Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro) - Request for the indication of provisional measures

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Telefax(070- 36499 28).Telex32323.


for immediate release

N° 93/5
24 March 1993

Application of the convention on the Prevention and Punishment

of the Crime of Genocide !Bosnia-Herzegovina v. Yugoslavia
(Serbia and Montenegro))

Regueet for the indication of provieional measuree

The following information is communicated ta the Press by the

Regietry of the International court of Justice:

Hearings on the request for the indication of provisional meaeuree

in the above case will open on Thursday 1 April 1993, at 10 a.m. The
hearings will be held in public in the Great Hall of Justice of the Peace
Palace, The Hague.


As reported in Press Communiqué 93/4 of 22 March 1993, Bosnia and
Herzegovina requested the Court ta indicate the following measures:

1. That Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), together with its agents
and surrogates in Bosnia and elsewhere, must immediately cease and desist
from all acta of genocide and genocidal acta against the people and State
of Bosnia and Herzegovina, including but not limited to murder; summary

executions; torture; rape; mayhem; so-called "ethnie cleanaing"; the
wanton devastation of villages, towns, districts and cities; the siege
of villages, towns, districts and cities; the starvation of the civilian

population; the interruption of, interference with, or harassment of
humanitarian relief supplies ta the civilian population by the
international community; the bombardment of civilian population

centres; and the detention of civiliana in concentration campa or

2. That Yugoalavia {Serbia and Montenegro) must immediately cease

and deaist from providing, directly or indirectly, any type of support
including training, weapona, arma, ammunition, supplies, assistance,
finances, direction or any ether form of support - ta any nation, group,

organization, movement, militia or individual engaged in or planning ta
engage in military or paramilitary activities in or against the people,
State and Governrnent of Bosnia and Herzegovina. - 2 -

3. Tbat Yugoslavia (Serbia and Mantenegro) itself must immediately
cease and desist from any and all types of ~1litar ory paramilitary
ac ti viti es by its ovn official a, agents, sui'roga tes, or for.ces in or
against the people, State and Government ofjBosnia and Herzegovina, and
from any ether use or tbreat of force in itli! relations vith Bosnia and

Herzegovina. ,
4. Tbat under the current circumstances, the Government of Bosnia
and Herzegovina bas the right to seek and r~cei vueport from ether
States in arder to defend itself and its pe~ple, including by means of
immediately obtalning mili tary veapons, equilpment and supplies.

S. Tbat under the current circumstanceJ, the Government of Bosnia
and Herzegovina bas the right to request the: immediate assistance of any
State to come to its defence, including by means of immediately providing
veapons, military equipment and supplies, atid armed forces (soldiers,
sailors, airpeople, etc.).

6. That under the current circumstances, any State bas the right ta ,.-..
come ta the immediate defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina - at its W
request - including by means of immediately providing veapons, military

equipment and supplies, and armed forces (so1ldiers, sailors, and
ai rpeople, etc.) • 1


1. The public sittings will be held in the Great Hall of Justice of
the Pesee Palace, Members of the Press villlbe entitled to attend after
presentation of a press identification card or an admission card, vhich
may be obtained upon application. The tables 1 reserved for them are
,~ situated on the far left of the public entrance to the courtroom •
1 1.
2. Photographe may be taken before the op1ning and during the first
fev minutes of a sitting; also a fev minutes tovards the end. Filming
for cinema or television purposes is hoveverlsubject to special
authorization. 1

3, In the Press Room, located on the ground floor of the
Peace Palace (Room 5) the Court's proceed i il ~be relayed through a
loudspeaker. 1

4. Members of the Press may use the public telephones in the Post
Office in the basement of the Palace. i

S. Mr. A. Th. Witteveen, Secretary of the Court (telephone
extension 233), or, in his absence, Mrs. N. C. El-Erian (telephone
extensi.on 234) will be available to deal vith any requests far
information by members of the Press. 1



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ICJ document subtitle

- Request for the indication of provisional measures

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro) - Request for the indication of provisional measures
