Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear Weapons in Armed Conflict (Request for Advisory Opinion by the World Health Organization) - Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons (Request for Advi

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6. " ï . !+---- '- : %.2--:. 4-. ?
J p., , l ".., I* I.<,f,

PeacePalace,2517 KJ The HagueT . e1.(070-30223 23).Cables:IntercourtT, heHague.

Telefax(070-36499 28).Telex32323.

for immediate release

No. 95/31
27 September 1995

Leaalitv of the Use bv a state of Nuc1ea.X
mons ined Conflict
(Recniest for Advisorv won. . bv a


Leoalit~ of the Threat o r r ofea~~ws
on bv the
General Assemblv of the Wted Nations)

marinas of the Court o~enina on 30 October 1995

Further to Press Communiqués 95/17 and 95/18 of 27 June 1995, which
respectively announced the opening of hearings concerning the request for
an advisory opinion submitted by the World Health Organization on the
question of the -IV of the Use by a State of Nuclear Wea~w

Armed as well as the request submitted by the United Nations
General Assembly on the question of the Leualitv of the Threat or Use of
Wear We-, the following information is communicated to the Press
by the Registry of the International Court of Justice:

The World Health Organization and the following States have indicated

that they will take part in the hearings: Australia, Colombia, Costa
Rica, Egypt, France, G,ermany,Guyana, India, Indonesia, the
Islamic Republic of Iran, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, the Marshall Islands,
Mexico, Nauru, New Zealand, the Philippines, Qatar, the Russian
Federation, Samoa, San.Marino, Solomon Islands, the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America.

The public sittincgswill be held £rom Monday to Friday, between
10 a.m. and 1 p.m., and will continue until Wednesday 15 November 1995.
The World Health 0rgan.izationwhich will speak first only in connection
with its own request for an advisory opinion and the above-mentioned
States, each having a maximum of one hour and-a-half in which to present

their statements and comments in a single round, will be called upon to
submit their oral statements in the order indicated above, which follows
the English alphabetical list of Member States of the United Nations,
members of specialized agencies or parties to the Statute of the
International Court of Justice.

ICJ document subtitle

(Request for Advisory Opinion by the World Health Organization) - Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons (Request for Advisory Opinion by the General Assembly of the United Nations) - Hearings of the Court opening on 30 October 1995

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear Weapons in Armed Conflict (Request for Advisory Opinion by the World Health Organization) - Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons (Request for Advisory Opinion by the General Assembly of the United Nations) - Hearings of the Court opening on 30 October 1995
