Territorial Dispute (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya/Chad) - Fixing of the time-limit for the filing of the Memorials

Document Number
Document Type
Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File


Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel. (070 - 392 44 41). Cables: Intercourt,The Hague.

Telefax (070 - 36499 28). Telex 32323.

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2 November 1990

Case concerning the Territorial Dispute
(Libyan Arab ~amahiriya/~had)

Further to Press Communiqué 90/14 of 4 September 1990, the following
information is communic:ated to the Press by the Registry of the
Internat ional Court of Justice :

By an Order of 26 October 1990 the Court, having ascertained the
views of the Parties, ciecided that, as provided in Article 46,
paragraph 2, of the RuILes of Court, each Party should file a Memorial and
Counter-Mernorial, wit Min the same t ime-limit , and f ixed 26 August 1991 as
t ime-limit for the Memorials.

The Order was made taking into account the following developments:

On 31 August 1990 the Government of the Socialist People's Libyan
Arab Jamahiriya filed jLn the Registry of the Court a notification of an
agreement between that Government and the Government of the Republic of
Chad, entitled "Framework Agreement on the Peacef ul Settlement of the

Territorial Dispute bet:ween the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab
Jamahiriya and the Repilblic of Chad", concluded in Algiers on
31 August 1989.

On 3 September 19!30, the Republic of Chad filed in the Registry of
the Court an Application instituting proceedings against the Socialist

People 's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, based on Article 2 -(a) of the "Framework
Agreement" and subsidiarily on Article 8 of a Franco-Libyan Treaty of
Friendship and Good NeJ-ghbourliness of 10 August 1955.

Subsequently, the Agent of Chad, by a letter of 28 September 1990,
informed the Court, inter alia, that his Government had noted that:

"its claim coincicles with that contained in the notification
addressed to the Court on 31 August 1990 by the Libyan Arab
Jamahi riya"and considered that

"Those two notifications reiate to one single case,
referred to the Court in application of the Algiers Agreement,
which constitutes the Special Agreement, the principal basis of
the Court's jurisdiction to deal with the matter."

At a meeting between the President of the Court and representatives

of the Parties held on 24 October 1990 it was agreed between the Agents
of the Parties that the proceedings in the case had in effect been
instituted by tm successive notifications of the Special Agreement
constituted by the "Framework Agreement" of 31 August 1989, that filed by
the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya on 31 August 1990, and the communication £rom
the Republic of Chad filed on 3 September 1990 read in conjunction with

the letter from the Agent of Chad of 28 September 1990, and that the
procedure in the case should be determined by the Court on that basis,
pursuant to Article 46, paragraph 2, of the Rules of Court.

The subsequent procedure has been reserved for further decision.

ICJ document subtitle

- Fixing of the time-limit for the filing of the Memorials

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Territorial Dispute (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya/Chad) - Fixing of the time-limit for the filing of the Memorials
