Order of 29 July 1991

Document Number
Document Type
Incidental Proceedings
Date of the Document
Document File
Bilingual Document File














0RI)ONNANCE DU 29 JUILLET1991 Officia1cit:tion
PassagethroughtheGreatBelt(Finlandv. Denmark),
ProvisionalMeasures,of 29July1991,
I.C.J.Reports1991,p. 12

Modeofficielde ci:ation
Passagepar le Grand-Belt(Finlandec.Danemark),
mesuresconservatoires,oreu29juillet 1991,

1 ""3'""k. 595 1
Nodven:e 29 JULY 1991








29 JUILLET1991


29July YEAR 1991
No.86 29 July 1991






Presen: îresident Sir Robert JENNING ~ Vice-îresident ODA ;

The International Court of Justice,

Composed as above,
After deliberation,

Having regard to Articlesand 48 of the Statute of the Court,and to
Articles 73and 74of theles of Court,
Havingregard totheApplication bythe Republic ofand filedinthe
Registryof the Court on 17May 1991,institutingproceedings against the
Kingdom of Denmark in respect of a dispute concerningpassagethrough
the Great Belt(Storebælt); Makesthefollowing Order:

1. Whereas by the above-mentioned Application the Republic of Fin-
land brought before the Court adispute whichhas arisen between the two
Statesconcerning aproject of the Government of Denmark to construct a
fixed traffic connection for both road and rail traffic across the strait of
the Great Belt, one of the Danish Straits connecting the Baltic with the
Kattegat ;
2. Whereas in its Application Finland states that the Danish project
involves the construction over the West Channel of the Great Belt of a
low-levelbridge forroad and rail traffic, and over the East Channel (the
main channel) of a high-level suspension bridge for road traffic, with
clearance for passage of65metres above mean sea level; and that the con-
struction of, in particular, the East Channel Bridge as planned would

permanently close the Baltic for deep draught vessels of over 65 metres'

3. Whereasin the Application it isfurther explained thatdrillships and
oilrigshavebeenconstructed in Finland since 1972,and that mostofthem
havenavigated totheirexploration orproductionfields through the Great
Belt;thatthe projected East Channel Bridgewouldprevent the passage of
such ofthose drill ships and oil rigsasrequire more than 65metres'clear-
ance; and that if the projected construction works are carried out as
planned, that would mean an end to Finnish commercial activity in the
field of production of such craft,as wellasin respect oftheproduction of
ships of reasonably foreseeable design requiring more than such clear-
ance ;

4. Whereas Finland founds thejurisdiction ofthe Court on the declar-
ations of acceptance of the jurisdiction of the Court deposited by both

States under Article 36 of the Statute of the Court, and observes that a
basis ofjurisdiction isalsoprovided bythe Optional Protocol ofSignature
concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes adopted at Geneva by
the First United Nations Conference on the Law ofthe Sea on 29 April
5. Whereas Finland claims in its Application that the Great Belt is a
straitused forinternational navigation, that there isa right offreepassage
through the Great Belt, governed by the 1857Treaty of Copenhagen on
the Abolition ofthe Sound Dues andthe 1958Geneva Convention on the
Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone, andthat in this respect account
has also to betaken of customary international law and ofthe transit pas-
sagerégimeofthe 1982United Nations Convention onthe Law ofthe Sea,
and that the right of free passage through the Great Belt extends to drill
shipsand oil rigs and to ships of reasonably foreseeable design;

6. Whereas Finland in its Application therefore asks the Court to
adjudge and declare : 14 PASSAGETHROUGH THE GREATBELT(ORDER 29 VI191)

"(a) that there isa right of freepassage throughtheGreat Beltwhich
appliesto al1ships entering and leavingFinnish ports and ship-
yards ;
(b) that thisright extends todrill ships,oilrigs and reasonablyfore-
seeableships ;

(c) that the construction of a fixed bridge over the Great Belt as
currently planned by Denmark would be incompatible with the
right ofpassagementioned in subparagraphs (a)and (6)above;

(d) that Denmark and Finland should start negotiations, in good
faith, on how the right of free passage, as set out in subpara-
graphs (a)to (c)above,shall beguaranteed";

7. Whereas byarequest dated 22May 1991,and filedin the Registryon
23 May 1991,the Republic of Finland, relyingon Article 41ofthe Statute
of the Courtand Article 73 of the Rules of Court, requested the Court to
indicate the followingprovisional measures :

"(1) Denmark should, pending the decision by the Court on the
merits of the present case, refrain from continuing or otherwise
proceeding with such construction works in connection with
the planned bridge project over the East Channel of the Great
Beltaswould impedethe passage of ships,including drill ships
and oilrigs,toand fromFinnish ports and shipyards ;and

(2) Denmark should refrain fromany other action that mightpreju-
dicetheoutcomeofthepresentproceedings" ;

8. Whereas on 17 May 1991the Registrar transmitted a copy of the
Application to the Government of Denmark and on 23 May 1991the
Registrar notified Denmark of the filing of the request for provisional
measures ;
9. Whereas, pursuant to Article 40, paragraph 3, of the Statute and
Article 42of the Rules of Court, copies of the Application weretransmit-
ted to the Members ofthe United Nations through the Secretary-General
and to other Statesentitled to appear before the Court;
10. Whereas inasmuch asthe Court does not include upon the bench a
judge of the nationality of either of the Parties, the Government of Den-
mark has chosen Mr. Paul Fischer, and the Government of Finland
Mr. Bengt Broms,to sit asjudges ad hocin this case;
11. Whereas written observations by Denmark on the request for pro-
visional measures werefiled in the Registryon 28June 1991,and whereas
the submissions therein, which wererepeated atthe closeofthe hearings,
were as follows :

"The Government of Denmark requests the Court :
(1) toadjudge and declare that .. .the request of Finland foran order
ofprovisionalmeasures berejected;15 PASSAGETHROUGH THE GREATBELT (ORDER 29VI191)

(2) inthe alternative,and inthe eventthatthe Court shouldgrantthe
request in whole or in part, to indicate thatland shall under-
take to compensate Denmark for any and al1losses incurred in
complying with such provisional measures, should the Court
rejectFinland's submissionsonthe merits";
12. Whereas oral observations of the Parties on the request were

presented, at public hearings held, pursuant to Article 74,paragraph 3,
of the Rules of Court, from 1to 5July 1991,by the following represen-
onbehalfof theRepublicofFinland:

H.E. Mr. TomGronberg, Agent,
Mr. Martti Koskenniemi, Co-Agent,
SirIan Sinclair,Q.C.,
Mr.Tullio Treves ;
onbehalfof theKingdomofDenmark:

H.E. Mr. TygeLehmann,
Mr. Per Magid and
H.E. Mr. Per Fergo,Agents,
Mr. NielsJorgen Gimsing,
Mr. Eduardo Jiménezde Aréchaga,
Mr. Derek Bowett,Q.C.;

and replies were givenby the Partiesto questionsput by Members ofthe
Court during the hearings;

13. Whereas the Republic of Finland claims to found the jurisdiction
of the Court to entertain the present case primarily upon declarations
made by the Parties accepting the compulsoryjurisdiction of the Court
under Article 36, paragraph 2, ofthe Statute of the Court; and whereas

such declarations were deposited with the Secretary-General of the
United Nations, bythe KingdomofDenmark on 10December 1956,with-
out reservations,and by the Republic of Finland on 25June 1958,incor-
porating a reservationnot material to the present case;

14. Whereason a request forprovisionalmeasuresthe Court neednot,
beforedecidingwhether ornot to indicatethem,finallysatisfy itselfthat it
hasjurisdiction on the merits ofthe case,yetit oughtnot to indicate such
measures unless the provisionsinvoked by the Applicant appear, prima
facie, to afford a basis on which the jurisdiction of the Court might be
founded; whereasin the present case it has been stated by Denmark that
the Court's jurisdiction on the merits isnot in dispute; 16 PASSAGE THROUGH THE GREAT BELT (ORDER 29VI191)

15. Whereas the Court in the circumstances ofthe present case issatis-

fied that it has the power to indicateprovisionalmeasures;

16. Whereas the power of the Court to indicate provisional measures
under Article 41ofthe Statute ofthe Court hasas itsobject to preservethe
respectiverights ofthe parties pending the decision ofthe Court, and pre-
supposes that irreparable prejudice should not be causedto rights which
are the subject of dispute injudicial proceedings;
17. Whereasthe right which Finland submits is entitled to protection
by the indication of provisional measures isthe right of passagethrough
theGreat Beltof ships,includingdrill ships and oil rigs, to and from Fin-
nish ports and shipyards, the right of passage of "reasonably foreseeable
ships", alsoasserted in the Application,not being the subject of a request
for provisionalmeasures;

18. Whereas the Court is informed that there are four routes available
to ship traffic to and from the Baltic, namely the Sound (Oresund)
betweenSweden and the Danish island of Zealand, theGreat Belt(Store-
bælt) between the Danish islands of Zealand and Funen, the Little Belt
(Lillebælt)between the island of Funen and the peninsula ofJutland,and
the Kiel Canal; whereas the Little Beltand the Kiel Canal are crossed by
bridges considerablylower than that planned for the East Channel ofthe
Great Belt,whiletheGreat Beltand the Sound have up to the present not
been bridged; whereas the reason why, according to Finland, the Great
Belt permits passage of vessels which cannot use the Sound is that the
minimum water-depth of the "T-Channel" of the Great Belt is 17metres
while that of the Sound islessthan 8metres;
19. Whereasthe particular importance to Finland of the right which it
claims lies in the fact that, according tonland, the East Channel of the
Great Beltis,forcertain vessels,includingsomedrillships and oilrigs,the

onlypassage-way they can use when communicatingto and from the Bal-
tic; whereas Finland claimsthat completion ofthe DanishGreat Beltpro-
ject initspresentlyplanned form would irreparablyprejudice the right of
free passage claimed by Finland in these proceedings by preventing the
passage of vessels, including drill ships and oil rigs, exceeding metres
in height;

20. Whereas it is not disputed by Denmark that completion of its pro-
ject for a fixed link across the Great Beltwould prevent passagethrough
that Strait of any vesse1 requiring greater clearance than that to be
afforded bythe East Channel Bridge, Le.,65metres above mean sea level
(the projected road and rail bridge over the shallower West Channel
having a navigationalclearance of only 18metres); 21. Whereas Denmark contends that for provisional measures to be
granted itisessentialthat Finland beable to substantiate the right itclaims
to a point where a reasonable prospect of success in the main case exists,
and that not evenaprima facie caseexistsinfavour ofthe Finnishconten-
tion; whereas Denmark, while acknowledging that there is a right of free
passagethrough the Danish Straitsfor merchant ships ofal1States,denies
that there issuch aright ofpassage for structures up to 170metreshigh, on
the ground, interalia,that such structuresarenot ships; whereas Finland
argues thatthe Court may not enterinto the merits of a particular caseat
the stage of decidingwhether or not to indicateprovisionalmeasures,but
denies in any eventthat Finland's casecouldbe considered as prima facie
unfounded ;

22. Whereas it is the purpose of provisional measures to preserve

"rights which are the subject of dispute in judicial proceedings"
(United States Diplornaticand ConsularStaff in Tehran,Z.C.J.Reports
1979, p. 19,para. 36; see also FrontierDispute,Z.C.J.Reports 1986,p. 8,
para. 13);whereasthe Court notes that the existence of a right of Finland
of passagethrough the Great Beltis not challenged, the dispute between
the Parties being over the nature and extent of that right, including its
applicability to certain drill ships and oil rigs; whereas such a disputed
right may be protected by the indication of provisional measures under
Article 41 of the Statute if the Court "considers that circumstances so
require" ;

23. Whereas provisional measures under Article 41 of the Statute are
indicated "pending the final decision" of the Court on the merits of the
case, and are therefore onlyjustified if there is urgency in the sense that
action prejudicial to the rights of either party is likely to be taken before

such final decision isgiven;
24. Whereas it is stated by Denmark, and not contested by Finland,
that,accordingtotheplanned schedule for construction ofthe East Chan-
nel Bridge, "no physical hindrance forthe passagethrough the Great Belt
will occurbefore the end of 1994",when cable works for that bridge are
due to be initiated; and whereas Denmark contends (interalia) that by
that timethe casecouldhavebeenfinallydecided bythe Court, sothat no
indication of provisionalmeasures is required;

25. Whereas Denmark contends that there is no urgency justifying
the indication of provisional measures also on the ground that the con-
struction of the East Channel Bridge will hardly represent any practical
hindrance for the passing of drill ships and oil rigs through the Danish
Straits,inasmuch asmost oftheunits in question(drillships andjack-ups)
willbe ableto passthrough the Soundwithouttechnicalalterations(in thecase of jack-ups, by being towed) and the remainder (semi-submersible

drillingunits) willbeabletopass under theplanned EastChannel Bridgeif
part of the drilling tower (derrick)s left unassembled until after passage
of the bridge; whereas these contentions are not accepted by Finland,
which asserts that for a number of the units constructed since 1972by a
Finnish company, Rauma-Repola Offshore Oy, and a number of those
currently tendered for by that company, the Great Belt has been or will
be the only practicablepassage-way to and fromthe Baltic;

26. Whereasit appearsto the Courtthat the right claimed by Finland is
to passagespecificallythrough the Great Belt ofitsdrill ships and oilrigs,
without modification or disassembly,inthe samewayas such passage has
been effected in the past; whereasthe Court cannot at this interlocutory
stage of the proceedings suppose that interference with the right claimed
by Finland might bejustified on the grounds thatthe passage to and from
the Baltic of drill ships and oil rigs might be achieved by other means,
which may moreover be less convenient or more costly; whereas accord-

ingly if construction works on the East Channel Bridge which would
obstruct theright ofpassage claimed wereexpected to becarried outprior
to the decision of the Court on the meritsin the present proceedings,this
mightjustify the indication of provisionalmeasures;

27. Whereas howevertheCourt, placing on recordthe assurances given
by Denmark that no physical obstruction of the East Channel will occur
beforethe end of 1994,and considering that the proceedings on the merits
in the present casewould,in the normal course, be completedbefore that
time, finds that it has not been shown that the right claimed will be
infringed by construction work during the pendency of the proceedings;

28. Whereas Finland claims moreover not onlythat continuation ofthe

Danish project as planned will cause irreparable damage to the right of
passage claimed by Finland but that the project is already causing such
darnageto tangibleeconomicinterests inasmuch as Finnishshipyards can
no longer fully participate in tenders regarding vessels, including drill
ships and oil rigs, which would be unable to pass through the Great Belt
after completion ofthe East Channel Bridge; andthat the existence ofthe
bridgeprojectinitspresentform ishavingand willcontinuetohavea nega-
tive effecton the behaviour of potential customers of those shipyards;

29. Whereas however evidence has notbeen adduced of anyinvitations
to tender for drillships and oilrigs whichwould requirepassage out ofthe19 PASSAGE THROUGH THE GREAT BELT (ORDER 29 VI191)

Baltic after 1994,nor has it been shown that the decline in orders to the
Finnish shipyards for the construction of drill ships and oil rigsattribu-
table to the existence ofthe Great Beltproject; whereasaccordingly proof
of the damage alleged has not been supplied;

30. Whereas Finland contends further that the completion of the East
Channel Bridge willbeonlythe final stepin a continuousprocessin which

Finnish rights are already being irreparably harmed; whereas Finland
observes that the interrelation betweenthe various elements of the Great
Belt project has as a consequence that completion of any one element
would reduce the possibilities of modifying other elementsso asto enable
effect to be given to a judgment of the Court in Finland's favour on the
merits, and in this connection has drawn attention to the factthat,ccord-
ing to Denmark, tender offers for the construction of the East Channel
Bridge expire on 18August 1991 ;whereas Finland concludesthat there is
thus urgency, inasmuch as many of the activities involved in the project
anticipate afinal closingofthe Great Belt byexcludingpractical possibili-
tiesforaccommodatingFinnishinterests and givingeffectto Finnishrights
in the event of ajudgment in favour of Finland;

31. Whereasit has been argued on behalf of Denmark in the course of
the proceedings on the request for provisionalmeasuresthat, ifthe Court
ruledin favour of Finland onthe merits,any claimby Finland couldnot be
dealt with by an order for restitution, but could only be satisfied by
damages inasmuch as restitution in kind would be excessivelyonerous;
whereasthe Court isnot at present calledupon to determinethe character
of any decision which it might make on the merits; whereas in principle
however if it is established that the construction of works involves an
infringement of a legal right, the possibility cannot and should not be
excluded apriori of a judicial finding that such works must not be con-
tinued or must be modified or dismantled;
32. Whereas no action taken pendenteliteby a State engaged in a dis-

pute before the Court with another State "can haveanyeffectwhateveras
regards the legal situation which the Court is called upon to define"
(Legal Status of the South-Eastern Territory of GreenlandP , .C.Z.J.,
SeriesA/B, No. 48, p. 287),and such action cannot improveits legalposi-
tion vis-à-visthat other State;
33. Whereas it isfor Denmark, which isinformed of the nature of Fin-
land's claim,to consider the impact which ajudgment upholding itcould
have upon the implementation of the Great Belt project, and to decide
whether or to what extent it should accordingly delay or modify that
project ; 34. Whereas likewise it is for Finland, which is informed of the Great
Beltproject, to decide whether or not to promote reconsideration ofways
ofenabling drillships and oilrigs to passthrough the Danish Straitsin the
event that the Court should decide that construction of the East Channel
Bridgewith a clearance of 65 metres would not infringe any right apper-
taining to Finland;

35. Whereas, as the Permanent Court of International Justice
observed, and the present Court has reiterated,

"the judicial settlement of international disputes, with a view to
which the Court has been established, is simply an alternative tothe
direct and friendly settlement of such disputes between the Parties;
asconsequentlyit isfor the Court to facilitate,so far asiscompatible
with itsStatute, such direct and friendly settlement ..." (FreeZones
of UpperSavoyandtheDistrictof Gex,P.C.I.J., SeriesA,No.22,p. 13 ;
seealso FrontierDispute, I.C.J. Reports1986,p. 577,para. 46);
whereas, pending a decision of the Court on the merits, any negotiation
between the Parties with a view to achieving a direct and friendly settle-

ment isto be welcomed;
36. Whereas it isclearlyin the interest ofboth Parties that their respec-
tiverights and obligations be determined definitively as early aspossible;
whereastherefore it isappropriate thattheCourt, withthe CO-operationof
the Parties,ensure thatthe decision onthe merits be reached with al1pos-
sible expedition;

37. Whereas the decision given in the present proceedings in no way
prejudges any question relating to the merits of the case, and leaves
unaffected the right of the Governments of the Republic of Finland
and the Kingdom of Denmark to submit arguments in respect thereof;

38. For these reasons,

Findsthat the circumstances, as they now present themselves to the
Court,are not such asto require the exercise ofitspower under Article 41
of the Statute to indicate provisional measures.

Done in English and in French, the Englishtext being authoritative, at
the Peace Palace, The Hague,thistwenty-ninth day ofJuly, one thousandnine hundred and ninety-one,inthree copies,one ofwhichwillbeplaced
inthe archivesofthe Courtand the otherstransmitted to the Govemment
of the Republic of Finland and the Govemment of the Kingdom of
Denmark, respectively.

(Signed) R. Y.JENNINGS,

(Signed) Eduardo VALENCIA-OSPINA,

Judge TARASSO appends a declaration tothe Order of the Court.

Vice-President ODA,Judge SHAHABUDDE and Judge ad hoc BROMS
append separate opinions to the Order ofthe Court.



Bilingual Content














0RI)ONNANCE DU 29 JUILLET1991 Officia1cit:tion
PassagethroughtheGreatBelt(Finlandv. Denmark),
ProvisionalMeasures,of 29July1991,
I.C.J.Reports1991,p. 12

Modeofficielde ci:ation
Passagepar le Grand-Belt(Finlandec.Danemark),
mesuresconservatoires,oreu29juillet 1991,

1 ""3'""k. 595 1
Nodven:e 29 JULY 1991








29 JUILLET1991


29July YEAR 1991
No.86 29 July 1991






Presen: îresident Sir Robert JENNING ~ Vice-îresident ODA ;

The International Court of Justice,

Composed as above,
After deliberation,

Having regard to Articlesand 48 of the Statute of the Court,and to
Articles 73and 74of theles of Court,
Havingregard totheApplication bythe Republic ofand filedinthe
Registryof the Court on 17May 1991,institutingproceedings against the
Kingdom of Denmark in respect of a dispute concerningpassagethrough

ANNÉE 1991 1991
29 juillet 1991





Présents: Sir Robert JENNINGS,Président; M. ODA, Vice-président;
ad hoc; M.VALENCIA-OSPINA,effier.

La Cour internationale de Justice,

Ainsi composée,

Après délibéen chambre du conseil,
Vu lesarticles 4148du Statut de la Cour et lesarticles 73et 74de son
Vula requêtedépclseu Greffe de la Cour le 17mai 1991,par laquelle
la Républiquedeinlande a introduitune instance contre leRoyaume du
Danemark au sujet d'un différend concernant le passage par le Grand-

Belt(Storebælt); Makesthefollowing Order:

1. Whereas by the above-mentioned Application the Republic of Fin-
land brought before the Court adispute whichhas arisen between the two
Statesconcerning aproject of the Government of Denmark to construct a
fixed traffic connection for both road and rail traffic across the strait of
the Great Belt, one of the Danish Straits connecting the Baltic with the
Kattegat ;
2. Whereas in its Application Finland states that the Danish project
involves the construction over the West Channel of the Great Belt of a
low-levelbridge forroad and rail traffic, and over the East Channel (the
main channel) of a high-level suspension bridge for road traffic, with
clearance for passage of65metres above mean sea level; and that the con-
struction of, in particular, the East Channel Bridge as planned would

permanently close the Baltic for deep draught vessels of over 65 metres'

3. Whereasin the Application it isfurther explained thatdrillships and
oilrigshavebeenconstructed in Finland since 1972,and that mostofthem
havenavigated totheirexploration orproductionfields through the Great
Belt;thatthe projected East Channel Bridgewouldprevent the passage of
such ofthose drill ships and oil rigsasrequire more than 65metres'clear-
ance; and that if the projected construction works are carried out as
planned, that would mean an end to Finnish commercial activity in the
field of production of such craft,as wellasin respect oftheproduction of
ships of reasonably foreseeable design requiring more than such clear-
ance ;

4. Whereas Finland founds thejurisdiction ofthe Court on the declar-
ations of acceptance of the jurisdiction of the Court deposited by both

States under Article 36 of the Statute of the Court, and observes that a
basis ofjurisdiction isalsoprovided bythe Optional Protocol ofSignature
concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes adopted at Geneva by
the First United Nations Conference on the Law ofthe Sea on 29 April
5. Whereas Finland claims in its Application that the Great Belt is a
straitused forinternational navigation, that there isa right offreepassage
through the Great Belt, governed by the 1857Treaty of Copenhagen on
the Abolition ofthe Sound Dues andthe 1958Geneva Convention on the
Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone, andthat in this respect account
has also to betaken of customary international law and ofthe transit pas-
sagerégimeofthe 1982United Nations Convention onthe Law ofthe Sea,
and that the right of free passage through the Great Belt extends to drill
shipsand oil rigs and to ships of reasonably foreseeable design;

6. Whereas Finland in its Application therefore asks the Court to
adjudge and declare : PASSAGEP.4RLEGRAND-BELT(ORDONNANCE 29VI191) 13


1. Considérant que, par sa requête susmentionnée, la Républiquede
Finlande a saisi la Cour d'un différendnéentre les deux Etats à propos
d'un projet du Gouvernement du Danemark de constmction d'une voie
de communicationfixe tant pour la circulationroutière quepour letrafic
ferroviaire en travers du détroitdu Grand-Belt, l'un des détroitsdanois
reliant la Baltique au Cattégat;
2. Considérant que,danssa requête, la Finlande déclareque le projet
danois implique la constmction, au-dessus du chenal Ouest du Grand-
Belt, d'un pont de faible hauteur pour la circulation routière et le trafic
ferroviaire,et,au-dessus du chenal Est (chenalprincipal), d'un haut pont
suspendu pour la circulation routière, d'une hauteur navigable de
65mètresau-dessus du niveau moyen de la mer; et que laconstmction, en

particulier, du pont sur le chenal Est telle qu'elle est prévue fermerait en
permanence la Baltiqueaux navires a fort tirant d'eau, hauts de plus de
65mètres ;
3. Considérantqu'ilesten outreexposédans la requêtequedesnavires
de forage et des plates-formespétrolières ont étéconstmits en Finlande
depuis 1972et que la plupart d'entre eux ont empmntéleGrand-Beltpour
gagner leurs sites d'exploration ou de production; que le pont qu'il est
projeté de construireau-dessus du chenal Est empêcheraitde passer ceux
de ces navires de forage et plates-formespétrolièresdont le passage exige
unehauteurlibre deplus de65mètres;etque, silestravaux projetésétaient
exécutés comme prévui,l s'ensuivrait que l'activité commercialede la
Finlandeprendrait findans ledomaine delaproduction decetype debâti-
ments,ainsiquedans celuidelaproduction denaviresd'unmodèleraison-
nablement prévisibledont lepassage exigerait une hauteur supérieure;
4. Considérantqiuela Finlande fonde la compétencede la Cour sur la
déclarationd'accepitationde lajuridiction de la Cour déposéepar chacun

desdeux Etats en vertu de l'article 36du Statut de la Cour et faitobserver
que la compétence tle la Cour découle égalementdu protocole de signa-
ture facultative concernant le règlement obligatoire des différends,
adopté à Genèvepar lapremièreconférencedesNations Uniessurledroit
de la mer le 29 avril 1958;
5. Considérant que,dans sarequête,la Finlandesoutientque leGrand-
Beltest un détroitutilisépour la navigation internationale; qu'ilexisteun
droitde librepassagrepar le Grand-Belt, régipar letraitéde Copenhague
de 1857relatif aurachat desdroits du Sundet par laconvention de Genève
de 1958sur la mer territoriale et lazonecontiguë; qu'il y a égalementlieu
de tenir compte a cet égarddu droit international coutumier et du régime
du passage en transit établi par la convention des Nations Unies sur le
droitde la mer de 1982;et que le droit de librepassage par le Grand-Belt
s'étendaux navires de forage et plates-formes pétrolières, ainsi qu'aux
naviresd'un modèle:raisonnablement prévisible;
6. Considérant que, dans sa requête, la Finlandeprie en conséquence

la Cour de dire etjuger: 14 PASSAGETHROUGH THE GREATBELT(ORDER 29 VI191)

"(a) that there isa right of freepassage throughtheGreat Beltwhich
appliesto al1ships entering and leavingFinnish ports and ship-
yards ;
(b) that thisright extends todrill ships,oilrigs and reasonablyfore-
seeableships ;

(c) that the construction of a fixed bridge over the Great Belt as
currently planned by Denmark would be incompatible with the
right ofpassagementioned in subparagraphs (a)and (6)above;

(d) that Denmark and Finland should start negotiations, in good
faith, on how the right of free passage, as set out in subpara-
graphs (a)to (c)above,shall beguaranteed";

7. Whereas byarequest dated 22May 1991,and filedin the Registryon
23 May 1991,the Republic of Finland, relyingon Article 41ofthe Statute
of the Courtand Article 73 of the Rules of Court, requested the Court to
indicate the followingprovisional measures :

"(1) Denmark should, pending the decision by the Court on the
merits of the present case, refrain from continuing or otherwise
proceeding with such construction works in connection with
the planned bridge project over the East Channel of the Great
Beltaswould impedethe passage of ships,including drill ships
and oilrigs,toand fromFinnish ports and shipyards ;and

(2) Denmark should refrain fromany other action that mightpreju-
dicetheoutcomeofthepresentproceedings" ;

8. Whereas on 17 May 1991the Registrar transmitted a copy of the
Application to the Government of Denmark and on 23 May 1991the
Registrar notified Denmark of the filing of the request for provisional
measures ;
9. Whereas, pursuant to Article 40, paragraph 3, of the Statute and
Article 42of the Rules of Court, copies of the Application weretransmit-
ted to the Members ofthe United Nations through the Secretary-General
and to other Statesentitled to appear before the Court;
10. Whereas inasmuch asthe Court does not include upon the bench a
judge of the nationality of either of the Parties, the Government of Den-
mark has chosen Mr. Paul Fischer, and the Government of Finland
Mr. Bengt Broms,to sit asjudges ad hocin this case;
11. Whereas written observations by Denmark on the request for pro-
visional measures werefiled in the Registryon 28June 1991,and whereas
the submissions therein, which wererepeated atthe closeofthe hearings,
were as follows :

"The Government of Denmark requests the Court :
(1) toadjudge and declare that .. .the request of Finland foran order
ofprovisionalmeasures berejected; PASSAGEPAR LE GRAND-BELT (ORDONNANCE 29VI191) 14

«a) qu'il existe un droit de libre passage par le Grand-Belt, qui
s'applique:à tous les navires gagnant ou quittant les ports et
b) que ce droit s'étend auxnavires de forage, aux plates-formes
pétrolièreset aux navires dont on peut raisonnablement prévoir
qu'ils existeront;
c) que la coristruction par le Danemark d'un pont fixe au-dessus
du Grand-Belt, telle que projetée actuellement,seraitincompa-
tible avec le droit de passage mentionné aux alinéas a)et b)ci-

d) que le Danemark et la Finlande devraientengagerdes négocia-
tions, de bonne foi, sur la manière de garantir le droit de libre
passageexposéauxalinéas a)à c)ci-dessus »;
7. Considérant que,par une demande datéedu 22mai 1991et déposée
au Greffe le 23 mai 1991,la République de Finlande, en vertu de l'ar-
ticle 41 du Statut de:la Cour et de l'article 73 de son Règlement,a prié la
Cour d'indiquer les mesuresconservatoiressuivantes :

«1) le Danemark devrait,en attendant l'arrêtde la Cour sur le fond
de la présente affaire, s'abstenir de continuer ou de poursuivre
de toute autre manière tous travaux de construction au titre du
projet depont au-dessus du chenal Estdu Grand-Beltquiempê-
cheraient le passage des navires, notamment des navires de
forage etdesplates-formespétrolières, àdestinationetenprove-
nancedes ports etchantiersnavals finlandais; et
2) leDanemarkdevraits'abstenir detoute autreactionquipourrait

préjugerl'issuedelaprésenteinstance » ;
8. Considérant quele Greffier a transmis, le 17mai 1991,une copie de
la requêteau Gouvernement du Danemark et lui a notifié,le 23mai 1991,
le dépôtdela demandeen indication de mesures conservatoires;

9. Considérant que, conformément à l'article 40, paragraphe 3, du
Statut de la Cour etàl'article 42de son Règlement,desexemplaires de la

requêteont été transmis aux Membresdes Nations Unies par l'entremise
du Secrétaire généralet aux autres Etats admis à esterdevant la Cour;
10.Considérant que, la Cour ne comptant pas sur le siègede juge de
la nationalité des Parties, le Gouvernement du Danemark a désigné
M. Paul Fischer, et le Gouvernement de la Finlande, M. Bengt Broms,
pour siégeren qualitédejuges ad hocen l'affaire;
11. Considérant quedesobservationsécritessur la demande enindica-
tion de mesures coriservatoires ont été déposée asu Greffe le8juin 1991
par le Danemark; et que les conclusions y contenues,qui ont été réitérées
à l'issuedes audiences,étaient ainsiconçues :

« LeGouvernement du Danemark demande àla Cour:
1) de dire etjuger qu'..elle rejettela demande faite par la Finlande
d'indiquer desmesuresconservatoires;15 PASSAGETHROUGH THE GREATBELT (ORDER 29VI191)

(2) inthe alternative,and inthe eventthatthe Court shouldgrantthe
request in whole or in part, to indicate thatland shall under-
take to compensate Denmark for any and al1losses incurred in
complying with such provisional measures, should the Court
rejectFinland's submissionsonthe merits";
12. Whereas oral observations of the Parties on the request were

presented, at public hearings held, pursuant to Article 74,paragraph 3,
of the Rules of Court, from 1to 5July 1991,by the following represen-
onbehalfof theRepublicofFinland:

H.E. Mr. TomGronberg, Agent,
Mr. Martti Koskenniemi, Co-Agent,
SirIan Sinclair,Q.C.,
Mr.Tullio Treves ;
onbehalfof theKingdomofDenmark:

H.E. Mr. TygeLehmann,
Mr. Per Magid and
H.E. Mr. Per Fergo,Agents,
Mr. NielsJorgen Gimsing,
Mr. Eduardo Jiménezde Aréchaga,
Mr. Derek Bowett,Q.C.;

and replies were givenby the Partiesto questionsput by Members ofthe
Court during the hearings;

13. Whereas the Republic of Finland claims to found the jurisdiction
of the Court to entertain the present case primarily upon declarations
made by the Parties accepting the compulsoryjurisdiction of the Court
under Article 36, paragraph 2, ofthe Statute of the Court; and whereas

such declarations were deposited with the Secretary-General of the
United Nations, bythe KingdomofDenmark on 10December 1956,with-
out reservations,and by the Republic of Finland on 25June 1958,incor-
porating a reservationnot material to the present case;

14. Whereason a request forprovisionalmeasuresthe Court neednot,
beforedecidingwhether ornot to indicatethem,finallysatisfy itselfthat it
hasjurisdiction on the merits ofthe case,yetit oughtnot to indicate such
measures unless the provisionsinvoked by the Applicant appear, prima
facie, to afford a basis on which the jurisdiction of the Court might be
founded; whereasin the present case it has been stated by Denmark that
the Court's jurisdiction on the merits isnot in dispute; 2) subsidiairement, au cas où la Cour accéderait à la demande en
tout ou partie, d'indiquer que la Finlande s'engagera indemni-
ser le Danemark de toutes les pertes, quelles qu'elles soient, qu'il
subirait en seconformant àcesmesures conservatoires, sila Cour
rejetait lesconclusions delaFinlande au fond ;
12. Considérant que,auxaudiencespubliquestenues du le'au 5juillet

1991conformément. àl'article 74,paragraphe 3,du Règlementde la Cour,
desobservations oriilessur la demande ont étéprésentée psar les Parti:s

aunomde la Républiqud ee Finlande,

par S.Exc.M.Tom Gronberg, agent,
M. Martti Koskenniemi, coagent,
sirIan Sinclair,Q.C.,et
et aunomduRoyaumeduDanemark,

par S.Exc.M.TygeLehmann,
S.Exc.M.Per Fergo, agents,
M. NielsJorg,enGimsing,
M.Eduardo JiménezdeAréchagaet
M. Derek Bowett,Q.C. ;

et que des réponses ont étédonnéespar les Parties aux questions posées
par desmembres de:la Cour à l'audience;

13. Considérantquela Républiquede Finlande soutientque lacompé-

tence de la Courpour connaître de la présenteaffairedécouleprincipale-
ment de déclarationsd'acceptation de lajuridiction obligatoire delaCour
faitespar lesParties conformément àl'article 36,paragraphe 2,du Statut
de la Cour; et queces déclarationsont été déposée asuprèsdu Secrétaire
généralde l'organisation des Nations Unies le 10décembre1956pour le
Royaume du Danemark, qui n'a pas formuléde réserve,et le 25juin 1958
pour la Républiquede Finlande, dont la réserven'est pas pertinente aux
finsde la présenteaffaire;
14. Considérant que, en présence d'une demande en indication de
mesures conservato'ires,point n'estbesoin pour la Cour, avant de décider
d'indiquer ou non de telles mesures, de s'assurer de manière définitive
qu'ellea compétencequant au fond de l'affaire, maisqu'elle ne peut indi-
quer ces mesures que si les dispositions invoquées par le demandeur
semblent primafacireconstituerune base surlaquellela compétence de la
Cour pourrait êtrefondée; qu'en la présente espèce,le Danemark a
déclaréque la compétencede la Cour pour connaître de l'affaire au fond
n'est pas contestée; 16 PASSAGE THROUGH THE GREAT BELT (ORDER 29VI191)

15. Whereas the Court in the circumstances ofthe present case issatis-

fied that it has the power to indicateprovisionalmeasures;

16. Whereas the power of the Court to indicate provisional measures
under Article 41ofthe Statute ofthe Court hasas itsobject to preservethe
respectiverights ofthe parties pending the decision ofthe Court, and pre-
supposes that irreparable prejudice should not be causedto rights which
are the subject of dispute injudicial proceedings;
17. Whereasthe right which Finland submits is entitled to protection
by the indication of provisional measures isthe right of passagethrough
theGreat Beltof ships,includingdrill ships and oil rigs, to and from Fin-
nish ports and shipyards, the right of passage of "reasonably foreseeable
ships", alsoasserted in the Application,not being the subject of a request
for provisionalmeasures;

18. Whereas the Court is informed that there are four routes available
to ship traffic to and from the Baltic, namely the Sound (Oresund)
betweenSweden and the Danish island of Zealand, theGreat Belt(Store-
bælt) between the Danish islands of Zealand and Funen, the Little Belt
(Lillebælt)between the island of Funen and the peninsula ofJutland,and
the Kiel Canal; whereas the Little Beltand the Kiel Canal are crossed by
bridges considerablylower than that planned for the East Channel ofthe
Great Belt,whiletheGreat Beltand the Sound have up to the present not
been bridged; whereas the reason why, according to Finland, the Great
Belt permits passage of vessels which cannot use the Sound is that the
minimum water-depth of the "T-Channel" of the Great Belt is 17metres
while that of the Sound islessthan 8metres;
19. Whereasthe particular importance to Finland of the right which it
claims lies in the fact that, according tonland, the East Channel of the
Great Beltis,forcertain vessels,includingsomedrillships and oilrigs,the

onlypassage-way they can use when communicatingto and from the Bal-
tic; whereas Finland claimsthat completion ofthe DanishGreat Beltpro-
ject initspresentlyplanned form would irreparablyprejudice the right of
free passage claimed by Finland in these proceedings by preventing the
passage of vessels, including drill ships and oil rigs, exceeding metres
in height;

20. Whereas it is not disputed by Denmark that completion of its pro-
ject for a fixed link across the Great Beltwould prevent passagethrough
that Strait of any vesse1 requiring greater clearance than that to be
afforded bythe East Channel Bridge, Le.,65metres above mean sea level
(the projected road and rail bridge over the shallower West Channel
having a navigationalclearance of only 18metres); PASSAGE PAR LE GRAND-BELT (ORDONNAN2 C9EVI191) 16

15. Considérant que, au vu des circonstances de la présente affaire,la
Cour estconvaincue qu'ellealepouvoird'indiquer desmesuresconserva-

16. Considérantque le pouvoir d'indiquer desmesuresconservatoires
conféré à la Cour par l'article41de son Statut apour objet de sauvegarder
ledroit de chacunedesparties en attendantque laCour rende sa décision,
et présuppose qu'un préjudice irréparablene doit pas être causéaux
droits en litige dansune procédure judiciaire;
17. Considérantque ledroit qui,selonla Finlande,devraitêtreprotégé

par l'indication demesures conservatoires est le droit de passage par le
Grand-Belt des navires, y compris les navires de forage et les plates-
formes pétrolières,iidestination et en provenance des ports et chantiers
navalsfinlandais, ledroit de passagedes((navires donton peut raisonna-
blement prévoir qu'ils existeront »- droit aussi revendiqué dans la
requête - ne faisantpas l'objet d'une demande en indication de mesures
conservatoires ;
18. Considérant que la Cour est informée que quatre routes sont
ouvertes à la navigation à destination ou en provenance de la mer Bal-
tique: le Sund (Oresund) entre la Suède et l'île danoise de Seeland, le
Grand-Belt (Storebielt) entre les îles danoises de Seeland et de Fionie, le
Petit-Belt (Lillebælt)entre l'îlede Fionie et la péninsuledu Jutland, et le
canal de Kiel; que bePetit-Belt et le canal de Kiel sont enjambéspar des

ponts beaucoup plus bas que celui prévupour le chenal Est du Grand-
Belt; qu'aucun pont n'a, jusqu'à présent, étéconstruit au-dessus du
Grand-Belt et du Sund; que,selonla Finlande, sile Grand-Beltpermet le
passage de navires qui ne peuvent utiliser le Sund, c'est parce que la
profondeur minimale de la ((route T» du Grand-Belt est de 17mètres,
alors que celle duSund est inférieureà 8mètres;
19. Considérantque si le droit que la Finlande revendique revêtpour
elle une importance particulière, c'estparce que,selon elle, le chenal Est
du Grand-Belt est la seulevoie de passage que certainsnavires,ycompris
des navires de forage et des plates-formes pétrolières, peuvent utiliser
pour entrer dans la Baltique et en sortir; que la Finlande affirme que
l'achèvementdu projet danoissur leGrand-Belt, tel qu'il estactuellement
conçu, causerait un préjudiceirréparableau droit de librepassagereven-

diqué en l'espèce piarla Finlande, en empêchant le passage des navires
excédant65 mètres de hauteur, dont les navires de forage et les plates-
20. Considérantque le Danemark ne contestepas que l'achèvementde
son projet de liaison.fixe en travers du Grand-Beltempêcheraitde passer
par ce détroittout navire dont lepassageexigerait unehauteur libre supé-
rieure àcelle qu'offrira le pont sur le chenal Est, soit 65mètresau-dessus
du niveau moyen de:la mer (le pont routier et ferroviaire qu'il estprojeté
de construire au-dessus du chenal Ouest, moins profond, n'ayant que
18mètresde hauteur navigable); 21. Whereas Denmark contends that for provisional measures to be
granted itisessentialthat Finland beable to substantiate the right itclaims
to a point where a reasonable prospect of success in the main case exists,
and that not evenaprima facie caseexistsinfavour ofthe Finnishconten-
tion; whereas Denmark, while acknowledging that there is a right of free
passagethrough the Danish Straitsfor merchant ships ofal1States,denies
that there issuch aright ofpassage for structures up to 170metreshigh, on
the ground, interalia,that such structuresarenot ships; whereas Finland
argues thatthe Court may not enterinto the merits of a particular caseat
the stage of decidingwhether or not to indicateprovisionalmeasures,but
denies in any eventthat Finland's casecouldbe considered as prima facie
unfounded ;

22. Whereas it is the purpose of provisional measures to preserve

"rights which are the subject of dispute in judicial proceedings"
(United States Diplornaticand ConsularStaff in Tehran,Z.C.J.Reports
1979, p. 19,para. 36; see also FrontierDispute,Z.C.J.Reports 1986,p. 8,
para. 13);whereasthe Court notes that the existence of a right of Finland
of passagethrough the Great Beltis not challenged, the dispute between
the Parties being over the nature and extent of that right, including its
applicability to certain drill ships and oil rigs; whereas such a disputed
right may be protected by the indication of provisional measures under
Article 41 of the Statute if the Court "considers that circumstances so
require" ;

23. Whereas provisional measures under Article 41 of the Statute are
indicated "pending the final decision" of the Court on the merits of the
case, and are therefore onlyjustified if there is urgency in the sense that
action prejudicial to the rights of either party is likely to be taken before

such final decision isgiven;
24. Whereas it is stated by Denmark, and not contested by Finland,
that,accordingtotheplanned schedule for construction ofthe East Chan-
nel Bridge, "no physical hindrance forthe passagethrough the Great Belt
will occurbefore the end of 1994",when cable works for that bridge are
due to be initiated; and whereas Denmark contends (interalia) that by
that timethe casecouldhavebeenfinallydecided bythe Court, sothat no
indication of provisionalmeasures is required;

25. Whereas Denmark contends that there is no urgency justifying
the indication of provisional measures also on the ground that the con-
struction of the East Channel Bridge will hardly represent any practical
hindrance for the passing of drill ships and oil rigs through the Danish
Straits,inasmuch asmost oftheunits in question(drillships andjack-ups)
willbe ableto passthrough the Soundwithouttechnicalalterations(in the 21. Considérant que, selon le Danemark, des mesures conservatoires
ne devraientêtreindiquéesque sila Finlande peut prouver l'existencedu
droit qu'ellerevendique,d'une manière telle qu'il soitpermis d'envisager
raisonnablement qu"e1lel'emportera dans laprocédureprincipale;que le
bien-fondéde la thèsefinlandaise n'estpas mêmeétabli primafacie; que,
sans contester l'existence d'un droit de libre passage par les détroits
danois pour les navires marchands de tous les Etats, le Danemark nie
qu'un tel droit de passage existe pour des structures qui atteignent
170mètresde haut, notamment au motif que cesstructuresne sont pasdes
navires; que la Finlande allègue que la Cour ne peut, dans une affaire
déterminée,aborder le fond au moment de déciders'il y a lieu ou non

d'indiquer desmesuresconservatoires, maisnie entoute hypothèseque la
cause de la Finlande puisse êtreconsidéréecommeétant primafaciesans
22. Considérantque lebut desmesuresconservatoiresest de sauvegar-
der les adroits en litige dans une procédure judiciaire»(Personneldiplo-
matique etconsulairedes Etats-Unis à Téhéran C..Z.J.Recueil1979,p. 19,
par. 36; voir aussiDifférend frontalier,C.Z.J.Recueil1986,p. 8, par. 13);
que la Cour observe qu'il n'estpas contestéqu'ilexiste, pour la Finlande,
un droit de passage par le Grand-Belt, le différendqui oppose les Parties
ayanttrait àla nature età l'étenduede ce droit, et notamment àson appli-
cabilitéàcertains navires de forage etplates-formespétrolières; qu'untel
droiten litigeestsusceptible d'êtrsauvegardépar l'indication de mesures
conservatoires en veirtude l'article 41du Statut sila Cour «estime que les
circonstances l'exigent»;

23. Considérantqye les mesures conservatoires visées à l'article 41du
Statutsontindiquées «en attendant l'arrêt définitifde la Couraufond et
ne sont par conséquentjustifiéesque s'il y a urgence, c'est-à-dire s'ilest
probable qu'une action préjudiciable aux droits de l'une ou de l'autre
Partie sera commiseavant qu'un tel arrêt définitif ne soitrendu;
24. Considérant que le Danemark déclare - et que la Finlande ne
conteste pas - que selon le déroulement prévu des travauxde construc-
tion du pont sur le chenal Est «il n'y aura pas d'obstacle matériel au
passagepar leGrand-Beltavantlafin de l'année1994 »,époque àlaquelle
lestravaux decâblage de cepont devrontcommencer;et que leDanemark

soutient notamment qu'à cette époquela Cour pourrait avoir rendu son
arrêtdéfinitif en l'e:spèce,de sorte que rien n'oblige à indiquer des
mesuresconservatoires ;
25. Considérant que le Danemark soutient qu'il n'existe aucune
urgencejustifiant I'iridicationde mesuresconservatoires, au motif,égale-
ment, que la construction du pont sur le chenal Est ne créera en pratique
guère d'obstacle au passage des navires de forage et plates-formespétro-
lièrespar les détroits;danois, dans la mesure où la plupart de ces unités
(navires de forage et plates-formesautoélévatrices)pourront passer sanscase of jack-ups, by being towed) and the remainder (semi-submersible

drillingunits) willbeabletopass under theplanned EastChannel Bridgeif
part of the drilling tower (derrick)s left unassembled until after passage
of the bridge; whereas these contentions are not accepted by Finland,
which asserts that for a number of the units constructed since 1972by a
Finnish company, Rauma-Repola Offshore Oy, and a number of those
currently tendered for by that company, the Great Belt has been or will
be the only practicablepassage-way to and fromthe Baltic;

26. Whereasit appearsto the Courtthat the right claimed by Finland is
to passagespecificallythrough the Great Belt ofitsdrill ships and oilrigs,
without modification or disassembly,inthe samewayas such passage has
been effected in the past; whereasthe Court cannot at this interlocutory
stage of the proceedings suppose that interference with the right claimed
by Finland might bejustified on the grounds thatthe passage to and from
the Baltic of drill ships and oil rigs might be achieved by other means,
which may moreover be less convenient or more costly; whereas accord-

ingly if construction works on the East Channel Bridge which would
obstruct theright ofpassage claimed wereexpected to becarried outprior
to the decision of the Court on the meritsin the present proceedings,this
mightjustify the indication of provisionalmeasures;

27. Whereas howevertheCourt, placing on recordthe assurances given
by Denmark that no physical obstruction of the East Channel will occur
beforethe end of 1994,and considering that the proceedings on the merits
in the present casewould,in the normal course, be completedbefore that
time, finds that it has not been shown that the right claimed will be
infringed by construction work during the pendency of the proceedings;

28. Whereas Finland claims moreover not onlythat continuation ofthe

Danish project as planned will cause irreparable damage to the right of
passage claimed by Finland but that the project is already causing such
darnageto tangibleeconomicinterests inasmuch as Finnishshipyards can
no longer fully participate in tenders regarding vessels, including drill
ships and oil rigs, which would be unable to pass through the Great Belt
after completion ofthe East Channel Bridge; andthat the existence ofthe
bridgeprojectinitspresentform ishavingand willcontinuetohavea nega-
tive effecton the behaviour of potential customers of those shipyards;

29. Whereas however evidence has notbeen adduced of anyinvitations
to tender for drillships and oilrigs whichwould requirepassage out ofthe PASSAGEPARLEGRAND-BELT(ORDONNANCE 29VI191)

modifications techniques par le Sund(dans lecasdesplates-formes auto-
élévatrices,par remorquage) et où les autres unitésde forage (unitésde
foragesemi-submersibles) pourront passer sous le pont Est projetésiune
partiede latour de l'orage(derrick) n'estmontéequ'aprèslepassagesous
ce pont; que ces assertions ne sont pas acceptées par la Finlande, qui
affirme que,pour un certain nombre d'unités construitesdepuis 1972par
une société finlandaise, la Rauma-Repola Offshore Oy, et d'unités qui
font actuellement l'objet de soumissions de la part de cette société,le
Grand-Belt a étéou serala seule voie de passageutilisable pour quitter la
Baltiqueou s'y rendre;
26. Considérant qu'ilapparaît à la Cour que le droit revendiquépar la
Finlande est de fairepasser précisémentpar le Grand-Belt ses navires de
forage etplates-forrnespétrolières,sansmodification ni démontage,de la
manièredont cepassage a étéeffectué par lepassé;quela Cour ne peut, à

ce stade interlocutoire de la procédure, supposer qu'on puisse justifier
une entrave au droit revendiquépar la Finlande au motif que le passage
des navires de forage et des plates-formespétrolières àdestination et en
provenance de la Baltique pourrait être assuré par d'autres moyens,
susceptibles au surplus d'êtremoins commodes ou plus coûteux; qu'en
conséquence,s'ilétaitprévud'exécuter,avantladécisionde la Cour sur le
fond dans laprésenteinstance,destravaux de construction dupont sur le
chenal Est susceptibles de faire obstruction à l'exercice du droit de
passage revendiqué, l'indication de mesures conservatoires pourrait se
27. Considérant cependant que la Cour, prenant acte des assurances
donnéespar le Danemark selonlesquelles aucune obstruction matérielle
du chenal Estne seproduira avant lafin de l'année 1994,ettenant compte
du fait que laprocéduresurlefonddans laprésenteaffairedevraitnorma-
lement être menée à son terme auparavant, est d'avis qu'il n'a pas été
établique les travaux de construction porteront atteinte pendente liteau
droit revendiqué;

28. Considérant que la Finlande soutient en outre que non seulement
la poursuite du pro,jetdanois tel que conçu causera un préjudiceirrépa-
rable au droit de passage revendiqué par la Finlande, mais que ce projet
cause déjà un tel préjudiceà des intérêts économiques tangiblesd , ans la
mesure où les chant.iersnavals finlandais ne peuvent plus participer plei-
nement aux appels d'offres concernant les navires, y compris les navires
de forage et plates-formespétrolières,qui seraient dans l'impossibilitéde
passer par le Grand-Belt après l'achèvementdu pont sur le chenal Est;
que l'existencedu projet de pont soussaformeactuelleinfluence et conti-
nuera d'influencer négativement le comportement des clients éventuels
de ces chantiersnavals;
29. Considérant'toutefoisqu'iln'a été apportélapreuved'aucun appel
d'offres pour des navires de forage et des plates-formes pétrolières qui19 PASSAGE THROUGH THE GREAT BELT (ORDER 29 VI191)

Baltic after 1994,nor has it been shown that the decline in orders to the
Finnish shipyards for the construction of drill ships and oil rigsattribu-
table to the existence ofthe Great Beltproject; whereasaccordingly proof
of the damage alleged has not been supplied;

30. Whereas Finland contends further that the completion of the East
Channel Bridge willbeonlythe final stepin a continuousprocessin which

Finnish rights are already being irreparably harmed; whereas Finland
observes that the interrelation betweenthe various elements of the Great
Belt project has as a consequence that completion of any one element
would reduce the possibilities of modifying other elementsso asto enable
effect to be given to a judgment of the Court in Finland's favour on the
merits, and in this connection has drawn attention to the factthat,ccord-
ing to Denmark, tender offers for the construction of the East Channel
Bridge expire on 18August 1991 ;whereas Finland concludesthat there is
thus urgency, inasmuch as many of the activities involved in the project
anticipate afinal closingofthe Great Belt byexcludingpractical possibili-
tiesforaccommodatingFinnishinterests and givingeffectto Finnishrights
in the event of ajudgment in favour of Finland;

31. Whereasit has been argued on behalf of Denmark in the course of
the proceedings on the request for provisionalmeasuresthat, ifthe Court
ruledin favour of Finland onthe merits,any claimby Finland couldnot be
dealt with by an order for restitution, but could only be satisfied by
damages inasmuch as restitution in kind would be excessivelyonerous;
whereasthe Court isnot at present calledupon to determinethe character
of any decision which it might make on the merits; whereas in principle
however if it is established that the construction of works involves an
infringement of a legal right, the possibility cannot and should not be
excluded apriori of a judicial finding that such works must not be con-
tinued or must be modified or dismantled;
32. Whereas no action taken pendenteliteby a State engaged in a dis-

pute before the Court with another State "can haveanyeffectwhateveras
regards the legal situation which the Court is called upon to define"
(Legal Status of the South-Eastern Territory of GreenlandP , .C.Z.J.,
SeriesA/B, No. 48, p. 287),and such action cannot improveits legalposi-
tion vis-à-visthat other State;
33. Whereas it isfor Denmark, which isinformed of the nature of Fin-
land's claim,to consider the impact which ajudgment upholding itcould
have upon the implementation of the Great Belt project, and to decide
whether or to what extent it should accordingly delay or modify that

devraient quitter la Baltique après1994;qu'iln'apar ailleurspasétéétabli
que ladiminutiondescommandespasséesauxchantiersnavalsfinlandais
pour la construction de navires de forage et de plates-formespétrolières
soit attribuable l'existencedu projet du Grand-Belt; qu'en conséquence
la preuve du préjudice alléguén'a pas étéfournie;

30. Considérant quela Finlande soutient de plus que l'achèvementdu
pont sur le chenal Est ne constituera que l'étapefinale d'un processus
continu au cours duquel les droits de la Finlande sont déjà l'objet
d'atteintes irréparables;que laFinlande faitobserver que lesliensexistant
entre les différents élémentsdu projet du Grand-Belt ont pour consé-
quence que l'achèvementde l'un quelconque de cesélémentsréduirailtes
possibilitésd'en modifier d'autrespour pouvoir donner effet àun arrêtde

la Cour qui seraitfavorableà la Finlande quantaufond, et qu'àcepropos
la Finlande a appelé l'attention sur le fait que, selon le Danemark, les
soumissions relativeà laconstructiondu pontsur lechenal Estviennent à
expiration le 18août 1991 ;que la Finlande conclut qu'ilya donc urgence
dans la mesure où nombre d'activitésqu'implique le projet anticipent
une fermeture définitive du Grand-Belt, du fait qu'elles excluent les
possibilités pratiques de tenir compte des intérêts finlandais et de
donner effet aux droits finlandais dans l'hypothèse d'un arrêtfavorable
à la Finlande;
31. Considérant qu'il a étéalléguéau nom du Danemark, lors de la
procédureen indication de mesuresconservatoires,qu'au cas où la Cour

seprononcerait en faveur de la Finlande au fond, lesrevendications de la
Finlande ne saurailent être satisfaites parune injonction de restitution,
mais seulement par desdommages etintérêtsd,ans lamesureoùlarestitu-
tion ennature serait une charge excessive;que la Cour n'a pasà ce stade
à déterminer le caractère de toute décisionqu'elle pourrait rendre sur
le fond; qu'en priincipe cependant, s'il est établi que la construction
d'ouvrages comporteune atteinte àun droit,on ne peut ni ne doit exclure
à priori lapossibilit,éd'une décisionjudiciaireordonnant soitde cesserles
travaux soit demodifier ou démantelerles ouvrages;
32. Considérant qu'aucune action pendente lite émanant d'un Etat
partieà undifférendavecun autre Etatdevantla Cour ((ne sauraitexercer

une influence quelconque sur l'étatde droit qu'il incombe à la Cour de
définir» (Statut juridique du territoire du sud-est du Groënland, C.P.1.
sérieA/B no48,p. 287)et que cetteaction ne saurait améliorersa position
juridique vis-à-visde cet autre Eta;
33. Considérant qu'il revient au Danemark, qui est informé de la
nature de la revendication de la Finlande, d'envisager l'incidence qu'un
arrêtfaisant droitàcetterevendicationpourrait avoir sur la réalisationdu
projet du Grand-Belt et de décidersi et dans quellemesure il lui faudrait
en conséquenceretarder ou modifier ce projet; 34. Whereas likewise it is for Finland, which is informed of the Great
Beltproject, to decide whether or not to promote reconsideration ofways
ofenabling drillships and oilrigs to passthrough the Danish Straitsin the
event that the Court should decide that construction of the East Channel
Bridgewith a clearance of 65 metres would not infringe any right apper-
taining to Finland;

35. Whereas, as the Permanent Court of International Justice
observed, and the present Court has reiterated,

"the judicial settlement of international disputes, with a view to
which the Court has been established, is simply an alternative tothe
direct and friendly settlement of such disputes between the Parties;
asconsequentlyit isfor the Court to facilitate,so far asiscompatible
with itsStatute, such direct and friendly settlement ..." (FreeZones
of UpperSavoyandtheDistrictof Gex,P.C.I.J., SeriesA,No.22,p. 13 ;
seealso FrontierDispute, I.C.J. Reports1986,p. 577,para. 46);
whereas, pending a decision of the Court on the merits, any negotiation
between the Parties with a view to achieving a direct and friendly settle-

ment isto be welcomed;
36. Whereas it isclearlyin the interest ofboth Parties that their respec-
tiverights and obligations be determined definitively as early aspossible;
whereastherefore it isappropriate thattheCourt, withthe CO-operationof
the Parties,ensure thatthe decision onthe merits be reached with al1pos-
sible expedition;

37. Whereas the decision given in the present proceedings in no way
prejudges any question relating to the merits of the case, and leaves
unaffected the right of the Governments of the Republic of Finland
and the Kingdom of Denmark to submit arguments in respect thereof;

38. For these reasons,

Findsthat the circumstances, as they now present themselves to the
Court,are not such asto require the exercise ofitspower under Article 41
of the Statute to indicate provisional measures.

Done in English and in French, the Englishtext being authoritative, at
the Peace Palace, The Hague,thistwenty-ninth day ofJuly, one thousand 34. Considérant qu'il revient de même à la Finlande, qui est informée
du projet du Grand-Belt, de déciders'ilconvient d'encourager le réexa-
men de moyens propres à permettre aux navires de forage et aux plates-
formespétrolièresd'emprunter les détroits danoisdans l'hypothèse oùla
Cour déciderait que la construction d'un pont de 65 mètres de hauteur
libre en travers du chenal Est ne porterait atteinteucun droit apparte-
nant à la Finlande;
35. Considérant que,commela Cour permanente deJusticeinternatio-
nale l'afait observeret la présente Cour l'aréaffirmé,

«le règlementjudiciaire des conflits internationaux, en vue duquel
la Cour est instituée,n'est qu'un succédanéau règlement direct et
amiable de ces conflits entre les Parties; que, dès lors, il appartient
à la Cour de :faciliter,dans toute la mesure compatible avec son
Statut, pareil règlement direct et amiable.» (Zonesfranches de la
Haute-Savoieetdu Paysde Gex,C.P.J.I. série A no22,p. 13 ;voir aussi

DSfférendfronttzlieCr,.I.J.Recueil1986,p. 577,par. 46);
que, en attendant une décisionde la Cour sur le fond, toute négociation
entre les Partiesen\ruede parvenir àun règlementdirect et amiableserait
la bienvenue;
36. Considérant qu'ilest manifestement dans l'intérêt desdeux Parties
de voir définitivement déterminés leurs droitset obligations respectifs

aussitôt quepossiblir;que,dèslors,ilconvient que la Cour, avecla coopé-
ration des Parties, veille parvenir à une décision sur le fond dans les
meilleurs délais;

37. Considérant qu'une décision rendue en la présente procédure ne
préjugeen rien toute question relative au fond de l'affaire et qu'ellelaisse
intact le droit des Gouvernements de la République de Finlande et du
Royaume du Danernark de fairevaloirleurs moyens à ce sujet;

38. Par ces motifs,

à l'unanimité,

Ditque les circonstances,tellesqu'elles seprésentent actuellementà la
Cour, ne sont pas de nature àexiger l'exercicede son pouvoir d'indiquer
des mesures consenratoires en vertu de l'article 41du Statut.

Fait en anglais et en français, le texte anglaisfaisant foi, au Palais de la
Paix, à La Haye, le vingt-neuf juillet mil neuf cent quatre-vingt-onze,ennine hundred and ninety-one,inthree copies,one ofwhichwillbeplaced
inthe archivesofthe Courtand the otherstransmitted to the Govemment
of the Republic of Finland and the Govemment of the Kingdom of
Denmark, respectively.

(Signed) R. Y.JENNINGS,

(Signed) Eduardo VALENCIA-OSPINA,

Judge TARASSO appends a declaration tothe Order of the Court.

Vice-President ODA,Judge SHAHABUDDE and Judge ad hoc BROMS
append separate opinions to the Order ofthe Court.



trois exemplaires, dont l'un restera déposé auxarchives de la Cour et les
autres seront transmis respectivement au Gouvernement de la Répu-
blique de Finlande et au Gouvernement du Royaume du Danemark.

Le Président,



M. TARASSOjV ug,e, joint une déclaraàil'ordonnance.

M. ODA,Vice-Président,M. SHAHABUDDEjE uge,, et M. BROMj,ge
ad hoc,joignenà l'ordonnance les exposésde leur opinion individuelle.



ICJ document subtitle

Request for the Indication of Provisional Measures

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Order of 29 July 1991
