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PeacePalace2517KJ TheHague.Tel.(070-3924441)C.ablesIntercourt.TheHague.
Members of Court+ Staff 28-1-93 unofficial
P.O. Peace Palace29-1-93 (a.m.) for immediate rclease
Togetherwith Comm. 93/3
No. 93/2
27 January 1993
Case coqçerninnTerritorialDis~ute
(LibvanArab Jamabiriva/Chad>
Jiearinnto open on Honda~7 June 1999
The following information c ismmunicatedto the Pressby the
Registryof the InternationalCourtof Justice:
Public sittingsto hear the oral argumentsof the Parties in the
case concerningTerritorialDiS~ute(LibvanArab Jamahiriva/Chadw lill
open at 10.00a.m. on Monday7 June 1993 in the Great Hall ofJusticeof
the Peace Palaceat The Hague.
1. The public sittingwill be held in the GreatHall of Justiceof
the PeacePalace. Membersof the Presswill beentitled to attena dfter
presentationof a press identificatio cardor an admissioncard, which
may be obtainedupon application.The tablesreserved for them are
situatedon the far left of the publicentranceto the courtroom.
2. Photographs may betakenbefore the opening an duringthe first
few minutesof a sitting; also a few minutes towards te hed. Filming
forcinemaor television purposesis howeversubjectto special
3. In the PressRoom, locatedon the groundfloorof the
Peace Palace(Room 5), the Court'sproceedingswill be relayedthrougha
4. Membereof the Pressmay usethe publictelephonesin the Post
Officein the basementof the Palace.
5. Mr. A. Th. Witteveen,Secretaryof the Court (telephone
extension 233), or, in his absence,Mrs. N. C. El-Erian(telephone
extension 234) will be available todealwith any requests for
information by membersof the Press.
- Hearings to open on Monday 7 June 1993
Territorial Dispute (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya/Chad) - Hearings to open on Monday 7 June 1993