Application for Review of Judgment No. 333 of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal - The Court will deliver its Advisory Opinion on 27 May 1987

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Date of the Document
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APF Y*& f.-.1t7 T _ L!mvg



Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague Tel.92 44 41 Cables. Intercourt. The Hague

Telex 32323
- Communiqub
for ~mmediate release

No. 87/11

19 May 1987

Application for review of a Judgement of the
-United Nations Administrative Tribunal

The following information is communicated to the Press by the
Registry of the Interinational Court of Justice:

The Court will hold a public sitting at 3 p.m. on Wednesday
27 May 1987 in the Peisce Palace, for the purpose of delivering its
~dvisor~ Opinion in the case concerning the Application for ~eview of
Judgement No. 333 of the United Nations administrative Tribunal.

On 10 September 1984 the Court received a request for advisory
opinion on an administrative issue from an organ of the United Nations
General Assembly .

The organ in question is the Committee on Applications for Review of
Administrative Tribunal Judgements, which is authorized to ask the Court

for advisory opinions by virtue of Article 96 of the United Nations

In accordance with the procedure laid down by Article 11 of the
Statute of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal, the tribunal for
the settlement of dislputes between the United Nations Secretary-General
and the staff members of the Organization concerning their conditions of
employment, the Committee may be asked to request an advisory opinion of
the Court in connection with judgement of the Tribunal if a member State,
the United Nations Secretary-General, or the staff member in respect of
whom the judgment was rendered, objects to the judgement. If the
Committee considers tl~at there is a substantial basis for the objection,

it refers the matter to the Court. In the present case it was the staff
member in question who submitted to the Committee an application for the
revi ew of Judgement No. 333, given by the Administrative Tribunal on
8 June 1984. The Comrnjttee decidcd that there was a substantial basis
for the staff ~ember's application and conseqriently requested the Court
to give an advisory o~inion in connection with this judgement.

The.. . The case in question concerned a refusa1 by the Secretary-General of

the United Nations to renew the appointment of a staff member of the
Secretariat beyond the date of expiry of the official's fixed-term
contract or to grant him a different type of appointment. The
Administrative Tribunal re jected the staff member 's appeal against the
Secretary-General 's refusal.

When the Court gives its advisory opinion, the Secretary-General
will either give effect to it or request the Administrative Tribunal to

convene specially in order to confirm its original judgement or to give a
new judgement in conformity with the opinion of the Court.


1. The public sitting will be held in the Great Hall of Justice of

the Peace Palace. Members of the Press will be entitled to attend it
after presentation of a press identification card or an admission card,
which may be obtained upon application. The tables reserved for them are
situated on the far left of the public entrance of the courtroom.

2. Photographs may be taken before the opening and during the first
few minutes of the sitting; and also a few minutes towards the end.
Filming for cinema or television purposes is however subject to special

3. In the Press Room, located on the ground floor of the Peace
Palace (~oom 5), the reading of the Court's Judgement will be relayed
through a loudspeaker.

4. After the close of the sitting, a Press communiqué summarizing
the decision will be distributed in the Press Room (No. 5).

5. Members of the Press may use only the public telephones in the
Post Office in the basement of the Palace.

6. Mr. C. Poux, First Secretary of the Court (telephone

extension 2331, will be avaiiable to deal with any requests for
information by members of the press.

ICJ document subtitle

- The Court will deliver its Advisory Opinion on 27 May 1987

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Application for Review of Judgment No. 333 of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal - The Court will deliver its Advisory Opinion on 27 May 1987
