Applicability of the Obligation to Arbitrate under Section 21 of the United Nations Headquarters Agreement of 26 June 1947 - Submission of Written Statements: Hearing on 11 April 1988

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41, Cables: Intercourt, The Hague

Telex 32323

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4' P JIrr
No. 88/8
t;,/**~h-u:J - +. 30 March 1988
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Applicability of the Obligationto Arbitrate
underSection21 of the UnitedNations Headquarters

Agreementof 26 June 1947

Submissionof Written Statements:

Hearingon 11 April1988

The followingiriformation is made availableto the Pressby the
Registryof the International Courtof Justice.

Four writtensta.tementh save beenreceivedby the Courtby
25 March1988,the time-limitfixedby the Courtin its Order of
9 March1988 for the submissionof such statements, underArticle66 of
the Court'sStatute,on the question submittet do itfor advisoryopinion

by GeneralAssemblyresolution 42/229 B, namely:

"In the lightof factsreflectedin the reportsof
the Secretary-Generali ,s the UnitedStatesof America,
as a party to the Agreementbetweenthe UnitedNations
and the UnitedStatesof America regarding the

Headquarters of the UnitedNations, underan obligation
to enter into arbitratio nn accordancewith section21
of the Agreement?"

As explainedin PressCommuniqué88/4,the Court decided that the
UnitedStatesof Americaand the UnitedNationsshouldreceivea direct
notificationthat the,ywere considered likelt yo be able to furnish

informationon the qu~estiona ,nd fixed25 March 1988 as the time-limit
for thereceiptof thieir written statementa snd thoseof any other
Stateparty to the Statutewishingto participatein the proceedings.

Both the Secretarv-Generao lf the UnitedNationsand the Government
of the UnitedStates of Americahave filedstatements, as have also the
Governmentsof the GermanDemocraticRepublicand the SyrianArab

Republic. Under thzrms of the Court'sOrderand the Statuteof the
Court, oral comments on written stateme matysbe made at a hearingby
the Statesand Organization which have submittedwritten statementst ;he
Court further decidedin its Order to holda hearingon 11 April 1988 for
this purposeand thathearingwill open at 10 a.m. on that day.

The writtenstatt-menta sre not yet available to the press and

public; underArticle106 of the Rules of Court,the Courtor the
Presidentmay decidet:hat such statements shall be made accessible to the
publicon or after the openingof the oral proceedings. NOTE FOR THEPRESS

1. The public sitting will be held in the Great Hall of Justice of
the Peace Palace. Members of the Press will be entitled to attend it
after presentation of a press identification card and provision of a
photocopy thereof. The tables reserved for the Press are situated on the
far left of the public entrance to the courtroom.

2. Photographs may be taken before the opening and during the first
few minutes of the sitting. Filming for cinema or television purposes is
however subject to special authorization.

3. In the Press Room, located on the ground floor of the
Peace Palace (Room 5), the oral proceedings will be relayed through a

4. Members of the Press may use only the public telephones in the

Post Office in the basement of the Palace.

5. Mr. Noble, Deputy-Registrar of the Court (telephone
extension 238), or, in his absence, Mrs. El-Erian (extension 244) will be
available to deal with any requests for information by members of the


ICJ document subtitle

- Submission of Written Statements: Hearing on 11 April 1988

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Applicability of the Obligation to Arbitrate under Section 21 of the United Nations Headquarters Agreement of 26 June 1947 - Submission of Written Statements: Hearing on 11 April 1988
