Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro) - Request for the indication of provisional measures

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
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Telefax(070• 36499 28).Telex32323. Communiqué ,

ror i~medi aeease

No. 93/25
27 August 1993

Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Puniabment
of the Crime of Genocide CBosnia and Berzesoyina v. Yugoslavia
CSerbla and nontegearoll

R:eguests for the indication of provisional measures

Progress and conclusion of public hearings

The followina information is communicated to the Press by the
Registry of the International Court of Justice:

The public hearings held by the Court in the above case on the
second request for the indication of provisional measures made by Bosnia
and Herzegovina and a similar request by Yugoslavia (Serbie and
Montenegro), which opened on Wednesday 25 August 1993, were concluded on
Thursday 26 August 1993.

At the opening of these hearings, Judges ad hoc Elihu Lauterpacht,
chosen by Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Milenko Kreca, chosen by Yugoslavia
(Serbia and Montenearo), made the solemn declaration required by the
Statute and Rules of Court.

Durina the first round of oral arguments, held on 25 and 26 August,

statements were made:

- on behalf of Bosnia and Herzegovina, by H.E. Mr. Muhamed Sacirbey and
by Professer Francis A. Boyle, Agents of Bosnia and Herz~govina;

-on behalf of Yugoslavia (Serbie and Montenegro), by
Mr. Rodoljub Etinski and by Mr. Djordje Lopicic, Agents of Yugoslavia
(Serbia and Montenegro), and by Professer Shabtai Rosenne and
Mr. Miodrag Mitic, Counsel and Advocates.

Judge Ajibola and judge ad hoc Lauterpacht put questions to the
Agents of both Parti~s.


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The second round took place on 26 August. The speakers were:

- on behalf of Bosnia and Herzegovina, H.E. IMr. Muhamed Sacirbey and
Professer Francis A. Boyle, Agents of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- on behalf of Yugoslavia (Serbie and Montenegro), Mr. Rodoljub Etinski,
Agent of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegr6).
Judge Schwebel put questions to the Agent of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


The hearings now being completed, the Court will begin to consider
its decision. 1

The date.of the public sitting at whicn the Order on the requests
for the indication of provisional measures ls to be read will be
announced in a Press Communiqué. 1


ICJ document subtitle

- Request for the indication of provisional measures

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro) - Request for the indication of provisional measures
