Frontier Dispute (Benin/Niger) - Fixing of the time-limit for the filing of a Counter-Memorial by each of the Parties

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Press Release

No. 2003/31
16 September 2003

Frontier Dispute (Benin/Niger)

Fixing of the time-limit for the filing of a Counter-Memoriby each of the Parties

THE HAGUE, 16 September 2003. The President of the Chamber of the International Court
of Justice formed to deal with the case conceming the Frontier Dispute (Benin/Niger) bas fixed the
time-limit for the filinga Counter-Memorial by each of the Parties in the case.

By an Order of 11 September 2003, Judge Guillaume decided that these pleadings should be
filed by not later than 28 May04.

The President of the Chamber fixed this time-limit taking into account the provisions of
Article 3, paragraph (hl,of the Special Agreement concluded between the two Parties, after the

latter had each filed a Memorial within the time-limit fixed by the Court's Order of
27 November 2002.

The subsequent procedure bas been reserved for further decision.

History of the proceedings

By joint letter of 11 April2002, filed in the Registry on 3 May 2002, Benin and Niger
notified to the Court a Special Agreement, which was signed on 15June 2001 in Cotonou and
entered into force on 11 April2002.

In the Special Agreement, the Parties requested the Court to:

"(ill determine the course of the boundary between the Republic of Benin and the
Republicof Niger in the sector of the River Niger;

(hl specify which State owns each of the islands in the said river, and in particular

Uù determine the course of the boundary between the two States in the sector of the

River Mekrou."

The Parties agreed in advance to accept as final and binding upon them the judgment which
the Chamber would render pursuant to the Special Agreement. -2-


Contentious proceedings before the Chamber consist of two phases: written and oral.
During the first phase, the number and order of the written pleadings is govemed by the provisions
of the special agreement, unless the Chamber, after ascertaining the views of the parties, decides

otherwise. Upon the closure of the written phase, public hearings are organized. The Chamber
then delivers its judgment. The written pleadings remain confidential during the written phase of
the proceedings. They are made accessible to the public only on or after the opening of the oral
proceedings, subject to a decision to that effect by the Chamber after it has consulted the parties.

The full textof the Order rendered by the President of the Chamber of the Court will shortly
be available on the Court's website at the following address:

Information Department

Mr. Arthur Witteveen, First Secretary (+ 31 70 302 23 36)
Mrs. Laurence Blairon and Mr. Boris Heim, Information Officers (+ 31 70 302 23 37)
E-mail address: [email protected]

ICJ document subtitle

- Fixing of the time-limit for the filing of a Counter-Memorial by each of the Parties

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Frontier Dispute (Benin/Niger) - Fixing of the time-limit for the filing of a Counter-Memorial by each of the Parties
