Request for advisory opinion made by the World Health Organization

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forimmediate release

No. 93/26
3 September1993

Reauestfor advisoryovinionmade bv the
World HealthOrpanization

The following information is made availab toethe Press by the
Registryof the International Couro tf Justice:

Pursuantto Resolution WHA46.40 adopted by the World HealthAssembly
on 14 May 1993, the Director-General of the WorH ldalth Organization
(WHO),by letterdated 27 August 199,3has laid before the Court foi rts
advisory opinion the following question:

"In viewof the health and environmental effects, would
the use ofnuclear weapons by a State in war or otherarmed
conflictbe a breach of its obligations under internationallaw
including the WHO Constitution."

In 1946 the World Health Organizatio was authorizedby the
General Assemblyto request advisory opinions o the Court on legal
questionsarisingwithin the scope ofits activities,in accordance with
Article 96, paragraph 2, of the Charter, Article76 of the Constitution
of the WHO and ArticleX, paragraph 2, of the Agreement between thUeN
and the WHO.

It made use ofthat authorization once earlier when it requested,
in 1980, an advisory opinion ofthe Court concerning the Interpretation
of the Apreementof 25March 1951 between WHO and E~YD~.

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Document Long Title

Request for advisory opinion made by the World Health Organization
