the merits, must
remainunaffected by the Court's decision;
45. WhereasArticle 1ofthe GenocideConvention provides that :
"The ContractingPartiesconfirm that genocide,whether commit-
ted in time of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international
lawwhich theyundertake to prevent andto punish";
whereas al1parties to the Convention have thus undertaken "to prevent
andto punish the crimeofgenocide; whereasinthe viewofthe Court, in
the circumstancesbrought to its attention and outlined above in which
there is a graverisk of acts ofgenocidebeing committed, Yugoslaviaand
Bosnia-Herzegovina, whether or not any such acts in the past may be
under a clear obligationto do al1in their
legallyimputable to them, are
power to preventthe commissionof any such actsinthe future;
46. Whereas the Court is not called upon, for the purpose of its deci-
sion on the present request for the indication of provisional measures,
nowto establishthe existenceofbreaches ofthe GenocideConvention by
eitherParty,but to determinewhetherthe circumstancesrequirethe indi-
cationofprovisionalmeasurestobe taken bythe Partiesfortheprotection
ofrights under the GenocideConvention; and whereasthe Court issatis-
fied, takinginto accountthe obligationimposed byArticle1ofthe Geno-
cide Convention, that the indication of measures is required for the
protection of such rights; and whereas Article 75, paragraph 2, of the
RulesofCourt recognizesthe power ofthe Court, when arequestfor pro-
visional measures has been made, to indicate measures that are in whole
orinpart other than those requested,orthat oughtto betaken orcomplied
with bythe party which has itselfmade the request;
47. WhereasBosnia-HerzegovinaalsoinvokesArticleVI11ofthe Gen-
ocide Convention, which provides that
"AnyContractingParty maycal1uponthecompetentorgans ofthe
United Nations to take such action under the Charter of the United
Nationsas they considerappropriate fortheprevention and suppres-
sion of acts of genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in
articleIII",and Bosnia-Henegovina calls upon the Court to "act immediately and
effectivelytodo whateverit canto prevent and suppress"theacts of geno-
cide complained of or threatened; whereas the Court considers Ar-
ticle VIII, even assumingit to be applicable to the Court as one of the
"competent organsofthe United Nations", appearsnot to conferon itany
functions or competenceadditional to those provided for in its Statute;
whereas accordingly the Court at this stage of the proceedings is not
required to do more than consider what provisional measures may be
called forunder Article41ofthe Statute;
48. Whereas in its request for the indication of provisional measures
Bosnia-Henegovina has also maintained that the Court should exercise
its power to indicateprovisionalmeasures with a viewto preventing the
aggravationorextensionofthedispute wheneveritconsidersthat circum-
stancessorequire ;whereasfromthe information availableto the Court it
issatisfiedthat thereis agraveriskofactionbeingtaken whichmayaggra-
vate or extend the existingdispute over the prevention or punishment of
the crime of genocide,or render it more difficult of solution;
49. Whereasthe crimeofgenocide"shocksthe conscienceofmankind,
results in greatlossesto humanity ... and is contrary to moral law andto
the spirit and aims of the United Nations", in the words of General
Assemblyresolution 96(1)of 11December 1946on "the Crime of Geno-
cide",whichthe Court recalledinitsAdvisoryOpinion on Reservationson
theConventiononGenocide(Z.C.J.Reports 1951,p. 23);
50. Whereasinthe lightofthe severalconsiderations setout above,the
Court finds that the circumstancesrequire it to indicateprovisional mea-
sures,asprovided by Article41ofthe Statute ofthe Court;
51. Whereas the decision given in the present proceedings in no way
prejudges the question of the jurisdiction of the Court to deal with the
merits of the case, or any questions relating to the admissibility of the
Application, or relating to the merits themselves, and leaves unaffected
the right of the Governments of Bosnia-Henegovina and Yugoslavia to
submitarguments in respect of those questions ; 52. For these reasons,
Indicutes,pending its final decision in the proceedings instituted on
20 March 1993bythe Republic of Bosnia and Henegovina against the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia(Serbia and Montenegro),the following
provisional measures :
A. (1) Unanimously,
TheGovernment ofthe Federal RepublicofYugoslavia(Serbiaand
Montenegro) should immediately, in pursuance of its undertaking in
the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of
Genocide of 9 December 1948,take al1measures within its power to
preventcommissionofthe crimeofgenocide;
TheGovernment ofthe Federal Republicof Yugoslavia(Serbiaand
Montenegro) should in particular ensure that any military,paramili-
tary orirregulararmed unitswhichmaybe directed orsupported byit,
as well as any organizations and persons which may be subject to its
control, direction orinfluence,do not commitany actsofgenocide,of
conspiracy to commit genocide, of direct and public incitement to
commit genocide, or of complicity in genocide, whether directed
against the Muslimpopulation of Bosniaand Henegovina or against
anyother national, ethnical,racialorreligiousgroup ;
IN FAVOUR : PTeSident Sir Robert Jennings ; Vice-President Oda;
Judges Ago,Schwebel,Bedjaoui, Ni, Evensen,Guillaume,Shahabud-
deen,AguilarMawdsley,Weeramant~yR ,anjeva,Ajibola;
AGAINST :JudgeTarassov;
B. Unanimously,
TheGovernment ofthe Federal RepublicofYugoslavia(Serbiaand
Montenegro)and the Government ofthe RepublicofBosniaand Her-
zegovinashouldnot take any action and should ensure that no action
istaken which may aggravate or extend the existingdispute overthe
prevention or punishment ofthe crime of genocide, orrender it more
Done in Englishandin French, the Englishtext being authoritative, at
the Peace Palace,The Hague,this eighth day ofApril, onethousand nine
hundred and ninety-three, in four copies, one of which willbe placed in
the archives of the Court and the others transmitted respectivelyto the
Government ofthe RepublicofBosniaand Herzegovina,the Governmentof the FederalRepublicof Yugoslavia(Serbiaand Montenegro),andto
the Secretary-GeneraolftheUnitedNationsfortransmissiontotheecu-
(Signed) R.Y. JENNINGS,
(Signed) EduardoVALENCIA-OSPINA,
Judge TARASSO aVpendsadeclarationto theOrderoftheCourt.
ORDONNANCE DU 8 AVRIL1993 Officia1citat:on
Application oftheConventiononthePreventionandPunishment
oftheCrimeof Genocide,ProvisionalMeasus,rderof8April1993,
Applicationdelaconventionpour lapréveet la répression
du crimede génocide, mesures conservatoires,ordcueanvril 1993,
C.I.J.Recueil 1993,p. 3
Sales number
ISSN 0074-4441 Nodevent: 631 1
1993 YEAR 1993
No.91 8 April 1993
Present: PresidentSirRobert JEN;Vice-Presidet D;JudgesAGO,
The International Court ofJustice,
Composed as above,
After deliberation,
Having regard to Articles35,36,41 and 48of the Statute of the Court,
and to Articles73,74 and 75ofthe Rules of Court,
Havingregardto the Application bythe RepublicofBosniaand Herze-
govina(hereinafter called "Bosnia-Herzegovina")filed in the Registryof
the Court on0 March 1993,instituting proceedings against the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) (hereinafter called COUR INTERNATIONALE DE JUSTICE
8 avril
8 avril 1993
Présents:Sir Robert JENNINGS,Prést M. ODA, Vice-présidtn
La Cour internationale de Justice,
Ainsi composée,
Après déliben chambre du conseil,
Vules articles36,41 et 48 du Statut de la Cour et les articles 73,74
et 75de son Règlement,
Vu la requêtedéposéepar la Républiquede Bosnie-Herzégovine(ci-
aprèsdénommée«Bosnie-Herzégovine»)au Greffe delaCour le20mars
1993,par laquelle elle aintroduitune instance contre la République fédé-
rative de Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro) (ci-après dénommée"Yugoslavia") in respect of a dispute concerning alleged violations by
Yugoslavia of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the
Crime of Genocide, adopted by the General Assembly of the United
Nations on 9 December 1948(hereinafter called "the Genocide Conven-
tion"), aswellasmatters which Bosnia-Herzegovinamaintains to be con-
nected therewith,
1. Whereasin the above-mentioned Application Bosnia-Herzegovina,
basing the jurisdiction of the Court on Article IX of the Genocide Con-
vention, recounts a series of events in Bosnia-Herzegovina from April
1992up tothepresent daywhich,initscontention, amountto actsofgeno-
cidewithinthe definition givenin the Genocide Convention, specifically
(i) killing members of a group, namely Muslim inhabitants of Bosnia-
(ii) causingseriousbodilyormentalharmto membersofthat group ;
(iii) deliberately inflicting on that group conditions of life calculated to
bring about itsphysicaldestructioninwholeorinpart; and
(iv) imposingmeasuresintended topreventbirths withinthatgroup;
and whereasBosnia-Herzegovinaclaimsthatthe actscomplained ofhave
been committed by former members of the Yugoslav People's Army
(YPA)and bySerbmilitaryand paramilitary forcesunder the directionof,
at the behest of, and with assistance from Yugoslavia; and whereas
Bosnia-Herzegovinaclaimsthat Yugoslaviaistherefore fullyresponsible
under international lawfortheir activities;
2. Whereason the basis ofthe facts allegedin the Application Bosnia-
Herzegovinarequests the Court to adjudge and declare as follows:
"(a) that Yugoslavia(Serbiaand Montenegro) hasbreached, and is
continuing to breach, its legal obligations toward the People
and State of Bosnia and Herzegovina under Articles 1,II (a),
II (b),IIc)II (d),III (a),III (b),III (c),III (d),III (e),IVand Vof
the Genocide Convention;
(b) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) has violated and is
continuing to violate its legal obligations toward the People
and State of Bosnia and Herzegovina under the four Geneva
Conventions of 1949,their Additional ProtocolI of 1977,the
customary international laws of war including the Hague
Regulations on Land Warfare of 1907,and otherfundamental
principles ofinternationalhumanitarian law ;
(c) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) has violated and
continues to violateArticles 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10,11,12,13,
15, 16,17,18, 19,20,21,22,23,25,26 and 28of the Universal«Yougoslavie »)au sujet d'un différend concernanttant lesviolations de
la convention pour la préventionet la répressiondu crime de génocide,
adoptéepar l'Assemblée générale des Nation Usnies le9 décembre1948
(ci-après dénommée«la convention sur le génocide»), qu'aurait
commiseslaYougoslaviequedesquestionsqui,selon la Bosnie-Herzégo-
vine,seraient liéeà cesviolations,
1. Considérantque dans sarequêtesusmentionnéelaBosnie-Herzégo-
vine,qui fonde la compétencede la Cour surl'articleIXde la convention
surlegénocide,relateune séried'événementssurvenusen Bosnie-Herzé-
govined'avril1992 àcejour qui,selon elle,sontassimilableà desactesde
génocideau sens de la définition qu'endonne la convention sur le géno-
cide,en particulier,
i) meurtre de membres d'un groupe, àsavoir les habitants musulmans
ii) atteinte gravà l'intégritphysique ou mentale de membres de ce
groupe ;
iii) soumissionintentionnelle de ce groupe àdes conditions d'existence
devantentraînersadestructionphysiquetotale oupartielle et
iv) mesuresvisant à entraverlesnaissancesauseindecegroupe;
et considérantque la Bosnie-Herzégovinesoutientque les actes qu'elle
dénonce auraient été commispar des anciensmembres de l'arméepopu-
laire yougoslave etpar des forces militaireset paramilitaires serbes agis-
sant sousla direction, sur l'ordre et avecl'aide de la Yougoslavie;que la
Bosnie-Herzégovineconclut que la Yougoslavie est donc entièrement
responsable en droit international de leurs activités;
2. Considérant que,sur la base des faits allégués dansla requête, la
Bosnie-Herzégovineprie la Cour de dire etjuger:
«a) que la Yougoslavie(Serbieet Monténégro)a violé, et continue
de violer, ses obligationsjuridiques l'égarddu peuple et de
1'Etatde Bosnie-Herzégovineen vertu des articles premier,
II a),II b),II c),II da),III b),III c),III d),III e),IVet Vdela
b) que la Yougoslavie(Serbie et Monténégro) a violé etcontinue
de violer ses obligationsjuridiques à l'égarddu peuple et de
1'Etatde Bosnie-Herzégovineen vertu desquatre conventions
de Genèvede 1949,de leurprotocole additionnel 1de 1977,du
droit international coutumier de la guerre, et notamment du
RèglementdeLa Hayede 1907concernant laguerre surterre, et
d'autres principes fondamentaux du droit international huma-
c) que la Yougoslavie(Serbieet Monténégro)a violéet continue
devioler lesdispositionsdesarticles 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,
12,13, 15,16,17,18, 19,20,21,22,23,25,26 et28dela Déclara- Declaration of Human Rights with respect to the citizens of
Bosniaand Herzegovina;
(d) that Yugoslavia(Serbiaand Montenegro),inbreach ofitsobli-
gations under general and customary international law, has
killed, murdered, wounded, raped, robbed, tortured, kid-
napped, illegally detained, and exterminated the citizens of
Bosniaand Herzegovina,and iscontinuingtodo so ;
(e) thatin itstreatment ofthe citizensof Bosniaand Herzegovina,
Yugoslavia(Serbia and Montenegro) has violated, and is con-
tinuing to violate, its solemn obligations under Articles 1(3),
55and 56ofthe United Nations Charter;
03 that Yugoslavia(Serbiaand Montenegro) has used and is con-
tinuing to use force and the threat of force against Bosnia and
Henegovina in violation of Articles2 (l), 2 (2),2 (3),2 (4)and
33(l), ofthe United Nations Charter;
(g) that Yugoslavia(Serbiaand Montenegro),inbreach ofitsobli-
gations under general and customary international law, has
used and is using force and the threat of force against Bosnia
and Herzegovina;
(h) that Yugoslavia(Serbiaand Montenegro),in breach ofitsobli-
gations under general and customary international law, has
violated and is violatingthe sovereigntyof Bosniaand Herze-
govinaby :
- armed attacks against Bosnia and Herzegovina by air and
land ;
- aerialtrespassinto Bosnianairspace;
- efforts by direct and indirect means to coerce and intimi-
datethe GovernmentofBosniaand Herzegovina;
(i) that Yugoslavia(Serbiaand Montenegro),inbreach ofitsobli-
gations under general and customary international law, has
intervened and is intervening in the interna1affairs of Bosnia
and Herzegovina;
Q) ting, arming, equipping, financing, supplying andting,othenvise
encouraging, supporting, aiding, and directing military and
paramilitary actionsin and against Bosniaand Herzegovinaby
means ofitsagentsand surrogates,hasviolated and isviolating
its expresscharter and treaty obligationsto Bosniaand Herze-
govina and, in particular, its charter and treaty obligations
under Article2(4)ofthe United Nations Charter, aswellasits
obligations under generaland customaryinternational law;
(k) that under the circumstancesset forth above, Bosniaand Her- tion universelledes droits de l'hommevis-à-visdes citoyensde
laBosnie-Herzégovine ;
d) que la Yougoslavie(Serbieet Monténégro),en violationde ses
obligationsenvertu dudroit international générae ltcoutumier,
lement et exterminé des citoyensde la Bosnie-Herzégovine, et
continue delefaire ;
e) qu'en traitant ainsi les citoyens de la Bosnie-Herzégovine,la
Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro) aviolé etcontinue de
violer les obligations qu'elle a solennellement assuméesen
vertu du paragraphe 3 de l'article 1et des articles 55et 56de la
Charte desNationsUnies ;
JI que la Yougoslavie(Serbieet Monténégro)a employé et conti-
nue d'employerla force et de recourir àla menace de la force
contrela Bosnie-Herzégovineenviolationdesparagraphes 1,2,
3et4del'article2etdu paragraphe 1del'article33dela Charte
desNations Unies ;
g) que la Yougoslavie(Serbieet Monténégro)e ,n violation de ses
obligationsenvertu du droitinternational générae ltcoutumier,
a utiliséet utilise la force et la menace de la force contre la
h) que la Yougoslavie(Serbieet Monténégro),enviolationde ses
obligationsenvertu dudroit international générae ltcoutumier,
avioléetviolelasouverainetédelaBosnie-Herzégovinedufait :
- d'attaques armées contrela Bosnie-Herzégovinepar air et
parterre ;
- delaviolationde l'espaceaériendelaBosnie-Herzégovine;
- d'actes directs et indirects de coercition et d'intimidatioà
l'encontredu Gouvernement delaBosnie-Herzégovine ;
i)que la Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro), en violation des
obligations que lui impose le droit international généralet
coutumier, est intervenue et intervient dans les affaires inté-
rieures delaBosnie-Herzégovine;
j) que la Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro),en recrutant,
formant, armant, équipant, finançant, approvisionnant et en
encourageant, appuyant, assistant et dirigeant de toute autre
manière des actions militairesetparamilitaires en Bosnie-Her-
zégovineou contre celle-cipar le truchement de ses agents et
auxiliaires,a violé etviole sesobligationsexpressesenvertu de
la Charte et des traités envers la Bosnie-Herzégovineet, en
particulier, ses obligations conventionnelles en vertu du para-
graphe 4del'article2delaCharte desNations Unies, demême
que ses obligations en vertu du droit international généralet
k) que, vu les circonstances exposéesci-dessus,la Bosnie-Herzé- zegovinahas the sovereignright to defend Itselfand its People
under United Nations Charter Article 51and customaryinter-
national law, including by means of immediately obtaining
military weapons, equipment, supplies and troops from other
(1) that under the circumstances setforth above,Bosnia and Her-
zegovinahasthe sovereignright under United Nations Charter
Article 51 and customary international law to request the
immediate assistance of any State to come to its defence,
including by military means (weapons, equipment, supplies,
troops, etc.)
(m) that Security Council resolution 713 (1991),imposing a wea-
pons embargoupon the former Yugoslavia,mustbe construed
in a manner that shallnot impair the inherent right of individ-
ual or collectiveself-defenceof Bosniaand Henegovina under
the terms ofUnited Nations Charter Article51andthe rulesof
customaryinternationallaw ;
(n) that al1subsequentSecurityCouncilresolutions that referto or
reaffirm resolution 713(1991)must be construed in a manner
that shall not impair the inherent right of individual or collec-
tiveself-defenceofBosniaand Henegovina under the termsof
United Nations Charter Article 51and the rules of customary
international law;
(O) that SecurityCouncilresolution 713 (1991)and al1subsequent
Security Council resolutions referring thereto or reaffirming
thereof must not be construed to impose an arms embargo
upon Bosnia and Herzegovina,as required by Articles 24 (1)
and 51ofthe United Nations Charter and in accordance with
the customarydoctrine of ultravire ;s
(pl that pursuant to the right of collectiveself-defencerecognized
by United Nations Charter Article51, al1other Statesparties to
the Charter havethe right to cometo the immediatedefence of
Bosniaand Henegovina - atitsrequest - includingbymeans
of immediatelyproviding It with weapons, militaryequipment
and supplies, and armed forces (soldiers, sailors, airpeople,
(4) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) and its agents and
surrogatesare under an obligation to ceaseand desistimmedi-
atelyfromitsbreaches ofthe foregoinglegalobligations, and is
under aparticular dutyto ceaseand desistimmediately :
- from its systematicpractice of so-called 'ethnic cleansing'
ofthe citizensand sovereigntenitory of Bosniaand Hene-
govina; govinepossèdeledroit souverain de sedéfendreetde défendre
son peuple en vertu de l'article 51 de la Charte des Nations
Unies et du droit international coutumier, y compris en se
procurant immédiatementauprèsd'autres Etatsdesarmes,des
matérielsetfournituresmilitairesainsi quedestroupes ;
1)que, vu les circonstances exposéesci-dessus,la Bosnie-Herzé-
govine possède ledroit souverain en vertu de l'article51de la
Charte des Nations Unies et du droit international coutumier
de demander à tout Etat de l'assister immédiatement en se
portant à son secours, y compris par des moyens militaires
(armes,matérielsetfournituresmilitaires,troupes, etc.)
m) quelarésolution713 (1991)du Conseilde sécuritéimposantun
embargo sur leslivraisonsd'armes à l'ex-Yougoslaviedoit être
interprétée d'une manière tellqeu'ellene porte pas atteinte au
droit naturel de légitimedéfense,individuelleou collective,de
la Bosnie-Herzégovineen vertu de l'article51de laCharte des
Nations Unies ecdesrèglesdu droitinternational coutumier;
n) quetoutes lesrésolutionsultérieuresdu Conseilde sécuritéqui
se réfèrent la résolution713(1991)ou la réaffirment doivent
être interprétées d'une manière telq leu'elles neportent pas
atteinte au droit naturel de légitimedéfense, individuelle ou
collective,de la Bosnie-Herzégovineen vertu des dispositions
de l'article51 de la Charte des Nations Unies et des règlesdu
droitinternational coutumier;
O)que la résolution713(1991)du Conseil de sécuritéet toutesles
résolutionsultérieuresdu Conseildesécuritéqus i'yréfèrentou
laréaffirmentne doiventpas êtreinterprétéescommeimposant
un embargo surleslivraisonsd'armes à la Bosnie-Herzégovine,
commel'exigentlesdispositions du paragraphe 1de l'article 24
et de l'article 51 de la Charte des Nations Unies et conformé-
ment auprincipe coutumier d'ultravire;
p) qu'envertu du droit de légitimedéfensecollectivereconnu par
l'article51de la Charte des Nations Uniestous les autres Etats
parties àla Charte ont le droit de seporter immédiatementau
secoursdela Bosnie-Herzégovine - à sademande - ycompris
enluiprocurant immédiatementdesarmes,desmatérielsetdes
fournitures militaires, et en mettant sa disposition des forces
q) quela Yougoslavie(SerbieetMonténégroe )tsesagentsetauxi-
liaires sont tenus de mettre fin et de renoncer immédiatement
aux violationssusmentionnéesde leurs obligationsjuridiques,
et ont le devoir exprèsde mettre fin et de renoncer immédiate-
ment :
- àleur pratique systématiquede la ((purification ethnique »
descitoyensetduterritoiresouverain delaBosnie-Herzégo-
vine; - from the murder, summary execution, torture, rape, kid-
napping, mayhem, wounding, physical and mental abuse,
and detention ofthe citizensofBosniaand Herzegovina;
- from the wanton-devastation of villages,towns, districts,
cities,and religiousinstitutionsin Bosniaand Herzegovina;
- from the bombardment of civilian population centres in
Bosnia and Herzegovina, and especially its capital, Sara-
- fromcontinuingthe siegeofanycivilianpopulation centres
in Bosnia and Henegovina, and especially its capital,
Sarajevo ;
- fromthe starvation ofthe civilianpopulation in Bosniaand
Herzegovina ;
- fromtheinterruption of,interferencewith,orharassment of
humanitarian relief supplies to the citizens of Bosnia and
Herzegovinabytheinternational community ;
- from al1use of force - whether direct or indirect, overt or
covert - against Bosnia and Herzegovina, and from al1
threats offorceagainstBosniaand Herzegovina;
- from al1violations ofthe sovereignty,territorial integrityor
politicalindependence of Bosniaand Herzegovina, includ-
ing al1intervention, direct or indirect, inthe interna1affairs
- from al1support of any kind - including the provision of
training, arms, ammunition, finances, supplies, assistance,
direction or any other form of support - to any nation,
group, organization, movement or individual engaged or
planning to engagein militaryor paramilitary actions in or
againstBosniaand Herzegovina;
(r) that Yugoslavia(Serbiaand Montenegro) has an obligation to
pay Bosnia and Herzegovina, in its own right and as parens
patriae for its citizens,reparations for damagesto persons and
property as well asto the Bosnian economy and environment
causedbythe foregoingviolationsofinternational lawin asum
to be determined by the Court. Bosnia and Herzegovina
reservesthe right to introduce to the Court aprecise evaluation
of the damages caused by Yugoslavia (Serbia and Monte-
negro)" ;
3. Whereasbyarequestfiledinthe Registryon20March 1993immedi-
atelyafterthe filingofthe Application, Bosnia-Herzegovina,invokingAr-
ticle 41 of the Statute of the Court and Articles 73, 74,75 and 78 ofthe - à l'assassinatà l'exécution sommaire,àlatorture, auviol, à
l'enlèvement,à la mutilation, aux blessures, aux sévices
physiques et psychologiques et à la détention des citoyens
- à la dévastation sauvageet aveuglede villages,de villes,de
districts, d'agglomérations etd'institutions religieuses en
Bosnie-Herzégovine ;
- au bombardement de centres de population civile en
Bosnie-Herzégovine,et spécialementde sa capitale, Sara-
- à la poursuite du siègede centres de population civile de
Bosnie-Herzégovine,et spécialementde sa capitale Sara-
- auxactesqui ontpour effetd'affamer lapopulation civilede
Bosnie-Herzégovine ;
- aux actes ayant pour effet d'interrompre, d'entraver oude
gêner l'acheminement des secours humanitairesenvoyés
par la communauté internationale auxcitoyens de Bosnie-
Herzégovine ;
- à toute utilisation de la forc- directe ou indirecte,mani-
festeou occulte - contre la Bosnie-Herzégovine,et à toutes
lesmenacesd'utilisation delaforcecontre la Bosnie-Herzé-
govine ;
- à toutes lesviolations dela souveraineté,de l'intégrité terri-
toriale ou de l'indépendance politiquede la Bosnie-Herzé-
govine, y compris toute intervention, directe ou indirecte,
danslesaffairesintérieuresdelaBosnie-Herzégovine ;
- à tout appui de quelque nature qu'ilsoit - y compris l'en-
traînement etla fourniture d'armes,de munitions, de fonds,
de matériels, d'assistance,'instructionou toute autre forme
de soutien - à toute nation ou groupe, organisation,
mouvementouindividu selivrant ou sedisposant à selivrer
à des activitésmilitairesou paramilitairesen Bosnie-Herzé-
r) quela Yougoslavie(Serbieet Monténégro) esttenue de payer à
la Bosnie-Herzégovine,de son propre droit et comme parens
patriae de ses citoyens, des réparations pour les dommages
subis par les personnes, les biens, l'économie et l'environne-
ment de la Bosnie à raison des violations susviséesdu droit
international, dont le montant sera déterminépar la Cour. La
Bosnie-Herzégovinese réserve ledroit de présenter à la Cour
une évaluationprécise des dommagescausép sar la Yougosla-
vie(SerbieetMonténégro) » ;
3. Considérantque,par une demandedéposéeau Grefflee20mars 1993
immédiatement après le dépôt dela requêtel,a Bosnie-Herzégovinei,nvo-
quant l'article41du Statutde la Cour et lesarticles 73,74,75 et 78de sonRules of Court, and relying on the facts set forth in the Application,
urgentlyrequested that the Court indicatethe followingprovisional mea-
suresto be in effectwhilethe Court is seisedofthis case :
"1. That Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro),together with its
agents and surrogates in Bosnia and elsewhere, must immediately
cease and desist fromal1acts ofgenocide and genocidalacts against
the People and State of Bosnia and Herzegovina,includingbut not
limitedto murder; summaryexecutions; torture; rape ;mayhem; so-
called 'ethnic cleansing'; the wanton devastation of villages,towns,
districtsand cities;the siegeofvillages,towns,districtsand cities;the
starvationofthe civilianpopulation ;theinterruption of,interference
with, or harassment of humanitarian relief supplies to the civilian
population by the international community; the bombardment of
civilianpopulation centres; and the detention ofciviliansin concen-
tration campsor othenvise.
2. That Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) must immediately
cease and desist from providing, directly or indirectly,any type of
support - includingtraining,weapons, arms,ammunition,supplies,
assistance,finances,direction or anyotherform of support - to any
nation, group, organization, movement, militia or individual
engagedin orplanning to engageinmilitaryorparamilitary activities
in oragainstthe People,Stateand Government ofBosniaand Herze-
3. That Yugoslavia(Serbiaand Montenegro) itselfmust immedi-
ately cease and desistfromany and al1types of militaryor paramili-
tary activitiesby its own officiais, agents, surrogates,or forces in or
against the People, State and Government of Bosnia and Herzego-
vina, and from any other use or threat of force in its relations with
Bosniaand Herzegovina.
4. That under the current circumstances, the Government of
Bosnia and Herzegovina has the right to seek and receive support
from other Statesin order to defend Itself and its People, including
by means of immediately obtaining military weapons, equipment,
and supplies.
5. That under the current circumstances, the Government of
Bosnia and Herzegovina has the right to request the immediate
assistanceof any Stateto cometo itsdefence,including by means of
immediately providing weapons, military equipment and supplies,
and armedforces (soldiers,sailors,airpeople, etc.).
6. That under the current circumstances,anyStatehasthe right to
cometo the immediatedefence of Bosnia and Herzegovina - at its
request - including by means of immediately providing weapons,
militaryequipment and supplies,and armed forces(soldiers,sailors,
and airpeople, etc.)";Règlement,ets'appuyantsurlesfaitsénoncéd sanslarequêted ,emandeque
la Courindique d'urgenceles mesuresconservatoiresci-après,qui devront
resterenvigueurtant que la Cour sera saisiede l'affaire:
«1. LaYougoslavie(SerbieetMonténégro),ainsique sesagentset
auxiliairesen Bosnieetailleurs,doiventimmédiatementmettrefin et
renoncer à tous actes de génocideet actes de mêmenature contre le
peuple et l'Etat de Bosnie-Herzégovine,y compris, mais sans que
cette énumération soit limitative,les assassinats, les exécutions
sommaires,la torture, le viol, les mutilations, la ((purification eth-
nique», la dévastation sauvage etaveugle de villages, de villes, de
et d'agglomérations,les actes ayant pour effet d'affamer lapopula-
tion civileet d'interrompre, d'entraver oude gêner l'acheminement
des secours humanitaires à la population civilepar la communauté
internationale,lebombardement de centresdepopulation civileetla
détentionde civilsdans des camps de concentration ou ailleurs.
2. La Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro)doit immédiatement
mettre fin et renoncer toute aide, directe ou indirec-e y compris
la formation, la fourniture d'armes, de munitions, de matériels,
d'assistance, de fonds, d'instruction ou toute autre forme de
soutien - à toute nation ou groupe, organisation, mouvement,
miliceou individu selivrantou sedisposant à selivreràdes activités
militaires ou paramilitaires dirigées contre le peuple,'Etat et le
Gouvernement de la Bosnie-Herzégovineou dans cet Etat.
3. La Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro) doit immédiatement
mettre fin et renoncerà toutes activités militairesou paramilitaires
exercéespar sespropres fonctionnaires, agentsou auxiliaires oupar
sesforces contre le peuple, 1'Etatet le Gouvernement de la Bosnie-
Herzégovineou dans cet Etat, et à tout autre recours ou menace de
recoursàla force dans sesrelations avecla Bosnie-Herzégovine.
4. Dans les circonstances actuelles, le Gouvernement de la
Bosnie-Herzégovinea le droit de demander et de recevoir l'aide
d'autres Etats afin de se défendre et de défendre son peuple, y
compris en seprocurant immédiatementdesarmes, desmatérielset
desfournitures militaires.
5. Dans les circonstances actuelles, le Gouvernement de la
Bosnie-Herzégovinea le droit de demander à tout Etat de lui accor-
der une assistanceimmédiateenseportant àson secours,y compris
enluiprocurant immédiatementdesarmes,desmatérielsetdesfour-
nitures militaires, ainsi qu'en mettant sa disposition des forces
armées(soldats,marins, aviateurs,etc.).
6. Dans lescirconstancesactuelles,tout Etat aledroit deseporter
immédiatement au secours de la Bosnie-Herzégovine - à sa
demande - y compris en lui procurant immédiatement des armes,
des matérielset des fournitures militaires, ainsi qu'en mettant à sa
disposition des forces armées (soldats, marins et aviateurs, etc.)»; 4. Whereas on 20 March 1993,the day on which the Application and
the requestforthe indication ofprovisionalmeasures werereceivedinthe
Registry,the Registrarnotified the Government of Yugoslaviaofthe fil-
ingofthe Application and the request,and communicatedthetextthereof
to it, by telefax, and sent certified copies of the Application and the
request to it by expressregisteredpost on 22 March 1993,in accordance
with Article40,paragraph 2,of the Statute and Articles38,paragraph 4,
and 73,paragraph 2,ofthe Rules of Court;
5. Whereas,pending the notification under Article40,paragraph 3,of
the Statute and Article 42 of the Rules of Court, by transmittal of the
printed bilingual text of the Application to the Members of the United
Nations and other Statesentitled to appear beforethe Court,the Registrar
on 25 March 1993informed those States of the filing of the Application
and of its subject-matter, and of the request for the indication of provi-
sional measures ;
6. Whereas on 25 March 1993,the Registrar, in accordance with Ar-
ticle 43of the Rules of Court, addressed the notification provided for in
Article63,paragraph 1,ofthe Statuteto the States,other than the Parties
to the dispute, which on the basis of information supplied by the Secre-
tary-General of the United Nations as depositary (ST/LEG/SER.E/lO
and supplementsto date)appeared tobeparties to the GenocideConven-
tion, and in addition addressed to the Secretary-General of the United
Nations the notification provided for in Article 34, paragraph 3, of the
Statute ofthe Court;
7. Whereas on 25 March 1993the Registrarinformed the Parties that
the Court would hold public sittings on 1and 2 April 1993to hear the
observationsofthe Parties onthe request forthe indication ofprovisional
measures;whereas on29March 1993Yugoslaviarequestedthepostpone-
mentofthose sittingsto adateinearlyMay 1993,but theCourt decidedon
30 March 1993that, in viewof the urgency attaching under Article 74 of
the Rules of Court to a request for provisionalmeasures,it was unable to
accedeto that request;
8. Whereas on 31March 1993,the Agent of Bosnia-Henegovina filed
in the Registry of the Court a document dated 8June 1992which in the
contention of Bosnia-Herzegovinaconstitutedabasisfor thejurisdiction
ofthe Court additional to that specified inthe Application;
9. Whereas in written observations,submittedto the Courton 1April
1993,on the request forthe indication of provisionalmeasures, the Gov-
ernment of Yugoslavia
"recommends thattheCourt, pursuant to Article41ofitsStatuteand
Article 73 of its Rules of Procedure, order the application of provi-
sional measures,in particular :
- to instructthe authorities controlled by A.Izetbegovicto comply
strictlywith thelatest agreement on a cease-fireinthe 'Republic
of Bosnia and Henegovina' which went into force on 28 March
1993 ; 4. Considérant que le 20 mars 1993,date àlaquelle la requêteet la
demande en indication de mesures conservatoires ont été reçuesau
Greffe,leGreffiera aviséleGouvernement delaYougoslaviedu dépôtde
cesdocuments,lui enacommuniquéletextepar télécopiee ,tluiaadressé
des copies certifiées conformesde la requête etde la demandepar cour-
rier exprèsrecommandéle22mars 1993,conformémentauparagraphe 2
del'article40du Statut,ainsiqu'au paragraphe 4del'article38etau para-
graphe 2 de l'article73du Règlementde laCour;
5. Considérant qu'enattendantque la communicationprévueau para-
graphe 3 de l'article40du Statut etl'article42du Règlementde la Cour
ait étéeffectuépear transmission du texteimprimé,endeuxlangues,dela
requêteaux MembresdesNationsUnies etaux autres Etatsadmis àester
devant la Cour, le Greffier a, le25mars 1993,informécesEtats du dépôt
de la requêteet de son objet, ainsi que de la demande en indication de
6. Considérant que,le25mars 1993,leGreffier a,conformément à I'ar-
ticle 43du Règlementde la Cour, adresséla notification prévueaupara-
graphe 1del'article63du Statut aux Etats,autres quelesParties aulitige,
qui apparaissent comme étant parties à la convention sur le génocide,
selonlesinformationscommuniquéespar leSecrétairegénéra dleI'Orga-
nisation des Nations Unies en tant que dépositaire(ST/LEG/SER.E/lO
et suppléments publiés à ce jour); qu'il a en outre adresséau Secré-
taire généralde l'organisation des Nations Unies la notification prévue
au paragraphe 3 de I'article34du Statut de laCour;
7. Considérant que,le 25 mars 1993,le Greffier a informéles Parties
que la Cour tiendrait des audiences publiques les le'et 2 avril 1993aux
fins d'entendre les observationsdes Parties sur la demande en indication
de mesures conservatoires; et que le 29 mars 1993la Yougoslavie a
demandéle report de ces audiences au début dumois de mai 1993,mais
que la Cour, vu l'urgenceque revêtselon l'article 74 du Règlementune
demande en indication de mesures conservatoires,a décidé, le30 mars
1993,qu'elle nepouvait accéder à cette demande;
8. Considérant que,le31mars 1993,l'agentdelaBosnie-Herzégovinea
déposé au Greffe de la Courun document datédu 8juin 1992qui consti-
tue, selon la Bosnie-Herzégovine,une base de compétencede la Cour
s'ajoutantà celleindiquéedans la requête;
9. Considérant que,danslesobservationsécritesqu'ilaprésentées à la
Cour, lele'avril 1993,surlademande enindication demesuresconserva-
toires, le Gouvernement de la Yougoslavie
((recommande à la Cour d'indiquer, conformément à l'article41 de
son Statut eà l'article73de son Règlement,des mesures conserva-
toires,et en particulier
- de donner des instructions aux autorités sous le contrôle de
M. A. Izetbegovic pour qu'elles seconforment strictement au
dernier accord sur le cessez-le-feu dans la ((République de
Bosnie-Herzégovine »quiestentréenvigueurle28mars 1993 ; - to direct the authorities under the control of A. Izetbegovic éo
respect the Geneva Conventions for the Protection of Victimsof
War of 1949and the 1977Additional Protocolsthereof, sincethe
genocide of Serbslivinginthe 'Republic ofBosniaand Herzego-
vina' isbeing carried out by the commissionof veryserious war
crimes which are in violation of the obligation not to infringe
upon the essentialhuman rights;
- toinstructthe authoritiesloyalto A.Izetbegovicto closeimmedi-
atelyand disband al1prisons and detention campsin the 'Repub-
lic of Bosnia and Herzegovina' in which the Serbs are being
detained because of their ethnic origin and subjected to acts of
torture,thus presentingarealdanger forfheirlifeandhealth;
- to direct the authorities controlled by A. Izetbegovicto allow,
without delay, the Serb residents to leave safely Tuzla, Zenica,
Sarajevoand other places inthe 'Republic ofBosniaand Herze-
govina',wheretheyhavebeensubjecttoharassment and physical
and mental abuse, and having in mind that they may suffer the
samefate asthe Serbsin eastern Bosnia,whichwasthe siteofthe
killingand massacresofafewthousand Serbcivilians;
- to instructthe authoritiesloyalto A.Izetbegovicto ceaseimmedi-
atelyanyfurther destruction ofOrthodox churchesand places of
worship and of other Serb cultural heritage, and to release and
stopfurther mistreatmentof al1Orthodox priestsbeinginprison ;
- to directthe authorities under the control ofA.Izetbegovicto put
an end to al1acts of discrimination based on nationality or reli-
gionand thepractice of'ethniccleansing',includingthe discrimi-
nation related to the delivery of humanitarian aid, against the
Serbpopulationinthe 'RepublicofBosniaand Herzegovina' ";
10. Having heard the oral observations on the request for provisional
measurespresented at public hearings held on 1and 2 April 1993by the
followingrepresentatives :
H.E. Mr. Muhamed Sacirbeyand
Mr. Francis A. Boyle,Agents;
onbehalfof Yugoslavia:
Mr. Ljubinko Zivkovicand
Mr. Shabtai Rosenne, ActingAgents ; - d'ordonner aux autorités sousle contrôle de M. A.Izetbegovic
qu'elles respectent les conventions de Genèvede 1949pour la
protection desvictimesdelaguerre etlesprotocolesadditionnels
de 1977à cesconventions,étantdonnéquelegénocidedesSerbes
vivant dans la «Républiquede Bosnie-Herzégovine »estentrain
d'être perpétrpéar des crimes de guerre trèsgraves qui enfrei-
gnent l'obligation de ne pas violer les droits essentiels de la
personnehumaine ;
- dedonner desinstructionsauxautoritésloyales àM.A.Izetbego-
vic afin qu'elles ferment et démantèlent immédiatement toutes
les prisons et tous les camps de détentionse trouvant dans la
nus en raison de leur origine ethnique et font l'objet d'actes de
torture, cequimetensérieuxdangerleurvieetleursanté ;
- d'ordonner auxautorités souslecontrôlede M.A.Izetbegovicde
permettre sans tarder aux habitants serbes de quitter en toute
sécurité Tuzla, Zenica, Sarajevoet les autres localités de la
«République de Bosnie-Herzégovine» où ils ont fait l'objet de
harcèlementsetdemauvaistraitementsphysiques etmentaux,en
tenant compte de ce qu'ilsrisquent de subir lemêmesort que les
Serbesen Bosnieorientale, qui a été lethéâtrede meurtres et de
- dedonner desinstructionsauxautoritésloyalesàM.A.Izetbego-
vicpour qu'ellesmettent immédiatementfin à la destruction des
églisesetlieux de culteorthodoxes et d'autres élémentd su patri-
moine culturel serbe, et pour qu'elles libèrent et cessent de
maltraitertous lesprêtresorthodoxesdétenus;
- d'ordonner auxautorités souslecontrôlede M. A. Izetbegovicde
mettre un terme àtous les actes de discrimination baséssur la
nationalité ou lareligionainsi qu'auxgratiques de ((purification
ethnique)), y compris la discrimination exercée en ce qui
concerne l'acheminement de l'aide humanitaire, a l'encontre de
la population serbe dans la ((République de Bosnie-Herzégo- .
vine» ;
10. Ayant entendu les observations orales qui ont étéprésentéessur
la demande en indication de mesures conservatoires aux audiences
publiques tenues les le'et2 avril 1993par lesreprésentants suivants :
aunomde laBosnie-Herzégovine:
S.Exc.M. Muhamed Sacirbeyet
M. Francis A.Boyle,agents;
aunomde la Yougoslavie:
M. Ljubinko Zivkovicet
M. Shabtai Rosenne, faisantfonctiond'agents;and havingreceivedthe repliesofthe Partiesto a questionput by a Mem-
ber ofthe Court at the hearings;
11. Having regard to the "Supplementary Submission" on the facts
alleged in support of the Application and the request transmitted to the
Courton 1ApriI 1993by facsimilebythe Agent of Bosnia-Herzegovina;
12. Whereas in the written observations referred to in paragraph 9
above, Yugoslavia made what it termed "a preliminary objection with
regardto the legitimacyofthe Applicant", claimingthat neitherthe Presi-
dent ofthe Republic ofBosniaand Herzegovina,Mr.A.Izetbegovic,who
appointed the Agents of that State and authorized the institution of the
present proceedings, nor the Government of the Republic of Bosnia and
Herzegovina,arelegallyelected;whereas Yugoslaviaclaimsthatthe legit-
imacyand mandate ofthe Government and the President ofthe Republic
ofBosniaand Herzegovinaaredisputed not only byrepresentativesofthe
Serbpeople but also by representatives ofthe Croat people, and further-
more thatthe mandate of Mr. Izetbegovicexpired on 20December 1992,
and was challenged on this ground by the Prime Minister of Bosnia-
Herzegovinain a letterto the Chairman oftheEuropean AffairsSubcom-
mittee of the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee dated
24 February 1993,circulated, at the request of the Prime Minister of
Bosnia-Herzegovina,bythe Secretary-Generalofthe United Nations asa
document ofthe General Assemblyand ofthe SecurityCouncil;
13. Whereas the Agent of Bosnia-Herzegovina stated that Presi-
dent Izetbegovic is recognized by the United Nations as the legitimate
Head of State of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina; whereas the
Court has been seised of the case on the authority of a Head of State,
treated as such in the United Nations; whereas the power of a Head of
Stateto act on behalf of the State in its international relations isver-
sallyrecognized,and reflected in, for example,Article7,paragraph 2 (a),
of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties; whereas accordingly
the Court may, for the purposes of the present proceedings on a request
for provisionalmeasures,accept the seisinas the act ofthat State;
14. Whereason a requestforprovisionalmeasures theCourt neednot,
before decidingwhether ornottoindicatethem,finally satisfyitselfthat it
hasjurisdiction on the merits ofthe case,yetit ought not to indicateuch
measuresunless the provisionsinvoked by the Applicant or found in the APPLICATIONDE CONVENTIONGÉNOCIDE(ORD. 8IV93) 11
etayant reçu lesréponsesdesParties àune questionposéepar un membre
de laCour à l'audience;
11. Vu le document intitulé Données supplémentaires»au sujet des
faits allégués, présentéà l'appui de la requêteet de la demande, que
l'agent de la Bosnie-Herzégovinea communiqué àla Cour, le le' avril
1993,par télécopie;
12. Considérant que, dans ses observations écrites mentionnées au
paragraphe9 ci-dessus, la Yougoslavie a présentéce qu'elle a dénommé
une ((exceptionpréliminaireconcernantla légitimité du demandeur »eta
soutenu que ni le président de la République de Bosnie-Herzégovine,
M.A.Izetbegovic,quia désigné lesagents de cetEtat et a autorisél'intro-
duction de la présente instance,ni le Gouvernement de la Républiquede
Bosnie-Herzégovine n'ont été légalemené t lus; et que la Yougoslavie
affirmequela légitimitéetle mandatdu Gouvernementet du présidentde
la Républiquede Bosnie-Herzégovinesont contestés non seulement par
les représentants de la population serbe, mais égalementpar ceux de la
population croate; qu'elleaffirme,en outre, que le mandat de M. Izetbe-
govicestvenu à expirationle 20décembre1992et a étép ,our cetteraison,
mis en cause par le premier ministre de Bosnie-Herzégovinedans une
lettre endatedu 24février1993adresséeau présidentde la sous-commis-
siondesaffaireseuropéennes de la commissiondesaffairesétrangères du
SénatdesEtats-Unis,et distribuéepar leSecrétairegénérad lel'Organisa-
tion desNations Unies, à la demandedu premierministre de Bosnie-Her-
zégovine,comme document de l'Assembléegénéraleet du Conseil de
13. Considérantque l'agent de la Bosnie-Herzégovinea déclaré quele
président Izetbegovicest reconnu par l'organisation des Nations Unies
comme étantle chef d'Etat légitimede la RépubliquedeBosnie-Herzégo-
vine; quela Cour a étésaisie de l'affaire sur autorisation d'un chefat
traité en cettequalitéau sein del'organisation des Nations Unies; consi-
dérantque lepouvoir qu'a un chef d'Etat d'agirau nom de 1'Etatdans ses
relations internationales est universellement reconnu et trouve son
expression, par exemple, dans le paragraphe 2 a) de l'article 7 de la
convention de Vienne sur le droit des traités;qu'en conséquencelaCour
esten mesure, aux finsde laprésenteprocédure concernantune demande
en indication de mesures conservatoires,d'accepter une telle saisine en
tant qu'acte de cet Etat
14. Considérant que, en présence d'une demande en indication de
mesuresconservatoires,point n'estbesoin pour la Cour,avant de décider
d'indiquer ou non de telles mesures, de s'assurer de manière définitive
qu'ellea compétencequantaufond de l'affaire,mais qu'elle nepeut indi-Statute appear, prima facie,to afford a basis on whichthejurisdiction of
the Court might be established; whereas this consideration embraces
jurisdiction both rationepersonae and ratione materiae, even though,
inasmuch asalmost al1Statesaretodayparties to the Statuteofthe Court,
it isin general onlythe latter which requires tobe considered;
15. Whereas Article 35,paragraph 1,of the Statute of the Court pro-
vides that "The Court shall be open to the States parties to the present
Statute", and Article93,paragraph 1,ofthe United Nations Charter that
"Al1Membersofthe United Nations are ipsofactoparties to the Statuteof
the International Court of Justice"; and whereas it is maintained in the
Application that "As Members of the United Nations Organization, the
Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Yugoslavia(Serbia and Mon-
tenegro) are parties to the Statute"; whereas however in the Application
Bosnia-Herzegovina indicates that the "continuity" of Yugoslavia with
the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, a Member of the
United Nations, "has been vigorously contested by the entire interna-
tional community, and [sic] including by the United Nations Security
Council well as by the General Assembly", and reference is there
made to (interalia)Security Council resolution 777(1992)and General
Assemblyresolution 47/1;
16. Whereas Security Council resolution 777 (1992)of 19September
1992reads, so far aspertinent:
Consideringthatthe Stateformerlyknown asthe SocialistFederal
Republic of Yugoslavia has ceasedto exist,
Recallingin particular resolution 757(1992)which notes that 'the
claim by the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Monte-
negro) to continue automatically the membership of the former
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the United Nations
has not been generallyaccepte&,
1. Considersthat the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia(Serbia and
Montenegro) cannot continue automatically the membership ofthe
former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the United
Nations; and therefore recommendsto the General Assemblythat it
decide that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Mon-
tenegro) should apply for membership in the United Nations and
that it shall not participate in the work of the General Assembly";
and whereason22September 1992theGeneral Assemblyadopted resolu-
tion 47/ 1,which reads, so far as pertinent:quer ces mesures que si les dispositions invoquéespar le demandeur ou
figurant dans le Statut semblent prima facie constituer une base sur
laquellela compétencedelaCour pourrait être fondée;quecetteconsidé-
ration s'applique aussi bien à la compétencerationepersonae qu'à la
compétence ratione materiae, mêmesi, presque tous les Etats étant
aujourd'hui partiesau Statutdela Cour, cen'estengénéraq luela compé-
tence rationemateriaequi doit être envisagée;
15. Considérantqueleparagraphe 1del'article35du Statut dela Cour
disposeque :«LaCour estouverteaux Etatsparties auprésent Statut»,et
que le paragraphe 1de l'article93 de la Charte des Nations Unies porte
que: «Tous les Membres des Nations Unies sont ipsofacto parties au
Statut de la Cour internationale de Justice;et qu'il estsoutenu, dans la
requête,que: «En tant que Membres de l'organisation des Nations
Unies, la Bosnie-Herzégovine etla Yougoslavie (Serbie etMonténégro)
sont parties au Statut»; et que cependant la Bosnie-Herzégovineindique
dans sa requêteque la ((continuité » entre la Yougoslavie et l'ex-Répu-
blique fédérative socialistede Yougoslavie, Etat Membre des Nations
Unies, «a étévigoureusementcontestéepar l'ensemblede la communauté
internationale,y compris par le Conseil de sécuritéde l'organisation
des Nations Unies ..ainsi que par l'Assemblée généra» l; que référence
estfaite, a cet égard,notamment à la résolution777 (1992)du Conseil de
sécuritéet àla résolution47/ 1de l'Assemblée générale;
16. Considérant quelarésolution777(1992)du Conseilde sécuritée ,n
date du 19septembre 1992,est,dans sa partie pertinente, libelléecomme
«Le Conseildesécurité,
Considérantque 1'Etatantérieurement connu comme la Répu-
blique fédérativesocialistde Yougoslaviea cesséd'exister,
.Rappelanten particulier sa résolution757 (1992) qui note que
«l'affirmationdelaRépubliquefédérativd eeYougoslavie(Serbieet
Monténégro), selon laquelleelle assure automatiquement la conti-
nuitéde l'ancienne République fédérativesocialistdee Yougoslavie
comme Membre de l'organisation des Nations Unies n'a pas été
généralementacceptée »,
1. Considère quela République fédérativd ee Yougoslavie(Serbie
et Monténégro)ne peut pas assurer automatiquement la continuité
de la qualitéde Membre de l'ancienne République fédérativesocia-
liste de Yougoslavie aux Nations Unies et par conséquent recom-
mande àl'Assemblée générad le déciderque la République fédéra-
tive de Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro) devrait présenteu rne
demande d'adhésion aux Nations Unieset qu'elle neparticipera pas
aux travaux de l'Assembléegénérale » ;
etconsidérantque,le22septembre 1992,l'Assemblée générale aadoptésa
résolution47/ 1qui, dans sapartie pertinente, selit ainsi "The GeneralAssembly,
Having receivedthe recommendation of the Security Council of
19September 1992that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia(Serbia
and Montenegro) should apply for membership in the United
Nations and that it shallnot participate in the work of the General
Assembly ...,
1. Considersthat the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia(Serbia and
Montenegro) cannot continue automatically the membership of the
former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the United
Nations; and therefore decides that the Federal Republic of Yugo-
slavia(Serbia and Montenegro) shouldapplyfor membership in the
United Nations and that it shall not participate in the work of the
General Assembly" ;
17. Whereas the Under-Secretary-General and Legal Counsel of the
United Nations addressed a letter on 29September 1992tothe Permanent
Representatives to the United Nations of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Cro-
atia, in which he stated that the "considered view of the United Nations
Secretariat regarding the practical consequences of the adoption by the
General Assemblyof resolution 47/ 1"was as follows :
"While the General Assembly has stated unequivocally that the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) cannot
automatically continue the membership of the former Socialist Fed-
eral Republic of Yugoslaviain the United Nations andthat the Fed-
eral Republic of Yugoslavia(Serbia and Montenegro) should apply
for membership in the United Nations, the only practical conse-
quence that the resolution draws is that the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia(Serbia and Montenegro)shall notparticipateinthe work
oftheGeneral Assembly.It isclear,therefore, that representatives of
the Federal Republic ofYugoslavia(Serbia and Montenegro) canno
longerparticipateinthe work ofthe General Assembly,itssubsidiary
organs, nor conferences and meetingsconvened by it.
On the otherhand,the resolution neither terminates nor suspends
Yugoslavia's membershipinthe Organization.Consequently,the seat
and nameplate remain asbefore, but in Assemblybodies representa-
tivesofthe Federal Republic ofYugoslavia(Serbia and Montenegro)
cannot sitbehindthe sign'Yugoslavia'.Yugoslavmissions at United
Nations Headquarters and officesmaycontinue tofunction and may
receive and circulate documents. At Headquarters, the Secretariat
willcontinueto flythe flagoftheold Yugoslaviaasit isthe lastflagof
Yugoslavia used by the Secretariat. The resolution does not take
away the right of Yugoslavia to participate in the work of organs «L'Assemblég eénérale,
Ayant reçula recommandation du Conseil de sécuritée ,n date du
19 septembre 1992, selon laquelle la République fédérativede
Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro)devraitprésenterune demande
d'admission àl'Organisation desNations Unies etneparticipera pas
aux travaux de l'Assembléegénérale ...,
1. Considèrequela République fédérativede Yougoslavie(Serbie
et Monténégro) ne peutpas assurer automatiquement la continuité
de la qualitéde Membre de l'ancienne République fédérativesocia-
liste de Yougoslavie à l'organisation des Nations Unies et, par
conséquent, décide quela République fédérativede Yougoslavie
(Serbie et Monténégro)devraitprésenterune demande d'admission
àl'organisation et qu'elle neparticipera pas aux travaux de 1'Assem-
bléegénérale »;
17.Considérant que le Secrétairegénéraa ldjoint aux affairesjuridi-
ques, conseiller juridique de l'organisation des Nations Unies, a, le
29 septembre 1992,adressé aux représentants permanents de la Bosnie-
Herzégovine etde la Croatie auprèsde l'Organisation des Nations Unies
une lettre dans laquelle il déclarait que la«position réflédu Secréta-
riat de l'organisation des Nations Unies en ce qui concerne les consé-
quences pratiques de l'adoption par l'Assembléegénéralede la résolu-
tion47/1» était la suivan:e
«Si l'Assembléegénérale a déclaré sans équivoquqeue la Répu-
blique fédérativede Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro)ne pouvait
pas assurer automatiquement la continuitéde la qualitéde Membre
del'ancienne Républiquefédérativesocialiste deYougoslavie àl'Or-
ganisation des Nations Unies et que la République fédérativede
Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro)devraitprésenterune demande
d'admission à l'organisation, l'unique conséquence pratique de
cette résolution est que la République fédérativede Yougoslavie
(SerbieetMonténégro)neparticiperapasauxtravaux del'Assemblée
générale.Il est donc clair que les représentants de la République
fédérativede Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro)ne peuvent plus
participer aux travaux de l'Assembléegénéraleet de ses organes
subsidiaires,ni aux conférences et réunions organiséespar celle-ci.
D'un autre côté,la résolutionnemet pas finà l'appartenancede la
Yougoslavie à l'organisation et ne la suspend pas. En conséquence,
lesiègeetlaplaqueportant lenom delaYougoslaviesubsistent, mais
dans les organes de l'Assemblée lesreprésentantsde la République
fédéralede la Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro)ne peuvent occu-
per la place réservéela «Yougoslavie ».Lamission de la Yougosla-
vieauprèsdu Siègedel'organisation desNations Unies, ainsique les
bureaux occupéspar celle-ci, peuvent poursuivre leurs activités, ils
peuvent recevoiretdistribuerdesdocuments. Au Siège,leSecrétariat
continuera de hisser le drapeau de l'ancienne Yougoslavie, car c'est 14 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 8 IV93)
other than Assemblybodies.Theadmission to the United Nations of
a new Yugoslavia under Article 4 of the Charter will terminate the
situation created by resolution 47/1"(doc.A/47/485);
18. Whereas,whilethe solutionadopted isnotfreefromlegal difficult-
ies, the question whether or not Yugoslavia is a Member of the United
Nations and as such a party to the Statute of the Court is one which the
Court does not need to determine definitivelyat the present stage of the
proceedings ;
19. Whereas Article 35 of the Statute, after providing that the Court
shallbe open to the parties to theStatute,continues:
"2. The conditions under which the Court shallbe open to other
Statesshall,subject to the specialprovisionscontained in treaties in
force,be laid down bythe SecurityCouncil, but in no caseshall such
conditions place the parties in a position of inequality before the
whereas the Court therefore considers that proceedings may validly be
institutedbya StateagainstaState whichisaparty to suchaspecialprovi-
sionin atreaty in force,but isnot party to thetatute,and independently
of the conditions laid down by the SecurityCouncil in its resolution 9 of
1946(cf. S.S. 'Wimbledon",1923,P.C.I.J., SeriesA, No.1,p. 6);whereasa
compromissoryclause in a multilateral convention, such as Article IX of
the GenocideConvention reliedonby Bosnia-Herzegovinainthe present
case,could, in the viewofthe Court, be regarded prima facieas a special
provision contained in a treaty in force; whereas accordingly ifBosnia-
Herzegovina and Yugoslavia are both parties to the Genocide Conven-
tion, disputes to which Article IX applies are in any event prima facie
withinthejurisdiction rationepersonae ofthe Court;
20. Whereas the Court must therefore now consider its jurisdiction
rationemateriae; whereas Article IX of the Genocide Convention, upon
whichBosnia-HerzegovinainitsApplication claimsto foundthe jurisdic-
tion ofthe Court, provides that
"Disputesbetween the ContractingPartiesrelating tothe interpre-
tation,application orfulfilmentofthepresentConvention,including
those relatingtothe responsibilityofaStateforgenocideorforanyof
the other acts enumerated in article III, shall be submitted to the
International Court of Justice atthe request of any of the parties to
the dispute"; ledernier drapeau de laYougoslavieque le Secrétariatait connu. La
résolutionn'enlèvepas àla Yougoslavie le droit de participer aux
travaux des organes autres que ceux de l'Assemblée.L'admission à
l'organisation des Nations Unies d'une nouvelleYougoslavie, en
vertu de l'article4 de la Charte, mettra àila situation créépar la
résolution47/1» (doc.A/47/485 [traductionduSecrétariatfi;
18. Considérant que,silasolution adoptéene laissepasde susciterdes
difficultésjuridiques, la Cour n'a pasà statuer définitivementau stade
actuel de la procéduresur la question de savoir si la Yougoslavie estou
non membre de l'Organisation des Nations Unies et, à cetitre, partie au
Statut de laCour;
19. Considérant que l'article35 du Statut, aprèsavoir disposéque la
Cour est ouverte aux parties au Statut,poursuit:
«2. Les conditions auxquelles elle est ouverte aux autres Etats
sont, sous réserve des dispositions particulières des traités en
vigueur, régléepsar le Conseil de sécurité,t, dans tous les cas,sans
qu'il puisse en résulterpour les parties aucune inégalité devantla
Cour» ;
qu'en conséquencelaCour estimequ'une instancepeut êtrevalablement
introduite par un Etat contre un autre Etat qui,sans êtrepartie au Statut,
est partiea une telle disposition particulière d'un traité en vigueur,et ce
indépendamment desconditionsrégléep sar leConseildesécurité dans sa
résolution9 (1946)(voir VapeurWimbledon, 1923, C.P.J.I.sérieA no1,
p. 6);que, de l'avisde la Cour, une clausecompromissoired'une conven-
tion multilatérale,telleque l'article IX de la convention sur le génocide,
invoquépar la Bosnie-Herzégovineen l'espèce,pourrait être considérée
prima faciecomme une disposition particulière d'un traité en vigueur;
qu'en conséquence,si la Bosnie-Herzégovineet la Yougoslavie sont
toutes deux parties à la convention sur le génocide, les différends
auxquels s'applique l'articleIX relèventen tout étatde causeprimafacie
de la compétencerationepersonaede la Cour;
20. Considérantque la Cour doit par suite envisager maintenant sa
compétence rationemateriae; considérant qu'aux termesde l'article IX
de la convention sur le génocide, sur lequel la Bosnie-Herzégovine
prétend,dans sa requête,fonder la compétencede laCour:
«LesdifférendsentrelesPartiescontractantesrelatifs à l'interpré-
tation, l'application ou l'exécutionde la présente Convention, y
compris ceux relatifs à la responsabilité d'un Etaten matière de
génocide oude l'un quelconque des autres actes énumérés à l'ar-
ticle III, seront soumisa la Cour internationale de Justice, à la
requête d'une Partieau différend» ; 21. Whereas the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
signedthe GenocideConvention on 11December 1948,and deposited an
instrument of ratification, without resemation, on 29 August 1950;
whereas both Parties tothe present case correspond to parts of the terri-
tory ofthe former SocialistFederal Republic of Yugoslavia;
22. Whereasatthetimeofthe proclamation ofthe Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia(that is to saythe Respondent inthe present proceedings) on
27April 1992,a forma1declaration wasadopted on itsbehalf to the effect
"The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,continuing the State,inter-
nationallegaland politicalpersonalityofthe SocialistFederal Repub-
licofYugoslavia,shallstrictlyabide by al1the commitmentsthatthe
SocialistFederal Republic of Yugoslaviaassumedintemationally" ;
and whereasthisintention ofYugoslaviato honourthe international trea-
ties ofthe former Yugoslaviawas confirmed in an officia1Note from the
PermanentMission ofYugoslaviatothe UnitedNations, addressed to the
Secretary-General,dated 27April 1992;
23. Whereas Bosnia-Herzegovinaon 29December 1992transmitted to
the Secretary-Generalofthe United Nations, the depositary ofthe Geno-
cide Convention, a Notice of Successionin the followingterms :
"the Govemment ofthe RepublicofBosniaand Herzegovina,having
consideredthe Convention onthe Preventionand Punishment ofthe
Crime ofGenocide,ofDecember9,1948,to whichthe former Social-
ist Federal Republic ofYugoslaviawas a party, wishesto succeedto
the same and undertakes faithfully to perform and cany out al1the
stipulations therein contained with effect from March 6, 1992,the
dateonwhichthe RepublicofBosniaand Herzegovinabecame inde-
pendent" ;
and whereasthe Secretary-General on 18March 1993communicated the
followingDepositaryNotification to the parties tothe GenocideConven-
"On 29December 1992,the notification ofsuccessionbythe Gov-
ernment of Bosnia and Herzegovinato the above-mentioned Con-
vention was deposited with the Secretary-General,with effectfrom
6 March 1992,the date on which Bosnia and Herzegovinaassumed
responsibilityfor itsinternational relations";
24. Whereas Yugoslavia has disputed the validity and effect of the
Notice of 29 December 1992,contending that no rule of generalinterna-
tional law gives Bosnia-Herzegovina the right to proclaim unilaterally
that itsnow a party to the Genocide Convention merelybecause the for-
mer SocialistFederal Republic ofYugoslavia wasaparty to the Conven-
tion andthe Convention was thus applicable to what is now the territory 21. Considérantque l'ex-République fédérative socialistd ee Yougo-
.slaviea signéla conventionsur le génocidele 11décembre1948et a dé-
poséun instrument de ratification, sansréserves,le 29août 1950;que les
deux Parties àla présente instance correspondent à des parties du terri-
toire de l'ex-République fédérativesocialistdee Yougoslavie;
22. Considérantque lors de la proclamation de la République fédéra-
tive de Yougoslavie (ledéfendeurdans la présente instance),le27 avril
1992,une déclaration formellea été adoptée enson nom, aux termes de
«La République fédérativd ee Yougoslavie,assurant la continuité
de l'Etatetdelapersonnalitéjuridique etpolitiqueinternationale de
la République fédérativesocialistd ee Yougoslavie,respectera stric-
tement tous les engagementsque la République fédérativesocialiste
de Yougoslaviea pris àl'écheloninternational »;
etquel'intention ainsiexpriméepar laYougoslaviederespecterlestraités
internationaux auxquels était partie l'ex-Yougoslavie a été confirmée
dansune noteofficielledu 27avril 1992adresséeau Secrétairegénéra plar
la missionpermanente de la Yougoslavieauprèsdes Nations Unies;
23. Considérant que,le 29 décembre1992,la Bosnie-Herzégovinea
communiquéau Secrétairegénéradle l'Organisation des Nations Unies,
qui estledépositairedela convention surlegénocide,unenotificationde
successionauxtermes de laquelle :
«le Gouvernement de la Républiquede Bosnie-Herzégovine,ayant
examinéla conventionpour la préventionet la répressiondu crime
degénocide,du9 décembre1948, à laquellel'ex-Républiquefédéra-
tive socialiste de Yougoslavie était partie, souhaite êtle succes-
seur de cette dernière ets'engageà respecter et exécuterscrupuleu-
sementtoutes lesclausesfigurantdans laditeconvention,avec effet à
compter du 6 mars 1992,date à laquelle la Républiquede Bosnie-
Herzégovine estdevenue indépendante »;
et considérant que,le 18mars 1993,le Secrétairegénérale,n sa qualitéde
dépositaire,a communiquéauxparties àla convention sur legénocidela
notification ci-après
«Le 29 décembre 1992, la notification de succession par le
Gouvernement de la Bosnie-Herzégovine à la convention susmen-
tionnéea été déposée auprè du Secrétaire général, avec effet au
6 mars 1992,date à laquelle la Bosnie-Herzégovinea assumé la
responsabilitéde sesrelations internationales ;
24. ConsidérantquelaYougoslaviea contestélavaliditéelt'effetdela
notification du 29 décembre1992en soutenant qu'aucune règlede droit
international ne confère à la Bosnie-Herzégovine ledroit de proclamer
unilatéralement qu'elleest actuellement partie à la convention sur le
génocidepar le seul motif que l'ex-République fédérative socialistd ee
Yougoslavie étaitpartie à la convention et qu'ainsi la convention étaitof Bosnia-Herzegovina,that the "declaration of succession" procedure
providedforinthe Vienna Convention on Successionof Statesin respect
of Treaties (which Convention is not in force) was evolved for, and is
applicable only in, cases of decolonization, and is therefore not open to
Bosnia-Herzegovina; and that the Notice of 29 December 1992,if con-
strued as an instrument of accession under Article XI of the Genocide
Convention, can only "become effective on the ninetieth day following
the deposit oftheinstrument"inaccordance withArticle XIII oftheCon-
vention; whereas Yugoslavia concludes that the Court has jurisdiction
under the Genocide Convention, if at all, only in respect of facts subse-
quent to the expiration of 90days fromthe Notice of 29December 1992;
25. Whereasthe Court observesthat the Secretary-Generalhastreated
Bosnia-Herzegovina,not asacceding, but as succeedingto the Genocide
Convention, and ifthisbesothequestion oftheapplication ofArticlesXI
and XIII ofthe Convention would not arise; whereashoweverthe Court
notes that even if Bosnia-Herzegovina were to be treated as having
acceded to the GenocideConvention, withthe resultthat the Application
mightbe said to bepremature when filed, "this circumstancewould now
be covered" by the fact that the 90-dayperiod elapsed between the filing
of the Application and the oralproceedings on the request (cf.Mavrom-
matisPalestineConcessions J,udgmentNo.2,1924,P.C.I.J.,SeriesA, No.2,
p. 34); whereas the Court, in deciding whether to indicate provisional
measures is concerned,not so much withthe past as withthe present and
with the future; whereas, accordingly evenif itsjurisdiction suffersfrom
the temporal limitationasserted by Yugoslavia - which it does not now
haveto decide - this is not necessarily abarto the exerciseofitspowers
under Article41ofthe Statute;
26. Whereas Article IX of the Genocide Convention, to which both
Bosnia-Herzegovina and Yugoslavia are parties, thus appears to the
Court to afford a basis on which the jurisdiction of the Court might be
founded to the extentthat the subject-matter ofthe dispute relatesto "the
interpretation, application or fulfilment" of the Convention, including
disputes "relatingto the responsibilityofa Stateforgenocide orforany of
the other actsenumeratedin article III" ofthe Convention;
27. Whereas on 31March 1993the Agent of Bosnia-Herzegovinasub-
mitted, as constituting an additional basis ofjurisdiction of the Court in
this case, aletter, dated 8 June 1992,addressed to the President of the
Arbitration Commission of the International Conference for Peace inapplicable à ce qui est maintenant le territoire de Bosnie-Herzégovine;
que la procédure relativeaux ((déclarationsde succession»prévuedans
la convention de Vienne sur la succession dYEtatsen matièrede traités
(convention qui n'estpas entrée en vigueur)a été conçupeour les cas de
décolonisationet n'est applicable qu'à ceux-ci;que laBosnie-Henégo-
vine ne peut dès lors y recourir; et que, mêmesi la notification du
29 décembre 1992 était interprétée comme constituantun instrument
d'adhésionau sensde l'articleXI dela conventionsur legénocide,ellene
saurait,conformément à l'articleXIII de la convention,prendre effetque
«le quatre-vingt-dixièmejour qui suivraledépôtdel'instrument» ;qu'en
conclusion,selon la Yougoslavie,sitant estque la Cour a compétenceen
vertu delaconventionsurlegénocide,cettecompétence n'existequepour
les faits postérieurs l'expiration du délaide quatre-vingt-dixjours à
compter de la notification du 29décembre1992;
25. Considérant quelaCour constate que leSecrétairegénéralaconsi-
déréla Bosnie-Herzégovinecommeayantnon pas adhéré,maissuccédé à
la convention sur le génocide,et que, si tel étaitle cas, la question de
l'application des articlesXI etIII de la convention ne se poserait pas;
considérant toutefois que laCour note que, mêmesi la Bosnie-Henégo-
vine devait être considérée comme ayant adhér àéla convention sur le
génocide,ce qui aurait pour conséquenceque la requête pourrait être
tenue pour prématuréeau moment de son dépôt, «ce fait aurait été
couvert »par l'écoulementdu laps detemps de quatre-vingt-dixjours qui
serait arrivé sonterme entrele dépôt dela requêteetla procédure orale
sur la demande (voir ConcessionsMavrommatisen Palestine,arrên t o2,
1924,C.P.J.Zs.érieA no2,p. 34); que la Cour, en décidantsi elledoit ou
non indiquer des mesures conservatoires, se préoccupe moinsdu passé
quedu présentetdel'avenir; que,par conséquent,même sliacompétence
de la Cour étaitaffectépar lalimitedetemps qu'invoque laYougoslavie
- point que la Cour n'apasà trancherdans l'immédiat - celane consti-
tuerait pas nécessairement un obstacle à l'exercice par la Cour des
pouvoirs qu'elletient de l'article41deson Statut;
26. Considérantque l'article IX de la convention sur le génocide, à
laquelle la Bosnie-Herzégovine etla Yougoslavie sont parties, semble
ainsi,de l'avisde la Cour, constituer une base sur laquelle la compétence
delaCourpourrait êtrefondéep,our autantque l'objetdu différendatrait
à ((l'interprétation, l'application ou l'exécutin de la convention, y
compris lesdifférends«relatifsàlaresponsabilitéd'unEtat enmatièrede
génocideoude l'un quelconque desautres actesénumérés à l'articleIII »
de la convention;
27. Considérant que,le31mars 1993,l'agentdela Bosnie-Henégovine
a déposé, comme base supplémentairede compétencede la Cour en
l'affaire, une lettre en date dujuin 1992adresséeau présidentde la
commission d'arbitrage de la conférence internationalepour la paix enYugoslaviaby Mr. Momir Bulatovic,President of the Republic of Mon-
tenegro, and Mr. Slobodan Milosevic, President of the Republic of
Serbia; whereas the Court considers that the fact that thisletter was not
invokedinthe Application asabasis ofjurisdiction doesnot in itselfcon-
stitute a bar to reliance being placed upon it in the further course of the
proceedings (cf. Militaly andParamilitaly Activitiesinandagainst Nicara-
gua (Nicaragua v. United States of America), I.C.J. Reports 1984,
pp. 426-427,para. 80);
28. Whereasthe letterof8June 1992referredto aletterwhichthe Presi-
dent of the Arbitration Commissionhad on 3June 1992addressedtothe
Presidentsofthe RepublicsofBosniaand Herzegovina,Croatia, Macedo-
nia, Montenegro, Serbia and Sloveniaandto the Presidency of the Fed-
eral Republic of Yugoslavia, requesting a statement of the position of
theirrespectivecountriesonthree questionsraisedbythe Chairman ofthe
Conference for Peace in Yugoslavia; whereas the first question was
whether the Federal Republic of Yugoslaviawas a new State calling for
recognition by the Member Statesof the European Community, the sec-
ond question waswhether the dissolution of the former SocialistFederal
RepublicofYugoslaviacouldberegarded ascomplete,andthethird was :
"If this is the case, on what basis and by what means should the
problems of the succession of States arising between the different
States emerging from the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
be settled?"
29. Whereasinthejoint letterof8June 1992,the PresidentofMontene-
groandthe PresidentofSerbiachallengedthe Commission's competence
to givean opinion on the three questions submitted to it, and went on to
say,in the English translation supplied by Bosnia-Herzegovinafrom the
original Serbo-Croat :
"2. It is the principled position of FR Yugoslavia that al1ques-
tions involvedinthe overallsettlementofthe Yugoslav crisisshould
be resolvedin an agreementbetween FR Yugoslaviaand al1the for-
mer Yugoslavrepublics.
3. FR Yugoslaviaholdsthe viewthat al1legaldisputeswhich can-
not be settled by agreementbetween FR Yugoslaviaand the former
Yugoslavrepublicsshouldbe takentotheInternational Court ofJus-
tice, asthe principal judicial organ ofthe United Nations.
Accordingly,and inviewofthe factthat al1theissuesraisedinyour
letter are of a legalnature, FR Yugoslaviaproposes that in the event
that agreement is not reached amongthe participants in the Confer-
ence, these questions should be adjudicated by the International
Court ofJustice, in accordance withits Statute";Yougoslavie par M. Momir Bulatovic, président de la Républiquedu
Monténégro, etM. Slobodan Milosevic,présidentde la Républiquede
Serbie;quelaCour estimequelefaitquecettelettre n'aitpas été invoquée
dans la requête comme basede compétence n'empêchp eas en soi qu'il
soitpris appui sur cet instrument dans lesphases ultérieuresde la procé-
dure (voirActivités militairstparamilitairesauNicaraguaet contrecelui-
ci (Nicaragua c. Etats-Unisdxmérique),C.I.J.Recueil1984, p. 426-427,
par. 80);
28. Considérantquelalettredu 8juin 1992seréférait àune lettreadres-
séele 3juin 1992auxprésidentsdesRépubliquesdeBosnie-Herzégovine,
de Croatie, de Macédoine,du Monténégrod ,e Serbieet de Slovénie,ainsi
qu'à la présidencede la République fédérative de Yougoslavie, par le
présidentde la commission d'arbitrage; que ce dernier leur demandait
dans cettelettre de faireconnaître la position de chacun de leurspays sur
trois questions qu'avait soulevées leprésidentde la conférencepour la
paix en Yougoslavie;considérantque la première question étaitcellede
savoir si la République fédérativdee Yougoslavieétaitun Etat nouveau
appelant une reconnaissance par les Etats membres de la Communauté
européenne ;quela deuxièmeétaitcellede savoirsila dissolution del'ex-
République fédérativesocialistd ee Yougoslaviepouvait être considérée
commeachevée;et que latroisièmeétait:
«Dans l'affirmative,sur quelsfondements et selon quellesmoda-
litéslesproblèmesdesuccessiond7Etatsquiseposent entre lesdiffé-
rents Etatsissus de la République fédérativesocialistee Yougosla-
29. Considérant que,dans leurlettre commune endate du 8juin 1992,
le présidentdu Monténégroet le présidentde la Serbie ont contesté la
compétencede la commissionpour donnerun avissurlestrois questions
qui lui étaient soumises,et ont ajouté, selon la traduction française de
l'original serbo-croatefourniepar la Bosnie-Herzégovine :
«2. L'avisdeprincipe dela RFyougoslaveestquetoutes lesques-
tions traitant de la solution complète (overallsettlement)de la crise
yougoslave devraient être résolues dansun agrément entre laRF
yougoslave ettoutes lesanciennesrépubliquesyougoslaves.
3. La RF yougoslave estd'avisque toutes les disputes légalesqui
ne peuvent pas êtrerésoluesentrlea RF yougoslaveet les anciennes
républiquesyougoslaves, qu'ellesdevraient être soumises à la Cour
internationale de la Paix, qui est le principal organejudiciaire des
Nations Unies.
En conséquence,etétantdonnéquelesquestionsdemandéesdans
votre lettre sont denature légale,la RF yougoslavepropose que, en
casoùune solutionn'estpas trouvéeentrelesparticipants à la confé-
rence, les questions susmentionnéessoientjugéespar la Cour inter-
nationale de la Paix, en concordance avecson Statut»;18 APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 8IV93)
30. Whereas Bosnia-Herzegovinainterpretsthistextas an offerbythe
Federal Republic of Yugoslaviato submit al1outstanding legal disputes
between itself and Bosnia-Henegovina to the Court, and in reliance on
this offer the Agent of Bosnia-Herzegovina at the hearings stated that
"hereby submitsto the Court al1ofthe legaldisputes between it and
... Yugoslavia that have been set forth in Our Application [and]
Request forprovisional measures",
and submitted
"that thisorma1expressionofintention to submittothejurisdiction
of this Court by the appropriate authorities ... provides an addi-
tional jurisdiction for the Court to decide al1the outstanding legal
disputes between us";
and requested the Court "to consider this additional jurisdictional
basis support of [the]request for an indication of provisional mea-
sures" ;
31. Whereas however at the present stage of the proceedings,and on
thebasis oftheinformationbefore theCourt, itisbyno meansclearto the
Court whetherthe letter of 8 June 1992was intended as an "immediate
commitment" by the two Presidents, binding on Yugoslavia, to accept
unconditionally the unilateralsubmission to the Court of a widerange of
legaldisputes (cf.AegeanSea ContinentalShelJ;Z.C.J.Reports1978,p. 44,
para. 108);or whether it was intended as a commitment solely to sub-
missiontothe Court ofthe three questions raised bythe Chairman ofthe
Cornmittee; or as no more than the enunciation of a general policy of
favouringjudicial settlement,which did not embodyan offer or commit-
ment ;
32. Whereasthe Court isthus unable to regardthe letterof 8June 1992
as constitutinga prima facie basis ofjurisdiction in the present case and
must proceed therefore on the basis only that it has prima facie jurisdic-
tion, both rationepersonae and ratione materiae, under Article IX of the
33. Whereas Yugoslaviahas drawn attention to the numerous resolu-
tions adopted by the United Nations Security Council concerning the
situationin the former Yugoslavia,andto the fact that in that respectthe
SecurityCouncilhas taken decisionsonthebasisofArticle25oftheChar-
ter, and has indicated expresslythat it is acting under Chapter VI1of the
Charter; whereas Yugoslavia contends that solongasthe Security Coun-
cil is acting in accordance with Article 25 and under that Chapter,
"it wouldbepremature and inappropriate for theCourtto indicate provi-
sional measures, and certainly provisional measures of the type which APPLICATION DE CONVENTION GBNOCID (ERD8 . IV93) 18
30. Considérantque la Bosnie-Herzégovineinterprètecetexte comme
constituant une offrede lapart de la République fédératieeYougosla-
vie de soumettre à la Cour tous les différendsjuridiques pendants qui
l'opposent à la Bosnie-Herzégovine,et que, se fondant sur cette offre,
l'agent de la Bosnie-Herzégovinea déclaré à l'audience que la Bosnie-
«soumet ici àlaCour tous lesdifférendsjuridiquesentre
Yougoslavie qui ont été exposéd sans notre requête[et] dans la
demandeen indication de mesuresconservatoires »,
a avancé
«que cette expression formelle de l'intention des autoritésappro-
priéesde se soumettre à la juridiction de cette Cou...fournit un
fondement additionnel de la compétencede la Courpour connaître
de tous lesdifférendsjuridiques existantentrenousD,
et a priéla Cour «deprendre en considération cettebase supplémentaire
de compétence ..à l'appui de sa demande en indication de mesures
conservatoires» ;
31. Considérantcependant qu'à cestadede la procédure etau vu des
élémentsd'information quiluisontsoumisla Cour estdans laplusgrande
incertitude quantaupointde savoirsilebut delalettredu 8juin 1992était
deconstituer,delapart desdeuxprésidents,un «engagementimmédiat»,
ayant forceobligatoire pour la Yougoslavie,d'accepter inconditionnelle-
ment que soient soumis à la Cour, par requête unilatérale,ne grande
diversitéde différendsjuridiques(voirPlateaucontinentaldela merEgée,
C.I.J. Recueil1978,p. 44,par. 108);ou silebut de la lettre étaitde consti-
tuer exclusivementun engagement de soumettre à la Cour lestrois ques-
tionssoulevéespar leprésidentdelacommission;ou sisonbut n'était rien
d'autre que d'énoncerune politique générale visantà favoriser le règle-
mentjudiciaire, sansoffreni engagement;
32. Considérantque la Cour n'estdonc pas enmesure de considérerla
lettre du 8juin 1992comme une base de compétenceprimafacie dans la
présente affaireet doit par conséquent procédersur une seule base, à
savoirqu'ellea compétence,primafacie,tant rationepersonaeque ratione
materiae,envertu de l'articleIX de la convention sur legénocide;
33. Considérant que la Yougoslavie a appelé l'attention sur les
nombreusesrésolutionsadoptéespar leConseildesécurité de lyOrganisa-
tion des Nations Unies au sujet de la situation dans l'ex-Yougoslavie et
surlefaitque, àcetégard,leConseilde sécuritéa pris desdécisionssurla
base de l'article25de laCharte et a indiquéde façon expresse qu'ilagis-
sait en vertu du chapitreI1de la Charte; que la Yougoslavie prétend
qu'en l'affaire,tant que le Conseil de sécurité agit conformémentcet
article et en vertu de ce chapitre, ((l'indication par la Cour de mesures
conservatoiresseraitprématurée etinappropriée,particulièrements'agis-have been requested"; whereas the Court understands this objection as
beingprimarily addressed to those measuresrequested by Bosnia-Herze-
govina which gobeyond matters within the scope of the Genocide Con-
vention, and which for that reason the Court cannot consider; whereas
howeverin anyevent,as the Court has observed in a previous case,while
there isinthe Charter
"a provision for a clear demarcation of functions between the Gen-
eral Assembly andthe SecurityCouncil,in respect of any dispute or
situation,thatthe formershould notmakeanyrecommendation with
regard to that dispute or situation unless the Security Council so
requires, there is no similarprovision anywhere in the Charter with
respectto the SecurityCouncil and the Court. TheCouncilhas func-
tions of apolitical nature assigned to it,whereasthe Court exercises
purely judicial functions. Both organs can therefore perform their
separate but complementary functions with respect to the same
events"(Militaryand ParamilitaryActivities inandagainst Nicaragua
(Nicaragua v. UnitedStates ofAmerica), JurisdictionandAdmissibil-
ity,Judgment,I.C.J.Reports1984,pp. 434-435,para. 95);
34. Whereas the power of the Courtto indicate provisional measures
under Article41 ofthe StatuteoftheCourt hasasitsobjecttopreservethe
respectiverights ofthe parties pending thedecisionoftheCourt,and pre-
supposesthat irreparableprejudiceshall notbecausedto rightswhichare
the subject ofdispute injudicial proceedings; and whereasit followsthat
the Court must be concerned to preserve by such measures the rights
which maysubsequentlybe adjudged bythe Court tobelongeitherto the
Applicant ortothe Respondent ;
35. Whereas the Court, having established the existence of a basis on
which itsjurisdiction might be founded, ought not to indicate measures
for the protection of any disputed rights other than those which might
ultimately form the basis of a judgment in the exercise of that jurisdic-
tion; whereas accordingly the Court will confine its examination of the
measures requested, and of the grounds asserted for the request for
such measures, to those which fa11within the scope of the Genocide
36. Whereasthe legalrightssought to be protected bythe indication of
provisional measures are enumerated in the request of Bosnia-Herzego-
vina forthe indication of such measures asfollows :sant de mesures conservatoires du type de cellesqui ont étédemandée» s ;
que, de l'avis de la Cour, cette objection vise essentiellement celles des
mesures demandées par la Bosnie-He~zégovinequi vont au-delà du
champ d'application de la convention sur le génocide,et que la Cour ne
peut pour cetteraison examiner; considérant cependant que, entout état
de cause,commela Cour l'a notédansune affaire antérieure, mêmesila
((départage nettement les fonctions de l'Assembléegénéraleet du
Conseil de sécuritéen précisant que, à l'égard d'un différendou
d'une situation quelconque,la premièrene doit faire aucune recom-
mandation sur cedifférendou cettesituation, à moins que leConseil
de sécuriténe le lui demande, ...aucune disposition semblable ne
figuredansla Charte surleConseil de sécuritéetlaCour.LeConseil
a desattributions politiques; laCour exercedesfonctionspurement
judiciaires. Lesdeuxorganespeuvent donc s'acquitter de leursfonc-
tions distinctes mais complémentaires àpropos des mêmes événe-
ments » (Activités militairet paramilitairesau Nicaragua etcontre
celui-ci(Nicaraguac.Etats-Unis dAmérique), compétenceet recevabi-
lité,arrêt,.Z.J.Recueil1984,p. 434-435);
34. Considérantque le pouvoir d'indiquer des mesures conservatoires
conféré ala Courpar l'article41deson Statut apour objet de sauvegarder
ledroit de chacunedesparties en attendantque la Cour rende sadécision,
et présuppose qu'un préjudice irréparable ne doitpas être causé aux
droits enlitigedansune procédurejudiciaire; etconsidérantqu'ils'ensuit
que la Cour doit se préoccuperde sauvegarder par de telles mesures les
droitsquel'arrêt qu'elleaura ultérieurementà rendrepourrait éventuelle-
ment reconnaître, soit audemandeur, soit au défendeur;
35. Considérant quelaCour,aprèsavoirétabliqu'il existeune base sur
laquelle sa compétence pourrait être fondée,ne devrait pas indiquer
de mesures tendant à protéger des droits contestés autres que ceux qui
pourraient en définitive constituer la base d'un arrêt rendudans l'exer-
cice de cette compétence; considérant que, par voie de conséquence,la
Cour selimitera, dans son examendes mesures demandées,et desmotifs
mis en avant pour justifier ces demandes, à prendre en considération
ceuxquientrent dans lechamp d'application dela convention surlegéno-
36. Considérant que les droits que la demande en indication de
mesures conservatoires de la Bosnie-Herzégovinevise à protéger sont
énuméréc somme suit dans ladite demande : "(a) the right of the citizensof Bosnia and Herzegovinaphysically
to surviveasaPeopleand asaState;
(b) the rights of the People of Bosnia and Herzegovina to life,
liberty, and security, as well as the other basichuman rights
specifiedinthe 1948UniversalDeclaration ofHuman Rights;
(c) the right ofthe People and State of Bosniaand Herzegovinato
be free at al1times from acts of genocide and other genocidal
actsperpetrated upon Them by Yugoslavia (Serbia and Mon-
tenegro), acting together with its agents and surrogates in
Bosniaand elsewhere;
(d) the right ofthe People and Stateof Bosniaand Herzegovinato
al1timesfromthe use orthreat of forceagainst Them
be freeat
by aforeignStateacting in conjunction withitsagentsand sur-
rogatesonTheirsovereignterritory and elsewhere;
(e) the right of Bosniaand Herzegovinato conduct its affairs and
to determine matters within its domestic jurisdiction without
interference orinterventionby anyforeign Stateactingdirectly
orbymeansofagentsand surrogates,orboth;
03 the right of self-determination of the People of Bosnia and
(g) thebasicright ofsovereignexistenceforthe Peopleand Stateof
Bosniaand Henegovina" ;
37. WhereasYugoslaviasimilarlyseekstheprotection ofcertain rights
by the provisional measures recommended by it, set out in paragraph 9
above ;
38. Whereas however,with respect to the measuresrequestedboth by
Bosnia-Herzegovinaand by Yugoslavia,the Court is,as observed above,
confined tothe consideration ofsuch rightsunder the GenocideConven-
tion as might form the subject-matter of ajudgment of the Court in the
exerciseof itsjurisdictionunder Article IX ofthat Convention;
39. Whereas the definition of genocidein Article II of the Genocide
Convention reads, so far as relevant:
"In the present Convention,genocide means any of the following
acts committedwith intent to destroy,inwhole orin part, a national,
ethnical,racial or religiousgroup, asuch :
(a) Killingmembersofthe group;
(b) Causingseriousbodilyormentalharm tomembersofthegroup;
(c) Deliberatelyinflictingonthe groupconditions oflifecalculated
tobringabout itsphysicaldestructionin wholeorinpart;
(d) Imposingmeasuresintendedtopreventbirthswithinthegroup" ; APPLICATIONDE CONVENTIONGÉNOCIDE(ORD. 8IV93) 20
«a) le droit pour les citoyens de Bosnie-Herzégovinede survivre
physiquementen tant quepeuple et qu'Etat;
b) lesdroitsdupeuple de Bosnie-Herzégovine à lavie,lalibertéet
la sûreté,ainsiqu'aux autres droits de l'homme fondamentaux
définisdans la Déclarationuniverselle des droits de l'homme
de 1948 ;
c) le droit pour lepeuple et 1'Etatde Bosnie-Herzégovined'êtr e
tout moment protégéscontre les actes de génocide et autres
actes assimilables perpétrés contre euxpar la Yougoslavie
(Serbie et Monténégro), agissand te concert avec ses agents et
auxiliairesen Bosnieetailleurs;
d) le droit pour lepeuple et l'Etatde Bosnie-Herzégovined'êtr e
tout moment protégéscontrel'emploiou la menacede la force
delapart d'un Etatétrangeragissantde concert avecsesagents
etauxiliairessur leurterritoiresouverainetailleurs
e) le droit pour la Bosnie-Herzégovinede conduire sesaffaireset
de décider des questionsrelevant de sa compétencenationale
sans ingérence ni intervention d'aucun Etat étrangeragissant
directementou par l'intermédiaired'agents et auxiliaires,ou à
lafoisdirectement etpar leurintermédiaire ;
f) le droit du peuple de Bosnie-Herzégovine à l'autodétermina-
g) ledroitfondamental du peuple etde 1'Etatde Bosnie-Herzégo-
vined'exister enexerçantlasouveraineté »;
37. Considérant que la Yougoslavie cherche, de même, à assurer la
protection de certainsdroits au moyen des mesures conservatoiresénon-
céesauparagraphe 9 ci-dessusqu'ellerecommande de prendre;
38. Considérantcependantque,encequiconcerne lesmesuresdeman-
déestant par la Bosnie-Herzégovineque par la Yougoslavie, la Cour,
commeil aéténotéplushaut, doisteborner àl'examen desdroitsprévus
par la convention sur le génocide pouvant faire l'objet d'un arrêtde la
Courrendu dans l'exercicedesacompétenceauxtermesdel'articleIX de
39. Considérant que la définition du génocidede l'article II de la
conventionsur legénocideselit,dans sespartiespertinentes, commesuit :
«Dans la présente Conventionle génocides'entendde l'un quel-
conque des actes ci-après,commis dans l'intention de détruire,en
tout ou en partie, un groupe national, ethnique, racial ou religieux,
commetel :
a) meurtrede membresdugroupe;
b) atteinte graveà l'intégritphysique ou mentale de membres du
groupe ;
c) soumissionintentionnelledugroupe à desconditions d'existence
devantentraîner sadestructionphysiquetotale oupartielle;
d) mesuresvisant à entraverlesnaissancesau seindugroupe » ; 40. Whereas the Applicant has brought beforethe Court, in the State-
ment of Factsin itsApplication, and inthe subsequentdocumententitled
"Supplementary Submission", accounts of military and paramilitary
activities,includingthe bombing and shelling of towns and villages,the
destruction ofhouses and forcedmigration of civilians,and ofactsofvio-
lence, including execution, murder, torture, and rape which, in the cir-
cumstances in which they have occurred, show, in the view of the
Applicant,that acts of genocidehave been committed, and will continue
to be committed against,in particular,the Muslim inhabitants of Bosnia-
Herzegovina ;
41. Whereas Bosnia-Herzegovina claims in the Application that the
actsthere complained ofhavebeen committed by former members ofthe
Yugoslav People'sArmy (YPA) and by Serb military and paramilitary
forces under the direction of, at the behest of, and with assistance from
Yugoslavia,andthat Yugoslaviaistherefore fullyresponsible under inter-
national law fortheir activities; and whereas in its request forthe indica-
tion ofprovisional measures Bosnia-Herzegovinasimilarlycontends that
thefactsstated inthe Applicationshowthat Yugoslaviaiscommittingacts
ofgenocide,both directlyand by means of itsagents and surrogates, and
that there is no reason to believe that Yugoslavia will voluntarily desist
from this course of conduct while the case is pending before the Court;
42. Whereas Yugoslavia observes that the situation is not one of
aggressionby oneStateagainstanother,but a civilwar,and assertsthat it
hasno soldiersintheterritory ofBosnia-Herzegovina,that itdoesnot mil-
itarilysupport anysideinthe conflict,andthat itdoes not support orabet
in any waythe commissionof crimescitedinthe Application; that Yugo-
slavia and its subordinate bodies, including the military, have not com-
mitted and are not committing any of the acts to which Article III of the
GenocideConventionrefers; andthat the claimspresented in the Appli-
cation are without foundation; and whereas Yugoslaviahas also argued
that what Bosnia-Herzegovina is seeking is an interim judgment on the
meritsofthe case,whichisnot coveredbyArticle41ofthe Statute(cf.Fac-
toly at Chorzbw (Zndemnities),Order of 21 November 1927, P.C.Z.J.,
SeriesA, No.12,p. 10);
43. Whereas Yugoslaviain its written observationson the request for
theindication ofprovisionalmeasures "requeststhe Courtto establishthe
responsibilityofthe authorities" of Bosnia-Herzegovinaforacts of geno-
cide against the Serb people in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and indicates its
intention to submit evidence to that effect; and whereas Yugoslavia
claimedatthehearings that genocideand genocidal actsarebeingcarried
out against Serbs livingin Bosnia-Herzegovina; whereas Bosnia-Herze-
govinaforits part contends howeverthat there isno basisin fact orin law
for the indication of provisional measures against it, there being no
credible evidence that its Government has committed acts of genocide
against anyone; 40. Considérant que le demandeur a porté à la connaissance de la
Cour, dans l'exposé des faits figurantdans sa requête, etdans un docu-
ment ultérieur intitulé«Données supplémentaires», des informations
faisant étatd'activitésmilitairestparamilitaires,ycomprislebombarde-
ment etlepilonnage devillesetdevillages,la destruction demaisons etle
déplacement forcéde civils,et des actes de violence,y compris l'exécu-
tion,le meurtre, la torture etleviol,qui, en raison des circonstances dans
lesquelles ils ont eu lieu, démontrent,de l'avisdu demandeur, que des
actes de génocideont été, ec tontinueront d'êtrecommis,contre, en par-
ticulier,leshabitants musulmans de la Bosnie-Herzégovine;
41. Considérant que, dans la requête, la Bosnie-Herzégovinesoutient
quelesactesqu'elle dénonce auraientété commip sar d'anciens membres
de l'arméepopulaire yougoslave etpar des forces militaires etparamili-
taires serbes agissant sous la direction, sur l'ordre et avec l'aide de la
Yougoslavie, etque la Yougoslavieest donc entièrement responsableen
droitinternational deleursactivités;etconsidérantque,dans sademande
en indication de mesures conservatoires,la Bosnie-Herzégovinesoutient
de mêmeque lesfaits exposésdans la requête démontrenq tue la Yougo-
slaviecommetdesactes degénocide,directementetpar l'intermédiaire de
ses agents et auxiliaires; et qu'il n'existe aucune raison de croire que la
Yougoslavie renoncera volontairement àcette conduite pendant que la
Cour serasaisie de l'affaire;
42. Considérant quelaYougoslaviefaitobserverque cen'estpas d'une
agressiond'un Etat contre un autre dont il s'agit,mais d'une guerrecivile
etaffirmequ'ellen'apasde soldats sur leterritoire de la Bosnie-Herzégo-
vine, qu'ellen'apporte pas de soutien militaire, dans le conflit,elque
campque ce soit,et qu'ellen'apporte aucunappui ni n'encourage,d'une
façon ou d'une autre, la perpétration des crimes mentionnés dansla
requête; quela Yougoslavie et les organes qui en relèvent,y compris
l'armée,n'ont commis et ne commettent aucun des actes prévus à l'ar-
ticleIII de la convention sur le génocide;que les griefs exposésdans la
requête sont dénuédse fondement; et considérant que laYougoslaviea
aussisoutenu que ce que la Bosnie-Herzégovinecherche à obtenir estun
jugement provisionnel sur le fond de l'affaire,ce qui n'estpas prévu par
l'article41 du Statut (voirsinede Chorzbw(réparations)o,rdonnancedu
21novembre1927,C.P.J.I.série A no12,p. 10);
43. Considérantquela Yougoslavie,dans sesobservationsécritessurla
demandeenindicationde mesuresconservatoires,«prie laCourdeconsta-
terlaresponsabilitédesautorités»deBosnie-Herzégovinp eour lesactesde
génocidecommis a l'encontredu peuple serbe en Bosnie-Herzégovine et
exprime l'intentionde présenter des élémend tse preuveà cet effet; qu'à
l'audiencelaYougoslavieaallégué quelegénocideetdesactesassimilables
au génocidesontcommiscontredes Serbesvivant enBosnie-Herzégovine;
considérantque, pour sa part, la Bosnie-Herzégovinesoutient toutefois
qu'il n'existeaucun motif en fait ou en droit d'indiquer contre elle des
songouvernementaitcommisdes actesdegénocidecontrequiconque; 44. Whereas the Court, in the context of the present proceedingson a
requestforprovisional measures,has inaccordance withArticle41ofthe
Statute to consider the circumstancesdrawn to its attention as requiring
the indication of provisional measures, but cannot make definitive find-
ings of fact or of imputability, and the right of each Party to dispute the
facts alleged against it, to challenge the attribution to it of responsibility
for those facts, and to submit arguments in respect of the merits, must
remainunaffected by the Court's decision;
45. WhereasArticle 1ofthe GenocideConvention provides that :
"The ContractingPartiesconfirm that genocide,whether commit-
ted in time of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international
lawwhich theyundertake to prevent andto punish";
whereas al1parties to the Convention have thus undertaken "to prevent
andto punish the crimeofgenocide; whereasinthe viewofthe Court, in
the circumstancesbrought to its attention and outlined above in which
there is a graverisk of acts ofgenocidebeing committed, Yugoslaviaand
Bosnia-Herzegovina, whether or not any such acts in the past may be
under a clear obligationto do al1in their
legallyimputable to them, are
power to preventthe commissionof any such actsinthe future;
46. Whereas the Court is not called upon, for the purpose of its deci-
sion on the present request for the indication of provisional measures,
nowto establishthe existenceofbreaches ofthe GenocideConvention by
eitherParty,but to determinewhetherthe circumstancesrequirethe indi-
cationofprovisionalmeasurestobe taken bythe Partiesfortheprotection
ofrights under the GenocideConvention; and whereasthe Court issatis-
fied, takinginto accountthe obligationimposed byArticle1ofthe Geno-
cide Convention, that the indication of measures is required for the
protection of such rights; and whereas Article 75, paragraph 2, of the
RulesofCourt recognizesthe power ofthe Court, when arequestfor pro-
visional measures has been made, to indicate measures that are in whole
orinpart other than those requested,orthat oughtto betaken orcomplied
with bythe party which has itselfmade the request;
47. WhereasBosnia-HerzegovinaalsoinvokesArticleVI11ofthe Gen-
ocide Convention, which provides that
"AnyContractingParty maycal1uponthecompetentorgans ofthe
United Nations to take such action under the Charter of the United
Nationsas they considerappropriate fortheprevention and suppres-
sion of acts of genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in
articleIII", APPLICATIONDE CûNVSNTiûN G$NÛC~I)~! (ÛRD.8 iV93 j 22
44. ConsidérantquelaCour,dans lecontextedelaprésenteprocédure
concernant l'indication de mesuresconservatoires,doit, conformément à
l'article41 du Statut,examiner silescirconstancesportéesàson attention
exigentl'indication de mesuresconservatoires,mais n'estpas habilitéeà
doitlaisserintact ledroitde chacunedesParties de contesterlesfaitsallé-
guéscontreelle,ainsi que laresponsabilitéquiluiestimputéequant àces
faits et de fairevaloir ses moyens sur lefond;
45. Considérantque l'article premierde la convention sur le génocide
dispose ce qui suit:
«Les Parties contractantes confirment que le génocide,qu'il soit
commisentemps depaix ou entemps deguerre,estun crimedu droit
des gens, qu'elless'engagent prévenir etàpunir »;
considérant quetoutes lespartiesà la convention ont donc assumél'obli-
gation «de préveniret de punir »le crime de génocide; considérant que,
del'avisdelaCour,comptetenu descirconstancesportéesàsonattention
et décrites ci-dessus,il existe un risque grave que des actes de génocide
soientcommis;considérantquelaYougoslavieetla Bosnie-Herzégovine,
quedetelsactescommisdans lepassépuissentounonleur êtreimputée sn
droit, sont tenues de l'incontestable obligationde faire tout ce qui est en
leur pouvoir pour en assurerla préventionàl'avenir;
46. Considérant qu'auxfinsde sa décisionsur laprésentedemande en
indication demesuresconservatoiresla Courn'estpas appelée àcestade à
établirl'existencedeviolations de la convention sur legénocidepar l'une
ou l'autre Partie,maisà déterminersi les circonstances exigent l'indica-
tion de mesures conservatoires que les Parties devraient prendre pour
protéger des droits conférépsar ladite convention; et que la Cour s'est
assurée que, comptetenu de l'obligation définieà l'article premierde la
convention sur legénocide,desmesuresconservatoiresdoiventêtreindi-
quéesafin de protégerces droits; et considérantque le paragraphe 2 de
l'article5 du Règlementde la Cour reconnaît à la Cour, lorsqu'une
demande en indication de mesures conservatoireslui a été présentée, le
pouvoir d'indiquer des mesures totalement ou partiellement différentes
decellesquisont sollicitées,ou desmesuresà prendreou àexécuterparla
partie mêmedont émanela demande;
47. Considérant que la Bosnie-Herzégovine invoque aussi l'ar-
ticleVI11de la convention sur legénocide,lequel disposeque :
«Toute Partie contractante peut saisirlesorganescompétentsdes
Nations Uniesafin que ceux-ciprennent, conformément àla Charte
des Nations Unies, les mesures qu'ilsjugent appropriées pour la
préventionetlarépressiondesactesdegénocideoude l'unquelcon-
que des autres actesénumérés àl'articleIII »,and Bosnia-Henegovina calls upon the Court to "act immediately and
effectivelytodo whateverit canto prevent and suppress"theacts of geno-
cide complained of or threatened; whereas the Court considers Ar-
ticle VIII, even assumingit to be applicable to the Court as one of the
"competent organsofthe United Nations", appearsnot to conferon itany
functions or competenceadditional to those provided for in its Statute;
whereas accordingly the Court at this stage of the proceedings is not
required to do more than consider what provisional measures may be
called forunder Article41ofthe Statute;
48. Whereas in its request for the indication of provisional measures
Bosnia-Henegovina has also maintained that the Court should exercise
its power to indicateprovisionalmeasures with a viewto preventing the
aggravationorextensionofthedispute wheneveritconsidersthat circum-
stancessorequire ;whereasfromthe information availableto the Court it
issatisfiedthat thereis agraveriskofactionbeingtaken whichmayaggra-
vate or extend the existingdispute over the prevention or punishment of
the crime of genocide,or render it more difficult of solution;
49. Whereasthe crimeofgenocide"shocksthe conscienceofmankind,
results in greatlossesto humanity ... and is contrary to moral law andto
the spirit and aims of the United Nations", in the words of General
Assemblyresolution 96(1)of 11December 1946on "the Crime of Geno-
cide",whichthe Court recalledinitsAdvisoryOpinion on Reservationson
theConventiononGenocide(Z.C.J.Reports 1951,p. 23);
50. Whereasinthe lightofthe severalconsiderations setout above,the
Court finds that the circumstancesrequire it to indicateprovisional mea-
sures,asprovided by Article41ofthe Statute ofthe Court;
51. Whereas the decision given in the present proceedings in no way
prejudges the question of the jurisdiction of the Court to deal with the
merits of the case, or any questions relating to the admissibility of the
Application, or relating to the merits themselves, and leaves unaffected
the right of the Governments of Bosnia-Henegovina and Yugoslavia to
submitarguments in respect of those questions ;et que la Bosnie-Herzégovinedemande à la Cour de «prendre ..des
mesures immédiates et efficacespour assurer, autant que possible, la
prévention et la répression» des actes de génocide dénoncés ou qui
risquent d'être commis;que la Cour estime que l'articleVIIà,supposer
même qu'is loit applicableàla Cour entant qu'un des «organes compé-
tents des Nations Unies)), ne semble lui conféreraucune fonction ou
compétencequis'ajoutent àcellesqueprévoitsonStatut; etque,enconsé-
quence, il n'estpas exigéde la Cour, ce stade de la procédure,de faire
plus que d'examiner quelles mesures conservatoires peuvent s'avérer
nécessairesenvertude l'article41du Statut;
48. Considérant que, dans sa demande en indication de mesures
conservatoires, la Bosnie-Herzégovinesoutient égalementque la Cour
devraitexercerson pouvoir d'indiquer desmesuresconservatoiresen vue
d'empêcher l'aggravation ou l'extensiondu différend,quand elle estime
que les circonstances l'exigent; considérant qu'au vu des éléments
d'information à sa disposition la Cour est convaincue qu'il existeun
risquegravequesoientprisesdesmesures denature àaggraverou étendre
le différend existantsur la préventionet la répressiondu crime de géno-
cide,ou à en rendre la solutionplus difficile;
49. Considérantque le crime de génocide «bouleverse la conscience
humaine, infligede grandes pertesà l'humanité estcontrairà la loi
morale ainsiqu'à l'espritetaux fins des Nations Uniesselonlestermes
de la résolution96 (1)de l'Assembléegénérale en date du 11décembre
1946sur «le crime de génocide»,que la Cour a rappelésdans son avis
consultatif sur leséservesà la conventionsur legénocide(C.I.J.Recueil
1951,p. 23);
50. Considérant que,comptetenu desconsidérationssusmentionnées,
la Cour conclut que lescirconstancesexigentqu'elle indique des mesures
conservatoires,ainsi qu'ilestprévuàl'article41de son Statut;
51. Considérant qu'une décision rendue en la présente procédurene
préjuge en rien la compétencede la Cour pour connaître du fond de
l'affaire,ni aucune question relativea recevabilitéde la requête ou au
fond lui-même, et qu'elle laisse intactle droit du Gouvernement de la
Bosnie-Herzégovine et du Gouvernement de la Yougoslavie de faire
valoirleurs moyens en cesmatières; 52. For these reasons,
Indicutes,pending its final decision in the proceedings instituted on
20 March 1993bythe Republic of Bosnia and Henegovina against the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia(Serbia and Montenegro),the following
provisional measures :
A. (1) Unanimously,
TheGovernment ofthe Federal RepublicofYugoslavia(Serbiaand
Montenegro) should immediately, in pursuance of its undertaking in
the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of
Genocide of 9 December 1948,take al1measures within its power to
preventcommissionofthe crimeofgenocide;
TheGovernment ofthe Federal Republicof Yugoslavia(Serbiaand
Montenegro) should in particular ensure that any military,paramili-
tary orirregulararmed unitswhichmaybe directed orsupported byit,
as well as any organizations and persons which may be subject to its
control, direction orinfluence,do not commitany actsofgenocide,of
conspiracy to commit genocide, of direct and public incitement to
commit genocide, or of complicity in genocide, whether directed
against the Muslimpopulation of Bosniaand Henegovina or against
anyother national, ethnical,racialorreligiousgroup ;
IN FAVOUR : PTeSident Sir Robert Jennings ; Vice-President Oda;
Judges Ago,Schwebel,Bedjaoui, Ni, Evensen,Guillaume,Shahabud-
deen,AguilarMawdsley,Weeramant~yR ,anjeva,Ajibola;
AGAINST :JudgeTarassov;
B. Unanimously,
TheGovernment ofthe Federal RepublicofYugoslavia(Serbiaand
Montenegro)and the Government ofthe RepublicofBosniaand Her-
zegovinashouldnot take any action and should ensure that no action
istaken which may aggravate or extend the existingdispute overthe
prevention or punishment ofthe crime of genocide, orrender it more
Done in Englishandin French, the Englishtext being authoritative, at
the Peace Palace,The Hague,this eighth day ofApril, onethousand nine
hundred and ninety-three, in four copies, one of which willbe placed in
the archives of the Court and the others transmitted respectivelyto the
Government ofthe RepublicofBosniaand Herzegovina,the Government 52. Par ces motifs,
Indique àtitre provisoire, en attendant sonarrêt définitifdansl'instance
introduite le 20 mars 1993 par la République de Bosnie-Herzégovine
contre la République fédérative de Yougoslavie(Serbie et Monténégro),
les mesuresconservatoiressuivantes :
A. 1) A l'unanimité,
Le Gouvernement de la République fédérativede Yougoslavie
(Serbieet Monténégro)doit immédiatement, conformément àl'enga-
gement qu'ila assuméaux termes de la convention pour la prévention
et la répressiondu crime de génocidedu 9 décembre 1948,prendre
toutes les mesures en son pouvoir afin de prévenirla commission du
crime degénocide;
2) Par treize voix contre une,
LeGouvernement dela République fédérativd eeYougoslavie(Ser-
bieetMonténégro)doit enparticulier veiller à cequ'aucune desunités
militaires,paramilitaires ou unités armées irrégulièresqui pourraient
relever de son autorité ou bénéficierde son appui, ni aucune orga-
nisation ou personne quipourraient setrouver sous son pouvoir, son
autorité,ou soninfluence ne commettentlecrime de génocide,ne s'en-
tendent en vue de commettre ce crime, n'incitent directement et publi-
quement àle commettre ou ne s'enrendent complices, qu'un tel crime
soit dirigé contrela population musulmane de Bosnie-Herzégovine,
ou contre tout autre groupe national, ethnique, racial ou religieux;
POUR :SirRobertJennings, Présiden;M.Oda, Vice-Présiden;tMM. Ago,
Schwebel,Bedjaoui, Ni, Evensen,Guillaume,Shahabuddeen,Aguilar
Mawdsley,Weeramantry, Ranjeva,Ajibola, juges;
CONTRE :M.Tarassov, juge;
B. A l'unanimité,
Le Gouvernement de la République fédérativede Yougoslavie
(Serbie et Monténégro) etle Gouvernement de la République de
Bosnie-Herzégovinedoivent ne prendre aucune mesure etveiller à ce
qu'il n'ensoitpriseaucune, qui soit de nature aggraverou étendrele
différend existantsur la prévention etla répressiondu crime de géno-
cide,ou àenrendre la solution plusdifficile.
Fait en anglais et en français, letexte anglais faisant foi, au Palais de la
Paix, àLa Haye, le huit avril mil neuf cent quatre-vingt-treize, en quatre
exemplaires, dont l'un resteradéposéaux archives de la Cour etlesautres
seront transmis respectivement au Gouvernement de la République de
Bosnie-Herzégovine,au Gouvernement de la République fédérativedeof the FederalRepublicof Yugoslavia(Serbiaand Montenegro),andto
the Secretary-GeneraolftheUnitedNationsfortransmissiontotheecu-
(Signed) R.Y. JENNINGS,
(Signed) EduardoVALENCIA-OSPINA,
Judge TARASSO aVpendsadeclarationto theOrderoftheCourt.
(Znitialled)E.V.O.Yougoslavie(Serbieet Monténégro) et au SecrétairegénérdleYOrgani-
sation des Nations Unies pour transmission au Conseil de sécurité.
Le Président,
(Signé)R. Y. JENNINGS.
M. TARASSOjV u,e,joint une déclarationàl'ordonnance.
Request for the Indication of Provisional Measures
Order of 8 April 1993