Border and Transborder Armed Actions (Nicaragua v. Honduras) - Removal of the case from the Court's list

Document Number
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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

-3 p r.1 7 ., K$I
1 Pii O\ i , 'r --d.'iL



Membersof Court+ St:af2-6-92 fur immediateelease
P.O. PeacePalace3-6-92 (10.00)

27 May 1992

B e

Registryof the International Coutf Justice:to the Pressby the

The above case in which,ollowing theilingby Nicaraguaof its
Memorial,the Court, takinginto accountan agreement betwthe Parties
of 12 December1989,had not fixedathe-limit for the depositof the
Counter-Memorial byonduras,has now been brought toend on the
initiativeof Nicaragua.

By a letterdated 11 May 1992the Agent of Nicaragua informed the
out-of-courtagreementaimed atnhancingtheir good neighbourlyd an
relations,theGavernmentof Nicaraguahad decided to renounel1
furtherright of actionbased on the case, and that thatGovernment did
not wish to go on with the proceedings.

As requiredby Article89 of theRules of Court,he Presidentof
the Courtfixed25 May 1992 as the time-limitwithinwhich Hondurasmight
state whether it opposedthe discontinuance.By a letterdated
14 May 1992, transmitted to eegistryof the Court byfacsimileon
18 May 1992, and the originalfhich was subsequently transmitted on
Governmentdid not oppose discontinuance ofproceedings.athis

In consequence, tCourt,on 27 May 1992,made an Order recording
the discontinuancof the proceedingsand directingthe removal of the
case from theCourt'slist.

ICJ document subtitle

- Removal of the case from the Court's list

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Border and Transborder Armed Actions (Nicaragua v. Honduras) - Removal of the case from the Court's list
