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PeacePalace2517 KJTheHagueT . el.(07-392 4441)C.ables ntercournt,iHague.
- Telefax(07- 3649928) T.elex32323. cOntntUnj4Ué
Membersof the Court + Staff 3-7-92 for immediate release
P.O. Peace Palace7--7-92
No. 92/20
30 June 1992
Certain Phosphate Lands in Nauru
(Nauru v. Australial
Fixiw of time-limit
The following information is comrnunicate to the Pressby the
Registryof the Internationa Courtof Justice:
In itsJudgmentof 26June 1992on the ~relimikary Objectionsfiled
by Australiain the abovecase,the Courthas found that it has
. jurisdiction to entertaintheApplication and thatthe saidApplication
is admissible, and that the claim concerningot veerseasassetsof the
British PhosphatC eommissioners, made b Nauru in itsMemorialof
20 April 1990, is inadmissible (seePressCommuniqué 92/18).
As a time-limit had thento be fixedfor thefilingof the
Counter-Memoriao lf Australia,the Presidentof the Court,having
ascertained the viewsof the Parties, made an Orderdated 29June 1992
whereby 29 March 199 was fixedas the time-limit for theAustralian
The subsequent procedur has beenreservedfor further decision.
- Fixing of time-limit
Certain Phosphate Lands in Nauru (Nauru v. Australia) - Fixing of time-limit