Applicability of Article VI, Section 22, of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations - Fixing of the time-limits for the filing of written pleadings

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PencePalace, 25KJ 'TheHagueTel. (0-92 44 41). Cables: Intercourt, The Hague.

Telefa(070-6499 28).Telex 32323.

for immediate release

No. 89/9
26 June 1989

A~~iicabilityof ArticleVI. Section22. of the Convention
on thePrivil.egeasnd Immunitiesof the UnitedNations

Registryof the International Courcotf Justice:o the Press bythe

As mentionedin PressCommuniqué No. 89/8 of 26May 1989the
Economicand Social Coiincilof theUnitedNations adoptedo ,n
24 May 1989,resolutior1 i989/75,which requested,on a prioritybasis,an
advisoryopinionfrom the International Cour tf Justice:

"on the legal questionof the applicabilityof ArticleVI,
Section22, of the Conventionon the Privileges and Immunities
of the UnitedNations, inthe case ofMr. DumitruMaziluas
SpecialRapporteurof the Sub-Commission [onPrevention of
Discriminationand Protection ofMinorities]".

The letterfrom theSecretary-Generao lf the UnitedNations
transmitting the requeçt f anradvisoryopinionby the Economicand
Social Council (seeArticle104 ofthe Rulesof Court)was receivedin
the Registryof the Courton 13 June 1989.

The Presidentof the Court, byan Orderof 14 June,decidedthat the
United Nationsand theStates which are partiesto the Convention on the
Privilegesand Inmunities of theUnited Nations are likelyto be able to
furnishinformation on the question submittetdo the Court (see
Article66, paragraph ;!,of the Statute)and, bearingin mind that the
requestwas expressed t:obe made"on a priority basis", fixedthe
time-limits in the caseas follows:

- 31 July 1989 forthe submissionof written statements;

- 31 August1989 for subsequenwtrittencommentson thosestatements.

The subsequentprocedureis reservedfor further decision.

ICJ document subtitle

- Fixing of the time-limits for the filing of written pleadings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Applicability of Article VI, Section 22, of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations - Fixing of the time-limits for the filing of written pleadings
