070-30223 23).Cables:Intercourt,he Hague.
Telefax(070-36499 28).Telex32323.
Communiqué -
for inmediate releame
No. 95/16
27 June 1995
. .
ittina of the Court of 30 June 1995
Further to Press Communiqué 95/14 of 9 June 1995, which announced the
reading on Friday 30 June 1995, at 10.00 a.m., of the Judgment in the
case concerning Wt Timor (Portugalv. AustrU, the following
information is communicated to the Press by the Registry of the
International Court of Justice:
At 10.00 a.m. on Friday 30 June 1995, the Court will begin by
holding a short sitting during which tribute will be paid to the memory
of Judge Roberto Ago (Italy),who died on 24 February 1995. Tribute will
also be paid to the memory of Mrs. Suzanne Bastid, of French nationality,
who was chosen by Tunisia to sit as Judge ad hoc in the case concerning
lication for Revislon and Intergretation of the ~udgnent of
24 Fehruarv 1982 in the Case concerninu the continental Shelf
(Tunisia/LibyanArab Jamahiriya) (Tunisia v. LbyaArab Jamahuiva) , and
who died on 2 March 1995.
Judge Luigi Ferrari Bravo (Italy), elected by the United Nations
General Assembly and Security Council on 21 June 1995 to fil1 the vacancy
caused by the death of Judge Ago, will then make the solemn declaration
provided for in Article 20 of the Statute of the Court.
After a very short break the sitting at which the President of the
Court will read the Court's Judgment in the case concerning Fast Tima
(Portusalv. Wtralia) will open.
Following the reading of the Judgment, the President will give a
short address to bid farewell to Sir Robert Jennings (UnitedKingdom)
whose resignation will take effect as £rom 10 July 1995.
- Sitting of the Court of 30 June 1995
East Timor (Portugal v. Australia) - Sitting of the Court of 30 June 1995