Arbitral Award of 31 July 1989 (Guinea-Bissau v. Senegal) - Request for the indication of provisional measures - Conclusion of the public sittings

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Peace Palace, 2517 TCJThe Hague.Tel. (070 - 39244 41). Cables:Intercourt,The Hague.

- Telefax(070-3649928).Telex32323. Communiqué

for imrnecliate rclease

No. 90/3

14 February 1990

The following information is communicated to the Press by the
Registry of the International Court of Justice:

On Monday 12 February 1990, public sittings were held at which the
International Court of Justice heard arguments of both Parties in the
case concerning the Arbitral Award of 3: July 1989 with respect to the

request for the indication of provisional measures made by Guinea-Bissau.

Statements were made

- on behalf of Guinea-Bissau by:

H.E. Mr. Fidelis Cabral de Aimada, Agent;
Professor Monique Chemillier-Gendreau, Advocate and Counsel, and
Mr. Miguel Galvao Teles, Counsel;

- on behalf of S'enegal by:

H.E. Mr. Doudou Thiam, Agent and
Professor Derek Bowett, Co-Agent.

President Ruda put a question to the Co-Agent of Senegal and
Judges Oda, Schwebel and Guillaume put questions to the Agents of both
Parties. The Court was composed as follows:

President José Maria Ruda (Argentina)
Vice-President Kéba Mbaye (Sénégal)
Judges Manfred Lachs (Poland)

Taslim Olawale Elias (Nigeria)
Shigeru Oda (Japan)
Roberto Ago (Italy)
Stephen M. Schwebel (United States of America)
Sir Robert Jennings (United Kingdom)
Ni Zhengyu (China)

Jens Evensen (Norway)
Nikolaï K. Tarassov (USSR)
Gilbert Guillaume (France)
Mohamed Shahabuddeen (Guyana)
Raghunandan Swarup Pathak (~ndia)
Judge ad hoc Hubert Thierry (France)

Judge Bedjaoui had previously informed the President of the Court
that, as he had been a member of the Arbitration Tribunal called upon to
deal with the maritime deiimitation between the two States, he considered
that he should not participate in this case.

Guinea-Bissau has chosen Professor Hubert Thierry, whose biography

is annexed, to sit as judge ad hoc. Mr. Hubert Thierry

Judge ad hoc in the case concerningthe
Arbitral Award of31 July 1989
(Guinea-Bissau v. Senegal)

Born in Paris,7 June 1925.

Studies ofLaw and Lettersat the Facultyof Law of Paris and the

First Secretary of the conferenceof trainee lawyers attachedto the
Conseild'Etat and theCour de Cassation (1952).

Agrégé de droit public (1954).

Professorat the Facultyof Law of Grenoble(1954-1958).

Legal Advisor to the Embassyof France at Tunis (1959-1961).

Professorat theFacultyof Law of Caen (1962-1969).

Professorat the Université deParis X - Nanterre(since1969).

Vice-Presidentof thisUniversity(1973-1978).

Member of the Frenchdelegationto the General Assembly of the
United Nations (1955-19.56-1957-1961).

Presidentof the F:rench Sectionof Amnesty International (1971-1976).

Oficer on missionwith the Presisdentof the NationalAssembly

Deputy Directorof UNIDIR (UnitedNations Institute for Disarmament

Visiting Professor at the GraduateInstituteof International
Studies, Geneva(1984, 1985-1985, 1986). VisitingProfessorat the
University ofGeneva (1989-1990).

In chargeof the generalcourseat the Hague Academy of

InternationalLaw (1990:).

Chevalierde la Légiond'honneur.
Officierdes Palmesacadémiques.


Books: - Les Armes atomiques et la politique internationale. Dunod

- Droit international,en collaboration avec leP srofesseurs

Jean Cornbacau,Sur et C. Vallee, éditionsDomat Montchrétien,
first ed., 1975, fifth ed., 1986.Articles: - La condition juridiqu eu NordViet-Nam- Annuaire français
de droit international(AFDI), 1955.

- L'avisconsultatif de la Cour international de Justice
du 20 juillet1962 surcertaines dépensed ses NationsUnies,
AFDI 1962.

- La cession à la Tunisie desterresdes agriculteurs français
- AFDI, 1963.

- L'arrêtde la Cour internationald ee Justicedans l'affaire
du Cameroun septentrional, exceptions préliminaires,
AFDI, 1964.

- Les arrêts du20 décembre1974 et les relations de la France
avec la Cour international dee Justice- AFDI, 1974.

- La Nouvelle politique françai duedésarmement - AFDI,

- Aspects juridique se la courseaux armements dans l'espace
- AFDI, 1985.

- Internationalisme et normativisme en droit international
(in : Guy de Lacharrièreet la politique extérieud re
la France).

ICJ document subtitle

- Request for the indication of provisional measures - Conclusion of the public sittings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Arbitral Award of 31 July 1989 (Guinea-Bissau v. Senegal) - Request for the indication of provisional measures - Conclusion of the public sittings
