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PeacePalace, 25KJ TheHague.Tel. (0-39244 41)C.ablesIntercout,heHague.
Telefax(07-3649928).Telex32323. communiqué
Members of the Court+ Staff 14-9-92 for mmedia terclease
P.O.Peace Palace 15-9-92
No. 92/23
11 September 1992
Case concerninnPassanethrounhthe Great Belt
(Finlandv. Denmark)
The following informatioins communicated to theress by the
Registryof the International Courotf Justice:
In theOrder of 29 July 1991, bywhich theCourt adjudicatedupon a
above case (cf. Press Communiqué 91/24of that same date), the Court
declared interalia that "pendinga decisionof the Court on the merits,
any negotiationbetween.the Partieswith a view to achievinga direct and
friendly settlementis to be welcomed".
By a letterdated 3September1992 the Agent of Finland,referring
to the passage quotedabove,statedthat a settlementof the dispute had
been attainedand accordingly notifiedthe Court of the discontinuanof
the case byFinland.
By a letterdated 4 September1992 the Agent of Denmarkto whoma
copy ofthe letter from the Agent of Finlandhad been communicated,
stated thatDenmarkhad no objection tothe discontinuance.
Consequently,the Presidentof the Court,on 10 September1992,made
an Order recordingthe discontinuanceof the proceedingand directing
the removal ofthe case from the Court's list.
- Discontinuance
Passage through the Great Belt (Finland v. Denmark) - Discontinuance