Request for an Examination of the Situation in Accordance with Paragraph 63 of the Court's Judgment of 20 December 1974 in the Nuclear Tests (New Zealand v. France) Case - Public sitting to be held in

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D P 4 !/!,? c 5 1
'1 AONk-E L

PeacePaQce,2517 KJTheHague.Tc1.(07@302 23 23).Cables:IntercT,heHague.

Telefax(070.36499 28). Telcx32323.

for inmediatmra1oa.e

No. 95/26
8September 1995

New Ze&andls Reqirastfor angxrmination of the Situation
Par-h 63 of the Court's1974 Judm
in the case c o n B v.

As reported in Press Communiqué No95/22 of21 August 1995
(attached)New Zealand on that day submitted to the Court a Request for

an Examination of the Situation in accordance with Paragra63 of the
Ccurt's 19-7Jiicl~rnant the case concerningm1sar Tests (Nw
Zealand v. France). It also submitteda Request for the indicationof
provisional measures. New Zealand's Requests refer to a media statement
of 13 June 1995by Preçident Chirac "which said that France would conduct
a final seriesc ght nuclear weapons tests in the South Pacific
starting in September1.995". The first of those tests has taken place.

On Monday11 September 1995at 3 p.m., a public sitting will be held
by the Court inorder to enable New Zealand and France to inform it of
their views on the following question:"Do the Requests submittedto the
Court by the Government of New Zealandon21 August 1995 fa11 within the
provisions of paragraph63 of the Judgment of the Court of
20 December 1974in the!case concerning Tests (New Z w v.


For the purposes of the sitting and bearing in mindthe composition
of the Court at thetiniewhen the Judgment in the case concerninNuclear
Teçts (New Zealandv. Elrance)was delivered, Sir GeoffreyPalmer, chosen
to sit as judge hoc by New Zealand, will join the Court and makethe
necessary solemn declaration.

Theabove arrangements shall in no way prejudice any decision which
the Court willsubseque!ntlytake regarding theexistence or not of a case
before it. The Court will begin by holding a short sitting during which
Judge Rosalyn Higgins (United Kingdom), elected by the United Nations

General Assembiy and Security Council on 12 July 1995 to fil1 the vacancy
left by the resignation of Sir Robert Yewdall Jemings, will make the
solemn declaration providedfor in Article 20 of the Statute of the


1. The public sittingwill be held in the Great Hall of Justice of'
the Peace Palace, The Hague, the Netherlands. Membersof the Press will
be entitled to attend on presentation of an admission card, which may be

obtained upon application. The tables reserved forthem are situated.on
the far left of the public entrance of the courtroom.

2. Photographs may be taken at the opening, during the first minutes
of the sitting; and also for a few minutes towards its end. Filming for

television purposes is authorized; advance notice to be given as per
para. 5 below.

3. In the Press Room, located on the ground floor of the Peace Palace

(Room51, the Court's proceedings will be relayed througha loudspeaker.

4. Members of the Press who wish to make telephone calls may use the
public telephonesin the Post Office in the basement of the Peace Palace.

5. Mr. Artl -' itteveen, S,--,-ary in charge of informationmatters
(tel.No. 31-70-3022336), or, in his absence, Mrs. N. C. El-Erian,
Information Officer (tel.No. 31-70-30223371, will be available to deal
with any requests for information by members of the Press or 3r making

arrangements for television coverage.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Request for an Examination of the Situation in Accordance with Paragraph 63 of the Court's Judgment of 20 December 1974 in the Nuclear Tests (New Zealand v. France) Case - Public sitting to be held in The Hague on Monday 11 September 1995
