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- communiqué
6-10 Judgesand Staff (15.30) for immediate release
6-10 PostofficePeacePalace (16.15)
PressCommuniaué 89/21
5 October 1989
Applicabilit~of ArticleVI. Section22. of the Convention
on the Privileaesand Immunitiesof theUnitedNations
Oral proceedinah seld
The following informationis communicatedto the Pressby the
Registryof the International Couo rt Justice:
Duringthe public hearing hel on 4 and 5 October 1989in the
advisorycase concerning theA~~licabilito vf ArticleVI. Section22. of
the Convention on thePrivile~es and Immunitiesof the UnitedNationsthe
Courtheard statementm sade on behalfof the Secretary-Genera of the
United Nations by Mr. Carl-AugustFleischhauer,the LegalCounselof the
Organi~ation~ano dn behalfof theUnitedStatesof Americaby the
HonorableAbrahamD. Sofaer,theLegalAdviserat the Department of
Mr. Fleischhauer replie to questionsput to him by PresidentRuda
and JudgeGuillaume.
The Courtwill now beginto considerits Advisory Opinion. The date
of the public sitting aw thich theAdvisoryOpinionis to be readwillbe
announcedin an ensuing press communiqué.
- Oral proceedings held
Applicability of Article VI, Section 22, of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations - Oral proceedings held