Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro) - Requests for the indication of Provisional measures - Court

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

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PeacePalace, 2KJ7TheHague.Tel.(07-392 4441).CableIntercouT,heHague.

Telefax(07-36499 28).Telex32323.communiqué

forimmediate release

No. 93/27
8 September 1993

A~plicationof the Conventionon the Prevention anPunishment
of the Crime of Genocide(Bosniaand Herzepovinv. Yu~oslavia
(Serbiaand Montenevro)L
Reauests forthe indicationof ~rovisionalmeasures

Court to vive its decisionon Mondav 13 Se~tember1993

The following informations comrnunicatedo the Press by the
Registryof the InternationalCourt of Justice:

On Mondav 13Se~tember1993. at 3 v.m., the Court will hoa public
sittingin the above case forthe purposeof announcing itdecisionon
the second request fotrhe indication of provisional measures mbye
Bosnia and Herzegovinaand a similarrequestby Yugoslavia(Serbia and


1. The public sitting will be held the Great Hall of Justicef
the Peace Palace. Membersof the Press will beentitledto attendon
application. The tablesreservedfor them are situatedon the far left
of the publicentranceof the courtroom.

2. Photographs may btakenbefore the opening,during the first
five minutesof the sitting; and also for a few minutes towarthe
end. Filming for cinemaor televisionpurposesis howeversubjectto
special authorization.

3. In the Press Room, locatedon the ground floor of the
Peace Palace(Room 5), the readingof the Court'secisionwill be
relayed througha loudspeaker.

4. After the closof the sitting,a Press Communiqué wilbe
distributedin the Press Room (Roomno. 5).

5. Members of thPresswho wishto make phone calls mayuse the
public telephonesin the Post Office inthe basementof thePalace.

6.Mr. A. Th. Witteveen, Secretarin chargeof information matters
Information Officer(telephoneextension234), will be availableto deal
with any requests for informatiby membersof the Press.

ICJ document subtitle

- Requests for the indication of Provisional measures - Court to give its decision on Monday 13 September 1993

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro) - Requests for the indication of Provisional measures - Court to give its decision on Monday 13 September 1993
