Maritime Delimitation in the Area between Greenland and Jan Mayen (Denmark v. Norway) - Opening of Hearings

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

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PeacePalace, 251KJ TheHague.Tel.(070-392 4441).CablesIntercourt,heHague.

Telefax(070-3649928).Telex32323. communiqué

Members of Court + Staff 29-6-92 for immediate rclease
P.O. Peace Palace 30-6-92

No. 92/17
24 June 1992

Case concerninnMaritime Delimitatio in the Area
betweenGreenlandand Jan Mayen
JDenmarkv. IrlomayyL

O~eninnof Hearinne

The following informatio is communicatedto the Pressby the
Registryof the InternationaC lourtof Justice:

Public sittingsto hear the oral argument of the Parties in the
case concerning Maritime Delimitatio in theArea between Greenlandand
Jan Mayen (Denmarkv. Norwaylwill openat 10.00a.m. on Monday
11 January 1993 in the GreatHall of Justice of the Peace Palace at
The Hague.


1. The publicsittingwill be held in the GreaH tall of Justice of
the PeacePalace. Mem'bero sf the Presswill beentitled to attend after
presentation of a pressidentificatioc nardor an admission card, which
may be obtainedupon application.The tables reserved for th eme
situatedon the farleftof the publicentranceto the courtroom.

2. Photographs maybe takenbefore the opening ad ndringthe first
fewminutesof a sitting; alsoa fewminutestowards the end. Filming
for cinemaor television purposesis howeversubjectto special

3. In the PressRoom,locatedon the ground flooo rf the
PeacePalace(Room 5),the Court'sproceedings will berelayed througa h

4. Membersof the Pressmay usethe public telephones in the Post
Officein the basementof the Palace.

5.Mr. A.Th.Witteveen, Secretar of the Court (telephone
extension 233),or, in hisabsence,Mrs. N.C. El-Erian(telephone
extension234)will beavailable to dealwith any requestsfor
informationby members ofthe Press.

ICJ document subtitle

- Opening of Hearings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Maritime Delimitation in the Area between Greenland and Jan Mayen (Denmark v. Norway) - Opening of Hearings
