Order of 2 March 1990

Document Number
Document Type
Incidental Proceedings
Date of the Document
Document File
Bilingual Document File













ORDONNANCE DU 2 MARS 1990 Officia1citati:n
ArbitralAwardo31 Jul1989,ProvisionalMeasures,
Orderof2March 1990,Z.C.J.Repor1990,p.64

Mode officiel de citat:on
ordonnancedu2 mars1990,C.Z.J.Recue1990,p.64



1990 YEAR 1990
General List
No. 82 2 March 1990






Present: PresidentRUDA;Vice-PresidentMBAY;udges LACHSE, LIAS,


The International Court of Justice,
Composed as above,

After deliberation,

Having regard to Articles 41 and 48 of the Statute of the Court and to
Articles 73and 74of thees of Court,
1. Whereas by an Application filed in the Registry of the Court on
23 August 1989the Republic of Guinea-Bissau instituted proceedings

against the Republic of Senegal in respect of a dispute concerning the
existence and validity of the arbitral award delivered onby
the Arbitration Tribunalforthe Determination ofthe Maritime Boundary
between the two States:65 ARBITRAL AWARD (ORDER 2 III 90)

2. Whereas on 23August 1989a copyofthe Application was transmit-
ted to the Republic of Senegal; whereas pursuant to Article 40, para-

graph 3,of the Statute and Article42ofthe Rules of Court, copies ofthe
Application weretransmitted to Membersof the United Nations through
the Secretary-General and to other States entitled to appear before the
Court; and whereasby an Order dated 1November 1989the Court fixed
time-limitsforthe writtenproceedingsinthe case;
3. Whereas on 18 January 1990a request was filed in the Registry
whereby the Government of Guinea-Bissau, relying on Article 41 of the
Statute of the Court and Article 74 of the Rules of Court, and on the
ground of actionsstated to have been taken by the SenegaleseNavy in a
maritime area which Guinea-Bissauregards as an area disputed between
the Parties, requested the Court to indicate the following provisional
measures :

"In order to safeguardthe rights of each of the Parties, they shall
abstaininthe disputed area fromany actor action of any kind what-
ever,during the whole duration oftheproceedingsuntilthe decision

is given bythe Court";
4. Whereas the Agent of Senegalwas on 18January 1990notified by

telex ofthe filingofthe requestforprovisionalmeasures and on 19Janu-
ary 1990the textthereof was communicated to him by post;
5. Whereas pursuant to Article 31, paragraph 2, of the Statute, the
Government of Guinea-Bissauchose Mr. Hubert Thierry to sit asjudge
ad hocin the case;
6. Whereas the Parties were informed by communications dated
26January 1990that the Court would hold public hearings opening on
12February 1990to affordthe Partiesthe opportunity ofpresentingtheir
observations on the request for the indication of provisional measures;
7. Whereas by letter of 7 February 1990,received in the Registry on
9 February 1990,the Agent of Senegal presented to the Court written
observations of Senegal on the request for the indication of provisional
measures, containing the followingsubmission:

"The Government of Senegal prays the Court, pursuant to
Article 41 of itsStatute and Article 73 of the Rules of Court, to

declare inadmissible and subsidiarily to dismissthe request for pro-
visional measuresmade by the Government of Guinea-Bissau";

8. Whereas at public hearingsheld on 12February 1990oral observa-
tions on the request for provisionalmeasures were presented by the fol-
lowing representatives : on behalf of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau :
H.E. Mr. FidélisCabral de Almada, Agent, Mrs. Monique Chemillier-
Gendreau, Counsel, and Mr. Miguel Galvao Teles, Counsel; on behalf
of the Republic of Senegal: H.E. Mr. Doudou Thiam, Agent, and
Mr. D. W. Bowett,Co-Agent;66 ARBITRALAWARD (ORDER 2 III90)

9. Whereas during the oral proceedings questions were put to the
Parties by Members of the Court, and replies inwriting,with documents
insupport, weresubsequentlytransmitted to the Registry;

10. Whereas the events leading to the present proceedings are as fol-
lows :on26April1960anagreementbyexchangeofletterswasconcluded
between France and Portugal for the purpose of defining the maritime
boundary between Senegal(at that time an autonomous State within the
Communauté a)ndthe Portuguese Provinceof Guinea;and whereasthat
agreement adopted asthe boundary line a straight line at 240"from the
intersection ofthe extension oftheland frontier and the low-watermark,
represented bythe Cape Roxo lighthouse;
11. Whereas after the accession to independence of Senegal and
Guinea-Bissau a dispute arose between them concerning the delimita-
tion of their maritime territories, which was the subject of negotiations
between them from 1977onward; whereas on 12March 1985the Parties
concluded an Arbitration Agreementfor submissionofthat dispute to an
Arbitration Tribunal; whereas Article 2 of the said Agreement provided
that the followingquestionsshould beput to the Tribunal :

"(1) Does the agreementconcluded by an exchange of letters on
26April 1960,and whichrelatesto the maritimeboundary, havethe
force of lawin the relations betweenthe Republic of Guinea-Bissau
and the Republic of Senegal?
(2) In the event of a negativeanswerto the first question,what is
the courseofthe linedelimitingthemaritimeterritories appertaining
to the Republic of Guinea-Bissau and the Republic of Senegal

and whereasArticle 9ofthe Agreementprovided thatthe decision ofthe
Tribunal "shall include the drawing ofthe boundary line on a map";
12. WhereastheArbitrationTribunal constituted under the Agreement
pronounced on 31July 1989,bytwo votes(includingthat ofthe President
of the Tribunal) to one, an award of which the operative clause was as
follows :

"For the reasons stated above,the Tribunal decides. ..
To reply as followsto the first questionformulated in Article 2 of
the Arbitration Agreement: The Agreement concluded by an
exchange of letters on 26 April 1960,and relating to the maritime
boundary, has the force oflawinthe relationsbetweenthe Republic
of Guinea-Bissau and the Republic of Senegalwith regard solelyto
theareasmentioned inthat Agreement,namelytheterritorial sea,the
contiguouszone and the continental shelf.The'straightlinedrawnat
240"' is a loxodromic line";

and whereasinthat awardtheTribunal alsostateditsconclusion that "itis
not calleduponto replyto the secondquestion" inthe Arbitration Agree-67 ARBITRALAWARD (ORDER 2 III 90)

ment, and that in view of its decision it "has not thought it necessaryto

append a map showingthe course ofthe boundary line";
13. Whereasthe Presidentofthe ArbitrationTribunal appendeda dec-
laration to the award; and whereas in the view of Guinea-Bissau it was
"clearly apparent" thatthe position adopted bythe Presidentin that dec-
laration was"incompatiblewiththepositionwhichhehasendorsed byhis
vote in favour of the 'award'and which had given the appearance of a
majority" ;whereasGuinea-Bissauaccordinglyconsiders that "there was
in fact no majoritywithinthe Tribunal";
14. Whereas Guinea-Bissau contends in its Application to the Court
that "A newdispute thus cameinto existence,relating to the applicability
ofthe text issued bywayofaward on 31July 1989";whereasthat dispute
was brought before the Court by the above-mentioned Application, in
whichGuinea-Bissaurequests theCourt, in respect ofthe decision ofthe

ArbitrationTribunal, to adjudge and declare :
"- thatthat so-calleddecisionisinexistentinviewofthe factthat one
ofthe two arbitratorsmaking up the appearance of a majorityin
favour ofthe text of the 'award',has, by a declaration appended
to it, expressed a view in contradiction with the one apparently

adopted bythevote;
- subsidiarily, that that so-called decision is nul1and void, as the
Tribunaldidnot givea completeanswertothe two-foldquestion
raised by the Agreementand so did not arrive at a single delimi-
tation line duly recorded on a map, and as it has not given the
reasonsfor the restrictions thus improperlyplaced upon itsjuris-
- thatthe Government of Senegalisthus notjustified in seekingto
require the Government of Guinea-Bissauto apply the so-called
award of31July 1989";

15. WhereasGuinea-Bissauexplainsinitsrequest forthe indication of
provisionalmeasures thatthat request wasprompted by

"actsofsovereigntybySenegalwhichprejudgeboth thejudgment on
the meritsto be givenby the Court and the maritime delimitationto
be effectedsubsequently between the States";

whereas the acts complained of by Guinea-Bissau, and alleged to have
occurredin a "disputed area", are asfollows :on 9October 1989a fishing
vessel ofJapanese registry,the HoyoMaruNo.8,holding a licenceissued
bythe authorities ofGuinea-Bissauto fishinthe exclusiveeconomiczone
of Guinea-Bissau, was boarded by the Senegalese Navy in a position
corresponding to geographical CO-ordinates12" 01' North and 17" 31'
West,and escortedto a Senegaleseport; legalproceedingsweretaken,for
breach of Senegalesefishing regulations, andthe vessel was released on
payment of90millionCFAfrancs ;on9November 1989afishingvesselof
Chinese registry,the YanYu625,holding a similarfishing licenceissued68 ARBITRAL AWARD (ORDER 2 III 90)

by Guinea-Bissau, was similarlyboarded at 12" 08' North and 17" 04'
West, and escorted to a Senegalese port; legal proceedings were

taken, and the vessel subsequently released on payment of 50 million
CFA francs ;

16. Whereas Senegalhas confirmed that these incidents occurred, and
Statesthat ifthearea wherethe incidents occumedwas"the maritime area
that isnder Senegal'sjurisdiction byvirtueofthe agreementof 1960(that
is to Say,the territorial sea, the contiguous zone and the continental
shelf)", Senegalrelied on a presumption ofvalidityof the award;
17. Whereas after the close of the oral proceedings the Agent of
Guinea-Bissau, by a letter of 13 February 1990,stated that a further
incident took place on 18 December 1989,when the vessel of Chinese
registryYuan Yu 1 was boarded by the Senegalese Navy at a position
(12" 07'67" North, 17" 03'65" West) stated to be to the south of the
240" line from Cape Roxo, and therefore, in the view of Guinea-Bissau
not in the disputed area, and in an area undisputedly within the juris-

diction of Guinea-Bissau;
18. Whereas according to information supplied to the Court by both
Parties,on 1January 1990the authorities of Guinea-Bissauarrested four
fishingvesselsof Senegaleseregistryinthearea regarded by Guinea-Bis-
sauasthe disputed area, at positions 12"14'06" North, 17"09'97" West;
12" 14'69" North, 17" 10'07"West; 12"15'06" North, 17"09'33"West;
and 12" 12' 74"North, 17" 11'71" West; whereasGuinea-Bissau alleges
that thecaptains ofthese vesselsstatedtothe authorities ofGuinea-Bissau
that the authorities of Senegal had authorized and even encouraged
them to fish in the area, which was regarded by Senegalas appertaining

19. Whereasthe Republic of Guinea-Bissauclaimsto found thejuris-
diction ofthe Court to entertain the present case upon declarationsmade
by the Parties accepting the compulsoryjurisdiction of the Court under
Article 36, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the Court; and whereas such
declarations weremade, by the Republic of Senegalon 22October 1985,
deposited withthe Secretary-Generalofthe United Nations on 2 Decem-
ber 1985,and bythe Republic of Guinea-Bissauon 7August 1989,depos-
ited the same day with the Secretary-General of the United Nations;
whereas the declaration made by Guinea-Bissau is without reservations,
while the declaration of Senegal is subject to reservations,butuinea-
Bissaucontends that none ofthem isrelevantto the present dispute;

20. Whereason arequest for provisionalmeasures theCourt need not,
beforedecidingwhether ornot to indicatethem,finallysatisfy itselfthat it
hasjurisdiction on the merits ofthe case,yetit ought not to indicatech69 ARBITRAL AWARD(ORDER 2 III90)

measures unlessthe provisions invoked by the Applicant appear, prima
facie, to afford a basis on which the jurisdiction of the Court might be

21. Whereasthe Court takesnote ofthe statementmade at the hearing
bythe Agentof Senegalthat Senegalmakeseveryreservationatthisstage
as to the jurisdiction of the Court with respect to the substance of the
Application, and the statement of the Co-Agent of Senegalthat it is not
satisfiedthat the Court hasjurisdiction to entertain the mainApplication,
but doesnot wishto broach the issueofjurisdiction over the main Appli-
cationatthisstage; and whereasSenegal,whilecontendingthat theCourt
should decline to indicate provisional measures, has accordingly not
basedthat contention ontheground of lackofjurisdiction onthemerits of
the case:
22. Whereas the Court considersthat the twodeclarationsmade under
Article36,paragraph 2, ofthe Statuteappear, primafacie,to affordabasis

on whichthejurisdiction ofthe Court might be founded;
23. Whereas the decision given in the present proceedings in no way
prejudges the question of the jurisdiction of the Court to deal with the
merits of the case or any questions relatingto the merits themselvesand
leavesunaffectedtheright ofthe Respondent to submitargumentsagainst
suchjurisdiction or inrespect of such merits;

24. Whereas Guinea-Bissauhas requested theCourtto exercisein the
present proceedingsthe power conferredupon it by Article 41ofthe Sta-
tute ofthe Court "to indicate,ifitconsidersthat circumstancessorequire,
anyprovisionalmeasures whichoughtto be taken to preservethe respec-
tiverightsofeitherparty" ;whereasthepurpose ofexercisingthispoweris
toprotect "rights whicharethesubjectofdisputeinjudicial proceedings"
(AegeanSea ContinentalSheK I.C.J.Reports 1976,p. 9, para. 25; Diplo-
maticand ConsularStaffin Tehran, Z.C. Jeports 1979,p. 19,para. 36);
whereas such measures are provisional and indicated "pending the final
decision"(Article 41,paragraph 2,ofthe Statute); and whereastherefore
they are to be measures such that they willno longerbe required as such
once the dispute overthose rightshas been resolved bythe Court'sjudg-
ment on the merits ofthe case;

25. Whereas Guinea-Bissau recognizesin its Application that the dis-
pute ofwhich ithasseisedthe Court isnotthe dispute overmaritime deli-
mitation brought before the ArbitrationTribunal, but a "new dispute...
relating to the applicability of the text issued by way of award of 31July
1989";whereashowever ithas been argued by Guinea-Bissau that provi-
sional measures maybe requested, in the context ofjudicial proceedings
on a subsidiary dispute, to protect rights in issue in the underlying dis-
pute; that theonly link essential for the admissibility of measures is the
link between the measures contemplated and the conflict of interests70 ARBITRALAWARD (ORDER 2 11190)

underlying the question or questionsput to the Court, - that conflict of
interests in the present case being the conflict over maritime delimita-
tion, - and that this issowhetherthe Court isseisedofa main dispute or
of asubsidiarydispute,afundamentaldispute or a secondarydispute,on
the solecondition thatthe decision bythe Court on the questions of sub-
stance which aresubmitted to itbe a necessaryprerequisiteforthe settle-

ment of the conflict of interests to whichthe measuresrelate; whereas in
thepresent caseGuinea-Bissauclaimsthat thebasicdisputeconcerns the
conflicting claimsof the Parties to control,exploration and exploitation
of maritime areas, and that the purpose of the measures requested is to
preserve the integrity of the maritime area concerned, and that the
required relationship between the provisional measures requested by
Guinea-Bissau and the casebeforethe Court ispresent;
26. Whereas the Applicationinstitutingproceedings asksthe Courtto
declarethe 1989awardto be"inexistent" or,subsidiarily, "null and void",
and to declare "that the Government of Senegal is thus not justified in
seeking to require the Govemment of Guinea-Bissau to apply the so-

called award of 31 July 1989"; whereas the Application thus asks the
Court to pass upon the existence and validity of the award but does not
askthe Courtto passupon the respectiverights ofthe Parties inthemari-
time areasinquestion; whereasaccordinglythe allegedrightssoughtto be
made the subject of provisional measures are not the subject of the
proceedings beforethe Court onthe merits of the case; and whereas any
such measures could not be subsumed by the Court's judgment on the
merits ;
27. Whereasmoreoveradecisionofthe Court thatthe award isinexist-
ent or null and void would in no way entai1any decision that the Appli-
cant's claims in respect of the disputed maritime delimitation are well

founded, in whole or in part; and whereas the dispute overthose claims
willthereforenot be resolvedbythe Court's judgment;

28. Accordingly,

by fourteen votesto one,

Dismissesthe request of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, filed in the
Registryon 18January 1990,for the indication of provisional measures.
IN FAVOUR :PresidentRuda; Vice-PresidenM t baye; JudgesLachs, Elias, Oda,
Ago, Schwebel, Sir Robert Jennings, Ni, Evensen, Tarassov, Guillaume,

AGAINST :Judgead hoc Thierry.

Done in English and in French, the English textbeingauthoritative, at
the Peace Palace, The Hague, this second day of March, one thousand
nine hundred and ninety, in three copies, one of which willbe placed in71 ARBITRALAWARD (ORDER 2 III 90)

the archivesofthe Court and the otherstransmitted to the Government of
the Republic of Guinea-Bissau and the Government of the Republic of

(Signed)José Maria RUDA,

(Signed)Eduardo VALENCIA-OSPINA,


Judges EVEN~Ea Nnd SHAHABUDDa EppNend separate opinions to the
Order ofthe Court.

Judge adOS THIERRaY ppends adissentingopinion to the Order of the



Bilingual Content













ORDONNANCE DU 2 MARS 1990 Officia1citati:n
ArbitralAwardo31 Jul1989,ProvisionalMeasures,
Orderof2March 1990,Z.C.J.Repor1990,p.64

Mode officiel de citat:on
ordonnancedu2 mars1990,C.Z.J.Recue1990,p.64



1990 YEAR 1990
General List
No. 82 2 March 1990






Present: PresidentRUDA;Vice-PresidentMBAY;udges LACHSE, LIAS,


The International Court of Justice,
Composed as above,

After deliberation,

Having regard to Articles 41 and 48 of the Statute of the Court and to
Articles 73and 74of thees of Court,
1. Whereas by an Application filed in the Registry of the Court on
23 August 1989the Republic of Guinea-Bissau instituted proceedings

against the Republic of Senegal in respect of a dispute concerning the
existence and validity of the arbitral award delivered onby
the Arbitration Tribunalforthe Determination ofthe Maritime Boundary

ANNÉE 1990 1990
2 mars
2 mars 1990 no82




Présents:M. RUDA,Présiden;M. MBAYEV , ice-Prési;tMM. LACHS,
M.THIERRY ju,gead hoc; M.VALENCIA-OSPINef,fier.

La Cour internationale de Justice,

Ainsi composée,
Après délibéré,

Rend l'ordonnancesuivante:
Vulesarticles 41et48du Statut de la Cour etles articleson

1. Considérantque, par une requêtedéposéeau Greffe de la Cour le
23 août 1989,la Républiquede Guinée-Bissaua introduit une instance
contre la République du Sénégalau sujet d'un différend concernant
l'existence etla validitéde la sentence arbitrale rendue le89
par le Tribunal arbitral pour la détermination de la frontière maritime
entre les deux Etats;65 ARBITRAL AWARD (ORDER 2 III 90)

2. Whereas on 23August 1989a copyofthe Application was transmit-
ted to the Republic of Senegal; whereas pursuant to Article 40, para-

graph 3,of the Statute and Article42ofthe Rules of Court, copies ofthe
Application weretransmitted to Membersof the United Nations through
the Secretary-General and to other States entitled to appear before the
Court; and whereasby an Order dated 1November 1989the Court fixed
time-limitsforthe writtenproceedingsinthe case;
3. Whereas on 18 January 1990a request was filed in the Registry
whereby the Government of Guinea-Bissau, relying on Article 41 of the
Statute of the Court and Article 74 of the Rules of Court, and on the
ground of actionsstated to have been taken by the SenegaleseNavy in a
maritime area which Guinea-Bissauregards as an area disputed between
the Parties, requested the Court to indicate the following provisional
measures :

"In order to safeguardthe rights of each of the Parties, they shall
abstaininthe disputed area fromany actor action of any kind what-
ever,during the whole duration oftheproceedingsuntilthe decision

is given bythe Court";
4. Whereas the Agent of Senegalwas on 18January 1990notified by

telex ofthe filingofthe requestforprovisionalmeasures and on 19Janu-
ary 1990the textthereof was communicated to him by post;
5. Whereas pursuant to Article 31, paragraph 2, of the Statute, the
Government of Guinea-Bissauchose Mr. Hubert Thierry to sit asjudge
ad hocin the case;
6. Whereas the Parties were informed by communications dated
26January 1990that the Court would hold public hearings opening on
12February 1990to affordthe Partiesthe opportunity ofpresentingtheir
observations on the request for the indication of provisional measures;
7. Whereas by letter of 7 February 1990,received in the Registry on
9 February 1990,the Agent of Senegal presented to the Court written
observations of Senegal on the request for the indication of provisional
measures, containing the followingsubmission:

"The Government of Senegal prays the Court, pursuant to
Article 41 of itsStatute and Article 73 of the Rules of Court, to

declare inadmissible and subsidiarily to dismissthe request for pro-
visional measuresmade by the Government of Guinea-Bissau";

8. Whereas at public hearingsheld on 12February 1990oral observa-
tions on the request for provisionalmeasures were presented by the fol-
lowing representatives : on behalf of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau :
H.E. Mr. FidélisCabral de Almada, Agent, Mrs. Monique Chemillier-
Gendreau, Counsel, and Mr. Miguel Galvao Teles, Counsel; on behalf
of the Republic of Senegal: H.E. Mr. Doudou Thiam, Agent, and

2. Considérantque,le23août 1989,copie dela requêtea ététransmise
à la République du Sénégal; que, conformémentà l'article 40, para-
graphe 3,du Statutet àl'article42du Règlementde laCour,descopiesde
larequêteont ététransmises aux Membresdes Nations Unies par l'entre-

mise du Secrétairegénéral ea tux autres Etats admis àester devant la
Cour; et que, par ordonnance du le'novembre 1989,la Cour a fixé des
délaispour laprocédure écriteenl'espèce;
3. Considérant que,le 18janvier 1990,une demande a été déposéaeu
Greffe,envertu del'article 41du Statut etdel'article74du Règlementde
laCour, par laquelle leGouvernement de la Guinée-Bissau,aumotif que
lamarine deguerresénégalaiss eeseraitlivréeàcertainesactions dansune
zonemaritimeque la Guinée-Bissauconsidèrecommeune zoneen litige
entre lesParties,priait la Cour d'indiquer les mesuresconservatoiressui-
vantes :

«Afin de sauvegarder les droits de chacune des Parties, celles-ci
s'abstiendrontdans lazoneen litigedetout acteouaction dequelque
nature que ce soitpendant toute la duréede la procédurejusqu'à la
décisionrenduepar la Cour »;

4. Considérant que le dépôt de la demandeen indication de mesures
conservatoiresaéténotifié àl'agentdu Sénégap lar télexle 18janvier 1990
et que le texte lui en a étécommuniquépar la poste le 19janvier 1990;
5. Considérant qu'en vertu de l'article31,paragraphe 2, du Statut le
Gouvernement de la Guinée-Bissaua désignéM. Hubert Thierry pour

siégerenqualitédejuge ad hocdansl'affaire;
6. Considérant queles Parties ont étéaviséesle 26janvier 1990que la
Courtiendrait desaudiencespubliques le 12février1990pour leurdonner
lapossibilitédeprésenterleursobservationssurla demandeenindication
de mesures conservatoires;
7. Considérant que, par lettre du 7 février 1990reçue au Greffe le
9 février1990,l'agent du Sénégaa l présentéà la Cour les observations
écritesdu Sénégalsur la demande en indication de mesures conserva-
toires, qui contenaientla requête suivante:

«Le Gouvernementdu Sénégad lemande à la Cour, surlabase de
l'article41de sonStatutetde l'article73deson Règlement,dedécla-
rer irrecevable et, subsidiairement, de rejeter la demande en indica-
tion de mesuresconservatoiresintroduite par leGouvernement dela
Guinée-Bissau» ;

8. Considérant qu'aux audiences publiques tenues le 12février1990
des observationsorales sur la demande en indication de mesures conser-
vatoiresontétéprésentée au nom dela RépubliquedeGuinée-Bissaupar
S. Exc. M. FidélisCabral de Almada, agent, MmeMonique Chemillier-

Gendreau, conseil, et M. Miguel Galvao Teles, conseil; et au nom de la
République du Sénégalpar S. Exc. M. Doudou Thiam, agent, et
M. D. W. Bowett,coagent;66 ARBITRALAWARD (ORDER 2 III90)

9. Whereas during the oral proceedings questions were put to the
Parties by Members of the Court, and replies inwriting,with documents
insupport, weresubsequentlytransmitted to the Registry;

10. Whereas the events leading to the present proceedings are as fol-
lows :on26April1960anagreementbyexchangeofletterswasconcluded
between France and Portugal for the purpose of defining the maritime
boundary between Senegal(at that time an autonomous State within the
Communauté a)ndthe Portuguese Provinceof Guinea;and whereasthat
agreement adopted asthe boundary line a straight line at 240"from the
intersection ofthe extension oftheland frontier and the low-watermark,
represented bythe Cape Roxo lighthouse;
11. Whereas after the accession to independence of Senegal and
Guinea-Bissau a dispute arose between them concerning the delimita-
tion of their maritime territories, which was the subject of negotiations
between them from 1977onward; whereas on 12March 1985the Parties
concluded an Arbitration Agreementfor submissionofthat dispute to an
Arbitration Tribunal; whereas Article 2 of the said Agreement provided
that the followingquestionsshould beput to the Tribunal :

"(1) Does the agreementconcluded by an exchange of letters on
26April 1960,and whichrelatesto the maritimeboundary, havethe
force of lawin the relations betweenthe Republic of Guinea-Bissau
and the Republic of Senegal?
(2) In the event of a negativeanswerto the first question,what is
the courseofthe linedelimitingthemaritimeterritories appertaining
to the Republic of Guinea-Bissau and the Republic of Senegal

and whereasArticle 9ofthe Agreementprovided thatthe decision ofthe
Tribunal "shall include the drawing ofthe boundary line on a map";
12. WhereastheArbitrationTribunal constituted under the Agreement
pronounced on 31July 1989,bytwo votes(includingthat ofthe President
of the Tribunal) to one, an award of which the operative clause was as
follows :

"For the reasons stated above,the Tribunal decides. ..
To reply as followsto the first questionformulated in Article 2 of
the Arbitration Agreement: The Agreement concluded by an
exchange of letters on 26 April 1960,and relating to the maritime
boundary, has the force oflawinthe relationsbetweenthe Republic
of Guinea-Bissau and the Republic of Senegalwith regard solelyto
theareasmentioned inthat Agreement,namelytheterritorial sea,the
contiguouszone and the continental shelf.The'straightlinedrawnat
240"' is a loxodromic line";

and whereasinthat awardtheTribunal alsostateditsconclusion that "itis
not calleduponto replyto the secondquestion" inthe Arbitration Agree- SENTENCE ARBITRALE (ORDONNAN2CIE II 90) 66

9. Considérant qu'à l'audience desquestionsont étéposéesauxParties
par des membres de la Cour et que des réponses écritesé, tayéespar des
pièces,ont étéultérieurement transmisea su Greffe;

10. Considérantquelaprésenteinstanceapour originelesévénements
suivants: le 26 avril 1960la France et le Portugal ont, par échangede
lettres,conclu un accord en vue de définir la frontière maritime entrele
Sénégal(qui à cetteépoqueétaitun Etat autonomede la Communauté)et
la provinceportugaise de Guinée,accordqui aadoptécommelignefron-
tièreune lignedroite orientéeà 240°,partant du point d'intersection du
prolongement de la frontière terrestreet de la laisse de basse-mer,repré-
sentépar lephare du cap Roxo;
11. Considérant qu'après l'accessiondu Sénégal etde la Guinée-
Bissau àl'indépendance s'est éleventre lesdeux Etats,au sujetdeladéli-
mitation de leurs territoires maritimes, un différend quia fait l'objet de
négociationsentreeux àpartir de 1977;quele 12mars 1985lesParties ont

conclu un compromis d'arbitrage en vue de soumettre ce différend àun
tribunal arbitralqu'à l'article2dudit compromis il étaitdemandéautri-
bunal de statuer sur lesquestions suivante:
«1) L'accordconclu par un échangede lettres,le26avril 1960,et
relatif la frontière en mer, fait-il droit dans les relations entre la
Républiquede Guinée-Bissauetla Républiquedu Sénégal?

2) En cas de réponsenégative à la première question, quel est le

tracéde la lignedélimitantlesterritoires maritimes qui relèvent res-
pectivementde la RépubliquedeGuinée-Bissauetde la République
du Sénégal ?»
etquel'article9du compromisstipulait queladécisiondu Tribunal «doit
comprendre letracéde la lignefrontièresurune carte »;
12. Considérantque leTribunal arbitral constituéen vertude l'accord
a rendu le31juillet 1989,par deuxvoix(dont celleduprésidentdu Tribu-

nal) contreune, une sentence dont le dispositif est ainsilibellé

«Vu lesmotifs qui ont étéexposés,leTribunal décide...

De répondreà la première question formuléedans l'article 2 du
compromis arbitral de la façon suivante: I'accord conclu par un
échangedelettres,le26avril 1960,etrelatifà la frontièreen mer,fait
droit dans les relations entre la Républiquede Guinée-Bissauet la
Républiquedu Sénégalen cequi concerne lesseuleszonesmention-
néesdans cetaccord, àsavoirlamerterritoriale, lazonecontiguëet le
plateau continental. La «ligne droite orientée240"» est une ligne
loxodromique » ;

et que, dans cette sentence, le Tribunal conclut aussi que «la deuxième
question [poséedans le compromis d'arbitrage] ...n'appelle pas une67 ARBITRALAWARD (ORDER 2 III 90)

ment, and that in view of its decision it "has not thought it necessaryto

append a map showingthe course ofthe boundary line";
13. Whereasthe Presidentofthe ArbitrationTribunal appendeda dec-
laration to the award; and whereas in the view of Guinea-Bissau it was
"clearly apparent" thatthe position adopted bythe Presidentin that dec-
laration was"incompatiblewiththepositionwhichhehasendorsed byhis
vote in favour of the 'award'and which had given the appearance of a
majority" ;whereasGuinea-Bissauaccordinglyconsiders that "there was
in fact no majoritywithinthe Tribunal";
14. Whereas Guinea-Bissau contends in its Application to the Court
that "A newdispute thus cameinto existence,relating to the applicability
ofthe text issued bywayofaward on 31July 1989";whereasthat dispute
was brought before the Court by the above-mentioned Application, in
whichGuinea-Bissaurequests theCourt, in respect ofthe decision ofthe

ArbitrationTribunal, to adjudge and declare :
"- thatthat so-calleddecisionisinexistentinviewofthe factthat one
ofthe two arbitratorsmaking up the appearance of a majorityin
favour ofthe text of the 'award',has, by a declaration appended
to it, expressed a view in contradiction with the one apparently

adopted bythevote;
- subsidiarily, that that so-called decision is nul1and void, as the
Tribunaldidnot givea completeanswertothe two-foldquestion
raised by the Agreementand so did not arrive at a single delimi-
tation line duly recorded on a map, and as it has not given the
reasonsfor the restrictions thus improperlyplaced upon itsjuris-
- thatthe Government of Senegalisthus notjustified in seekingto
require the Government of Guinea-Bissauto apply the so-called
award of31July 1989";

15. WhereasGuinea-Bissauexplainsinitsrequest forthe indication of
provisionalmeasures thatthat request wasprompted by

"actsofsovereigntybySenegalwhichprejudgeboth thejudgment on
the meritsto be givenby the Court and the maritime delimitationto
be effectedsubsequently between the States";

whereas the acts complained of by Guinea-Bissau, and alleged to have
occurredin a "disputed area", are asfollows :on 9October 1989a fishing
vessel ofJapanese registry,the HoyoMaruNo.8,holding a licenceissued
bythe authorities ofGuinea-Bissauto fishinthe exclusiveeconomiczone
of Guinea-Bissau, was boarded by the Senegalese Navy in a position
corresponding to geographical CO-ordinates12" 01' North and 17" 31'
West,and escortedto a Senegaleseport; legalproceedingsweretaken,for
breach of Senegalesefishing regulations, andthe vessel was released on
payment of90millionCFAfrancs ;on9November 1989afishingvesselof
Chinese registry,the YanYu625,holding a similarfishing licenceissued SENTENCE ARBITRALE (ORDONNAN2CIE II 90) 67

réponsedesapart »etqu'il«n'a pasjugéutile,étantdonnésadécision,de
joindre une carte comprenant le tracéde la lignefrontière» ;
13. Considérantque le présidentdu Tribunal arbitral a annexéune
déclaration à la sentence et que, de l'avisde la Guinée-Bissau,il «appa-
raissait clairement» que la position adoptéepar le président dans cette
déclaration était ((incompatibleaveccelle àlaquelle il s'étaitcependant
ralliépar son vote de la ((sentence,et qui avait donnél'apparence d'une

majorité »; et que la Guinée-Bissauestime en conséquencequ'ail n'ya
pas eu en réalitéde majoritéau sein du Tribunal » ;
14. Considérant que la Guinée-Bissau soutient dans sa requête à la
Cour qu'aainsi se trouve nouéun nouveau différend relatifàl'applica-
bilitédu texte rendu commesentence le 31juillet 1989»; et que ce diffé-
rend a étésoumis àla Cour par larequêtesusmentionnée,danslaquelle la
Guinée-Bissauprie la Cour, en ce qui concerne la décisiondu Tribunal
arbitral, de dire etjuger

« - que cetteprétendue décisionestfrappéed'inexistencepar lefait
que, des deux arbitres ayant constituéen apparence une majo-
rité en faveurdu texte de lasentence»,l'una,par une déclara-
tion annexe, expriméune opinion en contradiction avec celle
apparemment votée ;
- subsidiairement, quecetteprétenduedécisionestfrappéedenul-
lité,leTribunal n'ayant pas réponducomplètement àla double
questionposéepar le compromis,n'ayant pas abouti àune ligne
unique de délimitation dûmentportée sur une carte et n'ayant
pas motivélesrestrictionsainsiabusivement apportées à sacom-

- que c'estdonc à tort que le Gouvernement du Sénégalprétend
imposer à celuidela Guinée-Bissaul'applicationdelaprétendue
sentencedu 31juillet 1989»;
15. Considérant que, dans sa demande en indication de mesures
conservatoires,la Guinée-Bissauexpliqueque ladite demande a été moti-

«desactesde souveraineté[duSénégalp ]réjugeantdela décisionqui
doit êtrerendue au fond par la Cour et de la délimitation maritime
qui interviendra par la suiteentre les Etat;»

etquelesactesdont la Guinée-Bissauseplaint etallèguequ'ilsont eulieu
dansune «zone enlitige»sontlessuivants :le9octobre 1989,un navirede
pêchebattant pavillonjaponais, le HoyoMaruno8,titulaire d'une autori-
sation délivréepar les autoritésde la Guinée-Bissaupour pêcherdansla
zone économiqueexclusivede la Guinée-Bissau a été arraisonné par la
marine de guerre sénégalaise par 12" 01'de latitude nord et 17"31'de
longitude ouest et escortévers un port sénégalais; des poursuitespour

violation delaréglementationsénégalaiserelative àlapêcheont étéenga-
géeset le navire a été relâché contreversement de 90 millions de
francs CFA; le 9novembre 1989,un navire de pêchebattant pavillon chi-68 ARBITRAL AWARD (ORDER 2 III 90)

by Guinea-Bissau, was similarlyboarded at 12" 08' North and 17" 04'
West, and escorted to a Senegalese port; legal proceedings were

taken, and the vessel subsequently released on payment of 50 million
CFA francs ;

16. Whereas Senegalhas confirmed that these incidents occurred, and
Statesthat ifthearea wherethe incidents occumedwas"the maritime area
that isnder Senegal'sjurisdiction byvirtueofthe agreementof 1960(that
is to Say,the territorial sea, the contiguous zone and the continental
shelf)", Senegalrelied on a presumption ofvalidityof the award;
17. Whereas after the close of the oral proceedings the Agent of
Guinea-Bissau, by a letter of 13 February 1990,stated that a further
incident took place on 18 December 1989,when the vessel of Chinese
registryYuan Yu 1 was boarded by the Senegalese Navy at a position
(12" 07'67" North, 17" 03'65" West) stated to be to the south of the
240" line from Cape Roxo, and therefore, in the view of Guinea-Bissau
not in the disputed area, and in an area undisputedly within the juris-

diction of Guinea-Bissau;
18. Whereas according to information supplied to the Court by both
Parties,on 1January 1990the authorities of Guinea-Bissauarrested four
fishingvesselsof Senegaleseregistryinthearea regarded by Guinea-Bis-
sauasthe disputed area, at positions 12"14'06" North, 17"09'97" West;
12" 14'69" North, 17" 10'07"West; 12"15'06" North, 17"09'33"West;
and 12" 12' 74"North, 17" 11'71" West; whereasGuinea-Bissau alleges
that thecaptains ofthese vesselsstatedtothe authorities ofGuinea-Bissau
that the authorities of Senegal had authorized and even encouraged
them to fish in the area, which was regarded by Senegalas appertaining

19. Whereasthe Republic of Guinea-Bissauclaimsto found thejuris-
diction ofthe Court to entertain the present case upon declarationsmade
by the Parties accepting the compulsoryjurisdiction of the Court under
Article 36, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the Court; and whereas such
declarations weremade, by the Republic of Senegalon 22October 1985,
deposited withthe Secretary-Generalofthe United Nations on 2 Decem-
ber 1985,and bythe Republic of Guinea-Bissauon 7August 1989,depos-
ited the same day with the Secretary-General of the United Nations;
whereas the declaration made by Guinea-Bissau is without reservations,
while the declaration of Senegal is subject to reservations,butuinea-
Bissaucontends that none ofthem isrelevantto the present dispute;

20. Whereason arequest for provisionalmeasures theCourt need not,
beforedecidingwhether ornot to indicatethem,finallysatisfy itselfthat it
hasjurisdiction on the merits ofthe case,yetit ought not to indicatech SENTENCE ARBITRALE (ORDONNAN2CIE II 90) 68

nois,le YanYu625,titulaire d'une autorisation semblable,délivrépar la
Guinée-Bissau,a de mêmeété arraisonné p,ar 12" 08'de latitude nord et
17" 04'de longitude ouest, et escortévers un port sénégalais; despour-
suitesont étéengagéesetle navire a été ensuiterelâché contreversement
de 50millionsde francs CFA;
16. Considérant quele Sénéga alconfirméque cesincidentsont eulieu
et déclare quesila zoneoù ilssont survenusétait«la zonemaritime rele-

vant delajuridiction du Sénégalenvertudel'accordde 1960(c'est-à-dire
la mer territoriale, la zone contiguë et le plateau continental)e fon-
dait sur une présomptionde validitéde la sentence;
17. Considérant qu'aprèsla procédure orale l'agent de la Guinée-
Bissau a fait état,par lettre du 13février1990,d'un autreincident, qui se
serait produit le 18décembre1989,date à laquelle un navirebattant pa-
villon chinois, le Yuan Yu1,aurait été arraisonpar la marine de guerre
sénégalaise par 12"07'67" de latitude nord et 17"03' 65"de longitude
ouest,position qui serait au sud de la ligne d'azimut240" tracéea partir
ducapRoxo,etdonc,del'avisdelaGuinée-Bissau,horsde lazone enlitige
et dans un secteursousjuridiction indiscutable de la Guinée-Bissau;
18. Considérant que,selon desinformationsfournies à laCour par les
deux Parties, les autorités de la Guinée-Bissauont arraisonnéquatre
navires de pêche sénégalailse, le'janvier 1990,dans la zone considérée
par la Guinée-Bissaucommela zone enlitige,par 12" 14' 06"de latitude

nord et 17"09'97" de longitude ouest, 12" 14'69" de latitude nord et
17" 10'07"delongitude ouest, 12" 15'06"de latitude nord et17"09' 33"
de longitude ouest, et 12" 12' 74"de latitude nord et 17" 11'71" de longi-
tude ouest; et que la Guinée-Bissau allègueque les capitaines de ces
navires ont déclaré aux autoritésde la Guinée-Bissau queles autorités
sénégalaisesles avaient autoriséset mêmeencouragés à pêcherdans le
secteur,le considérant commerelevantdu Sénégal;

19. Considérant que la Républiquede Guinée-Bissau affirmeque la
compétencede la Cour pour connaître de la présente affaire découlede
déclarations d'acceptationde lajuridiction obligatoire de la Cour faites
par les Parties conformément àl'article36,paragraphe 2,du Statut de la

Cour; que la déclarationde la Républiquedu Sénégaa l étéfaitle22oc-
tobre 1985 et déposée auprèsdu Secrétaire générad le l'organisation
des Nations Unies le 2 décembre1985,et que celle de la Républiquede
Guinée-Bissaua été faite le août 1989et déposée le même jour auprès
du Secrétairegénérd ale l'Organisation des NationsUnies; etquela décla-
ration de la Guinée-Bissauest sans réserves,alors que celle du Sénégal
estassortiederéservesd, ont la Guinée-Bissauaffirmequ'aucunen'estper-
tinente au regard du présent différend;
20. Considérant que, en présenced'une demande en indication de
mesuresconservatoires,point n'estbesoin pour la Cour, avant de décider
d'indiquer ou non de telles mesures, de s'assurer de manière définitive69 ARBITRAL AWARD(ORDER 2 III90)

measures unlessthe provisions invoked by the Applicant appear, prima
facie, to afford a basis on which the jurisdiction of the Court might be

21. Whereasthe Court takesnote ofthe statementmade at the hearing
bythe Agentof Senegalthat Senegalmakeseveryreservationatthisstage
as to the jurisdiction of the Court with respect to the substance of the
Application, and the statement of the Co-Agent of Senegalthat it is not
satisfiedthat the Court hasjurisdiction to entertain the mainApplication,
but doesnot wishto broach the issueofjurisdiction over the main Appli-
cationatthisstage; and whereasSenegal,whilecontendingthat theCourt
should decline to indicate provisional measures, has accordingly not
basedthat contention ontheground of lackofjurisdiction onthemerits of
the case:
22. Whereas the Court considersthat the twodeclarationsmade under
Article36,paragraph 2, ofthe Statuteappear, primafacie,to affordabasis

on whichthejurisdiction ofthe Court might be founded;
23. Whereas the decision given in the present proceedings in no way
prejudges the question of the jurisdiction of the Court to deal with the
merits of the case or any questions relatingto the merits themselvesand
leavesunaffectedtheright ofthe Respondent to submitargumentsagainst
suchjurisdiction or inrespect of such merits;

24. Whereas Guinea-Bissauhas requested theCourtto exercisein the
present proceedingsthe power conferredupon it by Article 41ofthe Sta-
tute ofthe Court "to indicate,ifitconsidersthat circumstancessorequire,
anyprovisionalmeasures whichoughtto be taken to preservethe respec-
tiverightsofeitherparty" ;whereasthepurpose ofexercisingthispoweris
toprotect "rights whicharethesubjectofdisputeinjudicial proceedings"
(AegeanSea ContinentalSheK I.C.J.Reports 1976,p. 9, para. 25; Diplo-
maticand ConsularStaffin Tehran, Z.C. Jeports 1979,p. 19,para. 36);
whereas such measures are provisional and indicated "pending the final
decision"(Article 41,paragraph 2,ofthe Statute); and whereastherefore
they are to be measures such that they willno longerbe required as such
once the dispute overthose rightshas been resolved bythe Court'sjudg-
ment on the merits ofthe case;

25. Whereas Guinea-Bissau recognizesin its Application that the dis-
pute ofwhich ithasseisedthe Court isnotthe dispute overmaritime deli-
mitation brought before the ArbitrationTribunal, but a "new dispute...
relating to the applicability of the text issued by way of award of 31July
1989";whereashowever ithas been argued by Guinea-Bissau that provi-
sional measures maybe requested, in the context ofjudicial proceedings
on a subsidiary dispute, to protect rights in issue in the underlying dis-
pute; that theonly link essential for the admissibility of measures is the
link between the measures contemplated and the conflict of interests SENTENCEARBITRALE (ORDONNAN2CIE II 90) 69

qu'ellea compétencequant au fond de l'affaire,maisqu'ellene peut indi-
quer cesmesuresque silesdispositionsinvoquéespar ledemandeur sem-
blentprimafacieconstituer unebasesurlaquellelacompétencedelaCour
pourrait êtrefondée;
21. Considérantque laCour prend note de la déclaration faite àl'au-
diencepar l'agentdu Sénégal,selonlaquelle leSénégalfaittoutes réserves

àcestade surla compétencedela Couren cequiconcerne la demande au
fond, et dela déclaration faitepar lecoagent du Sénégals,elonlaquellele
Sénégan l'estpas convaincu que la Cour a compétencepour connaître de
la demande principale mais qu'ilne souhaite pas, àce stade, soulever la
question de la compétencepour connaître de la demande principale, et
qu'ainsi le Sénégatl, ut en soutenant que la Cour devrait refuser d'indi-
quer desmesuresconservatoires,ne s'estpasfondé àceteffetsurl'incom-
pétencede la Courquant au fond de l'affaire;
22. Considérantque les deux déclarations faitesconformémenta l'ar-
ticle 36,paragraphe 2,du Statut semblentconstituer primafacie une base
sur laquellela compétencede la Cour pourrait êtrefondée;
23. Considérant que la décisionrendue dans la présente procédure ne
préjuge en rien la compétencede la Cour pour connaître du fond de I'af-
faire ni aucune question relative au fond lui-mêmeet qu'elle laisseintact
ledroit du défendeurdefairevaloirsesmoyenstant surlacompétenceque
sur lefond;

24. Considérant que la Guinée-Bissauademandé à la Cour d'exercer
dans la présente procédure le pouvoirque la Cour tient de l'article41de
son Statut «d'indiquer, si elle estime que les circonstances l'exigent,
quelles mesures conservatoires du droit de chacun doivent être prisesà
titre provisoire; que l'exercicede ce pouvoir viseàprotégerles adroits
en litigedevantlejuge»(Plateau continentaldela merEgée,C.I.J.Recueil
1976,p. 9, par. 25; Personnel diplomatiqueet consulaire des Etats-Unis
à TéhéranC , .I.J.Recueil1979,p. 19,par. 36); que de telles mesuressont
prisesàtitreprovisoire et«enattendant l'arrêt définitif(article41,para-
graphe 2,du Statut); et que,par suite,il s'agitde mesuresqui, en tant que
telles, ne sont plus nécessairesune fois que le différendau sujet de ces
droits a été réglpar l'arrêt e la Coursur lefond de l'affaire;

25. Considérant que,dans sa requête,la Guinée-Bissaureconnaîq t ue
le différenddont ellea saisila Cour n'estpas ledifférendsur la délimita-
tion maritime portédevant le Tribunal arbitral, mais«un nouveau diffé-
rend relatifà l'applicabilitédu texte rendu comme sentence le 31juillet
1989)); que la Guinée-Bissau a cependant soutenu que des mesures
conservatoires peuvent être demandées,dans le cadre d'une procédure
judiciaire relativà un sous-différend,pour protéger des droits en cause
dans le différendprincipal; que le seul lien indispensablel'admissibi-
litédesmesuresestlelien entrelesmesures envisagéesetleconflit d'inté-70 ARBITRALAWARD (ORDER 2 11190)

underlying the question or questionsput to the Court, - that conflict of
interests in the present case being the conflict over maritime delimita-
tion, - and that this issowhetherthe Court isseisedofa main dispute or
of asubsidiarydispute,afundamentaldispute or a secondarydispute,on
the solecondition thatthe decision bythe Court on the questions of sub-
stance which aresubmitted to itbe a necessaryprerequisiteforthe settle-

ment of the conflict of interests to whichthe measuresrelate; whereas in
thepresent caseGuinea-Bissauclaimsthat thebasicdisputeconcerns the
conflicting claimsof the Parties to control,exploration and exploitation
of maritime areas, and that the purpose of the measures requested is to
preserve the integrity of the maritime area concerned, and that the
required relationship between the provisional measures requested by
Guinea-Bissau and the casebeforethe Court ispresent;
26. Whereas the Applicationinstitutingproceedings asksthe Courtto
declarethe 1989awardto be"inexistent" or,subsidiarily, "null and void",
and to declare "that the Government of Senegal is thus not justified in
seeking to require the Govemment of Guinea-Bissau to apply the so-

called award of 31 July 1989"; whereas the Application thus asks the
Court to pass upon the existence and validity of the award but does not
askthe Courtto passupon the respectiverights ofthe Parties inthemari-
time areasinquestion; whereasaccordinglythe allegedrightssoughtto be
made the subject of provisional measures are not the subject of the
proceedings beforethe Court onthe merits of the case; and whereas any
such measures could not be subsumed by the Court's judgment on the
merits ;
27. Whereasmoreoveradecisionofthe Court thatthe award isinexist-
ent or null and void would in no way entai1any decision that the Appli-
cant's claims in respect of the disputed maritime delimitation are well

founded, in whole or in part; and whereas the dispute overthose claims
willthereforenot be resolvedbythe Court's judgment;

28. Accordingly,

by fourteen votesto one,

Dismissesthe request of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, filed in the
Registryon 18January 1990,for the indication of provisional measures.
IN FAVOUR :PresidentRuda; Vice-PresidenM t baye; JudgesLachs, Elias, Oda,
Ago, Schwebel, Sir Robert Jennings, Ni, Evensen, Tarassov, Guillaume,

AGAINST :Judgead hoc Thierry.

Done in English and in French, the English textbeingauthoritative, at
the Peace Palace, The Hague, this second day of March, one thousand
nine hundred and ninety, in three copies, one of which willbe placed in SENTENCEARBITRALE (ORDONNAN2C 1E1190) 70

rêts sous-jacentà la question ou aux questions posées à la Cour - ce
conflitd'intérêts étant en l'occurrenceclonflit surla délimitationmari-
time - etqu'ilenvaainsi,quelaCour soitsaisied'undifférendprincipal
ou d'un sous-différend,d'un différend de base ou d'un différend de

secondordre, àla seulecondition quela décisionde la Cour sur lesques-
tions defond quiluisont poséessoitunpréalablenécessairedurèglement
du conflit d'intérêtsue les mesures concernent; que, dans la présente
affaire, la Guinée-Bissausoutient que le différendde base concerne les
prétentionsconflictuellesdesParties relativesaucontrôle, àl'exploration
et à l'exploitation d'espaces maritimes, que les mesures demandées ont
pour objet de préserverl'intégrité du territoire maritimeconcernéet que
le rapport exigible entre les mesures conservatoiresdemandées par la
Guinée-Bissauet l'affairejusticiable existebien;
26. Considérant quela requêteintroductived'instanceprie la Cour de
dire etjuger que lasentencearbitralede 1989est«frappéed'inexistence D

ou,subsidiairement, ((frappéede nullité»etque «c'est donc àtort quele
Gouvernement du Sénégap lrétend imposer àcelui de la Guinée-Bissau
l'application de la prétendue sentencedu 31juillet 1989»; que larequête
prie donc la Cour de seprononcer sur l'existenceet la validitéde la sen-
tence,mais qu'ellene la prie pas de seprononcer sur les droits respectifs
des Parties dansla zonemaritime en cause; qu'en conséquenceles droits
allégués dont il est demandéqu'ils fassent l'objet de mesures conserva-
toiresnesontpas l'objetdel'instancependante devant laCour surlefond
de l'affaire; et qu'aucune mesure de ce genre ne saurait être incorporée
dans l'arrêdt e la Cour sur le fond;
27. Considérant en outre qu'unedécisionde la Cour selonlaquellela
sentence estinexistante ou nullen'impliquerait en aucune manièrequela

Cour décide queles prétentionsde la demanderesse en ce qui concerne
la délimitationmaritime contestéesont fondées,en tout ouen partie; et
qu'ainsiledifférendrelatifàcesprétentionsneserapasréglé par l'arrête
la Cour;
28. En conséquence,

par quatorze voixcontre une,

Rejettela demande en indication de mesures conservatoires déposée
au Greffe par la Républiquede GuinéeBissaule 18janvier 1990.
POUR: M. Ruda, Président;M. Mbaye, Vice-PrésidentM ; M. Lachs, Elias,
Oda, Ago, Schwebel, sir Robert Jennings, MM. Ni, Evensen, Tarassov,
Guillaume,Shahabuddeen, Pathak, juges ;
CONTRE : M. Thierry,juge ad hoc.

Faiten anglais et enfrançais, le texte anglaisfaisantfoi, au palais de la
Paix, à La Haye, le deux mars mil neuf cent quatre-vingt-dix, en trois
exemplaires,dont l'un resteradéposéauxarchivesdelaCour etlesautres71 ARBITRALAWARD (ORDER 2 III 90)

the archivesofthe Court and the otherstransmitted to the Government of
the Republic of Guinea-Bissau and the Government of the Republic of

(Signed)José Maria RUDA,

(Signed)Eduardo VALENCIA-OSPINA,


Judges EVEN~Ea Nnd SHAHABUDDa EppNend separate opinions to the
Order ofthe Court.

Judge adOS THIERRaY ppends adissentingopinion to the Order of the



seront transmis respectivement au Gouvernement de la Républiquede
Guinée-Bissauetau Gouvernement de la Républiquedu Sénégal.

Le Président,

(Signé)JoséMana RUDA.


MM. EVENSEN et SHAHABUDDEjE uNe,s, joignent à l'ordonnance les
exposésde leur opinionindividuelle.

M. THIERRY ju,ge ad hoc,joàl'ordonnance l'exposéde son opinion

(Paraphé) J.M.R.

ICJ document subtitle

Request for the Indication of Provisional Measures

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Order of 2 March 1990
