Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America) - Progress of Public Hearings

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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41 Cables: Intercourt, The Hague

Telex 32323

- Communiquti
uno fficial
r\i r^. ... for ~rnmediate relsase
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/ P (- d, ;y/ II# 'fL2 L No. 85/17
18 September 1985

Military and Paramilitary Activitiesin and against

Nicaragua (Nicaraguav. United States of America)

Progress of Public Hearings

The following informationis made availableto the Press b~ tht

Registry ofthe InternationalCourt ofJustice:

At the heariingswhich opened on 12 September 1985 on the merit>
df the case concerning Militaryand Paramilitary Activities in a&

against Nicaragua, between Nicaraguaand the UnitedStates of Americ,~
Nicaragua beganb:ycalling witnesses.

The witnesseçmade their statements between 12 and 17 September

after making the solemn declaration required by Article 64 of the Kuie-
of Court. The Court heard inturn statements by Commander Luisi,arrTori
Vice-Minister of the Interior of Nicaragua, on 12 and 13 September,
Dr. David C. MacMichael, on 13 and 16 September,Mr. Michael 1. (:len11~)1>

on 16 September, ,andFather Jean Loifon and Mr. William Hupper, Miriistei
of Finance ofNicaragua, on 17 September. Questionswere put t\
Commander CarrIon by President NagendraSingh, Vice-President de Lachariiér,
Judges Lachs, Schwebel, SirRobert Jennings and Colliard. Questions wer~

put to Dr. David C. MacMichael by Judges Ni and Schwebel. Questions
were put to the other witnesses by Judge Schwebel.

On 18 September counsel for Nicaragua begantheir statements.

Following an introductionby H.E. Mr. Argüello, Agent of Nicaragua,
oral arguments were presented by Mr. Abram Chayes and Mr. Paul Keichler.

The oral proceedingswill continue overthe next few days.

The Government of the United States has not representeditself at
the hearings.

A list of the perçons representing Nicaraguain the case is attached. The Governmentof Nicaragua wasrepresentedas follows:

His Excellency
Mr. Carlos Argüello Gomez

as Aeent and Counsel:

ProfessorIan Brownlie,Q.C., F.B.A. ChicheleProfessorof Public
InternationalLaw in the University
of Oxford; Fellowof Alls Souls
College, Oxford,

Hon. Abram Chayes Felix Frankfurter Professoorf Law,
HarvardLaw School; Fellow,

AmericanAcademy of Arts andSciences,

Hon. Alain Pellet Professorof Law, Universitéde
Paris Nord,
Hon. Paul S. Reichler Reichler &Appelbaum,Washington,

as Counseland Advocates;

Legal Adviser to the Ministry
Mr. Augusto Zamora Rodriguez
of theExterior, Managua, Nicaragua,

Mrs JudithC. Appelbaum Reichler & Appelbaum, Washington,

Mr. David Wippman Reichler 6 Appelbaum, Washington,

as Counsel.

ICJ document subtitle

- Progress of Public Hearings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America) - Progress of Public Hearings
