Frontier Dispute (Burkina Faso/Mali) - Judge Mohamed Bedjaoui elected President of the Chamber formed to deal with the case - Solemn declarations of Judges ad hoc François Luchaire and Georges Michel

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- ~ ~ F c F - ~ ~ ~


Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague Tel. 92 44 41. Cables: Intercourt. The Hague

Telex 32323

for rmmediate release

No. 8518
1 May 1985

Frontier Dispute (Burkina ~aso/~ali)

The following information is made availabie to the press by the
Registry of the International Court of Jiistice :

The Chamber forined by the Coiirt on 3 April 1985 to deal with the
frontier dispute between Burkin,i i7aso (formerly known as Upper Volta) and
Mali elected Judge Mohammed Bedjauui to its presidency at its first

private meeting on 29 April.

The composition of the Chamber is as follows:

Judge Mohammed Bedjaoui, President; Judges Manfred Lachs and
José-Maria Ruda; Judges ad hoc k'rançois Luc hai re and
Georges Michel Abi-Saab.

On the same day, the Chriinber held its first public sitting, at which
speeches were made by the Prcsidcnt of the Court, Judge Nagendra Singh,
by the President of the Chamber, Judg~ Mohammed Bedjaoui, by the Agent of

Burkina Faso, Mr. Nongoma Ouedraogo, and by the Agent of Mali,
Licuteriant-Colonel Abdourahani,inc Ilaiga . .liidges ad hoc Luc hai re and
Abi-Saab, chosen respectively hp Burkina Faso and Mali, made the solemn
declaration required by the Statiit-e and the liules of Court.

By an Order made on 12 April, the President of the Court has fixed
3 October 1985 as tliie time-limi l for the filing of Memorials by

Burkina Faso and Mali. This timc-limit corresponds to the wishes of the
Parties as ixpressed in the Spc>cial Agrecnient by which procecdings were

Distributed 1-5-85 (14~30)
To i

Judges and staff,
Post Office Peace Palace
Press not called.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Frontier Dispute (Burkina Faso/Mali) - Judge Mohamed Bedjaoui elected President of the Chamber formed to deal with the case - Solemn declarations of Judges ad hoc François Luchaire and Georges Michel Abi-Saab
