Request for an Examination of the Situation in Accordance with Paragraph 63 of the Court's Judgment of 20 December 1974 in the Nuclear Tests (New Zealand v. France) Case - Court to give its decision o

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Pace Palace,2517 KJ TheHague.TeL(070-30223 23).Cablu:Intercourt T,heHague.

Telefax(070-364 99 28).Telex32323.

I- - unofficialé -
for inmadiatarelaaee

-- 1 No. 95/28
20 September 1995

. . . .
New zealand's Reauest for an Examlnafionof the Situatiin
accordancewith Parwa~h 63 of the Court's1974Judgment ui
the case concernineNuclearTests (New 7,ealad v. France)

. .
Courtto rive its decisionon Fridav22 September 1995

On Fridav 22 Sepjember 11.30a.m, the International Court of Justice will hold a
public sitting for theose of announcing its decision on New Zealand'sRequest for an Examination
of the Situation in accordance with Paragraph 63 of the Court's 1974Judgrnent in the case conceming
Nuclear Tests (New Zealandv. France).


1. The public sitting will be held in the Great Hall of Justice of the Peace Palace, The Hague,
The Netherlands. Members ofthe Press will beentitled to attend on presentation of an admission
card, which rnay be obtained upon application. The tables reserved for thern are situated on the far
left of the public entrance of the:courtroom.

2. Photographs may be taken at the opening, during the first five minutes of the sitting; and
also for a few minutes towards its for televisionposes is authorized; advance notice
to be given as per paragraphelow.
3. In the Press Room, 1oc:itedon the ground floor of the Peace Pala5),the reading of
the Court'sdecision will be re1a:yedthrough a loudspeaker.

4. After the close of the sitting, a Press Communiquéwill be distributed in the Press Room
(Room No. 5).

5. Members of the Press who wish to maketelephone calls may use the public telephones in the
Post Office in thesement of the Palace.

6. Mr. Arthur Witteveen, Secretary in charge of information matters(tel. No. 336),
or, in his absence, Mrs. N. C. El-Erian, InformationOfficer (tel. No. 31-70-3022337),will be available
to deal with any requests for informationby members of the Press or formaking arrangements for
television coverage.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Request for an Examination of the Situation in Accordance with Paragraph 63 of the Court's Judgment of 20 December 1974 in the Nuclear Tests (New Zealand v. France) Case - Court to give its decision on Friday 22 September 1995
