Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (Paraguay v. United States of America) - Fixing of time-limits for the filing of written pleadings

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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel(31-70-302 23 23). Cables: Intercourt, The Hague.
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No. 98/18
9 April 1998

Case conceming the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations
(Paraguay v. United States of America)

Fixing of time-limits for the filing of written pleadings

THE HAGUE, 9 April 1998. Today, Vice-President Weeramantry of the International Court
of Justice (ICJ), exercising the functions of the presidency in the case, fixed by an Order the
• time-limits for the filing of written pleadings in the case concerning the Vjenna Convention on
Consular Relations(Paraguay v. United States of America).

Paraguay shaH file a Memorial by 9 June 1998 and the United States a Counter-Memorial

by 9 September 1998.

The Vice-President fixed these time-limits taking into account the agreement between the
Parties and therder on provisional measures issued today by the Court in which it declared that
"it is appropriate that the Court, with the co-operation of the Parties, ensure that any decision on
the merits be reached with ali possible expedition". The subsequent procedure has been reserved
for further decision.

Paraguay instituted proceedings against the United States on 3 April 1998 in a dispute
conceming alleged violationsf the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 24 April 1963
with respect to the case ofMr. Angel Francisco Breard, a Paraguayan national convicted of murder
in Virginia (United States) whose execution is scheduled for 14 April 1998.

Paraguay maintains that Mr. Breard was arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced ta death

without Virginia advising him of his right to assistance by the consular officers of Paraguay,
as required by the Vienna Convention. Accordingly, Paraguay asked the Court to adjudge and
declare that it is entitled to restitutio in integrum, that is, the re-establishment of the situation that
existed before the Unitedates faiièd to provide the required notification. In view of the urgency
of the case, Paraguay also requested the Court to indicate provisional measures to the effect that the
UnitedStates should refrain from executing Mr. Breard before the Court could consider Paraguay's
claims. Paraguay made clear that it does not seek the release of Mr. Breard.

In itsOrder on provisional measures rendered today, the Court called on the United States
to "take ail measures at its disposai" ta prevent the execution of Mr. Breard, pending a final
decisionof the Courtinthe proceedings instituted by Paraguay.

Information Office:
Mr. Arthur Witteveen, Secretaryof the Court (tel: 31-70 302 2336)
Mrs. Laurence Blairon, Information Officer (tel: 31-70 302 2337)

ICJ document subtitle

- Fixing of time-limits for the filing of written pleadings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (Paraguay v. United States of America) - Fixing of time-limits for the filing of written pleadings
