Certain Phosphate Lands in Nauru (Nauru v. Australia) - Hearing to open on Monday 11 November 1991

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y w,p A Peace Palace,2517 KJThe Hague.Tel. -3924441). Cables:Intercourt,The ~ague.'

Members of the Court+ Staff 7-11-91(12.30)
P.O. Peace Palace 7-11-91(12.30) for irnrnediate rclease

No. 91/30
4 November1991

-ertainPhos~hate Landsin Nauru
(Nauruv. Australia)

Hearinvto oDenon monda1 ^1 November1991

The following informationis communicatedto the Pressby the
Registryof the Internationa lourtof Justice.

Public sittingsto hear the oral argumentsof the Partiesin the
case concerningCertainPhos~hate Landsin Nauru (Nauruv. Australia)
will openat 10 a.m. on Monday,11 November1991 in the GreatHall of
Justiceof the Peace Palace at The Hague.

Followingthe filingby the Commonwealth of Australia,on
16 January 1991,of preliminary objectionto the jurisdictionof the
Courtand the admissibilit yf Nauru'sApplication the proceedin onsthe
merits were,in accordance withArticle79 of the Rulesof Court,
suspended. On 17 July 1991, Naurufiled the writtenstatementof its
observations and submissionson the preliminaryobjections.The oral
proceedings are thusconfinedto the issuesof the jurisdiction of the
Court andthe admissibilityof the Application.


1. The publicsittings will be held in the GreatHall of~usticeof
the PeacePalace. Membersof the Press willbe entitledto attendon
presentation of anadmission card,whichmay be obtainedupon
application.The tablesreservedfor them are situated on the farleft
of the public entranceof the courtroom.

2. Photographsmay be takenbeforethe opening,duringthe first
fiveminutesof the sittings; and also for afew minutestowardsthe
end. Filmingfor cinemaor television purposesis howeversubjectto

3. In the Pressroom,locatedon the ground floor of the
Peace Palace (Room5), the oralproceedings will berelayed through a

4. Membersof the Presswho wish to make phone calls ma use only
the public telephone in the Post Officein the basementof the Palace.

5. Mr. Witteveen, Secretar of the Court(telephoneextension 233)
or, in his absence,Mrs. El-Erian (telephon extension234),will be
availableto dealwith any requests for information by memberof the

ICJ document subtitle

- Hearing to open on Monday 11 November 1991

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Certain Phosphate Lands in Nauru (Nauru v. Australia) - Hearing to open on Monday 11 November 1991
