ORDONNANCE DU 11 SEPTEMBRE 1976 Officia1citation:
AegeanSea ContinentalShelf, Interim Protection, Order of
11 September 1976, I.C.J. Repp.3. 1976,
Mode officielde citation:
Plateau continentalde la mer Egée, mesures conservatoires,
ordonnancedu 11septembre 1976, C.I.J.p.3cueil 1976,
~~esn"mixr 423 1
1976 YEAR 1976
11 September1976
Present: Presid.JIMÉNEZDE ARÉCHAG ;AVice-PresidentNAGENDRA
The International Court of Justice,
Composed as above,
After deliberation,
Having regard to Articlesnd 48 of the Statute of the Court,
Having regard to Articlef the Rules of Court,
Having regard to the Application by Greece filed in the Registry of
the Court on 10August976,instituting proceedings against Turkey in
respect of a dispute concerning the delimitation of the continental shelf
4 appertaining to Greece and Turkey in the Aegean Sea, and concerning
the respective legal rights of those States to explore and exploit the
continental shelf of the Aegean;
Makes thefollowing Order:
1. Whereas the above-mentioned Application specifies as basis of
jurisdiction Article 17 of the General Act for the Pacific Settlement of
International Disputes of 1928,read together with Article 36, paragraph
1, and Article 37 of the Statute of the Court, and a joint communiqué
issued at Brussels on 31 May 1975,and requests the Court to adjudge
and declare:
"(i) that the Greek islands [specifiedin the Application] as part of
the territory of Greece, are entitled to the portion of the conti-
nental shelf which appertainsto them according to the applicable
principles and rules of international law;
(ii) what is the course of the boundary (or boundaries) between
the portions of the continental shelf appertaining to Greece
and Turkey in the Aegean Sea in accordance with the principles
and rules of international law which the Court shall determine
to be applicable to the delimitation of the continental shelf in
the aforesaid areas of the Aegean Sea;
(iii) that Greece is entitled to exercise over its contjnental shelf
sovereign and exclusive rights for the purpose of researching
and exploring it and exploitingits natural resources;
(iv) that Turkey is not entitled to undertake any activities on the
Greek continental shelf, whether by exploration, exploitation,
research or otherwise, without the consent of Greece;
(v) that the activities of Turkey described [in the Application]
constitute infringements of the sovereign and exclusiverights of
Greece to explore and exploit its continental shelf or to autho-
rize scientificresearch respectingthe continental shelf;
(vi) that Turkeyshallnot continue anyfurther activitiesas described
above in subparagraph (iv) within the areas of the continental
shelf which the Court shall adjudge appertain to Greece."
2. Having regard to the request dated 10August 1976and filed in the
Registry the same day, whereby the Government of Greece, relying on
Article 33 of the General Act of 1928for the Pacific Settlement of Inter-
national Disputes and on Article 41 of the Statute and Article 66 of the
Rules of Court, asks the Court to indicate, pending the final decision
in the case brought before it by the Application of the same date, the
followinginterim measures of protection:
"Greece . ..requests the Court to direct that the Governments of
both Greece and Turkey shall :
(1) unless with the consent of each other and pending the final AEGEANSEA (ORDER 11'IX 76)
judgment of the Court in this case, refrain from al1exploration
activity or any scientificresearch, with respect to the continental
shelf areas within which Turkey has granted such licences or
permits or adjacent to the Islands, or otherwise in dispute in the
present case;
(2) refrain from taking further military measures or actions which
may endanger their peaceful relations."
3. Whereas, on the day on which the Application and request for indi-
cation of interim measures of protection were filed, a copy of each was
handed bythe Registrar to the Ambassador of Turkey to the Netherlands,
the channel of communication designated by the Government of Turkey
generallyfor communications addressed to that Government by theCourt
under the Statute and Rules;
4. Whereas, pursuant to Article 40, paragraph 3, of the Statute and
Article 37, paragraph 2, of the Rules of Court, copies of the Application
were transmitted to Members of the United Nations through the
Secretary-General and to other States entitled to appear before the Court;
5. Whereas, pursuant to Article 31, paragraph 3, of the Statute, the
Government of Greece chose His ExcellencyMr. Michel Stassinopoulos,
former President of the Hellenic Republic, former President of the
Council of State, to sit as judge ad hoc in the case; and whereas the
Government of Turkey has not sought to exercise the right conferred
upon it by the said Article to choose a judge adhoc;
6. Whereas the Governments of Greece and Turkey were informed on
18 August 1976that the Court would hold public hearings opening on
25 August 1976to afford the parties the opportunity of presenting their
observations on the Greek request for the indication of interim measures
of protection;
7. Whereas on 26 August 1976 a letter, dated 25 August 1976, was
received in the Registry from the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
enclosing the "Observations of the Turkish Government on the request
of the Government of Greece for provisional measures dated 10August
8. Whereas in the said observations the Turkish Governmentsubmitted
that the Application of Greece is premature; that the Court has no
jurisdiction to entertain the Application; andthat the interim measures of
protection requested are not required for the protection of the rights
claimed by Greece; whereas, accordingly, the Turkish Government
suggested that the Greek request for interim measures be dismissed and,
in view of the lack of jurisdiction, asked the Court to remove the case
fromthe list;and whereasno agenthas beenappointed to represent Turkey
before the Court;
9. Whereas at the public hearings held on 25, 26 and 27 August 1976there were present in Court the Agents, counsel and other advisers of
the Government of Greece;
10. Having heard the oral observations on the request for interim
measures on behalf of the Government of Greece presented by His
ExcellencyMr. Nicolas Karandreas, Professor Constantine Eustathiades,
Professor D. P. O'Connel1and Professor Roger Pinto and the replies
given on behalf of that Government to a question put by the Court and
a question put by one of its Members;
11. Having taken note ofthe written reply given bythe Agent of Greece
on 28August 1976to a question put to him by a Member ofthe Court;
12. Having taken note that the final submission of the Government of
Greece made at the hearing of 26 August 1976and filed in the Registry
was that "Greece maintains the submissions contained in its request of
10August 1976for the indication of interim measures of protection" and
thus requested the indication of the measures set out in paragraph 2
13. Noting that the Government of Turkey was not represented at the
hearings; and whereas the non-appearance of one of the States concerned
cannot byitselfconstitute an obstacleto the indication ofinterim measures
of protection;
14. Whereas the Governments of Greece and Turkey have been
afforded an opportunity of presenting their observations on the request
for the indication of interim measures of protection;
15. Whereas the rights which Greece submits as entitled to protection
by the indication of interim measures are specified in its request of
10 August 1976as follows:
"(i) The sovereign rights of Greece for the purpose of researching,
exploring and exploiting the continental shelf appertaining to
Greece and adjacent to the islands of Samothrace, Limnos,
Aghios Eustratios, Lesbos, Chios, Psara, Antipsara, Samos,
Ikaria, and al1 the islands of the Dodecanese group (Patmos,
Leros, Kalimnos, Kos, Astypalaia, Nisiros, Tilos, Simi, Chalki,
Rhodes, Karpathos, etc.), hereinafter called the islands, which
rights are exclusivein thesensethat if Greece does not undertake
research on the continental shelfor explore it or exploitits natural
resources, no-one may undertake these activities, or make a claim
to the said continental shelf, without the express consent of
(ii) The right of Greece to the performance by Turkey of its under-
takings contained in Article 2, paragraph 4, and Article 33 of
the Charter ofthe United Nations and in Article 33ofthe General
Act for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes to AEGEANSEA(ORDER 11IX 76)
abstain from al1measures likely to react prejudicially upon the
execution of anyjudicial decisiongiven in these proceedings and
to abstain from any sort of action whatsoever which may
aggravate or extend the present dispute between Greece and
(iii)l1rights appertaining to Greece under or in consequence of the
final decision of the Court in the present proceedings."
16. Whereas in its Application and request for interim measures the
Government of Greece alleges, interalia, that following the granting by
Turkey in 1973 of permits to the Turkish State Petroleum Company
(TPAO) for exploration for petroleum covering an area which en-
croached upon the continental shelf claimedby Greece as appertaining to
certain Greek islands in the Aegean, there have been diplomatic ex-
changes and talks in respect of a dispute between Greece and Turkey
over certainareas of continental shelfin the Aegean, but no settlement of
that dispute had been achieved; that on 13 July 1976an announcement
was made concerning researches which would be undertaken by the
Turkish seismicresearch vessel MTA Sismik I in the Turkish territorial
sea and in the highseas, and it was stated by officia1Turkish sources that
the vesselwould not be accompanied by warships but that neverthelessal1
necessary measures would be taken so as to detect immediately any
attack againstthe vesseland to respondinstantaneously incaseof any such
attack;that on 6,7 and 8Augustthe MTA SismikI wasobservedengaging
in seismic exploration of areas of the continental shelf of the Aegean
claimed by Greece as appertaining to it; and whereas Greece contends
that the activities of the Turkish vessel constitute infringements of the
exclusive sovereign rights of Greece to the exploration and exploitation
of the continental shelf appertaining to Greece;
17. Whereas Greece claims that the indication of interim measures of
protection isjustified in the present case on the following grounds:
(i) With respect to the protection of the sovereign rights of explora-
tion and exploitation claimed by Greece, and of the right claimed
by Greece in respect of the alleged obligation of Turkey to ab-
stain from al1measures which might prejudice the execution of any
judicial decision, on the basis that Turkey's grants of exploration
licencesand exploration activity must tend to anticipate thejudgment
of the Court, and that breach of the right of a coastal State to
exclusivityof knowledge of itscontinental shelf constitutesirreparable
(ii) With respect to the protection of the right claimed by Greece in
respect of the alleged obligation of Turkey to abstain from any
sort of action which may aggravate or extend the present dispute,
on the basis that the activities complained of would, if continued,
aggravate the dispute and prejudice the maintenance of friendly
relations between the two States;8 AEGEANSEA (ORDER 11IX 76)
18. Whereas the Government of Turkey, in its observations commu-
nicated to the Court on 26 August 1976, contends that the interim
measuresrequested are not required and ought not to be indicated on the
grounds, inter alia, that the exploration activities by Turkey complained
of cannot be regarded as involving any prejudice to the existence of any
rights of Greece over the disputed areas; that even if it were admitted
that Turkey's explorations did cause harm to the rights of Greece, there
would be no reason why such prejudice could not be compensated or
could affect the execution of any judgment the Court might give; and,
with reference to the request for an indication by the Court that both
parties should "refrain from taking further military measures or actions
which may endanger their peaceful relations", that Turkey has no
intention of taking the initiative in the use of force;
19. Whereas the Greek Government bases its request for interim
measures of protection not only on Article 41 of the Statute of the Court
but also on Article 33 of the above-mentioned General Act of 1928;
whereas however the Turkish Government has communicated to the
Court its view that the General Act of 1928 is no longer a treaty in force
between Greece and Turkey; and alternatively that, even if it were so in
force and applicable, the matters submitted to the Court in the Appli-
cation fa11within the terms of reservation (b) to Greece's instrument
of accession to the Act, dated 14 September 1931; and whereas this
reservation excludes from the procedures described in the General Act
"disputes concerning questions which by international law are solely
within the domestic jurisdiction of States, and in particular disputes
relating to the territorial status of Greece, including disputes relating to
its rights of sovereignty over its ports andnes of communication"; and
whereas Turkey accordingly contends that it is entitled to consider the
matters comprised in the Application as excluded from the scope of the
20. Whereas Greece asks the Court to consider the said Act as pre-
sumptively in force between Greece and Turkey, and maintains that the
subject-matter of its Application of 10August 1976does not fa11within
the terms of the said reservation (b) contained in Greece'sinstrument of
21. Whereas it is not necessaryfor the Court to reach a finalconclusion
at this stage of the proceedings on the questions thus raised concerning
the application of the 1928 Act as between Greece and Turkey, and it
will therefore examinethe request for the indication of interim measures
only in the context of Article 41 of theStatute; 22. Whereas the power ofthe Court to indicateinterim measures under
Article 41 of the Statute has as its object to preserve the respective rights
of either party pending the decision of the Court; and whereas, in the
present case,thispowerrelates essentiallyto the preservation of the rights
which are invoked in Greece's Application;
23. Whereas the several claims formulated in the submissions of the
Greek Government in the Application are either different aspects or
different incidents of its general claim to exclusive sovereign rights of
exploration and exploitation in certain areas of the continental shelf of
the Aegean Sea; and whereas, therefore, it is essentially the preservation
of those alleged rights of exploration and exploitation which concerns
the Court in examiningthe present request for the indication of interim
measures of protection;
24. Whereas with respect to those alleged rights Greece requests the
Court to direct that the Governments of both Greece and Turkey shall
"unless with the consent of each other and pending the finaljudgment of
the Court in this case,refrain from al1explorationactivity or any scientific
research" in certaindesignated areas ofthe continental shelf; and whereas,
in support of this request, Greece points to theabove-mentioned grant by
Turkey of exploration licencesin respect of the said areas of continental
shelf and to seismic exploration activity therein undertaken by or under
licence from Turkey ;
25. Whereasthe power of the Court to indicateinterimmeasures under
Article 41of the Statute presupposes that irreparable prejudiceshould not
be caused to rights whicharethe subject of dispute injudicial proceedings
and that theCourt's judgment should not be anticipated by reason of any
initiative regarding the matters in issue before the Court;
26. Whereas, in this regard, the Greek Government contends that the
concessions granted and the continued seismic exploration undertaken
by Turkey in the areas of the continental shelf which are in dispute
threaten to prejudice the exclusive sovereign rights claimedby Greece in
respect of those areas; and whereas it further contends that Turkey's
seismic exploration threatens in particular to destroy the exclusivity of
the rights claimed by Greece to acquire information concerning the
availability,extent and location of the natural resources of the areas;
that the acquisition and dissemination of such information without the
consent of Greece prejudices its negotiating position in relation to poten-
tial purchasers of exploitation licences, thereby permanently impairing
its sovereign rights with respect to the formulation of its national energy
policy ;
27. Whereas, on the basis of the foregoing considerations, the Greek
Government maintains that the continued Turkish seismic exploration
in the disputed areas constitutes a threat of irreparable prejudice to the
rights claimed by Greece in its Application; that it threatens to prevent
the full restoration of those rights to Greece in the event of its claims
being upheld by the Court; and that the Court's power to indicateinterim
measures ought to be exercised when "the parties' rights might not berestored in full measure in the event of a judgment if that judgment is
anticipated" ;
28. Whereas the areas of continental shelf in which the activity com-
plained of by Greece took place are ex hypothes aireas which, at the
present stage of the proceedings, are to be considered by the Court as
areas in dispute, and with respect to which Turkey also claims rights of
exploration and exploitation;
29. Whereas, moreover, it is clear that neither concessionsunilaterally
granted nor exploration activity unilaterally undertaken by either of the
interested Stateswith respect to the disputed areas can be creative of new
rights or deprive the other State of any rights to which in law it may be
entitled; whereas in representations made on 7 February 1974, 24 May
1974, 14June 1974, 22 August 1974,21 and 23 July 1976,and 7 and 9
August 1976,the Greek Government has persistently protested against
what it consideredasTurkey's infringements ofitsrights inthe continental
shelf areas in question; whereas in a statement to Radio Ankara on 24
July 1976the Turkish Foreign Minister recognized that seismicresearch
"cannot establish rights in the areas where this research is carried out";
and whereasthe Government ofTurkey, initsobservationscommunicated
to the Court on 26 August 1976,declared that:
"Exploration by Turkey of the kind of which complaint is made
by Greece cannot be regarded as involving any prejudice to the
existence of any possible rights of Greece over continental shelf
areas in the Aegean Sea. The sovereign rights over the continental
shelf (including the exclusive right to exploration) that may exist
are not taken away or diminished by exploration."
30. Whereas, according to the information before the Court, the
seismicexploration undertaken by Turkey, of which Greece complains, is
carried out by a vesse1traversing the surface of the high seas and causing
smallexplosionsto occurat intervalsunder water; whereas the purpose of
these explosions is to send sound waves through the seabed so as to
obtain information regarding the geophysical structure of the earth
beneath it; whereas no complaint has been made that this form of seismic
exploration involves any risk of physical damage to the seabed or subsoil
or to their natural resources; whereas the continued seismic exploration
activities undertaken by Turkey are al1 of the transitory character just
described, and do not involve the establishment of installations on or
above the seabed of the continental shelf; and whereas no suggestionhas
been made that Turkey has embarked upon any operations involving the
actual appropriation or other use of the natural resources of the areas
of the continental shelf which are in dispute;
31. Whereas seismic exploration of the natural resources of the con-
tinental shelf without the consent of the coastal state might, no doubt,raise a question of infringement of the latter's exclusiveright of explora-
tion; whereas, accordingly, in the event that the Court should uphold
Greece'sclaimsonthemerits,Turkey's activityin seismicexplorationmight
then be considered as such an infringement and invoked as a possible
cause of prejudice to the exclusiverights of Greece in areas then found to
appertain to Greece;
32. Whereas, on the other hand, the possibility of such a prejudice to
rights in issue before the Court does not, by itself, sufficeto justify re-
course to its exceptional power under Article 41 of the Statute to indicate
interim measures of protection; whereas, under the express terms of that
Article, this power is conferred on the Court only if it considers that
circumstances so require in order to preserve the respective rights of
either Party; and whereas this condition, as already noted, presupposes
that the circumstances of the case disclose the risk of an irreparable
prejudice to rights in issue in the proceedings;
33. Whereas,inthe present instance,the allegedbreach byTurkey of the
exclusivity of the right claimed by Greece to acquire information con-
cerning the natural resources of areas of continental shelf, if it were
established, is one that might be capable of reparation by appropriate
means; and whereas it follows that the Court is unable to find in that
alleged breach of Greece's rights such a risk of irreparable prejudice to
rights in issue before the Court as might require the exerciseof its power
under Article 41 of the Statute to indicate interim measures for their
34. Whereas the Greek Government, in terms already set out in
paragraph 15 (ii) above, also invoked its right to the performance by
Turkey of the latter's obligations under Article 2, paragraph 4, and
Article 33 of the Charter of the United Nations as a right in respect of
which it asks the Court to indicate interim measures of protection; and
whereas it specificallyrequests the Court to direct the Governments of
both States to refrain from taking further military measures or actions
which may endanger their peaceful relations; whereas, however, the right
so invoked is not the subject of any of theseveralclaims submitted to the
Court by Greece in its Application; whereas it follows that this request
does not fa11within the provisions of Article 41 of the Statute;
35. Whereas, at the sametime, the Court must observe that the mutual
obligations of Greece and Turkey under Article 2, paragraph 4, and
Article 33 of the Charter are clearly imperative in theirmutual relations,
and in particular in regard to their present dispute concerning the conti-
nental shelf in the Aegean; 36. Whereas, independently of its request regarding the preservation
of its rights, Greece requested the Court during the public sittings to
indicate interim measures of protection in order to prevent the aggrava-
tion or extension of the dispute; whereas, before this request could be
entertained, the Court would have to determine whether, under Article
41 of the Statute, the Court has such an independent power to indicate
interim measures having that object; whereas, however, for the reasons
now to be explained, the Court does not find it necessary to examine this
37. Whereasthe Court has cognizance of the fact that, simultaneously
withthe proceedings beforeit in respect ofthe request for interimmeasures
of protection, the United Nations Security Council also has been seised
of the dispute between Greece and Turkey regarding the Aegean Sea
continental shelf; whereas, on 10 August 1976 (the day on which the
Application and request for interim measures were filed),the Permanent
Representative of Greece to the United Nations wrote to the President
of the Security Council requesting an urgent meeting of the Council in
view of "recent repeated flagrant violations by Turkey of the sovereign
rights of Greece on its continental shelf in the Aegean"; and whereas the
Security Council discussed the question at meetings held on 12, 13 and
25 August 1976,with the participation of the representatives of Greece
and Turkey;
38. Whereas on 25 August 1976 the Security Council adopted by
consensus a resolution (resolution 395 (1976)) bywhich, inter alia, the
Security Council urged the Governments of Greece and Turkey "to do
everythingin their power to reduce the present tensionsin the area so that
the negotiating process may be facilitated", called on Greece and Turkey
"to resume direct negotiations over their differences", and appealed to
them "to do everythingwithin their power to ensure that this results in
mutually acceptable solutions";
39. Whereas, in the recitals to the above-mentioned resolution, the
Security Council has recalled to the Governments of Greece and Turkey
"the principles of the Charter of the United Nations concerning the
peaceful settlement of disputes, as well as the various provisions of
Chapter VI of the Charter concerning procedures and methods for the
peaceful settlement of disputes"; and whereas it has also recalled the need
for them "to respect each other's international rights and obligations and
to avoid any incident which might lead to the aggravation of the situation
and which, consequently, might compromisetheir effortstowards a peace-
ful solution";
40. Whereas the Foreign Minister of Greece stated in the Security
Council following the adoption of resolution 395 (1976)that he trusted
that the resolution would "clear awaythe obstacles to a resumption ofthe
dialogue [with Turkey] and lead to the solution of the problem of the
continental shelf by peaceful means"; and whereas the Foreign Minister
of Turkey stated, following the adoption of the resolution, that the
paragraph of the resolution calling for a resumption of directnegotiationswas "fully in accord with the policy that has been consistently pursued
by Turkey" ;
41. Whereas both Greece and Turkev. as Members of the United
Nations, have expressly recognized thed;esponsibility of the Security
Council for the maintenance of international peace and security ;whereas,
in the above-mentioned resolution, the Security Council has recalled
to them their obligations under the United Nations Charter with respect
to the peaceful settlement of disputes, in the terms set out in paragraph
39 above; whereas, furthermore, as the Court has already stated, these
obligations are clearly imperative in regard to their present dispute con-
cerning the continental shelf in the Aegean; and whereas it is not to be
presumed that either State will fail to heed its obligations under the
Charter of the United Nations or fail to heed the recommendations of the
Security Council addressed to them withrespect to their present dispute;
42. Whereas, accordingly, it isnot necessaryfor theCourt to decidethe
question whether Article 41 of the Statute confers upon it the power to
indicateinterim measures of protection forthe sole purpose of preventing
the aggravation or extension of a dispute;
43. Whereas, under Article 66, paragraph 5, of the Rules of Court, a
decision of the Court not to exercise its power under Article 41 of the
Statute to indicate interim measures of protection "shall not prevent the
party which has made [a request] from making a fresh request in the
same case based on new facts";
44. Whereas, in order to pronounce on the present request for interim
measures ofprotection, thecourt isnot calledupon to decideanyquestion
of its jurisdiction to entertain the merits of the case; and whereas the
decisiongivenin theseproceedings in no wayprejudges any such question,
or any question relating to the merits, and leaves unaffected the rights of
the Greek and Turkish Governments to submit arguments in respect of
any of these questions;
45. Whereas, having regard to the position taken by the Turkish
Government in its observations communicated to the Court on 26August
1976,that the Court has no jurisdiction to entertain the Greek Applica-
tion, it is necessary to resolve first of al1 the question of the Court's
jurisdiction with respect to the case;
46. Whereas, having regard to the foregoing, the Court cannot, at the
present stage of the proceedings, accede to the request of the Turkish
Government, in its observations communicated to theCourt on 26August
1976, that the case be removed from the list, AEGEANSEA (ORDER 11IX 76)
Finds, by 12votes to 1, that the circumstances, as they now present
themselves to the Court, are notuch as to require the exerciseof its
power under Article 41 of the Statute to indicate interim measures of
Decides that the written proceedings shall first be addressed to the
question of the jurisdiction of the Court to entertain the dispute;
And reserves the fixing of the time-limits for thed written pro-
ceedings, and the subsequent procedure, for further decision.
Done in English and in French, the English text being authoritative,
at the Peace Palace, The Hague, this eleventh day of September one
thousand nine hundred and seventy-six,in three copies, one of which will
be placed in the archives of the Court, and the others transmitted to the
Government of Greece and the Government of Turkey, respectively.
separate opinions to the Order of the Court.
JudgeadhocSTASSINOPOUa LppSnds a dissentingopinion to the Order
of the Court.
(Initialled) E. J. de A.
(Initialled) S. A.
ORDONNANCE DU 11 SEPTEMBRE 1976 Officia1citation:
AegeanSea ContinentalShelf, Interim Protection, Order of
11 September 1976, I.C.J. Repp.3. 1976,
Mode officielde citation:
Plateau continentalde la mer Egée, mesures conservatoires,
ordonnancedu 11septembre 1976, C.I.J.p.3cueil 1976,
~~esn"mixr 423 1
1976 YEAR 1976
11 September1976
Present: Presid.JIMÉNEZDE ARÉCHAG ;AVice-PresidentNAGENDRA
The International Court of Justice,
Composed as above,
After deliberation,
Having regard to Articlesnd 48 of the Statute of the Court,
Having regard to Articlef the Rules of Court,
Having regard to the Application by Greece filed in the Registry of
the Court on 10August976,instituting proceedings against Turkey in
respect of a dispute concerning the delimitation of the continental shelf
Rôle général
11 septembre1976
Mo~ozov, sir Humphrey WALDOCKM, M. RUDA, MOSLER,
M. AQUARONE,Grejîer.
La Cour internationale de Justice,
Ainsi composée,
Après délibén chambre du conseil,
Vu les articles 41 etStatut de la Cour,
Vu l'article 66 du Règlementde la Cour,
Vu la requêteenregistréeauffe le 10 août 1976, par laquelle la
Grècea introduit une instance contre la Turquie au sujet d'un différend
sur la délimitation du plateau continental relevant de la Grèceet de la appertaining to Greece and Turkey in the Aegean Sea, and concerning
the respective legal rights of those States to explore and exploit the
continental shelf of the Aegean;
Makes thefollowing Order:
1. Whereas the above-mentioned Application specifies as basis of
jurisdiction Article 17 of the General Act for the Pacific Settlement of
International Disputes of 1928,read together with Article 36, paragraph
1, and Article 37 of the Statute of the Court, and a joint communiqué
issued at Brussels on 31 May 1975,and requests the Court to adjudge
and declare:
"(i) that the Greek islands [specifiedin the Application] as part of
the territory of Greece, are entitled to the portion of the conti-
nental shelf which appertainsto them according to the applicable
principles and rules of international law;
(ii) what is the course of the boundary (or boundaries) between
the portions of the continental shelf appertaining to Greece
and Turkey in the Aegean Sea in accordance with the principles
and rules of international law which the Court shall determine
to be applicable to the delimitation of the continental shelf in
the aforesaid areas of the Aegean Sea;
(iii) that Greece is entitled to exercise over its contjnental shelf
sovereign and exclusive rights for the purpose of researching
and exploring it and exploitingits natural resources;
(iv) that Turkey is not entitled to undertake any activities on the
Greek continental shelf, whether by exploration, exploitation,
research or otherwise, without the consent of Greece;
(v) that the activities of Turkey described [in the Application]
constitute infringements of the sovereign and exclusiverights of
Greece to explore and exploit its continental shelf or to autho-
rize scientificresearch respectingthe continental shelf;
(vi) that Turkeyshallnot continue anyfurther activitiesas described
above in subparagraph (iv) within the areas of the continental
shelf which the Court shall adjudge appertain to Greece."
2. Having regard to the request dated 10August 1976and filed in the
Registry the same day, whereby the Government of Greece, relying on
Article 33 of the General Act of 1928for the Pacific Settlement of Inter-
national Disputes and on Article 41 of the Statute and Article 66 of the
Rules of Court, asks the Court to indicate, pending the final decision
in the case brought before it by the Application of the same date, the
followinginterim measures of protection:
"Greece . ..requests the Court to direct that the Governments of
both Greece and Turkey shall :
(1) unless with the consent of each other and pending the finalTurquiedans la mer Egéeet sur lesdroits respectifsde cesEtats d'explorer
et d'exploiter le plateau continental de la mer Egée;
Rend l'ordonnancesuivante:
1. Considérantque la requêtesusmentionnéeindique comme bases de
compétence l'article17de l'Actegénéralde 1928pour le règlement paci-
fique des différends internationaux, rapproché de l'article 36, para-
graphe 1,et de l'article 37 du Statut, ainsi qu'un communiqué conjoint
publié à Bruxelles le 31 mai 1975, et qu'elle prie la Cour de dire et
juger :
«i) qu'en tant que partie du territoire grec les îlesgrecques [énumé-
réesdans la requête]ont droit à la portion du plateau continental
relevant de ces îles conformément aux principes et règlesappli-
cables du droit international;
ii) quel est dansla mer Egéeletracédela limite(ou deslimites)entre
les étenduesdu plateau continental relevant de la Grèceet de la
'Turquie conformément aux principes et règles du droit inter-
national que la Cour jugera applicables à la délimitation du
plateau continental des zones susviséesde la mer Egée;
iii) que la Grèceest habilitée à exercer sur son plateau continental
des droits souverains et exclusifs aux fins de la recherche, de
l'exploration de ce plateau et de l'exploitation de ses ressources
iv) que la Turquie n'est habilitée à entreprendre aucune activité
d'exploration, d'exploitation, de recherche ou autre sur leplateau
continental grec sans le consentement de la Grèce;
v) que les activitésde la Turquie décrites [dans la requête] en-
freignent le droit souverain et exclusif de la Grèce d'exploreret
d'exploiter sonplateau continental ou d'autoriser les recherches
scientifiques sur le plateau continental;
vi) que la Turquie doit s'abstenir de poursuivre ou d'entreprendre
des activitésdu type viséà l'alinéaiv) ci-dessusdans leszones du
plateau continental que la Cour jugera relever de la Grèce.»
2. Vu la demande datée du 10 août 1976 et enregistréeau Greffe le
mêmejour, par laquelle le Gouvernement grec, invoquant l'article 33 de
l'Acte général de1928pour le règlement pacifique des différendsinter-
nationaux, l'article41 du Statut et l'article 66 du Règlement, prie laCour
d'indiquer, en attendant l'arrêt définitifen l'affaire dont la Cour a été
saisie par la requêteen date du mêmejour, les mesures conservatoires
suivantes :
«[La Grèce] ...prie la Cour de prescrire aux Gouvernements grec
et turc:
1) de s'abstenir, sauf consentement de l'autre gouvernement et en AEGEANSEA (ORDER 11'IX 76)
judgment of the Court in this case, refrain from al1exploration
activity or any scientificresearch, with respect to the continental
shelf areas within which Turkey has granted such licences or
permits or adjacent to the Islands, or otherwise in dispute in the
present case;
(2) refrain from taking further military measures or actions which
may endanger their peaceful relations."
3. Whereas, on the day on which the Application and request for indi-
cation of interim measures of protection were filed, a copy of each was
handed bythe Registrar to the Ambassador of Turkey to the Netherlands,
the channel of communication designated by the Government of Turkey
generallyfor communications addressed to that Government by theCourt
under the Statute and Rules;
4. Whereas, pursuant to Article 40, paragraph 3, of the Statute and
Article 37, paragraph 2, of the Rules of Court, copies of the Application
were transmitted to Members of the United Nations through the
Secretary-General and to other States entitled to appear before the Court;
5. Whereas, pursuant to Article 31, paragraph 3, of the Statute, the
Government of Greece chose His ExcellencyMr. Michel Stassinopoulos,
former President of the Hellenic Republic, former President of the
Council of State, to sit as judge ad hoc in the case; and whereas the
Government of Turkey has not sought to exercise the right conferred
upon it by the said Article to choose a judge adhoc;
6. Whereas the Governments of Greece and Turkey were informed on
18 August 1976that the Court would hold public hearings opening on
25 August 1976to afford the parties the opportunity of presenting their
observations on the Greek request for the indication of interim measures
of protection;
7. Whereas on 26 August 1976 a letter, dated 25 August 1976, was
received in the Registry from the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
enclosing the "Observations of the Turkish Government on the request
of the Government of Greece for provisional measures dated 10August
8. Whereas in the said observations the Turkish Governmentsubmitted
that the Application of Greece is premature; that the Court has no
jurisdiction to entertain the Application; andthat the interim measures of
protection requested are not required for the protection of the rights
claimed by Greece; whereas, accordingly, the Turkish Government
suggested that the Greek request for interim measures be dismissed and,
in view of the lack of jurisdiction, asked the Court to remove the case
fromthe list;and whereasno agenthas beenappointed to represent Turkey
before the Court;
9. Whereas at the public hearings held on 25, 26 and 27 August 1976 attendant l'arrêtdéfinitifde la Cour en l'espèce,de toute activité
d'exploration et de toute recherche scientifique concernant les
zones du plateau continentalà l'intérieurdesquelles la Turquie a
accordédesconcessionsou despermis, ou qui sont adjacentes aux
îles, ou qui setrouvent d'autres égards enlitige dans la présente
2) de s'abstenir de prendre de nouvelles mesures militaires ou de se
livrer des actions quipourraient mettre en dangerleurs relations
3. Considérant que, le jour du dépôtde la requête introductive d'ins-
tance et de la demande en indication de mesures conservatoires, copie
de l'une et de l'autre a étéremise par le Greffier à l'ambassadeur de
Turquie aux Pays-Bas, intermédiairedésignépar le Gouvernement turc
à titre généralour lescommunicationsque la Cour lui adresseconformé-
ment au Statut et au Règlement;
4. Considérant que, conformément à l'article 40, paragraphe 3, du
Statut et à l'article 37, paragraphe 2, du Règlement, des copies de la
requêteont été transmises aux Membres desNations Unies par I'entre-
mise du Secrétaire générae lt aux autres Etats admis à ester devant la
Cour ;
5. Considérant que, en application de l'article 31, paragraphe 3, du
Statut, le Gouvernement grec a désignéS. Exc. M. M. Stassinopoulos,
ancienprésident dela République hellénique,ancienprésident du Conseil
d'Etat, pour siégercomme juge ad hoc en l'affaire; et considérantque le
Gouvernement turc ne s'est pas prévalu du droit que lui confère cet
article de désignerun juge ad hoc;
6. Considérant quele Gouvernement grecet le Gouvernement turc ont
étéavisésle 18août 1976que la Cour tiendrait des audiences publiques
à partir du 25août 1976pour donner auxparties lapossibilitédeprésenter
leurs observationssur la demandeenindication de mesuresconservatoires
déposées par le Gouvernement grec;
7. Considérant que,le 26 août 1976,le Greffe a reçu du ministère des
affairesétrangèresdeTurquie une lettre en date du 25août 1976contenant
les«observations du Gouvernement turc sur la demande en indication de
mesures conservatoires présentéepar le Gouvernement grec le 10 août
1976 »;
8. Considérant que, dans ces observations, le Gouvernement turc a
soutenu que la requête dela Grèce étaitprématurée;que la Cour n'avait
pas compétencepour en connaître; et que la protection des droits reven-
diquéspar la Grècen'exigeait pas les mesures conservatoires sollicitées;
considérant que,dans ces conditions, le Gouvernement turc suggérait de
rejeter la demande en indication de mesures conservatoirese la Grèceet,
faute de compétence, de rayer l'affaire du rôle; et considérant qu'aucun
agent n'a étédésigné pour représenter la Turquie devant la Cour;
9. Considérant que, aux audiencespubliques qui ont eu lieu les 25,26there were present in Court the Agents, counsel and other advisers of
the Government of Greece;
10. Having heard the oral observations on the request for interim
measures on behalf of the Government of Greece presented by His
ExcellencyMr. Nicolas Karandreas, Professor Constantine Eustathiades,
Professor D. P. O'Connel1and Professor Roger Pinto and the replies
given on behalf of that Government to a question put by the Court and
a question put by one of its Members;
11. Having taken note ofthe written reply given bythe Agent of Greece
on 28August 1976to a question put to him by a Member ofthe Court;
12. Having taken note that the final submission of the Government of
Greece made at the hearing of 26 August 1976and filed in the Registry
was that "Greece maintains the submissions contained in its request of
10August 1976for the indication of interim measures of protection" and
thus requested the indication of the measures set out in paragraph 2
13. Noting that the Government of Turkey was not represented at the
hearings; and whereas the non-appearance of one of the States concerned
cannot byitselfconstitute an obstacleto the indication ofinterim measures
of protection;
14. Whereas the Governments of Greece and Turkey have been
afforded an opportunity of presenting their observations on the request
for the indication of interim measures of protection;
15. Whereas the rights which Greece submits as entitled to protection
by the indication of interim measures are specified in its request of
10 August 1976as follows:
"(i) The sovereign rights of Greece for the purpose of researching,
exploring and exploiting the continental shelf appertaining to
Greece and adjacent to the islands of Samothrace, Limnos,
Aghios Eustratios, Lesbos, Chios, Psara, Antipsara, Samos,
Ikaria, and al1 the islands of the Dodecanese group (Patmos,
Leros, Kalimnos, Kos, Astypalaia, Nisiros, Tilos, Simi, Chalki,
Rhodes, Karpathos, etc.), hereinafter called the islands, which
rights are exclusivein thesensethat if Greece does not undertake
research on the continental shelfor explore it or exploitits natural
resources, no-one may undertake these activities, or make a claim
to the said continental shelf, without the express consent of
(ii) The right of Greece to the performance by Turkey of its under-
takings contained in Article 2, paragraph 4, and Article 33 of
the Charter ofthe United Nations and in Article 33ofthe General
Act for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes toet 27 août 1976, étaient présents devant la Cour les agents, conseils et
conseillers du Gouvernement grec;
10. Ayant entendu lesobservations orales sur la demande en indication
de mesures conservatoires présentées,au nom du Gouvernement grec,
par S. Exc. M. N. Karandreas et par MM. C. Eustathiades, D. P.
O'Connel1et R. Pinto, professeurs, ainsi que les réponses données,au
nom de ce gouvernement, à deux questions poséesrespectivement par la
Cour et par l'un de ses membres;
11. Ayant pris connaissance de la réponseécritefaite le 28 août 1976
par l'agent de la Grèce àla question qu'un membre de la Cour lui avait
posée ;
12. Constatant qu'aux termes dela conclusion finaledu Gouvernement
grec, présentée à l'audience du 26 août 1976 et déposéepar écritau
Greffe,«la Grècemaintient les conclusions contenuesdans sa requêtedu
10août 1976en indication demesures conservatoires »et qu'elledemande
donc l'indication des mesures énoncéesau paragraphe 2 ci-dessus;
13. Constatant que le Gouvernement turc ne s'estpas fait représenter
aux audiences; et considérant que la non-comparution de l'un des Etats
en cause ne saurait en soi constituer un obstaclel'indication de mesures
14. Considérantque la possibilitéde faire entendre leurs observations
sur la demande en indication de mesures conservatoires a été offerteau
Gouvernement grec et au Gouvernement turc;
15. Considérant que les droits qui, selon la Grèce, peuvent êtrepro-
tégéspar l'indication de mesures conservatoires sont énoncésdans sa
demande du 10 août 1976de la manière suivante:
«i) les droits souverains de la Grèce aux fins de la recherche, de
l'exploration et de l'exploitation du plateau continental relevant
de la Grèce et adjacent aux îles de Samothrace, Lemnos, Aghios
Eustratios, Lesbos, Chio, Psara, Antipsara, Samos, Icarie et à
toutes les îles du Dodécanèse(Patmos, Leros, Calimnos, Cos,
Astypalée, Nisyros, Têlos, Simi, Chalki, Rhodes, Carpathos,
etc.), ci-après dénomméesles îles, les droits en question étant
exclusifsencesensque, sila Grècen'entreprend pas derecherches
sur le plateau continental et n'explore ou n'exploite pas ses
ressources naturelles, nul ne peut entreprendre de telles activités
ni reqendiquer de droits sur ledit plateau continental sans le
consentement exprèsde la Grèce;
ii) les droits de la Grèceà ce que la Turquie respecte ses engage-
ments, au titre de l'article paragraphe 4, et de l'article 33 de la
Charte des Nations Unies ainsi que de l'article 33 de l'Acte
généralpourlerèglementpacifiquedes différendsinternationaux, AEGEANSEA(ORDER 11IX 76)
abstain from al1measures likely to react prejudicially upon the
execution of anyjudicial decisiongiven in these proceedings and
to abstain from any sort of action whatsoever which may
aggravate or extend the present dispute between Greece and
(iii)l1rights appertaining to Greece under or in consequence of the
final decision of the Court in the present proceedings."
16. Whereas in its Application and request for interim measures the
Government of Greece alleges, interalia, that following the granting by
Turkey in 1973 of permits to the Turkish State Petroleum Company
(TPAO) for exploration for petroleum covering an area which en-
croached upon the continental shelf claimedby Greece as appertaining to
certain Greek islands in the Aegean, there have been diplomatic ex-
changes and talks in respect of a dispute between Greece and Turkey
over certainareas of continental shelfin the Aegean, but no settlement of
that dispute had been achieved; that on 13 July 1976an announcement
was made concerning researches which would be undertaken by the
Turkish seismicresearch vessel MTA Sismik I in the Turkish territorial
sea and in the highseas, and it was stated by officia1Turkish sources that
the vesselwould not be accompanied by warships but that neverthelessal1
necessary measures would be taken so as to detect immediately any
attack againstthe vesseland to respondinstantaneously incaseof any such
attack;that on 6,7 and 8Augustthe MTA SismikI wasobservedengaging
in seismic exploration of areas of the continental shelf of the Aegean
claimed by Greece as appertaining to it; and whereas Greece contends
that the activities of the Turkish vessel constitute infringements of the
exclusive sovereign rights of Greece to the exploration and exploitation
of the continental shelf appertaining to Greece;
17. Whereas Greece claims that the indication of interim measures of
protection isjustified in the present case on the following grounds:
(i) With respect to the protection of the sovereign rights of explora-
tion and exploitation claimed by Greece, and of the right claimed
by Greece in respect of the alleged obligation of Turkey to ab-
stain from al1measures which might prejudice the execution of any
judicial decision, on the basis that Turkey's grants of exploration
licencesand exploration activity must tend to anticipate thejudgment
of the Court, and that breach of the right of a coastal State to
exclusivityof knowledge of itscontinental shelf constitutesirreparable
(ii) With respect to the protection of the right claimed by Greece in
respect of the alleged obligation of Turkey to abstain from any
sort of action which may aggravate or extend the present dispute,
on the basis that the activities complained of would, if continued,
aggravate the dispute and prejudice the maintenance of friendly
relations between the two States; de s'abstenir detoute mesure susceptibled'avoir unerépercussion
préjudiciable à l'exécutionde toute décision judiciaire adoptée
dans la présenteinshnce et de s'abstenir de tout acte, de quelque
nature qu'il soit, susceptible d'aggraver ou d'étendrele présent
différendentre la Grèceet la Turquie;
iii) tous lesdroits qui pourraient résulterpour la Grèce dela décision
rendue par la Cour à l'issuede la présenteinstanceB.
16. Considérant que,dans sa requêteet dans sa demande en indication
de mesures conservatoires, le Gouvernement grec allègue notamment
que, après l'octroi par la Turquie, en 1973, de permis de recherche
pétrolièreà la Sociéténationale turque des pétroles (TPAO) dans une
zone qui empiètesurleplateau continental revendiquéparla Grècecomme
relevant de certaines îles grecques de la mer Egée,des échangeset des
entretiens diplomatiques relatifs à un différend entre la Grèce et la
Turquie sur certaines zones du plateau continental de la mer Egéeont
eu lieu mais n'ont pas abouti au règlementde ce différend;considérant
que le 13juillet 1976ila éannoncéquelebâtiment derecherche sismique
turc MTA Sismik 1entreprendrait des recherches dans la mer territoriale
turqueet enhaute mer, et qu'ila été précisé,desouro cfficielleturque,que
le MTA Sismik I ne serait pas escortépar des navires de guerre mais que
toutes les mesures nécessaires seraient prisespour qu'en cas d'attaque
contre le navire l'alarme soit donnée immédiatementet que l'action de
rétorsion soit instantanée; considérant que les 6, 7 et 8 août il a été
constaté quele MTA Sismik 1selivrait à des explorations sismiques dans
des zones du plateau continental de la mer Egéequi, selon le Gouverne-
ment grec, relèventdela Grèce; et considérant quela Grèce soutient que
les activitésdu navire turc enfreignent ses droits souverains et exclusifs
quant àl'exploration età l'exploitation du plateau continental relevant
de la Grèce;
17. Considérant que la Grèce fait valoir que l'indication de mesures
conservatoires sejustifie en l'espècepour les motifs suivants:
i) En ce qui concerne la protection des droits souverains d'exploration
et d'exploitation revendiquéspar la Grèce etle droit revendiquépar la
Grèce à ce que la Turquie respecte l'obligation qu'elle aurait de
s'abstenir de toute mesure susceptible d'avoir une répercussion pré-
judiciableà l'exécution detoute décisionjudiciaire,pour le motif que
l'octroi par la Turquie de permis de recherche et les activités d'explo-
ration anticipent forcément sur l'arrêtde la Cour et qu'une atteinte
au droit d'un Etat riverainà l'exclusivité des connaissancestouchant
son plateau continental constitue un préjudiceirréparable;
ii) En cequi concerne la protection du droit revendiquépar la Grèceà ce
que la Turquie respecte l'obligation qu'elleaurait de s'abstenir detout
acte susceptible d'aggraver ou d'étendrele présent différend,pour le
motif que, si les activités incriminéesse poursuivaient, elles auraient
pour conséquence d'aggraver le différend et de compromettre le
maintien de relations amicales entre les deux Etats;8 AEGEANSEA (ORDER 11IX 76)
18. Whereas the Government of Turkey, in its observations commu-
nicated to the Court on 26 August 1976, contends that the interim
measuresrequested are not required and ought not to be indicated on the
grounds, inter alia, that the exploration activities by Turkey complained
of cannot be regarded as involving any prejudice to the existence of any
rights of Greece over the disputed areas; that even if it were admitted
that Turkey's explorations did cause harm to the rights of Greece, there
would be no reason why such prejudice could not be compensated or
could affect the execution of any judgment the Court might give; and,
with reference to the request for an indication by the Court that both
parties should "refrain from taking further military measures or actions
which may endanger their peaceful relations", that Turkey has no
intention of taking the initiative in the use of force;
19. Whereas the Greek Government bases its request for interim
measures of protection not only on Article 41 of the Statute of the Court
but also on Article 33 of the above-mentioned General Act of 1928;
whereas however the Turkish Government has communicated to the
Court its view that the General Act of 1928 is no longer a treaty in force
between Greece and Turkey; and alternatively that, even if it were so in
force and applicable, the matters submitted to the Court in the Appli-
cation fa11within the terms of reservation (b) to Greece's instrument
of accession to the Act, dated 14 September 1931; and whereas this
reservation excludes from the procedures described in the General Act
"disputes concerning questions which by international law are solely
within the domestic jurisdiction of States, and in particular disputes
relating to the territorial status of Greece, including disputes relating to
its rights of sovereignty over its ports andnes of communication"; and
whereas Turkey accordingly contends that it is entitled to consider the
matters comprised in the Application as excluded from the scope of the
20. Whereas Greece asks the Court to consider the said Act as pre-
sumptively in force between Greece and Turkey, and maintains that the
subject-matter of its Application of 10August 1976does not fa11within
the terms of the said reservation (b) contained in Greece'sinstrument of
21. Whereas it is not necessaryfor the Court to reach a finalconclusion
at this stage of the proceedings on the questions thus raised concerning
the application of the 1928 Act as between Greece and Turkey, and it
will therefore examinethe request for the indication of interim measures
only in the context of Article 41 of theStatute; 18. Considérantquele Gouvernementturc, dans sesobservationscom-
muniquées àla Cour le 26 août 1976,soutient que les mesures conserva-
toires sollicitéesne s'imposent pas et ne devraient pas être indiquées,
notammentpour lemotif que lesactivitésd'exploration delaTurquie dont
se plaint la Grècene sauraient êtreconsidérées commemettant aucune-
menten causel'existence dedroits éventuelsde la Grècesur leszones con-
testées; que,mêmesi l'on admettait que les activitésd'exploration de la
Turquie portent atteinte aux droits de laGrèce, il n'y a aucune raison
pour que le tort ainsi causéne puisse pas être réparé uour que l'exécu-
tion de l'arrêt quela Cour pourrait rendres'entrouve compromise; et, en
ce qui concernela demande tendant à ce que la Cour prescrive aux deux
parties de«s'abstenir de prendre de nouvellesmesures militaires ou de se
livrerà des actions qui pourraient mettre en danger leurs relations
pacifiques»,quelaTurquie n'anullement l'intention deprendre l'initiative
d'employer la force;
19. Considérant quele Gouvernement grec fonde sa demande en indi-
cation de mesures conservatoiresnon seulement sur l'article 41 du Statut
de la Cour mais aussi sur l'article 33 del'Acte généralde 1928susmen-
tionné; considérant cependant que le Gouvernement turc a fait savoir à
la Cour que selonlui l'Actegénérad le 1928n'estplus un traitéen vigueur
entre la Grèceet la Turquie; et subsidiairementque, mêmes'il était en
vigueur et faisait droit entre elles, les questions soumises Cour dans
larequêtetombentdanslecadrede la réserveb) del'instrument d'adhésion
de la Grèce à l'Acte général, en datedu 14 septembre 1931; considérant
que cette réserveexclut des procéduresdécritespar l'Acte généralales
différendsportant sur des questions que le droit international laissàla
compétenceexclusive des Etats et, notamment, les différendsayant trait
au statut territorial de la Grèce, compris ceux relatifs à ses droits de
souveraineté sur ses ports et ses voies de communication»; et que la
Turquie s'estime donc justifiée à considérer les questions mentionnées
dans la requête commeexclues de l'application de l'Acte;
20. Considérant quela Grèceprie la Cour d'admettre que cet Acte doit
êtreprésuméen vigueur entre la Grèceet la Turquie et soutient que les
termes de la réserveb) figurant dans l'instrument d'adhésion de la Grèce
ne s'appliquent pas à l'objet de sa requêtedu 10août 1976;
21. Considérantqu'il n'est pas nécessaireque la Cour aboutisse à une
conclusion définitiveen la phase actuelle de la procédure au sujet des
questions ainsi soulevéesrelativement à l'applicabilitéde l'Acte de 1928
entre la Grèce et la Turquie et en conséquencequ'elle n'examinera la
demande en indication de mesures conservatoires que dans le cadre de
l'article 41 du Statut; 22. Whereas the power ofthe Court to indicateinterim measures under
Article 41 of the Statute has as its object to preserve the respective rights
of either party pending the decision of the Court; and whereas, in the
present case,thispowerrelates essentiallyto the preservation of the rights
which are invoked in Greece's Application;
23. Whereas the several claims formulated in the submissions of the
Greek Government in the Application are either different aspects or
different incidents of its general claim to exclusive sovereign rights of
exploration and exploitation in certain areas of the continental shelf of
the Aegean Sea; and whereas, therefore, it is essentially the preservation
of those alleged rights of exploration and exploitation which concerns
the Court in examiningthe present request for the indication of interim
measures of protection;
24. Whereas with respect to those alleged rights Greece requests the
Court to direct that the Governments of both Greece and Turkey shall
"unless with the consent of each other and pending the finaljudgment of
the Court in this case,refrain from al1explorationactivity or any scientific
research" in certaindesignated areas ofthe continental shelf; and whereas,
in support of this request, Greece points to theabove-mentioned grant by
Turkey of exploration licencesin respect of the said areas of continental
shelf and to seismic exploration activity therein undertaken by or under
licence from Turkey ;
25. Whereasthe power of the Court to indicateinterimmeasures under
Article 41of the Statute presupposes that irreparable prejudiceshould not
be caused to rights whicharethe subject of dispute injudicial proceedings
and that theCourt's judgment should not be anticipated by reason of any
initiative regarding the matters in issue before the Court;
26. Whereas, in this regard, the Greek Government contends that the
concessions granted and the continued seismic exploration undertaken
by Turkey in the areas of the continental shelf which are in dispute
threaten to prejudice the exclusive sovereign rights claimedby Greece in
respect of those areas; and whereas it further contends that Turkey's
seismic exploration threatens in particular to destroy the exclusivity of
the rights claimed by Greece to acquire information concerning the
availability,extent and location of the natural resources of the areas;
that the acquisition and dissemination of such information without the
consent of Greece prejudices its negotiating position in relation to poten-
tial purchasers of exploitation licences, thereby permanently impairing
its sovereign rights with respect to the formulation of its national energy
policy ;
27. Whereas, on the basis of the foregoing considerations, the Greek
Government maintains that the continued Turkish seismic exploration
in the disputed areas constitutes a threat of irreparable prejudice to the
rights claimed by Greece in its Application; that it threatens to prevent
the full restoration of those rights to Greece in the event of its claims
being upheld by the Court; and that the Court's power to indicateinterim
measures ought to be exercised when "the parties' rights might not be 22. Considérant quele pouvoir d'indiquer des mesures conservatoires
conféré à la Cour par l'article 41 du Statut a pour objet de sauvegarder le
droit de chacune des parties en attendant que la Cour rende sa décision;
et que, dans l'affaire actuelle,ce pouvoir a trait essentiellementa pro-
tection des droits qui sont invoquésdans la requête grecque;
23. Considérantque les demandes que le Gouvernement grec formule
dans les conclusions de la requêteconstituent des aspects ou des éléments
divers de sa prétention générale à être titulairede droits souverains et
eiclusifs d'exploration et d'exploitation dans certaines zones du plateau
continental de la mer Egée;et que, par conséquent,c'est essentiellement
la protection des droits d'exploration et d'exploitation ainsi revendiqués
qui doit retenir l'attention de la Cour dans son examen de la présente
demande en indication de mesures conservatoires;
24. Considérant que,eu égard aux droits ainsi alléguésl,a Grèce prie
la Cour deprescrire aux Gouvernements grec et turc «de s'abstenir, sauf
consentement de l'autre gouvernementet en attendant l'arrêtdéfinitifde
la Cour en l'espèce,de toute activitéd'exploration et de toute recherche
scientifique» dans certaines zones spécifiéesdu plateau continental; et
qu'à l'appui de cettedemande la Grèce invoque l'octroi susmentionnéde
permis d'exploration turcs pour lesdites zones du plateau continental
ainsi que les activitésd'exploration sismique menéespar la Turquie ou
pour son compte dans lesdites zones;
25. Considérant quele pouvoir d'indiquer des mesures conservatoires
conféré à la Cour par l'article 41 du Statut présuppose qu'un préjudice
irréparable ne doit pas êtrecauséaux droits en litige devant le juge et
qu'aucune initiative concernant les questions litigieuses ne doit anticiper
sur l'arrêtde la Cour;
26. Considérantqu'à cetégardle Gouvernement grec soutient que les
concessions accordées et les explorations sismiques effectuéespar Ia
Turquie dans les zones contestéesdu plateau continental risquent de
porter atteinte aux droits souverains et exclusifsrevendiquéspar la Grèce
dans ces zones; et qu'il soutient en outre que les explorations sismiques
turques menacent en particulier de réduire à néantle droit exclusif qu'il
dit êtrele sien d'acquérir des renseignementssur l'existence,l'importance
et la localisation des ressources naturelles de ces zones; que l'acquisition
et la diffusion de ces renseignements sans le consentement de la Grèce
mettent celle-ci dans une situation défavorable pour négocier avecles
acquéreurs éventuels de permis d'exploitation, ce qui constitue une
atteinte permanente à ses droits souverains en matière deformulation de
sa politique nationale d'énergie;
27. Considérantqu'étantdonnéce qui précèdele Gouvernement grec
fait valoir que les explorations sismiques effectuéespar la Turquie dans
leszones contestéesrisquent de causer un préjudiceirréparable auxdroits
revendiquéspar la Grèce danssa requête;qu'ellesrisquent d'empêcherle
rétablissement intégralde ces droits au cas où la Cour donnerait gain de
cause à la Grèce;et que la Cour doit user de son pouvoir d'indiquer des
mesures conservatoires quand «les droits des parties ne pourraient être
1Orestored in full measure in the event of a judgment if that judgment is
anticipated" ;
28. Whereas the areas of continental shelf in which the activity com-
plained of by Greece took place are ex hypothes aireas which, at the
present stage of the proceedings, are to be considered by the Court as
areas in dispute, and with respect to which Turkey also claims rights of
exploration and exploitation;
29. Whereas, moreover, it is clear that neither concessionsunilaterally
granted nor exploration activity unilaterally undertaken by either of the
interested Stateswith respect to the disputed areas can be creative of new
rights or deprive the other State of any rights to which in law it may be
entitled; whereas in representations made on 7 February 1974, 24 May
1974, 14June 1974, 22 August 1974,21 and 23 July 1976,and 7 and 9
August 1976,the Greek Government has persistently protested against
what it consideredasTurkey's infringements ofitsrights inthe continental
shelf areas in question; whereas in a statement to Radio Ankara on 24
July 1976the Turkish Foreign Minister recognized that seismicresearch
"cannot establish rights in the areas where this research is carried out";
and whereasthe Government ofTurkey, initsobservationscommunicated
to the Court on 26 August 1976,declared that:
"Exploration by Turkey of the kind of which complaint is made
by Greece cannot be regarded as involving any prejudice to the
existence of any possible rights of Greece over continental shelf
areas in the Aegean Sea. The sovereign rights over the continental
shelf (including the exclusive right to exploration) that may exist
are not taken away or diminished by exploration."
30. Whereas, according to the information before the Court, the
seismicexploration undertaken by Turkey, of which Greece complains, is
carried out by a vesse1traversing the surface of the high seas and causing
smallexplosionsto occurat intervalsunder water; whereas the purpose of
these explosions is to send sound waves through the seabed so as to
obtain information regarding the geophysical structure of the earth
beneath it; whereas no complaint has been made that this form of seismic
exploration involves any risk of physical damage to the seabed or subsoil
or to their natural resources; whereas the continued seismic exploration
activities undertaken by Turkey are al1 of the transitory character just
described, and do not involve the establishment of installations on or
above the seabed of the continental shelf; and whereas no suggestionhas
been made that Turkey has embarked upon any operations involving the
actual appropriation or other use of the natural resources of the areas
of the continental shelf which are in dispute;
31. Whereas seismic exploration of the natural resources of the con-
tinental shelf without the consent of the coastal state might, no doubt, MER ÉGÉE(ORDONNANCE 11IX 76) 10
entièrement rétablispar un arrêtde la Cour au cas où I'on anticiperait
sur cet arrêt;
28. Considérant que les zones du plateau continental où l'activité
incriminéepar la Grèce a eu lieu sont par hypothèse des zones que la
Cour, en la présente phasede la procédure, doit considérercomme con-
testéeset sur lesquellesla Turquie revendique elleaussides droits d'explo-
ration et d'exploitation;
29. Considérant de surcroît comme manifeste que ni des concessions
unilatéralementaccordées,ni des explorationsunilatéralemententreprises
dans les zones contestéespar l'un des deux Etats intéressésne sauraient
créerde droits nouveaux, ni priver l'autre Etat des droits auxquels il
pourrait juridiquement prétendre; considérant que, dans des représenta-
tions faites les 7 février4,24 mai 1974,14juin 1974,22 août 1974,21
et 23juillet 1976,7 et 9 août 1976,le Gouvernement grec a protestéavec
persistance contre cequ'il considèrecommedesviolations, par laTurquie,
de sesdroits sur leszones deplateau continental dont il s'agit; considérant
que, dans une déclaration faite à Radio Ankara le 24 juillet 1976, le
ministre des affaires étrangèresde Turquiea reconnu que les recherches
sismiques «n'ont pas pour objet d'établir des droits là où ces recherches
sont effectuées»; etconsidérantque,dans sesobservations communiquées
à la Cour le 26 août 1976,le Gouvernement turc a déclaré ce qui suit:
«Une exploration effectuéepar la Turquie comme celle dont se
plaintlaGrècene saurait êtreconsidérée comme mettant aucunement
en cause l'existencede droits éventuelsde la Grècesur des zones du
plateau continental de la mer Egée.Les droits souverains sur le
plateau continental (y compris le droit exclusif d'exploration) qui
pourraient exister ne sont ni supprimésni diminuéspar l'explora-
30. Considérantque, d'aprèsles renseignements dont la Cour dispose,
lesexplorations sismiquesmenéespar la Turquieet dont seplaint la Grèce
sont effectuéespar un bâtiment qui navigueà la surfacede la haute mer et
procèdedetemps à autreà depetites explosions sous-marines;considérant
que ces explosions ont pour but d'envoyer des ondes sonores à travers le
lit de la mer et de recueillir ainsi des renseignements sur la structure
géophysiquede la terre sous-jacente; considérant que I'on ne s'estpas
plaint de ce que ce genre d'exploration sismique risquait de causer un
quelconque dommagephysique au lit dela mer, à son sous-sol,ou àleurs
ressources naturelles; considérant que les explorations sismiques aux-
quelles procède la Turquie présentent toutes le caractère temporaire qui
vient d'être décrit ete s'accompagnent pas de l'établissementd'installa-
tions sur le fond ou au-dessus du plateau continental; et considérant que
nul n'a prétendu que la Turquie se livraità des opérations comportant
l'appropriation effective ou tout autre usage des ressources naturelles
dans les zones contestéesdu plateau continental;
31. Considérantque l'exploration sismiquedesressources naturellesdu
plateau continental effectuéesans le consentement de 1'Etat riverainraise a question of infringement of the latter's exclusiveright of explora-
tion; whereas, accordingly, in the event that the Court should uphold
Greece'sclaimsonthemerits,Turkey's activityin seismicexplorationmight
then be considered as such an infringement and invoked as a possible
cause of prejudice to the exclusiverights of Greece in areas then found to
appertain to Greece;
32. Whereas, on the other hand, the possibility of such a prejudice to
rights in issue before the Court does not, by itself, sufficeto justify re-
course to its exceptional power under Article 41 of the Statute to indicate
interim measures of protection; whereas, under the express terms of that
Article, this power is conferred on the Court only if it considers that
circumstances so require in order to preserve the respective rights of
either Party; and whereas this condition, as already noted, presupposes
that the circumstances of the case disclose the risk of an irreparable
prejudice to rights in issue in the proceedings;
33. Whereas,inthe present instance,the allegedbreach byTurkey of the
exclusivity of the right claimed by Greece to acquire information con-
cerning the natural resources of areas of continental shelf, if it were
established, is one that might be capable of reparation by appropriate
means; and whereas it follows that the Court is unable to find in that
alleged breach of Greece's rights such a risk of irreparable prejudice to
rights in issue before the Court as might require the exerciseof its power
under Article 41 of the Statute to indicate interim measures for their
34. Whereas the Greek Government, in terms already set out in
paragraph 15 (ii) above, also invoked its right to the performance by
Turkey of the latter's obligations under Article 2, paragraph 4, and
Article 33 of the Charter of the United Nations as a right in respect of
which it asks the Court to indicate interim measures of protection; and
whereas it specificallyrequests the Court to direct the Governments of
both States to refrain from taking further military measures or actions
which may endanger their peaceful relations; whereas, however, the right
so invoked is not the subject of any of theseveralclaims submitted to the
Court by Greece in its Application; whereas it follows that this request
does not fa11within the provisions of Article 41 of the Statute;
35. Whereas, at the sametime, the Court must observe that the mutual
obligations of Greece and Turkey under Article 2, paragraph 4, and
Article 33 of the Charter are clearly imperative in theirmutual relations,
and in particular in regard to their present dispute concerning the conti-
nental shelf in the Aegean;pourrait sans doute soulever une question de violation du droit d'explo-
ration exclusifdecet Etat; et que,par conséquent,silaCour devaitdonner
gain de cause àla Grècesur lefond, l'activitéd'exploration sismiquede la
Turquie pourrait alors être considéréceomme une telle violation et être
invoquéecomme une cause de préjudiceéventuelaux droits exclusifsde
la Grèce dans les zones qui auraient été reconnues comme relevant de
cet Etat;
32. Considérant d'autre pait que la simple possibilité d'une telle
atteinteà des droits en litigedevant la Cour ne suffitpaà justifier l'exer-
cicedu pouvoir exceptionneld'indiquer des mesures conservatoiresque la
Cour tient de l'article 41 du Statut; que, d'aprèsles termes exprèsde cet
article, ce pouvoir n'est conféré à la Cour que dans la mesure où elle
estime que les circonstances exigent d'en faire usage pour protéger les
droits de chacun; et que cettecondition, comme on l'a vu,présuppose que
les faits de la cause fassentapparaitre le risque d'un préjudiceirréparable
aux droits en litige;
33. Considérantqu'en l'espècela violation, reprochée àla Turquie, de
l'exclusivitédu droit revendiquépar la Grècede recueillir des renseigne-
ments sur les ressources naturelles de zones du plateau continental pour-
rait, si ce droit était établi,donner lieuà une réparation appropriée;
de sorte que la Cour n'estpas en mesuredeconsidérerla violation alléguée
des droits de la Grècecomme un risquedepréjudiceirréparableauxdroits
en litige devant elle exigeant l'exercicedu pouvoir d'indiquer des mesures
conservatoires qu'elletient de l'article 41 du Statut;
34. Considérant quele Gouvernement grec, en des termes déjàcités à
l'alinéaii)du paragraphe 15ci-dessus, s'estaussi prévalu,pour demander
à la Cour d'indiquer des mesuresconservatoires, de son droit àce que la
Turquie respecte les obligations dont elle est tenue en vertu de l'article
paragraphe 4, et de l'article 33 de la Charte des Nations Unies; que ce
gouvernementdemande expressément à la Cour de prescrire aux gouver-
nements des deux Etats de s'abstenir de prendre de nouvelles mesures
militaires ou de se livrerà des actions qui pourraient mettre en danger
leurs relations pacifiques; considérant, néanmoins, que le droit ainsi
invoquéne fait l'objet d'aucune des diverses demandes dont la Grèce a
saisila Cour par sa requête,et qu'en conséquencece chef de demande ne
relèvepas de l'article 41 du Statut;
35. Considérantaussi que la Cour sedoit de relever que les obligations
mutuelles dont la Grèceet la Turquie sont tenues en vertu de I'article2,
paragraphe 4, et de I'article 33 de la Charte ont un caractère manifeste-
ment impératifdans le cadre de leurs relations mutuelles et en particulier
en ce qui concerneleur différendactuelrelatif au plateau continental de la
mer ~gée ; 36. Whereas, independently of its request regarding the preservation
of its rights, Greece requested the Court during the public sittings to
indicate interim measures of protection in order to prevent the aggrava-
tion or extension of the dispute; whereas, before this request could be
entertained, the Court would have to determine whether, under Article
41 of the Statute, the Court has such an independent power to indicate
interim measures having that object; whereas, however, for the reasons
now to be explained, the Court does not find it necessary to examine this
37. Whereasthe Court has cognizance of the fact that, simultaneously
withthe proceedings beforeit in respect ofthe request for interimmeasures
of protection, the United Nations Security Council also has been seised
of the dispute between Greece and Turkey regarding the Aegean Sea
continental shelf; whereas, on 10 August 1976 (the day on which the
Application and request for interim measures were filed),the Permanent
Representative of Greece to the United Nations wrote to the President
of the Security Council requesting an urgent meeting of the Council in
view of "recent repeated flagrant violations by Turkey of the sovereign
rights of Greece on its continental shelf in the Aegean"; and whereas the
Security Council discussed the question at meetings held on 12, 13 and
25 August 1976,with the participation of the representatives of Greece
and Turkey;
38. Whereas on 25 August 1976 the Security Council adopted by
consensus a resolution (resolution 395 (1976)) bywhich, inter alia, the
Security Council urged the Governments of Greece and Turkey "to do
everythingin their power to reduce the present tensionsin the area so that
the negotiating process may be facilitated", called on Greece and Turkey
"to resume direct negotiations over their differences", and appealed to
them "to do everythingwithin their power to ensure that this results in
mutually acceptable solutions";
39. Whereas, in the recitals to the above-mentioned resolution, the
Security Council has recalled to the Governments of Greece and Turkey
"the principles of the Charter of the United Nations concerning the
peaceful settlement of disputes, as well as the various provisions of
Chapter VI of the Charter concerning procedures and methods for the
peaceful settlement of disputes"; and whereas it has also recalled the need
for them "to respect each other's international rights and obligations and
to avoid any incident which might lead to the aggravation of the situation
and which, consequently, might compromisetheir effortstowards a peace-
ful solution";
40. Whereas the Foreign Minister of Greece stated in the Security
Council following the adoption of resolution 395 (1976)that he trusted
that the resolution would "clear awaythe obstacles to a resumption ofthe
dialogue [with Turkey] and lead to the solution of the problem of the
continental shelf by peaceful means"; and whereas the Foreign Minister
of Turkey stated, following the adoption of the resolution, that the
paragraph of the resolution calling for a resumption of directnegotiations 36. Considérant qu'indépendammentdes mesures destinées à protéger
sesdroitsla Grèc~a demandé à la Cour, durant les audiences publiques,
d'indiquer des mesures conservatoires en vue d'empêcher l'aggravation
ou l'extension du différend;qu'avant de faire droità cette demande la
Cour aurait à déterminersi, en vertu de l'article 41 du Statut, elle dispose
d'un pouvoir indépendant d'indiquer à cette fin des mesures conserva-
toires; que cependant, pour des motifs qui vont êtreexposés,la Cour
n'estimepas nécessaired'examinercepoint;
37. Considérant que la Cour n'ignore pas que, concurremment à
l'instance qui se déroule devant elle en vue de l'indication de mesures
conservatoires, le Conseil de sécurité desNations Unies a lui aussi été
saisi du différendentre la Grèce et la Turquie au sujet du plateau con-
tinental de la mer Egée;considérant que,le 10août 1976(date du dépôt
de la requêteet de la demande en indication de mesures conservatoires),
le représentant permanent de la Grèce auprèsdes Nations Unies a écrit
au présidentdu Conseil de sécuritépour demander que le Conseil se
réunisse d'urgenceen raison de«récentesviolations flagrantes et répétées
par la Turquie des droits souverains de la Grèce sur son plateau continen-
tal dansla mer Egée »; et que le Conseil de sécuria examinéla question
les 12, 13 et25 août 1976 avec la participation des représentants de la
38. Considérant que,le 25 août 1976, le Conseil de sécuritéa adopté
par consensus une résolution(résolution395 (1976))par laquelle en par-
ticulier il demande instamment aux Gouvernements de la Grèceet de la
Turquie «de faire tout ce qui est en leur pouvoir pour réduireles tensions
actuelles dans la région de manière faciliter leprocessusdenégociation»
et «de reprendre des négociations directessur leurs différends»et les prie
instamment «de faire tout ce qui est en leur pouvoir pour obtenir que
celles-ciaboutissentàdes solutions mutuellement acceptables»;
39. Considérant que,dans le préambulede cette résolution,le Conseil
de sécurité rappelleaux Gouvernements de la Grèce et de la Turquie
«les principes de la Charte des Nations Unies relatifs au règlement paci-
fiquedes différends ainsique lesdiversesdispositions du chapitreIde la
Chartetouchant lesprocédures etlesméthodes de règlement pacifique des
différends»; et qu'il rappelle égalementla nécesspour les deux gouver-
nements «de respecter les droits et obligations internationaux mutuels et
d'évitertout incident qui pourrait aggraver la situation et compromettre
par conséquentleurseffortspour parvenir à une solution pacifique»;
40. Considérant que le ministre des affaires étrangères de Grècea
déclaréau Conseil de sécurité,après l'adoption de la résolution 395
(1976), qu'il espérait quela résolution «écartera[it]les obstacles, ouvri-
ra[it] la voie vers la reprise du dialogue [avec la Turquie] et mènerà[it]
la solution du problème du plateau continental ...par des procédures
pacifiques»; et que le ministre des affaires étrangèresde Turquie a dé-
claré, après l'adoption de la résolution, que le paragraphe demandantwas "fully in accord with the policy that has been consistently pursued
by Turkey" ;
41. Whereas both Greece and Turkev. as Members of the United
Nations, have expressly recognized thed;esponsibility of the Security
Council for the maintenance of international peace and security ;whereas,
in the above-mentioned resolution, the Security Council has recalled
to them their obligations under the United Nations Charter with respect
to the peaceful settlement of disputes, in the terms set out in paragraph
39 above; whereas, furthermore, as the Court has already stated, these
obligations are clearly imperative in regard to their present dispute con-
cerning the continental shelf in the Aegean; and whereas it is not to be
presumed that either State will fail to heed its obligations under the
Charter of the United Nations or fail to heed the recommendations of the
Security Council addressed to them withrespect to their present dispute;
42. Whereas, accordingly, it isnot necessaryfor theCourt to decidethe
question whether Article 41 of the Statute confers upon it the power to
indicateinterim measures of protection forthe sole purpose of preventing
the aggravation or extension of a dispute;
43. Whereas, under Article 66, paragraph 5, of the Rules of Court, a
decision of the Court not to exercise its power under Article 41 of the
Statute to indicate interim measures of protection "shall not prevent the
party which has made [a request] from making a fresh request in the
same case based on new facts";
44. Whereas, in order to pronounce on the present request for interim
measures ofprotection, thecourt isnot calledupon to decideanyquestion
of its jurisdiction to entertain the merits of the case; and whereas the
decisiongivenin theseproceedings in no wayprejudges any such question,
or any question relating to the merits, and leaves unaffected the rights of
the Greek and Turkish Governments to submit arguments in respect of
any of these questions;
45. Whereas, having regard to the position taken by the Turkish
Government in its observations communicated to the Court on 26August
1976,that the Court has no jurisdiction to entertain the Greek Applica-
tion, it is necessary to resolve first of al1 the question of the Court's
jurisdiction with respect to the case;
46. Whereas, having regard to the foregoing, the Court cannot, at the
present stage of the proceedings, accede to the request of the Turkish
Government, in its observations communicated to theCourt on 26August
1976, that the case be removed from the list, aux deux Etats de reprendre des négociations directes étaitaconforme à
la politique suivieavecpersistance par la Turquie »;
41. Considérantque la Grèce etla Turquie, toutes deux Membres des
Nations Unies, ont expressémentreconnu la responsabilitédu Conseil de
sécuritéquant au maintien de la paix et de la sécurité internationales;
considérant que,dans la résolution susmentionnée,le Conseil de sécurité
leur a rappelé,dans les termes reproduits au paragraphe 39ci-dessus, les
obligations que la Charte des Nations Unies leur impose pour ce qui est
du règlement pacifiquedes différends; considérant enoutre que, comme
la Cour lia déjà indiqué,ces obligations ont un caractère manifestement
impératif en ce qui concerne leur présent différendrelatif au plateau
continental de la mer Egée;et considérant que l'on ne saurait présumer
que l'un ou l'autre Etat manquera aux obligations que lui impose la
Charte des Nations Unies ou ne tiendra pas compte des recommanda-
tions du Conseil de sécuritéqui luisont adresséesau sujet du présent dif-
férend ;
42. Considérant, en conséquence,qu'il n'est pas nécessairepour la
Cour iie statuer sur la question de savoir si I'article41 du Statut lui con-
fèrele pouvoir d'indiquer des mesures conservatoiresdans le seul dessein
deprévenirl'aggravation ouI'extensiond'un différend;
43. Considérant que, aux termes de l'article 66, paragraphe 5, du
Règlement,une décisionde la Cour de ne pas exercer son pouvoir d'indi-
quer des mesures conservatoiresen vertu de l'article 41 du Statut«n9em-
pêchepas la partie qui l'avait introduite [la demande] de présenter une
nouvelledemandefondéesur desfaitsnouveaux »;
44. Considérant que, pour se prononcer sur la présente demande en
indication de mesures conservatoires, la Cour n'est appelée à statuer sur
aucune question relative à sa compétencepour connaitre du fond; et
considérant qu'une décision rendue en la présente procédurene préjuge
en rien aucune question de cegenre ni aucune question relative au fond et
qu'elle laisseintact le droit des Gouvernements grec et turcde faire valoir
leursmoyens en cesmatières ;
45. Considérant, eu égardà la position prise par le Gouvernement
turc dans ses observationscommuniquées à la Cour le 26 août 1976selon
laquelle la Cour n'apas compétencepour connaitre dela requête grecque,
qu'il est nécessairede résoudreen premier lieu la question de la compé-
tence de la Cour en l'espèce
46. Considérant qu'étantdonnéce qui précèdela Cour ne peut faire
droit, au stade actuel de la procédure, à la demande formulée par le
Gouvernement turc dans ses observations communiquées à la Cour le
26août 1976et tendant à ceque l'affairesoit rayéedu rôle, AEGEANSEA (ORDER 11IX 76)
Finds, by 12votes to 1, that the circumstances, as they now present
themselves to the Court, are notuch as to require the exerciseof its
power under Article 41 of the Statute to indicate interim measures of
Decides that the written proceedings shall first be addressed to the
question of the jurisdiction of the Court to entertain the dispute;
And reserves the fixing of the time-limits for thed written pro-
ceedings, and the subsequent procedure, for further decision.
Done in English and in French, the English text being authoritative,
at the Peace Palace, The Hague, this eleventh day of September one
thousand nine hundred and seventy-six,in three copies, one of which will
be placed in the archives of the Court, and the others transmitted to the
Government of Greece and the Government of Turkey, respectively.
separate opinions to the Order of the Court.
JudgeadhocSTASSINOPOUa LppSnds a dissentingopinion to the Order
of the Court.
(Initialled) E. J. de A.
(Initialled) S. A. En conséquence,
Dit, par douze voix contre une, que les circonstances, telles qu'elles
se présentent actuellementà la Cour, ne sont pas de nature à exiger
l'exercicede son pouvoir d'indiquer des mesures conservatoires en vertu
de l'articledu Statut;
Décideque les piècesécritesporteront d'abord sur la question de la
compétencedela Cour pour connaître du différend;
Et réservela fixation desdélaispour ledépôtsdites piècesainsi quela
suitedela procédure.
Fait en anglaiset en français, le texte anglaisfaisant foi, au palais de la
Paix, àLa Haye, le onze septembre mil neuf cent soixante-seize, en trois
exemplaires, dont l'un restera déposé aux archivesde la Cour et lesautres
seront transmis respectivement au Gouvernement grec et au Gouverne-
ment turc.
Le Président,
Le Greffier,
juges, joignentl'ordonnance les exposés deleuropinion individuelle.
M. STASSINOPOUL Oge, ad hoc,joinà l'ordonnance l'exposéde son
opinion dissidente.
(Paraphé) E. A.
(Paraphé) S. A.
Request for the Indication of Interim Measures of Protection
Order of 11 September 1976