Order of 5 July 1951

Document Number
Document Type
Incidental Proceedings
Date of the Document
Document File
Bilingual Document File













SOA. W. SIJTHOFFNSPUBLISHING COMPANY This Order should be cited as foll:ws
"Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. Case, Order of Ju5th, 195:
I.C.J. Reports1951,p. 89."

La présente ordonnance doit êtrecitée comme su:t

((Aflaire de 1'Anglo-Iranian OJ Co., Ordonnancedu
5 @illet1951: C. I.J. Rec~eilIggr, fi89.»

No de vente: 62 1


YEAR 1951
July 5th
>eneral List:
No.16 July 5th1951:






Presen: PresidentBASDEVAN ;T Vice-President GUERRERO;


composed as above,
after deliberation,
having regard to Articles 41and 48 of the Statute of the Court,

having regard to Articlef the Rules of Court,

In the proceedings instituted before the Court by the Application
of Great Britain and Northem Ireland, against the Iranian Empire
in the case of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited,

Makes the following Or:er
Having regard to the Request dated June zznd,ubmitted
to the Court and filed in the Registry on that day whereby the
UnitedKingdom Government-invoking Article 41of the Statute
and Article 61of the Rules, and referring to the Application of
May 26th, in which the United Kingdom Govemment had reserved
4the right to request the Court to indicate such interim measures-
requested the Court to indicate that pending the final Judgment

of the Court in the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company case :

(a) The Imperial Govemment of Iran should permit the Anglo-
Iranian Oil Company, Limited, its servants and agents, to search
for and extract petroleum and to transport, refine or treat in
any other manner and render suitable for commerce and to sel1
or export the petroleum obtained by it, and generally, to continue
to carry on the operations which it was carrying on prior to
the 1st May, 1951, free from interference calculated to impede
or endanger the operations of the Company, by the Impenal
Govemment of Iran, their servants or agents, or any Board,
Commission, Committee, or other body nominated by them.

(b) The Imperial Government of Iran should not by any executive
or legislative act or judicial process hinder or prevent or attempt
to hinder or prevent the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited,
its servants or agents, in or from continuing to carry on its
operations as aforesaid.
(c) The Imperial Government of Iran should not by any executive
or legislative act or judicial process sequester or seize or attempt
to sequester or seize or othenvise interfere with any property
of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited, including (but

without prejudice to a decision on the merits of the case) any
property which the Imperial Government of Iran have already
purported to nationalize or othenvise .to expropriate.

(d) The Imperial Government of Iran should not by any executive
or legislative act or judicial process sequester or seize or attempt
to sequester or seize any monies earned by the Angio-Iranian
Oil Company, Limited, or othenvise in the possession or power
of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited, including (but
without prejudice to a decision on the merits of the case) any
monies which the Imperial Govemment of Iran have purported

to nationalize or othenvise to expropriate or any monies eamed
by means of property which they have purported so to nationalize,
or othenvise to expropriate.
(e) The Imperial Govemment of Iran should not by any executive
or legislative act or judicial process require or attempt to require
the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited, to dispose of the
monies referred to in sub-paragraph (d) above otherwise than
in accordance with the terms of the Ccmvention of 1933 or of
any mesure to be indicated by the Court.

(f) The Imperial Govemment of Iran should ensure that no other
steps of any kind are taken capable of prejudicing the right
of the Government of the United Kingdom to have a decision
of the Court in its favour on the merits of the case executed,
should the Court render such a decision.
(g) The Impenal Government of Iran and the Government of the
United Kingdom should ensure that no step of any kind is taken91 ORDER OF 5 VI1 51 (.~SGLO-IR.~NIAN OIL CO.)

capable of aggravating or extending the dispute submitted to
should abstain from al1propaganda calculated to inflame opinion
in Iran against the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited, and
the United Kingdom.

Whereas, on the day on which the Request for the indication
of interim measures was filed, it was transmitted to the Iranian
Government andthe submissions made therein were communicated

by telegraph to the said Government ;

Whereas the Registry, referring to Article 41, paragraph 2, of
the Statute, notified the Secretary-General of the United Nations
of the said Request, and, in accordance with Article 40, paragraph 3,
of the Statute communicated it to the Members of the United
Nations through the Secretary-General, and to the other States
entitled to appear before the Court ;
Having regard to the message transmitted by telegraph bj- the
President of the Court on June 23rd to the Prime Rlinister and to
the Minister for Foreign Affairs in Iran, which was in the following
terms :

'.'Courtbeing due to meet to consider Request for indication
interim measures of protection filed June zznd by United Kingdom
Agent, it is my duty, in accordance with Article 61 of the Rules,
to take such measures as appear necessary to me to enable the
Court to give an effective decisioFor this purpose 1have honour
suggest to Your Excellencies that Imperial Government issue
appropriate instructions to avoid al1measures which might render
impossible or difficult the execution of any judgment which the
Court might subsequently give and to ensure that no xtion is
taken which might aggravate the dispute submitted to Court.
Any measures taken by Imperial Iranian Government for this
purpose would in no way prejudice such representations as that
Government may deem it appropriate to make to Court either in
proceedings on Request for interim measures in which both Parties
in proceedings on Application filed May 26th by the United King-tly

Having regard to the reply to this message, transmitted by
telegraph on June 29th to the Iranian Legation at The Hague, and,
on the same day, delivered to the President ,of the Court by the

Iranian Minister at The Hague, filed and communicated to the
Agent for the United Kingdom Government ;
Having regard to the final text of the said reply, consisting of
a message signed "B. Kazemi, Minister for Fo~eign Affairs of
Iran", followed by a statement together with three annexes
delivered to the President of the Court on June 30th by the Iranian
Minister at The Hague, which was also communicated to the
Agent for the United Kingdom Government ;
6 Whereas the said reply stated :
"In view ofthe foregoingconsiderationsthe Iranian Govemment
hopes that the Court willdeclare that the case is not within its
jurisdictionbecause of the-legal incompetence of the complainant
and because of the fact that exercise of the right of sovereignty
is not subject to complaint. Under these circumstances the request
for interim measures of protection would naturally be rejected."

Whereas on June zyd, theday following the filing of the Request
for the indication of interim measures of protection, the United
Kingdom Government, through its duly authorized Agent, and the
Iranian Government, through its Minister for Foreign Affairs, were
informed that the Court would hold a hearing on June 3oth,
for the purpose of giving the Parties an opportunity of presenting
their observations on the subject of the Request ;

Whereas, upon the opening of the hearing fixed for this purpose,
the President of the Court took note of the presence in Court of
Sir Eric Beckett, K.C.M.G., K.C., Legal Adviser to the Foreign
Office, and of the Right Honourable Sir Frank Soskice, K.C., M.P.,
Attorney-General ; Professor H. Lauterpacht , K.C., Professor of
International Law at Cambridge University ; Mr. A. K. Rothnie,
Eastern Department, Foreign Office ; and Messrs. H. A. P. Fisher
and D. H. N. Johnson, Counsel;
Whereas the Iranian Government was not represented at this
hearing ;
Having heard Sir Frank Soskice on behalf of the United Kingdom
Government, on the Request for the indication of interim measures
of protection ;
UThereasthe submissions in the request of the United Kingdom
Government, quoted above, were maintained in the course of the
hearing ;

Whereas in its message of June zgth, 1951 ,he Iranian Govern-
ment stated that it rejected the- Request for the indication of
interim measures of protection presented by the United Kingdom
Government on the grounds principally of the want of competence
on the part of the United Kingdom Government to refer to the
Court a dispute which had arisen between the Iranian Government
and the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited, and of the fact that
this dispute pertaining to the exercise of the sovereign rights of
Iran was exclusively within the national jurisdiction of that State
and thus not subject to the methods of settlement specified in the
Charter ;
Whereas it appears from the Application by which the Govern-
ment of the United Kingdom instituted proceedings, that that
Government has adopted the cause of a British Company and is
proceeding in virtue of the right of diplomatic protection ;

Whereas the complaint made in the Application is one of an
alleged violation of international law by the breach of the agree-ment for a concession of April zgth, 1933, and by a denial of justice
which, according tothe Government of the United Kingdom, would
follow from the refusa1 of the Iranian Government to accept

arbitration in accordance with that agreement, and whereas it
cannot be accepted apriori that a claim based on such a complaint
falls completely outside the scope of international jurisdiction ;
U'hereas the considerations stated in the preceding paragraph
suffice to empower the Court to entertain the Request for interim
measures of protection ;
Whereas the indication of such measures in no way prejudges
the question of the jurisdiction of the Court to deal with the merits
of the case and leaves unaffected the right of the Respondent to
submit arguments against such jurisdiction ;
Whereas the object of interim measures of protection provided
for in the Statute is to preserve the respective rights of the Parties
pending the decision of the Court, and whereas from the general
terms of Article 41 of the Statute and from the power recognized

by Article 61, paragraph 6, of the Rules of Court, to indicate
interim measures of protection proprio motzt, it follows that the
Court must be concerned to preserve by such measures the rights
which may be subsequently adjudged by the Court to belong
either to the -4pplicant or to the Respondent ;
Whereas the existing state of affairs justifies the indication of
interim measures of protection ;

For these reasons,

Indicates, pending its final decision in the proceedings instituted
on May 26th, 1951, by the Government of the United Kingdom
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland against the Imperia1 Guvern-
ment of Iran, the following provisional measures which will apply
on the basis of reciprocal observance :

I.That the Iranian Government and the United Kingdom
Government should each ensure that no action is taken which might
prejudice the rights of the other Party in respect of the carrying
out of any decision on the merits which the Court may subsequently
render ;

2. That the Iranian Government and the United Kingdom
Government should each ensure that no action of any kind is taken
which might aggravate or extend the dispute submitted to the
Court ;

3. That the Iranian Government and the United Kingdom
Government should each ensure that no measure of any kind
should be taken designed to hinder the carrying on of the industrial
8and commercial operations of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company,
Limited, as they were carried on prior to May ~st, 1951 ;

4.That the Company's operations in Iran should continue under
the direction of its management as it was constituted prior to
May ~st, 1951, subject to such modifications as may be brought
about by agreement with the Board of Supervision referred to in
paragraph 5;

5. That, in order to ensure the full effect of the preceding pro-
visions, which in any case retain their own authority, there should
be established by agreement between the Iranian Government and
the United Kingdom Government a Board to be known as the
Board of Supervision composed of two Members appointed by
each of the said Governments and a fifth Member, who should be
a national of a third State and should be chosen by agreement
between these Governments, or, in default of such agreement, and
upon the joint request of the Parties, by the President of the Court.
The Board will have the duty of ensuring that the Company's
operations are carried on in accordance with the provisions above

set forth. It will, inter alia, have the duty of auditing the revenue
and expenses and of ensuring that al1revenue in excess of the sums
required to be paid in the course of the normal carrying on of the
operations and the other normal expenses incurred by the Anglo-
Iranian Oil Company, Limited, are paid into accounts at banks
to be selected by the Board on the undertaking of such banks not
to dispose of such funds except in accordance with the decisions
of the Court or the agreement of the Parties.

Done in English and French, the English text being authoritative,
at the Peace Palace, The Hague, this fifth day of July, one thousand
nine hundred and fifty-one, in four copies, one of which will be
placed in the archives of the Court, and the others transmitted
to the Imperia1 Government of Iran, to the Government of the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and to
the Secretary-General of the United Nations for transmission to

the Security Council.


(Signed) E. HAMBRO,
Registrar. Judges WINIARSKa Ind BADAWI PASHA,declaring that they are
unable to concur in the Order of the Court, have appended to the
Order the joint statement of their dissenting opinion.

(Initialled)J. B.

(Initialled)E. H.

Bilingual Content













SOA. W. SIJTHOFFNSPUBLISHING COMPANY This Order should be cited as foll:ws
"Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. Case, Order of Ju5th, 195:
I.C.J. Reports1951,p. 89."

La présente ordonnance doit êtrecitée comme su:t

((Aflaire de 1'Anglo-Iranian OJ Co., Ordonnancedu
5 @illet1951: C. I.J. Rec~eilIggr, fi89.»

No de vente: 62 1


YEAR 1951
July 5th
>eneral List:
No.16 July 5th1951:






Presen: PresidentBASDEVAN ;T Vice-President GUERRERO;


composed as above,
after deliberation,
having regard to Articles 41and 48 of the Statute of the Court,

having regard to Articlef the Rules of Court,

In the proceedings instituted before the Court by the Application
of Great Britain and Northem Ireland, against the Iranian Empire
in the case of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited,

Makes the following Or:er
Having regard to the Request dated June zznd,ubmitted
to the Court and filed in the Registry on that day whereby the
UnitedKingdom Government-invoking Article 41of the Statute
and Article 61of the Rules, and referring to the Application of
May 26th, in which the United Kingdom Govemment had reserved

Le 5 juillet
Rôle général
5 juillet 1951 no16






Présents:M. B.~SDEVAXTP,résident ; RI. GUERREROV , ice-Prési-

BRO, Gregier.

ainsi composée,
après délibéré enChambre du Conseil,
vu les article41 et 48 du Statut de la Cour,

vu l'articl61 du Règlement de la Cour,

Dans l'instance ouverte devanla Cour par la requête en date
du 26 mai 1951 par le Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Ir-
lande du Nord, agissant contre l'Empire deran dans l'affaire de
1'Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited,
Rend L'ordonnancesz~ivant:

Vu la demande, datée du22juin 1951,déposéeet enregistrée au
Greffe le même jour, par laquelle le Gouvernement du Royaume-
Uni, invoquant l'articledu Statut et l'arti61edu Règlement
et se référanà la requêtedu26 mai aux termes de laquelle il se
réservait le droit de demander des mesures conservatoires, prie lathe right to request the Court to indicate such interim measures-
requested the Court to indicate that pending the final Judgment

of the Court in the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company case :

(a) The Imperial Govemment of Iran should permit the Anglo-
Iranian Oil Company, Limited, its servants and agents, to search
for and extract petroleum and to transport, refine or treat in
any other manner and render suitable for commerce and to sel1
or export the petroleum obtained by it, and generally, to continue
to carry on the operations which it was carrying on prior to
the 1st May, 1951, free from interference calculated to impede
or endanger the operations of the Company, by the Impenal
Govemment of Iran, their servants or agents, or any Board,
Commission, Committee, or other body nominated by them.

(b) The Imperial Government of Iran should not by any executive
or legislative act or judicial process hinder or prevent or attempt
to hinder or prevent the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited,
its servants or agents, in or from continuing to carry on its
operations as aforesaid.
(c) The Imperial Government of Iran should not by any executive
or legislative act or judicial process sequester or seize or attempt
to sequester or seize or othenvise interfere with any property
of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited, including (but

without prejudice to a decision on the merits of the case) any
property which the Imperial Government of Iran have already
purported to nationalize or othenvise .to expropriate.

(d) The Imperial Government of Iran should not by any executive
or legislative act or judicial process sequester or seize or attempt
to sequester or seize any monies earned by the Angio-Iranian
Oil Company, Limited, or othenvise in the possession or power
of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited, including (but
without prejudice to a decision on the merits of the case) any
monies which the Imperial Govemment of Iran have purported

to nationalize or othenvise to expropriate or any monies eamed
by means of property which they have purported so to nationalize,
or othenvise to expropriate.
(e) The Imperial Govemment of Iran should not by any executive
or legislative act or judicial process require or attempt to require
the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited, to dispose of the
monies referred to in sub-paragraph (d) above otherwise than
in accordance with the terms of the Ccmvention of 1933 or of
any mesure to be indicated by the Court.

(f) The Imperial Govemment of Iran should ensure that no other
steps of any kind are taken capable of prejudicing the right
of the Government of the United Kingdom to have a decision
of the Court in its favour on the merits of the case executed,
should the Court render such a decision.
(g) The Impenal Government of Iran and the Government of the
United Kingdom should ensure that no step of any kind is taken ORDONN. DU 5 VI1 51 (ANGLO-IR~~NIAN OIL CO.) go

Cour d'indiquer que, en attendant son jugement définitif en l'affaire
de 1'Anglo-Iranian Oil Company :

a) Le Gouvernement impérial d'Iran doit autoriser l'Anglo-Iranian
Oil Company, Limited, ses employés et agents, à prospecter et à
extraire le pétrole, à transporter, raffiner ou traiter de toute
autre manière, à rendre propre au commerce, et à vendre ou

exporter le pétrole extrait, et, de manière générale,à continuer
l'exploitation qu'elle avait entreprise avant le rer mai 1951, le
Gouvernement impérial de l'Iran, ses employés ou agents, ou
tout conseil, commission, comité ou ailtres organismes désignés
par ledit Gouvernement devant s'abstenir de toute immixtion
visant à empêcher ou à mettre en danger les opérations de la
b) Le Gouvernement impérial d'Iran ne doit, par aucune mesure
exécutive ou législative ou par la voie judiciaire, entraver, em-
pêcher, ou tenter d'entraver ou d'empêcher 1'Anglo-Iranian Oil
Company, Limited, ses employés ou agents d'effectuer ou de

continuer à effectuer les opérations ci-dessus.
c) Le Gouvernement impérial d'Iran ne doit, par aucune mesure
exécutive ou législative ou par la voie judiciaire, séquestrer,
saisir ou tenter de séquestrer ou de saisir aucun bien de 1'Anglo-
Iranian Oil Company, Limited, ni porter atteinte d'une autre
manière à de tels biens, y compris (mais sans préjuger la décision
qui sera prise sur le fond) les biens que le Gouvernement impérial
d'Iran a déjà entendu nationaliser ou exproprier d'une autre

d) Le Gouvernement impérial d'Iran ne doit, par aucune mesure
exécutive ou législative ou par la voie judiciaire, séquestrer ou
saisir, ou tenter de séquestrer ou de saisir, les fonds acquispar
l'Angle-Iranian Oil Company, Limited, ou qui se trouvent en
possession ou sous le contrôle de llAnglo-Iranian Oil Company,
Limited, y compris (mais sans préjuger la décisionqui sera prise
sur le fond) les fonds que le Gouvernement impérial d'Iran a en-
tendu nationaliser ou exproprier d'une autre manière ou les fonds
acquis grâce à des biens que ledit Gouvernement a entendu natio-
naliser ou exproprier d'une autre manière.

e) Le Gouvernement impérial d'Iran ne doit, par aucune mesure
exécutive ou législative ou..par la voie judiciaire, prescrire,ou
tenter de prescrire à 1'Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited, de
disposer des fonds visés à la litt. d) ci-dessus, si ce n'est en
conformité des termes de la Convention de 1933 ou de toute autre
mesure à indiquer par la Cour.
f) Le Gouvernement impérial d'Iran doit faire en sorte que nulle
mesure quelconque ne soit prise de nature à porter préjudice au
droit du Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni à l'exécution d'une

décision que la Cour rendrait en sa faveur sur le fond, si la Cour
rend une telle décision.
g) Le Gouvernement impériald'Iran et le Gouvernement du Royaume-
Uni doivent faire en sorte que nulle mesure quelconque ne soit91 ORDER OF 5 VI1 51 (.~SGLO-IR.~NIAN OIL CO.)

capable of aggravating or extending the dispute submitted to
should abstain from al1propaganda calculated to inflame opinion
in Iran against the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited, and
the United Kingdom.

Whereas, on the day on which the Request for the indication
of interim measures was filed, it was transmitted to the Iranian
Government andthe submissions made therein were communicated

by telegraph to the said Government ;

Whereas the Registry, referring to Article 41, paragraph 2, of
the Statute, notified the Secretary-General of the United Nations
of the said Request, and, in accordance with Article 40, paragraph 3,
of the Statute communicated it to the Members of the United
Nations through the Secretary-General, and to the other States
entitled to appear before the Court ;
Having regard to the message transmitted by telegraph bj- the
President of the Court on June 23rd to the Prime Rlinister and to
the Minister for Foreign Affairs in Iran, which was in the following
terms :

'.'Courtbeing due to meet to consider Request for indication
interim measures of protection filed June zznd by United Kingdom
Agent, it is my duty, in accordance with Article 61 of the Rules,
to take such measures as appear necessary to me to enable the
Court to give an effective decisioFor this purpose 1have honour
suggest to Your Excellencies that Imperial Government issue
appropriate instructions to avoid al1measures which might render
impossible or difficult the execution of any judgment which the
Court might subsequently give and to ensure that no xtion is
taken which might aggravate the dispute submitted to Court.
Any measures taken by Imperial Iranian Government for this
purpose would in no way prejudice such representations as that
Government may deem it appropriate to make to Court either in
proceedings on Request for interim measures in which both Parties
in proceedings on Application filed May 26th by the United King-tly

Having regard to the reply to this message, transmitted by
telegraph on June 29th to the Iranian Legation at The Hague, and,
on the same day, delivered to the President ,of the Court by the

Iranian Minister at The Hague, filed and communicated to the
Agent for the United Kingdom Government ;
Having regard to the final text of the said reply, consisting of
a message signed "B. Kazemi, Minister for Fo~eign Affairs of
Iran", followed by a statement together with three annexes
delivered to the President of the Court on June 30th by the Iranian
Minister at The Hague, which was also communicated to the
Agent for the United Kingdom Government ;
6 prise de nature à aggraver ou étendre le différenddont la Cour
est saisie; le Gouvernement impérial d'Iran doit notamment
s'abstenir de toute propagande visant à enflammer l'opinion
iranienne contre 1'Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited, et le

Considérant que, le jour du dépôt de la demande en indication de
mesures conservatoires, le texte de cette demande a ététransmis au
Gouvernement de l'Iran, et que, également le même jour, les
conclusions qui y sont énoncéesont étécommuniquées par la voie
télégraphique audit Gouvernement ;

Considérant que le Greffe, en se référant à l'article 41, para-
graphe 2, du Statut, a notifiéladite demande au Secrétaire général
des Nations Unies et que, conformément àl'article 40, paragraphe 3,
du Statut, la demande a étécommuniquée aux Membres des Nations
Vnies par l'entremise du Secrétaire général ainsi qu'aux autres
Etats admis à ester en justice devant la. Cour ;
Vu le message que, le 23 juin, le Président de la Cour a, par la
voie télégraphique, adressé au Président du Conseil et au ministre
des Affaires étrangères de l'Iran, et qui est ainsi conçu :

(La Cour devant se réunirpour examiner la demande en indica-
tion de mesures conservatoires déposéele 22 juin par l'agent du
Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni, je dois, en vertu de l'article 61
du Règlement, prendre les mesures qui me paraissent nécessaires
en vue de permettre à la Cour de statuer utilement. A cet effet,
j'ai l'honneur de suggérerà Vos Excellences que le Gouvernement
impérialdonne à ses services l'instruction d'évitertoutes mesures
susceptibles de rendre impossible ou difficile l'exécution del'arrêt
que la Cour pourrait êtreamenée à rendre et de veillerà prévenir
toute aggravation du différendsoumis à la Cour. Les dispositions
que le Gouvernement impérial iranien arrêterait à cet effet ne
sauraient faire obstacle aux considérations que ce Gouvernement
jugeraità propos de soumettre à la Cour soit dans la procédure
relativeà la demande de mesures conservatoires dans laquelle
chaque Partie auqa la faculté de se faire entendreà l'audience du
30 juin, soit ultérieurement au sujet de la requête présentéele
26mai par le Royaume-Uni. ))

Vu la réponse audit message transmise par la voie télégraphique
le 29 juin à la légation d'Iran à La Haye, et quiaété,lemême jour,
remise au Président de la Cour par le ministre d'Iran à La Haye,
enregistrée et communiqiiée à l'agent du Gouvernement du
Royaume-Uni ;
Vu le texte définitif de ladite réponse, composé d'un message
signé «B. Kazemi, ministre des Affaires étrangères d'Iran », suivi
d'un exposé accompagné de trois annexes, texte remis le 30 juin
au Président de la Cour paI le ministre d'Iran à La Haye et égale-
ment communiqué à l'agent du Royaume-Uni ; Whereas the said reply stated :
"In view ofthe foregoingconsiderationsthe Iranian Govemment
hopes that the Court willdeclare that the case is not within its
jurisdictionbecause of the-legal incompetence of the complainant
and because of the fact that exercise of the right of sovereignty
is not subject to complaint. Under these circumstances the request
for interim measures of protection would naturally be rejected."

Whereas on June zyd, theday following the filing of the Request
for the indication of interim measures of protection, the United
Kingdom Government, through its duly authorized Agent, and the
Iranian Government, through its Minister for Foreign Affairs, were
informed that the Court would hold a hearing on June 3oth,
for the purpose of giving the Parties an opportunity of presenting
their observations on the subject of the Request ;

Whereas, upon the opening of the hearing fixed for this purpose,
the President of the Court took note of the presence in Court of
Sir Eric Beckett, K.C.M.G., K.C., Legal Adviser to the Foreign
Office, and of the Right Honourable Sir Frank Soskice, K.C., M.P.,
Attorney-General ; Professor H. Lauterpacht , K.C., Professor of
International Law at Cambridge University ; Mr. A. K. Rothnie,
Eastern Department, Foreign Office ; and Messrs. H. A. P. Fisher
and D. H. N. Johnson, Counsel;
Whereas the Iranian Government was not represented at this
hearing ;
Having heard Sir Frank Soskice on behalf of the United Kingdom
Government, on the Request for the indication of interim measures
of protection ;
UThereasthe submissions in the request of the United Kingdom
Government, quoted above, were maintained in the course of the
hearing ;

Whereas in its message of June zgth, 1951 ,he Iranian Govern-
ment stated that it rejected the- Request for the indication of
interim measures of protection presented by the United Kingdom
Government on the grounds principally of the want of competence
on the part of the United Kingdom Government to refer to the
Court a dispute which had arisen between the Iranian Government
and the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited, and of the fact that
this dispute pertaining to the exercise of the sovereign rights of
Iran was exclusively within the national jurisdiction of that State
and thus not subject to the methods of settlement specified in the
Charter ;
Whereas it appears from the Application by which the Govern-
ment of the United Kingdom instituted proceedings, that that
Government has adopted the cause of a British Company and is
proceeding in virtue of the right of diplomatic protection ;

Whereas the complaint made in the Application is one of an
alleged violation of international law by the breach of the agree- Considérant que ladite réponse énonce:
((Vu les considérations qui précèdent, le Gouvernement de
l'Iran espère quela Cour déclareraque l'affaire échappà sa com-
pétence,étant donné ledéfautdu pouvoir juridique du demandeur
et étant donné lefait que l'exercice dudroit de souverainetén'est
pas susceptible d'un recours. Dans ces conditions, la demande en
indication de mesures conservatoires doit naturellement être

Considérant que le 23 juin, lendemain du dépôt de la demande
en indication de mesures conservatoires, le Gouvernement du
Royaume-Uni, en la personne de l'agent désignépar lui en l'affaire,
et le Gouvernement de l'Iran, en la personne de son ministre des
Affaires étrangères, avaient étéavisésque la Cour tiendrait audience
le 30 juin pour donner aux Parties la possibilité de faire entendre
leurs observations au sujet de la demande ;
Considérant qu'à l'ouverture de l'audience ainsi fixée,le Président
de la Cour a constaté la présence devant la Cour de l'agent du
Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni, sir Eric Beckett, K. C. M. G.,
K. C., jurisconsulte du Foreign Office, ainsi que du très honorable
sir Frank Soskice, K. C., M. P., Attorney-General, de M. H. Lauter-
pacht, K. C., professeur de droit international à l'université de
Cambridge, de M. A. K. Rothnie, Eastern Department, Foreign
Office, et de MM.H. A. P. Fisher et D. H. N. Johnson, conseils ;
Considérant que le Gouvernement de l'Iran ne s'est pas fait

représenter à cette audience ;
Ouï sir Frank Soskice, en ses observations au nom du Gouverne-
ment du Royaume-Uni sur la. demande en indication de mesures
conservatoires ;
Considérant que les conclusions de la demande du Gouvernement
du Royaume-Uni, reproduites ci-dessus, ont été maintenues au
cours de l'audience ;
Considérant que, dans son message du 29 juin 1951, le Gouverne-
ment de l'Iran a déclaré qu'il repoussait la demande en indication
de mesures conservatoires présentée par le Gouvernement du
Royaume-Uni, motifs'pris principalement du défaut de qualité du
Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni à l'effet de saisir la Cour d'un
différendqui s'est élevéentre le Gouvernement de l'Iran et 1'Anglo-
Iranian Oil Company, Limited, et de la circonstance que ce diffé-
rend, mettant en cause l'exercice des droits souverains de l'Iran,

relèverait exclusivement de la compétence nationale de cet État
et,à ce titre, échapperait par sa nature aux méthodes de règlement
spécifiéespar la Charte ;
Considérant qu'il ressort de la requête introductive d'instance
du Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni que ce Gouvernement prend,
en l'espèce, fait et cause pour une sociétébritannique et agit au
titre de la protection diplomatique ;
Considérant que le grief indiqué dans la requête est celui d'une
prétendue violation du di~it international constituée par larupturement for a concession of April zgth, 1933, and by a denial of justice
which, according tothe Government of the United Kingdom, would
follow from the refusa1 of the Iranian Government to accept

arbitration in accordance with that agreement, and whereas it
cannot be accepted apriori that a claim based on such a complaint
falls completely outside the scope of international jurisdiction ;
U'hereas the considerations stated in the preceding paragraph
suffice to empower the Court to entertain the Request for interim
measures of protection ;
Whereas the indication of such measures in no way prejudges
the question of the jurisdiction of the Court to deal with the merits
of the case and leaves unaffected the right of the Respondent to
submit arguments against such jurisdiction ;
Whereas the object of interim measures of protection provided
for in the Statute is to preserve the respective rights of the Parties
pending the decision of the Court, and whereas from the general
terms of Article 41 of the Statute and from the power recognized

by Article 61, paragraph 6, of the Rules of Court, to indicate
interim measures of protection proprio motzt, it follows that the
Court must be concerned to preserve by such measures the rights
which may be subsequently adjudged by the Court to belong
either to the -4pplicant or to the Respondent ;
Whereas the existing state of affairs justifies the indication of
interim measures of protection ;

For these reasons,

Indicates, pending its final decision in the proceedings instituted
on May 26th, 1951, by the Government of the United Kingdom
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland against the Imperia1 Guvern-
ment of Iran, the following provisional measures which will apply
on the basis of reciprocal observance :

I.That the Iranian Government and the United Kingdom
Government should each ensure that no action is taken which might
prejudice the rights of the other Party in respect of the carrying
out of any decision on the merits which the Court may subsequently
render ;

2. That the Iranian Government and the United Kingdom
Government should each ensure that no action of any kind is taken
which might aggravate or extend the dispute submitted to the
Court ;

3. That the Iranian Government and the United Kingdom
Government should each ensure that no measure of any kind
should be taken designed to hinder the carrying on of the industrial
8du contrat de concession du 29 avril 1933 et par un dénide justice
qui, selon le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni, résulterait du refus
du Gouvernement de l'Iran d'accepter l'arbitrage prévu par ce
contrat, et qu'on ne saurait admettre a priorq iu'une demande
fondéesur un tel grief échappe complètement à la juridiction inter-
nationale ;
Considérant que la constatation précédente est suffisante pour
autoriser en droit la C.our à examiner la demande en indication de
mesures conservatoires ;
Considérant que l'indication de telles mesures ne préjuge en rien
la compétence de la Cour pour connaître au fond de l'affaire et
laisse intact le droit du défendeur de faire valoir ses moyens à
l'effet de la contester ;

Considérant que l'objet des mesures conservatoires prévues au
Statut est de sauvegarder les droits de chacun en attendant que la
Cour rende sa décision ; que, de la formule générale employéepar
l'article41 du Statut et du pouvoir reconnu à la Cour par l'article 61,
paragraphe 6, du Règlement, d'indiquer d'office des mesures
conservatoires, il résulte que la Cour doit se préoccuper de sauve-
garder par de telles mesures les droits que l'arrêt qu'elle aura ulté-
rieurement à rendre pourrait éventuellement reconnaître, soit
au demandeur, soit au défendeur ;
Considérant que l'état de choses actuel justifie l'indication de
mesures conservatoires ;

Par ces motifs,

Indique, à titre provisoire, en attendant l'arrêt définitif dans
l'affaire introduite lemai 1951par le Gouvernement du Royaume-
Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord contre le Gouveme-
ment impérial de l'Iran, les mesures conservatoires suivantes qui
s'appliqueront sur la base d'un respect réciproque :

I. Que le Gouvernement de l'Iran et le Gouvernement du
Royaume-Uni veillent chacun à empêchertout acte qui pourrait
préjuger les droits de l'autre Partie à l'exécution de l'arrêtque la
Cour peut être appelée à rendre au fond ;

2. Que le Gouvernement de l'Iran et le Gouvernement du
Royaume-Uni veillent chacun à empêcher tout acte, de quelque
nature qu'il soit, qui pourrait aggraver ou étendre le différend
soumis à la Cour ;

3. Que le Gouvernement de l'Iran et le Gouvernement du
Royaume-Uni veillent chacun à ce que ne soit appliquée aucune
mesure, de quelque nature qu'elle soit, dont le but serait d'entraver
8and commercial operations of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company,
Limited, as they were carried on prior to May ~st, 1951 ;

4.That the Company's operations in Iran should continue under
the direction of its management as it was constituted prior to
May ~st, 1951, subject to such modifications as may be brought
about by agreement with the Board of Supervision referred to in
paragraph 5;

5. That, in order to ensure the full effect of the preceding pro-
visions, which in any case retain their own authority, there should
be established by agreement between the Iranian Government and
the United Kingdom Government a Board to be known as the
Board of Supervision composed of two Members appointed by
each of the said Governments and a fifth Member, who should be
a national of a third State and should be chosen by agreement
between these Governments, or, in default of such agreement, and
upon the joint request of the Parties, by the President of the Court.
The Board will have the duty of ensuring that the Company's
operations are carried on in accordance with the provisions above

set forth. It will, inter alia, have the duty of auditing the revenue
and expenses and of ensuring that al1revenue in excess of the sums
required to be paid in the course of the normal carrying on of the
operations and the other normal expenses incurred by the Anglo-
Iranian Oil Company, Limited, are paid into accounts at banks
to be selected by the Board on the undertaking of such banks not
to dispose of such funds except in accordance with the decisions
of the Court or the agreement of the Parties.

Done in English and French, the English text being authoritative,
at the Peace Palace, The Hague, this fifth day of July, one thousand
nine hundred and fifty-one, in four copies, one of which will be
placed in the archives of the Court, and the others transmitted
to the Imperia1 Government of Iran, to the Government of the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and to
the Secretary-General of the United Nations for transmission to

the Security Council.


(Signed) E. HAMBRO,
Registrar.la continuation de l'exploitation industrielle et commerciale de
1'Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited, telle qu'elle s'exerçait
avant le I~~ mai 1951 ;

4.Que l'exploitation de la Sociétée ,n Iran se continue sous la
direction de son personnel directeur tel qu'il existait avant le
rer mai 1951, sous réserve de modifications qui pourraient être
apportées d'accord avec la Commission de surveillance visée au
paragraphe 5;

5.Afin d'assurer la pleine efficacitédes dispositions précédentes,
dispositions qui, de toute façon, conservent leur autorité propre,
qu'il soit institué par accord du Gouvernement de l'Iran et du
Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni, une Commission, dite Commission
de surveillance, composéede deux membres désignéspar chacun
des Gouvernements susdits, et d'un cinquièmemembre ressortissant
d'un Etat tiers, désignéde commun accord par ces Gouvernements,
ou, à défaut d'accord et à la demande conjointe des Parties, par le
Président de la Cour.
La Commission aura pour mission de veiller àce que l'exploitation
de la Sociétése poursuive conformément aux dispositions ci-dessus
indiquées.Elle aura, entre autres,à vérifierles recettes et dépenses,
à veiller à ce que les sommes provenant des recettes effectuéeset
qui excéderaient les dépenses nécessitéespar la marche normale de
l'exploitation et autres charges normales incombant à 1'Anglo-
Iranian Oil Company, Limited, soient versées dans tels établisse-
ments bancaires dont elle approuvera le choix avec engagement de

ceux-ci de n'en disposer que selon ce qui résultera soit de décisions
de la Cour, soit de l'accord des Parties.

Fait en anglais et en français, le texte anglais faisant foi, au
Palais de la Paix,à La Haye, le cinq juillet mil neuf cent cinquante
et un, en quatre exemplaires, dont l'un restera déposéaux archives
de la Cour et dont les autres seront transmis respectivement au
Gouvernement impérial de l'Iran, au Gouvernement du Royaume-
Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, et au Secrétaire
général desNations Unies pour transmission au Conseil de Sécurité.

Le Président de la Cour,


Le Greffier de la Cour,
(Signé) E. HAMBRO. Judges WINIARSKa Ind BADAWI PASHA,declaring that they are
unable to concur in the Order of the Court, have appended to the
Order the joint statement of their dissenting opinion.

(Initialled)J. B.

(Initialled)E. H. ('03?IO NVINVXI-073~~) IS IIAS na 'KNOaXO

ICJ document subtitle

Request for the indication of interim measures of protection

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Order of 5 July 1951
