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unoff iciol
for immsdiatareluase
No. 9619
4 March 1996
Public:sitlioftheCourt of Tuesdaq5 March 1996
The followinginformatiiscommunicatedtothePressby theRegists. theInternational
Courtof Justice:
Solemndechration b~ a new fiber of the Court
On Tuesday5 March 1996,at10am., the Courwillbegin by holding a short sitting during
whichJudgeGonzalo Parra-Aranguren,howaselectedbytheUnited NationGeneral Assembly
and Security Councion 28 February 1996to fiIl the vacancycaused by the death of
SudgeAguilar-Mawdsley(seePress CommuniquéNo. 9618).willmake thesolemn declaration
providefor inArticl20 of thStatutof theCourt.
Case concernin~the Land and Maritime Boundarv between
Cameroon and Niperia
SQ1mn dedaration by the jaes ad hoc
Aftea very short brthehearingsonthe request for the indofprovisional measures
madeby Camerooninthe abovecasewillopenat which Mr. KéMbaye, thejudgead hocçhosen
byCameroon and Prince BolaAdesumboAjibol th,judge ~d hoçhosen byNigeriawillmake
Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria (Cameroon v. Nigeria) - Public sitting of the Court of Tuesday 5 march 1996