PeacePalace,251KJTheHaye. Tel.(070-39244 41)Cables:Intercourt.TheHague.
unofficial -
for imrnediatercleûse
13 September 1993
Requestbv WHO for an AdvisoryO~inion
Order fixinntime-limits
Registryof the InternationalCourt,ofJustice:odthe Pressby the
As mentionedin PressCommuniqué93/26of 3 September 1993the World
Health Assembly adoptedo,n 14 May 1993, Resolution WA6.40,which
requestedan advisory opinionfrom theInternationalCourtof Justiceon
the followingquestion:
"In view of the healthand environmental effects, would
the use of nuclear weaponby a State in war or otherarmed
conflictbe a breach ofits obligationsunder internationalaw
includingthe WHO Constitution?"
Theletterfrom theDirector-General of the World Health
Organizationtransmittingthe requestwas receivedin the Registryof the
Court on 3 September1993.
The Court,by an Order of 13 September 1993,xed 10 June 1994 as
the time-limitwithin whichwritten statements relatinto the question
may be submittedto the Courtby the World Health Organisatiand by
those of its member States who arentitledto appearbeforethe Court.
The subsequent proceduris reservedfor furtherdecision.
Request by World Health Organization for an Advisory Opinion - Order fixing time-limits