Maritime Delimitation in the Area between Greenland and Jan Mayen (Denmark v. Norway) - Progress and conclusion of public hearings

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PeacePalace,251KJThe Hague.el. (0-39244 41).CableIntercout,he Hague.
Telefax(07-3649b28).Telex32323. comIIPUni'é
Menbers of Court+ Staff28-1-93 forirnmediaterclease
P.O. Peace Palace29-1-93(a.m.)
Togetherwith Comm.9312
No. 9313
27 January 1993

Maritime Delimitation in the Area between
Greenland and Jan Mayen (Denmark v. Norway)

Progress and conclusion of public hearings

The following information is communicated to the Press by the
Registry of the International Court of Jzstice:

The public hearinge held by the Court in the case concerning
Maritime Delimitation in the area between Greenland and Jan Mayen
(Denmark vNorway), which opened on 11 January 1993, were concluded
today, 27 January 1993.

During the first round of oral arguments, held between 11 and
21 January, statements were made:

- on behalf of Denmark, by Mr. Tyge Lehmann and Mr. John Bernhard,
Agents of Denmark; Mr.'~er Magid, Agent and Advocate;
Mr. Eduardo Jiménez deArechaga and Mr. Derek W. Bowett, Counsel and
Advocatea; Mr. Finn Lynge, Ms. Kirsten Trolle and Mr. Milan Thamsborg,
Counsel and Experts;
- on behalf of Norway, by Mr. Bjp'rnHaug and Mr. Per Tresselt,
Agents and Counsel of Norway; and by Mr. Ian Brownlie, Mr. Keith Highet
and Mr. Prosper Weil, Counsel and advocates.

Questions were put to both Agents by Vice-President Oda. The second round of oral arguments took place on
25 and 27 January. The speakers were: .

- on behalf of Denmark, Mr. Tyge Lehmann, Agent of Denmark;
Mr. Per Magid, Agent and Advocate; Mt. Derek W. Bowett, Counsel and
Advocate and Mr. Finn Lynge, Counsel and Expert;

- on behalf of Norway,Mr. ~jjrn Haug and Mr. Per Tresselt, Agents
and Counsel of Norway, andMr. Ian Brownlie and Mr. Prosper Weil,
Counsel and Advocates.

The Agents of Denmark and Norway read the final submissions of
their Governments.

The oral arguments now being completed,the Court will begin to
consider its Judgment.

The date of the public Sitting at which the Judgment is to be read

will be announced in a Press Communiqué.

ICJ document subtitle

- Progress and conclusion of public hearings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Maritime Delimitation in the Area between Greenland and Jan Mayen (Denmark v. Norway) - Progress and conclusion of public hearings
