Oil Platforms (Islamic Republic of Iran v. United States of America) - Preliminary objection - Progress and conclusion of public hearings

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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel.(070-302 23 23).Cables: lntercowt, The Hague.

Telefax (070-364 99 28). Telex 32323.


for immediate release

No. 96/28
25 September 1996

Oil Platforms
Uslamic Republic of Iran v. United States of America)

Preliminary objection

Progress and conclusion of public hearings

The following information is communicated to the Press by the Registry of the International

Court of Justice:

The public hearings held by the Court on the preliminary objection fi led by the United States
of America in the above case, which opened on Monday 16 September 1996, were concluded on
Tuesday 24 September 1996.


During the first round of oral arguments, held between 16and 20 September, statements were

- on behalf of the United States of America, by Mr. Michael J. Matheson, Agent of the
United States of America; and by Commander Ronald D. Neubauer (who read on behalf of
Dr. John H. McNeill), Professor Andreas F. Lowenfeld, Mr. John R. Crook, Dr. Sean Murphy
and Mr. Jack Chorowsky, Counsel and Advocates;

- on behalf of the Islarnic Republic of Iran, by Mr. M. H. Zahedin-Labbaf, Agent of the Islamic
Republic of Iran; and by Dr. S. M. Zeinoddin, Professor James R. Crawford,
Professor Luigi Condorelli and Mr. Rodman R. Bundy, Counsel and Advocates.

Vice-President Schwebel and Judge Rigauxeach put a question to the Agents ofboth

Parties and Judge Higgins put a question to the Agent of the United States of America.


The second round took place on 23 and 24 September 1996. The speakers were: - 2 -

- ,on beha1fofthe United States of America, Mr. Michael J. Matheson, Agent ofthe United States
of America; and Professer Andreas F. Lowenfelda~ Mdr. John R. Crook, Counsel and

Advocates; 1

- on behalf of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr. M. H. Zahedin-Labbaf, Agent of the Islamic
Republic of Iran; and Professor James R. Crawforld, ProfessLuigi Condorelli and
Mr. Rodman R. Bundy, Counsel and Advocates.

The Agent of the United States of America maintained the submission contained in the
preliminary objection of the United States of Amethcfial submission of his Govemment.
The Agent of the Islamic Republic of Iran likewise maintained the submissions contained in the
observations of Iran on the preliminary objection as the final submissions of his Govemment.


The hearings on the preliminary objection now being concluded, the Court will begin to
consider its Judgment.

The date of the public sitting at which the Judgment is to be read will be announced in a
press communiqué.

ICJ document subtitle

- Preliminary objection - Progress and conclusion of public hearings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Oil Platforms (Islamic Republic of Iran v. United States of America) - Preliminary objection - Progress and conclusion of public hearings
