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' $'! ~iiTEmPiflON~iCouRT OF JUSTICE
&# PeacePalace,KJTheHague.Tel. -392441).CablIntcmun,ThHague.
- L
forimmediate release
No. 93/12
20 May 1993
CaseoncerninnEast Timor
fPortunv. Australia)
Extensionof time-limit
The following informans communicatedto the Press by the
Registryof the Internationatf Justice:
By anOrder of 19 May 1993in the above case, the Presidentof the
Court,upon the requestof the Agent of Australiaand after the views of
Portugal hadbeen ascerthas extended the time-tor the filing
of theejoinderof Aiistrfrom 1 June to 1 July 1993.
The subsequent proceas been reservedfor furtherdecision.
- Extension of time-limit
East Timor (Portugal v. Australia) - Extension of time-limit