Territorial Dispute (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya/Chad) - Progression and conclusion of public hearings

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PeacePalace,2517KJTheHaye. Tel.(070-39244 41).CableIntercour,heHague.

Telefax(070-3649928).Telex32323. communiqué

for immediaterclease

No. 93/18
14 July 1993

Case concerninnthe Territorial Dispute
JLibvanArab Jamahiri~a/Chadl

pronressand conclusionof publicheariws

The following informatio ns communicatedto the Pressby the
Registryof the International Courtof Justice:

The public hearingsheld by theCourtin the case concerning the
Territorial Dis~ute(LibvanArab Jamahiriva/Chad)w,hich openedon
14 June 1993,were concluded today,14 July 1993.

Duringthe firstroundof oral arguments, held betwe1 en June and
2 July 1993,statements were made:

- on behalfof the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya by H.E. Mr. Abdulati
IbrahimEl-Obeidi,Agent ofLibya; and by Mr.Kamel H. El Maghur,
Mr. JamesR. Crawford,Mr. Rudolph Dolzer,,Sir Ian Sinclairand,

Mr. WalterD. Sohier,Counseland Advocates;
- on behalfof Chad,by Rector AbderahmaD nadi,Agent of Chad; by
Mr. Alain Pellet, Deputy-Agent, Couna sel Advocate; by
Mr. AntonioCassese,Mr. Jean-PierreCot, Mr. ThomasM. Franck,and
Mrs. RosalynHiggins,Counseland Advocates; and by
Mr. MalcolmN. Shaw and Mr.Jean-MarcSorel,Advocates.

Judge Guillaumeput a questionto the.Agentof Libya.

The secondroundof oral arguments took plac ferom 6 to
14 July 1993. The speakerswere:

- on behalfof the LibyanArab Jamahiriya, H.E.Mr. Abdulati
Ibrahim El-Obeidi, Agen of Libya; Mr. KamelH. El Maghur,
Mr. DerekW. Bowett,Mr. Philippe CahierM ,r. Luigi Condorelli,
Mr. James R. Crawford,Mr. Rudolph Dolzer,Sir Ian Sinclairand
Mr. WalterD. Sohier, Counseland Advocates;- on behalf of Chad, RectorAbderahmanDadi,Agent of Chad;
Mr. Alain Pellet,Deputy-Agent,Counseland Advocate;
Mr. AntonioCassese,Mr. Jean-PierreCot, Mr. ThomasM. Franck,and
Mrs. Rosalyn Higgins,Counseland Advocates; Mr. Malcolm N. Shaw and
Mr. Jean-Marc Sorel, Advocates.

The Agents of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriy and Chad read the final
submissionsof their Governments.

The oral argumentsnow being completed, the Courtwill begin to
considerits Judgment.

The date of the publicsittingat which the Judgmentis to be read
will beannouncedin a Press Communiqué.

ICJ document subtitle

- Progression and conclusion of public hearings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Territorial Dispute (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya/Chad) - Progression and conclusion of public hearings
