A w 6-j a tj E hi 1
Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41. Cables: Intercourt. The Hague
Telex 32323
1 .,/ for lmmediate rsleass
No. 87/15
3 June 1987
Land, Island and Marjtj me Frontj er Dispute
(El Salvador/Honduras)
The followjng jnformatjon js made avajlable to the Press by the
r degj stry of the 1ntern.atjonal Court of Justl ce:
The Chamber formeld by the Court on 8 May 1987 to deal wjth the case
concernlng the Land, Island and Marjtime Frontier Djspute
(El Salvador/Honduras) elected Judge José Sette-Camara as jts Presjdent
at jts fjrst private meeetjng on 29 May 1987.
Judge José Sette-Camara, who js of Brazjljari natjonalj ty, has been a
rfember of the Court sj nce 6 February 1979. He was jts Vj ce-Presjdent
from 1982 to 1985.
The composj tjon o.£ the Chamber js as follows : Presjdent :
José Sette-Camara; Juldges Shjgeru Oda and Sjr Robert Jennjngs;
Judges ad hoc Nicolas Valtjcos and Michel Vjrally.
by an Order of 27 May 1987 the Court fjxed 1 June 1988 as the
time-limj t for the fjljng of a Memorjal by each of the Partjes.
kiy an Order of 29 klay 1987 the Chamber further fixed 1 February 1989
as the tjme-ljmjt for tiiefjling of a Counter-i4emorjal by each of the
Parties and 1 August 1989 as the tjme-ljmj t for the filjng of the Repljes.
These tjme-lj mjts correspond to the wj shesof the Partj es as
expressed in the Specj al Agreement jnstj tut] ng the proceedj ngs and jn
later comunj catj ons.
Land, Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute (El Salvador/Honduras) - Judge José Sette-Camara elected President of the Chamber formed to deal with the case - Fixing of time-limits for the filing of written pleadings